Chapter Twelve: His Heart, Her Star

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A Queen, a Faerie, a crow, and an herbalist walk into a room together.
There's no punchline, but it did prove to be quite the amusing interaction.
"Date night, hm? Can I expect some little half-breed nieces and nephews running around soon?"
Yuna launched a pillow to where Diaval lazily relaxed on the bedroom's grand bed; effectively nailing the man in the face. She rolled her eyes as she smiled playfully at him in the mirror,
"Funny. You should consider becoming Aurora's jester." Yuna smirked, freeing her hair from it's post-work updo. She combed her fingers through it just enough to cast the already curled hair into loose waves, nodding with satisfaction once the tresses settled gracefully.
The past days were spent in a kind of bliss that made Yuna feel like she was walking on clouds. Her days were spent in the castle; tending to her duties with Aurora, Diaval and Maleficent ever present at her side. Sophia's husband had returned back to the castle, Aurora granting the new family paid time off to bask in the most taxing but most joyous journey of their lives. The days Yuna worked were never dull; even if it was only filled with paperwork, Yuna enjoyed every minute of her new normalcy. When Yuna was done with work for the day, or she had her days off, her time was spent in the Moors with her Fey friends. Of course... they were mainly spent with Udo.
Yuna's cheeks blushed as she patted just the gentlest hint of makeup to her ivory skin; the image of her newly beloved flashing through her mind as excitement coursed through her. She swiped a touch of red pigment to her lips in a barely visible gradient as she remembered Udo's offer earlier that day.
Yuna blinked at the Fey, slightly taken aback. One foot still inside of the cottage, and one foot out, the girl in her herbalist uniform quirked a brow up at a rather flustered looking Udo.
"W-What?" She stammered, adjusting the grip on her leather bag to hide her fumbling fingers.
Udo smiled, eyes glimmering as he repeated himself. "A date. Tonight. Just you and me." Udo smoothly strode up to Yuna, brushing back the bangs on her forehead to gently press his lips to the smooth skin. "It's a natural thing for couples to do, right? I want to treat you."
Yuna's blush deepened as Udo's hand tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear; "I'll be waiting for you outside of the castle when you're done with work. Dress for the occasion, alright?"
Yuna gulped nervously as she glanced over herself in the mirror; did she look alright?
Yuna wasn't able to voice it to Udo at the time; but the prospect of them going on a date made her so happy. They were a couple now after all, so that meant that they'd be engaging in couple-esque things... whatever that really entailed. All of this was completely new to Yuna; it frightened her as much as it made her flush with joy... Would Udo become disappointed with just how awkward she still was?
They hadn't been dating long at all; the peace treaty signing and summer festival that were only days way would mark two whole weeks together. Udo hadn't been anything but completely and utterly wonderful to Yuna; her doubts not stemming from his actions but rather her own... or lack there of.
A tap to her head dragged Yuna from her thoughts, and she glanced up to see Maleficent studying her rather intently. Maleficent's eyes softened, and a pointed fingernail came to smooth out the peachy blush on Yuna's cheek.
"Don't be nervous beastie. Come on, Udo is waiting for you."
Yuna's heart leaped in her chest, "He's here already?! I just got off!" Hurriedly, Yuna pushed back the stool that she sat on in front of the vanity. "Aurora, help me change! I don't even know what to wear!"
Said Queen had just re-entered the room with a bundle of fresh clothing, her eyes widening as she took in her friend's franticness. Aurora glanced to Diaval, then she glanced to Maleficent.
"I'll take it that someone has butterflies?" She questioned, smiling softly as Yuna ran a fine-toothed comb through her hair once more.
Diaval whistled from the bed, rising to his feet as he observed his friend. "I'd say so." He replied rather coyly.
Maleficent sighed, "I knew I shouldn't have said anything. I'm not the best in these situations." Maleficent's gaze went to where the warm evening sun began to traipse into the room via the grand balcony windows. "Help her get ready, Aurora. If she keeps getting frazzled like this, Udo will be waiting out there until nightfall." Maleficent's tone was slightly amused as she watched Yuna hurry around the room; frantically beginning to tug the articles of her uniform off as she exclaimed at Diaval,
"Turn around Diaval! Don't look!" Yuna cried, Diaval yelping as he covered his flushed face just as the girl ripped off her blazer.
