Chapter Twenty One: Truthful Lie

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Just one more day.
One more day, and they would reach their destination.
The first day at sea ended with Aurora and Yuna taking an impromptu dive into the icy eastern waters, the second day was spent with human after fey recycling in and out of the infirmary to help nurse the girls back to health.
The third and final day at sea, the day they were currently on, they simply had to make up for lost time.
Once cleared to leave and work on light duty, Philip and Aurora were holed up in the office with their corespondents to discuss the diplomatic terms that may arise with their meeting tomorrow. Percival, Lottie, Maleficent and Diaval were basically holed up with them, and Yuna had to drop in from time to time to either translate or simply offer her own perspective.
Yuna had her own hands full of a sea sick Borra in the infirmary, the mean and angry fey like putty in her hands as he groaned in her arms.
"I'm at your mercy, Yuna...I think I may be dying."
The fey had babbled as he threw himself at her, Yuna holding onto him like he were a small and frightened child.
The ship rolled again under a deep wave, and Borra gave out a mixture of a groan and a gag.
Yuna smiled affectionately. "You're not dying, Mr. Drama." She sighed. "You're sea sick. Let me get you some ginger, that'll help."
Borra shook his head vehemently, and Yuna suppressed another sigh as he tightened his grip on her.
"N-No...I'll be damned if I need to rely on human remedies to make me feel better..." He suppressed another gag, strict face unbearably soft and pale amidst his suffering. "If the other Dark Feys ever saw me like this, I'd never live it down..."
Yuna huffed, shaking her head at the fey's crestfallen appearance. She patted his head encouragingly.
"How about I get Ini to come in here and have her fix you up instead, him?"
It was as if Borra wasn't even on a boat anymore.
His whole demeanor brightened.
Yuna began questioning if the sea was taking a toll on her as well (besides the night where she nearly died from hyperthermia. That was the exception).
Cramps in her abdomen lead her to believe that Borra's sea sickness was contagious, and she had stowed away in the middle of the second night to fix her own cup of ginger tea to ease the cramping.
Everyone else seemed fine, for the most part;
Shrike has actually adjusted to the sea quite well, and was rather infatuated by it (Percival had done well in quelling her fears of sea travel).
James has been exceptionally nicer to her after her free fall into the ocean, but out of fear for Udo and Diaval, the lad still kept his distance.
Maleficent and Diaval filled the ship's corridors with late night giggling more than once, and Yuna had witnessed Borra and Ini slip away in the night one too many times to not start getting suspicious.
She was quite certain the group would be welcoming in another official couple before they even reached the sands of Miyagata; the only question was who it'd be.
Not that she hadn't seen it coming.
Udo spent the trip fussing over her (as per usual), and Yuna had to do her best not to get annoyed with the fey. He was worried, and rightfully so.
"What are you doing out of bed?"
It was their second night out at sea, the same night Yuna had somehow managed to sneak past Udo and brew her tea in the ship's kitchen.
Yuna winced at his sharp but concerned tone, eyeing him with a guilty grin as she cocked her head towards the cup before her.
"Ginger tea." She answered, like it was obvious. "Been having some pains. Thought this would help."
Udo immediately entered the dimly lit kitchen, meeting Yuna where she stood at the counter and clearly alarmed by her words.
"Pains? Where does it hurt?" His eyes scanned over her quickly, checking for any signs of injury and Yuna bit her tongue at her word choice.
"It nothing like that, I'm okay." Yuna assured him, grabbing at one of Udo's hands. She rubbed her thumb over his knuckles tenderly, "Just some discomfort. I'll go right back to bed after I finish this, okay?"
Udo's worried gaze didn't give.
"You could've told me...I would've brought you some tea." He insisted quietly. "You shouldn't be up."
Yuna kept rubbing at his hand, a constant reminder that she was there and she was okay.
"I know yesterday was scary, but I'm alright, Udo. I promise." She brought his hand up to cup her face, and Udo's eyes became warm like her hot tea at the gesture. "See? I'm right here." Yuna nuzzled into his palm.
"It's thanks to you that I feel so much better; you took such good care of me Udo. It feels good to move around, I don't like being stuck in that infirmary bed all day." Yuna meant the words whole heartedly, but she also said them because she knew they were what Udo needed to hear.
