Chapter 4 ~ I'm Cold

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I started to make up a bed on the floor. El came over to help me.
"That's ok, El, I got it. I'm sleeping here, anyhow," I said, keeping my eyes on the sheets.
"I thought I was sleeping there! I don't want you to sleep on the floor, Maxie," El pouted, "I'll sleep there."
"You're the guest. I don't mind." I looked up.
Clearly realizing she wouldn't win the battle, El offered, "How about we just both sleep up on the bed? I know it's not as big as mine, but we could fit." I wanted to say no. I was afraid that my feelings would go deeper and my crush on the brunette would go further. But, thinking of no logical explanation of why not to both sleep in the bed, and knowing that I couldn't beat Eleven in this battle, either, I agreed. El cheered, and her and I gathered up the sheets and shoved them into the back of my closet, too lazy to fold them back up and put them where they belonged.
"I'm going to get into my pajamas," El decided.
"Ok. Me too, then. Let's just turn around so we don't wake Neil up by going into the bathroom," I suggested.
Turning, El said, "You don't like Neil much, do you? Why not?" I turned around as well, ignoring the question. I realized that I was now facing a mirror and I could literally see Eleven changing.
Well, shit.
I'm disgusted in myself, but I cannot pry my eyes off her. I feel my face go hot, and my palms sweat slightly. My heart thumps so loudly that I can hear it. All I can see is her back, and she is wearing a bra-let, but I just can't help but notice how pretty she is. Her skin was so seemingly perfect. It looked as if it were perfectly smooth, like one of the shiny garden stones you could sometimes find at the beach back in California. I wanted badly to know if that was true. Her arms were slim, but they fit her body well. Snapping out of my fantasies and realizing that I should probably finish changing, I slipped quickly into my pajamas and sat on my bed, gazing innocently out the window. Eleven soon joined me, and linked her arm with mine.
I couldn't help but grin.
She stared out the window, saying nothing. I did the same. El leaned into me, our arms still linked together. I tried not to blush. Her head lay on my shoulder, and I was somehow bold enough to lay my head on top of hers. She's adorable, I thought.
I sat there, thinking about her. Her beautiful, shoulder-length hair. Those deep, chocolate eyes. How they sparkled whenever El was excited about something. How when she was confused, her eyebrows scrunched up. It was extremely cute. She had these gentle, soft lips. They were a light pink, so delicate. Eleven's body was slim and beautiful, and her face was smooth and so perfect.
I don't think I've ever met somebody more beautiful.
We sat like that for a while, before El yawned and said, "I'm sleepy, Maxie. Can we go to bed now?" I smiled wide. I could not get over that silly nickname.
"Sure, El," I agreed. I waited for her to unlink arms with me(I couldn't bring myself to do it), and then I got up to turn out the lights. She was under the covers already, and so when I got under them, it was relatively warm under there. Not by much, but I could still feel Eleven's warmth.
"I'm cold," Eleven whispered, her teeth chattering slightly. She wiggled a little closer to me; my heart thumped. We were facing each other. Eleven's deep eyes shone in the darkness. I stared longingly into them, occasionally looking down to her soft lips. El smiled a little. I smiled back.
I began to close my eyes, not wanting to give my feeling away to her. I could hear her breathing. It was slow and soothing. I could feel her warm breath hitting my neck, and it gave me chills down my spine each time. I opened my eyes a bit, wanting to see Eleven's face one last time before I went to sleep, and to my surprise, her eyes were open. She looked right into mine as she said, "I love you." She shut her eyes.

Cliff hangerrrr! We love that for us. Thanks for reading this chapter. Sorry it's short; I needed to end it with that feeling, you feel me? Lol. Thanks for putting up with me.

Word Count: 787


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