"Gods, Yuna! Don't do that so suddenly!" Diaval spun around so that his back faced Yuna, Aurora giggling as she strode forward to help her friend out of the tricky garments. "It's like you want Udo to be mad at me again..."
The sounds of clothing ruffling and fabrics hitting the floor sounded, and then Yuna's bare feet patting over to where Aurora had set the clothing down.
"What about this?" Yuna asked, and Diaval assumed she was holding up some silken blouse or lacey dress for Aurora to examine.
Aurora made a clicking noise with her tongue, "I think the color washes you out a bit. Try something like this."
The shuffling noises continued, and Diaval sighed as he squished his eyes shut.
"Oh heavens no Aurora, that is simply ghastly. How on earth could you try and shove Yuna into that?"
Maleficent's voice sounded out, Diaval pinpointing it's location closer to the girls than to himself.
"She has a point, Aurora. I think that shows... just a bit too much skin."
"Well I thought it'd help set the mood!"
"Just what mood do you think I want set?!"
Diaval groaned as the women continued, and he exclaimed out;
The three went quiet, and then Yuna mumbled.
"... Someone is a grouchy little crow today."
Diaval heard giggles at that, and then the ruffling of clothing.
"This will do... do I look alright?"
Hesitantly, Diaval looked over his shoulder unsurely. His eyes widened as they fell upon his friend, and he spun fully around with a growing grin.
"It's perfect!" The crow cried out. A simple silken blouse in a soft creme color graced Yuna's skin; the lace detailing on the hemming and dipped neckline was a very nice touch. It complimented her ever present necklace; and she looked almost ethereal with her painted rosy lips, cheeks and hair a stark contrast to the lightness of her skin and blouse. A long white skirt hung at Yuna's hips; almost giving off the impression she was in a wonderfully springtime appropriate dress rather than a blouse and skirt.
"You look so lovely Yuna; Udo will be so happy to see you... I don't think I've ever seen you so made up before!" Aurora smiled. "You should consider wearing makeup more often; not that you need it, but you do look awfully pretty..."
Yuna shuffled from foot to foot unsurely, taking in Aurora and Diaval's grins.
"Are... Are you sure it isn't too much?" Yuna sighed as she smoothed the fabric out. "I feel uncomfortable. I've never dressed like this before..."
She felt a hand come up to pat at her shoulder, and Maleficent softly spoke, "It's perfect. You're beautiful, Yuna." The Fey's constantly steady voice eased Yuna, and she smiled at the words.
Diaval strode forward to stand before Yuna, and he smiled encouragingly. "Just go out and have fun! You're worrying too much, Yuna; just enjoy your first date-" The words seemed to strike something in him, and Diaval paused.
Aurora groaned as a glossy shine glazed over the man's dark eyes, and Diaval's lip quivered.
"Your first date... Oh Yuna! You've grown up so much since the day Aurora and Philip married..." Diaval smiled warmly, then faltered. His tone turned almost frantic; "Don't feel pressured to do anything. If Udo's mean to you, you come right back here and tell me and I'll charge him in my crow form... no! My bear form! Yes!"
Diaval excitedly turned to Maleficent. "Maleficent, I need you to let me transform into a bear again so that I can protect Yuna."
Maleficent sighed, and snapped her fingers to turn Diaval back into his crow form. Diaval squawked indigently, and Maleficent hushed him as he landed upon her shoulder. "Alright mama bear, that's about enough out of you."
Aurora glanced over her friend once more, nodding her head in satisfaction. "You look so pretty, Yuna. I wish I could see Udo's reaction when he sees you!" She exclaimed. "Ah, I can't wait to glam you up for the ball... if you look this beautiful just a little bit dolled up, I can't even imagine what you look like when you're dressed to the nines!" A dreamy look crossed over Aurora's face, and Yuna chuckled nervously.
"One thing at a time, I can't handle thinking about the ball right now..." The herbalist groaned. Yuna's tone then softened, "Thank you, guys... I really appreciate it." Yuna smiled to herself, then looked to her three friends with a grin.
