Chapter Eight: Bridge Over Troubled Waters

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A week had passed, and Yuna still hadn't left her guest bedroom within Ulstead's castle.
After Maleficent had found the girl in tears, the Moors was the last place Yuna had wanted to be; once her home, now a harsh reminder of the rejection she'd faced.
Yuna was a blanketed heap atop the bed; the same one that'd held her unconscious form only weeks before.
The bed dipped under a new weight, and a gentle voice spoke out;
"Come on, beastie. You need to eat."
Yuna ignored Maleficent, only burying her face deeper into the plush mattress.
Maleficent sighed quietly; it was the reaction she had expected, but she thought she'd try again anyways. Yuna felt nimble fingers calmly card through her disheveled burgundy locks, the Dark Fey massaging her scalp.
"I'll leave your food in here. You're worrying Diaval and Aurora an awful lot... and me too. Please take care of yourself Yuna, at least eat a little bit." Yuna felt something warm press into her hair, and then Maleficent was gone; the bedroom door shut and her heels clicking away within the palace.
Slowly, cautiously, Yuna finally lifted her head from the tear stained sheets; eyes red and her skin tight from her cries. Immediately, the delectable scent of fresh basil and lemon hit her senses, and Yuna couldn't deny how it made her mouth water. The girl crawled from her bed with a groan, joints popping. Inside, the room was dim with closed curtains and only a few lit candles; had it really been a week already? Yuna shakily placed her feet on the cold floors, padding over to where the meal cart was parked just outside of her door.
It was a dirty trick, really; Yuna was completely famished by now, and not even her sorrows could overshadow that. She simply had wanted to ferment within the bedroom, not speaking to anyone; leaving her sought after food just outside her door was the perfect incentive to get her to leave the depressing space.
It was actually a sincere sign that her friends cared; but Yuna couldn't help but become slightly annoyed. All week long, it was the same routine; between Maleficent, Aurora and Diaval, all three tried to coax the heartbroken girl from the room;
Maleficent had suggested they find Udo (which made Yuna practically go into hysteria from panic; how could she ever face Udo again?) or maybe take a trip to see her Dark Fey friends within the Moors, Diaval suggested a trip to the beach; a lovely picnic and day spent splashing around in the shallow waters, just like he'd learned she'd down in her homeland so many times before. Aurora invited her to a girl's day out on the town; getting their makeup done, do some shopping, hell; Aurora even offered to whisk the girl away to some foreign land, an impromptu vacation to get Yuna's mind off of things.
Of course; Yuna denied all of their offers.
She just wanted... Udo.
But Udo didn't want her.
It stung when Yuna scrunched her eyes shut; the memory blaring through her.
Yuna desperately called out, "I'm so sorry I forgot you Udo... I'm sorry... don't be mad." Her voice broke, and another tear fell from her cheek.
Udo's eyes widened at that, and he remained silent.
Yuna could practically hear her heart break as Udo tore his hands from hers, gently pushing past her as he made his way to the castle gates.
"I'm sorry... Yuna."
Yuna whipped her head around in disbelief as Udo's wings began to hover him into the air.
"I... Head back to the Moors. They'll take care of you." Udo couldn't meet her gaze. "I need to leave. I... I'm sorry Yuna."
Yuna sighed out as she gripped onto the bedroom door handle; her other hand coming up to cradle her pounding forehead.
"...'m so stupid."
Her voice croaked like a frog; gods, was she parched. Yuna swung the door open; the sight before her not even startling her.
Standing there, Aurora and Diaval waited by the dining cart tensely, eyes widening at Yuna's sudden appearance. Yuna blinked, regarding them tiredly; 'Were they really going to wait however long for me to come out?' Despite her aching chest, Yuna felt warm.
Cautiously, Diaval gestured to the cart. "Tomato bisque soup, you like that, right? And some tea with honey and lemon." Diaval nudged the metal cart with his foot. "We... we'd like to have dinner with you, if that's alright."
Aurora quickly cut in. "But if not, that's okay. We'll wait as long as we need to." Aurora offered her friend a sad smile. "We just... we miss you Yuna. I don't want you to be alone and sad. If you're going to mourn..." Aurora bit her lip as she glanced at Diaval's own somber expression. "Then lean on us. Please; isn't that what friends are for?"
To Diaval and Aurora's complete relief, a barely noticeable smile broke on Yuna's lips. It was small, but it was still there.
"I just can't get rid of you two, can I?" Yuna chuckled dryly.
Aurora's own smile formed on her rosy lips. "Well, we are kind of a package deal, you know." She joked right back.
Stepping forward, Diaval offered an inviting hand to Yuna. "Come. Let's get you into some sunlight." Diaval's ever kind tone was a pleasant melody to Yuna's ears, and with a grateful feeling, she accepted his gesture.
Aurora didn't miss the way Yuna almost cringed when she stepped out into the bright hallway, her sharp eyes bloodshot and riddled with heavy bags. The queen set to bustling the cart down the long corridor, Diaval close to her side as Yuna slumped against his shoulder; her feet dragging behind her. The three walked in silence; the creaking of the trolley cart and the distinct bustling of townsfolk outside filling the white noise. Yuna strained to focus her eyes in the bright hallway; since when was the sun this abrasive? She was grateful that Diaval's tall shadow cloaked her, and she watched as her bare feet made contact with the marble beneath her. Aurora's spare nightgown was big on her, even more so now that she'd lost a bit of weight since... that day. Diaval stole a few glances at his friend, worriedly noting how her cheek and collar bones seemed just a bit more prominent. The crow made a mental note to not let Yuna leave the dining table until she'd drunken every last drop of her nutrient-rich soup.
Quietly, the three weaved through the elaborate castle corridors; finally coming upon a pair of double doors. Diaval stepped forward to push them open, and a grand dining table awaited the trio; Yuna realized they were in the castle's throne room.
Upon an elevated platform, Aurora's empty throne waited by Phillip's vacant one; stained glass windows streaming in a beautiful plethora of colors upon the sacred room.
