Chapter Five: You Never Walk Alone

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Yuna wringed her hands nervously as she and Udo approached the heart of the Moors, her heart beating like a drum in her chest.
At her side, Udo had a wing draped protectively around her shoulder; like a feathery umbrella. Sensing the girl's silent impending sense of doom, he allowed himself a quick glance at her. Udo resisted a quirked smile of amusement, softly nudging her with his shoulder.
"No need to be anxious." It was a simple and quick reassurance; straight to the point and just the reminder that Yuna needed.
She sighed as she smoothed her hands over her blouse for what felt like the hundredth time, the fabric void of any wrinkles under her incessant smoothing. "R-Right. Yes I am aware." The girl was unusually stiff, her easygoing nature seemingly sucked from her body.
Udo's feathers brushed against her shoulder in a sign of comfort, not pushing the subject any further. Before the pair was a curtain of cascading vines and thick ivy leaves, the entrance to a hidden trove tucked into the delightful forests of the Moors. Udo brought a hand up to lightly grasp at the plants, shooting one last glance towards Yuna.
Nodding her acquiescence, Udo pushed back the plants with one firm shove. Using the wing that already had a hold on her, he gently ushered her into into the entrance of the hidden world tucked within the Moors;
The world of the Dark Feys.
One step into the sunlight hideaway, and Yuna forgot all of her anxieties. Instead, the only thing she was consciously aware of was pure veneration.
"Oh wow..." Yuna's eyes widened, and she suddenly felt her whole world shift.
Dark Feys soared through the sky like flocks of proud hawks, the flaps of their mighty wings shaking the thickets of trees in their wake. The surfaces of sapphire lakes rippled, and seas of rich grass swayed in the magnificent breezes that followed the Feys. If she squinted just hard enough, Yuna could make out the shapes of Feys perched high atop of cliffs that pierced the azure sky; nestling into their plush nests that Yuna assumed housed their young. Feys lounged in the shallows of the bodies of water, basking in it's cooling properties. Others took refuge high into the shady tree branches, resting leisurely. Laughter and conversation filled the air, and of all the times Yuna had wished she had her sketchbook on her person, now was the most prominent.
Wings like rainbows, skins painted in ceremonial inks, rugged horns and armors, snowy hair that was just like Udo's... the diversity and beauty of the Dark Feys rendered Yuna speechless.
She hadn't even noticed Udo return to her side, quietly watching her in her awe. Of course, the Moors were beautiful at every hour of the day; However... Yuna believed that the Dark Feys made the space seem so much more glorious.
Their shoulders brushed against each other, and Yuna managed to pull her gaze from the splendid sight before her to look up at Udo's face; which was seemingly brightened with pride as he soaked in her awestruck features.
"Udo... the Feys are so beautiful!" The grin on Yuna's face matched Udo's, and the Fey could feel his chest swell. "I can't believe I'm really standing here..." 
"Is it all to your expectations? I was... worried you'd be disappointed." Udo's words were quickly met with Yuna shaking her head, the smile never leaving her face.
"How on earth could I be disappointed? I never thought in my wildest dreams I'd be so close to so many wondrous faeries..." Yuna hands were clasped together tightly as she brought her eyes back to the basking Dark Feys, her and Udo's presence still seemingly unnoticed as they went about their daily activities.
Udo's heart warmed with her words, and an undeniable surge of confidence coursed through the Fey's being. Extending an arm out to her, he spoke softly so as to not stir her from her exaltation.
"I know the Feys will be charmed that you feel such a way." Udo knew he certainly was. "Come, lets go introduce you."
Just like that, the tension immediately clung back to Yuna like a plague. Udo faltered momentarily; Yuna's eyes lighting up with clear panic and her breath seizing in her chest. Udo let his arm drop, leaning down so his tall figure could could come face to face with the herbalist.
"What's wrong?" His voice was soft like a hymn, and Yuna cursed her own awkwardness.
Udo didn't miss the way that her hand trailed up to nervously fiddle with the rose pendant around her neck, the flower quite complimentary to her dainty features.
"It's just... is it really okay for me to be here? I... I don't want to intrude, and I don't want to put any of the Feys on edge."
'I'm really starting to sound like a broken record.' Yuna internally lamented.
"I know that you and everyone else has already assured me I could stay in the Moors; I still feel slightly displaced, but I know that it's okay if Aurora and Maleficent tell me it is." Yuna started slowly.
"But... I know the relationship between Dark Feys and humans is rocky at best. I'm very lucky to have met accepting Feys like you, and like Shrike... but there are also Feys like Borra. I don't blame the Dark Feys who are aggressive or apprehensive; humans launched a complete genocide against your kind." Yuna's eyes met Udo's shyly, the man listening to her intently with a soft expression etched on his handsome features.
"I'm the enemy. They're probably afraid of me. I don't blame them; I'd probably hate me too."
Yuna's hand seized tightly around the pendant, and she could finally release a pent up sigh. Her eyes wandered to where a group of Feys, seemingly no older than their teens, giggled merrily as they glided through the Moor's twisted trees. Kicked up blossoms followed them in their pursuit, and her eyes softened as she saw the laughing children seemingly lost to the entire world; I kind of innocence that felt so damn foreign to the girl.
Yuna's eyes never left the younger Fey's as she spoke.
"It's like what those pirates did to me. I can never think about them without feeling the most inhumane hatred I've ever felt. I can never see them without seeing a monster." Yuna's brows furrowed in an inexplicable sadness.
"I'm sure that it's the same for the Dark Feys." She finished quietly. "I'd hate to stir up any negative feelings. I can't help but feel a tad bit selfish; why should my desire to see the Dark Feys outweigh their own wishes for privacy?"
