Chapter Two: The Prices of War

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The first thing that Yuna was aware of was the feeling of cool silk on her heated skin.
Her limbs were stiff, and her body felt heavy; like she was a stone statue frozen in place. She tried to swallow, but her throat was so dry it felt like a million tiny daggers stabbing into her trachea all at once. Her breath felt trapped in her chest like a heavy ball, and her eyelids were weights on her face; unable to move.
Yuna felt a dull pain that stagnantly clung to her being, and something like a noise of discomfort finally escaped her chapped lips. Yuna felt like she was floating in limbo as she became conscious in the darkness. Her own body felt foreign to her, and the soft silk surrounding her felt like it was beginning to engulf her in an icy binding.
'Am... am I dead?' Yuna's thoughts rang loudly in her head. The darkness seemed to taunt her in its expansiveness; not even white noise was present in it's abyss.
'Where am I..'
With every ounce of her strength, Yuna willed her toes to curl in the empty space and her fingers to slowly clench. It took great effort; the strain it made her feel was equivalent to trying to push a boulder. She felt her teeth clench in grit and in pain, and her fingers slowly relaxed through the soft silk beneath her. Slowly, but surely, her senses began to wake up and cue her into her surroundings little by little. She felt a thick warmth resting on top of her, and something plush cushioning her head. A shaky and shallow breath in filled her nostrils with a pleasant vanilla and gardenia scent, tickling the back of her throat. Yuna struggled as she fought to take a full breath in, panicking as her diaphragm screamed at the movement; pain coursing through her. Her brows furrowed in her determination, and as a white hot searing ache coursed through every nerve and muscle in her body, it was replaced by a feeling of instant rejuvenation as Yuna finally took in her first solid breath of unwavering air.
It was that moment that her sharp eyes finally fluttered open.
She blinked once, then twice, a hand lethargically coming up to rub the blurriness from her vision. Yuna scowled as the hand unceremoniously scratched against her face, and as her eyes finally focused after their long slumber, she saw that the thick gauze bandages wound tightly around the appendage were to blame. She squinted in confusion at the wrappings, 'How did those get there?' and her confusion only heightened as her eyes trailed upwards; a shadowy high ceiling and curtained canopy staring back at her.
Yuna felt like she was going mad with hysteria, her disorientation reaching a fever pitch as her head shot around the room she was in; everything shadowed by the immediate darkness. With a whimper of pain, Yuna's arms shakily pushed her form up from the soft cushions she rested on, the curtains of the grand four-corner canopy bed hiding her injured form.
Everything in Yuna begged her to just lay back down on the magnificently comfortable mattress and go back to sleep, however the curiosity and bubbling fear she felt as to where exactly she was outweighed the desire. She groaned as she fully sat up, rubbing a hand over her tired face. She cleared her dry throat, and blinked heavily as she fought to keep her eyes open.
'I feel absolutely awful.' She internally mourned. 'I feel like death.'
She grasped onto the many covers that lay on top of her, ripping them off as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed. Her feet peeked out from the canopy's curtains, and she hissed in surprise as the feeling of cool marble met her toes. Feet firmly planted, she pushed up from the bed's cool silk sheets; her body immediately rejecting the movement.
"Ah!" A short cry escaped Yuna's lips as her legs gave out and she toppled forward, smashing into what she assumed was a bedside table (if the jagged corner stabbing into side was anything to go on). "Ow! Dammit!" The vulgar curse flew from her mouth as she crumpled onto the cold floor beneath her; her torso screaming as its already abused center took yet another hit.
Yuna stilled for a moment; worried she might've started a commotion. When no outside noise informed her of such, she brought a hand up to firmly grip onto the table's wooden surface; using it to push her weight fully onto her feet.
She wobbled again, felt that familiar dull ache in her bones, and used the opportunity to fully steady herself using the table until she could regain her balance. Yuna huffed, feeling completely debilitated as she couldn't even walk without causing a scene. 'What a nuisance.' Yuna thought with furrowed brows, finally straightening upright with her bare feet firmly planted on the ground.
She hobbled slowly, half from the desire not to topple onto her face again and half from her body's movements being incredibly limited in their recovering abuse. A faint glow drew Yuna to the far side wall, what little light that trickled into the room guiding her and granting her minimal visibility.
She finally reached what she assumed was a covered window; her hands reaching out and grasping firmly onto the drapes before her and throwing the heavily cloths open. Sunlight was the first thing that greeted her, attacking her sensitive and weary eyes with their explosive rays. She reflexively shielded her eyes, brown irises squinted in pain from the blinding light. Slowly, focusing down on her feet, her eyes adjusted and she carefully lifted her head to look outside.
"Woah..." Yuna whispered, eyes widening.
Before her, just beyond the glass barrier, was a grand view overlooking all of Ulstead and the Moors. To her left was the blue horizon of the ocean, trickling into a deep sapphire sky dotted with white clouds. It was a beautiful view, stunning in it's expansiveness. The serenity of it calmed Yuna's heart, which she didn't realize was rapidly racing, and she soaked up the warm sunlight that enveloped her with her eyes fluttered shut.
Releasing a long held sigh, Yuna now focused her attention on the reflection that stood still on the glass; her own reflection.
She winced once she finally got a good look at herself.
Her long oxblood hair was matted and caked with her own dried blood, a thick bandage wrapped securely around her head. She wore nothing from the waist up; also her torso and chest wrapped tightly with the gauze and an ugly yellow and blue spread across what little stomach and chest was visible, no doubt a massive bruise (which would also explain the sheer gaming Yuna felt with every contraction of her diaphragm and slight movement of her upper body). Her right arm was bound in the bandage all the way from her shoulder to her fingertips, her left arm wrapped tightly at the elbow. At her hips hung loose cotton pants about three sizes too big for her, the tightly drawn drawstrings were the only thing keeping them around her tiny waist and preventing them from slipping right off. Visible bandages peeked out from her right pant leg, binding her ankle securely. While not able to see them, Yuna felt the itchiness of the gauze tickling the knee and inner thigh of her left leg. Bruises and lacerations littered what little skin was available, and Yuna was rendered speechless.
Yuna brought a hand to touch at her cheek, a small bruise still healing there. Her eyes scanned the reflection to find any kind of familiarity of herself; this girl staring back at her couldn't possibly be her, could it?
'I can't even recognize myself...' Yuna swallowed thickly, fingers trembling slightly as she prodded at a cut that sliced through her brow. It trailed up to the dried blood in her already deep burgundy locks, and she sucked in a shaky breath.
Yuna found herself unable to stare at the monster of a reflection anymore, and she tore her eyes away from the glass. Her hand fell from her face, and suddenly she found the hem of her thin beige pants very interesting. While tugging at a loose thread, a handle caught Yuna's eye, and upon further inspection she realized that what she now stood in front of wasn't a window; they were glass doors to a balcony.
Yuna set her hands on the double handles firmly, taking a deep breath as she pushed the doors open with a resounding "click!" echoing throughout the room. What prompted her to open the double doors was a mixture of wanting to get a better gauge of her surroundings, and also no longer wishing to see her own reflection; which she couldn't deny the pang of insecurity it shot her with to see someone so... ratty.
Fresh air greeted her like the spray of a refreshing ocean, and Yuna carefully limped out onto the grand balcony before her. She winced all the way to the railing, finally grasping onto its ledge like it was her savior. 'This shouldn't be as taxing as it is. I'm starting to think I might be more out of shape than I originally thought.' Her humor was dry, even in her mind. She couldn't help but be critical at a time like this; who could blame her for being negative? To put it simply; she got the bloody hell beat out of her, she had no idea where she was (did she have to add amnesia to the list too?), she felt like what she imagined a woman post-birth felt like (thankfully; no baby), the beautiful garden that rested stories below her was battered to all hell and littered with massive chunks of stone and ivory, completely ruining her pleasant viewing experience... wait what?