"I ordered the guards to halt any visits to the castle today, so you needn't worry about anyone barging in on us." Aurora softly spoke, stopping the trolly by the grand dining table as she hurriedly went to pull out a cushioned oak wood seat for Yuna. "I also dismissed the castle staff. It's just you, me, Diaval, and maybe Maleficent will pop in to check on you. I promise."
Yuna bowed her head in gratitude as Diaval assisted her into the seat, and she gave the queen a muted smile. "That is very kind of you, Aurora." She looked out to the both of them as they quickly set the warm bowl and tea in front of Yuna and laid a thick napkin in her lap, taking up a seat at either side of her.
"I appreciate this more than I can express, I'm sorry I'm... I guess unpleasant right now." Yuna felt nimble finger tips brushed her unruly locks behind a small ear, and Aurora shushed her.
"There is nothing to apologize for, silly. You're heartbroken; it's our job to help you put the pieces back together." She chided her.
Yuna raised up an amused brow as Diaval spooned some of the red liquid into a golden spoon, blowing the steam away as he pressed the tip of it to her lips expectantly.
"I'm not an infant, you know." Yuna finally let out a genuine giggle, and Diaval's eyes softened.
"Oh, hush up and let us take care of you, will you?"
Yuna couldn't deny that as Diaval spooned the zesty soup into her mouth and Aurora carefully played with her hair, she felt a contentment and comfort that had evaded her all week. Eventually, Yuna took the spoon from Diaval when she insisted she could feed herself, but nodded her thanks at him nonetheless. She basked in the pampering her friends gave her... it was nice. The true nature of their actions alone made Yuna's heart swell; what wonderful friends she had been blessed with.
Slowly but surely, the soup was nothing more than residue in the empty dish; the evening sun casting over the three in a gentle light. Yuna wasn't quite sure when her silent tears began to seep down her cheeks, her belly finally full with the comforting meal and her quivering lips sipping at the rim of her tea cup.
Softly, Aurora coaxed her friend to lay her head atop her shoulder; and Yuna silently wept into the queen's silken dress. Diaval's own tears threatened to spill as he watched the girl, biting them back as he rubbed a comforting hand up and down Yuna's back. Him and Aurora made eye contact, and with a shared knowing smile, the two longtime friends intertwined their fingers atop of the table's surface.
Aurora held Yuna's sniffling form for a long time, and Diaval never left her side once.
While Yuna could feel a deep pain in her heart, she also felt something more; she could feel the love of her friends bind her soul in a silent promise to always protect, and to always comfort.
The same way she felt when Udo had held her the same way.
Later that night, hair damp from her bath and her tears finally dried, Yuna smiled as Diaval gently placed a chaste kiss to her forehead.
"Sweet dreams, Yuna. You did so good today; we'll do something fun tomorrow alright? Only if you're up to it of course."
Yuna nodded weakly, fighting back sleep in her state of pure comfort. She was completely full (Aurora and Diaval had tricked her, there was much more food to be eaten than just the singular bowl of soup), the soft fabric of her freshly washed nightgown and intricately woven bedspread like heaven to her skin. Yuna felt an inexplicable peace settle within her; maybe it was acceptance... maybe it was her heart simply trying to save the girl from any more pain.
"We'll see. I... I don't know if I feel up to going anywhere just yet." Yuna bowed her head in an apology, and Diaval waved her off.
"Oh, don't feel bad over that; please." He took the words right out of her mouth. "If you're not ready, then you're not ready; we have all the time in the world."
Yuna sighed quietly at that; 'All the time in the world, huh? I guess we truly do, now that Udo...' Yuna shook her head. 'Left.'
"Thank you, Diaval. I'll see you tomorrow." Yuna offered the crow a small smile, and he squeezed the hand resting atop her duvet.
"See you tomorrow." With that the man departed, clapping Aurora on the shoulder as he exited.
A steady moonlight poured into the bedroom from the curtains Aurora had pulled back from the balcony's grand glass doors; filling the room with its serene and calming presence.
With grace, the queen of Ulstead sat upon the bed at her friend's side, and Yuna smiled.
"Never thought I'd find myself back in this bedroom again." Yuna joked. "First I almost die, now I've been rejected; I'd say this bedroom of yours makes quite the convenient therapist's office."
Aurora giggles at that, regarding her friend with a gentle expression. "Stop saying you were rejected. I think... I think Udo simply needs to collect his thoughts. This is all probably just as hard on him as it is on you." Aurora offered the explanation, however judging by Yuna's feel expressions the girl felt conflicted to believe it.
"I don't know, Aurora... I'm starting to believe he hates me." Yuna spoke the words like they physically hurt her, and Aurora was quick to dispel her self doubt.
"He does not hate you, Yuna. If he hated you; would he tell you to go back to the Moors where he knew you'd be protected? Would he tell you he was sorry?" Aurora quirked a brow. "I'm not saying what he did was right, but I won't sit here and let you think such things. You know better than anyone that Udo would never up and leave without good reason. It's simply not a part of his character."
The obvious statement that Yuna seemed to have forgotten brought some solace to her, and she gnawed at her lip.
"Then... what am I supposed to do Aurora? Should I go find him? Should I just... should I just forget about him?" Her voice was just a whisper.
"Maleficent said that Udo isn't anywhere within the Moors; wherever he is, he clearly wanted some space to be with his thoughts. If even the Feys are having trouble finding him... I don't know how successful you would be, Yuna." Aurora sighed, and Yuna nodded in resignation.
"That doesn't mean he won't come back." The queen quickly added. "For now, we're lucky; Borra is watching over the Moors, and nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. A few Fey are concerned about Udo's whereabouts, but they also know that he is more than capable of handling himself."
Yuna swallowed thickly as she looked at her hands settled in her lap, feeling like someone had placed a heavy weight inside of her core. "That's good..." She squeezed at the sheets. "Borra... oh, it's been so long since I was at the Moors, Aurora." Brief images flashed through Yuna's head; the warm late nights spent with Udo in their shared home, the infectious energy that Shrike brought to their group, Ini's motherly lecturing of whatever trouble Borra had found himself in and the brute's Feys rough but meaningful ways of attempting to bond with her. Yuna remembered the juvenile Fey she'd tell stories to whenever Udo had business with the other Dark Fey and she'd tag along with him; Their bright eyes and giddy laughter making Yuna erupt into a mirthful grin of her own.