The wind engulfed them at her finished confession; burgundy hair sheltering the sorrowful expression crossing Yuna's features. Udo was rendered momentarily speechless, and it was as if time and activity had stilled in the Moors. What could he possibly say to quell her worries? The truth was, Yuna was right; Regardless of Aurora's wedding that tied the Moors' world to the human's world, tension still brewed on either side. Dark Feys still held their reservations towards the humes; the mass extermination that they'd launched on the faeries all of those years ago, the war that made the surviving Feys have to flee from their sacred homes and take refuge in the Cavernous Nest. Many held fear, many held hatred. While Borra was the most extreme case, Udo knew he couldn't lie to Yuna while she poured her heart out so earnestly to him; she didn't deserve that. It was true; while not all of them, there was a good portion of the Dark Feys that held no desire to integrate back into humanity.
On that same note, Udo knew that humans also had reasonable doubts towards his kind. Pretending that all Dark Feys were holy saints was just ignorant; like humans, not all Dark Feys were good beings, or held the best intentions. It was the unjust murdering of humans trespassing onto their land that had initially triggered the wars all of those years ago; the Dark Feys who wished to live in harmony with humanity became overshadowed by those who used their magic to their advantage and sought to conquest over the weaker species. It was only when the humans just as wickedly retaliated that the wedge between the two kinds seemed to become irreversibly slotted.
Udo found himself questioning the events of the day war overtook Ulstead; truth be told, the Fey hadn't ever gone with the intention to kill. Was he angry that Conall had been murdered by the imperial knights? Certainly. It was under Borra's ascent into a leadership position over the Dark Fey's that he rallied their broken spirits to fly to where the wretched queen awaited them and take revenge. Udo had been against the invasion; he went with the worries of Borra and his kin getting themselves killed in a blind rage and the desire to not get innocent civilians involved, no matter how fruitless his attempts were. It bothered Udo, how seemingly forgiving Yuna was about the whole situation; The Dark Fey had flown into Ulstead that day with the intention to kill. A wicked concept that Yuna had inexplicably gotten tangled up in, almost killing her in the process. It was seemingly justified that the Dark Feys had every right to have their reluctancies towards humans; but couldn't the same be said if you looked at it from the human's perspectives?
Couldn't Yuna see that it was by his kind's own selfish desires that her home had become destroyed and she'd been brought to the brink of death?
The complexities of war weighed heavily on his mind and heart, and Udo's hands clenched as the saddened sparkle in Yuna's eyes seemed to detach her from all of her dreams right in front of her.
'Your empathy should be cherished, Yuna.' Udo wanted desperately to speak the words that resonated within him. 'If only both sides held the sympathy that swells in your kind soul, maybe we could take the first steps to rebuilding a new world...'
Udo willed himself to say something, anything to quell the precious girl at his side. He watched as Yuna turned on her heel with the intention of exiting the Fey's sanctuary, his chest tightening. Why was it so difficult for him to find the right words?
"Yuna, I-" His voice broke through her heavy thoughts, almost immediately shut down by the sound of squealing and giggling.
"Udo! Udo!"
"Look! Udo's back!"
"Udo! Look, I've been practicing my flying exercises!"
The new arrivals of the voices made both Udo and Yuna freeze, and Udo turned his head towards the familiar voices reluctantly; worried that if he took his attention away from Yuna she'd simply dash back to the cottage. Luckily, it appeared the girl was frozen in place; eyes wide and seemingly startled by the horde of Dark Fey younglings that were closing in on them like a pack of hungry wolves. Before Udo could react, we was quite literally tackled by the bundles of joy; latching onto him in an iron like grip.
"Udo! Why were you away for so long?" A particular little Fey, hair bright like a sunflower that matched the vibrancy of her multicolored wings asked the older Fey with a prominent pout.
"Yeah! You were gone forever! You promised me that you'd help me with my flying... did you forget?" A dark skinned boy with kinky hair frowned up at him, mink wings beating excitedly as he clutched onto Udo's robes.
Yuna watched as Udo gathered the little ones in his hold, smiling down at them like they were precious stones. Her heart warmed at the sight; just momentarily, their eyes met. Udo offered her an apologetic smile and Yuna met it with a small quirk of her lips.
"I'm sorry; I know I was away for a bit, but I'm back now." Udo smiled warmly down at his charges. "I've been looking after our guest; have you two introduced yourselves yet?"
If looks could kill, Udo would be dead on the spot.
'Udo...' Yuna had become as still and as silent as she could; hoping that she would simply melt into the vines behind her and excuse herself from the situation. The girl Fey with blonde hair perked her head up at Udo's words, eyes widening like saucers as a chubby finger shot out to point at the poor herbalist.
"You!" She exclaimed, green eyes lightened with realization. "You're the human!"
Now it was Udo's turn to glare. Giving the young Fey a sharp look, he spoke out gently but firmly. "Lilja." He quirked a brow at the girl, who smiled sheepishly as she dropped her finger from the girl. "Sorry Udo!"
Yuna shuffled awkwardly under the children's intense gazes, uncomfortable as the two Feys studied her intently. She offered them a small smile, 'They're probably scared of me...' The thought tugged at her heart.
Speaking of tugging, a small hand grasping at her pants made Yuna break eye contact with the two. Curiously, she followed the tiny hand down to where big doe eyes blinked up at her; a tundra babe, judging from hair and wings that matched Udo's. The girl was tiny; much more petite than her peers. Little horns just barely protruded from her tiny head, and long locks of platinum hung down her pristine cloak. Small wings resembling fresh snow were just barely visibly, and her sharp eyes were like a doll's as she cocked her head up at Yuna in wonderment. She really was the cutest thing; was it common for all Tundra Fey to be so charming?
"Ah... Hello?" Yuna offered, Udo and the other two younglings watching the exchange intently. The small Fey said nothing, only tugging at Yuna clothes harder. Her hands grasped up at Yuna, staring at her blankly as she simply commanded;
Yuna blinked; at a complete loss. Had she heard the babe correctly? The grasping only became more incessant, and with worry creased in his brow Udo cautiously spoke up; "Yui..." He began.
