Chapter 15 ~ Bubbly

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     The boys were now huddled in a circle, yelling back and forth and enthusiastically banging their fists on the table. This was a common phenomenon we liked to call, "Nerds Playing D&D."
     El and I were sitting on the couch under the staircase, as usual. I couldn't read her expression.
"El..." I trailed off. She was now looking at me intently, all of her focus on me. A light smile played at my lips, and I looked down at my lap, embarrassed. Damnit. Now I couldn't remember what I was going to say. In order to fill the silence, I said, "Um, I was just, uh- wondering..." I trailed off once again. I'm pretty sure saying that didn't help the awkwardness in the slightest.
     "You forgot, didn't you?" How could she read me so easily? The brunette giggled.
     "I- um- yeah," I confirmed, my face growing hot. I shifted uncomfortably.
     "Have you told anyone? About.. me?" She asked, our eyes now locked.
     "No. I.. I'm scared. If my parents found out they'd... I don't know what they'd do."
     "What about Lucas?" Crap, I forgot about him.
     "I.. haven't told him either. And I guess we're still together." I groaned and ran my hands through my hair, stressed about the whole thing.
     Eleven took one of my hands in hers, causing my heart to do a little backflip. "It's going to be ok, Max. I'm here for you. Do you... do you still like him?"
     "I don't know if I ever did. I thought I did, but... I never felt the feelings I feel with you with him," I explained. El's face flushed pink and she broke our eye contact, making me giggle. "You're cute." Fuck! Why did I say that? Ugh, curse my impulsive brain! She turned from a light shade of pink to a deep crimson. "Sorry, I just-"
     "It's ok," she sputtered, interrupting me. Now I looked down, and realized our hands were still laced together. Out of an impulse, I hurriedly ripped our hands apart. I could feel the disappointment in the brunette without even looking up.
"Sorry, I want to, I'm just-"
     "Scared," El finished for me. I nodded weakly, tears welling up in my eyes.
     "I just wish-" was all I was able to get out before my voice broke. I saw El's hand move toward my leg, but quickly pull away, which made it even harder not to cry. She pulled me into a hug.
     "Me too, Maxie. Me too," she mumbled into my neck. It sent a quick chill down my spine. She soothingly rubbed my back, enabling me to calm down. I gently pulled away, smiling at Eleven only for a split second before looking down, blush painting my cheeks.
     "Are you going to break up with Mike..?" I asked cautiously. I was still skeptical about whether she really liked me a much as I liked her.
     She sat, thinking. "I think I want to. I just don't know how to do it when he's been nice. Well, relatively nice." I laughed at that. "Is he going to hate us? Are they going to hate us?"
     "I... I don't know, El, but we'll always be here for each other, right?" I set my hand on her thigh, smiling both at her and to myself. She nodded in response, but her face was bright red. I laughed again.
     Holy shit.
     I haven't laughed like this in months.

Hello, children of Christ! Sorry for a short chapter. Mayyyybe, if you're lucky, I'll post another chapter in 3-4 days.

Thanks for reading another chapter! You guys are seriously the best. I never expected more then 30 views on this book, so thank you guys so much!

Word Count: 627


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