Yuna did a double take in her self loathing; she recognized the lawns underneath her. Come to realize, she also recognized this view; only at a different angle. Her eyes trailed from the courtyard to the pristine railing under her hands, and her eyes widened as she whipped her head around and saw the bedroom she was in in it's full visibility;
One of the royal bedrooms of Castle Ulstead.
It all hit Yuna at once; the royal wedding, the Moorfolk entering Ulstead, Diaval and her diving over the castle walls, the red skies and those horned faeries...
The man adorned in nothing but white; her savior.
The name rang like a hymn in her head, and suddenly Yuna found herself collapsing against the balcony's tall railing; cradling her throbbing forehead.
'Why am I in the castle? What happened after I blacked out? Am I being held under arrest?' Yuna swallowed down her anxiety and her hand scrunched in her hair, ignoring the resounding cracks that sounded as she ripped through the dried blood. She ripped her bony fingers away, turning her back on the view before her and stalking back into the bedroom.
'I need to find someone, anyone. Is everyone okay? Are Diaval and Aurora okay?' Yuna limped back onto the white marble floor, shutting the balcony doors behind her. She had to admit, the bedroom was quite lovely; would she expect anything less from living quarters made for royalty? The four post, chocolate wood bed she'd been resting on was hidden underneath a sheer gold curtain, complimenting the deep aureate comforter and many pillows resting on the mattress. A tufted velvet chesterfield sofa rested to one side of the room, a side table with blooming lilies posted next to it. A wooden room divider also occupied space, and Yuna figured it also acted as a private changing station. The other side of the room revealed wooden furniture decorated with gold accents; an armoire, a full length mirror, a loom with a pattern already halfway threaded through it. A grand mural was painted behind the bed, taking up practically all of the back wall (which said a lot, considering the size of the bedroom alone was maybe 5 of Yuna's personal quarters put together). A pleasant nature scene was depicted, muted flora and small deer and butterflies dancing on the wall. Yuna also recognized the faint smell of vanilla emanating from the room.
'If I was some type of prisoner, they certainly wouldn't have set me up in a royal bedroom; injured or not. Was this Aurora's doing? Or Udo?' Yuna wondered as she set her sights on the closed wooden door to her left. 'Is it safe to assume the battle is over? There's no way The castle would still be standing if it wasn't, and it wouldn't be this quiet either.'
As quietly as she could, Yuna gripped onto the door knob and turned it, unable to silence the squeaking that came from the metal. She pushed the door open, and slowly stuck her head out; scanning the long hallway she came into. The various windows decorating the hallway filtered the corridor with warm sunlight, and Yuna hesitantly stepped out of the room. The cool marble floors underneath her bare feet reminded Yuna of her lack of clothing; pants and bandages the only thing preserving her modesty. She blushed heavily, and brought an arm up to cross in front her bandaged chest. Her long and thick tresses also served well to cover her. Using her other arm, she trailed a hand up to the wall to her right, using it to serve as a crutch as she set off down the hallway.
Each step was painful, and she felt tempted to just turn around and slip back into blissful ignorance underneath the pleasant goose feather stuffed blankets back in the bedroom. 'If I'm going to pass on, at least it'll be in luxury.' Yuna smirked to herself, however as a particularly sharp pain caused her to stop dead in her tracks and suck in a ragged breath, she was beginning to think she spoke too soon. Her vision blurred, and her lungs screamed. Releasing a gasp, Yuna crumpled against the wall, hands frantically searching for anything they could grasp onto. A candle holder would have to suffice for the time being, and Yuna grasped onto its gold carvings like she was about to fall off of a cliff. Through her blurry eyesight, Yuna could just barely make out a form in the distance. A castle hand, most likely. She walking right past the hallway, getting further and further away from Yuna; with as much volume as she could accumulate, Yuna tried to yell through the mind numbing and excruciating pain,
"Help me...!" It only came off as a crackly whimper; pathetic at best.
Yuna could feel tears prickle at the corners of her eyes, the pain surmounting to a point where it consumed her entire being. She felt like she was simultaneously engulfed by flames and being stabbed repeatedly with a dull sword. Finally, she couldn't handle it anymore. She collapsed, and smacked hard into the marble underneath her; the collision causing her head to ring.
She heard the maid stop abruptly, releasing a horrified gasp followed by the shattering of what Yuna could only assume was the remnants of someone's afternoon tea. Yuna heard her take off down one of the castle corridors, screaming something like, "She's awake! Yuna is awake! Someone, someone help!"
Yuna managed an amused smile through the scorching pain, eyebrows knit together as she bore through the tremendous feeling.
'Oh would you look at that, sounds like I've become quite the household name around the castle.' If it weren't for her flare up, Yuna would've laughed.
An audible noise, something between a groan of discomfort and a short scream of agony bubbles past her chapped lips, and she curled into herself on the cold, hard floor.
'Perhaps... I should've just gone back to sleep...' Her arms cradled herself tightly, and as she felt the sensation of her consciousness slipping away for a second time, she heard what sounded like at least a dozen footsteps coming down the hallway and towards her.
They came to her, their voices shouting and calling to her like a crashing wave; much too loud, and very muddled. Yuna couldn't focus on one voice, and she realized she couldn't quite focus on anything as her vision began to blur once more. The voices all pitching in her ears made her head start to ring once more, and it was only once she found herself cradled into a familiar hold that she felt solace.
Where did she know this feeling from? Why was it so familiar, so reassuring?
As her eyes blearily focused on pure white, she closed her eyes in understanding.
'Oh, that's right.'
Yuna felt herself being lifted off the ground, and carried in the winged man's strong arms.
"Udo." Her voice was nothing more than a crackly whisper, and she once again fell into darkness.
"Wak...e... up.."
"Why... isn't... working?"
"Shouldn't she... why...?"
Yuna groaned groggily as the voices faded in and out of her head, only catching bits and pieces of the room occupant's sentences.
"She's waking up!"
Yuna eyes fluttered open lazily, finding herself back to where she started; pained and confused in her silky bed. Her head lulled to the side, and she could finally identify the many voices dancing in her head; there had to have been at least five castle healers in the room with her, and they were all watching her like she was a walking corpse. They quickly set about, bustling around the room in a flurry of movements; some taking notes, others concocting a strange liquid Yuna couldn't quite identify, and some gently looking over Yuna's bandaged self. Her eyes blinked wearily as they bustled about, laying there limply as she allowed them to scan over her bandaged body, all of them whispering amongst themselves.
At one point, one of the healers had slipped a vial of very bitter tasting liquid down her throat, and she gagged. "Maror..." She croaked out the familiar herbal taste. "What's the point in giving me maror?" She didn't mean for the question to come out sounding so harsh, but the bitter taste brought her great discomfort.
One of the healers regarded her briskly, scribbling notes onto what Yuna assumes was her patient file. "You've gone without sufficient food for quite some time, we need something fast acting that your body would quickly absorb." He replied without even looking at her.
Yuna quirked an eyebrow, trying to lick away the bitter taste from her lips.
"Quite some time? What do you mean?" Her voice asked him.
Whether he heard her, or didn't, he simply turned on his heel and walked away; fully absorbed in whatever duties he was tasked with. Yuna huffed in annoyance, and her head turned on the comfortable pillow to stare up at the ornate ceiling above her. She figured maybe she'd be able to sleep some more, and ask her questions later; she felt incredibly exhausted.
That was when she heard a voice call out to her, feminine in its voice and excited in its tone.
