Arrc 5 - Chapter 5: Legacy

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"No... please don't cry. I volunteer to do this, we can't win... the distance between the power level of two world... there must be a breakthrough... Please don't cry..."

Even that, the fear of losing someone you love is far greater than anything, from this day onward, he is the last of the Kyuseishu bloodline. While Kuoni crying for his brother, Ilya and Ilua running through the crowd, their face filled with excitement and then the moment they saw Yhaovi's face with a slight hint of sorrow, they know. The person they called father is gone, but even when Or return, Yhaovi made a promise to him that even when he gone his secret as an author will never be revealed. 

"We understand but does father say anything before he was gone ?"

"He want you two to take his position as the new king of Lumiere, Hygenious escape the disaster and now is the time we shed tear for those who gone and build a new future. I leave the future to you two and the new Emprerys, it's time for me and other to leave." (Yhaovi)

Dusk came and night fell on Hygenious, Ullyss stand beside the lake behind the Kyuseishu resident, the blue calm moonlight calm his soul, finally everything link him with his painful past is cut. From the moon on the lake, a blue soul appear, even the ghost seem a little bit old but Ullyss know, that is Musouka.

"That should take a while to ask father Tellos."

"Musouka ?"

"Of course, there is only one afterall, i left so soon i didn't have a chance to say goodbye to my best friend. Somehow i knew you will be tonight."

"Thing just happen so fast."

"I know, by the way, I want you to have Rosaria. After all, you are going to leave this world right ?"

"But what about you ?"

"Don't worry, i will staying with father Tellos for a long time, in Fafnir's dream i am safe."

"Then i should return the favour for you."

"There is no need for you too do..."

"I volunteer. From this day forward, i will wear your ghost, i am Musouka Kyuseishu and continue your legacy. And i think even Rosaria is changing to manifest my idea too."

The image of Rosaria changed, the pure red dress is blended with white stripe then slowly the dress is pure snow white with only a few dash of crimson on its. Rosaria's face is cover by a thin veil, on her head is a red rose pin, her sword become a rapier and many small swords appear behind her leg spread like a fan. Her dress has many layer and the final touch, the handle of the sword resemble a blooming red rose.

"Why it is red rose ?"

"I guess it is because of passion."

"I think she look great but i think it is my time to depart, goodbye my friend, my ghost. Remember to return and tell me what happened when i rebirth."

"Cross my heart."

The pale blue moonlight slowly vanish, Ullyss or Musouka watch it fading through the night sky, Rosaria also slowly dancing with it before return to Ullyss. They leave the lake, the place he stand, a bright red rose appear, it may wither or grow even more but no matter what Ullyss know he will return. But Musouka give Ullyss even more, for the first time he took of the bandages, he can see with his own two eyes, the bandage on his arm removed and now, his arm is nothing different from a human arm. Reflect himself on the lake he see, he is his own appearance now, his own face, his own eyes, not Musouka, not Yhaovi but himself.

"It seem like you do more than just give me Rosaria my friend, thank you my friend."

The night soon ended, the dawn arrive and the light shower on Ullyss, clarify his appearance. A young boy with blue eye, ash-like hair, elegant hands like a conductor, the last words from Musouka brings sadness to Ullyss but it also brings a new joy to him. He is not at the funeral because he knows there is no need for that, Ullyss get the last chat with Musouka and that is enough. Slowly embrace his new appearance by staring into the lake, the reflection appear in front of him.

"Show me, Ullyss's funeral."

The vibrating water became calm, the surface reflect the scene of the world but that is not what he wanted to do, the knowledge he gathered, he wanted to test them, divination, thaumaturgy and spiritual magic. And most of all, the power of his other half, to manifest fantasy into reality, he can do that but not on a great scale like his other half. The funeral continue and another rift open, Luxon and Lady Yukihara walk out from it but they are really weak and fading.

"It seem like this is our last moment Yukihara no, my quill."

"Yes, my author. We changed the future."

"Luxon what is happening ?"(Yhaovi)

"Seeing you like this for one last time, that is enough for me, my previous author i born in the time when i only can look at your picture but seeing you like this make you so happy." (Luxon)

"My author is from the future, about two thousand years, age of 8th, Luxon. The future where the world is painted with darkness and despair created by Kyle." (Yukihara.)

"Now, ourr future changed, our existance should never be here in the first place. Gold, i want you to take my place as the new grandmaster, asisst the author on the new era. The star, the future, it is so beautiful." (Luxon.)

"Thank you, thank you so much, Luxon. You are our saviour, we will never forget you."(Yhaovi.)

Luxon slowly fading away same as Lady Yukihara, the last thing on his face is a smile, his eyes show trust in a new future. In the end, everything have to end, Kuoni and Yhaovi return to dreamhall, Yeon is honored as the saviour of Hygenious. Greenwich from a seprated dimension join dreamhall in the same dimension, the agent of greenwich still play the role of watcher of worlds. The twin throne of Lumeria continue to rule and bring glorious to Hygenious, the three head department of the Hygenious magic academy formed the grand counsil for education and researching. The north everyday like other but there is no threat, the snow slowly fell before Niun became an elder and the tribe leader is Neur not because of Niun's influence, Neur prove himself afterall. 


"But what about Musouka ?"

"Well, stop interrupting me, i'm goning to tell anyway."


As for Ullyss, or now we called Musouka, he did stay back in Hygenious. Afterall, no one know who he is or where he live. Enjoy a few last year in Hygenious before the agent from Greenwich is sent to Hygenious to make sure everything in order. A new and young agent, a newcomer nothing more and Musouka know only Greenwich can help him interdimensional traveling. So he strike a deal with the agent, the agent will have a perfect cover and Musouka will go to a random world except Altoris.

"So this is the new world, i wanted to explore everything afterall. This new world seem potential."

"Hey Mr, you are not from around here, who are you ?"

"I'm Musouka Kyuseishu. Are you lost ?"

"No, i just go to this meadow when i want to watching the world going around slowly."

"Interesting but remember return to your parent when the time come."

The sun set again, follow the trace of magical power Musouka found in the air, he finally reach it, the magic citadel - Edolin.

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