Arc 1 - Chapter 1: Determination

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Our story begin when Wynria almost finish her final performance, Wynria always working to weave up worlds and rules. Her art was perfection, her performance was praise for eternity by all of her familiar but the temptation of the slumber and the dream is too much. Before she come close to the dream, she has to find a student, a person who can live to chase art and perfection, she has to find someone finish what she started. Her art, her creations need love and more than love, they need a complete structure, her plans were drafted and she needs someone to finish it. Her search began in Kritias.

Kritias is the pinnacle of all dimension, every people in this dimension were perfect creature we could say that,  Wynria first student was another weaver. Her name was Bella, Bella is a young girl with an exceptional talent, she can weave up any masterpiece and her personality is really modest and nice. She lived alone in a lovely house outside the city of Lumiere, around the house was a lot of flower but nothing is happiness and sunshine forever. Even people in Kritias can't avoid disease and sickness, Bella became ill and fate set the death penalty on poor Bella to die when she was twenty.

After that, Wynria's journey wasn't as dreamy as possible because of her life in Dream Hall, she have no common knowledge about outside. Her life created by the Seer, her mind set by the Seer and her mission was clear, she have to finish the job set by the Seer. So when she started her life in a world where people have to work and face the fear of dead, she started to love other and appreciate small thing. Instead rushing on looking for a student, Wynria enjoyed her life as a weaver, she started to travel around Kritias and worked for many person. Her talent was also made by the Seer so it is unique, she can weave up even the stars on the sky, everything she weave is coated with starlight and radiance.

"So Wynria decide to stay on Kritias for a really long time ?"

"Yes, she stay on Kritias even when i always tell her to return to dream hall, she always say she want to stay on Kritias to learn about the way people live."

But she always look for a student even that is the most painful path, all of her soon to be student have really sad fate, they die very fast and their life like a thin thread. When her sorrow cover her, she focus on her job as a weaver and ignore the fact that she was a Seer and she have to look for a successor. But that cycle come to an end when she met him, Or the grand conductor. Or was a kid with a passion for art, you could say he is crazy over art, he love art with all of his soul but this is the reason he left his family. In Kritias people can be really manipulative, they want other to follow them so Or was made to choose his family's decision or his artistic soul.

"So he choose the love for art and he left his family."

"You could say that."

Or soon became the best student of Wynria and Wynria start to treat him a son of her, Or start to learn the way of an artist and finally he can write a world on his own. After that, Wynria finally take Or back to Dream Hall and when they arrive, i made a pact with him and Wynria fall to her knee and slept. Maribell took her to the cradle of eternal where she can rest, the authors can't die but they will sleep when they lost their power. Or was in pain when he knew this, he had to say goodbye, there can't be two author in the same realm. Or was lost for nearly 100 years, all he do is grieve next to the cradle, he is lifeless and losing all the passion.

"But how did he go from a depressing child to a prideful narcissistic conducter ?"

"He saw it."

"He saw it ?"

"He saw it on the wall, a farbit weave by star and full of light, the radiance and glory farbic draw the map of all dimension. You can say he is saved by art, when he looked at that fabric he saw a paradise full of light and and dream and promising."

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