Arc 5 - Chapter 1: To the begining

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"Let's try again everyone, this is a necessary spell to progress on your journey to use magic."

People lives on the land under the reign of the tactician of the Emprerys's order is gifted with natural power of controlling forces of nature, other is gifted with thaumaturgy some are gifted with divination. Magic of Hygenious is gathered in this land, with the incoming threat, it is the duty of those who has knowledge to give to others. Thaumaturgist works on controlling the abnormal event through the crystal pieces scatter around the world, people with talent to control forces of nature work with a beast partner those who closest to nature and those with divination talent works to forsee the future.

"The progress is great my tactician, everyone is keeping up with the same progress, but do we need to rush like this ?"

"The storm is coming, i want everyone can fight for this world or at least defend themselves. And most of all we are reaching a new era, with these miracle we can do much more to improve the future."

"There is no need to rush like that, i will do my best to defend this world."

"You report here is over, i will read the rest, there is something i like to speak with our Priest, personal."

The boy holding the report leaves it on the desk then left the room, from many of the Priest he knows their relationship, the Tactician usually calls him teacher. He himself also respect the Priest because the Priest helped everyone in this world to learn about magic, using the crystal for thaumaturgy and the bridge for human race to communicate with beast race. But some people think the Priest is not a good person because he make friend with the Nightmare and he also communicates with the abyss but the boy still believe the priest is a living saint. 

"You are the head of the Divination department right ?"

A child-like figure approach the little boy, the mysterious figure wore a black coat with bandage wrap around his left eye and one of his hand. This is the one they have been talking about - the Nightmare but divination master know so well that dream and nightmare both tell the future. The dream reveal a peaceful future right in front of you while the nightmare made you find the future within your fear, not really that much of different.

"Master Ullyss..."

"Don't call me like that, just Ullyss. I want to be friend with everyone afterall so... how is everyone think about me, don't afraid to be honest."

"There you are Ullyss."


"I am so sorry Irazael but it seem like i have a little business with our friend Ullyss here, it would be nice if you can speak to my brother about the report of our research."

Musouka gives Irazael the report he is carrying, compare to the report of all three departments this one is a much heavier. The report is a about fantasy manipulation ability that Ullyss has, because of the dark and tragic past affect a lot on his power, the reason for his name - the Nightmare come from these influences.

"Reading something you are not allow to read ?"

"Ah, Pollire, it is just something about the research about Ullyss."

"Let me see it."

"You can't... Hey, give it back."

The crystal shard on Pollire's neck shining the report in Iaael's hands float to her and open by itself for her to read. The title - Research about fantasy trickster - Ullyss, the report about his power and the power to manipulate fantasy but as Pollire reads the report, a fox jump and grab the report, deliver it to another person. The man holding the report in his hand, he is shown to wear a long robe, along his side is two spirits, a nine-tail fox and a tanuki. 

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