Yuna remembered all of the sunrises and the sunsets, the days spent flying through the twisted trees and roaring waterfalls, splashing around in the cool lakes, how happy she'd felt being with Udo...
How happy she felt feeling like she'd finally found a place to call home.
Yuna didn't let her tears fall, but she did let a stray sniffle escape her nose.
"We can go visit tomorrow, how does that sound? I haven't been to the Moors in ages! I'd sure like to check in with all of the faeries." Aurora tried, and Yuna only shook her head.
"I... I can't go back Aurora." Yuna lifted her head to the moonlit balcony just outside of her room, eyes fluttering up to the starry sky. "The Moors was never a place to call mine to begin with. It's too painful to go back, I can't go back without Udo..." Yuna's voice cracked. "So I guess that means I'll never go back; because I'll probably never see Udo again."
With a shaky breath, Yuna met Aurora's glassy eyes. Yuna's own irises watered as she whispered out, "I lost my home in Miyagata, then I lost my home in Ulstead... and now I've lost what I had in the Moors." A tear tickled at her eyelashes. "Aurora... I..."
Aurora's own tears began to fall as Yuna let out a shuddering breath, her shoulders shaking as she finally broke,
"I'm so lost."
Aurora didn't waste a single moment to embrace her friend tightly, and Yuna gripped onto her just as desperately.
"You have not lost your home anywhere, Yuna; wherever we are, the Dark Feys and the humans, is where you are meant to be." Aurora's voice was so quiet, and so gentle. "You have nothing to fear; losing Udo does not matter."
Aurora pulled away from Yuna, and cupped her cheeks with a teary smile. "It is you who will be found, you who will find it within yourself to pick yourself right back up and keep going." Yuna nodded in her friends hands, Aurora's face smudged by her tear-stricken vision. "And so help me, I don't care if I have to go to the ends of the earth to find him; I will make sure you and Udo find your ways back to each other again."
Yuna smiled, her cheeks wet and eyes gooey from her crying. "Aurora..." Yuna's hands softly went up to cup over Aurora's, and she gave her smile held a sad undertone. "... don't worry about that. Udo..." Yuna took in a shaky deep breath, and closed her eyes. "If Udo wants to see me again, I need it to be of his own volition."
Aurora furrowed her brows at that, "Yuna... are you sure?"
The heads fell from her face, and Yuna's tears finally dried out. 'No. No I'm not. But...'
"If anything is meant to be, then it'll happen." Yuna firmly spoke. "I know that Udo and I have a complicated history; and I know that I might never get the answers I wanted." Yuna's eyes slowly opened. "But I'm okay with that. At the end of the day, even if he's mad at me and wishes to never see me again; I could never hate Udo. He's... I think I might..." Yuna's eyes widened.
'Love him. Can I... is it even okay to feel that way?'
Yuna went quiet at her silent confession, and her eyes glimmered like the stars that glistened onto her.
She turned to see Aurora grinning brightly at her, and Yuna blinked in panic.
"Oh gods; Aurora, I think I-"
Aurora hushed her with excited giggles, bringing a finger up to Yuna's lips to stop the words. "I know." She smiled. "I've known for a long time. I think... I think Udo might feel the same."
Yuna's heart soared in her chest, and she slapped her hands over her reddened cheeks. 'I...' Yuna's lips broke into a happy smile, her eyes squinting into crescents.
'I... like Udo'
"He better come home soon." Yuna muttered and Aurora laughed.
"He will." The queen nodded, squeezing her friend's shoulder reassuringly. "He will, Yuna."
'I hope so.'
Yuna smiled her thanks at her friend. "Regardless of what happens, Aurora, I need you to know that I still fully intend to help you with integrating the faeries and the humans." Yuna's smile softened. "I... I love the Moors. Even if my time with them was short; it was truly paradise. They all mean such a great deal to me; they brought me a happiness I never thought I'd feel again."
Aurora's eyes were wide, and Yuna sighed out. "I want this more than anything, I want a new world for both kinds more than anything."
With a determined fire burning in her dark irises, Yuna nodded more to herself than to her friend. "Whatever it takes; I don't care if I'm on the streets. I'll do whatever I can to help you, Aurora. You've already done so much for me." 
Aurora seemed to debate something as Yuna spoke; her eyes trailing off to fixate on the floral pattern weaved into the plush duvet. Yuna remained quiet as Aurora seemed to mull over her thoughts. Finally, Aurora spoke out once more;
"It makes me beyond overjoyed to hear those words, Yuna." Her voice was almost cautious. Was she nervous?
"However, I don't think you'll have to worry about living on the streets; I know you feel like you shouldn't stay in the Moors anymore, so... I was thinking maybe you could stay here. In the castle."
Yuna was sure she'd heard her friend right. "Excuse me?" Yuna's eyebrows practically flew up her to her hair. "Stay in the castle? Aurora, I couldn't possible stay here as just a mere citizen-"
"That's the thing. You wouldn't just be a citizen."
Yuna went quiet at that.
Aurora shifted on the bed nervously, her expression serious as she held eye contact with Yuna.
"Yuna, I've been discussing this with Phillip since the day you first went to the Moors; I knew that eventually, you'd have to come back to Ulstead in search of work." Her tone was firm, and steady; that of a true queen. Yuna's chest tightened in anticipation; and Aurora spoke,
"You are simply brilliant. Smarter than most of our doctors under the crown, you are so gifted with your medical knowledge; Yuna. It's actually kind of terrifying."
Yuna blushed under the praise, and the Queen continued;
"Yuna, I was a complete stranger when you saved my life that day. You almost died for heaven's sake. I knew in that moment that the gates had sent a truly special girl my way; and I was right." Aurora reminisced, her voice warm. "Through all of that, you agreed to help me take on an absolutely monumental task; I realized that I simply can't mend the bond between Hume and Fey singlehandedly, I need help. Help that you have so wholeheartedly given me..."