"I'm going to go now!" She retrieved the bag that lay on her old bed, slinging it over her shoulder. Yuna's cheeks were still slightly flushed, but this time she knew she could identify the feeling of pure excitement being the root cause. She glanced back to the Fey and Queen, Diaval chirping in delight.
"I'll see you guys at the Festival. Everything is still on schedule, correct?"
Aurora nodded, "Everything is good to go!" She confirmed. "Everything from the food stalls to the entertainment to the fireworks; the merchant ships should be pulling into port in the morning!" Her voice rose with anticipation, her own excitement seeming to match her friend's.
Maleficent chuckled. "It's a wonderful thing that you planned Yuna; I know that the Dark Fey are looking forward to it. I think we'll see great results from it." She added in, Diaval squawking in agreement.
The praise made Yuna flood with warmth, and she bowed her head. "Thank you... I certainly hope so. I just hope the Feys and humans will get along."
Yuna shook the thought away. "But we'll worry about that when the time comes. For now, I have someone special waiting for me." She smiled, and waved a hand at the three. "I'll see you all soon."
Maleficent returned the gesture. "Have fun beastie." Yuna decided to ignore the teasing tone she laced the goodbye with.
"Give Udo our regards! Don't mess up your makeup!" Aurora winked, and Yuna blushed.
"Stupid..." Yuna muttered under breath, but giggled as she turned on her heel and strode out of the room.  "Bye!" Her brisk steps sounded down the hall, and with the evening sun invigorating her, Yuna broke out into a quick run as she made her way to Castle Ulstead's entrance.
Aurora smiled at her friend's retreating figure, and Maleficent affectionately stroked Diaval's beak. 'Have fun, Yuna... Udo, you better be nothing short of a gentleman.' Aurora shook her head as she went to fold Yuna's discarded uniform, knowing that Maleficent and Diaval were thinking the same thing as they shared a small smile.
'But I know you will be.'
Meanwhile, Yuna couldn't help the breath that escaped her as she threw open the castle doors that led to it's sunny courtyard. She spotted him almost instantly, her heart fluttering in her chest as his stark white persona was absolutely breathtaking in the orange-hued evening.
Yuna smiled warmly, and sprinted up to the Fey with a quick but stealthy nature. Boldly, she wrapped her arms around his waist; satisfied when Udo was taken aback by her sudden appearance. Yuna smiled up at him, and whispered out a soft, "Hi."
Udo blinked down at her, then his own smile broke onto his face. "Hi there." His arms went to mirror Yuna's, wrapping around her small waist. "Sneaking up on me now? Shrike would be proud."
Yuna giggled. "I couldn't help it. The opportunity was too great." She settled her head onto his chest. "I missed you. I could hardly focus at work today; I've been anticipating this evening all day..." Yuna quietly confessed.
Udo's eyes softened, and he held her close to him as a hand came to cradle the back of her head. "You've only been gone for a few hours, silly." Udo reminded her with a chuckle. "But I missed you too. I always miss you when you're away."
Udo's fingers gently massaged into her scalp, and Yuna sighed as he smoothed any lingering tension in her away. "You look beautiful. I almost don't want to take you out; I can't risk the town boys swooning over you." Udo joked, but Yuna didn't miss how he held tighter.
She smiled, pulling away from him as she nodded at a few passing by guards. "Don't be like that; I can ensure you that won't happen."
Udo sighed heavily, throwing a quick glare to the swooning guards ogling at Yuna, cursing her endearing obliviousness. "I'm afraid it happens quite often; you do realize how gorgeous you are right?" Yuna blushed as Udo intertwined their hands together. "But I guess that just makes me all the more lucky; all of these men adoring you, and you still picked me." Udo whispered, pressing a kiss to Yuna's knuckles as he began to lead them out of the front gates.
Yuna blushed heavily at that, eyes fluttering down to their entangled hands. 'Holding hands... we really look like a couple right now.'
"Of course I picked you, don't be silly. Who on earth would I have picked otherwise?"
Udo shrugged, an endearing smile on his face as they exited the castle grounds hand in hand. "I'd rather not think about it." He directed the smile to Yuna. "I'm just going to count my blessings that it was me."
Yuna's chest warmed at that, and she opted to not say anything; she simply enjoyed the tender moment with her Fey.
