Chapter 36 ~ Girlfriend

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     "Let's go guys," Dustin finally said, to which everyone responded by walking towards the wooden staircase. None of us looked back, aside from Will, as we walked away from Mike. His mouth hung open, annoyed.
     I'm sure that Will was hurting right now, so I tugged on El's fingers to get her attention. When she looked at me, I motioned towards Will. We walked up to him and wrapped our arms around his shoulders, and I saw him smile down at his feet, although there were tears in his eyes.
     I knew Mike would come around eventually, but this didn't make it seem so. I would have bursted with tears by now if it'd been Eleven who had reacted this way.
     We walked along in silence for a couple blocks. Eventually, Dustin spoke, "So, when's the movie coming out?" He grinned at my girlfriend and I.
     I saw Eleven blush out of the corner of my eye and cracked a smile. My god, she is the definition of adorable.
     Nobody else responded, but it was ok that way. The silence continued until we walked into the Byers' place, where we were greeted by a very confused-looking Joyce.
     "I thought you guys were at Mike's?"
     "He was an asshole, so we're here now," Dustin explained.
     "Ok, well... I could order pizza?"
     "Yes, pizza!" Lucas smiled.
     "Hell yeah!" Dustin pretty much shouted. Usually I would have rolled my eyes at their overexcitement, but I literally hadn't had good pizza in over three months, so...
     "Yes, please, oh my god you should definitely do that," I gushed, practically hopping up and down in excitement. I heard Eleven stifle a laugh and looked over at her. Smirking, I walked up to her looked into her eyes. I was so close that I could feel her breath on my face. "What're you laughing at, hm?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and using all of my strength to keep myself from laughing. Everyone was so distracted by the fact that we were getting pizza that they hadn't noticed us, which was probably for the best.
     I assume she at least somewhat understood the concept of not being able to kiss in front of everyone, because she whined, "Maxieeee, stopppp," and hugged me, burying her face into my chest. Now, I allowed myself to laugh, and wrapped my arms around her shoulders.

Later That Night
     After the fuss over pizza, we all filed into Will's room. The boys decided to play D&D, so naturally El and I sat off to the side to talk.
     After a bit of chitchat, I decided to apologize. "Hey, by the way, I'm sorry for pulling away from that kiss earlier, but do you understand why I did it?" Eleven nodded in response, but I didn't quite believe her. "You sure?" This time, she hesitated. I raised my eyebrows at her, and she eventually shook her head no. "That's ok, Ellie. Do you remember when I told you that some people don't like gay people..?"
     "Yes," she responded. "But I thought that only a few people were like that." She looked down at her hands in her lap.
     I smiled sadly and rested my hand on her thigh comfortingly. She was too good for this world. "Actually, um, most people don't like it. They're stupid though, they have no reason to be so upset," I told my girlfriend solemnly.
     Girlfriend. Wow.
     "So I shouldn't tell people..?"
     "You can tell some people, I-"
     "Can I tell Joyce?" Eleven looked super nervous. I understood, as I'd never be able to tell my mom about El and I.
     I hesitated before answering, "You can tell Joyce. I don't think she's homophobic." Eleven's head perked up, causing me to grin.
     "Now?" She asked eagerly. Her eyes shone as if she was a kid in a candy store. She's adorable.
     "Um, I think you should probably wait until you can sit down with her."
     "Why?" I smiled again. She was too cute.
     "Because she'll probably wanna talk to you a little, and not with me here."
     "Oh," El let out. She looked a little confused, but I knew she understood it well enough. She'd realize why Joyce would wanna talk to her on her own.
Joyce knocks then, opening the door after an "ok" from Will. Speak of the devil. "Pizza's here," she smiles, leaving just as quickly as she'd come.
     "PIZZA!!!" Dustin shouts, grinning and running out the door.
     "Hell yeah!" I jump up to join him, grabbing Eleven's hand and taking her with me.
     "You're a dork," she giggles. I'm too happy to pretend to be offended, so I end up laughing along with her. She squeezes my hand in response, making my heart flutter in my chest. I turn to face her, grinning wider then I have in months.
     We get to the kitchen and release our hands to get our pizza. After we've both got our slices, we sit down with Dustin at the table. The others walk in a couple seconds later and join us as well.
     After a bit of silence, Lucas says, "Hey Max, tell them about the hospital and stuff."
     "Lucas!" Dustin spoke harshly, not realizing how good it had actually been for me.
     "No, it's alright. It wasn't bad at all. Ok, so..."

Later That Night
     After setting up our beds in the living room, we all decided to watch a movie. Eleven wanted to watch Back to the Future even though we'd already watched it a million times, but I wasn't about to say no to her.
     The boys allowed me to pick since it'd been so long, so naturally I chose Back to the Future. Eleven responded to this decision by wrapping her arms around my waist and cuddling into my side, so I counted that as a win.
     After the movie ended, I realized that my girlfriend had fallen asleep. I smiled lightly and stroked her hair until I fell asleep myself.

Sorry for that shit chapter y'all, again, writer's block fucking sucks. Hopefully there aren't any mistakes, I did edit this but sometimes I miss them. So sorry about that.

Despite my dumb writer's block, I hope you were able to get at least a fraction of enjoyment out of this chapter.

Thanks for dealing with my bullshit 😭🤚

word count: 1113


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