Yuna's head slightly perked up. "Wha-"
Instantly she got a face full of gold.
"Yuna!! Oh thank gods you are alright!" Aurora squeezed the girl into a tight embrace, and Yuna groaned as she constricted her already bruised ribs. She felt something wet hit her bare shoulders, and she quirked an eyebrow.
"Are you... crying?"
She could feel Aurora nod her head, her strands of hair tickling Yuna's cheek. "I'm just so... so relieved! I was so worried Yuna... they didn't know if you'd ever wake up or just how bad your injuries were... and to think I left you behind that day... I knew I should've stayed with you..." Aurora broke off into a whimper, squeezing Yuna even tighter.
Yuna blinked, processing her words. 'If I'd ever wake up..?'
Perhaps her questions couldn't wait til later.
"Aurora." She called.
Snapping the young princess out of her grief, if only briefly, Aurora hesitantly pulled away from Yuna; like she was frightened the girl would disappear if she let go.
"Yes?" She answered carefully.
Yuna blinked, and her brows furrowed as she struggled to comprehend her current situation.
"How long was I asleep?" She questioned.
Aurora regarded her with watery eyes, and she seemed almost like she was scared to answer. Her lips quivered.
Yuna's sharp eyes hardened, her frustration and anxiety beginning to heighten. "Aurora tell me how long." Her tone left no room for refusal.
Aurora's eyes flitted away from hers, and her voice was so soft that Yuna strained to hear the cursed answer that came from her,
"Two weeks."
Yuna felt like she was going to pass out again.
She felt get body begin to go limp again, and Aurora quickly scooped her back into a loving embrace.
"I'm so sorry Yuna."
Feeling had left Yuna's fingertips, and her toes. Her ears rung with a pitchy whistling noise, and she could only sit unresponsive in Aurora's hold. Her dark eyes were glassy, glazed with complete and utter disbelief and grief.
The words repeated in her head like a curse.
Two weeks.
Two weeks.
Two weeks.
Yuna was like a rag doll in Aurora's hold, and the Queen carefully peeled herself away from the injured girl. "How about we get you cleaned up, alright? Then get some proper food in you?" She brushed away a sticky strand of hair from Yuna's bruised face.
Yuna released a shaky sigh. Now that Aurora mentioned it, both of those things sounded lovely. Gods, was that her hair she was smelling?
'How embarrassing...' Yuna thought miserably.
Yuna could only nod her head.
She felt Aurora grip onto her shaking hands, carefully assisting her up to her feet. Yuna's brows furrowed, and she bit her lip so hard she was sure it would split open. It took her moment, however with the assistance of Aurora serving as her human crutch, the two slowly but surely trudged over time the bedroom's private bathroom. Aurora had given the order to dismiss the healers, giving the girls privacy. Once in the pristine bathroom, Aurora shut the door behind them, and turned around to face the porcelain bathtub and give Yuna privacy.
"I'll start the bath, be careful with undressing yourself. If you need help, don't be modest; we're both girls." Aurora sent her a teasing grin at that, and Yuna returned a small smile at her attempts to lighten the mood. Aurora set to filling the deep rub with warm water, steam quickly beginning to fill the opulent castle washroom. A vibrant rainbow of colors danced across Yuna as she took stance in front of a stained glass window in the bathroom, painting the pure white and marble space in a flurry of shades. Yuna turned her head to look in the large vanity mirror placed on the wall, and her eyebrows furrowed as she found a new item on her person that was not there before.
'How did I just now notice this?' She thought, her brow creasing with confusion as her nimble fingers played with the hem of the newly placed white robe around her shoulders. It was much too big for her, and it dragged on the floor beneath her, but it was... oddly comforting. She felt like a child who had wrapped a blanket around themselves in a makeshift cape; it flooded around her like a snowy cloak.
"A sweet gesture, isn't it?" Aurora's voice broke her from her observations.
Yuna turned to face her, the roaring of the ongoing bath water filtering through the room. "Was this your doing?" She questioned, lifting her arms up to gesture at the regal robes that swallowed her petite form.
Aurora smirked, and a playful gleam shone in her sapphire eyes. "Oh no, why dear Aurora, I'm already a taken woman." Her slender fingers dipped underneath the water's surface to check the temperature.
Yuna shot her a quizzical look, almost like disdain. "What on earth is that supposed to mean?" She asked exasperatedly.
Aurora turned off the water, steam emitting from the full porcelain tub. She reached over into a nearby basket and retrieved various oils, generously swirling them into the water. A pleasant peppermint scent hit Yuna's nose, and she watched as Aurora sprinkled some dried flowers into the milky water for a finishing touch.
The blonde regarded Yuna with a teasing look, sighing out dreamily;
"It's Udo's. He was quite the gentleman while you were resting; he never left your side."
Yuna's eyes widened at the revelation, the robe falling to her feet as her shoulders went slack.
"I'm sorry?"
'Udo? Did he take care of me all this time?' The thought seemed like it was laughing at Yuna; who on earth would show her that much compassion? How could a complete stranger show that much kindness?
... Who could care that much?
Aurora smiled, rising to her feet to pat Yuna's shoulder.
"I know all of this is overwhelming, Yuna. Trust me I do. I promise I'll answer all of your questions; but for now, you deserve some self care." Aurora shot her that signature warm smile. "Relax in the bath. Once you come out, I'll have food prepared for you and we can sit down and discuss everything." Aurora bent down to pick up Udo's robe, gently folding it and tossing it aside onto one of the whicker hamper tops.
She eyed Yuna for confirmation. "Alright?"
Yuna couldn't deny how tempting that steamy bath looked, and she couldn't ignore her rumbling stomach either.
'I'm safe; I'm with Aurora, I'm in the castle, no one is attacking anyone. It's okay.' She internally motivated herself, easing her anxieties away as she nodded her head.
"I'll come out into the bedroom once I'm all done." Yuna replied, a small smile gracing her pink lips.
Aurora seemed satisfied with the answer, grinning as she turned to make her exit. "Lovely. I'll get everything ready; take your time alright? If you need anything, just yell." Yuna made a noise of understanding, watching Aurora's elegant figure clad in a beautifully sewn mint gown edit the bathroom, the door shutting firmly behind her.
Steam began to hang in the air, like a sauna. Yuna breathed out in pleasure as the warm air began to tickle at her skin, leaving its dewy residue on her goosebumps. Carefully, Yuna began the process of unrolling the bandages bound around her torso and breasts; cringing as they pulled from her stomach like tape stuck to carpet. She discarded of the bandages around her midsection, arms and legs, feeling rather gross from the adhesive tracks they left all over her.
Hesitantly, Yuna turned to look in the vanity mirror, and her naked reflection caused her to immediately avert her eyes. She couldn't help words like 'Ugly' and 'Hideous' to run through her mind, and she had to turn away from the ornate mirror that she was sure would explode into a million shards if she stood in front of it any longer. Her skin had small cuts littered all over it, welted and swollen and screaming an angry red. Her pale skin was more purple than it was ivory; an ugly yellowish bruise was creeping all the way up to her chest and down her stomach was a midnight blue and cursed black. Her eyebrow was split open, her lip was busted, her nose had dried blood caked around its nostrils...
Her reflection in the window truly hadn't been truthful to the full extent of her injuries, and now that Yuna could see them clearly without any clothing to obstruct her view, she really couldn't look at herself much longer.
She quickly discarded her pants, kicking them to the side with little care for them. She trudged over the checkered bathroom tile quickly, literally plunging her body over the tub's edge and completely submerging herself into the hot water inside. Oxblood hair danced like literal scarlet blood in the buoyant water, and Yuna hugged her knees to her chest as the water swallowed her small figure like a blanket. The humming sounds of the water's movement filled her ears, and she slowly let her eyes flutter open. Red obscured her view, and she soon rose back to the surface with a relieved sigh as her fingers combed back her long locks.