Those doe like eyes pierced through Yuna, and it was suddenly like she was seeing a distant past materialize in front of her. 'When she makes that face, she looks like Mina... and she's quiet, just like Leo." Warmth and melancholy tugged at Yuna like strings on a harp, and she softly dispelled Udo's gentle scolding.
"It's alright." She assured him, already bending down so she could scoop the girl up by her armpits. It was odd how foreign the sensation felt. Especially considering that it used to be an everyday common practice for her; the feeling of complete fulfillment as she hugged the smaller body of a child so close to her own. It'd been so long since she'd felt that gentle warmth spread through her, like she was carrying the most precious thing on the planet. As Yuna rested Yui on her hip, it was almost like she'd been blessed with just one last opportunity to remember what is was like to be able to gather Mina or Leo in her hold; a feeling of complete trust and security. Yuna smiled softly at the adorable Fey, allowing a giggle to escape her as Yui's hands came up to paw at her small forehead. Yui's brows furrowed as she felt nothing but smooth skin, feeling the surface as if searching for something. Udo watched the exchange with an indescribable softness and adoration etched onto his face, the giggles of Yuna like an angel's tune to his pointed ears.
Yui seemed genuinely confused as she questioned, "Where are your horns?" She asked her, eyes glimmering up at her with an innocent sparkle that only childhood could bring.
Yuna chuckled, "I don't have any." She patted the top of her head to demonstrate. "I'm a human; we don't get to have cool horns like you do. I certainly wish we did though." She playfully responded, glee filling her as Yui seemed to brighten at her response. 'Aren't you just the most precious thing...'
With as much grace as a child could master (which was none. Yuna was puzzled as to how one sweet little Fey could possibly be so gruff with her movements), Yui's pudgy hands trekked down to Yuna's high cheeks, cupping them like it was a type of specimen to be examined. Yuna bit back a grin as those same pudgy fingers traced over her nose, and her eyelids. They tangled themselves up into her oxblood tresses, loose strands peeking out from where it was tied atop of her head. Nodding to herself, as if satisfied with some thought up conclusion she had come to, a cherub-like smile broke onto Yui's dainty features.
"Pretty!" She giggled, knocking Yuna off guard as she fully clung to the human by wrapping her small arms around Yuna's neck. The innocent Fey's simple compliment brought a blush to Yuna's cheeks, and she stuttered over herself as she settled a hand between Yui's small wings; returning the embrace. 'Scratch that. You are definitely the most precious thing.'
A small chuckle tore Yuna from her thoughts, platinum hair tickling beneath her chin as she looked over to where Udo stood with his other two charges. He regarded her with one of the softest expressions she'd ever seen; the way he smiled at her told her all he had wanted to convey;
"See? Everything will be fine. No one thinks you're a monster.'
Yuna returned his expression, letting him know she understood. Ever so slightly, she cradled the small babe closer to her; mindful of her horns as she carefully raked her fingers through her soft hair. Yuna swayed gently; the world slowing down as she was only mindful of the winged bundle in her hold.
"Wow!" The boy Fey exclaimed, a toothy grin on his face as his dark eyes sparkled at his peer. "Yui doesn't warm up to anyone that fast! She's scared of everything!" His girl counterpart nodded vehemently in agreement; Lilja's dreaded pointer finger once again coming up to jab at the air towards Yuna. "Yeah! Yui's right though, you are really pretty Miss Yuna!" Lilja paused, as if debating something. In her ever carefree nature, the little jungle Fey saw fit to add in, "Well, for a human at least."
Yuna's contented smile deadpanned. "H-Hey, wait a minute...'
Clapping a hand atop of either young Fey's head not too softly, Udo sighed exasperatedly. "Okay. That's quite enough out of the both of you." Ignoring their complaints and protests, Yuna watched in amusement as Udo ushered the two away with hands. "Dagran, Lilja, go back and play with the others. Tell them I'll stop by soon, alright?" Udo instructed, speaking over the two's cries as they tugged stubbornly at the Tundra Fae's hanging sleeves. His soft expression never wavered despite their tantrum, and Yuna studied the exchange with interest. She gently set Yui to her feet, however the little Fey refused to relinquish her hold on Yuna's hand.
'Udo is incredibly patient.' Yuna watched as Udo tugged at Dagran and Lilja's cheeks in a way an elder brother would, hushing their protests with sincere promises of flying lessons and story tellings to be held in the future if they did as they were told. 'I wonder if Udo is like this with all of the juvenile Fey? They seem to admire him a lot.' Yuna thought back to that treasured first night they were in Aurora's cottage; recalling how Udo's eyes sparkled as he talked about just how precious the next generation of Dark Fey's were to their kind. 'It's only fitting for him to be so nurturing, isn't it? Udo is so benignant to everyone; Fey or human.'
"Go along now, alright? I need to introduce Yuna to everyone, and you two need to look after Yui and the others while I do so." Udo spoke softly at Dagran and Lilja, finally quelling their tantrums as he stroked either one of their cheeks that had not quite lost all of their baby fat. "I promise, once everything is settled, I'm all yours. Can you two do this for me?" The reluctance in the two caused Udo to try a different tactic, their grips on his robes never faltering as he smirked. "But alas, I know it is a rather challenging thing I am asking of you. Perhaps you two aren't old enough to be held responsible over such a task."
Yuna grinned at the bewildered expression crossing over Dagran and Lilja's faces, her own smirk matching Udo's as she caught onto his train of thought. 'Reverse psychology. Nice one.' Yuna had done the same thing to Mina and Leo many times before; who knew children of all species were so stubborn?
Udo scratched his chin in fake contemplation, humming to himself as he imitated deep thought. "Ah! I know!" Udo nodded to himself in satisfaction as he gave a snap of her fingers. "Do you two think you could go find Rune and Evie for me? I know that they'll be able to do it! Go fetch them for me, yeah?" Udo's smirk only grew as Dagran and Lilja gasped in disbelief, shaking their heads as if Udo had just suggested they burn the Moors down. "NO! No! We'll take care of it Udo, promise!" Lilja yelled out, tiny legs already starting to take her away as she ran off back to where her and Dagran had come from.