Their steps echoed down the cobblestone streets of Ulstead, their shadows casting across the roads like dancing flames. Yuna could feel her chest tighten as they strode in the silence; Udo's hand around hers like a hot iron. 'Just stop being so awkward...'
"Is everything alright?" Udo's gentle words Alamo's startled her, and Yuna blinked up at him.
"W-What?" His piercing blue eyes bore down at her, and Yuna tried to recover.
"You seem... a bit anxious." Udo's steps momentarily halted. "Are you nervous about the townsfolk seeing us? I know we... haven't exactly gone public with our relationship. It's okay if it worries you; do you want to stop holding hands?"
Yuna's eyes widened at the disappointment she knew Udo was trying to hide from his voice, his kind eyes momentarily flashing with sadness. Gods; she hated thinking that Udo could believe such a thing; she hated herself more for letting it happen.
"N-No, Udo, No." Frantically trying to emphasize her point, Yuna latched onto the Fey's hand so tightly that her knuckles almost whitened. She closed her other hand around his larger as well, eyes glimmering up to them as she stammered out,
"I'm sorry. I'm just... I'm just a bit nervous. Please don't think that I don't want to be seen with you..."
Yuna could see Udo visibly deflate with relief.
"Well what's the matter then?" Udo pressed her softly.
Yuna gulped, squeezing his hand as her heartbeat increased. She sighed deeply, "I just don't really know what to do... you're my first boyfriend. I have no idea what to do on dates, or how to be affectionate like you. I'm worried you'll get disinterested; I just don't want to disappoint you..." Yuna's voice trailed off into a whisper, and her blush darkened. 'I sound like a little kid.' She internally lamented.
Her words hung in the air, and Udo processed them with a slow nod of his head. Wordlessly, he drew his heart into a loving embrace;
"It's not a job, Yuna." His breath tickled her ear, and Yuna's eyes widened. He embraced her so tightly that she was almost held in a dip, and her hands came up to rest on his shoulders.
"Udo?" She quietly questioned.
"It's not a job." The Fey repeated. "Being in a relationship; it's not something you're being graded on. Just be yourself; why do you think I fell in love with you in the first place?"
His sweet words almost made Yuna cry, and Udo held her tighter.
Yuna relaxed in his hold, beginning to embrace him back just as tenderly. "I just wish this was all normal already... I wish it wasn't so foreign to me, you know? I just want it to be a year or two into this, so maybe I'll be able to show you how I feel more easily..." Yuna snuggled into the crook of his neck. "Because I really like you, Udo. I'm getting frustrated that I'm not able to show it as effectively as you..."
Yuna felt the Fey's lips press to her ear. "Don't wish for something as wasteful as that. I want to enjoy every day that I get to spend with you; every day with you is the best day of my life." Udo nuzzled into her curled locks, her sweet scent intoxicating him;
"For so long, I thought my feelings were one sided... knowing that you feel the same way, and that I get to hold you like this... it makes me so happy Yuna." He breathed. "No matter what you do, I'll only fall in love with you more and more; if that's even possible. You don't need to feel like you have to do certain things or act a certain way, I fell in love with you Yuna. We'll navigate through this together, you don't need to overthink everything."
Udo's voice was so easy for Yuna to latch onto, and she felt almost sleepy as his words eased her like a warm blanket. She squeezed his shoulders, letting her hands trail down until they came to rest against the arms that held her so fiercely.
"Okay." Was the simple response that Yuna could muster. Her lips fluttered up into a happy smile, and she suddenly wished that time would stop for just a second; just so that she could relish in this sweet moment for a few more fleeting minutes. "I... I love you Udo." It still made her light up with a fierce blush to say it, but Yuna felt joy overtake her when her voice only slightly wavered. "I really do."
Udo's hand gently traced down her spine. "I know you do." He whispered back. "Don't worry Yuna, I always know."
'How is it possible for someone to be so wonderful?' Yuna sighed once more, her smile growing. She basked in their embrace for a moment more before pulling away, gracefully slipping her smaller hand into Udo's larger one.
"Come on." Her warm smile called to Udo like a siren's song, and he fell into step at her side like it was second nature to him.
"Let's go. I'm pretty sure I've been looking forward to this date since before we were even together."