Yuna's eyes widened as Aurora rose to her feet, fishing for something deep within her dress pocket. "I knew that I had to do something for you to express my utmost gratitude; something that wasn't just a simple cottage in the Moors. You are so gifted Yuna; and it's important for me that other people recognize that."
Aurora's hand retracted, and her fingers were wrapped around something. She beckoned for Yuna to hold her hand out, and Yuna held her breath as a cold metal was placed within her palm.
"Yuna, it is by King Phillip and myself's blessing, that I hereby appoint you to-"
Aurora's hand released Yuna, and the herbalist practically screamed as she saw what rested within her palm.
"A position under the crown of Ulstead; that of a Court Herbalist."
There, in Yuna's hand, was a simple badge; a fine red velvet bow, laced with a rich gold fabric and a aureate crown placed at the center:
The badge of a Court Herbalist; the most elite of any medical position, one that usually was bestowed upon selected individuals after months of rigorous, cut throat, and nearly impossible testing and evaluations.
Yuna's eyes watered, and she stared down at the pin in sheer disbelief.
Yuna shook her head profusely, and she stuttered out; "N-No, Aurora this is too much- I can't."
"In addition, it is by the Queen's royal decree that you cannot decline the position." Aurora broke into a smug, but sincerely happy grin at Yuna's reaction.
Yuna gasped out in pure exhilaration; was this truly happening?
'I... There's no way, I...'
"Aurora, I never even got to go to school to become a licensed doctor; Miyagata was burnt to the ground before I could fulfill my admission." Yuna tried to reason. "I'm not qualified, and I don't want you to feel obligated to give me such... such a prestigious position just because you feel like you're in my debt."
"Well; you were accepted weren't you?" Aurora quickly countered. "You got into university with no problems; it was due to unfortunate circumstances you were never able to complete your studies. In my eyes, that does not dictate whether or not you're qualified; what shows me you are qualified is what I've seen you do, what I've heard around town about you. Yuna, you deserve this position more than anyone."
Yuna laughed out in teary joy. 'Aurora...'
"This is not because I feel in your debt; it is because I can't think of any other person, any other woman who I'd want in a position by my side. You're my friend, Yuna; The first human I've ever connected with. If I have you with me, then I have no doubt that I can lead Ulstead confidently." Aurora smiled.
"Please, accept."
Yuna's heart swelled, and a memory flashed within her;
A sixteen year old Yuna groaned as she slammed her forehead rather roughly onto her bed, pages and pages of notes fluttering within her wake.
"I can't do it. I'll never become a doctor, mom." She sighed into her pillow.
The woman chuckled as she placed a tray of warm cocoa and cookies onto her daughter's desk, stopping to call down the corridor at her rowdy twins to settle down. Gently, she bent down to gather Yuna's notes, setting them by the teen's tired form as she patted her burgundy locks.
"Don't say that; you're capable of anything, Yuna." Yuna groaned once more, crawling so that her head rested in her mother's lap.
"Nope. Can't do it. I can't even remember formula recipes or a simple sterilization procedure; the test for university is a month away!" Yuna sighed. "I'm a failure; I've set a horrible example for the twins..." Yuna rolled over so she could look up at her mother's amused grin.
"Tell the twins that their loser elder sister became a bum, and set off to live a quiet, non-contributing life in the mountains. I'll write every so often."
Her mother rolled her eyes, and flicked her daughter on the forehead despite her indignant cries.
"Stop that. You're not a loser, and you are not a horrible example to Leo and Mina. You are my daughter, and that is why I know that you are selling yourself short."
The face of Yuna's late mother dissipated, and in its place was an unrolled piece of parchment paper;
Yuna blinked down at the paper in utter shock, tears pouring down her face.
"I... I did it..."
Yuna's eyes shot up to where her family watched her with expectant smiles.
"I did it! I got in!"
Cries rang throughout the room, and Yuna practically screamed with happiness.
She felt a pair of warm lips press against her hair, and her teary eyes met her mother's own.
"I know you would, Yuna." Her tears fell profusely; "My pride and my joy, don't ever think you can't do something... Oh Yuna, I'm so proud of you..."
The scene disappeared, and Yuna found herself staring down at the badge; not slightly damp with her stray tears.
'I never thought I'd ever be anything more than a simple herbologist; I never thought that a lot things would happen to me after what happened at Miyagata...'
Yuna broke into a fit of happy laughs, hugging the badge close to her heart;
Just under the necklace that seemingly shimmered with the joy of her unseen family.
'But here I am. Against all odds, and by the strangest of circumstances...' Yuna's smile grew. '... I think I'm doing pretty alright.'
"Yes." Yuna nodded, not trusting her voice to give out on her. "Yes, I... oh gods, thank you so much Aurora."
Yuna threw herself from the covers, and she embraced her friend tightly. Aurora hugged her back, and in the silence; Yuna heard it, "You're welcome."
It was a long moment before Aurora pulled away, and she grinned out in relief. "Now then, your first day will be the day after tomorrow." She winked. "Better get some sleep; you'll be awfully busy, Ms. Court Herbalist."
Yuna fell back onto her bed with simply the brightest smile, hold the badge close to her; scared that if she released it for even a moment, it would disappear.
"Of course, your Excellency." She teased back.
Aurora chuckled. "Sleep well, Yuna."
Her footsteps clicked softly towards the bedroom door, but then they momentarily halted.
"Yuna." Aurora called one last time.
Yuna lifted from her head from one of the bed's many luxury pillows; "Hm?" The grin was still present on her face.
Aurora smiled gently. "Don't let anything take this happiness from you; Udo or not, this is an accomplishment all of your own volition. Celebrate it, Yuna."
Yuna blinked at her words, before smiling deeper. "I won't. I... I am so happy Aurora."
Aurora, satisfied with her answer, quietly set out the door.
"Atta girl." The Queen whispered with a smile, shutting the door behind her.
Yuna sighed as her eyes shut, holding onto the badge like it was a bar of gold. She'd woken up so broken, and now... she felt so over the moon.
'...' Yuna turned to snuggle into a a soft blanket. '... I wish Udo was here, I wish I could tell him.' There was nothing wrong with admitting it; it was simply how she felt. It was how she'd always feel, there were many things Yuna wished she'd be able to tell the Tundra Fae.
