Chapter Fourteen: Dawn of a New Era

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Whoever made the Crown's formal wear was simply ghastly. The cruelest of the cruel.
"Stop picking at your collar Diaval." Maleficent murmured dangerously in her crow's ear.
Diaval sported an uncharacteristic glare, growling right back. "I'm trying, Maleficent. In case you haven't noticed, the men's wear is significantly more uncomfortable than the women's."
Yuna blinked tiredly, her ferocity brimming as the crow kept whining.
"Diaval, please. You just need to stand their and look pretty for the ceremony, then we can all change." She sighed, rubbing at her sore temples.
The group of friends truly had underestimated just how exhausted they'd be after their night of jollification and merrymaking; gods, even their King and Queen had overslept on the most important day of the century!
"While it's uncouth of someone in my position to complain over something as trivial as this..." Percival's voice was an octave deeper, gravely almost as he strained, "I must agree with the crow. This is truly the cruelest time of all my years as Philip's most esteemed shield." He gulped thickly against his restricting collar.
"Babies." Maleficent murmured, adjusting her beautifully fitted velvet gown; a delicate cape covering her shoulders.
Yuna's own Court Herbalist uniform was generally the same, but with a few notable upgrades; her scarlet blazer and skirt replaced with a much thicker, longer skirt that hung gracefully at her hips. Her blazer had been changed to a corset-laced vest, a Lacey and silken blouse a much more refined touch than her usual simple button up. Her bow and badge still proudly fastened to the front of her outfit, her hair was sleekly pulled into a thick and full bun, with the help of Maleficent. A light touch of makeup on her face, Yuna held a much more regal and mature air about her with her newly upgraded look; something she almost winced at when she'd initially viewed herself in one of the castle's many mirrors.
Currently in the throne room of the castle, the four were awaiting for the arrival of their King and Queen as well as the most entrusted Dark Fey to the crown; meaning Udo, Borra, Ini and Shrike. Their night of tirades had lead them all to take a room in Castle Ulstead to rest for what few hours they had leading up to a very important treaty signing, all of the friends currently dawning their own unique ceremonial wear.
Under Maleficent's guidance; the four remaining Dark Feys were still getting ready as they chose to wear sacred Fey garbs and fabrics, while Aurora and Philip were being tended to by many castle hands to ensure the monarchs looked top notch for what would be the political event of the century.
All of them had to look their absolute best for this momentous occasion, this notion rather difficult considering partying til the early morning usually called for an afternoon spent in bed with herbal tea and lots of bread and bathroom breaks; a foreign luxury to them all at the moment.
'I know it was technically my idea, but Gods; who thought staying up all night was a good idea?!' Yuna yawned, her eyes watering.
'I guess I can't really complain though... it was quite magical...'
Even in Yuna's sleepy state, a dreamy smile still managed to cross her features. Their friends, their laughter, the fireworks, the feeling of familiarity... Udo... It was wonderful. Yuna was sure her face hurt just from how much she'd smiled that night; and while they were tired today, the event only served to remind them all of how fortunate they were to have loved ones to feel that way with.
'I feel like I look a bit... stuck up. I suppose it doesn't really matter, since I'll look even more dolled up for the ball...' Yuna's chest tightened. 'Oh, I can't think of that right now.'
She stared towards the closed throne room doors in anticipation. 'Udo will look so handsome; both for the signing and for the ball. I can hardly wait...'
"Beastie, you're practically drooling. Save that for tonight, alright?" Maleficent's smooth voice echoed by her ear, and Yuna blinked as she was caught red handed.
She cooly composed herself, casting a smile to the Dark Fey. "Well, you can't blame me for being excited to see my boyfriend. It's not everyday we all get to be dressed up like this, you know." Yuna explained, and Maleficent returned her smile.
"It's not even time for the ball yet; trust me, the ball will be a world's away from a stuffy political event like this. The dress code for the gala will be leaps and bounds beyond this." Maleficent nudged at her. "I'm sure Udo is just as excited. You'll be quite the sight to behold..."
Yuna shook her head, "I don't think I'm really in the place to be wearing anything so exquisite." She tried to reason.
Maleficent smirked, patting Yuna's sleek bun. "Aurora has already instructed me on the look she'd like you to dawn for the evening... I dare say you'll be more stunning than the stars themselves."
Yuna's eyes widened at that, and her mouth immediately opened to question Maleficent's devious wink and words.
"Ah ah, it's a surprise. You won't hear a peep from me." Maleficent's voice was teasing as Yuna sighed exasperatedly, and the Fey hushed her. "You can wait a few hours, come now Yuna; I don't need another Diaval running around."
"Hey!" Diaval's voice echoed from behind the pair.
Percival's voice then silenced them all;
"Quiet down. Here they come."
The four of them drew their eyes to where the throne room's grand doors slowly opened; Philip having a seemingly proud air about him as he took the first steps in the silks and royal reds and golds his father and grandfather had worn before him, his fur lined and badged cape dragging behind him as he strode.
Percival bowed deeply, "Highness." He greeted.
Philip bowed his own head back at the guard, cautious of his heavy crown.
"Aurora... wow." Yuna breathed, the Queen stepping from behind her husband. Maleficent smiled proudly, and Diaval had his own warm smile reaching his dark eyes.
A color scheme to match her husband, Aurora's deep red and accented gold gown complimented her blonde locks heavenly; which were pinned back by a long veil. She smiled excitedly despite her own tiredness, her heels clicking up the three.