He did take such good care of her, he always did.
Udo's eyes softly stared into her own, the flickering candlelight and gentle splash of waves the only identifiable white noise.
Through the seeping moonlight, Udo's other hand came to swipe a finger over Yuna's lips; wet from the spiced drink.
"Your lips are still a bit blue, in the center." He noted softly. His hand trailed from her face to her free hand, wrapping his much larger hand around her tinier one. "Fingertips have regained color and your temperature is just about normal...but I still worry."
Udo's cheeks glinted with his slight embarrassment, and Yuna's warm lips pressed to his nose.
"I worry about you too, you know. It's not good for you to always be working yourself to the bone to look out for others; no matter how much I love that about you." She smiled.
"Come on. I think we both could use some sleep; in our own bed, not that tiny back-breaking one in the infirmary." She suggested in a light tone.
Udo seemed to lighten with her words, and the suggestion.
"Only if you promise me you'll rest throughout the night. I...I want you to be fully healed by the time we dock in Miyagata." He whispered. "I want you to enjoy yourself."
Now it was Udo's words that brought Yuna warmth.
"Only if you promise me the same thing." She quipped back.
Her tea finished, the two of them quickly strode to their bedroom in a comfortable silence. They embraced under the covers, Yuna falling asleep almost instantly and Udo not to far behind her.
Speaking of Udo...
Yuna had easily spotted her love amongst the crowded dining area, the night filled with laughter as the occupants ate and drank merrily.
"To our last night on this floating death trap, and our arrival to Miyagata tomorrow morning!" Philip cheered, thrusting his mug up with vigor.
"While we had a few...mishaps, I'm happy to say I wouldn't want a better group of friends to plunge into stormy waters with!"
Yuna giggled as the room thrust their own drinks up to match Philip, Aurora rolling her eyes at the wording with a grin.
Yuna had opted to forgo drinking that night, sipping away at some cider when she saw Udo across the room. He and Philip were tucked away into a secluded corner of the room, the rest of the room seemingly oblivious as they indulged in the party.
Yuna couldn't discern what they were saying, couldn't even attempt to read Udo's lips, but she instantly understood his facial expression.
The way his eyes shone with a muted panic, how his platinum brows furrowed and dipped above his sapphire irises, the way his handsome features kept threading to crinkle into a frown.
He was upset.
This upset Yuna; of course, she didn't like seeing Udo upset at any time. Who liked to see their loved ones in a state of distress? Certainly not her.
Also, this was supposed to be a happy night. Tomorrow would mark the end of their journey! They were supposed to be celebrating the fact with their friends...with each other. Enjoying a good drink, indulging in the food the cooks had worked all day on preparing and simply bask in the pleasant ambiance.
Yuna knew Udo had been acting strangely since that first night on the ship...since she had fallen overboard and was forced to stay in the infirmary. He seemed...cautious. More so than usual; anxious and calculated, if you will.
It worried Yuna, but she decided to just chalk it up to Udo either being extra concerned after her unprecedented dive into the sea, or perhaps him simply anticipating her reaction to being back in Miyagata after so many years.
However, this seemed to be the final straw for Yuna.
Udo seemed almost distressed as he and Philip talked in hushed voices, away from the eyes of the party. Yuna had been watching her Fey carefully the last few days, and she knew that something really was wrong the moment Udo excused himself from her at the beginning of the night and went to find Philip.
She felt a flare of protectiveness in her chest, setting her drink down as she went to set off to where Udo stood amongst the shadows.
Yuna barely made it two steps before a hand wrapped around her elbow.
Her head turned, instantly greeted by a happy and alcohol-flushed Aurora.
"Come on, all of us have already picked a table! We saved you a seat!" The queen grinned.
Yuna looked to Aurora, then back to Philip and Udo unsurely.
Yuna's serious tone made Aurora falter, momentarily blinking away her smile as she followed Yuna's gaze.
Aurora quirked a brow at her husband and fey, but she merely shrugged off the exchange with a shrug.
"What, those two?" She offered Yuna her usual calming presence, her smile already back on her face.
