worse than hammered (jorbyn)

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request for jorbynmesson hope you enjoy🖤
warning(s): none i'm pretty sure

*corbyn pov*
i can't believe it

it's my 21st birthday and we're in freaking australia!

how cool is that!

honestly today has been amazing, first the boys took me to breakfast before soundcheck, then we did an interview, and we just finished a killer show

jonah said that even though we have an early day tomorrow they're taking me out to a bar tonight for my birthday

i'm excited, but also not since i know how early we've gotta be up tomorrow

hopefully none of us get too hammered tonight

*jonah pov*
"jo! can we go please?"

i laughed as corbyn whined, grabbing my arm

"zachs still in the shower bud. we can go in like a half hour ok?"

"ugh joooo! i'm bored!"

"let's go and grab a snack ok?"

"ok ok."

i chuckled and he pulled me into the small kitchen in our hotel room

we grabbed some snacks and sat down on the bed, turning on whatever to pass some time

finally after what felt like forever jack texted that zach was ready

"c'mon corbs zachs ready. we're meeting the boys in the lobby."


he grabbed his phone off the bed and ran out the door

i grabbed everything i needed, including everyone's id. i keep them during tour because i don't trust the other boys. as bad as that sounds oh well

i locked the door and followed corbyn down to the lobby

all of us excitedly got into the uber and started talking about what we were gonna do

"thanks for taking me out guys. it means a lot."

"of course corbs. we've gotta celebrate your 21st."

he smiled and leaned into my side

*corbyn pov*
we paid and thanked the uber driver before jumping out and getting in line

when it was our turn jonah showed our ids and we got let in easily, even zach since the legal age is 18 in australia

"i'm so excited jo!"

he chuckled as i clutched onto his arm

he carefully pulled me into the crowd and up to the bar

i'm not sure where zach, jack, and daniel had went but honestly i didn't care, i love spending time alone with jonah and now i've got it

"what can i get you boys tonight?"

i looked at jonah with an unsure face and he nodded, turning to order for both of us

"we'll just get 2 shots for right now, thanks."

the bartender nodded and went to grab them

jonah sat me down next to him at the bar and smiled

the man returned and handed us both a shot glass

we thanked him and jonah laughed as i looked at him

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