"You're beautiful." Yuna complimented as they embraced, Aurora squeezing her in appreciation.
"Thank you." The queen whispered. "Gods; I feel so nervous."
"Don't be nervous. You were destined to do this, Aurora." Diaval offered his comfort as the girl turned to greet him, hugging the crow tightly.
"He's right, Beastie. What do you think we raised you for?" Maleficent smoothed down her daughter's locks as she latched onto the Dark Fey. "It's a wondrous thing you're doing for both kinds Aurora; we're so proud of you."
Yuna smiled warmly at her friend; "You've been preparing for this you're whole life. You're ready, Aurora." She offered.
Aurora nodded amongst all of the support, licking her lips as her wild eyes began to settle with their aqua gleam. "Yes... yes you're right." She spoke slowly, releasing a breath. "Thank you. The best advisors I could ever ask for; how could I ever rule without any one of you by my side?" She returned their smiles.
Yuna remained silent, but the giggle she released was all the sentiment anyone needed; she felt the exact same way.
She felt Aurora reach down to squeeze her hand, hurriedly whispering,
"Your Star is here as well."
Yuna's heart raced, and her eyes shot back to the open doors.
She heard the faint clanking of metal, the soft rustling of wings, and she glimpsed the pointed tips of their horns. Yuna held her breath, and before her entered the four remaining Dark Feys in a fashion that quite literally, stole away the breath she was holding.
Ini and Shrike strode with an elegant grace; almost like they were being carried in by a breeze. From Shrike's dark ebony skin hung icy, royal purple silks; a lovely flowing dress with a complimentary neckline. A cool white paint complimented her skin tone, elegant markings and lines painted over her arm, skin and face in what Yuna could only assume served a ceremonial purpose. The Fey's thick black horns were adorned with a dainty golden chain that bled down into a circlet resting on her forehead, which complimented her thick and curly hair that hung freely at her waist. Shrike's massive rainbow wings seemed to be extra vibrant for the special occasion.
Similar to Shrike, Ini's own flowing and effortless dress was a similar fit but in an alluring emerald color. Where white paint resided on Shrike's body, a burnt-clay color rested on Ini's in identical markings. Ini's sleek black hair was tied up into a simple but elegant ponytail, her pointed ears peeking out and her tall horns wore the same jewelry as Shrike's. The two women Feys had chosen to wear simple sandals over their usual bare feet; and Yuna was practically rendered speechless as Shrike and Ini walked with a validated confidence and pride.
Right behind them was Borra, who Yuna was surprised so willingly agreed to dress up for the event (she was almost sure Maleficent had intervened and influenced Borra "decision"). For the most part, the rough and almost unkempt Fey maintained the same appearance with a few minor but quite appealing changes. Borra's heavily dreaded sandy-colored locks were tied back in a very thick ponytail, an odd look that revealed to Yuna the calloused and gruff Dark Fey was actually quite handsome. His leather armor and exposed chest were still present, his feet wearing sandals to match the tanned fabric. His nails were trimmed, he was properly cleaned up, and just like his female counterparts Borra was adorned in various painted patterns and markings; the majority of his skin covered in the intricate designs. His wings were well kept, and his impressive horns were sharpened to a gracious point. Across his chest, a golden chain similar to the jewelry Shrike and Ini wore rested proudly.
Finally... Yuna saw him.
Udo trailed behind the three, and gods was he worth the wait to see.
Borra, Shrike and Ini gave way for Udo to step through, and the sheer atmosphere and attention that her handsome Fey commanded made Yuna weak in the knees, and she smiled with pride.
His long platinum hair that even rivaled the length of her own was tied back into a braid that pooled over Udo's shoulder and ended just below his chest, airy baby hairs framing his forehead. His usual pristine robes were still present, but now a thick ivory cape embroidered with silver threading and and embezzlement clung from his lithe figure and down to the castle's marble floors. Where Borra, Shrike and Ini wore sandals, white lace up boots to match his garbs were present.
Pristine snowy wings that were by far the largest of the rest of the Feys were fanned out with pride, and Udo's white to black horns shot out from his thick braid. Around the structured features of his face was white paint that framed his cheekbones, eyes and brows; beautifully drawn markings that were faint and simple yet eye catching. Udo's ocean-hued eyes caught Yuna's widened honey ones, and his fangs poked through his delicate smile.
Yuna wasted no time in hurriedly running up to the Dark Fey's, in particular the Tundra Faerie.
"You guys are... stunning." Yuna could only blink as she took in the sheer elegance and beauty of the Dark Fey's ceremonial wear, the Feys clearly pleased with her reaction. "I can't even think of the words. Shrike and Ini, you're gorgeous..."
Yuna's eyes wandered to Borra and Udo, a blush on her cheeks as she gazed over her star.
"Borra, you look so.... handsome! Dignified! Clean!" She exclaimed happily.
Borra's chest was puffed proudly, and he flashed a toothy grin. "Witness the prowess of the Dark Feys, little wren! We're unlike any other!"
Ini giggled, her beautiful features holding a soft smile. "You're too kind, Yuna. You look lovely as well; it's not everyday we get to dress up like this."
Shrike winked, her curly hair bouncing as she twirled in her flowing silk. "Typically, Dark Feys only dress like this for weddings, or for a baby to receive a blessing from the Phoenix..." She smiled deviously. "But I'm sure you'll see all of that soon, hm?"
Yuna was now impervious to any of Shrike's cunning teases, playfully rolling her eyes as she brushed her off.
