future (dorbyn)

666 28 11

warning(s): mpreg, sad

"i can't wait for the future with you my love." "me either dani. i can't wait to have babies with you and marry you and love you forever." "god i love you so much." the boys leaned in slowly, smiling into their passionate kiss.

they lay in bed together, cuddling closely for warmth and comfort. they'd been talking about their future a lot lately, considering they were 20 now, and no longer being teenagers they could really see it.

they wanted at least 3 kids considering they both had siblings, they knew they wanted that for their babies. the thing that daniel didn't know though, is that corbyn had a surprise for him tomorrow morning.


corbyn groaned and pushed himself further into the soft white sheets. he reached his hands over and opened his eyes when the spot next to him was empty. damn you for being a morning person daniel.

grumpily walking down the stairs, corbyn smelled blueberry pancakes, smiling and happily hopping down the stairs.

corbyn stopped in his tracks, seeing a blonde headed boy, maybe 16 or 17, standing in his kitchen. he blinked harshly, hoping everything would be normal when he opened his eyes.

he reopened his light blue eyes, seeing the same picture as before. corbyn walked lightly in the kitchen, needing to find out who this boy is and why he's here.

"oh, good morning dad. i got charlotte and tommy up for school. nova's still sleeping, and i made pancakes." corbyn stood in the doorway, confused beyond himself. what is going on here?

"what? who are you and where is daniel?" "dad what are you talking about?" "he wasn't in bed this morning. i thought he was the one making pancakes. and who is charlotte, tommy and nova? and who are you?"

"ok, sit down you're scaring me." the blonde boy pulled up a chair and even though still very confused, corbyn sat down. "are you feeling ok? did you hit your head?" "no i didn't hit my head! why are you in my house?"

"dad i'm gonna call uncle jonah if you don't start making some sense." "wha-" "good morning daddy." corbyn looked over to the table and saw a brunette girl, 10 or 11, smiling at him. jesus she looks just like dani.

"who-" "dada!" before he could speak a small blonde boy jumped into his lap, hugging him softly. corbyn was confused as hell, but hugged the small boy, finding comfort in it.

"here's some water." the older boy handed him a full glass of water, going to help the girl with her hair. "nova was crying daddy you should go get her." corbyn was confused at the small boy's words. who is nova?

"dad it's fine, i'll get her. you rest and drink that water." corbyn nodded, trying to wrap his head around this. the teen walked back down the stairs with a baby girl in his arms. she was smiling up at him. she can't be more than a few months old.

"can you hold her? i need to get breakfast for tommy." corbyn barely had time to nod, the boy setting this baby girl in his arms. she smiled at him and touched his face softly.

"hey um, where is daniel?" out of everything, corbyn wondered where daniel was. "dad what are you talking about?" "daniel, my boyfriend. is he at work already?"

the blonde teen looked like he was about to cry. "char take tommy upstairs for a few minutes please." the two kids obliged, heading up the stairs.

"dad, give me nova." corbyn frowned at the boy's shaky tone, but handed the small girl over. "should i call someone?" "just tell me where he is and who you are." "d-dad, i'm your son, river remember?" corbyn shook his head, looking down at his lap.

"i'm 16, you had me when you were 21, and charlotte when you were 27, then tommy when you were 31, and now nova just 4 months ago. you really don't remember?"

"n-no, i don't remember anything." "should i call uncle jonah?" corbyn shook his head, knowing more people wouldn't help. "ok ok, um i don't know why but the last thing i remember is going to sleep with daniel. and we were 20- wait i have 4 kids?" corbyn asked, eyes wide open.

the boy nodded, sitting next to corbyn. "yeah, nova was a bit of a surprise." the teen laughed, looking down at the little girl in his arms. "but you and papa said bigger is better, especially with family." the blonde boy stated, a frown falling upon his face.

"what's wrong?" corbyn asked, setting his hand on the boy's arm. "dad you really don't remember anything since when you were 20?" corbyn nodded, feeling a bad vibe in the room. "what's wrong?" he asked again, stronger this time.

"dad..." the teen looked up at him, tears building in his eyes. "papa passed away 2 months ago dad." corbyn now had a shocked look covering his face.

"what?! how!" "he was in a car crash dad-" "no he's not dead! he can't be!" "dad he died!" the teen yelled, tears falling down his cheeks now.

the boy known as river stood up as nova started crying. he bounced her around in his arms until she calmed down.

corbyn got up but quickly fell back onto the floor, he was in shock. how could his love be gone? and leave him with 4 kids? this can't be real, it just can't.

corbyn stood up, falling down again, but this time everything went black.


corbyn shot up in bed, looking to his side and being relieved to see daniel sleeping. thank god, it was just a dream, well a nightmare.

"corb? are you ok?" "dani!" corbyn flung his arms around his lover and held on tight, afraid if he let go he'd be gone again. "corbyn what's wrong?" "nothing, just a bad dream." "oh, it's ok baby, everything's ok now."

wc: 1002
i got this idea in my head a couple days ago, not sure if it's from a movie or if i made it up lol, whatever enjoy and happy hump day

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