"This feels... so wonderful..." Her voice melted away in a contented chuckle, and she gently brought her head back to rest against the edge of the deep porcelain tub. Her body floated in the water like a lily pad, and Yuna couldn't believe how relieving the warmth of it felt on her tense muscles. She could feel her stress slowly melting away, and if just for a moment, she forgot the predicament she was in.
"Does Aurora get to live like this everyday? Gods, that must be nice." Yuna whispered as she took a good look around the luxurious bathroom. Honestly, how much gold and ivory could that shove into one room?!
"This bathroom alone is probably bigger than my entire shop... and room..." Yuna scoffed in amusement, shaking her head at the absurdity of it. She paused as she thought over her words, "My shop... gods, I've been away from it for two entire weeks? How many other people got injured in the attacks? I couldn't be there to help them..."
Yuna swallowed down her anxiety. "Certainly they'll understand it's not my fault I was out of commission. I'll get back to it as soon as I can, as soon as I'm finished here at the castle." Yuna nodded to herself in satisfaction. "Yes, that should be good. I'll thank Aurora, the healers, I'll tidy the room up a bit, and then I'll go right back to the shop." Yuna's heart warmed at the sentiment. "I'll go back home... finally put that nightmare of a day behind me."
Yuna went to reach for a bar for creamy soap, running the suds over her skin.
"Maybe... maybe I'll bump into Udo. I'll certainly have to thank him for everything. Perhaps I'll even invite him back to my home for a cup of tea-" Yuna paused at her task of scrubbing the grim from her skin, the soap pressed against her chest and her cheeks turning a deep red. She shook her head, and continued to run the soap up and down her arms. "No, no that would be presumptuous. I'd certainly hate to give off the impression that I'm that type of woman..." She sighed.
His pristine image flashed in her mind, and she couldn't help her eyes from wandering to where his cloak lay neatly folding along the bathroom's jade marbled counter.
"... I doubt he'd accept anyways."
Yuna throughly and efficiently scrubbed her body down, the water taking on a muted brown color as dirt mixed with blood was diligently removed from her body and into her bath. She set the bar of soap down gently, reaching for a bottle of what she presumed to be shampoo that was a delightful peach color, and upon squirting a generous amount into her palm, a pleasant fruity fragrance filled the air. Yuna swirled it in her palms before layering it onto her scalp, massage away at every inch of skin she could. 'Royal shampoos must cost a good six months of rent. Or do they have their toiletries custom crafted? How spoiled can you be??' Yuna thought, watching as dried blood flakes from her hair and into the bath water below. 'Well, I certainly can't imagine a higher quality of ingredients to use to make me look and smell less like a zombie. Maybe I'll be as glamorous as Aurora by the time I'm done here...' Yuna chuckled at the thought, but the amusement didn't reach her sharp eyes. '... well now that's just wishful thinking.'
Yuna dipped her head into the now murky water, rinsing out all of the bubbles in her hair and shaking the shampoo out. She grabbed a bottle matching in color but containing a much thicker substance, and she ran it though her tangled hair with ease as it conditioned away all of her knots. Once that was rinsed, Yuna reached down into the water to pull away at the metal drain cover. She pulled it away, and once the guttural sounds signified that the water was slowing being eaten away at, she rose from the dirty tub and wrapped herself in a nearby fresh towel.
The bathroom was steamy, and Yuna carefully tiptoed over the slick tile to avoid slipping and falling (again). She made her way to the cloudy mirror, and with a firm stroke of her hand she revealed to herself a much better, cleaner, and fresher version of herself. Yuna sighed with relief; sure, her cuts and bruises were still there; but with the dirt scrubbed away from her skin and any excess blood wiped away, Yuna was happy to see that her reflection was not quite as foreign as it was before. It didn't take that much investigating to find a hairbrush and lightly perfumed lotion, and Yuna generously used both items once she'd fully dried off. Her scalp seemed to be screaming with joy as the wooden teeth of the brush smoothed out her fresh and clean tresses, and her skin was practically sucking up the moisturizer as soon as it hit her dry skin. Aurora wasn't wrong; just being clean had made Yuna feel significantly better.
Yuna wrapped her towel back around her body, and upon realizing that she simply couldn't change back into her baggy pants and dirty bandages, she bit her lip in deep thought.
'I guess I should've asked Aurora before she left what to do about clothes. Maybe I can just borrow some from the bedroom?' Yuna wondered, already creaking open the bathroom door. She was met with a pleasant surprise; before her, folded neatly on the bedroom floor, was a set of clothing that Yuna could only assume was for her. She knelt down to pick up the soft fabric, and almost felt unworthy to be able to dawn them.
'These are... very nice.' Yuna laughed at her word choice; "very nice" was not nearly accurate enough to describe the dainty and feminine clothing items before her. They were definitely not the average run of the mill clothing that was available to townsfolk at the market, that much was clear.
An ankle length beige dress, soft in its fabric and elegant in its appearance came into her hold. It was hemmed with a delicate lace, and detailed with a glistening golden thread. It had shoulder capped sleeves that fluttered out like petals on a flower, it's bottom flowing out into loose fabric, and the top fitted at the waist and bust to perfectly compliment the petite girl's figure. The dress by itself was simply elegant and beautiful, and upon further inspection Yuna realized that soft yellow and creme flowers were embroidered onto the fabric, their soft green leaves a pleasant pop of color on the dress.
Yuna also found a set of undergarments, which she gratefully slipped into before excitedly stepping into the silky dress, buttoning up the small gold buttons that held together the very top part of the fabric. The dress truly clung to her in every right way, and Yuna was sure that she was completely out of her element as she slowly walked towards a full length mirror that rested in the far corner of the joining bedroom. Yuna sucked in a breath as she saw herself in the opulent dress; she didn't even mind the her bruise peaking out from the bodice or the the small cuts that were on her face and exposed arms. It was simply graceful; she looked simply dignified.
'Is this really for me? Is this one of Aurora's dresses that she's letting me borrow?' Yuna smoothed down the silky fabric, and she smiled as she did a rather girlish twirl around herself. Her thick strands of hair were still damp against her figure, but Yuna found herself unbothered as she hugged her figure in the dress. "Oh, I really hope it's mine to keep." She found herself whispering.
Yuna could just barely tear herself away from the mirror, briskly walking back into the bathroom to retrieve Udo's robe and embark out of the bedroom to meet with Aurora. She reentered the bathroom, the steam now cleared. She picked up Udo's thick robe and held it close to her chest, a slender finger coming up to trace at the intricate sewing and embroidery work. 'Udo has a very dignified look to him. Does he hold some type of official position? If he does, certainly it's not appropriate for me to be wearing something of his.' Yuna wondered, holding the thick fabric tightly in her arms.
Yuna's bare feet made a soft padding noise as she exited the bathroom, and then the bedroom, the marble beneath her feet cool to the touch. She shut the bedroom door firmly, and scanned the long hallway before her. A warm glow emanated from the many tall windows in the hall, and Yuna assumed it was late in the afternoon. Instinct drew her down the corridor and to a room that had a slightly ajar door, shuffling and muffled voices sounding from the inside. She hesitantly padded towards it, glancing around once more and seeing no other signs of life in the seemingly desolate castle. Yuna felt rather embarrassed that she stalking around the grand Castle Ulstead in no shoes, but she figured her excuse was a quite justifiable one. She neared the wooden door, and her nimble fingers reached out to softly push in all the way open.
She audibly gasped as she saw the room's occupants.
"Yuna." A male's voice breathed out.