The three Dark Feys went to great the Phoenix, the crow, and the aristocrats and their guard; leaving just Udo and Yuna to have a brief tender moment amidst the crowd.
Yuna's chest tightened as she gazed up at Udo, and he smiled down at her. Softly, the Fey leaned down to press a brief and tender kiss to her plump lips, and Yuna hummed in appreciation. It still amazed her how even just looking at Udo managed to give her butterflies.
They slowly pulled away, and Yuna smiled tenderly up at him, her pointed fingernails coming up to cradle one of his cheeks.
"My handsome Fey." She whispered, Udo catching her hand to kiss her fingertips. "You look like you came straight out of a storybook; do you have a white horse waiting outside for me too?"
Udo chuckled, "Do I look like Philip? Also, do you think these wings are just for show? I can carry you around just fine by myself." His eyes softened as his jokes ceased. "Thank you, heart."
Yuna's hands flattened over Udo's sturdy chest as he went to hold her close. "Are you ready for today? We have quite the night ahead of us." Her voice softly asked.
She felt Udo nod, "The Dark Feys have waited a long time for this war to end. I might get a bit emotional, if I'm being honest." Udo quietly confessed, his arms tightening around her.
Careful of both of their appearances, Yuna stroked Udo's back to comfort him. "It's okay to get emotional, it's an amazing thing that's about to happen. I know that the Dark Fey's time in exile and the prices of this war haven't been glamorous, but that's all over now Udo..." Yuna lips pressed to the Fey's jaw. "Take some of that weight off your shoulders and give it to me; I can take it. That's why I'm here, Star." Her voice was the softest it'd ever been.
Yuna pulled back, wiping at the dampness that had formed underneath Udo's eyes and she smiled at him.
Udo stared down at her so lovingly and out of sheer adoration, and his voice was a gentle murmur;
"Thank you, Yuna." He caught the hand wiping at her eyes. "Of all the beings in this nebula who could've been my heart, I'll never thank the stars enough that it was you..."
Yuna's smile grew in its tenderness, faintly in the background she could hear their friends calling for them. "Same for me." She responded, capturing Udo's hand in her own.
She gave him a gentle tug, and pulled the two of them towards their beaming friends.
"Come on. Let's go make history."
Atop the same tower that Ingrid had waged her war on, Aurora and Philip stood hand in hand with their foreheads touching; a brief and loving moment between husband and wife.
"Are you ready, Aurora?" Philip whispered, his lips trailing up to her forehead.
Aurora nodded, casting a quick side smile to Maleficent. "Let's do this, Philip." She squeezed his hands.
Their entourage standing tally behind them, the King and Queen strode to the edge of the looming tower; gazing down open the crowded courtyard filled with their subjects. A pedestal stood before them, a thick parchment laid upon the wood as well as a quill and ink.
Philip cleared his throat, resolution settling in his gut as he cast a smile to where his father watched him with nothing short of pure pride in his eyes.
Philip took one final blink, and then leant to talk into the speaker before him;
"Thank you all for joining us on this momentous occasion."
A ripple of applause and cheers rang out, and Yuna smiled. From their tall height on the castle, a breeze cut through the group; Philip's long locks rustling with it.
"Today, we put an end to years of suffering, years of carnage, and years of a pointless and sinister war. From both sides, the true face of evil was reared; and the costs were dear. As your king, and as your protector; I stand by both sides with my entire heart. The love of my life, the Queen of the Moors, has made me a forever advocate for the rights of our Moorfolk; and as the King of Ulstead, I will always do whatever it takes to make my people safe within my rule. Today marks the ascension into a new dawn, a new era, a new world; Ulstead and The Moors shall become one, our kinds shall become one."
Another roar tore through the crowd, and Yuna felt Udo sneakily lace his fingers with her own. Maleficent and Diaval wiped at their eyes in silent tears that resembled the ones they'd shed the day Aurora was married, and Percival stood with a content grin on his usually grim features. Borra, Ini and Shrike were quiet, but Yuna knew that the silence was one of pure happiness that they were unable to put into words or actions.
Philip smiled as the cheers grew, and he stepped to the side.
"With that, please welcome Queen Aurora; as well as her mother and protector of the Moors, Maleficent."
Maleficent strode forward to lock arms with Aurora, pressing a kiss to her golden locks as Aurora smiled joyfully. The two women took Philip's old spot together, and Aurora took a breath.
She cast a glance to Yuna, who met her friend's nervous gaze with an encouraging smile and a thumbs up.
You got this.
Aurora smiled as she understood, and she turned back to her subjects. Her eyes glistened with pride, and Aurora finally spoke;
"Oh, how my heart is bursting with joy... from my wedding to now, I have been so overwhelmed with the presence and kindness exhibited by both the humans and Moorfolk as we've come together. It has been a very rocky and hard road getting to this point; but we are finally here. As the Queen of Ulstead and the Queen of the Moors, I realize this one thing; it's the people and beings we surround ourselves with that make life so wonderful. My life is so wonderful; with the humans, Dark Feys and faeries uniting as one, there is nothing more precious a gift than this."
Aurora bowed her head as her voice cracked from her emotion, taking a moment before continuing. "As of this moment, right here and now on this warm and sunny July morning; Ulstead declares the war and hostilities over with any Moorfolk, Dark Fey and Faerie. Today, we are all one proud nation!"
The cheers reached an all time fever pitch, and Yuna could feel her eyes water as Udo's grip tightened on her hand.
Gracefully retrieving the inked quill, Aurora unrolled the parchment. The historical document of the century; Aurora brought the ink down onto the paper. Once her name was sighed, and Philip's own was, she passed the quill to Maleficent.