"It's just guy talk I'm sure. They've been conversing a lot since we fell into the ocean, hm?" Aurora chuckled lightly.
Yuna blinked at the observation;
'Yeah...they have.'
"They probably grew closer, having to stay with us in the infirmary. I wouldn't think anything of it; knowing them they're just over there fussing in private over us. You know how they are." Aurora gazed over at her husband with a fond adoration.
"They'll join us when they're done. Come on, everyone's waiting for you! One last night of fun before we reach Miyagata!"
Yuna eventually gave into her friend's incessant tugging and assurances. However, even as she sat down amongst her friends and giggled happily, she was never able to take her eyes off of Udo.
Yuna still didn't know what happened that night.
Didn't know what awaited her at Miyagata.
"Yuna...I fear I don't know how to relay this information to her delicately. We know what the threat to Miyagata is."
Alarms sounded in Udo's head, and he perked up.
"Philip, what is it?" He didn't mean to sound harsh, but gods, anything involving Yuna instantly made Udo overprotective.
Philip met his eyes with furrowed brows.
Udo felt his heart threaten to stop.
The ship rocked and swayed, and Udo almost went with it.
Philip held eye contact almost guiltily, and Udo just barely managed to press himself off the infirmary bed that Yuna currently slept on.
Udo's brows were furrowed into a hard scowl that portrayed both his astonishment and his severe worry. He rubbed a large hand over his face once, then twice.
His eyes went to Yuna's peaceful, sleeping form, then back to where Philip sat by his resting wife.
Udo gulped thickly, his fists clenching then relaxing, and his sharp eyes bore into the king.
"Outside." The tundra fae didn't need to say more for Philip to obey.
Granted, the storm outside was as raging as ever, so "outside" had to be substituted for the dark corridor leading into the infirmary.
Udo shut the door behind them firmly, quickly scanning the hallways to ensure no one overheard them. The tall windows lining the corridor flashed bright strikes of lightning into the wooden hallways, wind and sea water whipping wildly against the reinforced glass.
Philip remained silent as they stepped away from the door, Udo's winged back facing him as he stared out into the stormy sea. He could see Udo attempting to steady himself, taking in a few deep breaths and pressing a hand against the cool glass; like its temperature would transfer to him.
Philip waited, and after a long few moments, Udo finally spoke.
"If you took advantage of Yuna, I'll have her off of this ship and back to Ulstead before the sun is even up."
Udo's voice was unnervingly steady, and devoid of any discernible emotion.
Philip knew that meant the fey was upset, angry beyond words.
"I might just take her back home anyways. I won't...Philip, I will not let Yuna get hurt again. Do you even understand what this means for her?"
Udo finally turned around, meeting Philip with a fierce look.
"Can you even comprehend the sheer terror she feels over pirates? After what happened?"
Philip wet his dry lips.
"I know, Udo. I know." The king held his head in an apologetic shame. "I swear to you both that I have never, and would never take advantage of Yuna. By the time I read the newest letter, we were already out to sea. If I read it before hand, I would've brought it to Yuna's attention before she made her decision. Please Udo, you have to believe me." Philip pleaded.
Udo's eyes shrank into a dangerous glare.
"You understand why that's hard for me to believe, right?"
Udo turned to fully face him.
"You don't know, Philip. No one knows how much Yuna still hurts from losing everything; no one will ever understand. It's my job to make sure that Yuna is never put in a position like that ever again. I will protect her, Philip." Udo's voice had to be hushed to not alert any nearby ears, but his sentiment rang out clearly.
Udo wasn't taking this lightly.
"And I'd expect no less from you. You love Yuna, you want to protect her; I'd never hesitate to do the same for Aurora." Philip spoke slowly, carefully.
"I understand that it's hard to believe me, but I hope that you soon will. We're friends Udo; I've sworn to look after Yuna just as much as I know you would do for Aurora. I'd never do anything to jeopardize that; you and everyone else on this ship are far too precious to me."
Philip watched as the tension in Udo's shoulders ever so slightly loosened, the king's voice still low as he continued.
