Chapter 21 ~ Heavenly

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     I had English third period, which was my only class without El and my only class with Lucas. I ignored him, and he reciprocated the action, although he would give me the occasional death glare or just look disgusted.
     It hurt a little, but mainly it was just annoying.
     After class, I walked out as quickly as possible, yearning to be with Eleven and away from Lucas. It was time for lunch, so he had all the time in the world to talk to me. Trust and believe, that was the last thing I wanted.
I met her at her locker, leaning against others nearby. I intently watched as she put her stuff away, causing her face to flush a light pink. I grinned from ear to ear, thinking it was funny that I could have such an effect on El just by looking at her.
     When she finally slammed her locker shut, we were the only two in the hallway. She always took quite a while, as she wasn't used to the fast pace of school, but she'd taken extra long today because of my staring, having been fumbling hopelessly over her own fingers.
     I stepped slowly yet easily away from the lockers as Eleven slammed her locker shut and chirped, "Alrighty, I'm all done." She smiled at me, and I reciprocated the action, smirking.
     I let my hand go up to her face to tuck a stray piece of hair behind her ear. She grew a bit tense, her eyes darting around the hallway, and that was when I took my shot.
     I pushed El gently but firmly up against the lockers, taking her by surprise. I wrapped my arms around her neck, my face mere centimeters away from Eleven's. Looking her up and down, I bit my lip, my eyes eventually finding their way back up to hers. Her face was bright red, her breathing heavy. I stroked my middle fingers slowly down her back before finally bringing my hands to her waist. With that, I pulled away from her, leaving her weak. I saw her stumble slightly as she tried to push off the wall, which made me chuckle a little.
     The truth was, my heart was beating almost as fast as hers probably was.
     Her mouth was hanging slightly open, so I reached out and shut it, grinning. "C'mon, cutie, let's go have lunch already," I said. Her eyes sparkled a little at the nickname.
     With that, I grabbed her hand and walked at her side until we arrived behind the gym. Even though it was unsaid, we both knew that we wouldn't sit with the boys today. I sat down in the grass, patting the spot beside me. El obliged, sitting down and opening up her lunch. I usually bought lunch from the school, but the cafeteria would already be closed by now, and, plus, I didn't want to run into Lucas. So, I didn't have a lunch. It was no big deal; sometimes my parents wouldn't give me money for it anyway, so I was relatively used to it by now.
     El always shared her lunch with me, just as she was doing now. Everything has to be split perfectly equally— she couldn't have any more food then I did. I felt awful for taking it, but she insisted every time.
     It was comfortably quiet for a long time, El and I just sitting in the shade, eating. But suddenly, my crush blurted, "I wanna break up with Mike."
     I stared at her in disbelief. When she nodded, assuring me of what I'd just heard, I pretty much shouted, "El! Oh my god! That's so awesome!" She smiled smittenly, and after a second of smiling and looking into her eyes, I unintentionally added, "I could so fucking kiss you right now." Her face was taken over by her adorable crimson blush, mine following. We sat there silently fangirling over each other for maybe thirty seconds before I grabbed her hand, smiling down at my lap. She brought her face up and I followed; we were now looking each other in the eyes. She gave me an adorable, utterly cheerful smile and squeezed my hand. I returned the smile and then plopped a grape in my mouth, laughing. I started laughing harder, for no real reason.
     "Maxie, stop, you're gonna choke on the grape!" El exclaimed, laughing too now. This only made me laugh harder, which literally resulted in me nearly choking on the grape. I started coughing, causing Eleven to fall into such a fit of laughter that she laid on the grass, her face red. I was coughing and laughing until I managed to swallow the grape, all the while El looked like she was going to die she was laughing so hard.
     Finally, the laughing died down, and it was just the occasional giggle here and there. We talked a bit about things that were going on at school, annoying kids in our classes, and a lot of other normal, random things. Once we finished off the rest of El's lunch, she laid her head on my lap, looking up at the clear, blue sky. Butterflies exploded in my stomach. I played with her hair, running my fingers through it and twisting it gently.
     The last conversation had just come to an end and we sat in a comfortable silence. That is, until I said, "El?"
     "Yes?" She was looking up at the sky, me looking down at her.
     "I like you. Like, I really, really, like you. A lot," I told her easily, focusing nonchalantly on a single blade of grass. In this moment, it felt so right that I couldn't even feel bad about it.
     "I really like you too, freckles."
I began to smile like an idiot. "Freckles, hm?"
"Yup. It's adorable, just like you," Eleven chirped, smiling back and gently booping my nose, making me giggle.
We sat in the cool shade of of the gym for the rest of our lunch period. Just being. Just appreciating each other. It was heavenly.

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter. I've, uh, started another book. It's just lesbian oneshots of random characters I ship, but yeah. Sorry, I'm awkward, but I just started that book; it's only got one chapter, and obviously doesn't have as many views or votes at this one(thank you so much for that, btw! I literally never expected to get more then 30 views. I love you guys!! ❤️❤️), so yeah, I was just aDvErTisIng, if you will(and ok yeah, the first chapter of my new book is kinda like this one, but I wrote this one forever ago and completely forgot about it! Oopsie! Oh well. You don't care, right? Lesbian content is lesbian content. Ofc you don't have to read my other book. K I'll stop.)

It was just announced today— my school is getting shut down for the rest of the year! Wow! Coronavirus is getting out of hand, and it's kinda homophobic, ngl.

Ok, bye, thank you again!

Word Count: 1184


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