no more go carting (dorbyn)

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request for jorbynmesson hope you like it🖤
warning(s): i feel like the answer is zero

*corbyn pov*
"dani, where are we going?"

i knew he was probably fed up of my whining but he won't tell me where we're going today

he just told me to get dressed and get in the car

daniel takes me on cute surprise dates like his all the time and they never end how i think they will, but i always love it way more than what i thought was gonna happen

even after 2 years he can always find a new way to wow me

"ok baby, we've gotta get out but we've gotta walk a bit ok?"

"sure. do i have to put on that blindfold?"

"awe c'mon baby it's not a surprise without it."

"dani please."

"just today love c'mon."

"ok ok where is it?"

he reached into the backseat and pulled out the familiar blindfold, the same one he used every time we had one of these surprise dates

i pretend not to like it but secretly i love it because i know how much he loves surprising me, and whenever he's happy i'm happy

"ok here you go baby."

he tied it softly around the back of my head and nuzzles his head into my neck

i turned around and even though i couldn't see him i knew exactly what he looked like at the moment

his eyes were glued to mine, even though we can't see each other through the fabric, we still enjoy it

his nose was scrunched up all cute the way it does when he smiles wide

his mouth was open showing his adorable toothy grin

his hands were barely brushing my waist and his body was close to mine

"are you ready to go love?"

i nodded and immediately melted into his touch as he took me into his arms

"i love you corbyn."

his warm breath against my ear and his hands roaming my body softly

it's one of the best feelings in the world, him right there with me, it doesn't get better

"i love you too dani."

i felt him start to pull me along with him as we made our way to our secret destination

it was a short walk, maybe 10 minutes

it was peaceful

just being able to spend time alone with him

we don't much alone time anymore unless it's after midnight when we're tired and trying to sleep

it's really only these little dates where we can be alone

that's why i cherish this time so much

just being with him is a blessing and being able to love him, that's something i don't deserve and could never repay him for, he let's me love him and he loves me for me

he's so special to me and i don't know what i would do without him

"i love you daniel."

"i love you too bean."

"thanks for bringing me on a date today. it's nice just getting to spend time with you alone."

"yeah it's been getting harder to find alone time but they will not follow us here and that's all i can count on for alone time."

"are we almost there?"

"we're here bubba. take off the blindfold."


i carefully undid the tie he had made and pulled it off to reveal a go cart track

"awe baby i love it."

he smiled and kissed my cheek softly

"i'm glad you like it love."

he grabbed my hand and skipped with me through the parking lot up to the front entrance

after 2 minutes we had paid and gotten inside to pick a helmet and a go cart

daniel and i chose rows opposite to each other so we could race

i grabbed a yellow helmet while he grabbed a dark blue one

"you're going down bean!"

"watch me beat you dani!"

"you're on corbs!"

"watch out!"

we fake fought for 5 minutes before the race was about to start

we have each other a glare which ended in both of us laughing, as always

"3,2,1, go!"

i gave daniel one last glance before started to drive around the course

we had to complete 3 laps in total and after 1 1/2 laps daniel had pulled ahead of me by a good amount

i sped up my go cart, wanting to beat him, but instead of the speed increasing, my go cart had started wobbling

the faster i went the weaker my steering wheel got

i felt like i couldn't control it anymore but i wanted to beat him so bad that i ignored it and kept going

my speed had increased too much, way too much

i saw a wall but before i could stop, everything went black

i was gonna end it here but i think that's too evil so we'll keep going :)

"bean? bean?"

the voice next to me was muffled and my vision was almost fully black

"corbyn are you ok? love talk to me."

i inhaled a sharp breath and grabbed onto what i hoped was daniel and dug my fingers into his arm

"corbs? can you hear me baby? it's dani."


"yeah i'm right here sweetheart. don't be afraid you're gonna he fine. i'll be right here the whole time love."

i nodded, feeling too weak to speak again

i heard muffled voices as everything went black again

*daniel pov*
luckily corbyn had just passed out of pain and it was nothing serious

he had a sprained ankle and a minor concussion

the first thing corbyn said when he woke up was
"no more go carting"

i agreed and thankfully he was discharged from the hospital later that day

next time i am not choosing go carting

wc: 950
the ending was so rushed oh god
i got nothing to say
other than we had a snow day so thank the school board for not being a bitch today

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