The stares from the townsfolk were unrelenting; their gossiping like an annoying angry bee that just wouldn't leave the couple alone.
"That Fey and human... are they together?!"
"Certainly that can't be; how on earth could such a thing be approved?"
"Is this the kind of rhetoric Aurora wants to shove down our throat? Maybe it's all just a publicity stunt for the treaty signing."
It didn't affect Yuna one bit.
She smiled at the strangers as she passed by them, her fingers tightly interlocked with Udo's as she clung to his arm. Yuna knew that getting upset by the gossip would only do more harm than good, and she knew she couldn't completely fault the townsfolk either. As far as she knew, her and Udo were the only inter-species couple; she couldn't say she wouldn't be mind blown to see a human and Fey hand in hand herself if she weren't already with Udo. It was new, but it was reality; Udo and Yuna were just the beginning. Maybe it was a silly thing to wish, but Yuna just knew that eventually, once tensions had settled and a new dawn broke out across Ulstead... there would be many more Feys finding their hearts in humans.
"Looks like we're famous, hm?" Yuna smiled up at Udo, the crowd parting as they walked; wary of Udo's expansive wings and intimidating horns.
Udo laughed, sending a friendly wave to a few onlooking children. "I'd say so. But... I think they're more enraptured by how lovely you look." Udo winked at her, and Yuna rolled her eyes.
"A girl with makeup, or a man with wings... I think you beat me on that one." She teased, but squeezed his hand in appreciation nonetheless. "Okay Mr. Gentleman, where exactly are you taking me?"
A mischievous grin crossed Udo's face. "You'll see. Patience is virtue, little dove."
If Yuna's heart completely soared at the nickname, she decided to ignore it.
Yuna's gaze fell to her feet as they walked, a smile on her face and a warmth in her chest. 'A date with Udo... oh gods, I'm so happy!'
It was a thoughtful offer for Udo to make that morning. While they'd only been together a very short while; the couple had yet to have an official date, just the two of them. Their home and days were constantly swarmed by their friends; humans and Feys alike. Whether it was a trip to the castle where Aurora and Philip treated them all to afternoon tea and catered lunch, or it was another kickback at their cottage, their group just couldn't seem to leave the new couple alone. It was hard to complain though.
Yuna loved being surrounded by their friends, and she loved it even more that their two groups meshed together so easily and willingly. It made her happy; the couples happiness outweighing any odds that might've been between the two respective groups (mainly Borra). The Fey and castle folk spent nearly everyday together with Udo and Yuna; it was hard to be upset about being surrounded by so much support and love. Yuna knew that Udo felt the same way; she never missed how his eyes shined every time their newly formed group broke into laughter or proposed another time to get together.
As nice as it was; Yuna was also happy that they could spend time together, just the two of them. It was long overdue, and Yuna was already wishing that the day wouldn't come to an end. Just her and Udo... she couldn't think of a more amazing way to spend her time.
The dark cobblestone bled into a more clay-like color, and Yuna's brow furrowed once she'd realized they were venturing into the older part of Ulstead, closer into the heart of the city. Her confused gaze wandered up to Udo, who stared straight ahead with an unreadable expression.
She spoke up, "Ah, what are we doing this far in? Did you have something specific planned?" Yuna asked. Udo's gaze remained trained forward, but his lips did quirk up. "Just wait and see. I promise you'll like it."
Yuna quirked a brow, but let the matter drop as she continued to take in their surroundings. 'Just what are you scheming, hm?'
Slowly, the landscape became very familiar.
A certain flower bed here, a small park filled with giggling children there... it couldn't be. Yuna's eyes slowly began to widen, and her steps began to slow down.
She'd walked this path many times before; she'd seen these sights nearly daily in her old life. Her brow softened, and she swallowed thickly.
"Udo..." She trailed off, and judging by the way Udo's hand slithered down to hold her by the waist, she knew that she'd figured out his intentions.
"The first few nights we spent together in the Moors, you'd talk to me a lot about your old day to day life. It made me happy, hearing about how you lived in a life you'd established for yourself. It was a life I so desperately wished I could be a part of, but I couldn't help but feel proud..." Udo whispered.
"I also wished I could dispel that sad look in your eyes whenever you'd recount the past... you'd already endured so much on Miyagata, and then it all happened again. I know just how much you loved your shop, and everything that came with it."