"I also understand that this may be a dealbreaker. I know Yuna's history with pirates; I know that it's something she may not be ready to face. That's why I told you Udo, if Yuna is to know what she's getting into then I felt it best I inform you. We are the only two on this ship who know what's going on. Not even Aurora or Percival know. If you want to take Yuna and leave, then I completely understand. I will hold no ill will, and you two will face no repercussions. The choice is entirely up to the two of you. I swear it."
Udo eyed Philip as he finished, his expression was one of concern more than anything else.
"...You're serious?" The Fey questioned, in reference to everything Philip had divulged to him. The hope reflecting in Udo's eyes screamed to Philip that he wanted to believe him.
"Swear on my title as king." Philip nodded firmly. "Udo, I- gods, I would never make Yuna face something like this. Not after what she went through."
Udo sighed heavily, and Philip hurriedly stepped forward as the fey's legs suddenly just gave out.
"Udo!" The king explained, kneeling before his friend in a panic.
"I'm fine." Udo quickly intervened.
"I just...I need to process all of this." The Fey sighed shakily, one of his hands cradling his horned scalp.
Wordlessly, Philip nodded. He took a seat by the faerie, offering him a supportive hand on his shoulder as an act of comfort.
Udo's hand clenched a fistful of his platinum tresses tightly, gaze fixed to his lap as he spoke up after a few long moments.
"What do you know about these pirates?" His voice was quiet, almost resigned. "Who are they? What threat are they posing to Miyagata that would make the Corsairs of the Nether contact the crown?"
The storm raging behind them, Philip watched as their shadows cast onto the corridor walls like looming big willows.
"We haven't heard from the Corsairs since. I'm afraid they didn't go into specific detail; whether that be from fear we wouldn't show, or their own uncertainties, I can't say." Philip replied in a hushed tone.
"I know not who they are, or if they are the same group who ravaged Miyagata all those years ago; if that is what you're asking me."
Udo's hands gripped to fists in his lap, and Philip offered another squeeze to his shoulder.
"Udo, it's alright. It was only a disturbance report; there hasn't even been any actual attacks. Only sightings. They just can't risk it, especially after the massacre." Philip tried.
"It most likely isn't the same group, and if they've yet to attack then we can assume for the moment they aren't hostile."
"What if they are?" Udo had silently interrogated. "What if they are the same ones, Philip?"
Philip's brow furrowed.
"Do you know the name of the pirates who attacked Yuna that night?"
Udo slowly shook his head, defeated.
"Yuna can't talk about that night. It makes her too depressed...too catatonic." Udo's eyes screwed shut.
"She's made great progress, I know many details about that night Yuna probably would like to forget, but... All I know is the image of those pirates has never left her mind to this day."
The two fell into a silence again.
Udo wordlessly pushed himself up and off the floor, having to stop himself from punching a while through the rain-streaked glass behind them.
"Thank you for telling me Philip."
The sentence sounded strained, and Philip wondered if Udo was holding back his tears.
"Yes...of course." Philip attempted to throw a smile Udo's way, trying to quell the troubles brewing in his friend's heart.
"We can't say anything for sure, Udo. Nothing good, and nothing bad. I only wanted to tell you this because Yuna is your heart; if she should hear the words, then I wanted to know if you wished to tell her." Philip tried.
"If you want, I can tell Yuna. I understand this may be difficult for both of you, which is why I thought you should know."
"No." Udo quickly rejected the offer. "No. You're right; I should be the one to tell her." Udo offered Philip a weak smile, and Philip frowned when he saw it. "Thank you, Philip. I'm sorry I doubted you."
Udo had ended the conversation with that, already stalking back to the infirmary's closed door.
His wings were slouched in his crestfallen stature, like every step he took was heavy.
Philip stopped him.
Udo didn't turn around, but he did pause. This gave Philip the go-ahead to continue.
"We'll support and protect both of you no matter what."
It was a simple sentiment, but Philip figures Udo needed to hear it.
Udo didn't respond, he didn't need to, Philip knowing Udo appreciated the words as he slipped back into the dark infirmary.
Udo kept his steps light as he traversed through the shadows, eyes softening as he came before Yuna's slumbering form.
Her small breaths passed through her cold lips, small body bundled beneath her thick covers. Udo slipped into the bed with Yuna once more, lips planting her clammy face with warmth-filled kisses.