"Hey! Wait for me, Lilja!" Dagran called out after her, gently reaching towards Yui's free wrist. "I'm sorry Miss Yuna, I'll be taking Yui now!"
Yui made a disgruntled noise of fuss, latching onto Yuna tighter as the boy tugged at her. Yuna had to admit; she also didn't want to part ways with the girl, however she knew that there were more pressing to attend to. Yuna dropped to her knees amidst Yui's protests, smoothing down her hair as she gave her a kind smile.
"Don't fret, Yui. I'll come back to visit soon, okay?" Yuna offered up her pinky. "I promise. Listen to Dagran, alright? You don't want to make Udo sad by not listening, do you?" Yui's eyes widened in horror like Yuna had insinuated the most horrible thing, and she shook her small head firmly. Yuna found the action to be quite endearing, and she watched as Yui's tiny pink wrapped around her larger one.
"Bye bye, Yuna." Her soft voice whispered out, waving at her as Dagran scooped up the small Fey. Bowing his head at the human, Dagran took off in a huff towards wherever Lilja had scampered off to. Yuna returned the wave, giving the kindness expression to the babe that she could as she saw her off.
"Bye Yui..." She whispered after her fleeting form, ignoring the tug on her heart as Yui's big eyes seemed to directly mirror Mina's for the briefest of seconds. Yuna watched the disappearing pair for a long moment, only tearing her gaze from them when Udo's slender hand came into her field of view. She accepted it gratefully, silently rising to her feet as she looked up into Udo's steady gaze.
Yuna softly spoke up, "You're wonderful with children." She complimented, smiling as she smoothed down the wrinkles in his garbs that result from the juvenile Fey's incessant tugging.
"I could say the same to you." Udo replied, humming his appreciation as the girl straightened out his outerwear. "I'm sorry about Yui; she doesn't typically get touchy like that." His eyes wandered down to where Yuna's necklace hung against her neck; elegantly framing her loose locks and rosy lips. "She must've sensed your sweet soul. You're wonderfully maternal and gentle, Yuna." Udo's sincere deliverance of the words made her cheeks flush, and Yuna shooed away the compliment.
"Ah, please." She cleared her throat, her cheeks almost matching her hair. "I've just had a lot of practice. Being the eldest sibling will do that to you." Her hands dropped from Udo's clothing, falling back to her sides.
Udo cocked his head in amusement; finding Yuna's ever present modesty endearing and soaking in her flushed appearance like it was the beginning of a wonderful sunset. "Nonsense. I believe it's simply in your nature." He protested lightly, relishing in the way her blush deepened. "Children are great judges of character; Lilja and Dagran are... well, your token problem children, but they always have genuine intentions. They liked you; and Yui has definitely set her sights on you." The two laughed at that, Udo taking a moment to study the way the sunlight engulfed Yuna like a holy cloak.
Taking a much softer tone, Udo continued; "How could you possibly believe you're like those dastardly pirates? Can't you see you're so much more than you give yourself credit for?"
If Yuna's eyes became glassy from unshed tears at his words, Udo was courteous enough to not address them.
"It's... it's been a difficult five years. I've found myself dwelling in the past more than usual as of late; it's rather mentally taxing." Yuna whispered coarsely, blinking away her watering eyes as she sought to stare far into the Moors' serene scenery. "It's hard for me to finally feel like it's okay to let go; it almost feels like I'll never be able to." It was a confession that Yuna hadn't even realized brought her profound relief until it bubbled past her lips; like something she'd kept locked up had finally been released and could soar freely into the expansive sky. She could still feel them so closely; the family she had missed so terribly it brought her an actual physical pain.
It was already five whole years, and yet Yuna still couldn't quite comprehend all of it; She was to never feel the warmth of her mother's embrace ever again? Could never feel that security and protection that came from when her father would hold her? She'd never hear the laughter of her siblings for the rest of her life. How on earth was that fair? How could she suddenly be left completely alone? What was she to do for the rest of her life, for every achievement and every milestone she'd reach would be nothing more than an isolated celebration; a reminder that she was completely alone in an ever expanding world that seemed to have no desire to slow down for her? The thought had kept Yuna up on more than a few nights, and had led her mind to wander to dark places she was not proud of.
Would she ever be able to feel like she could breathe?
The scent of fresh rain overtook Yuna's senses, soft fabric rubbing against her cheek as she felt Udo embrace her; a reminder that he was there.
"Then hear my voice telling you that you don't have to fight alone anymore."
It was a funny thing; the warmth she felt from Udo's embrace was reminiscent of the same kind she'd feel from when any one of her late family members would hold her the same way. Was that why is was so easy for her to trust him the way she did?
What a frighteningly pleasant notion.
"I know that it's been hard; more than hard. It's been unbearably crushing." Yuna's eyes fluttered shut against Udo's chest, his words lulling a peace within her that she realized had been a pattern within the past days. "And that's alright. What happened to you will always be a part of you; it'll take you years to fully come to terms with what happened, and even then, you may never fully heal." Udo continued.
Yuna smirked in an empty amusement. 'Yes, thanks for the reminder.' She sighed.
Like he knew what she was thinking, the Tundra Fey gave her gentle squeeze. "But that's okay." He assured quickly. "Everything that has happened to you, has molded you into who you are now. Every scar, every bump in the road, and every experience." Yuna's brow softened, eyes trailing up to the endless sky above her as she watched Dark Feys of every kind soar proudly.
Yuna blinked away. "I don't think that's saying much." She would've shrugged if Udo wasn't embracing her.
Udo chuckled dryly, and if Yuna could seen his face she'd would've noticed how his eyes sharpened at her self deprecation. Firmly, but not roughly, he gripped onto her shoulders so that he could push her away; eyes boring into hers.
