Chapter 35 ~ You Can Talk Now

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     "Do we have to go?" El whined, elongating her words like a small child and dragging her feet. It was time to go to Mike's, but clearly she didn't want to.
     I dramatically took her face in my hands. She looked up at me with big, glistening eyes that resembled a deer's as I said, "Yes, honey. I know you don't wanna go, but I think they might miss me too."
     As I spoke, Eleven turned away. Just as I was about to ask what was wrong, she mumbled, "Not as much as I missed you." Just as quickly as the words fell out of her mouth, I pulled her to my chest.
     After a few moments of silence, I sighed, "I know, Ellie, but we do have to go. Trust me, I don't want to see Mike's stupid face any more then you do." El stifled a laugh, causing a smile to play at my lips.
     "But I just wanna hug youuuu," she pouted. My heart fluttered. This girl is literally the cutest thing in existence.
     "Alright, lets go." I smiled, unable to help myself, and walked towards the door.
     "Nooo!" Eleven shrieked, bounding after me and jumping onto my back. I stumbled, giggling.
     "You dork," I let out. I can't believe I'm actually with El right now.
     "I'm not moving," El said, giving my waist a squeeze with her legs to prove her point. I rolled my eyes playfully, but to be honest I'd love to carry her all the way to Mike's. It would be so much better than simply walking beside her.
     I walked out the front door and adjusted El a bit so she was higher. She apparently took this as a ticket to snuggle her head to the left of mine, resting it on her arm. My guts twisted and turned. We walked, or I walked, in a comfortable silence for a while, until El spoke, "Maxie... what are we?" I'd been wondering the same thing.
     "Whatever you want us to be, El," I decided.
     "What are we supposed to be? Girlfriends..?"
     Play it cool, Max. Don't freak out. Be cool. Be cool. "I mean, if you want us to be like you and Mike, then yes."
     "Oh, no! I don't want us to be like me and Mike. Mike was not very nice all the time," Eleven gushed, sounding worried.
     "No no, Ellie, not like that. Just together. I'd never treat you the way Mike did, and I'll never let anyone else treat you like that again, ok?" I was so dumb! I should've known she'd take it like that. El responded by kissing my cheek, which in my opinion is the best possible response. I couldn't help but let a smile take over my face. "So, girlfriends then?" I asked, still grinning.
     "Yes. Max Mayfield, my girlfriend." My heart dropped into my stomach. I wanted to jump and skip around, but I didn't want to drop El. Also, that would probably be really weird.

Skip to Mike's
     I knocked on the Wheelers' front door, adjusting El on my back at the same time. The goofball had refused to get down; not that I was complaining.
     Lucas was the one who opened up the door. "MadMax!!" He yelled, going to wrap his arms around me. He then noticed El. "I-"
     "Yeah, she refused to get down," I laughed. I heard her huff by my ear and her breath gave me a little shiver. I felt a little bad, because Lucas hadn't seen me in a long time either, but I was not about to tell Eleven she had to get down. I do not have that kind of fucking willpower.
     Suddenly the door was filled up by the rest of the party, all talking at me and excited to see me. I felt El tense up, becoming overwhelmed, so I took a step back and rubbed her thigh with my thumb. She nuzzled herself further into my neck, gripping onto me tightly.
     "Guys, chill out, let us get inside in peace," I told the boys off, wanting El to be able to calm down. I of course didn't mention the fact that she was my girlfriend. I wasn't even out to them yet, well except for Lucas. And I guess Will, too.
     I was still just as nervous.
     Speaking of Will, he looked like he was about to have a heart attack. As I walked past him, I mumbled, "Jesus Will, fangirling much?" He quickly looked down, embarrassed, causing me to laugh. I felt El's cute little head perk up a little, which made me smile. Everything she does make me smile, I thought.
     "Are you gonna set El down so we can hug you?" Dustin said, laughing but also seriously wondering.
     I thought for a second, but the minute I felt El tighten her grip the slightest bit, all prior thoughts left my brain. "Let's go downstairs. She doesn't want to get down."
     "Aw man, seriously?" Lucas complained.
I wanted to say like any of you cared about me before I left, but I decided against it. "Yes, seriously. If you wanna hug me so bad then what're we waiting for?" Lucas groaned in response, which I took as my ticket to make my way to the basement.
     "Thanks Maxie," El whispered, her warm breath hitting my neck. I shivered, unable to help it.