Yuna quickly recovered from her startled expression, and a warm smile spread on her face. "Diaval." She greeted back.
The two friends both met each other halfway, and embraced each other like tightly. "Oh, I was so frightened. I'm so sorry Yuna. If I hadn't become that blasted bear and left you that day-" Diaval's words came out rushed and muddled, and his eyes looked at Yuna like she was a ghost.
Yuna shook her head, her smile never leaving her face. "Nonsense. You saw me jump off the castle wall; did you really think a little beating like that would take me out?" She teased the crow, and Diaval practically melted with relief. He laughed, and re-embraced the girl in a strong hold. "You're right, how could I forget? I'm in the presence of a Yuna The Undying!" Yuna laughed at that, and rested her head on Diaval's shoulder; still hugging Udo's robe close to her chest. "That's right. Don't you forget it."
Diaval drew back once more, sincerity woven in his features. He brought his hands up to squeeze at Yuna's wrists, and like Aurora, she could see that Diaval had misty tears in his eyes. "Bless you, Yuna. I'm so happy you're awake. Aurora was weeping almost everyday after you'd gone under; things have been so hectic since that day. If we would've lost you on top of everything.. I truly fear that Ulstead would've crumbled, we never would've recovered if we'd lost you."
The words brought a warm emotion to Yuna's heart that should could only identify as gratitude. "Surely you would've been alright. Aurora would've-"
"Those two were worrying like new mothers practically everyday. If it weren't for me, they probably would've worn a hole in the hallway's rug from all of their pacing."
Yuna ears perked as a new voice broke through the room, her eyes widening as she gulped. She knew that voice; that silky, sultry, feminine tone that commanded fear and respect in all who heard it: The Mistress of Evil herself.
Yuna gazed at a spot past Diaval's shoulder, sensing movement in the room's dim shadows. Her massive black wings were the first thing to become visible, next where her pointed and curved horns. White skin and iridescent green eyes cut to Yuna sharply as they appeared, and Maleficent's lithe figure dawned in her long black dress slowly came into view.
Yuna could only stare wide eyed, frozen in her spot as Diaval groaned and turned around. "Oh hush will you? You always exaggerate things to be funny; I was not pacing!" He had an annoyed tone to his voice, and Yuna blinked.
'This is her being funny?!' She internally screamed.
Elegantly, Maleficent's heeled boots clicked onto freshly polished wood as she made her way towards the girl and the crow, a satisfied smirk breaking onto her face and prominent cheekbones raise. "My my, did I embarrass you, little birdie? It's alright to admit you were upset. Even Aurora gathered herself together quicker than you." Maleficent cocked a knowing brow.
Diaval rolled his eyes at his mistress, waving away her teasing before turning to look at Yuna one last time. "I'm happy you're finally back, Yuna." He smiled, patting her shoulder. "And... you have my sincerest apologies. You never even wanted to attend the wedding. You didn't want to go to the castle. If I'd just left you be in your shop, you'd have never..." Diaval's words trailed off, and he shook his head; loose black locks covering his equally dark eyes.
Yuna frowned as she took in the usually chipper man's demeanor; he couldn't truly blame himself for what happened, could he? "Diaval, you mustn't think like that. I went with you because I wanted to; I don't regret any of it!" She exclaimed. "I'm glad I was there... I only just met you and Aurora, but I'd never want anything to happen to either one of you. Maybe I'm being a bit vain; but if I hadn't been there, I'd hate to think that you two would've been captured, or worse..."
Yuna squeezed Udo's robes. "I'm happy I was there. I think my life would be very different right now if I hadn't gone with you that day... different in a way that isn't the best." She finished with a soft expression. Diaval seemed relieved by her confession, his shoulder visibly relaxing as he hung his head low.
"Oh, thank goodness!" He gasped out, and Yuna jumped. "I was sure you'd be furious! I was sure I'd hear "Diaval! I told you I didn't want to go and look at what happened! This is all your fault!" Or perhaps you'd come back as a ghost to haunt me, and I'd have to beg Maleficent to exorcise you, and-"
"Alright alright Diaval." Yuna forced out a laugh as she patted his shoulder. "It's all alright now. Where is Aurora?"
Diaval hummed, straightening up to stand at his full height before Yuna. "She's fetching your meal currently, she will be joining us in just a moment. We have... quite a bit to fill you in on, as I'm sure you're aware of." He scratched at his forehead in a troubled manner, turning away from Yuna to take a seat at the room's sturdy wooden table. "Go ahead and take a seat, Yuna. I don't know how you're even able to stand on two feet after two weeks of practically no food. We don't want you to overexert yourself."
Yuna took in the appearance of the room that the three occupants found themselves in; quite cozy, and quite intimate. It was clearly a meeting room, or some type of strategy forming chamber. The windows were upon to let in fresh sunlight and air, the stone walls were mounted with one bookshelf after another, various celestial and geographic maps were tacked onto any free space. The wooden table in the center was big enough to seat a good number of people; perhaps ten at most. 'I guess meeting in here was most convenient; it's only a short walk away from my room.' Yuna figured.
Before Yuna could make her move to sit next to Diaval, black obscured her sunlight filled field of view. She paused, and her dark irises hesitantly fluttered up to greet Maleficent's fiery green ones; the fairy studying her intently.
Yuna took a moment to get her thoughts in order, and she slowly sank down to take a knee. She bowed her head to Maleficent, "Maleficent, thank you for saving Aurora and I that day. Thank you for also being present while I was unconscious; I'm sure you were a very steady presence for Diaval and Aurora." Yuna stole a glance at Diaval, who watched the exchange in interest. "I do not know what happened that day, I don't know why you were fighting Queen Ingrith, but I do know that I am so glad to see you unharmed. I'm very sorry for any trouble I might have caused." Yuna finished, and her words were slightly muffled from Udo's robe. She stared down at her bare feet on the wooden floor, growing nervous as she began to take Maleficent's silence for displeasure.
Instead, however, she was pleasantly surprised to feel pointed fingernails on soft skin gently touch her chin. "Lift your head up, my dear. I am undeserving of your praise." Was it even possible for Maleficent's voice to be so gentle?
Yuna was sure someone was pulling a prank on her; hesitantly, her gaze rose up to stare into Maleficent's usually harsh and cold eyes, now replaced with an indescribable softness. Her furrowed brows showed her inner confliction, and she delicately prompted Yuna to rise back to her feet. Now eye level with the tall and intimidating woman, Yuna gazed up at her with confusion. "Maleficent-" She tried to speak up, the woman's unreadable expression beginning to make her fidget.
A soft touch on Yuna's face silenced her. "These wounds..." Maleficent's voice was barely above a whisper, and Yuna tensed as the mistress ran her pointed fingernails gently over the cut on her brow and lip. Maleficent continued speaking. "These wounds... must've caused you a great deal of pain." Her brows knit together.
Yuna didn't say anything, but she did nod her head.
Maleficent's gaze went from the nasty wounds, and back to Yuna's eyes. "Yuna... I am so sorry for the distress I have inflicted upon you."
Yuna raised an eyebrow in question. "What? You didn't do anything, Maleficent-"
"The attacks that day were my doing. They were my fault." Maleficent quickly hushed her. Yuna's eyes widened, and her words died on her tongue. Maleficent's eyes shone with distant regret, "I acted out of a place of isolation, and anger. The attacks that day that almost killed you... I am to blame. I am deeply sorry." Yuna felt a warmth start to radiate through her, and she realized the reason was the glowing light emitting from Maleficent's fingertips. "Please, it's not much, but accept this as a part of my sincerest gratitude."