He studied her face through the darkness for a long while, simply holding her close; feeling her, breathing her in, relishing her.
Udo's heart had plummeted as fast as Yuna had fallen when she flung herself overboard, and it upset him greatly at the thought of Yuna still not being completely out of the woods.
His Yuna, the girl he knew from the first moment he met her many years ago, that he would marry. His Yuna, who he would grow old with.
His Yuna, who would give him his children...
Udo could see their future so clearly;
Yuna, a bit older than she was now; either ripe with one of his babes or already cradling a handful of them. She flowed in the role of motherhood; their children a perfectly beautiful combination of the two of them.
Udo never really thought about the specific genders or even the number; he didn't care. He'd love them either way, he'd cherish them with all of his being no matter what.
It was an image Udo thought about more than he could admit; it was embarrassing how much of a love-struck teenager he was acting like.
He simply just loved Yuna entirely. Everything about her, everything they experienced and had yet to experience together. Of course, Udo would day dream.
That was why, as Udo lay in that dark infirmary while holding his heart close to his warming chest, he whispered a silent vow into her damp tresses.
"I'll protect you no matter what. I promise."
His eyes scrunched shut, and he released a shaky breath.
Udo didn't care what waited them at Miyagata; it wouldn't stop him from putting Yuna first. Pirates or not, Udo wasn't scared.
When it involved Yuna, Udo would go against an entire army.
Yuna subconsciously snuggled further into Udo's warmth, his strong embrace. Udo watched her peaceful, sleeping face with furrowed brows.
How the hell was he supposed to tell Yuna she'd have to come face to face with her worst fear in just two days?
How could he just take away the pain it'd bring her?
Udo only held her tighter, kissing her cold cheeks once more as he fully enveloped her with his body.
He had a restless sleep that night.
The problem didn't go away, if anything it got worse.
It took one look at Yuna's beautiful, bright smiling face and Udo felt like a boulder of guilt shattered his bones.
"Udo! Look!" Yuna had exclaimed excitedly as she meant over the railing, finger pointing to a spot in the beautiful cerulean waters.
"Percival told me we might see some whales in these waters, I think I might have seen one!"
It was their second day out at sea, early in the afternoon.
Despite Udo's reservations and worries, Yuna (forcibly) insisted that some fresh air would do her good.
One of Udo's thick robes wrapped tightly around her, Udo admired Yuna's profile. From her ruby hair whipping in the wind to the way her dark eyes sparkled like honey in the sun, Udo was enchanted.
"Hey now, watch the railing." He cautioned, slipping his arms around her from behind. "Just because you like the whales doesn't mean you have to go for a swim with them."
He placed his chin on top of her head.
Udo grinned widely as Yuna groaned at that, wiggling in his hold.
"That's not funny, Udo!" She cried.
Udo chuckled. "Sorry, sorry." He wasn't really.
"Let me joke about it; helps me forget about your little swimming stunt."
Udo still didn't like how Yuna's testing temperature of slightly below average, but the girl insisted vehemently she was fine enough to walk outside.
"Just hush and admire the water with me, okay? Give me a romantic moment?" Yuna sighed.
Udo quirked a brow,
"That would imply I don't already give you plenty of those." He kissed at one of her ears, internally fussing as he wrapped his arms tighter around her.
It was slightly chilly outside; he didn't want her to get pneumonia on top of everything else.
"The sea is quite stunning, though." He whispered.
"Even in the Cavernous Nest, I don't believe I've ever seen waters so clear and blue."
Yuna smiled, hands gripping the railing in pure joy as she nodded.
"They're beautiful." She agreed.
Udo could feel Yuna relax against his chest, and the next sentence she spoke only served to make the put in Udo's gut grow deeper.
"The waters around Miyagata are even more stunning, if you can believe it."
Philip and his conversation last night.
Udo gulped discreetly.
"Really?" He pressed, pushing the thoughts away.
Yuna nodded against his chin.
"Really!" She exclaimed. "Like looking through glass...completely transparent and the richest shade of blue."
Udo could practically picture the dreamy look in Yuna's eyes as she spoke.
He felt the girl move to rest her head against his shoulder, angling her head so she could look up at Udo while he embraced her from behind.