Yuna blinked, her surroundings lightening with color as she breathed in the familiar space.
"I wanted to do something special for our first date; and it took me quite some time figuring out just how I could make you feel as happy as you make me. I don't think this comes anywhere close... but it's a start."
They stopped before a pastel colored building, and Yuna could've fainted.
"Lavender's Tea House and Bake Shop: Grand re-opening!"
Yuna's mouth fell agape, and Udo smiled warmly at her.
"Y-You remembered?" She asked, blinking her watery eyes. "That small little detail, you remembered it?"
Udo bent his head down to softly press his lips to the crown of her head; the arm around her waist bringing her in closer.
"Of course I did, it was important to you. If it could make you happy... I don't think there is anything I wouldn't do to make sure that it happened." Gently, Udo began to lead them inside. "Come on, lets go in."
Yuna was almost in a trance as she let Udo guide her inside the sweet smelling shop; the aroma of vanilla and chocolate hitting her senses and making her mouth water. It was all the same; despite being completely destroyed in Ingrid's war, the little shop had sprung back to life like nothing had ever happened. She easily identified the tucked in booth she would always sit in; a spot where it was so easy to just shut out the world and be able to escape for a few hours.
Yuna felt like she was in a dream as she walked through the familiar space; pastel colors and girlish antiques greeting her with their gaudy but tasteful aesthetic. It was only when Udo nudged her that she stopped daydreaming, a large display case full of everything from sprinkled cookies to elaborate fruit tarts greeting her. Udo soaked in her starry eyes, his smile breaking into a grin as Yuna's looked up at him.
The fellow patrons in the bake shop indulged in a quaint and laugh-filled chatter, Udo barely needing to raise his voice as he spoke to Yuna.
"Tarte Tatin, right?"
Yuna sought to process the words. "T-Tatin?"
Udo chuckled, and beckoned towards the pastries in the glass case. "Tarte Tatin is what you would usually get from here, right? It's your favorite." The Fey elaborated.
Yuna smiled with flushed cheeks, her stomach practically doing backflips; "O-Oh, right!" The girl nodded her head, "Yes!"
When Udo turned to call for one of the workers, Yuna instantly added in; "But you don't have to buy me anything, Udo!" Her hands quickly went to the leather bag hanging from her shoulder. "I just got my first payment from the crown, it's really no joke how much money they're paying me, I kind of don't even know what to do with all of it..." She fished out a small pouch; "I can pay for it, so don't worry."
Udo laid a hand over her nimble fingers, halting her progress in untying the bag. "Don't be silly; just let me spoil you, okay? You're making my job awfully difficult here."
Yuna opened her mouth to object again, but Udo hushed her in a firm bit soft voice, "I want to do it, Yuna."
One of the bakery hands approached the two from across the counter, and Udo offered the young girl a friendly smile. "Two Tarte Tatins, please." He ordered despite Yuna's protests, effectively tuning her out as he continued, "Throw in a few Kouign-Amanns as well please, as well as a Mille-Feuille; the strawberries and cream one."
The worker nodded, hastily putting the delicate pastries in a light pink box as Udo called out what to get. "If we could get some earl grey tea to go as well, that'd be wonderful. Oh, and a few of the croissant sandwiches, please?"
Yuna tugged at the sleeve of Udo's robe, watching the box fill up at an alarming rate as she stared in shock. "Udo, please, it's rather expensive here. I don't want you to spend all of this money..."
Udo waved away Yuna's concerns, drawing a small bag from the inside of his robes with a wink. "You're not the only one who receives money from the crown, you know." Udo drew a few bills and loose gold coins from the pouch; "Philip has begun to pay me for my services within the Moors; makes his job a bit easier." Udo placed the money on the counter, passing the box to Yuna's unsuspecting arms before collecting their sealed off tea. "Stop worrying, Yuna. Just have fun today, okay?"
Yuna's brow creased with concern, prompting one last time; "Are you sure Udo?" The box smelled absolutely delectable in her arms, and it was hard to argue with Udo now that the prospect of the savory treats was right in front of her.
