you hate me! no i dont! (jachary)

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i apologize in advance for how many times this switches pov
warning(s): none i think lol

*zach pov*
it was the same old thing

jack would do it every interview

he would say he hates me

he always tells me it's a joke after but what if it's not

it doesn't feel like a joke

it hurts

i love jack

i don't want him to hate me

it just really really hurts

*jack pov*
i laughed at daniel as he struggled to answer the question the interviewer had just asked

"it's september 26 daniel! gosh."

we all laughed along at daniels face as he remembered

normal questions like that went on for another few minutes until the one i love the most came up

"who do you hate?"

"oh yeah definitely zach."

all the boys laughed along with me at my answer that i have every time. it's one of my signature interview jokes. zach usually laughs along but this time he didn't. i brushed it off and we went back to answering questions

*zach pov*
yep there it is again. he hates me. this sucks.

we finished and everyone got into the bus to go back to the hotel

i usually sit next to jack but i sat next to jonah and leaned my head on him

he gave me a questioning look but let me lay on him anyways

"you feeling ok zach?"

i nodded and held onto his arm for comfort

*jonah pov*
zach has been different since the interview and i'm getting worried

he's never like this

he seems sad

i need to find out why

*zach pov*
we arrived back at the hotel and i groaned internally knowing i have to go back to my room with jack now

maybe i'll just take a nap or he'll go out

that's what i'm hoping for at least

*jack pov*
we got back and i was confused on why zach didn't sit with me in the bus, he always does

he might be sick, he seems off today

i unlocked our shared room with my key card and zach immediately went into the bathroom

well that's odd

i flopped onto our bed and pulled out my phone

i was looking through my tagged and saw a ton of clips from the interview today

most of them pointed out how sad zach looked throughout the entire interview

i guess he does look really sad

i heard the bathroom door open and zach moped over to our bed, falling onto it

"zach are you ok? you looked really sad today."

"just leave me alone. i'm fine."

"zach what's wrong? what happened?"

i put my hand on his shoulder put he shrugged me off, turning away from me

he laid on his side and sighed quietly

i frowned and scootched closer to him

"jack stop please."

"why? i care about you and i wanna know what's wrong."

"yeah ok whatever."

"what do you mean?"

"you don't care. just leave me alone already."

"zach i care so much. why would you think that?"

"because you hate me."

oh my god. he-he didn't know i was joking

i don't hate him oh god

*zach pov*
"oh zach. i don't hate you. not at all."

"you say it every interview jack."

"it's just a joke zach i thought you knew it was a joke."

a tear slid down my face as i felt his hand on my arm

"it's not a joke to me jack. it hurts. i love you but you hate me."

"zach i could never hate you. i'll stop saying it ok? i promise i didn't mean to hurt you. i love you too zach."

i let the tears free fall down my face as jack wrapped his arms around me from behind

i turned around and let him hold me in a tight hug

"i'm so so sorry zach. i didn't know it was hurting you. it was just a joke for interviews because the limelight's thought it was funny. i'll never say that again ok? i love you don't let anyone tell you different."

he kissed my head and rubbed my back lightly while i cried silently into his shirt

jack did keep his promise. he never said it again. instead he constantly reminds me how much he loves me. i love this boy

wc: 711
that was short sorry lol i've got the worst writers block rn
this isn't edited so there might be mistakes

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