Yuna could only watch in wonder as the light magic from Maleficent's fingers danced across her face, fluttering around her busted lip and brow; the skin sewing itself together and smoothing out like nothing had even upset it. The magic felt like a comforting hug from a friend, or a cup of tea on a rainy day, it was the best description that Yuna could give and it didn't do the spell justice.
'Is this the magic of faeries I always read about? This feeling.. like every negative thing in my body is leaving it..' The soft glow from the magic illuminated Maleficent's pale face, and Yuna watched as her creased forehead relaxed in relief. Maleficent slowly retracted her hand. "Perfect. Like nothing was ever there to begin with." She breathed.
Yuna brought her own hand to probe at where Maleficent's magic had touched, and her eyes widened. Where her skin should've been split and scabbed, it was smooth and soft; a reflection of what it'd been before the attacks. Her mouth gaped open, and Maleficent smiled down at her. "Your bruises and scars shall be healed as well. There will be no physical reminder of what you were subjected to that day; this is not much, but I hope it will begin to quell your hardships."
'How... How could anyone ever think all of those horrid things about Maleficent? How on earth can they refer to her as a "Mistress of Evil"? She's so kind, when she doesn't need to be; especially to me.' Yuna's thoughts swirled in her mind.
"I... U-Um I..." Yuna wanted to kick herself for how idiotic she sounded, stumbling over her own words. Her hand fell from her face, and she managed to muster up a small smile. "I... Maleficent, thank you." She quietly thanked the grand fairy.
Maleficent took firm grasp of Yuna's wrists, and squeezed tightly. "No, thank you for all that you did for Aurora that day. Aurora is a sweet girl, she's the light of my life; if something would have happened to her that day, I'm afraid I would've been unable to continue living." Maleficent shot her a fanged smile. "I don't believe I've ever met a human with such a strong and gracious heart like yourself... Thank you, Yuna."
With one last squeeze, Maleficent released her hold on Yuna, her gaze lifting from the shorter girl's wide brown eyes and towards the doorway. "Ah, Aurora." Her voice immediately switched back to her usual, haughty and unreadable tone; her hands tucking themselves into the long sleeves of her dark velvet dress.
Yuna's followed Maleficent's gaze, and sure enough, Aurora was squeezing through the half open door with a tray full of... about a million plates of food?! Yuna gulped, and hugged Udo's robe closer to her body in an attempt to smother her stomach's gurgling noises. Aurora smiled at the two women; "Ah! You two have already gotten acquainted, fantastic!" She grinned, finally able to kick the door shut behind her to let the group have their privacy.
Maleficent quickly ushered Yuna over to where Diaval sat. "Take a seat, Yuna. I'm sure you're famished." She instructed briskly, striding over to help Aurora steady the overfilled metal tray.
Yuna, wanting to engorge in the food as fast as humanly possible, quickly obeyed as she almost launched herself into the wooden seat next to Diaval, the crow chuckling as she skittered into him. Aurora took her seat on the other side of Yuna, sliding the tray carefully in front of her friend; Maleficent was seemingly content to stand at the head of the table and look over the three.
"Aurora, are you sure it is alright to give me all of this food?" Yuna spoke up as Aurora and Diaval busied themselves with setting down plate after plate in front of her. Aurora regarded with with a pointed brow; "Well, why wouldn't it be? You're my guest, and my friend! You deserve all of the food you want!" Aurora said it like it was the most commonplace knowledge, seemingly unbothered by what concerned Yuna. Before Yuna could protest, Aurora continued, "How was your bath? I see that mother healed those wounds on your face; I'm sure you feel better after that. Is the dress to your liking? You look so pretty Yuna!" Aurora finished the sentence with setting a plate of what appeared to be fresh game topped with a zesty red pepper sauce and simmered vegetables; a plate that Yuna found to be more and more tempting the longer she looked at it.
She tried to ignore the enticing smell of it, and answered Aurora, "I feel wonderful after the bath, and I'm so happy that Maleficent was kind enough to heal my scars away." She heard Maleficent chuckle from the side. "This dress, are you sure I can wear it Aurora?" Yuna pressed further, needing just that last bit of clarity to finally be content.
Aurora made a noise of amusement, bringing a knife and fork to the meat to cut off a small bite. "Positive. In fact, you can do more than wear it; It's yours." She shoved the piece into Yuna's mouth, which was ready to gasp at her offer. "No complaining, no doubting; Queen's orders." Aurora proclaimed, obviously satisfied with the way Yuna practically melted over the delicious food.
Yuna covered her mouth, taking a moment to chew through the thick game before asking, "I'm sorry, Queen?" She blinked.
Oh, that's right.
"Oh, Gods!" Yuna exclaimed, the meat shooting down her throat as she gasped out. The girl chocked, and Aurora broke out into a fit of laughter. "What? Forgot that you were crashing my wedding that day?" She asked in amusement, passing Yuna a glass of water to soothe her.
Yuna gulped down the water like it was liquid gold, wiping at her mouth once she'd downed the entire glass. "I wasn't doing any crashing! Diaval roped me into all of it!" Yuna pointed back at the flabbergasted man.
"What?!" Diaval exclaimed. "You just said five minutes ago that I didn't drag you into anything! You were just as eager to go once you saw the castle, I can't believe you're trying to pull a fast one!"
"W-Well that may be true, but I didn't go for the wedding! It was either I go with you, or I go to imperial prison!" Yuna was quite to retort, shoving another piece of savory meat into her mouth.
"False, it was either hop over the walls, or become the baby maker for mister money bags-"
Aurora broke into laughter as the two went back and forth, cutting into the debate with an amused grin towards Diaval. "Diaval, it is by your Queen's royal decree that you are to stop harassing Yuna, friend to the crown, at once." She huffed playfully, crossing her arms.
Diaval faked a dramatic gasp, placing his hand over his heart and dipping his head in a theatrical gesture. "Oh yes, my queen! Please do not send me to the gallows!"
Maleficent watched with amusement and a masked fondness as the three joked with each other at the table, retaining her silence.
The two girls giggled together, and Yuna breathed out in pure content as one bite after another found its way to her mouth. 'I'm truly getting spoiled, I'm getting the entire royal package by the Queen herself..' Yuna pusher the now empty plate aside, grasping for a bowl full of vibrant lettuce, tomatoes, onions and cucumbers that came from the castle gardens. A sweet balsamic was poured over the salad, and Yuna internally squealed with delight once the vegetables touched her taste buds. The salad was followed by a comforting bowl of sweet French onion soup, which was then followed by a very intricately organized fruit platter, then a heaping bowl of buttery mashed potatoes with savory gravy, and finally Yuna finished with a small cup of hot earl grey tea and lady fingers that her and Aurora shared. The room's occupants let Yuna enjoy her food in silence, deciding to simply converse amongst themselves and let the starving girl devour her food in quiet contentment.
Once Yuna had enjoyed her food for a good twenty or so minutes, she stretched back in her seat with a wistful groan, her back popping as she leaned back like a cat. "Oh, god bless you Aurora." She sighed out, resting a hand on her stomach and closing her eyes. "I feel reborn."
Aurora quirked an eyebrow. "Yuna, you're so tiny! Where on earth does all of that go?" She scratched her chin quizzically. "You're a scientific anomaly!"
Diaval hummed in agreement, using Yuna's vulnerable state to snag a lady finger while she wasn't looking (and ignoring the glare from Aurora that followed). "Simply marvelous. Have you ever considered modeling for ballroom gowns? I'm sure you'd be a stiff competitor." He hummed, shoving the soft cookie into his mouth.
Yuna waved the two off, straightening up in her seat. "Aurora, I'm about to bust out of your dress before I've even gotten a chance to wear it out." She mused. Aurora watched as Yuna adjusted herself in her wooden seat, her hold on a certain white robe never loosening.
