i can't live without you (jorbyn)

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warning(s): some mature language, slight blood

*corbyn pov*
I smiled as we all jumped onto the stage, getting ready for sound check

My smile was quickly washed away as the pain in my chest returned

I haven't really been worried about it, it's only been going on a few weeks

It started out small, but it's gradually gotten worse everyday

I'm not sure what it means, it could mean anything

Sometimes my chest just hurts, out of nowhere

Honestly I'm not sure what to do

Tell the boys? Go see a doctor? Or keep ignoring it?

I'm leaning towards the third option, mostly because we still have a week of tour left

I looked up causes of chest pain, things like anxiety, stress, asthma came up

Also rib problems, but I'm pretty sure that's not it

I try not to let it get to me too much, just let myself ignore it, but sometimes it's really bad

During the shows it's terrible

Other than that, it's ok, I mean it still hurts like hell, but it's manageable

I know I should tell someone, especially jonah

I should've told jonah a long time ago

He's the love of my life, I shouldn't be hiding things from him

"Hey baby come here."

I turned around and was immediately engulfed in jonah's embrace

I smiled and winced slightly, feeling as though my lungs were about to collapse

"You ok love?"

I nodded and headed over to grab my mic

*jonah pov*
I don't know what's up with corbyn lately

He winces all the time, almost like no matter what he does, it hurts

But every time I ask about it, he says he's fine

Of course in a relationship I should trust him, but my guts telling me something's off

I need to find out, and fast, before anything can go wrong

*corbyn pov*
The rest of sound check went smoothly, thank god

Luckily we don't have anything going on until the show later, which isn't for another 5 hours

That means I can just relax in my hotel room

Although I'm not sure how much relaxing I'll be doing, you know with jonah and all his questions

Hopefully he'll agree to just cuddle and go to sleep

That would be a dream right now

I heard the door open so I shut my eyes quickly, hoping he'd think I was asleep

"Bean I know you're not sleeping. Can we talk please?"

I sighed and rolled over to face him

"What did you wanna talk about?"

"What's going on bean? You tell me you're ok but anytime I touch you, you make it out that I'm hurting you. Is it me? Did I do something?"

"Jo you didn't do anything. But I really don't wanna talk ok? Please just cuddle me so we can sleep."

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