"With the signatures of your King and Queen, as well as the Moor's protector and leader for years, we hereby declare this war over!" Philip's voice boomed, and finally their entourage couldn't contain their excitement any longer.
Borra fist pumped the air in a hearty cry of a cheer, and Shrike tore a surprised yell from Percival as she jumped on him in her excitement. Ini cheered in her quiet voice with an eye-squinting grin, and Diaval wiped at his teary eyes as he clapped rapidly.
Yuna let a cheer echo from her lips, which immediately bled into a yelp as Udo seized the opportunity to dip her; placing his lips over her own as he kissed her deeply.
The cheers were deafening, the applause was momentous, and the gasps of surprise were incredibly humorous;
Did that Dark Fey and human girl just kiss?
"SHRIKE! Shrike no, stop it!! I mean it!" Yuna squealed with a giggle as the Jungle Fey chased her around the royal bedroom, shooing away at her grabbing hands.
"It's time to get you ready for the ball! Come on, lemme help you!" Shrike laughed as Yuna evaded another one of her swipes, the two laughing as Ini sighed with an endearing smile.
"Shrike, come on; you're going to mess up your dress. Stop running around."
The Dark Feys still wore the same ceremonial wears that they'd dawned for the treaty signing; the elegance of their appearance perfect for the evening's ball.
Maleficent and Aurora watched the two with amusement, Aurora reaching out to snatch her friend. "No more goofing off! Come on, you need to get ready!" The Queen herself was already in a pink-hues tulle ball gown adorned with delicate magenta flowers, a lovely compliment to her naturally rosy cheeks and lips. 
Yuna sighed, dramatically throwing herself over the queen. "After the display of my beloved, I can't do anything; my heart simply can't take it." She groaned, and Aurora rolled her eyes.
"Oh, come on; we don't need two Diaval's running around. Since when were you one for theatrics?"
Maleficent chuckled in amusement as she fixed Shrike head jewelry, which had tangled with her hair amidst her antics. "I think it's quite valid Aurora; that was quite the bold move for Udo."
Once she helped the Jungle Fey, Maleficent turned to look at Yuna.
"You relationship is the center point of practically everyone's conversation. Do expect to have a little bit of mobbing at the ball tonight; everyone is quite interested in the love between a Dark Fey and human." She advised.
Patting out her freshly washed hair, Yuna sat down on the bed with a soft smile.
"I figured as much." She shrugged. "That Udo... when he said he wanted to make our relationship public, I didn't think he meant like that." She chuckled affectionately, her cheeks red like apples.
Ini smiled at her friend. "To be fair, I don't think Udo planned for it to happen like that either. He's quite the emotional Fey, as I'm sure you're aware; he probably just got caught up in the spur of it all and couldn't control himself."
Shrike nodded, plopping down by the girl on the bed. "It's a good thing though, yeah? I've yet to hear any sort of negativity about you two... honestly, I think people are rather infatuated by the idea of it. A Fey and human, transcending the barrier of kinds to be together! How romantic!" Shrike cooed, coyly throwing an arm over Yuna's shoulders. "Of course, if anyone did have any objections... we'd deal with them quietly." Shrike whispered dangerously, and Ini's calm demeanor was unsettling as she nodded in agreement.
Yuna shook her head at her friend's antics, patting Shrike's hand in appreciation. "I know you would. But no starting fights, okay? I'm a big girl, I can handle a few mean comments. It's bound to happen; not everyone will be so gung-ho about a Dark Fey and human being together." She smiled.
"All that matters is that the people who love you are. Don't mind the outliers." Aurora's voice was sharp, and Yuna smiled her appreciation.
Maleficent hummed. "You know, a long while ago, back when I was just a young Fey, I'd also fallen in love with a human. It's quite the infamous tale, I'm sure you know of it, but just remember this; times are changing. Udo is a good Fey, and I know you are a wonderful human Yuna. You two can overcome anything." Maleficent's voice was so uncharacteristically gentle, and Yuna's eyes softened.
She rose to her feet, and couldn't resist as she delicately embraced the Dark Fey.
"Thank you Maleficent." She whispered.
Maleficent embraced her back; "You're welcome, beastie."
The evening sun bled a tomato like color into the bedroom; the ball on the horizon as the girls basked in the bedroom. In Diaval's own room within the castle, the boys gave the girls their privacy as they readied themselves in the crow's bedroom; the night holding promises of grandeur putting all of the friends on an excited edge.
Releasing her, Maleficent gently guided Yuna to stand in the center of the room; a robe wrapped around Yuna's freshly washed figure.
"Wait right there Yuna; let me get a good look at you." Maleficent instructed, and Yuna quirked a brow.
Maleficent, Aurora, Shrike and Ini stood before her, silent as the Dark Fey studied her intently. Yuna fidgeted under her gaze, and Aurora grinned as Maleficent hummed.
"You're right Aurora. I think that would look quite lovely on her." Maleficent nodded.
Yuna's confusion only grew. "What?" She questioned, Maleficent's hands already beginning to glow with a faint light.
"Hush now Yuna, I'm working." Maleficent brushes her off, grinning deviously as the magic emanating from her fingertips began to trickle down into the floor and engulf Yuna.
Yuna's eyes widened; the golden light blinding her as she closed her eyes shut in a wince. The light warmed her, brightening before it settled, and then it vanished.
Her eyes were still closed from the shock of it all; the room's occupants quiet. Finally, it was Aurora who broke the silence;
"Wow..." She breathed.
