secret (jachary)

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hi hello i'm not dead
just unmotivated
happy 2021! well, hopefully happy
anyway go read heaven and hell, battle, and roosevelt academy :)

zach and jack had started dating almost 2 years ago and zach still couldn't bring himself to tell jack the truth.

jack knows very little about zach as he is extremely closed off. jack can tell something happened before he came into zach's life and he's ok not knowing. if zach had wanted him to know, he would've told him.


since it was december and the holidays are coming up, zach's friends had decided to visit him. they live in new york, while zach lives in la. daniel and corbyn are both singers and barely get an hour to talk to zach on the phone, let alone see him in person.

so obviously this was very exciting for the 3 boys. they attended elementary, middle, and high school together so they are very close.

jack was excited but nervous for the visit. this was the first time he'd meet any of zach's friends. he couldn't help but wonder if one of these friends is his ex boyfriend who moved away.

"jack!" "hey zachy you're home." jack smiled and hugged him tight. they both laughed as they felt their poodle, daisy, jump up to join in the fun.

zach is an actor and is often away, so he decided to get daisy so jack wouldn't be lonely when he left. jack on the other hand, is a youtuber. he's always enjoyed recording for people who enjoyed his life.

for once their house was clean. jack had spent all day cleaning because he knew it was important to zach that the house look nice. he's working on a movie right now, so cleaning is his last priority.

"how was your day?" "good, we pretty much spent all day casting for the other lead though, so it was a little boring, just reading the same scene what felt like a thousand times."

jack giggled, he always loved the smile that fell upon zach's face when he talked about work. he absolutely loves it, and so does jack, because when zach is happy, jack is happy.

"what about you? you and daisy have a good day?" "yeah we did. i edited tomorrow's video but we mostly spent the day outside. daisy is getting to be a very good swimmer."

"wow, i'll have to check that out sometime." "yes you will." the two smiled and stared into each other's eyes, nothing uncommon for them. they loved their love.


"oh shit it's already 7!" "oh! i'll grab the keys for you!" jack rushed and threw the keys at zach. they'd gotten so into their movie they forget it was time to pick up daniel and corbyn.

hopefully the universe can delay their flight 10 minutes to help the boys out.

luckily the universe listened and all 4 boys arrived at the same time. zach quickly hugged his friends while jack stood there a bit awkwardly. "zach! gosh i haven't seen you since the funeral. how are you? how's life?"

'funeral?' jack thought. who died?

jack pushed his thoughts away and hugged both boys. the whole drive home was pretty much just them catching up about daniel and corbyn's music and zach's acting, nothing about whoever died.


it was around 9 when they got back, meaning for daniel and corbyn it was midnight and they were pretty tired. zach insisted they have a snack and talk for 20 more minutes first. he really missed those boys.

jack stayed quiet for a few minutes but he had to know, who died? "hey um, who's funeral were you talking about earlier?" "jonah's." daniel replied, as if he was shocked jack didn't know.

"who's jonah?" corbyn and daniel exchanged a confused look, zach keeping his head down. "you didn't tell him?" corbyn hissed at zach, his response a simple shake of his head.

"who is jonah?" jack repeated, a stronger voice this time. daniel and corbyn sighed before getting up. "we're gonna head to bed. we'll see you tomorrow."

as soon as they were out of earshot jack repeated himself a third time. zach couldn't bring himself to tell him. it was too painful. even after 3 years all he felt was guilt.

jack stood up and shook his head. who is this person and why doesn't he already know who he is? "zach? why won't you tell me?"

"because jack!" "because why?" "i don't have to tell you." "seriously? that's your answer?" when zach didn't answer, jack scoffed and ran a hand through his hair. "fine whatever, sleep on the couch tonight."

jack started walking upstairs but heard zach's faint voice from the floor. "my boyfriend." those words made the small brunette stop in his tracks and turn to zach.

"he was my boyfriend." zach stood up and jack finally got a good look at his face. it was red and blotchy, tears free falling. "we didn't break up, he died! he fucking died ok!"

zach let out a sob and ran outside. jack stood frozen on the stairs, flashbacks hitting him like a train.

"zach you're being so unreasonable! i'm a grown adult i can do what i want!" "jack i don't want you to! it's dangerous!" zach's face softened when he saw the tear fall down jacks pale cheek. "baby i'm sorry i'm just worried about you."

jack remembered how zach had also started crying. there had to be at least 10 times a similar thing had happened and jack gave him so much shit for it. now it makes sense. he'd lost a boyfriend before, he didn't wanna loose another.

jack wiped the tears he didn't know had fallen and ran outside to zach's tree in their front yard. he sat up there when he was sad or mad. jack had never been up there but now's as good a time as ever to learn to climb a tree right?

it took a while but jack finally spotted zach, on the top branch, of course. "zachy?" "w-what?" "i'm so sorry. i can't imagine how you feel and i'm sorry i got mad. i just didn't know." "i know."

zach leaped into jack's open arms and sniffled. "i miss him jacky. he didn't deserve to die." jack let zach's head fall onto his lap softly as he ran his hands through the boys hair. "i didn't know him, but it seems like you knew him a while and he made you better. he's proud of you baby. i promise."

"i love you jacky." "i love you too zachy." the two smiled and zach leaned up to peck jack's lips. "you taste like tear salt." jack laughed. "i'm sorry!" zach laughed back, wiping his face.

daniel and corbyn smiled from their window and shut it softly. good thing they figured it out or corbyn would've killed daniel for bringing this up.

wc 1146
i actually kinda liked that
jachary is just so babie
my otp forever

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