c-can't breathe d-dani (dorbyn)

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request for c0rbonebesson hope you like it♡

3rd person pov
corbyn has never been one to talk about when something is wrong, not at first at least

the only one he'll ever talk to is daniel

daniel understands him like no one else, he is always there to listen, to give advice, to be there, that's all corbyn needs

daniel is head over heels for corbyn, everyone's realized, except limelight's and corbyn

limelight's think it's just the cute stuff the boys always do, but deep down daniel wants it to be so much more

daniel noticed the past week that corbyn hadn't been as talkative

he asked what was wrong and corbyn just wanted to be in daniels arms all night

daniel doesn't believe him when he says he's fine, but daniel isn't one to pry, he just wants to be there when someone needs him

*corbyn pov*
i sighed as i swallowed another cough drop

they taste absolutely disgusting and i hate them more than anything, but then again it's been my only relief the past week

my throat has been constantly scratchy and in pain for a week

not just pain, more like a burning, stinging maybe, all i know it's awful and i want it to stop

i haven't told anyone because i thought it would go away on its own, but it hasn't and i'm not sure what to do

maybe i should talk to daniel, he always listens

i don't want to be a burden though, i don't want to be a problem, i just don't want to be in pain anymore

we have a show tonight and i'm so scared, i haven't sung in a while, since we've been off of tour for 3 weeks

we had sound check and it went ok, but the actual show is so different

the thousands of constant screams, the lights, and all the pressure to be perfect

i know daniels suspicious but i'm glad he hasn't told anyone else

he can always tell when something is wrong, i don't know how, it's quite impressive really

but in this circumstance it's awful, just makes it harder to hide

either way, i've hid it for a week, what's one more night right?

*3rd person pov*
corbyn was 110% mistaken, his throat had somehow gotten even worse right before they headed onto stage

he had managed to get through the first 4 songs with no complications, but he was very anxious, he knew something was seriously wrong

jonah had started 8 letters and corbyn was a mess, he was scared out of his mind, daniel was scared looking at him, he was shaking

"corbyn are you ok?"

corbyn nodded at daniels question, not wanting to hurt his throat anymore until he had to sing

jack was finishing his part and then it's corbyns turn, here goes nothing

"why do i pull you close and then ask you for space?"

jack finished smoothly and corbyn took a deep breath before starting

"if all it is is 8 l-letters why is it s-so hard to s-say?"

corbyn mentally slapped himself as his voice cracked

daniel shot him a concerned look but corbyn just turned away

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