fake (zorbyn)

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not a request but please request im running out of ideas my mind is not creative enough for this

zach pov
fake. i'm fake. this is all fake. god why? why do i do this? why do i mess everything up so bad? why can't i be the person corbyn deserves? why do i have to be such a bad boyfriend? a fake. that's all i am. just a fucking fake.

corbyn pov
i ran upstairs as soon as i heard crying. it was zachs soft cries, they were heartbreaking. i hate hearing it. it's literally breaks my heart. he deserves so much happiness and i hate seeing him sad. the door was wide open and i ran in, seeing zach curled up in a ball, holding my pillow in his tight grip, his body shaking. "oh my gosh baby!" his face was flushed and he looked a bit green. he's probably cried so much that he's made himself sick. "honey let's go to the bathroom ok? you look sick." he shook his head and sobbed louder. i picked him up and let his head rest on my shoulder. his sobs shook my body as he gripped my shirt tighter. i heard small gags but it was too late because i felt him release his stomach contents onto the back of my shirt. "oh baby." i rubbed his back and set him down gently next to the toilet. he coughed over it and a little more came up before he fell back into me. "i'm sorry sweetheart. are you ok?" he stayed still, his sobs slowly turning into sniffles. "does your tummy feel better love?" he nodded and snuggled further into me. i stood up and flushed the toilet, carrying him back to our bed. he fell asleep and i changed my shirt before washing my hands. what could've made him so worked up that he made himself sick? when i left for the store he was ok, i mean i thought so. maybe he just waited for me to leave before he showed how he really felt. i wish i hadn't left him alone. who knows how long he was like that? i should've told daniel or jonah or jack to stay here so i could go, but not have to leave zach alone. too late now i guess, i need to start using my head. i walked back into our room and zach sleeping still, his nose stuffed up from the previous events. my heart broke remembering how broken he sounded. seeing him work himself up so much he got sick is so painful. seeing the person you love the most in pain is always so hard. it's the worst feeling.

zach pov
i woke up and remembered the events that had previously occurred when corbyn got home. he walked in on me in probably the worst state i could've been in. on top of that i made myself sick, i literally threw up all over him. how can he stay with someone like me? i just mess everything up. truthfully i just want the world to go away and let me sad in peace.

corbyn pov
i just finished talking to jonah, asking him what to do, he said to talk to zach and they will stay out longer to give him some space. i just don't get it. he was seemingly fine earlier, what pushed him over the edge? my thoughts were interrupted by a loud gag coming from the bathroom. i ran in and saw zach violently throwing up, his body shaking, and head dug deep in the toilet. "oh my goodness baby." "i-i'm sorry corby." he cried. "no no honey it's ok, it's not your fault." i grabbed a towel to clean him after, then sat next to him and held his hand that wasn't holding the toilet seat. after dry heaving for almost 5 minutes he fell back into my arms, still shaking slightly. i placed the damp washcloth onto his mouth and washed his face. he melted into my touch as his breathing got less rapid. "are you ok now bubba?" he nodded and i left a soft kiss on his head. i set him gently onto our bed again and went to clean up the bathroom. "c-corby?" "i'm coming baby!" i dropped the towel and ran into our room. zach was trying to sit up on our bed, but he was unsuccessful, considering he had just thrown up his guts a few minutes ago. "hey honey what's wrong?" "c-can you help me?" "sure love. here." i got him up and he reached over to grab my hand. i took his hand in mine and he sighed. "ok, now that you're up, what's really going on?" "it's nothing." "baby it's not nothing. you cried so much you made yourself sick, twice." he looked down and frowned. "honey i just want you to feel better." he shook his head lightly. "just leave me alone." "hey, i'm your boyfriend it's my job to pry and make sure my baby is ok." "n-no." "it is bub. now come here and tell me what's bothering you ok?" he stayed silent but i pulled him into my lap anyway. my hands slipped into his shirt and rubbed the soft skin on his back lightly. "zachy i hate seeing you sad, it's hurts my heart, can you please tell me what's wrong? i want you to be ok honey." "f-fake." "what bubba what's fake?" "me." "no baby you're not fake. you're loving and caring and sweet." he shook his head. "what do are you talking about babe? you're the sweetest soul ever. how could you be fake?" "y-you don't know how i feel b-because i'm fake and y-you deserve someone better." "no baby no i don't want anybody else. i want you, i need you. you are my only love so don't say that! i love you and only you zach!" "i-i love you too but i can't keep letting you d-down." "hey bub you never let me down. you're the person who inspires me. the one who keeps me going everyday. so don't you say for a second that you let me down." "b-but-" "no but's baby. i love you too much, i can't listen to you say bad things about yourself. you're amazing and talented and sweet and funny and so so much more." "r-really?" "of course baby. now how about instead of hiding our feelings, we talk to each other when we feel sad ok? i'm always here for you, you know that." he nodded. i grabbed his chin gently and put our faces inches apart. "i love you baby boy." "i love you too bean." we smiled and leaned in, our lips molding together.

wc: 1123
i'm not sure what that was lol
but enjoy

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