Later On
     After setting Eleven down and greeting the boys properly, we all sat around on the sofas in the basement, catching up. They told me about what had been happening at school before it was dismissed, and I told them all about the mental hospital, not forgetting to leave Violet and Cameron out.
     "They sound cool," Lucas spoke. He sure was doing a lot of talking.
     "Yeah, I can't wait to meet them," Will smiled. Dustin nodded along with him, and after Will elbowed Mike in the ribs, he nodded as well. I laughed.
     "Maxieee," Eleven whined quietly, pulling at my shirt sleeve and looking up at me with puppy dog eyes. She'd been pretty quiet this whole time, aside from saying that she was excited to meet Violet. I was glad she hadn't seemed jealous. Very glad.
"Yes, ba— El?" I turned to look at her, and she took the opportunity— to kiss me. On the lips. I quickly pulled away, causing her to frown. She looked confused and hurt. Looking up, I could see that all the boys had their eyes quickly fixated on us. They all looked baffled, Mike especially, all except for Will, who I thought was about to explode. "I- um-"
"Yesss, I knew it would happen!! Congrats guys! Oh my god. You're so adorable together! I'm so happy for you guys!!" Will gushed. I swear to god he'd kiss us both if he wasn't gay.
     "Ha! Lucas owes me twenty dollars," Dustin cheered. I stifled a laugh. What the fuck is going on? I looked over at El, who was still so confused. Poor baby. I grabbed her hand to give her slight comfort and reassurance before turning back to the Party.
     "I- I just-"
     Lucas was cut off by Dustin jumping out of his seat and prancing around the room, repeatedly chanting "Lucas lost the bet! Lucas lost the bet!" I laughed, but my smile instantly vanished when I looked over at Mike, who looked a bit angry and still hadn't said anything.
     "Mike, I-"
"You took her from me! It was you! El, is she making you do this? What the hell Max!"
     "What? No, I haven't made her do anything," I spat, tears beginning to glisten in my eyes. My angry tone hid them well. Dustin's chanting had come to an abrupt halt, the whole room was now thick with silence.
     "Mike, cool it," Will said sternly.
     "No, I'm not gonna fucking cool it!" Mike shouted. Great, now he was gonna make Will cry too.
     "Shut the fuck up, Mike. You're gonna lose people."
"I-" his mouth was suddenly shut. His eyes went wide as he attempted to pry it open with his hands, mumbling exasperatedly. I looked over to El to find blood running from her nose. I couldn't help but smile. She's an innocent badass. How is such a combination even possible?
     "No more talking," El said. That was hot, I mean, fuck. Whatever. "I like Max, like like Max, and she is my girlfriend. I do not need to prove anything to you. I love her and she loves me, and that's it. You've gone and hurt her and Will for no reason. Don't do it again, or you'll have me to deal with." A tear rolled down my cheek. That was the sweetest thing anybody had ever done for me. I leaned over and kissed her cheek, which she responded to by turning to me full on to kiss me. I kissed her gently three times before becoming a giggling-crying mess, smiling through my tears. My forehead rested on hers. I reached out and wiped the blood from her nose with my sleeve, not really caring about the stain it would probably make. "I love you, Maxie," El whispered blissfully.
"I love you too, Ellie."
     After a second, my girlfriend pulled away. Girlfriend. "You can talk now," El said, looking at Mike. I giggled, unable to stop smiling due to the euphoria coursing through my veins.

Thank you so much for 10k!! I'm so so grateful for that, seriously thank you guys. And I'm #4 on elmax? Are you kidding me??The amount of support you've all given me on this book is amazing, thank you all so so much. I love you guys.

I hope there are no typos, I've only edited it like 3 times as opposed to my usual 5 or more 😭

word count: 1649


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