Udo pressed a quick peck to her forehead, ushering her out of the warm bakery once he'd secured the pouch inside of his robes. "I'm positive." He smiled, letting Yuna lead the way out of the shop. He bowed his head in apology to a few of the patrons as he exited, his large wings and tall horns proving to be rather troublesome in the tiny space.
Udo dipped his head as he stepped outside, rising to his full height as he turned back to Yuna. "Here; lets trade. The tea is significantly lighter than the box of food." He laughed, taking the box from her as he placed the two cups into her hands.
'Udo is always so thoughtful... Borra was right. He really does always put others before himself.' Yuna couldn't stop the smile on her face as she stared down at the steaming beverages, the steam fogging up the lids that covered it. 'I really am a lucky girl.'
Delicately, Yuna rose to her tiptoes; her lips pressing a gentle kiss to the Fey's pointed cheekbones. "Thank you, Udo. I feel like a princess right now." She giggled at the confession, and Udo smiled at her with nothing but pure adoration in his eyes as he observed her. He mirrored her actions, his cold lips pressing into her left temple.
"Good; I want you to always feel like that." He whispered. "Let's get going; I was planning to eat this on the beach, if that's alright with you?"
Yuna's eyes brightened, and she couldn't help the annoyingly girlish squeal that escaped her as Udo grinned. "Like a beach picnic?!" The thought made her want to dance with joy; it was the type of romantic gesture she'd only read about in books!
Udo set the pace as the two began their trek through town and to the city's coast; his own heart warming upon seeing Yuna's excited reaction. "Yes, like a beach picnic." He chuckled, words like "cute" and "adorable" flashing through his mind as he watched Yuna's eyes sparkle as she gazed out towards the ocean that lined Ulstead. "I was hoping it'd be something you'd like; I'm glad that I was correct in my assumptions."
Udo made a mental note to thank Ini for the suggestion; despite the girl's tough exterior, he had to admit that she seemed to be rather soft when it came to romantic matters.
The tea was hot in Yuna's grip, and she soaked it in with a pleasant hum. "A beach picnic... I couldn't think of a more perfect date." She mumbled under her breath, and Udo felt his own warmth beginning to spread through his body; nothing but contentment present in his being.
They were shoulder to shoulder as they set off to their destination, however Yuna had only made it a few steps before a thought struck her. She paused suddenly, giving her lip a quick bite.
"Hey, Udo." She called to the Fey just a few steps in front of her, the winged man halting as he glanced over his shoulder.
"Hm?" He turned to face her. "What's the matter?"
Yuna shifted her weight from foot to foot, casting a glance just up the hill to where it waited... the lasting reminder of the life she used to live. Her eyes found Udo's once more, and she was greeted with a knowing smile.
"You want to go see it? Where your shop used to be?" Udo asked her, his eyes soft.
Wordlessly, Yuna nodded her head; almost like she felt guilty.
Udo chuckled, changing directions so that they were on course to Yuna's old home. "Sorry; I should've figured that you'd want to see it. I just didn't want to make you upset by suggesting it..."
Yuna remembered how she'd ended up in the Moors in the first place; it all was because she'd seen the decimated building, she was completely blindsided in her grief. It worried Yuna, she didn't want to ruin the date by being put into a mood again, she knew it would probably be wisest to just forgo seeing the destroyed building altogether.
But... she really just couldn't help it. She just wanted that last bit of closure; one last glimpse at it as she began this new life with Udo.
"Don't be so tense, it's alright."
Yuna didn't have to look at Udo to know he was sending her an encouraging smile, and an ease washed over her. 'If I'm with you, then I'm alright.'
Yuna practically held her breath as the familiar road gave way to where she expected her old home to be; the crowds were (luckily) thin and practically non-existent as the pair wandered deeper into the older parts of Ulstead. She knew that if Udo's hands were available, he'd be placing a comforting hand on her waist or back; the phantom feel of his touch all Yuna needed to feel calm. Her chest tightened with anticipation, and finally; there it was.
Only... it wasn't a pile of rubble anymore.
Udo appeared to be just as surprised as Yuna; the pair staring in half shock and half pure confusion at the sight before them. Yuna was now grateful that Udo had offered to carry the box of treats; if it was in her hold, she was sure she would've had it tumbling to the ground.