"I can't wait for you to see it." Yuna whispered, looking at Udo with a soft expression.
Udo's heart gripped again.
He kissed at Yuna's brow, and her face broke out into a wistful smile.
"I can't wait either." He responded, sharing a tender smile with the girl.
Udo was at least happy that Yuna didn't seem to pick up on his discomfort, and bubbling apprehension.
Yuna looked up to Udo like he were a galaxy of stars, and Udo melted at her gaze.
She really shouldn't be allowed to have the effect on him that she does.
"Thank you." Yuna's tone rang with a genuine and loving gratitude, her eyes sparkling.
"For what?" Udo pressed just as softly.
Yuna blinked back towards the ocean.
"Well...besides pretty much everything you've done for me...I guess thank you for simply loving me." She tenderly answered.
Udo resisted the urge to just completely smother Yuna with the onslaught of adoration and affection he sought to convey to her.
Her words quite literally almost took Udo's breath away, and he could only squeeze his hands over her own on the ship's railing.
"That's not something you need to thank me for, silly. I'll always love you." He reminded her with a chuckle.
Yuna smile grew at his response.
"I know I know; a little sap, aren't you?" Her hand came up to brush her fingernails against his strong jawline.
"I guess if I want to get more specific, I really mean thank you for this."
Yuna gestured to the space around them; to the ship and open waters.
"I never thought I'd ever go back home, Udo. Never. Just the mere prospect of it...I couldn't comprehend it." Yuna sighed, eyes fondling scanning over the coursing waves.
Udo squeezed her hands ever so tighter.
"You gave all of this back to me; this opportunity, this courage. It's because of you that I can finally pay respect to my family..." Yuna's voice broke into an almost cry, and she took a deep breath.
Udo closed his eyes, feeling his own tears threatening to spill over.
His sweet girl.
He hated this; keeping things from Yuna.
"So thank you, Udo...thank you." She brought Udo's hand up to her lips, kissing at his knuckles.
"I love you. More than anything."
At that, Udo turned Yuna's head so that he could firmly kiss her plump lips.
It was tender, pure, loving and genuine.
"I love you too, heart." Udo whispered as they parted, eyes half-lidded.
Yuna's cheeks were flushed from her joy.
"I'm just...Oh, Udo; I'm so happy!" She grinned against his lips.
"I just want to be in Miyagata already!"
That was when it hit Udo.
That one sentence, Yuna's whole demeanor shining like the sun and her eyes threatening to spill joyous tears.
Her beautiful smile...
Udo couldn't tell her.
He couldn't take away this experience from her; this happiness.
How could Udo ever spoil Yuna's homecoming like this?
He knew he couldn't keep the facade up forever...but if he could just keep it up for a singular day, maybe Yuna could still have her long-deserved return home.
Couldn't Yuna just have one day, one day of being happy? One day to enjoy being back home, worry free and ignorant to what was going on?
Udo knew there could be repercussions from this decision...but dammit, he couldn't take this away from Yuna.
'If I could see you smile like this everyday...' Udo's thoughts rang loudly within him, admiring the smile adorning his heart's beautiful face.
'Then I think I'd be willing to do anything for you.'
Udo's lips met hers once more.
"Me too."
That's what brought them back to the present moment;
Udo and Philip huddled away and whispering in a corner, Yuna watching them with apparent concern.
Yuna knew something was amiss with Udo lately, and Udo was ready to tell Philip his final decision.
"You're sure then?" Philip asked in a hushed voice. "Absolutely certain?"
Udo nodded, grateful for the loud sounds of the tipsy advisors and ship crew to mask their conversation.
"I won't take this away from Yuna, Philip." Udo's steely gaze bore into him with resolve. "Just one day. One day of Yuna being happy, and I'll break the news to her before she hears it in the meeting with the Corsairs of the Nether."
Udo was confident in his choice, and Philip could see that;
He smiled.
"I think that's a wonderful idea, Udo." Philip offered his support.
Udo cast his gaze out over the party;
"I...I only hope that the threat is nothing. If it proves to actually be a legitimate concern...I don't know how either one of us will handle it." Udo breathed out deeply.
"It will be fine." Philip was quick to dispel Udo's worries.