In the deafening silence of the witching hour, Yuna tossed and she turned; sleep not favoring her that night. Whether it was from the still fresh grief of parting ways with Udo, or the sheer bone shaking excitement she felt for soon starting her new position, Yuna couldn't pinpoint it; she assumed it was a mix of both.
The castle was dead quiet at this point, save for the occasionally shuffling of the night patrol guards. The silence spread beyond the castle, reaching across all of Ulstead and Yuna realized that she must've been chasing slumber long than she realized, it had to have been hours since she'd first settled in bed.
She resigned with a deep sigh, shooting up to a sitting position on the disarrayed bed. The sky outside was the darkest it had ever been; the stars like distant specks on the voided tapestry. Yuna gently picked herself up from the warm covers, and padded over to where her clothes were neatly folded in a corner of the bedroom.
Gingerly, Yuna shifted through the articles of clothing until she found what she was looking for;
Udo's robe.
Yuna's heart tightened when the fabric came into her hold; when she'd discarded it a week ago, she fully intended to never look at the cursed garment again. It only brought her pain.
Yuna gently brought the robe up to her face, and inhaled; Udo's scent filling her. It was enough to make her eyes water, and she snuggled into the fabric with a shaky sigh. "I miss you..." She whispered into his clothing.
'An entire week since we last saw each other... do you miss me the same way? Or is it just wishful thinking?'
Yuna picked herself up from her kneeled position, and with slow steps, she made her way towards the closed balcony doors. The girl pushed them open, and the chilly night breeze hit her like a wave. The night greeted Yuna like an old friend as she stepped onto the stone balcony; the girl exhaling as the serene scenery welcomed her. Yuna walked up to the railing, Udo's robe still tightly held to her person.
She stared out into the sea of stars, and an inexplicable softness settled in her eyes; a distant look in them.
"Udo... have you found your heart yet?" Her chest clutched with an unexplainable apprehension.
Udo smiled down at her, tucking a strand of hair that escaped her bun behind a pierced ear. "Maybe." His response was brisk, and simple, and Yuna gulped at the gentleness his gaze held as he looked back at her.
Yuna could hear a tear hit the stone railing in the silence, and she brought Udo's robe up to rub at her cheek.
"... I guess it isn't me." She whispered, swallowing thickly as she blinked out a few more crystal-like droplets.
In her blurry vision, Yuna looked out over the pitch-black ocean with longing; the breeze fluttering through her loose hair and puffing her night gown up. She looked back down to Udo's robe, and a melancholic smile spread on her teary face.
"Idiot... don't go where I can't follow." Her voice broke.
Yuna quietly wept on the balcony that night; Udo's robe hugged so tightly to her that she ran the risk of suffocating.
'Udo... please come back.'
Two days later, and Yuna skipped down the castle halls with a pep to her step, and a gleeful smile on her red lips.
She turned the heads of the castle hands obliviously; the staff looking after the girl with red cheeks simple because of how cute she looked.
Aurora truly had done Yuna right with her Court Herbalist uniform; a deep red velvet blazer, which was buttoned just enough to expose a white collared blouse and simple bow accent at her neck complimented a matching red skirt perfectly. At her breast pocket, Yuna's Court Herbalist badge was pinned proudly for all to witness; the girls oxblood locks curled and tied back with a thick and long ribbon. Black stockings covered her long legs, and heeled loafers clicked against the castle's marble floors as Yuna hummed a foreign tune to herself; the rising sun reflecting her newly found spirit.
At the end of the corridor, a certain crow awaited her; Diaval smiling in sheer joy as Yuna skipped towards him.
"My oh my, who is this gorgeous young lady gracing my presence?" Diaval clutches at his heart with a playful grin, and Yuna gave her friend a coy wink;
"Honestly Diaval, out of my way! I'm a working woman now!" She scoffed in fake arrogance, and the two soon broke into a fit of giggles.
Yuna hooked her arm with Diaval's own, and the two were soon sauntering through the castle with large grins. "Truly though, you look adorable, Yuna!" Diaval complimented her, and Yuna's eyes crinkled with her smile.
"Thank you! I must say... I feel quite cute." The girl responded.
As she said that, Diaval sent a harsh glare to a few wandering eyes; sighing at Yuna's own ditziness. "I'd say you look a bit too cute; pull your skirt down a little." Diaval hastily tugged at the fabric, and Yuna blinked.
"Oh! Thank you. I guess I'm really not that used to wearing these type of clothes!" Yuna's carefree grin only made Diaval sigh more, but he smiled back with endearment nonetheless. "Well, you'll certainly have lots of time to get used to it..."
Diaval nudged her playfully. "Little Miss Court Herbalist. Gods; I am so happy for you, Yuna."
The Castle's front doors were in sight, and Yuna leaned her head on Diaval as they walked.
"Thank you, Diaval. I'm happy I get to be in the castle with you and Aurora."
Yuna's voice took in a softer tone, "Thank you for always being such a good friend, Diaval; since the first day I met you."
The pair stopped as the outside world was just a few feet in front of them; and Diaval turned to embrace his friend. "I should be thanking you." He whispered, squeezing the girl.
"Go kill it out there; you got this. Have a wonderful first day, Yuna." Yuna nodded into his strong shoulder, squeezing him back. "I'll be up in the viewing chamber with Aurora and Maleficent; the king and queen are swamped with meetings all day, so if you need anything, don't be afraid to call for me."
Yuna smiled her appreciation as the parted. "I certainly will. Try not to cause too much trouble with those foreign diplomats, little crow." She smirked.
Diaval sighed, "Well, you know better than anyone; trouble seems to have a knack for finding me." He grinned. "Particularly when I need to scale a certain castle wall, with a certain herbologist turned Court Herbalist."
Yuna rolled her eyes, and shoved him playfully. "Okay okay, get going." She gave him one last wave. "I'll see you and the others tonight at dinner."
Diaval finally gave in as he turned on his heel to march back into the castle depths; waving back at his dear friend; "I'll see you then; don't go enraging any goats out there, you hear?"
