Arc 3 - Prologue.

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"After all the information we gathered, the tribe of dark giant found the gate of sins on the point-end island. We lost a few people of our tribe but we haven't seen their commander."

"Then their commander should still remain inside the gate. So what should be our tactics ?"

"Not everyone can handle the power of the gate and i would be dangerous if everyone rush into it. I suggest I should be the only one enter, everyone else stay outside and defend against anything they send out."

"You sure you can go alone ?"

"I can't risk anyone, the darkness in everyone heart is scary and that is the part you would want to hide and you should never challenge it. Diffirent from everyone, i don't have much memories so i am not really affected by the gate."

The Emprerys comes to an conclusion to attack on the gate of sins, after all member take the vote on the decision to attack the gate they head to point-end island. Point-end is a small island with no resident, the whole island is a barren land with not even plant or animal because nothing can exist here, the water on the island is replaced by a flow of toxic substain. The gate is said to be located by access through a dimesional port, everyone decide to gather at a camp first and make a plan to defense the gate.

"Even if i enter they will leave the gate and fight against everyone, Dar'ark is not the greatest problem but there are other creatures. Kuoni."

"Yes, my research on the attack of the creature of the gate is divided into 5 category, these information is based on the data Liang and every leaders of every other kingdoms."

The black book open and Kuoni show everyone in the room a list of the creature from the gate, their attacking pattern, the rating on the scale of destructive power they have. The list goes from Dar'ark to a creature called Starlight, but the power scale is not increased after every tier but the rating of their attacking pattern.

Dar'ark: A simple creature, created by the gate or fully infected by ugly dead. The attacking pattern is predictable, simple and not really powerful. Dar'ark usually attack with a pack.

Sentinal: A slightly higher creation from the gate and Dar'ark can evolve into this form, they lost their voice and their attacking pattern is much more complex. They can use their signature attack and spreading dark smoke to render the view.

Vanguard: Same class as Dar'ark but they really hard to kill. Their attack patern is simple.

Gladiator: Hard to kill and have complicated attack pattern, only created by the gate and can't be evolved from any other form of creature.

Starlight: Only appeared once, have complex attack pattern, can use magic and can speak like a normal human. The highest ranking known till now and required a lot of defeat one Starlight.

"So how did you defeat Starlight ?"

"The spell Yhaovi taught me and along my new servant, Gold. Starlight is seem to be the commander of lower ranking creature than them we can consider them to be the other type of high officer in our order."

"So if we defeat it first ?"

"It doesn't matter really much because there are many Starlight. None of them have the same personality so they can be considered to be diffirent people."

"I still can't believe you give them sympathy and admiration, Tactician."

"I am not giving them any sympathy or admiration Inquisitor, this is the way tacticians like us work. There is a lot more than thinking about the way we should fight, Tactician not just care about the matter of wining or losing, we care about the total result."

WIning and losing is not something can be judge in the end of the battle, wining and losing is calculated on the damage both side take, every possible outcome and every possible twist in the battle. Kuoni know his duty and what is his power and how should he conduct the tide of the battle, the duty of any tactician is the act of control the flow of the battle and the minimize the damage.

"This is just a pain, no matter what we do we can't reduce the damage below 20%, Gold !"

"Yes ?"

"Please set a few of these trap on the ground first, i will find some other ways to reduce the damage. I have never been so blind before, is this the battle i can't truly won ?"

"Never let yourself blinded by your own judgement, you know my lesson i taught you right ? I slept in a field of flower and butterfly, i forsaken any idea of mortal world. Because i clouded myself with my own dream, plunge myself into the realm of the dream created by myself i can see everything clear. Sometime you need to change your way in seeing other things."

"Change my way of thinking.... Gold, i guess there is no need for that trap, i grant you my permission to use all of your power in this battle."


So in the end the power of one can help many and this time Kuoni would show everything he has. The power of Kyuseishu family, after reading the report from Yeon, Yhaovi know the Kyuseishu family is one of nine families in this world can use magic. Because of this they are one of the most prestiage families, capable of using any magic other families can use and the keeper of all knowledge. They also known as the library keeper or the scholar.

"Not really artistic like you would think right my author ?"

"Not really a matter since knowledge is a type of resource and if he lack in artistic then i can let that potential of him shown to everyone."

"They are here."

"I know, you should hide yourself Quill, those from the gate, i guess they are just the pawn of something far more dangerous. If i got in trouble then they would try to find you, remember one thing and this is my absolute command, run and explain everything to Kuoni, make him the new author."

"If that is your command my author then i must follow no matter the reason."

"Don't think like that Quill, i know you serve many author not just three of us, maybe you just forget them."

"How did i forget about them... could these mysterious figure may have some power to change my memories ? I have the power of every author i serve, if i served them i should at least know their power..."

"If they plan on changing your memories they should be able to manipulate the role or this is just some simple guessing. I hope this is just my guessing but there is something much more fearful and we not simply just alone."

The thought of something else out there can haunt Yhaovi. What if Quill was wrong and he was right, something else lurking in the dark, something manipulating everyone and that fear strike deep into his heart. The fear of being watched by something else is more than fear, feeling something always gazing at you, for the first time the author feel like every other creature. Just a guess or the reality slowly appear in front of him but Yhaovi know even if they want they have any nasty plot they can't goes pass his eye. Those inside the gate should have the answer for his question.

"So my author, are you ready for this battle ?"

"Into the gate we go."

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