"I think it says plenty." He quipped out without hesitation. "I don't believe even the most practiced of spiritual faes have nearly the vast amount of knowledge you've obtained for medicine. You came to a completely foreign land, and yet you still persevered and established yourself despite your circumstances."
Yuna's eyes widened as Udo spoke so passionately, his fingers unconsciously digging in her shoulders as he sought to correct her. "Even more, despite everything that happened to you, you never lost the kind heart you were born with. Diaval was a complete stranger, and yet you assisted him wholeheartedly. Aurora was no more than a new face, and yet you put your life on the line to protect her." Udo's eyes softened. "You didn't even know me just a handful of weeks ago, and yet you've given me the opportunity to be graced with your presence everyday since. You've allowed me to see a side of you that I know is frightening to acknowledge, and I want you to understand that I do not take that for granted. Not even for a second."
Relinquishing his tight grip on her, Udo's hands slowly released Yuna's shoulders. The distant beating of the surrounding Fey's wings matched her heartbeat, and the look of desperation and honesty Udo conveyed to her was unlike anything she'd ever been acknowledged with before.
"Our... friendship means a great deal to me, Yuna. Perhaps I'm being presumptions to put a label on it that goes beyond professionalism, but it's wrong of me to not meet your integrity with my own." Yuna could only gape up at the Fey like a fish out of water, and Udo smiled at the endearing expression. "It's because you mean a great deal to me that I want you to know you don't have to handle everything on your own; I want you to be able to finally forgive yourself. Live a life worth everything you deserve and more."
With his words, Yuna blinked down to stare at the grassy earth beneath her.
'Forgive myself?'
The concept seemed inconceivable to Yuna; mainly because she couldn't quite grasp the meaning of it in the first place. Forgiving herself would mean forgetting the lives of those long since passed; and that was completely out of the question. Forgiving herself would mean moving on, it would mean accepting the fact that she would never see her family again for the rest of her life. Accepting would be equal to defeat. How could Yuna move on, when all she wanted to do was run back to the days of old? How was she allowed to be happy, while everyone else was condemned to rot in the dirt?
Yuna took a steady breath in, and a long breath out. She couldn't bring herself to look at Udo, didn't want him to see just how vulnerable she was.
"It's... It's just so hard." She finally whispered out. Finally fluttering her dark eyes up to the Fey, Yuna spoke like she'd been stuck in a desert for years, or like she was lost in the middle of a raging sea. "I'm so tired Udo."
Yuna didn't let herself cry; she was sick of crying. All she'd been doing since she'd awoken in Aurora's castle was cry, and lament, and mourn. All she'd done since she left Miyagata five years ago was build walls and try to pretend that everything was okay; surely five years was plenty of time to get over herself.
So why was it all still so fresh, like it'd just happened yesterday?
Yuna's eyes screamed all of this and more at Udo, and the tundra Fey nodded at her words, letting her know that yes; he heard her. Someone heard her. It was in that moment Yuna realized that was all she ever wanted; she just needed somebody to hear her, somebody to see her hiding her face as she weaved through Ulstead's streets, to see the way she'd lock herself up in her shop, her safe place, her sanctuary. How her eyes would light up whenever she had a customer or patient; and how her smile had never quite reached her eyes when she bid them farewell.
"Despite Ulstead being one of the most modernized and populated capitals in the country; sometimes it feels like the loneliest place on earth."
'Sometimes I feel like the loneliest person on earth.' Yuna had wanted to add in, and she knew by the way Udo stared at her so tenderly that he'd heard it.
"I'm just... I'm really tired Udo. I can't think of any other words to describe it." It was like Yuna had gone from a vivacious and bubbly teenager to a grieving adult shackled by life's heavy weights; and Udo finally understood that despite Yuna's youthful age, she'd been through more than a middle aged woman. She'd hid so much more than she let on; things that when kept to oneself only amplified that indescribable feeling of being akin to a ghost in a corner of a crowded room; always disappearing without anyone so much as biting an eyelash.
Yuna's shoulders sagged, and her posture sank; like she was finally, completely, deflated.
"But I know it doesn't feel good." She finished with a whisper.
Like a life line, Udo's hand reached out to grasp at Yuna's wrist. "Well let me help you feel better." She followed his hand up to where his lips smiled gently down at her, and his eyes held no ulterior motives; just sincerity. Udo took a step, and pulled on the wrist in his grip; an encouragement to follow him. "We can start small."
Yuna made no move to trek after him, her eyes flashed with unsureness as her hand went slack in Udo's hold.
"Udo... I don't..." She sighed.
Yuna felt childish, and embarrassed. It was like Udo was her mother, and she was a shy kid being coaxed by candy and praises to come out of her room and make friends with the local children at the schoolyard. It was a pathetic feeling, and Yuna only hoped that Udo wasn't seeing her in such a way-
"They'll see you the way I see you." Yuna's thoughts, which were running at a mile a minute, halted altogether at his whispered words. She blinked up at Udo, a mixture of shock and reluctance. "And I promise, that isn't as a murderous pirate, or as a just an average run of the mill human."
A squeeze on her wrist; "You're like starlight, Yuna. Let me help you understand that." Another tug, and Yuna didn't even register what she was doing as she followed after Udo's encouraging smile.
"Let me in, let us all in. It's time you start living for yourself."
Udo led her away from the vine covered alcove, and Yuna followed after him like a mindless doll. Had... she heard all of that correctly? Yuna could only blink silently as she stared at Udo's strong back, the whizzing and chatter of Fey's growing louder and louder as he guided her towards their sanctuary. Was this all really okay?
Did Udo... really see her as something worthwhile? Why was all of this so important to him?
A memory surged through Yuna, the Fey and scenery before her metamorphosing into a familiar face; completed with unruly midnight locks and the kindest eyes Yuna was sure she would ever see in her life:
"Daddy? Which one is the prettiest star?" Yuna asked from her seated position in her father's lap, big eyes glimmering down at the astrology map he'd laid out before them.
