my tummy hurts (dorbyn)

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daniel pov
i heard whimpers coming from beside me. confused, i turned over and saw corbyn tossing around. his eyes were closed but he sounded awake. "bean? bubba are you up?" he hummed and immediately he stopped his movements and noises. "you ok honey?" "yep i'm good." he spoke through gritted teeth and i knew he was lying, but i also knew how much corbyn hates being seen as weak. "ok, well we have an interview so let's get up." he nodded and followed me into the bathroom. "can i have a minute alone?" i was confused but agreed and stepped out, letting him shut the door. he never asks for me to leave the bathroom. we've seen each other naked on many occasions, hell we've had sex a ton, i don't know what his problem is. i know something is wrong, but i also know he won't open up, not until he's forced to. corbyn hates being vulnerable, especially around me and the guys. i don't know why, maybe it's a pride thing? "baby are you ok in there?" i knocked softly on the door and got a groan in response. "i'm fine." "do you want me to come in there?" "no, no please don't. i'll just- i'll be out in a minute." "ok love bug, let me know if you need anything." "k." there's something up with that boy, and i'm gonna find out. my phone rang and i picked it up off the nightstand. "heyo." "hey dani, lobby call in 15." "oh yeah right ok, thanks jo." "see ya." "bye." the bathroom door opened and i made my way past corbyn, who looked pale and tired. "can i have a hug bean?" he nodded and i took him into my arms, he was slightly shaking and his breathing was uneven. he pulled away quickly and made his way to his suitcase next to our bed. i got myself ready in the bathroom and then got changed. he had already gone down to the lobby, even though we had 5 minutes until lobby call. i grabbed my stuff and headed downstairs to get going. corbyn was already in the bus with jack and zach. jonah and i grabbed the remaining things and joined them. corbyn crawled over to me and curled into my side. "well hello there." i giggled and pressed a light kiss to his temple. he smiled and i pulled him onto my lap. his head laid on my chest as i ran my hands through his hair. "alright boys we're here! floor 2, room 14!" we all got up and made our way to the interview place. zach and jonah sat on stools in the back, while corbyn, jack, and i sat on a couch in front of them. corbyn curled into a ball and positioned himself in my side. "babe not during the interview ok?" he groaned and shook his head. "i love you corb, but you can't do that while the cameras are on." he whimpered and i saw his eyes get glossy. my heart broke at the sight of him like that. "baby what's wrong? what's really wrong? you can tell me honey." "my tummy hurts." he whispered sadly. "oh baby i'm sorry." he grabbed my hand and held it tight. "hey is he alright?" i shook my head and jonah's eyes brows furrowed. "what's wrong?" "his stomach really hurts." jonah frowned and nodded. he stood up and made his way over to our managers. corbyn held my hand tighter and i could see the small tears making their way down his pale cheeks. i wipes them away with the pad of my thumb and smiled sadly at him. "poor bubba. i'm sorry love. it'll be ok i promise." i turned around when i felt jonah tap my shoulder. "they said we can reschedule. get corbyn feeling better." i nodded and picked corbyn up bridal style. in the bus corbyns grip got progressively tighter every few minutes. "you doing ok sweetheart?" he nodded lightly, not really convincing me, but obviously i can't do anything until we get back to the hotel. jonah said to take corbyn to our room and they would take care of everything else. corbyn had fallen asleep on me so i just adjusted us and carried him upstairs. i placed him on our bed and got him back into a hoodie and sweats. he needs to be comfy since he's feeling bad. "d-dani..." he croaked. "yes bub?" "i-i feel sick." "let's go to the bathroom ok baby?" he nodded and let me help him into the bathroom. he sat next to the open toilet while i got some things ready if he did get sick, maybe more than once as well. i heard gagging coming from the bathroom and i ran back in there, crouching next to corbyn, letting my hands roam his back softly. "let it out baby, you'll feel better after alright?" his little sobs were heartbreaking. i know how much he hates getting sick, it's his worst fear. he'd rather jump off a cliff then throw up. after a few more gags he let the liquid come up into the toilet, his cries getting louder. i grabbed his hand that wasn't holding the toilet and rubbed his knuckles. "you're doing so good honey. you're gonna feel so much better soon baby, i promise." "d-dani it h-hurts!" "shh honey i know i know, i'm sorry lovey." "m-make it stop p-please!" "baby i'm so sorry it's ok. just let it all out bubba." he finished up quickly and fell into my body, shaking and sobbing quietly. "i love you bean, i'm sorry this happened. you're gonna feel better soon ok?" "i-i love you t-too dani." "lets get you into bed, we're gonna watch some movies today bub. let's just have an off day alright?" corbyn smiled slightly and wiped his eyes. i helped him into bed before turning on a movie we both liked. corbyn snuggled into my side and let my hands run through his hair again, and occasionally rubbing his back. that wasn't the last time corbyn threw up that day, but it did get easier on him, thank god.

wc: 1043
just a random thought that i had earlier lol
my crush asked for my number, i was like super awkward so we'll see🤷‍♀️🤞
enjoy and thank you for reading

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