Yuna watched as he waltzed away, a quizzical expression on her face;
'Enrage a goat? What on earth is that supposed to mean?' Yuna shrugged it off as she pushed open the heavy double doors to the castle. 'Must be some weird expression.'
The doors fully opened, and the lush green courtyard greeted the Yuna with all of it's sun-soaked beauty. Being around all of the plants was comforting to Yuna; honestly, the amount of greenery made her feel like she was back in the Moors. Her heels softly clicked on the cobblestone as she searched for the head guard Aurora had instructed her to find to begin her duties for the day; scanning over the uniformed soldiers and greeting their blushing faces with her own sweet smile.
'Percival... Percival... Where is he?' Yuna scanned the expansive courtyard for some indication of the leader, her expression taking on a curious aura as she looked out across the sea of merchants, visitors, and castle staff going about their own business in the yard.
After a few more minutes, her search had proved fruitless; and Yuna decided to change to a different tactic, 'If he's not in the front of the castle... perhaps he's in the back?' Yuna nodded to herself, pivoting on her heel to change direction. 'Percival is the highest ranked knight under the crown; he commands all of the squadrons. Maybe... maybe he's already taken care of business out front?'
The noises died down as Yuna wandered further away from the front courtyard, weaving through the back gardens of the castle that were not open to the public, and rarely had guards stationed in the early daytime. Yuna tried to let herself feel her joy fully; it still felt like a dream to be wearing her badge...
However, no matter how hard she tried, her every waking thought was consumed by Udo. The thick bushels of vibrant flowers and carefully tended trees allowed Yuna to fully relax within the space, and her hand came up to fish her beloved necklace out from her shirt; fingertips rubbing over the rose pendant softly.
'Udo, I hope you're okay, and you're taking care of yourself... I know that sometimes you work too hard, or you devote too much of yourself to someone in need... please make sure you stay healthy.' It was almost like a prayer, and that same melancholy slowly settled over her.
'If you're mad at me, then at least give me the opportunity to say I'm sorry...'
Yuna gulped thickly. 'And if you never want to see me again... I really hope you find your heart...'
The thought suddenly became unbearable;
'And I'll always wish that it was me...'
Yuna snapped from the spiraling ideas quickly, slapping her hands over her cheeks. "Enough of that. You have a job to do, and you're going to do it. No use fretting over any of that right now."
Yuna huffed, the clicking of her heels becoming louder as her steps became quicker.
'I just need to hurry up and find Percival. Once I start working, it'll take my mind off of things, and then I can finally-'
The Court Herbalist's thoughts were immediately interrupted by the sound of distant bleating, and she froze. Yuna turned her head to where she thought the sound had come from, and she quirked an eyebrow. "What on earth...?" The sound cried out again, and Yuna instantly moved off the path and ventured into the lush garden; set on finding the source of the noise. 'Is that... an animal?'
It took Yuna through the grassy lawns and through a vined archway; the girl coming upon a cleared area housing stables and troughs. The herbalist curiously trekked across the dirt ground, following the cries to a tiny, fenced off stable.
With a curious demeanor, Yuna gently leaned over the short gate; her eyes widening at the sight that greeted her.
"Oh!" Beady yellow eyes blinked up at her own, and Yuna grinned. Of a things, it was a goat!
"Aren't you just the cutest thing! No more crying, I'm here now." Yuna cooed, and the goat released a hearty "Baaaaaa!"
Realization dawned on Yuna, and she broke out into an amused laughter. "Are you the goat Diaval warned me about? Oooooh, I'm so scared!" Yuna missed the way the goat's eyes sharpened on the girl, and Yuna nonchalantly extended a hand down to pet at the goat's coarse coat.
"You're a big sweetheart, aren't you? Such a cute little-" Large teeth lurched up to bite at Yuna's fingers, and Yuna paused.
Then she yelped.
"OW!! Oh, you dirty little..." Yuna silently cursed as she cradled her abused fingers, the goat having a satisfied look on its face as it practically snickered at the girl.
"You little devil! Diaval was right about you!" Yuna stalked back up the stall gates, glaring at the furry creature. "You're lucky I'm nice, or else I'd storm right in there and make sure that their highnesses have a very filling meal tonight!"
The goat's gaze fleeted to a spot in the sky just beyond Yuna's shoulder, and it let out a yelp; fear growing in its yellow eyes. Crying out, the goat turned and took cover in the very back corner of its hay filled stall, and Yuna smirked in satisfaction.
"Yeah, that's right! Not so tough now, are you?"
Yuna failed to notice the winged figure approaching her like a stroke of lightning, only noticing something was amiss when the dirt around her kicked up under his mighty wings.
Shielding her face, Yuna looked over her shoulder. "...What...?" Suddenly, Yuna's eyes widened as she recognized the furious Fey shooting towards her, and she cried out. "A-Ahhhhh!!!"
"YOU!!! HUMAN!!"
The force of his landing sent Yuna flying off her feet; the herbalist rubbing her poor bum with a groan. Hesitantly, Yuna sheepishly grinned up at the towering figure before her;
"Ah, Borra. Fancy meeting you here." Yuna grinned nervously up at the Fey, who glared down at her fiercely.
Wordlessly, Borra bent down and threw a protesting Yuna roughly over his shoulder; stomping away with his chest rising in his angry breathing.
"H-Hey! Put me down!" Yuna cried. "Some greeting this is! I haven't even seen you in a week... H-Hey! Borra I'm in a skirt! Don't flip me like that!"
Borra grunted. "You and Udo disappear from the Moors for a week, and you expect me to come in here all sunshine and rainbows?" He practically growled. "You can explain yourself later; I'm taking you back to the Moors, I'm going to find Udo, and you two are going to talk this out dammit!!!"
Yuna wasn't sure she'd ever heard Borra's already hotheaded persona ever be this angry; and it almost scared her.
Kicking and flailing her legs and arms (thank god no one was around to see the newest prestigious Court Herbalist in such a predicament), Yuna flailed out of Borra's strong hold; landing atop a freshly mowed lawn with a rough "oof!"