"Yuna, is that really you?" Shrike whispered.
"Stunning." Ini hummed her approval.
"Open up your eyes and appreciate my hard work Yuna; you look like you belong in a painting in a museum." Maleficent's voice sounded. "How lovely..."
Hesitantly, Yuna's eyes fluttered open. She was greeted by the widened eyes of the three Dark Feys and one human; their faces frozen in pure shock and wonder.
"Guys...?" Yuna went to smooth her hands over her bathrobe- wait, since when was she in a dress?
Yuna's eyes matched her friend's as they challenged saucers, and Yuna's newly heeled feet clicked wildly to the nearest mirror.
Her eyes met her reflection's, and Yuna nearly passed out on the spot.
A grand ball gown; a rich and alluring aureate color that was a silken corset bodice that bled to a tulle bottom. The sweet heart neckline was a compliment to Yuna's chest and ever present treasured necklace; the sleeves hanging loosely from her thin shoulders. A golden laced floral pattern hung over the aureate dress; and Yuna was practically rendered speechless...
This was, by far, the most beautiful thing Yuna would probably ever wear in her lifetime.
It didn't end there; her oxblood locks (a gorgeous complimentary color to her golden dress) were tied up in a loose and curled updo; her swept bangs framing a delicately made up face exquisitely. Small, stray golden flowers littered her hair, and a sheer sheen clung to Yuna exposed skin that made her simply glow.
Yuna barely even recognized herself, and her breath was caught in her chest, a nimble hand come up to unsurely touch at a blushed cheek. Was that really her?
Her name snapped the girl from her thoughts, and she turned back to her waiting friends that still stared at her in adoration.
Maleficent gave her a gentle smile. "Do you love it? You can thank Aurora... she wanted you to be the belle of the ball. You're so pretty Yuna; I worry that you might spend the night shaking off lovestruck suitors."
Yuna blinked, her eyes glimmering with pure joy; "I-I love... I love it." She finally whispered out. "Maleficent, Aurora... thank you..."
Aurora breathed as she took in Yuna's appearance; "Yuna, you're so beautiful... oh, I'm so happy!" She exclaimed.
Shrike's usually playful demeanor was reduced to an open mouth stare, and she nodded slowly. "Udo, Udo will... Udo will lose it when he sees you. Gods, Yuna, you look like a goddess!"
Ini nodded with her friend in agreement, eyes wide. "Don't get me wrong, I think you're always quite lovely, Yuna... but this is on a whole new level. You look... you look... I can't even think of the right words!"
Yuna blushed heavily under her friend's compliments, rubbing at her bare arms with a small smile. "Thank you..." She softly responded.
'These girls... They make me feel like I could take on the world.' Yuna's smile grew.
Maleficent's magic enveloped her own figure; The Dark Fey's new look consisting of a fitted and simple black gown with a short black cape to cover her shoulders and neck. Her long brunette hair was straight has it hung freely; her curled midnight horns and dark wings protruding elegantly.
"I do believe we're all ready." Maleficent smiled.
"Come ladies; I do believe the gentleman shall be meeting us soon."
Aurora's eyes lit up with realization. "Oh! Philip and I need to go let the guests in and greet them!" She exclaimed. She smoothed her dress down frantically, giving Maleficent a kiss on the cheek and briefly hugging the other three girls. "You all look beautiful, and I'm so happy to celebrate with you tonight. I might be busy greeting guests all night, but remember to party and have fun!" Aurora waved at them, taking off out the door.
A quick glance outside the window revealed a sea of people and Moorfolk alike pooling into the castle gates, and Yuna gulped.
'That's quite the attendance...'
Maleficent seemed to also notice the influx of the Moorfolk and she sighed.
"I better go great the Moorfolk and make sure they're settled; Aurora will be busy enough just dealing with the citizens." Maleficent motioned for Shrike and Ini as she also made her way towards the door.
"You two come help me; it'll help the other Dark Feys to see a few familiar faces mingling with the humans."
Shrike followed her easily, and Ini cast one last smile to Yuna. "We'll see you out there, then?" The Desert Fey questioned, and Yuna returned her grin.
"Yeah, yeah I'll see you out there." She confirmed, and Ini gave her shoulder a squeeze as she followed after Maleficent and Shrike.
The door clicked shut, and Yuna was left alone in the resounding silence.
The herbalist released a deep breath, sighing as she jittered nervously. Her gaze continued to watch the humans and faeries trail into the castle from her window, and Yuna gulped.
'I'm so nervous, I really don't like crowds... not to mention I'm so dolled up; I love it but I don't want people looking at me.' Yuna wringed her hands.
'Is this all too much? I don't even recognize myself; will Udo like it? Not to mention, we'll be swarmed with inappropriate questions...'
She gnawed at her pigmented red lip, shaking the thoughts away from her head.
'No. Nothing will ruin tonight; nothing can take away my happiness. The war is over, Udo and I are together, we're here with all of our friends... that's all I need.'
Her eyes shining with a newfound determination, Yuna's heels clinked on the marbled floor as she exited the bedroom.
'Everyone should already be in the ballroom; things are already going into full swing. Is Udo already there as well?'
The late evening sun shone magnificently upon Yuna's golden evening wear as she trekked down the hall, her hands clasped in front of her. She trailed through the halls, her eyes trained to the floor before her as her heart pounded.
'I feel so nervous...'
When the marble floor went from a rich green to a milky white, Yuna knew she'd reached her destination. The double doors leading to the ballroom were right before her, and Yuna could hear the blaring music and cheers all the way from down the hall.
