Chapter 1 ~ I Don't Know What Love Is

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Eleven and I started hanging out a couple of months ago, and I absolutely adore it. The best part was that she came to me. I couldn't believe it. Even before I'd met her, I knew that I liked her. She seemed pretty badass. Really brave, too. No wonder Mike liked her so much.
I'd been trying(and failing) to talk to El since she'd come back. She was the only other girl in the Party, and she seemed like she was really nice. The rest of the Party described her in that way, too. I didn't understand why she hated me so much. It made me really upset; it seemed to make the boys uncomfortable. I just wanted her to talk to me. And not to tell me to move over on the couch in Mike's basement. Like, really talk to me. It used to ache in my chest, when she would ignore me. When she would give me the glares. It had really hurt me.
But, when Mike was being an asshole, she came to talk to me. I mean, really, who else was she supposed to talk to? Lucas? Dustin? Will? Of course not. So, naturally, she came to talk to me. I kept telling myself that this would never happen again— I had been afraid of being hurt for a long, long time. I wasn't going to let this girl who I didn't even really know hurt me.
I guess she already had. But that is besides the point.
I gave her the whole pep talk. Mike was a serious jerk, and if he didn't apologize, she was going to dump his ass. She'd looked afraid when I said that; I'll never forget the fear that shone in her eyes. Those pretty eyes. Wait, what am I saying? I like Lucas. Not El. That would be ridiculous! Moving on from that awkward moment, Eleven and I had ended up going to the mall together. I was my dream come true. We had a girls day out, and it was such a blast. I took her shopping, and her outfits looked really pretty on her! I thought she had a pretty good fashion taste.
Especially since she'd been locked in a lab for the vast majority of her life.
Her touch sent happy butterflies throughout my chest. Even just the slightest touch; hooking my arm around her's sent butterflies cascading through me. But, I'd never really had friends back in California, so I figured this must be what it feels like to really have a true friend. Of course, I had the boys, but they were boys. It's different with girls. Girls are so much sweeter, and they're so kind. Ok, so maybe not all girls were like that, but El sure was.
As we'd walked out of the mall that day, there was Mike and the rest of the Party(except Dustin. He was apparently trying to crack a Russian code. I know, I know. My friends are pretty weird). Speak of the devil, I'd thought. Mike made eye contact with El. Dramatically, as that boy did everything, he dropped his bike. It fell to the floor with a light crash. I just about rolled my eyes at him, but El seemed really upset. I wanted to comfort her so badly, but how to do it without being... weird? We walked up to the boys, El's head held high. I was proud of her for that, but what she did next made my heart race. She literally dumped his ass. I was shocked beyond words. My mouth fell open, in complete awe of what this beautiful—Wait, what?—girl had just said. Mike stood there, looking more annoyed than anything. El turned, as did I, and that was that. We didn't speak until we got into the bus. I'd been looking out the window, strangely overjoyed about the whole event, when El slid into the seat. I turned to her, and her face held a wide grin. I smiled wider, and held out my hand for a high-five.
Since that day, we've been practically inseparable. We have frequent sleepovers, although she's never been to my house. I don't want her to know about my mom, but mainly I don't want her to know about my stepdad. He is horrible to both my mom and me, and for whatever reason, I don't want her to know about that. I guess I just don't want her to worry about me.
Every time we go over to Mike's, El and I sit on the couch under the stairwell of the basement while the boys play D&D. We do join in occasionally, but I'm not too great at it, and Eleven still struggles a bit with the rules. So, usually we just sit there and talk about, well, anything. Whatever we want to, I guess. The boys are literally always screaming when they play, and we're sort of hidden away, so we can talk about anything we want to.
Sometimes there are silences, although they are never awkward. I've found that I could stare into El's chocolate brown eyes for days and days. They seem so intricate, so mysterious; I have an odd desire to figure them out. I could stay locked in them forever, but El doesn't seem to think the same of me, for after a couple seconds of silence, she usually finds a way to fill it in. I don't really mind it; her voice is gentle and soothing. I could probably listen to her talk for hours and hours.
Occasionally, I find myself looking at her lips. They're so perfect, so it's kinda hard not to. They're so soft, and such a pretty, light shade of pink. I'm not too sure I understand this; I don't think I wanted to kiss her, because not only is that weird, I've kissed Lucas plenty of times, and not once have I stared longingly at his lips beforehand.
I've never once seen El do the same, though, and am beginning to question things. Does she not really like me? Is she faking this whole thing? Did someone tell her to fake this whole thing?
That was my final thought before I fell asleep.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to give me any suggestions.
P. S. - Idk when I'll get another chapter out. I am going on break this week, so that's good, but I have other books I'm working on and stuff. Plus, I only have a week off, and after that, I have to go back to the hElL hOlE we call school.

P. P. S. - There's gonna be a lot of fluff as well, because first of all, fluff is cute, second, because I want this to be realistic, and third because I wanna make you guys fUrIoUs(lol jk).

Thank you again for reading this pretty bad chapter. You're epic.

Word Count: 1182


Hi! It's future Eight. So, I just read my first couple chapters, and holy cow, are they bad! I'm so sorry about that, but I assure you that my writing will actually get good! Please don't leave me!

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