Aurora shared a look with Diaval, the two sharing a devious expression. Maleficent had busied herself with gazing out of the castle windows, her posture showing that she was still alert to the conversation going on behind her. Aurora smiled softly. "You haven't put that down since you've awoken." She noted, feigning innocence.
Yuna tilted her head to the side quizzically, her now dried locks bouncing as she did so. She followed Aurora's gaze down to where she hugged Udo's robe, and her cheeks reddened.
"Oh! Yes, I was hoping to return these to him..." She clear her throat, smoothing down the white fabric. Diaval smiled with Aurora as he saw the faint blush on Yuna's freckles cheeks. "A true gentleman; wrapping you in his robe so you wouldn't be indecent. I'd say that's quite a fine trait, wouldn't you say so Aurora?" His tone matched his companion's in fakes ignorance, and he had to but the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing.
Aurora nodded her head firmly, clapping her hands together. "Quite. Yuna, you'll simply have to repay the favor, why not invite him to a nice dinner?"
Yuna was red all the way up to her ears at this point, and she frantically switched back and forth from Aurora to Diaval to shoo away their remarks. "I-It's not like that! If it weren't for Udo, I'd be dead! I owe him my sincerest gratitude, in fact I was hoping I'd be able to see him after I'd eaten-" Yuna stammered over her words, and Maleficent chuckled at the display. "Diaval, Aurora, leave the poor girl alone. She's so red she looks like an Apple ready for picking." She smirked, making her way towards the three.
Diaval laughed heartily, and patted Yuna on the back as she practically buried her face in Udo's robe in pure embarrassment. "We're simply messing with you, Yuna. Udo was quite the caring companion while you slept; we knew we'd have to tease you just a little." He assured her.
Yuna peeked up from the robe, face still a peachy pink. "What do you mean by that?" She inquired.
Aurora leaned onto the table, her chin propped up in her hand. "Yuna, what's the last thing you remember from that day?" She prompted.
Yuna looked over Maleficent now stood in front of them, at the opposite side of the table. She was watching Yuna as well; intently waiting for her response. Yuna scratched at the side of her head.
"Well... I'd just gotten beaten by a guard, and you and Diaval were restrained." Yuna began. The three remained quiet, silently pushing her to continue. "I thought I was going to die, but then Maleficent flew in. Diaval transformed into... a Bear? He got the guards off of Aurora and I, and then I told Aurora to go to Maleficent."
It was like a phantom pain hit her, and Yuna grasped onto her bruised stomach with a scowl. "Then... I thought I was for sure a goner when one of the Castle's towers came crashing down. I couldn't even move; I was so afraid, and even if I wasn't, my injuries wouldn't have allowed me to get very far. I was about to die." The three watched as Yuna's embraced Udo's robe tighter, just barely noticeable; they chose not to voice the observation. "Udo rescued me right before I was smashed. He told me he'd protect me, and the last thing I can recall was him carrying me as he flew off." She finally finished.
She gazed up at Maleficent. "Can everyone please just fill me in on what on earth happened?" She pleaded exasperatedly.
Maleficent firmly nodded her head. "I do believe you deserve as much, I'm sure you're quite disoriented." She noted, more to herself than to the two girls and crow.
She looked to Aurora and Diaval for silent confirmation, addressing Yuna once more. "The war that day started because my kind had a vendetta against Queen Ingrith; she was responsible for the death of our leader, and the illegal invading and poaching of the Moors. It was a crime against us; a crime we had to stand our ground against. That is why the Dark Fey invaded that day; and Ingrith was awaiting us with her red death powder." Yuna listened as the regal fairy spoke, and she slowly nodded in understanding.
"You say the "Dark Fey" are your people... that's the species of Faeries that attacked Ulstead? That's why they all looked just like you?" The image of Udo's magnificent wings and prominent horns flashed through Yuna's mind.
Maleficent nodded. "That is correct." She continued. "By some miracle, and by surpressing Ingrith, both sides had come to a stand still. Phillip and Aurora wed, and through their marriage, we were able to declare peace between the Moors, and the human world." Yuna glanced at Aurora to smile softly at her, finally noticing the braided band that rested on Aurora's ring finger. The Queen returned her smile, and gazed down at the woven thread with loving eyes.
"The past two weeks have been filled with trying to squeeze in honeymoon time, establish a treaty of peace and unity between Moorfolk and humans, fix the castle, fix the town, quell any discontent that either side may feel..." Maleficent sighed, and rubbed her horned forehead. "As you can imagine, after the brutal attacks from both sides that occurred, both faerie and human have their own reservations about simply putting it in the past. We've found more acceptance than denial, however those not in favor seem to have the most destructive voices. It's been quite the tiring ordeal, Aurora sure is having a very exciting kickstarter to her reign as Queen."
Aurora giggled at that. Yuna processed Maleficent's boat load of information as fast as she could, and she slowly clasped her hands together on the table in front of her. "Oh wow... I missed all of that?" She wondered aloud. "Quite the exciting time for the kingdom. It's also quite exciting to know that a whole new species of faeries as come to light! How overjoyed you must be to know you're not alone, Maleficent." Maleficent smiled at Yuna, and dipped her head curtly in an expression of gratitude.
Aurora spoke up, her smooth voice taking over for the horned fairy. "Udo brought you back to the castle, and he immediately set to healing you. We didn't even find him until after the wedding; we were looking everywhere for the two of you. He had you laid out in that bedroom and was doing everything her could to keep you alive, and he instructed the healers of the Dark Fey to tend to you. They never left your side that entire night; they were fearful that if they had stopped casting on you for even a moment, they'd lose you."
Aurora's eyes seemed to glisten softly with unshed tears, and she blinked them away as Yuna slightly reached forward to squeeze her hand.
"You had three broken ribs, a fractured collarbone, a cracked fibula, a cracked orbital bone, several muscular tears, internal bleeding and two damaged nerves. If it hadn't been for Udo and the other Dark Fey's magic, you would've died." Recounting the tale seemed almost painful for Aurora, and Yuna couldn't even believe what she was hearing; the fact that she had survived injuries like that was a medical marvel.
'Udo, and the Dark Feys... they saved my life. They could've just given up on me; why on earth would they fight so hard to keep some stranger human girl alive?' Yuna gulped.
"By morning, once their magic had finally repaired as much as it could and you were still breathing, Udo allowed the faes to leave. However; he stayed with you everyday and night while you were under. His magic was able to give your body the sustenance it needed to not deteriorate on itself, so all that was left was to wait for you to wake up. He practically refused to leave your side; he watched over you the entire time you were unconscious. We was incredibly kind whenever we came to see you, I could tell he was... genuine. I think he could tell how distraught we all were by your condition, and he assured us that you'd awaken as soon as your body had gotten the rest it needed; even though we could tell he was equally as concerned." Aurora smiled. "When you woke up today, I think he was upset to not have been there to help you. Udo was the one to hear you shouting in the hallway, and he carried you back to the bedroom to heal you once more. A few wandering eyes from some guards were the reason he wrapped you in his robes; he was trying to preserve your modesty. We truly owe Udo a great deal; not only did he save you, but he helped many of the wounded from both sides after the conflict. He's also been serving as quite the figurehead for the Moorfolk in all of these reparations; having him on our side has proven to be quite the huge relief. He truly is a kind faerie."
Yuna seemed to become rather anxious as Aurora's recap neared it's end, and she quickly rose to her feet and stood from the table. "I have caused so much trouble for everyone; I really must go and thank Udo. Please, can you take me to him?" She practically begged, already reaching for the door.
Diaval quickly cut in. "Udo is currently tending to business in the Moors. Now that you've awoken; he no longer needs to be by your side at all hours of the day. If you wait around here, surely he will come back later tonight to check in on you." He tried.