She sighed heavily, and lifted her head.
It was then that she was met with a wide eyed and beet red Udo; the Fey still in his ceremonial wears from earlier that day. The two held each other's sight for a long quiet moment, and Udo breathed as his eyes glimmered;
"I-I was just about to get you, all of the girls are already in there and I was beginning to worry..."
Udo shook his head as he soaked in Yuna's appearance, and Yuna's cheeks took on a peachy glow.
"S-Sorry, I was... getting ready." Yuna swallowed thickly, the way Udo looked at her making her chest tighten.
Udo seemed to not register her response; his mind preoccupied. The Fey took a step forward, and his eyes widened as he gazed upon his heart.
"Yuna... Yuna..." Udo sought to form a proper sentence, his mind blanking as he gazed at her.
Yuna shifted nervously, and Udo suddenly turned on his heel so his back was to her.
"I'm sorry. I need a moment." His voice almost sounded strained, and Yuna raised a worried brow.
"Udo...?" Her small hand came to touch the Fey's winged back, and Udo shivered.
She watched as Udo took in another deep breath, finally turning back to her. His blush had died down to a soft rose one, his eyes shining like a starry night sky as he practically beamed at Yuna, a wide and dreamy smile spreading on his face.
"Yuna, you're so beautiful."
Yuna's eyes widened as Udo went to embrace her, his nose nuzzling into the crook between her neck and shoulder.
"U-Udo?" Yuna's blush deepened.
Udo only buried his face further into her soft skin. "I'm sorry; you're just so pretty Yuna, I don't know how to handle it."
Yuna's heart fluttered with sheer joy at the confession, her eyes softening as it was her turn to be rendered speechless.
"So beautiful, and all mine..." Udo released her, eyes full of adoration as he stepped back to get another good look at his heart.
"Spin for me." He instructed softly. "I want to see you."
Her cheeks reddened, but her soul alight with happiness, Yuna complied. The golden tulle swung elegantly from her form as Yuna did a gentle spin before Udo, a small smile on her lips as Udo hummed in appreciation.
"Gorgeous." He murmured, swooping in to take the girl into his arms once more.
"Do you really like it?" Yuna whispered, embracing the Fey back as his braid tickled her cheek.
Udo almost sounded insulted; "Of course I do; I love everything about you." Yuna felt a kiss be pressed to her reddened ear. "I'd never lie to you, Yuna."
Yuna's smile grew, and she hugged her Fey back tighter. "I know. How silly of me."
Udo breathed in her sent, and Yuna felt one of his pointed fingers coming up to play with a aureate flower twisted in her scarlet hair; "I can't believe you're mine; how someone can be so dangerously intelligent and stunning all at once will always be beyond me." He pressed a kiss to her jaw.
Yuna's legs almost went weak at that, "I'm always yours..."
The couple basked in their mutual hold for a few more quiet and content moments; neither one wanting to let go. In the end, it was Yuna who initiated the release despite Udo's noise of protest.
"Oh hush." She cooed, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Don't forget we have a ball to attend."
"I'm aware." Udo sighed, his hand trailing down her exposed arms. "I just don't want to share you... only I get to see you like this."
Yuna grinned, kissing away the pout on her star's lips. "Come on, don't be like that. I'll be all yours once we're back home. I always am."
Udo hummed into the kiss. "Promise?" He prompted.
Yuna nodded her head in a silent promise. "Always."
Udo's eyes softened, and he pressed one last lingering kiss to her forehead. "Having such a gorgeous woman on my arm; I'll be making quite a few guards and town boys very envious." He whispered.
"I could say the same thing; you do look incredibly handsome... I thing I might have to fight off a few lovestruck teenagers." Yuna giggled, and Udo rolled his eyes with a laugh.
"Let's just both agree we make quite the dashing couple, hm?"
Extending his elbow to her in an offer, Yuna latched onto it gratefully. "Come along; we have many things to celebrate tonight."
Yuna's stomach filled with butterflies as they trailed up to the doors leading into the bustling ballroom; her grip on Udo's arm tightening. Udo's hand came to push the barriers open, briefly pausing;
Said girl lifted her head.
Keeping his eyes trained to the closed doors, Udo's voice rang with a steady and fierce determination.
"I don't care what anyone says, and I don't care what anyone thinks. I love you... and there will never be anything I want more than to spend the rest of my days with you." He spoke.
Yuna's gapped up at him as his hand pushed open the door; the ballroom's bright chandeliers greeting her.
"With this new era... I'll live it with you right by my side. No matter the judgement or prejudice we might face; you're my precious heart."
Yuna had to swallow down her tears as Udo lead them atop the grand staircase that bled into the checkered tiled floors of the ballroom's main dance hall. She squeezed his arm in a quiet reciprocation, the violin music around them hitting a crescendo as heads turned to watch the Fey and human descend the steps together.
Ball-gowned women and tuxedoed men halted in their merriment, drinks in hand and mid-waltz as they watched the couple intently.
Udo held his head proudly, and Yuna's own pounding heart had finally quelled; Udo was right... no matter what, they'd face through everything together.
She offered a smile to a few lingering stares, pleasantly surprised as they dipped their heads back at her in greeting. Slowly, but surely, the commotion in the ballroom started back up again; the interest in the fey-human couple momentarily put on the back burner (no doubt the dangerous gleam in Udo's eyes that almost dared someone to say something making them turn away).