"We'll go to Miyagata, let Yuna enjoy being back home, attend the meeting, then go right back to Ulstead. No bumps in the road; no compromises. It will be okay."
Udo nodded, though it was apparent he didn't truly trust the idea.
"Let's go back to the others; I want to stay close to Yuna right now."
Philip followed closely behind the fey as they weaved through the crowds; Yuna smiling brightly as she saw Udo come before their table.
Acting like nothing was wrong, Udo easily slipped in beside Yuna at the table; pressing a kiss to her lips in a greeting.
"Is everything okay?" Yuna asked gently when they parted, doe eyes blinking up to him.
Udo almost broke under that gaze;
"Everything's alright; Philip had to ask me about some preparations for the meeting." The Fey easily answered, kissing her once more to quell his mind.
It didn't feel good to lie to Yuna; no matter how good his intentions were.
Yuna eyed him, choosing to take his word for it.
"Okay." She gave him a small smile. "I went ahead and got you a glass of some of the ale; I didn't know what you'd want to eat, so I decided to just wait for you."
Udo hummed his appreciation, taking a sip from the alcohol.
"Thank you, love." He said, the sweet liquid crisp on his tongue.
Udo eyed Yuna's own cup, quick to change the subject.
"Cider?" He noted with slight surprise.
Yuna rolled her eyes with a laugh.
"You make it sound like I'm an avid drinker." She teased, swirling the cup.
"Stomach's still bothering me. I don't really want to drink tonight."
Udo smiled.
"Well, lets get some food in that stomach then." Udo's hand shot out to tickle her side, and Yuna squealed at his touch.
Diaval groaned from across the table;
"Come on, you guys! Not at the dinner table!"
Shrike chuckled deviously from her spot by Percival.
"Yeah! We'll be in Miyagata by tomorrow morning lovebirds! Wait til then!"
Yuna stuck her tongue out at their friends.
"Oh, hush!"
Aurora sighed out, clapping her hands together.
"Can you believe our short journey is already coming to an end? IN Miyagata, TOMORROW! How exciting!" It was easy for the friends to see the Queen was already clearly intoxicated.
"Better slow down Aurora, or you won't be doing much tomorrow at all." Ini chuckled.
Philip slyly slipped some bread onto Aurora's plate, the queen absentmindedly munching on the substance. "I'm afraid I have to agree with Ini, love..."
Borra eyed Yuna's glowing demeanor with a coy smile.
"Excited, wren? You're practically bouncing up and down."
"Mmhm!" Yuna grinned to the fey. "I just wish it was tomorrow already!"
Percival smiled at the girl, "If Miyagata is anything like what I experienced at the summer festival...I must say I'm anticipating it a great deal as well."
Maleficent followed soon after him;
"I can't wait; seeing where Yuna grew up will be quite-AURORA!" The Phoenix cut herself off as she swiped at Aurora's glass.
"No more, sneaky girl!"
Aurora whined. "Moooother!"
Udo shook his head in laughter at the women, carefully rising to his feet and gesturing for Yuna to follow.
"Come on, lets go get some food."
The prospect made Yuna beam, and Udo chuckled fondly. His heart was always happy whenever food was mentioned.
Slipping away to the service tables, Yuna latched onto the fey lovingly.
"I love you."
Udo just barely heard her over the noisy dining hall.
His hand came to grip the one Yuna clutched onto his elbow with.
The words never failed to make Udo's heart soar.
'I'd never let anything hurt you. Ever.'
"Love you more." Udo responded in a whisper.
No matter what uncertainties Miyagata brought, Udo was sure of one thing;
Pirates or not, things would be different this time.
This was Yuna's moment; this was her homecoming
Nights like these were the worst for Mina.
The memories were just too clear; too hurtful.
She stared up at her dark ceiling, the waves rocking her into a dreamless sleep.
She called out to her twin, the look of hurt apparent on her face.
"Don't go. Don't do this."
Leo met her with a sorrowful gaze; that look had never left his eyes since that night on Miyagata.
Even after all these years later.
"I need to find Yuna. She's out there somewhere, Mina." Leo smiled sadly to her.
Mina shook her head incredulously, trying to conceal her tears.
