it's all my fault (jorbyn)

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warning(s): some mature language
request for seaveydanielbesson hope you like it🖤

*corbyn pov*
I can't believe it

My parents, th-they're getting a d-d-divorce

Why does this have to happen?

It's all my fault. Maybe if I was around more they wouldn't be so upset. I knew this was a bad idea. I'm only 21 years old for god's sake! I should be out partying and then coming home to my happy parents. But no of course I've messed up another thing

If I hadn't left everything could be ok. Now look what I've done

*3rd person pov*
Corbyn sat on his bed, sobbing his little heart out for the 6th night in a row

The boys have a month break from tour right now, that's why corbyns parents told him now, so he wouldn't be upset on tour

They knew he'd be upset either way, and they figured this was better

The other boys, unbeknownst to corbyns fragile state, were just messing around in the pool outside

If only they knew right?

*jonah pov*
I'm so worried about corbyn. He hasn't come out of his room except for food in like a week

I know I should give him privacy, but c'mon it's been almost a week, he clearly needs help, whether he wants it or not

I reached his door and I could hear corbyns soft whimpers coming from inside

I opened the door slowly and corbyn immediately turned to face me

"Get the hell out of here!"

He never snaps at me

"I just want to talk."

"No get the FUCK out before I make you leave!"

Either way, I stepped towards his bed. He took note of my actions and buried himself under his comforter

It was now that I could see his bloodshot eyes and runny nose

Poor baby, I thought. I heard corbyns soft sobs coming from beneath me. I looked down and saw him on the floor, curled up and sobbing

"Oh bean."

I leaned down to pick him up, and he bit me! He bit me! Why in the hell would he bite me?

"Ow corbyn what was that for?"

"I-I told you to g-get out n-now."

I put my hands up in surrender and backed away

"Ok, I'm going, just call if you need anything ok?"

He shrugged and laid back on the cold floor

How could that possibly be comfortable?

*daniel pov*
"Jack! Zach!"

I ran over to get them both out of the chairs they'd somehow gotten themselves stuck in

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