i'm not ok (donah)

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warning(s): none

*jonah pov*
"leave me alone jonah!"

daniel has been acting so weird the past few weeks. he's been distant and angry and sad. i don't know what to do. i asked if he wanted to go out to dinner tonight and now he's blowing up at me

the other boys are already out eating, i told them to go because i wanted to take daniel out by ourselves tonight

we don't get much alone time and i thought it might help him

the other boys noticed daniels weird behaviour as well but weren't as worried as i am

our managers have been the opposite of helpful since daniel started acting weird

they've been really hard on him and have been picking on him

we've all told them to stop and we've told daniel to tell us what's wrong so they won't be as hard on him, but he won't open us to any of us

he's always opened up to me. the entire year we've been together he's always talked to me about everything

"daniel talk to me! what is wrong?"

"i don't wanna talk jonah! leave me alone!"

"daniel let me help you! i hate seeing you struggle! let's just go out and eat! we can talk! please!"

by now we were both crying while screaming at each other

this is just one of the many turns our relationship has taken for the worst lately

i don't even think i can do this any longer

it hurts me so much to see him like this

maybe if we break up he'll be happier

"ok fine daniel. i'll leave you alone. i can't do this anymore. we're over."


"we're done daniel. i can't stand this. you're not gonna tell me and i can't keep doing this."

"b-but you c-can't b-break up with m-me!"

"i just did daniel. i'm going out. see you later."

"no no jo! j-j-jo!"

he started sobbing and clung onto my side tightly

it confused me because just a moment ago he wanted nothing to do with me

and now he's clinging to me like his life depends on it


"p-please don't l-leave!"

"what? daniel why?"

"i-i'm not o-ok."

"baby what's wrong?"


"oh dani."

he gripped onto me harder and dug his face in my side

i lifted him up into my side and his head immediately found its way into the crevice of my neck

"j-jo, p-please d-don't leave m-me."

"oh dani i'm not going anywhere. i'm sorry i said that, i was just mad and confused, and really sad."

"i-i'm sorry i m-made you s-sad."

"bubba it's ok. can you talk to me now please? we don't need to go anywhere. we can just sit in our room and talk ok?"

he sniffled and nodded, letting me lift him up as i carried us into our room and onto our bed

i locked the door incase the boys come home, and sat us on the bed

"baby, please please talk to me. i don't know what else to do."

"i-i'm not ok j-jo."

"sweetheart what's going on?"

"e-everyone hates me. i-i'm ugly. you g-guys would be better o-off without me. i c-can't even sing. i'm f-fat. why are y-you even w-with me?"

"baby i love you so so so much. you are beautiful and have the voice of an angel. you are perfect love. don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

"b-but everyone tells m-me e-everyday."

"don't listen to the haters baby boy. you're perfect."

"i-i hate myself. i just w-wanna be p-perfect. you guys a-are all p-perfect. w-why am i s-such a mess?"

"baby stop saying that. you're perfect. i love you more than anything. what can i do to help you baby? i want you to be happy."

"i-i don't know. i-i don't like this j-jo."

"i know baby, i know. how about this, we talk to the boys when they get home, just so they know. and then we can all do whatever it takes to make you happy again. you deserve all the happiness in the world baby."

"i-i love you jo."

"i love you baby boy."

wc: 731
this was just a last minute idea so sorry it's not great
and it's short
i'm back from vacation so i should be more active now

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