Yuna sighed with relief, glancing up to see Udo staring down lovingly at her. Pressing a kiss to her tied up hair, Udo lead them to where their friends waited with bright smiles.
"My, I dare say that Udo and Yuna have outshone us for best dressed couple. We'll need to step our game up, Aurora." Philip grinned, embracing the two as they meshed into the group.
Aurora smiled warmly at the pair, "I think that Yuna is simply beautiful, and Udo isn't too bad in the looks department either." She winked.
Percival made a noise of agreement. "Yuna, you do look quite nice. Aurora has been quite excited to dress you up."
Yuna chuckled. "Thank you!" She bowed at the three.
"Yuna! Udo! You guys like amazing!" An excited Diaval bounded up, bumping into Borra.
"Crow man! Watch where you're going, I could've spilled my drink on Yuna's dress!" He growled.
Udo quirked an amused brow. "Is that a... cocktail, Borra?" He grinned at his best friend.
Borra glared dangerously at his lifetime pal. "Is there a problem? Shrike suggested I take a dip into the royal lifestyle... I quiet like this drink." Borra took a sip. "I think it makes me nicer. Yuna; you look very beautiful." He cut his eyes to Udo. "Udo, you're a jerk but I'm happy for you."
The group broke into laughter at that.
"Ah, you younglings are simply too much for me to handle." Maleficent chuckled.
"They can be a lot for me too; at least Borra's getting better." Ini's deadpanned joke sent the friends into another bout of amusement, Shrike clapping her hands together.
"Come on now, we didn't come to a ball to stand around and chat!"
Snatching onto a protesting Percival, Shrike dragged the man out into the heart of the grand room. "It's a ball! If my understanding of human culture is correct, we need to dance! Party!"
Ini sighed. "That girl... she never changes."
In the columned room with a cherub painted ceiling, and grand tall windows, the faeries and humans meshed into the crowd with excited chatter. Whether it was greeting new or familiar faces or simply enjoying the ambiance of the evening; everyone seemed content in that grand room. Faeries blended with humans, humans danced with faeries and shared plates of food with them as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
In the middle of the exciting night, Yuna cooed down to a swaddled and happy baby that she hadn't seen for some weeks, grinning widely.
"Sophia, he's such a good baby!" Yuna praised, her finger tickling at Jude's chubby cheek.
Sophia smiled warmly, as did her husband David;
"He must recognize you; he never giggles this much!"
Udo watched the exchange from Yuna's side with soft eyes, his own hand coming up to brush back the babe's dark tuft of hair.
"You delivered this baby, Yuna?" Udo smiled gently. "You're so amazing, did you know that?"
Yuna giggled. "Trust me, it wasn't easy!" She shot a wink to Sophia. "Sophia is the real hero. She had to do all of the hard work!"
Sophia laughed, "Oh stop, you're the whole reason Jude is even here!"
Yuna felt a tug at her dress,
"Miss Yuna! Miss Yuna! We want to see the baby!"
"I want to see a human baby..."
At some point in the night, Dagran Lilja and Yui had tagged along with the couple; the Fey children seemingly infatuated with seeing the newly born babe.
Delicately, Yuna knelt down as she still cradled Jude close to her chest, Udo going with her.
"Be very careful, you three. He isn't a toy." She softly instructed, smoothing the blanket so they could see the baby's red face.
The three's eyes were wide as they gazed down at the little baby, Sophia and David sharing a grin.
"He's... he's so tiny!" Dagran giggled.
"Yeah! He looks like one of my dolls." Lilja notes with a nod.
Yui was quiet as her chubby little hand came to pet at the boy's hair.
"Careful, Yui." Udo softly advised, watching as the smaller girl's hand brushed through Jude's small patch of hair.
The baby wiggled under her touch, letting out a soft noise as a bright smile spread onto Yui's features.
"Cute!" She beamed, sending the adults into laughter.
Yui blinked innocently.
"Udo, Yuna... when will you two have a baby?"
The question made Udo scoop up the little Tundra Fey with a deep blush and happy laugh, and Yuna cradled Jude just a little bit tighter.
The night dragged on;
Shrike challenged Percival to a drinking competition, Diaval had drunkenly cried on Maleficent's shoulder after she refused to let him turn into a bear for a party trick, Borra had screamed at a few lovelorn boys hounding Ini for a dance, and Philip and Aurora toasted to faerie after citizen to faerie after citizen; leaving them slightly buzzed.
The night grew late, and still the ball was raging just as strongly as it had started.
Yuna had to weave adeptly though the thick crowds to get outside; feeling oddly reminiscent of that day she weaved through thick seas of people to sketch the incoming Moorfolk.
Ah, if she only knew then just how much her life would change that day.
She pushed open one of the ballroom's side doors, releasing a pleased breath as the cold night air of Castle Ulstead's garden hit her sweaty skin. Aurora has insisted on dragging her out for more than one dance with their group, bopping heads and happy cheers echoing from friend to friend as they, quite literally, danced the night away.
The evening of partying and dancing had left Yuna in need of a quick breather, the refreshing cool air like a blessing to her heated skin.
'I can't say I've ever danced like that before... who knew Diaval was such a good dancer?!'
Dragging her feet tiredly to one of the garden's many benches, Yuna's dress puffed out like a flower as her petite form sat down; almost swallowing her in a flurry of golden tulle and lace.
The music booming faintly behind her, Yuna let her head fall back on the bench, soaking in the expansive starry sea above her. The symphony of stars seeming to dance with the distant tunes, Yuna let her eyes shut against the cool metal on her neck.
