Arc 4 - Epilogue: A day of dream

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The mountain behind the Kyuseishu family's mansion, a true paradise during summer and the miracle created during the winter. A perfect place for camping and other activities, the firework festival and other festival is held near the lake in the depth of this mountain. Ullyss, Ilya, Ilua, Kuoni, Musouka and Yeon is camping on the lakeside, the lakeside camping trip is nothing more than a trip to welcome Ullyss and give him good memories he is searching for and the firework festival would be perfect.

"It has been a really long time since the last time we have a day-off isn't it ?"

"Seem like your brother, my twin and Ullyss get along really well."

"Well, we can say they get along really well my brother is really young, even when he try to be strong but who know, a kid will always have an innocent heart."

"And that boy Ullyss, he is not just a normal child who have the appearance appear to be the same with our priest isn't he ?"

"Like they always said, sometime everything appear to be a small possibility. But don't worry high chancellor, he has no harm... he is just a really child with a really sad story and looking for happy memories."

"And in the end, we choose to help him... you did really change didn't you, my tactician."

"I guess i really did change, my author. Don't be surprise, i am a tactician, understand something so obvious is simple, even my brother knows then why i don't know about that."

"I guess... i can't hide that forever."

"So... after all those time, you become this pathetic. Well, if i have to say anything correct, i would say... what goes around come around, but the past is the past... don't be that fearful. I won't let them know."

Yeon watching Kuoni left the mansion to join with his brother and enjoy the firework festival. Yeon watching other members of his order from the window above, his eyes watching everything like he is taking the last glimpse of one of the first world he created. Not every secret can stay in the dark forever, there will be time when everything is revealed under the light and when that time come, Yeon already know about his future. Death to him at that time will be luxury.

"Kuoni knows then everyone would know and i am also prepare for this moment, there is no running or hiding from that future, i am ready for any punishment, this future is the truth i will accept. Imprisoned or tortured, i accept every punishment."

"You should know, we saw this would happen, i told you but you didn't understand, everything i ask is your mind to accept everything."

"I am not the same person as you but i prepare for everything even my end so do you prepare for your end ? Mr. Author ?"

"So you like them, already know who i am."

"I know who are you and what is your true intention but you trust in the future that much ?"

"I always believe others can do better than i do, even if i am gone then they would carry future on their back. But i never gone, i was never appear in the first place. I should never appear here in the first place but i have no choice but to move first and stop the disaster before the chaos of fate fell upon us."

"You always try to do that, even you are not here, nothing but a phantasm of this world but i know your fate but why would you try so hard ?"

"I always have to try the best i can because that is my duty... our duty."

Yeon watching the shadow of the mysterious figure slowly vanish, he know who is that but like that man said, there is much more important matter to take care of. Make sure that kid have good memories in this world is the last thing he can do as the redemption for his sin, it may not erase what he done but Yeon know, he will have nothing left to regret. And then he can face his punishment.

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