Her father hummed, strong arms holding her in place as a finger came up to outline a particularly brilliantly illustrated star; "Many would say the North Star. You can't quite ignore how it calls to people, so far away and yet always shining the brightest."
A young Yuna was content with the answer, nodding her head at her father's words as she leaned back to rest her head against his protective chest. His calloused hands rubbed at her tied up burgundy locks with care, and he softly whispered,
"But if you were to ask me, I'd say it's you, Yuna." Said girl blinked up to her father in confusion, tiny brows furrowed as she sought to understand. "Daddy, I'm not a star!" Her father laughed at the pout gracing her pudgy cheeks, pinching it away.
"I know, dove. I'm very aware of the fact."
Yuna's head cocked to the side, and with the same smile gracing his mature face, her father didn't even hesitate to elaborate.
"But you're my star; the light of my life. To me, nothing will ever shine more brilliantly and beautiful than you, Yuna."
The scene dematerialized, and Yuna was left staring intently at her hand that hand slipped into Udo's. "You're like starlight, Yuna." She could still hear him say that so, so clearly.
"But you're my star; the light of my life." Her eyes softened as she stared at her limp hand within Udo's, feet crunching onto the grass as they neared their destination.
'Have you been trying to tell me something all of this time, father?'
A feeling of clarity refreshed Yuna, and just so it was barely noticeable, she squeezed Udo's hand. The security of his presence was like a tangible peace, and a breath released from Yuna that felt like a congestion being cleared from her chest.
'I'm listening, and I'm here.' Whether that was meant for her father, or for Udo, Yuna didn't need to specify. She got all of the answers she needed from the way Udo's hand latched around her's tighter, and a smile finally broke onto her face.
'Yeah. I'm here.'
"You. Human." Yuna visibly stiffened at the sound of his dreaded voice, and it took all of Yuna to muster the most sweetest smile she could as she turned around to greet the Fey.
"Ah, Borra. Fancy meeting you here." She bit back a laugh at the sight of his still swollen eye; opting instead to play it off like she was just clearing her throat. "May I help you?"
The ever gruff Fey grunted at her, crossing his arms as he regarded Yuna with a critical glare. "You're sad." He noted, an observation that made Yuna sink against the tree she was leaning against.
Her introduction to the Feys was smooth; as Udo had promised. She was glued to his side for a majority of it, and for the most part, she was met with reserved nods of acknowledgement and a few firm handshakes. Yuna had made a conscious effort to keep a calm and collected air about her; regardless of her reservations before, the girl was simply glowing as Udo led her to Fey by Fey with a hand on the small of her back. All of the Feys were wonderfully majestic and grand in their many unique kinds; first she'd met an elder within the Forest Feys by the name of Aesteria, a veteran when it came to spiritual magic and holding a sort of aged gruffness that Yuna figured must just be a trait of the forest kind. Next she had met another Jungle Fey; a bubbly (slightly too loud) man known as Castor. He was younger than her, definitely in his late teens, and his easygoing and hyper nature was actually a bit refreshing for her; he was just as vibrant as his wings. Next was a Tundra Fey named Kirin, and he was... quiet, for lack of a better word. Yuna didn't quite know how to read him; he didn't seem to dislike her per-say, but he made no attempt to talk more than necessary. It seemed to just be in his nature to be on the introverted side, but Yuna appreciated it nonetheless that he had approached her to exchange greetings of his own volition.
Of course the extensive number of Feys would not be introduced to Yuna all at once, but the three she'd started with left her with a pleasant feeling. Apparently, Udo wasn't just popular with the children; he was greeted with hugs and cheers from all varieties of Fey and was swarmed with questions of "Who's the human girl?" Or "Udo, are you two really living together?" And "So that's her? That's the human? What a tiny little thing!"
Yuna had see the dangerous looks Udo shot to his fellow Dark Fey as they threatened to overwhelm the girl, successfully warding them away from her for he time being and getting the girl out of the congestion before it could engulf her. Thus, her current position against the thick trunk of an oak tree; smiling in amusement as Udo hurriedly greeted his kin and answered their questions with the shortest answers he could.
Yuna shook her head at Borra, "Well, I'm not-"
"Don't lie to me." His annoyance seemed to heighten at her dismissal, and Yuna quirked an unimpressed eyebrow at him. "I saw you over there with Udo; you looked like you were about to cry." He noted, studying how her nose was still a soft red and her eyes were hastily dried. "Weren't you practically jumping out of your skin from excitement just a few days ago? I thought you wanted to be in the Moors with the Feys?"
Surprisingly, Borra's tone had taken on a softer, not as aggravated approach; it was still harsh, but that was just simply how the Fey was.
"Stop being sad. You'll ruin the atmosphere, and you'll only stress Udo out." The whack atop her head, which Yuna assumed was supposed to mirror an affectionate pat, made Yuna yelp out in pain.
"Ow! Borra!" She swatted his big hand away, rubbing at her poor scalp. "Gods, why are you so rough?" Yuna sighed.
Borra seemed genuinely confused, his scarred face contorting into surprise. "I thought humans liked it when they were comforted with affection. Udo informed me you had particularly enjoyed it when your hair was stroked."
Yuna's face reddened like a freshly ripened tomato and she released another yelp; this one of pure horror. "D-Don't say things like that! I don't want to know what you and Udo talk about!" She slapped a hand over Borra's dry lips, effectively silencing him. "And I'm not sad! I don't know what you thought you saw back there, but just forget about it!" Yuna exasperatedly whispered to him, dropping her hand in a huff. "Why even concern yourself with it? You hate me! You'd gladly kill me if Udo would let you!"