"B-Borra wait!" Yuna held her hands up in surrender, the Fey crossed his arms over his chest; unamused, and unwavering.
Yuna blinked up at him; "Y-You know? You know that Udo..."
Borra quickly cut her off. "Of course I know! Why do you think I'm here to drag your scrawny ass back to the Moors?! Do you think this is some sort of day trip for me?!"
Yuna winced as Borra's anger lashed out at her like a fiery whip, and she turned her head away from his loud voice.
"Borra." A new voice cut in, and Yuna's eyes lit up.
"Ini?" She wondered aloud, looking back up to see Ini practically teleported at Borra's side; her painted hand resting on his heaving shoulder.
Ini regarded Yuna with a quick smile, before turning her attention back to Borra; calming down the disheveled Fey with her gentle words.
Simultaneously, Yuna felt a firm hold underneath her armpits, and she yelped as she was practically scooped to her feet.
"Up you go." The accented voice perked Yuna's ears, and she whipped her head around to be greeted by a certain Jungle Fey's bright smile.
"Shrike!" Yuna excitedly cried, throwing her arms around the winged woman.
Shrike swung the girl around, embracing her just as tightly; "I missed you, girly." She whispered into Yuna's oxblood tresses.
"I missed you all more." Yuna replied, pulling away from Shrike to face her beloved Fey. Borra had calmed down substantially under Ini's guidance, the Desert Fey still keeping a steady hand on his scarred shoulder just to be safe. Seeing them all here made Yuna feel like just for a moment, she was back to where she belonged; the Moors. Yuna couldn't help it when she strode forward to embrace Ini, the stoic Fey hugging her back in silence. The two shared a knowing smile, and Yuna hesitantly turned her attention to Borra.
The Fey avoided her eye contact; a scowl was deeply etched on his face, however he seemed to be quelled significantly. Slowly, Yuna leaned forward to loosely hug Borra. She could tell by that gleam in his uncharacteristically sad eyes; he was... sad.
Ini and Shrike watched with soft smiles at the two, and Yuna gently whispered; "I'm sorry I disappeared, Borra. I didn't mean to hurt any of you."
Borra was clearly taken aback by the gesture, hands hovering over her like she was some foreign specimen attached to his chest. Yuna only tightened her embrace, and a rush of relief flooded though her as slowly, she felt Borra's rough hands come to rest on her back.
"I-.... we miss you, little wren." Yuna smiled at the nickname; it'd been awhile since Borra had called her that.
Borra's voice was oddly soft, but the three women decided it'd be best not to point it out.
"Come back to the Moors." It sounded more like a plea than a command this time, and Yuna could only sadly shake her head. Yuna released the Fey, and took a step back; a finger coming up to gesture at the pin on her blazer.
"I... I can't do that, Borra." She offered him a kind smile, but it didn't reach her eyes.
Borra quirked a brow, clearly confused; "What? Do you need help ripping that off or something?"
Yuna shook her head, "No, Borra, this badge is..." Yuna struggled to find the right words.
"It's a sign of her acknowledgment by the crown." Ini cut in with a gentle smile.
Borra's brows furrowed. "Acknowledgement?"
Shrike joined in, patting Yuna on the head affectionately and causing the girl to break out into giggles. "Our little birdie here is a Court Herbalist; the best of the best!" Yuna blushed at the compliment, and Ini gave her that same stoic yet meaningful smile; "Congratulations Yuna, that's absolutely wonderful."
Yuna nodded her thanks, and Borra only seemed to get more flustered.
"So what? Just come back when you're done with work for the day." He tried to reason.
Ini and Shrike seemed to somber, and Yuna offered Borra a kind smile to mask her building sadness. "It doesn't work like that, Borra... I'm a member under the crown now. I..." Yuna swallowed thickly. "I live at the castle now."
A quietness settled over the group, and Borra's hands tightened into white knuckles fists.
"... So that's just it then? You're leaving the Moors?" Yuna had never seen Borra look so vulnerable; a hurt flashing in his eyes. "Do you hate us now, is that it?"
Yuna quickly shook her head, hushing the words coming from Borra. "Oh god's no, Borra I could never hate any you!" Yuna cried. "I still plan to be involved with the Moors; Udo and I had agreed to help Aurora bridge the humans and Dark Feys together to create a stronger union for the peace treaty signing-"
"Well now Udo's gone, and so are you." Borra cut in bitterly, and Yuna was so taken aback she practically stumbled. "Help the Moors? Help mend the bond? How are you supposed to do that when you're getting pampered in the castle day in and day out, hm?"
The accusation stung Yuna, and she could tell Borra was starting to get riled up again.
It was Shrike's turn to talk the Fey down, her ebony figure inserting itself in between Yuna and the heated Fey. "Borra, let Yuna explain. This situation isn't easy for her either-"
"Explain? Explain what?! How she left us without so much as an explanation as to why?" Borra simply wasn't having it.
Yuna winced as his voice rose, trying to speak up; "Borra, you know what happened with me and Udo... this has nothing to do with you three, I promise..."
Borra was already shouting over her;
"I know that you two are both being cowards. You think this doesn't involve us? Udo is our best friend; and you..." Borra's chest was practically heaving with his fury. "... You were supposed to be ours too! You both need to get your heads out of your asses, and figure this out! You do not belong in the castle, quit being stupid, Yuna!"
The words made Ini send a sharp glare to Borra, and Shrike's hands glowed with magic; a warning. Yuna blinked at his words, her head dropping.
Suddenly, she felt just as angry as Borra.
Without warning, the girl pushed past Shrike and Ini; her fist flying to firmly connect with Borra's cheek, just as he'd taught her. Borra stumbled back in disbelief, and Yuna glared harshly at him through teary eyes; her knuckles scraped and bloody.
"You think I don't know that?!" Yuna finally shouted out; and it felt so good. She wasn't just mad at the Fey's brash words, she was made about everything. Miyagata, her shop, leaving the Moors, Udo...
Yuna had finally filled to the brim, and she couldn't contain it anymore.
"Do you think I like that Udo isn't here?! Did you ever consider how all of this made me feel?!"