The herbalist rested only for a few moments before she heard the crunching of grass behind her; remaining calm as she felt something soft tickle her forehead.
"Guess who."
Yuna smirked.
"Hmmmm, I hope it's Frederick."
She heard a huff, giggling as her eyes opened to an amused looking Udo staring down at her.
"Funny." He breathed, leaning to press a kiss to her nose.
With Yuna sitting up fully, Udo looped around the bench to take a seat at his heart's side, the girl instantly leaning her head onto his shoulder.
The night air swimming around them, Yuna spoke as her eyes studied a particularly beautiful rose bush in the garden; "Sorry if I worried you, I just had to catch a breath of fresh air and take a break." She chuckled. "I'll be back in in a moment."
Udo's nose pressed into her sweet smelling hair, which was slightly falling loose from its updo due to the night's festivities.
"Don't worry about it, I found myself getting overwhelmed as well." Udo's hand went to lace with the one resting in Yuna's lap. "I'm happy just being here with you."
Yuna smiled, breathing in Udo's musky scent.
"Same with me." She breathed.
The two sat like that as they simply enjoyed the night's calming atmosphere, Udo only breaking the silence as a slow and sweet song began to replace the upbeat dancing ones.
"All eyes have been trained on us the entire night; it's nice to have some privacy..." He whispered. "Amongst all of this excitement, I'm sad to say I've yet to ask you for a dance..."
Yuna easily caught on to the teasing tone in Udo's words, and she nudged him playfully.
"Well, good thing the perfect song came on, and I'm sitting here ever so patiently..."
With a grin, Udo rose up to his feet and extending a hand down to the sitting girl.
"Yuna, may I please have this dance?" His eyes softened. "Please?"
The soft music echoed around them, and under the moonlight Udo's striking features were like a dreamy trance.
Yuna accepted his hand. "Of course." Her smile matched the love in his eyes.
Udo gently led her to her feet, his hand coming to wrap around her waist while the other went to cradle her hand. Udo held her unbelievably close, and Yuna's hand went to hold his hand back while the other went to rest upon his shoulder.
"I've never danced before." She confessed as Udo guided them out to the lawn.
"It's okay... me neither." Udo grinned. "Just follow me and go with the music..."
Udo softly began to sway them, and Yuna relaxed.
The gentle, elegant serenade led the couple into an intimate slow dance; the moonlit garden serving as their own private ballroom.
Udo's eyes stared tenderly down at Yuna, who held his gaze with just as much softness. They shared a tender and long kiss, Yuna leaning down to full rest her head on Udo's chest as he fully wrapped his arms around her small waist. They swayed to the slow rhythm together; sweet nothings fluttering from their lips as they shared kiss after kiss.
Even after the music had faded away, the two hadn't noticed; caught up in their own little world as they simply basked in each other's being.
Udo spoke up in a quiet voice. "When the sun comes up... it'll be a whole new world." His hands trailed up Yuna's back. "Yuna... I know I'm a bit of a broken record, but I just want you to always know it." He pressed a kiss into her oxblood tresses. "I can't wait to greet the following days with you; from now to when we're old and grey."
Yuna's heart fluttered, and she nestled into Udo's chest further. "Me too." She whispered. "I... I love you Udo. I really, really love you."
She felt Udo hold her even tighter against his strong body, "I love you, Yuna."
Oh, what a summer it had been.
Yuna had, in just two months...
Been swept into the world of the Moors and Dark Feys, she had met a man with the ability to transform into a crow who somehow convinced her to crash a royal wedding and jump from Castle Ulstead's massive walls, she'd almost died, she'd been rescued by a Fey who she didn't know would be the star crossed love of her life. She moved into the Moors, she met the best friends of her entire life, she became a court herbalist, she came to terms with a past she so desperately had tried to run from for five whole years. She lost her home twice, but then created one that would last a lifetime... her and Udo finally got together...
Saying she loved Udo was an understatement; she devoted her entire soul, heart and being to the Dark Fey, she completely adored him.
The best thing was... Yuna knew that Udo felt the exact same way.
"Hey, Udo..." Yuna chested tightened with a momentary anxiety.
"Yes?" Udo's lips pressed into the crown of her head again.
Yuna let out a deep breath, and then a warm and gentle smile overtook her rosy lips. She lifted her head up from Udo's chest, meeting his eyes with a half-lidded adoring gaze.
She brought a hand up to brush against one of the Fey's high cheekbones. "I'm ready." Yuna whispered.
Udo stared down at her just as adoringly, "For what, heart?" His hand went to mirror her own, cradling Yuna's face.
The words slipped from Yuna's mouth, and a feeling of pure contentment and unbridled joy spread throughout Yuna's entire being.
"Make love to me." She whispered.
Udo swept down to kiss Yuna passionately, cradling her head and holding her body like she was starlight personified.
⚠️WARNING I'm making the warning right now and that's it: SMUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!⚠️
Thank you all for 9k!!!!! 🎉
I hadn't intended to update at all this week, but I figured I should just so I could get to the long awaited steamy chapter sooner~ : )
I took a good few days to just relax and grieve, and I'm feeling at least a bit better ❤️ thank you to everyone who checked in with me, writing this story has been a great outlet for me!
Please show your support and let me know what you thought about the chapter, I hope you all enjoyed!!!
Sending wishes of good health and happiness to anyone who needs it, I'll see you all in the next chapter~
Prepare yourselves, it'll be worth the wait 😉

Purity in the Stars *Maleficent: Mistress of Evil- Udo Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now