Her words made Udo chuckle with genuine amusement; and Yuna quickly evaded another attempt at ruffling her scarlet locks. "I simply don't know you. I'm sure you've already witnessed it with Udo, but Dark Feys are incredibly protective over those they hold dear. I hold my kin to the highest regard, and you're a stranger who I'm still confused as to how you have managed to acquire Udo's every waking moment of attention." It was Borra's turn to evaded a hit from the girl, a rather disinterested glimmer in his eyes as he shot an amused glance at her body.
"However..." Borra shot a glance to where Udo was currently occupied with jovial conversation. "...You're important to Udo, and Udo is one of my most treasured friends."
Yuna was stunned to hear such honest, heartwarming words come from a boorish Fey like him, eyes blinking in disbelief. Borra turned his attention back to the herbalist. "So, by default, I guess I have to put up with you."
Borra smirked at her. "Meaning, I think you need to lighten up a bit. Stop with that annoying pout, will you?" Yuna gapped at him, and before she could protest, Borra whistled to some unseen force behind her.
"Shrike! Take this one for a fly!"
The words made her stiffen, and before she could even brace herself, Yuna felt herself being scooped up. "Hey hey wait a minute!" Yuna's protest fell on deaf ears as the familiar colorful wings of Shrike surrounded her, and the human released a cry of pure adrenaline as she was quite literally snatched from the solid ground and hoisted into the sky above.
"SHRIKE!" Yuna cried out, the ground fading away into the clouds as they ebony Fey carried her into the warm sunlight air. "W-Where did you even come from?!"
Shrike gave the girl a toothy grin, winking at her. "Maybe you would've noticed me if you weren't so busy making heart eyes at Udo!" If Yuna weren't fifty feet in the air, she would've fussed.
She wrapped her arms tighter around Shrike's necklace clad neck, squeezing her eyes shut as the air whirled around her sporadically. "Shrike! Please, let me down! Let me dooooooown!" The Fey's sharp careening could've made Yuna vomit, and she groaned. "Please! I'm done pouting, no more sulking for me!" Yuna giggled nervously, latching onto Shrike like she was a mama sloth and Yuna was her confused and immobile baby. "Since when have you ever listened to Borra?! This is blasphemy!" The ground had completely vanished under a thick blanket of clouds, and Yuna felt her toes go numb. Shrike chuckled. "Since when have you last let yourself go? Just live, Yuna! Enjoy yourself."
Shrike took a sharp dive into the clouds, and Yuna was sure that her spirit had exited her body.
"There will be no life to enjoy living if you drop me!" The clouds felt like a gentle mist against Yuna's skin, and the force from the flight had completely whipped Yuna's hair from its previous tied up style.
Shrike feigned hurt, gasping dramatically as she weaves through the limited visibility. "Yuna, you wound me! Someone of my expert caliber; dropping you?!" Shrike broke out into a giggle.
"You're right; I can feel my grip beginning to slip..."
Yuna sharply cut her eyes to the smirking Jungle Fey, and mustered up the fiercest glare she could possibly muster.
"Don't. You. Dare."
"Sorry, I can't hear you. It's awfully hard to hear at this altitude; did you say something?"
"Shrike, I mean it..."
The unholy amount of curse words that flew from Yuna's mouth as Shrike let her fall freely through the clouds was right up there with that of an unhinged vigilante, and Yuna made a mental note that if she survived the fall, she'd need to pray later.
"SHRIIIIKE!" Yuna fell like a ragdoll, the air hitting her like a whip and the pressure so intense that her eyes watered.
"Let yourself fly, Yuna!" Shrike's carefree voice resounded from above her, and Yuna could've straggled the grin right off her gorgeous face.
'Great. Just perfect.' Yuna broke through the clouds, and the grassy forests of the Moors were quickly coming up to greet her; 'Really? This is how I'm going to go out? How lame!" A scream tore from Yuna's body, and just before her body could connect with the earth, another pair of wings shot across her field of view.
Yuna felt herself be held against a lean body, gently set to her shaky feet as she grasped at her savior with an iron grip. The girl grinned, eyes beaming up to the Fey; "Udo-!" She cut herself short; a feminine face returned her gaze.
"Oh. Not Udo. Not Udo at all."
Her long, dark hair was the base of probably the most impressive horns Yuna had yet seen, their height and point rivaling that of Maleficent herself. The skin around her eyes was painted with a dark pigment, the same pigment on her forehead that bled into her hair. She wore loose, breathable fabrics that were a simple and plain ankle length dress, painted collarbones and shoulders on full display as her ember brown eyes bore into Yuna. Her expansive wings matched Udo's wingspan, and Yuna found that this Dark Fey seemed unique to all of the others she'd met previously. The paint clicked something in her head, and Yuna lightened with excitement.
"Oh! A Desert Fey!" She released herself from the girl's grasp, her previous plight already forgotten as she examined the paint enthusiastically. "Udo told me all about your markings! Do these patterns indicate you're getting ready to nest?" Yuna's excited grin was met with a bewildered expression, and she could hear Shrike call down from above them;
"Nice catch Ini! That's worth at least ten points!"
Shrike glided down from the sky with ease, snickering at the glare Yuna threatened her with. She met the two side by side, patting the Fey Yuna now knew as "Ini" on the shoulder. "You had me worried for a second, you're starting to get a bit slow!"
Ini cocked a brow at the Jungle Fey, her stoic demeanor cracking with an amused smirk. "And you're starting to get a bit too cocky. Whatever would Udo do to you if you splattered the little wren on the ground, hm?"
The mention of the Tundra Fey caught Yuna's attention, and Shrike let out a laugh. "I knew you'd catch her, so I didn't have to worry about it!" The Fey threw an arm around Yuna's neck, ignoring her struggles as she walked her back to where the rest of the Feys awaited them.
"I can't believe you'd wager something like that!" Yuna exasperatedly groaned, wincing as Shrike handled her roughly.
Ini hummed from her side, joining the girl's in their walk. "The human has a point. Honestly, I'm starting to think that you and Borra may be twins." The desert Fey sighed.