Yuna shook her head. "Either way, I really believe I have overstayed my welcome. I can't begin to thank you three enough for the kindness you have shown me, but I need to do what Udo is doing now; I need to help tend to those who need it." Yuna opened the door with a firm swing, and Maleficent was the next one to try and stop her progress. "The wounded have already been taken care of by now, you really should rest, Yuna. All of this stress won't be good on your body, your bones and muscles might be all healed but that still doesn't change the fact that you've been through severe bodily trauma." Her words were rushed, and Yuna immediately caught onto the the three occupants seemingly anxious aura.
Yuna's eyes flitted over Diaval, Aurora, and then Maleficent; her brows furrowed as she asked,
"Why is it that you three are trying to keep me from going outside?" Her sharp eyes glistened with slight apprehension. "What's going on? I told you to tell me everything."
The three fell silent, and Aurora seemed to send a desperate glance towards her godmother. Maleficent's gaze fell, and she could only tilt her chin in a motion for Aurora to approach the girl. Hesitantly, Aurora rose from her seat, and she took in a deep breath.
"Yuna." Her voice held an unreadable emotion.
Yuna remained silent, allowing her to continued
Aurora gently strode forward to clasp onto Yunams forearms, and she softly spoke, "A great deal of the town was decimated from the attack. A few days after you'd fallen under, Maleficent and I had Diaval take us back to your shop to see if we could find anything of comfort to you, or maybe even borrow some of your healing herbs.."
Yuna's eyes slowly began to widen in realization, and before Aurora was even finished Yuna was shaking her head. She took shaky steps away from Aurora's grasp.
"No..." She breathed, bringing a hand to cover her face.
Aurora frowned as she continued, her gentle voice trying to comfort Yuna as best as it could; however she was unsuccessful. "I'm so sorry Yuna. It was all just a pile of stone and wood. There was no way we could retrieve anything..."
'This can't be happening.. There's no way..' Yuna could feel her mind begin to slip into shock.
Aurora was desperate, "We just wanted you to be able to enjoy at least a day of being awake and carefree, before we had to share such heart wrenching news with you. Yuna, we-"
Yuna cut the girl off. "I need to go. Right now." Oxblood bangs hid her expression from the group.
Yuna turned on her bare heel, adrenaline pumping through her as she propelled herself down the castle corridors and towards the main exit.
"Yuna!" Diaval shouted, already clattering from his seat.
Aurora released a choked sob, and matched her friend as she prepared to take off after the girl.
"Don't." Came Maleficent's steady voice stopped Diaval and Aurora in their tracks.
Aurora looked at the horned woman desperately, feeling Maleficent rest a calming hand on her head. "Mother, we can't just let her run off!" She exclaimed.
Maleficent stared down at where Yuna's retreated figure and disappeared to, and she closed her eyes. "If you go after her now, she'll lash out like a trapped wild animal. She's grieving; let her do so in peace." Maleficent turned Aurora away from the corridor, patting her golden locks. "She will come back. I promise." She assured.
Aurora couldn't tear her gaze from where Yuna had ran away to. She felt her heart clench, and her shoulders sank in defeat.
Yuna panted as she shot through Ulstead's cobblestone streets like a madwoman, adrenaline preventing her from feeling the rough stone cut into her bare feet and propelling her broken body forward. Udo's long robe fluttered behind her like her own pair of wings, and she ran as fast as those wings would allow her to.
All around her were crumbled buildings; villagers living in the rubble or in makeshift tents. Chunks of debris littered the streets and were the obvious cause of destruction. Yuna whizzed past the chaos as she rounded a familiar corner; her heart screaming at her to just go faster.
To her left was the bakery she found herself frequenting as often as her job allowed; "Lavender's Tea House and Bake Shop." The pastel purple exterior was always an incredibly cute and girlishly exquisite site; nothing would beat the evenings when Yuna would order her usual; One cup of green tea with lemon and a sugary sweet Tarte Tatin. She'd thank Lavender, a kind young woman only a few years older than herself, and then take her usual spot in the corner, right in front of one of the bakery's magnificent windows. The floral wallpapered walls and pastel accents had made the shop quite popular with young women and wooing couples; and Yuna found herself enjoying watching their exchanges as she munched contently on one of Lavender's magnificent creations. After a while, she would sip lightly at her tea, sketching a doodle here or a grand portrait there into her sketchbook until Lavender's shut down for the evening and she'd make the short walk home; her belly full and a smile on her face.
The bakery was now nothing more than a crushed pile of wood; a large rock responsible for the destruction completely hiding any traces of that little bakeshop's pastel exterior, like its entire existence was just entirely evaporated.
To her right; her favorite bookstore. Oh, they always had the newest research on herbal medicine or lore of the Moor in stock, and Yuna had spent a significant amount of her income at the cozy tucked away store: "Gabe's Bookstore for The Curious, The Knowledgable, and The Wise." Gabe was long passed; it was a generational store that was now operated by his great great grandson; a young lad named William who was just beginning to enter manhood; his characteristics of a seventeen year old boy practically vanished as he stood proudly at the forefront of the store and ready to serve any and all customers for the next ten hours. He was proud to be the store's successor, it was his family's pride and joy and practical bane of existence.
It was now just a scattered pile of wood and burnt pages.
Yuna didn't even notice the hot tears flying from her eyes as she sprinted closer and closer to her home; in her heart she already knew what awaited her. She already knew she'd lost it all.
Her steps fell into a brisk jog as slowly, her street came into view. Her slow steps were hesitant with each move she made, and she subconsciously still cling to Udo's garment. She was right in front of where her shop, her home, and her entire life was.
Only, it wasn't there anymore.
Rubble. Everything she'd built, everything she'd worked for, everything she'd poured her blood, sweat and tears into and spent every last coin she had on; reduced to rubble. A shaky hand reached out to pick up a piece of wood that'd been apart of the building, and Yuna quiet tears hit it like raindrops onto pavement.
Was this the life that was always waiting for her? Did she go through everything she went through in life, thinking she'd finally found her source of a constant in this small shop that was her own, only for it all to be ripped away from her?
"...." Yuna couldn't muster up any words, or any thoughts.
All she could do was cry.
A pain she hadn't felt in many years hit her all at once; a pain that came from feeling helpless, and completely checkmated. A pain Yuna was so sure she'd never feel again, not after she'd started a new life for herself in Ulstead. Was that all just childish, wishful thinking?
Yuna sobbed, and weeped, and bawled. Passing townsfolk paid no mind to the girl; people crying in the streets in front of some broken house or another was their only known reality for the last half of a month.
Yuna dropped to her knees, scuffing up her knees and her feet dug into the rough cobblestone even more; but she found herself unable to feel the pain. She brought Udo's rob to her face and screamed into it, her tears wetting it like it was paper. She cried for what felt like hours, and cried until her face was red and her throat was coarse and she'd lost her voice.
Yuna wrapped Udo's robe around her shoulders like a makeshift blanket, trying to find some feeling of comfort in it. She took in her home's crumbled exterior once more, and dropped her head into her hands, her long burgundy hair hiding her from the rest of the world.
She then cried more.
I hope you enjoyed! 11 days later, and I can admit this chapter was a real pain to write lol, I had to just write a bunch of boring exposition stuff!
I know that this chapter was a bit slow, so if stuck through it and enjoyed it, thank you :) I promise the next chapter is filled with literally just Udo and Yuna, it'll totally make up for this guy! 💫 Stay tuned for it!!
Please continue to support and show your love, thank you so much for reading and I'll see you very very soon 💕

Purity in the Stars *Maleficent: Mistress of Evil- Udo Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now