Arc 4 - Chapter 3: Sky Waltz - Ullyss and Yhaovi.

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"Welcome everyone to this ball, this is a special party for the current author Yhaovi Arcarium, as a person who done the right thing and not going out of control like the last time. So we welcome our main guest of the party tonight."

"Thank you a lot lady and gentleman, i am Yhaovi Arcarium, i am currently the author, i can be rather dreamy and air-headed sometime, if any of that happen please forgive me for not paying attention."

"He is quite cute."

"Better than the last author."

"He seem to be quite bright isn't he."

"Such a cute face."

After the introduction from Luxon, other guest start talking to each other, mostly is praising the new author and discuss about that world. The music start soon, Hyrald is the conductor of this performance, not as perfectionist as Or but Hyrald choose to do the best he could, the music start and the grand ball truly begin. 

"Shall we have a dance ?"

"You look different Lady Yukihara."

"Afterall, welcome a new guest is different than live a normal daily life, i never wear this unless on special days."

"Then it should be my honor to make this a special day."

The kimono Lady Yukihara wearing is susohiki with black sleeves, the patern on the sleeves are moons and spider lilies. Contrast the dark color of the sleeves, the patern on Maemigoro and Okumi is colorful with the patern of leaf and lilac. Her hair is tied up high to reveal her neck and the hairpin is designed as a large magnolia, compare to a normal geisha work for Liang, Lady Yukihara doesn't use any type of make up, her beauty is natural.

"You seem brighter than normal day milady."

"And you look less crazy than normal day my clockworker."

"This is..."

"Where is my manner ? I am Hyde, the eternal clockworker. Like Lady Yukihara said, i am crazier than i am currently."

"You are the one who design the Gear of time right ?"

"Yes and no, I am just a co-designer with Lurux and Lurax, the clockworker before me is a quiet person, he doesn't share anything so after he left his legacy, Lurux, Lurax and i examine them and try to recreate them..."

"Now now Hyde, you being bad again, don't forget, this is a party and we don't talk about business during a party."

"It is business habit, please forgive me and enjoy this feast. I have a little business to take care of, Lurux, Larux, enjoy this party, i need to take care a few problem about Animius's efficiency."

Hyde leave the main hall, he know something not that simple, his mind linked with the garden so he know when someone enter it. An uninvited guest is unacceptable especially during a special day like this, an author, a precious guest arrive at the garden and even his student goes with him. This night is an important night and no one shall ruin it, this is not just the matter of the respect but this also the honor of the host, if the host can't even control the security then it is the shame of Greenwich.

"So you sense that Mr. Tick-Tock. They dare to attack us and even in this important night."

"What about your brother ?"

"Don't worry, if he can't even defeat them alone then he isn't my brother. Larus, can you take care of our guest ?"

"It is the shame you are not here to witness your big brother. Well, go with Hyde and take care of them, i will keeping our guest safe even actually they don't need that a lot."

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