The yelling and commotion had drawn in a sea of castle knights and staff, all watching the scene curiously as the small human girl practically screamed at a very intimidating looking Dark Fey.
"If I could fix all of this, I would, Borra. You think I don't know that I don't belong in the castle? Do you think I like being away from all of you, and knowing that Udo probably hates me?" Yuna swallowed as her hot tears ran down her face.
"Don't ever call me stupid, or insinuate that I'm complicit in this situation, because if I could..." Yuna bit back a guttural sob. "If I could, I'd bring Udo back in a heartbeat. If I could return to the days we all spent together in the Moors, I'd do it no questions asked." Yuna brought a sleeve up to rub at her flushed face.
"But I can't; that's just the reality of it. Udo doesn't want me to find him, and I was stupid to think I could ever spend a happy life in the Moors; I'm only human... I don't belong to the world of the Dark Feys." Yuna sniffled, and looked at the trio with an unwavering gaze.
"No matter how much I wanted to belong."
Ini's eyes softened, and she looked to the girl like she was trying desperately to reach her;
Yuna only shook her head, and looked away.
The crowd of gossiping staff was thick around the four, and Yuna almost jumped when she felt a firm hand being placed on her shoulder.
"Alright. That's quite enough you four."
Shrike's eyes widened. "Percival!" She exclaimed.
Yuna blinked in confusion, then in a horrified realization. She whipped her teary face around to stare up into quite the unamused head guard; his ebony skin matching Shrike's own as he bowed his head at her. "Shrike. I haven't seen you since the wedding." His greeting was brief, and his voice was incredibly deep.
Yuna nearly jumped again when his gaze lowered down to her.
"Is it safe to assume you are our newest Court Herbalist?" His stared down at her intently, and Yuna nodded wildly with still tear stricken cheeks.
"Y-Yes! I am so sorry sir, I was-"
Yuna was surprised when a soft fabric brushed against her cheek; a handkerchief. She stared down at it in bewilderment, then back up to Percival's ever stoic face. He quirked a brow at her;
"Dry your eyes, herbalist. If you need to cry, you may do so when we're in the privacy of the castle."
Yuna's eyes widened; was this intimidating giant of a man... being gentle with her?
Yuna accepted the simple white handkerchief gratefully, dabbing at her eyes with it. Percival used his bulky and tall figure to shield the girl from prying eyes; sending a harsh glare to his men.
"Nothing to see here, I don't remember authorizing all of you to patrol the yards." His glare hardened.
"Move out."
A quick, crescendoing chorus of "Yes Sir!" erupted from the knights; the men hurriedly scattering as they assumed their original posts.
Yuna peeked out from the handkerchief, looking like a defeated and heartbroken little pup.
"I think you three should leave." She looked away. "Now."
Ini was the first to react. "Yes, of course." She nodded. "I am so sorry for the trouble, Yuna; I..."
Cautiously, the Desert Fey stepped up to Yuna. "Might I have... a hug?"
Yuna regarded Ini's kind face for a moment, before stepping away from Percival. The two slender women embraced each other, and Yuna whispered. "We'll be in touch." Ini nodded, releasing the girl.
Next, Shrike stepped up; a small smile sent Percival's way as she brought Yuna into a warm hug. "Is it okay... if we still visit you?" She prompted quietly. Yuna sighed, "Yes, of course. I'm sorry... it's just all really fresh still." Shrike said nothing, but squeezed the girl tighter.
The Jungle Fey released her, and Yuna soon found herself face to face with Borra's unreadable expression. The two said nothing, and Yuna could only let her gaze fall to her feet solemnly; a sorrowful aura beginning to grip at her.
Borra growled at that, and stormed away from Yuna with a rough brush against her shoulder; Ini and Shrike following after him as they gave the girl one last saddened smile.
The contact with Borra only made Yuna's eyes water more, and as her three friends became further and further away, Yuna placed her face in the handkerchief.
"I- I apologize, Sir. I know this is very unbecoming..."
Percival placed a calloused but soft hand on her shoulder, guiding her back to the castle.
"We'll take the long way around, so you don't have to worry about anyone watching you."
Yuna nodded her appreciation, and a throaty cry escaped her as the two walked in the opposite direction;
Her back to the Feys, Yuna had to desperately try not to look back.
Meanwhile, Borra stomped across the yard with a dangerous look in his eyes, Shrike glaring harshly at him as she and Ini finally caught up to his stalking form.
"I oughta beat you senseless for that Borra! How dare you act out in such a way, what horrible things you said to Yuna!" Shrike was practically fuming, and Borra had to jump over a sharp kick from her. Even Ini, ever calm and mature, had her brows furrowed with displeasure. "We agreed we'd come here to try and convince Yuna to come back to the Moors and retrieve Udo, what you did was completely out of line Borra. You berated and bashed the poor thing, you really expect her to want to come back now?"
Borra ignored them as he made his way towards the castle's front gate, harshly pushing past any guards in his way. His tawny wings spread out as he pushed himself off the ground; his eyes sharply scanning the space around him.
"I don't care. I'm trying a different tactic."
Shrike crossed her arms; quirking a brow.
"Yeah? And what is it?"
His sights locked on a distant point in the ocean, Borra took off at high speed; determination firing at all cylinders within him as he soared through the endless blue sky with the deep waters beneath him.
"I'm finding Udo, I'm bringing him back, and I'm fixing this whole damned mess!"
Okay okay, NOW it's my last update before I go back to school!! XD I just love spoiling you guys (and also I didn't want to leave things off on such a sad note lmao); my eyes HURT from how long I've been staring at my computer screen the past few days!
I hope you all enjoyed, please let me know what you thought!!! I love hearing your feedback 💕
Thank you for 2K!! 🎉 as a small writer, that number means so much to me : ) I love you guys, thank you for all of the support!
Things are slowly building up... I wonder what will happen between Udo and Yuna 😉 I cant wait for you guys to read and find out! I'll see you very soon in the next chapter; this story will practically be my only escape now that I'm starting school tomorrow... wish me luck!
Love you all!

Purity in the Stars *Maleficent: Mistress of Evil- Udo Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now