after all this time (jachary)

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request from @cockatiel56
that was much much overdue i'm sorry🥺
but i hope you enjoy🖤

zach pov
"i'm so glad we're together zachy i love you." i smiled kissing him softly. "i love you more jacky." he grabbed my hand and kissed it gently. i want to stay this happy forever a-

"damn it zach pay attention we're in an interview." jack hissed lightly, bringing me back to reality. i nodded and looked down at my hands, fiddling with my rings. i wish my daydreams could be real. i love jack so much but i know it's never gonna happen. dreams don't come true. it just doesn't work like that. especially when you're in love with someone who could never love you back. i mean he's my bandmate! what am i thinking?

"you good bro? you seemed real down in there." "yeah i'm fine dani." "you sure?" i sighed. "yes."
"ok whatever you say." i thought i'd gotten away until jonah pulled me into the bathroom. "yes?" i asked, looking down. "you know i can talk to jack for yelling at you like that in there. it wasn't cool on his part, and i know you hate yelling." "you don't need to do anything ok i'm fine." "i'm here to help you zach." "i know, but just please leave me alone. please." "ok bro. first c'mere." i let him pull me into a soft hug. it is nice, jonah gives really good hugs.

"ok we're free until tomorrow boys, don't do anything stupid, i'm going out for a few minutes!" jonah yelled, heading out the door. we all yelled back ok and went to do our own thing. i grabbed a granola bar and headed to my room. daniel and corbyn turned on a movie in the living room.

a soft knock was heard at the door followed by a soft voice, a voice i knew all too well. "can i come in?" "sure jack." he smiled and shut the door, sitting beside me on the bed. "i'm sorry i yelled at you earlier. i know how much you hate it. i was just frustrated that you weren't paying attention." i shook my head. "i told jonah he didn't need to talk to you." "jonah didn't talk to me. this is me saying sorry, not jonah."

"oh uh ok, well it's fine. i'm not mad at you or anything." "well then why did you stare at your hands for the rest of the interview unless your name was called?" "because i was tired and still am, so if you could leave that'd be great." "i'm not leaving until you tell me what's up." "ok fine don't leave, i'm still going to sleep." i threw the granola bar wrapper in my trash can next to my bed and laid down, pulling my blanket over my head, hoping jack would leave.

"can you talk to me please?" "no. get out of here." "zach seriously. i didn't mean to make you upset i ju-" "that's not why i'm upset! ok, now leave me alone." "well why are you upset?" "that's none of your business jack. get the hell out of my room." "zach ta-" "talk to you? no thank you. just leave me be." "fine whatever."

he left and slammed the door shut, causing me to whimper. i want jack but i'd rather keep it to myself and not get hurt anymore.

jonah pov
we heard a door slam shut and an angry groan. knowing it was jack, i told daniel to go calm him down since i wanted to check on zach. "daniel grab jack." "why me?" "i'm going to check on zach, just calm him down please." he nodded and followed me upstairs. we part ways as i knocked on zachs door.

"jack i told you to go away!" "it's not jack." "jonah?" "yeah it's me bud. can i come in?" "yeah." i opened and closed the door slowly, knowing zach hated slamming doors. he turned away from me as i sat on the bed. i placed a hand on his shoulder. he flinched but turned to face me.

"what happened with jack?" "h-he slammed the door. i hate s-slamming doors." "i know you do. what happened before that?" "it started with him apologizing but then he started pestering me for answers. answers that i didn't feel like giving him. and i told him i was going to sleep but he wouldn't leave. so i yelled at him then he slammed the door and now here we are." "what was he asking you?" "you mean pestering about?"

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