The trek back to where Borra and Udo were was short, and Yuna was almost immediately greeted with a visibly amused Borra and a rather panicked Udo, who had finally broken away from his meddlesome entourage.
"What do you mean Shrike took her up to fly?" Udo could've given Borra a twin black eye, the wings of his feathers dangerously ruffled up as Borra held his hands up in defeat.
"Exactly as I said. Let the little birdie spread her wings a bit, Udo. I think she enjoyed it." He shrugged nonchalantly.
Yuna spoke up from the approaching winged figures of Shrike and Ini, walking up to Udo's ivory frame in a huff; "I most certainly did not enjoy that Borra!"
Udo whipped around, visible relief spreading on his face as Yuna stomped up to the two male Feys. "How on earth was that supposed to cheer me up! You're a lunatic!"
Shrike and Ini shared an amused glance as they watched Udo place a protective hand between Yuna's shoulder blades, bringing her close to him. Udo's glare matched the girl's as they were practically skewing Borra to where he stood.
"Yes, I agree. Thank you for terrifying our guest, Borra." Shrike and Ini soon integrated with the two Feys and human, and Udo gave Ini a bow of his head.
"Thank you, Ini. Somehow, it appears you and I are the only sane ones in this friend group." The chuckled from Borra and Shrike made him roll his eyes, and Ini quirked her lips with an indifferent expression.
"Believe me, I know I'd be just as equally subjected to your fury if I didn't catch the little Hume." Ini's eyes glimmered with amusement. "You may want to brush up your wren's studies on Dark Feys just a tad;" Ini have Yuna a pointed look. "I'm not nesting. These marks mean that I'm a healer."
Yuna flushed, letting out an awkward laugh as she scratched her neck. "O-Oh right. Excuse me." Ini chuckled, her smile growing as she tucked a wild strand of hair behind a pointed ear.
"Udo had informed me you'd want to meet me." Her steady voice continued. "I was one of the leading spiritual Feys in your recovery. I have to admit; I'm quite impressed. You're much more mobile than I would've assumed, and I can sense that your wounds are healing at an exceptional rate." Ini shot a quick smirk at Udo. "I guess someone here has been imbuing you with magic day in and day out."
The Desert Fey's words brought Yuna's head to a bow as well, hurriedly exclaiming; "Pardon me! I had no idea!" Her eyes sparkled with gratitude at the conservative Fey. "Ini, thank you so much. I'm sorry if I was being crass before, I didn't know-"
Ini dismissed her words, fingers batting heathen away. "All is well. I'm simply glad to see you're alive." Came her brief response.
Yuna nodded, smiling at Ini like she was some sort of saint; "Yes, me too. Thank you, Ini." Ini scanned over the girl with her eyes once more, finishing the exchange with, "I know that Udo has self appointed himself as your healer, but do stop by for a session every once in a while. The different types of Dark Feys have different properties to their healing; if you want a well rounded recovery, I'd suggest seeing Shrike every once in a while as well."
Ini glanced at Borra. "Not Borra though. I fear you may end up completely incapacitated and traumatized before you leave."
The group laughed at that, Borra letting out an amused huff as he slapped the stoic Fey on the back. "C'mon Ini, you have to give me more credit than that." He muttered out amidst the Fey's and human's chuckles.
Once the laughter died down, and the late afternoon sun reached its fullest peak in the sky, the group had found themselves drawn towards one of the many sapphire pools that seemed exclusive to the Moors. Borra had busied himself in chatting with Shrike about something that seemed to be an inside joke between the two longtime friends; their banter and rough shoves portraying a very deep kind of bond. Ini supervised the two; pinching Borra by the ear when he'd make a rather crude joke at the expense of Shrike, or calming down the Jungle Fey when she'd get too heated and her and Borra would risk butting heads. Yuna watched them with a smile, her shoes discarded to the side as she dipped her feet into the warm waters.
"A rowdy bunch, aren't they?" Yuna lifted her head up, smiling at Udo as she nodded.
"Rowdy, but very enjoyable." She confirmed with a giggle, laughing at Borra's expense as a certain Jungle Fey shoved him face first into the lake.
Tuning out the forest fey's shouts, Shrike's giggles, and Ini's chiding that sounded an awful lot like she was trying to bite back a smile, Udo took a spot by Yuna.
"Ini suggested we maybe take a walk around the Moors, or go to the beach." Udo smiled. "All of us, together. I can tell her and Shrike really like you; I think they've wanted another girl in the group for quite some time." He chuckled. "It seems like you three outnumber me and Borra."
Yuna smiled softly. "I'm happy that they all like me; I really do enjoy them. Even Borra. You're lucky to have such amazing friends, Udo." Yuna eyes softened. "I'd love that; to spend time with everyone more. The beach or the Moors."
Yuna smile was as brilliant as the sun reflecting off the water as she stared at the Tundra Fae, "I don't care. As long as we're together."
Udo silently held her gaze, processing her words for a long moment as brushed his shoulder against her own. "I'm glad we're on the same page." Came Udo's gentle reply.
Through their touch, Yuna was able to communicate what she'd sought to tell the Fey as they enjoyed a quiet moment together amidst their companion's energetic banter;
"Thank you."
The afternoon bled into the evening, and the evening gave way to a night full of the most brilliant cosmos Yuna had ever seen grace Ulstead. It was perhaps the most magical day Yuna could recall having in heaven knows how long; a day where her face had hurt from much she'd smiled, her gut hurt from how much she laughed, and her heart felt so full she was sure it would swell and burst.
Finally, Yuna felt like she could begin to breathe again.
As long as a certain Dark Fey was at her side, Yuna felt like she could do anything.
Happy New Year everyone!!!! 🥳
I hope this year brings you nothing but happiness; I couldn't think of a better way to ring in the new year than by updating this for all of you, thank you for all of the support this past year! :)
Here's to a year of lots of writing! 📝 I'll see you all in the next Chapter! <3

Purity in the Stars *Maleficent: Mistress of Evil- Udo Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now