"Yuna is dead Leo! You know that!" Her voice broke. "You can't just leave me, Leo..."
"I'm not leaving you." Leo quickly hushed her, and before Mina knew it she was enveloped in his arms.
"Partners in crime, womb mates, remember?" He laughed dryly. "I'd never leave you."
Mina gripped onto her brother's tunic tightly.
"Yes you are!" She protested in a cry. "I've already lost mom and can't leave me too Leo..."
Leo hugger his sister tighter.
"We're always under the same stars. Don't tell me you forgot that already."
Mina couldn't help but smile at those words.
"You're sounding more and more like Yuna." She sighed. "And no more crying; yes I remember."
"Then stick to it." Leo countered softly. "You keep searching and holding things down in the seas. I'll go and journey across the lands."
Mina pulled away from the hug, blinking up to Leo.
"Where will you go, Leo?" Her frown deepened.
"When will you be back?"
Leo offered her another sad smile.
"I can't say for sure..." His gaze went out to the surrounding them. "...When Azazel returns, I'll be by your side."
Mina eyed him with a tense anxiety;
"You really think he will return?" She asked in a whisper.
"I know he will." Leo was quick to answer.
"And I know you understand that too. The Phoenix's Curse...he'll never stop."
Mina squeezed Leo's shoulders.
"We'll stop him." Her voice and expression were firm. "We'll avenge mom and dad, we'll avenge Yuna...everyone on Miyagata."
Leo chuckled at her words.
"That's a promise then?"
Mina huffed.
"You know it."
A blaring horn in the distance alerted the twins that Leo's ride to the distant island shores was here, and Mina's smile turned sorrowful.
"Already time, huh?" She sighed.
Leo looked out to the tug boat, clutching onto his rucksack tightly. "Looks like it."
Facing his twin a final time, Leo let their embrace linger.
He took in a shaky breath.
"I'll send a letter as soon as I'm settled. We both have time until Azazel returns...we need to get stronger before then."
"I know." Mina whispered. "Be careful, Leo."
Leo nodded in their hug.
"Same to you, Mina..." He squeezed her tighter. "I love you." His voice cracked.
Mina's own tears were soon bubbling over once more. "I love you too."
The horn sounded again, and the two parted.
Leo just barely slipped the thick book into Mina's hold.
Mina's eyes widened;
"Leo, this book-"
"Look after it for me!" Leo called from his run to the ship's edge.
"A promise that I'll come back to you!"
Mina couldn't hold back her tears at that point, and she knew she saw Leo's own wet cheeks as he hopped into the smaller boat docked beside them.
"Yeah, you better!" She called out with a grin.
"Get into any trouble out there, and you're in for it when I see you again!" Mina waved wildly at her fading brother.
Leo called right back,
"Same to you!" He was becoming smaller in the distance.
"Remember, same stars!"
"Same stars." Mina repeated in a whisper.
She made it an entire ten seconds of maintaining her composure, before she crumpled to the ground in a heap of cries.
Call in the connection of twins, but Mina knew the same could be said for Leo.
Mina traced the worn lettering of that same book as she recalled that night four years ago; a lone year streaking down her face.
"I grew stronger for you an everyone else, Leo." She whispered.
"You promised you'd come back, right? Hurry up already...idiot..."
Mina's voice broke, and she hugged the book tightly to herself as she curled up on her bed.
She knew she should be sleeping; should be resting for the upcoming meeting that would tip the scales of the land and sea...but she couldn't help it.
Being out in the middle of the sea grew lonely, at times.
In the dim candlelight, the faded lettering was almost indiscernible but it was still there;
"Purity in the Stars"
I can't believe we hit 20k, when I first started this story I never even thought that there would be a fan base for this. I simply wrote it because I was upset by the lack of Udo content, and decided I should just write my own...thank you so much ❤️ this story and its readers bring me so much joy, and everyday I am very grateful for you all!!
Enjoyed this chapter? Let me know! I'm so excited to write the upcoming chapters for this story... 💫
Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay tuned for the next update. I'll see you all in the next chapter, and I can't wait to take this journey of Udo and Yuna's love story with you all : )

Purity in the Stars *Maleficent: Mistress of Evil- Udo Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now