insecure (jorbyn)

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warning(s): a lil sad but very fluffy

jonah pov
"no daniel we all need a shower! ugh!" i groaned as daniel locked the bathroom door in the tour bus bathroom. we all raced back to take a shower before we go to the airport. it makes sense that daniel shower alone as he's the only single one, but did that little bitch have to go first?

"finally." i huffed, standing up as daniel walked into the back room. "we call next!" before i could protest jachary had already rushed into the bathroom and locked the door. well i guess corbyn and i are gonna need to speed shower.

"hey babe jacharys almost done with their shower let's get ready to get in, and we have to be quick ok? we've got to get going to the airport." "i- uh i don't feel like showering." "corbyn that's ridiculous, we smell awful after shows, you have to shower." "i'll just use the hose outside and rinse off."

"are you feeling alright? do you have a fever or something?" "no i don't and i'd rather not be questioned." "i wouldn't have to if you weren't acting so weird." "i'm not acting weird." "what would you call it?" "rational." "go back to school." "whatever."

"is it me? you don't wanna shower with me?" "i don't know." he muttered, looking down and fiddling with his hands. "ok well jachary showered together." "they have sex like it's their oxygen, i don't think they've showered alone since they started dating."

"that's fair. if that's what this is about i can keep my boxers on and so can you." i said, knowing he hadn't wanted to do anything yet. "i like my hose idea." "corbyn i'm serious." "so am i." "no, no you're not. you're showering with me end of discussion." "i don't want to!" "why are you yelling at me? i didn't do anything!" "now you're yelling at me!" "you started it!"

"how about the both of you shut up and take off your clothes alright? jachary just got out of the shower and we need to leave soon so go, go on, shoo." "exactly corbyn let's go." i grabbed his arm but he pushed me back, earning a groan as i hit the couch. "corbyn matthew what is your problem?" "i don't have a problem. now if you'll excuse me i'm going to use the hose so we can go."

"the hose?" daniel questioned, giving corbyn and i a weird look. "i'm confused too don't worry." "can you all just leave me alone and let me get ready?!" "not until you tell us what's going on." i stood up and grabbed his hands softer this time hoping he wouldn't push me off again.

"go shower jonah i'm going to get ready." "you're coming with me." he shook his head, trying to pull away from me. before he could i tightened my grip a little, not enough to hurt him but enough to keep him from moving.

"have you guys never showered together? you've been together three months." "s-so? it's none of your business!" corbyn yelled, running outside. i groaned at daniel and walked to the front of the bus. "hey um is it possible we could drive to the airport in the bus instead of the van? at least corbyn and i, the rest can go in the van." "sure kid, but if you're riding in the bus you may want to get corbyn back on the bus, he just ran out a few seconds ago." "yeah i know, thank you." he smiled and nodded.

"ok you three to the van i'll deal with corbyn and we'll meet you at the airport." they didn't question me, just agreed and got into the van. i heard a sniffle and my heart ached, knowing who it came from. "corbyn love? can we talk please? in the bus because we need to go." "n-no." "bubba c'mon it's only me." "i-i don't care." i smiled sadly and hugged his body as he curled into himself further. "c'mon my love." i said, picking his shaking body up and carrying him into the bus.

i sighed and set corbyn on the couch in the back of the bus, hoping he'd calm down. "ok baby, what was up with that whole hose thing? you know we could've kept our boxers on if you weren't comfortable with that yet." i set my hand on his thigh and his breath hitched as he turned away, pushing my body back.

"corbs c'mon what's wrong? i wanna help you ok?" "then leave. that's helpful." "no not what i meant. i'd like to help you right here. do you want to get in the shower now? alone, i mean. i'll wait and go after." without a word he got up and rushed into the small bathroom, slamming the door.

"daniel what do you think is wrong? i'm so confused and i wanna help but i don't know how." "jo i think he's insecure." "what?" "you haven't noticed how he won't walk around shirtless like the rest of us, no matter how hot it is. and he doesn't wear tight shirts. and i didn't wanna say anything but in a few interviews i've seen him hold a pillow over his stomach after looking at us. i'm really sorry i didn't tell you sooner but it took until tonight to completely click for me." "oh my god i'm such a horrible person dani." "no you're not jo, you just didn't know." "how do i approach this?" "be careful, if he knows you know he's probably going to be embarrassed and try to run again." "ok, thank you dani. i'll talk to you when we get to the airport." "see ya, good luck jo."

ten minutes later corbyn came out of the bathroom in sweats and a light hoodie that i'm pretty sure is mine. "how was your shower love?" "fine." i frowned and walked over to him.

"baby, you know you can talk to me about anything right?" corbyn nodded, snuggling further into me. "you know i love you so so much, right?" again he nodded. "and you know i only want what's best for you, don't you?" "yeah, i know."

"ok, good. then i need you to listen to me for a minute. just listen and i really want you to hear my words love." "ok." i cupped his face with my hands, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.

"i know that seeing other people's body's can sometimes make us rethink how we see ourselves. if we need to change, but everybody is perfect just how they are. you, are absolutely perfect the way you are corbyn matthew besson. you are so perfect and i love you more than anything. i want you to feel comfortable with me, because you don't need to hide anything from me. you never need to, i'm always here for you, no matter what."

i looked down worried when i heard a sniffle and felt corbyn push away from me.

"hey hey, baby what's wrong?" "i-i'm not perfect jonah. not even close." "corbyn you are so absolutely perfect. every single part of you is perfect."

i grabbed corbyn's hands and kissed each lightly, feeling him tense slightly. next i held his shoulders, kissing each carefully. after getting a nod of approval from corbyn, his hoodie was next to come off.

i smiled at him, going down to press a kiss to every inch of his stomach. "absolutely perfect baby boy. so so gorgeous. i can't believe you're all mine."

"i love you." corbyn whispered, his eyes filling with tears again, for a good reason this time.

"and i love you. so much."

wc: 1286
a cute lil jorbyn shot to make any bad go away for a few minutes, ily <3

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