The sounds of children filled the air, laughter and giggling and joyful squeals. The pile of rubble was gone; in its place, a soft beige wooden building. Two stories, just like her old home and shop duo, potted plants adorning the front as flower beds in all kinds of vibrant colors lined the building. Open windows allowed for linen curtains to drift outside in the summer air; Yuna easily pinpointing the children's shrieks coming from the inviting building.
A gentle bell sound responded through the air; and Yuna's eyes widened when the double doors were flung open and a horde of very excited, very noisy children came tumbling out.
Yuna blinked as she her expression became rather quizzical, and she spoke without looking to Udo. "It became... a preschool? A daycare?"
Udo's own expression matched her own, and his shoulders threatened to shake with laughter. "It would appear so. Quite fitting, don't you think?"
Yuna's eyes were gentle as she watched the children skip along the street in a mirthful dance; her lips holding a smile. Something like relief settled in her stomach; and she looked at the reconstructed building with a soft brow. "...Yeah. It's perfect."
'I guess it gave way to something better. It's... it's so cute!'
Yuna turned to Udo to say something, but was interrupted when she felt an incessant tugging at her skirt. She glanced down, and almost jumped as a large pair of brown eyes stared up at her. The little girl had her curly black hair tied back into a ponytail; her mint pinafore and dress making her look like a doll as her cute face bore up at Yuna's.
Udo smiled at the girl, and Yuna bent down to her height to greet her with a warm grin.
"Hi. What's your name?"
The girl studied her intently, ignoring the question as she changed her view to Udo. She pointed a pudgy finger up to the Fey, "Why do you have horns, mister? And wings?"
Yuna shot an amused glance up to Udo, and he laughed as he also knelt to the ground.
"I'm a Dark Fey; it's quite common for my kind to have horns and wings." He answered her with a light tone, and the girl's eyes widened.
"Like Maleficent!" She exclaimed, and Udo nodded with a grin.
"Exactly. You're a smart little thing, huh?" Setting the box down beside him, Udo ruffled her hair with his large hand and the girl squealed. Her big eyes trained back to Yuna;
"You look like one of the princesses from my story book. Is he your faerie?"
The question was so innocent, so adorable that Yuna resisted the urge to smother the child in a hug. Udo regraded her softly as she spoke; "I'm not a princess, but I think he's much more of my prince than my faerie. Is their a prince in your storybook too?"
Yuna smiled as the girl nodded excitedly;
"Yeah! There is! The prince has to rescue the princess from her castle that's guarded by a dragon, and then they live happily ever after!" She exclaimed.
Yuna looked to Udo, and the Fey couldn't resist the squeeze to her thigh as she spoke so endearingly.
"Sounds about right." Yuna whispered, and she knew that if there were no children present Udo probably would've drawn her in for a kiss.
He opted instead to give her thigh another squeeze, then went to smile at the little girl once more. "She's my heart; the girl that I'm going to marry one day." 
Now it was Yuna's turn to resist kissing the man; his words making her eyes water as she smiled sweetly at her Fey.
The child cocked her head;
"How do you know she's who you're going to marry? My mommy and daddy always told me I'd understand once I got older... but I don't really know what they mean by that."
At this point, more of the tiny school children had gathered around the pair; curious eyes wide as the stared at a prettily dressed and elegant woman and a regal-esque man with horns and wings.
Yuna giggled at the many children beginning to surround them, and Udo also looked amused as their not so quiet whispers bounced around.
"Who's that lady? Is she someone's mom?"
"She's so pretty!"
"That guy with the horns looks so cool! Did the teacher ask him to come in for a learning activity?"
"Did she say that he was her prince? Are they together? They really are royalty!"
Udo's gaze tore away from the sea of children, instead staring at the woman at his side; his heart.
His voice dropped to a low whisper, "There's no one else. I see no one else; and I don't want anyone else... there's only Yuna." The two momentarily had forgotten that they were in public, and Udo quickly added in as he faced the little girl again;
"But you'll understand that when you're older, little one." Udo winked at her, and the girl groaned;
"Why do adults always tell me that?!"
Soon, the two were swarmed by the crowd of younglings; the children climbing all over them. Some sought to poke at Yuna's makeup graced faced and fiddle with her long "princess" locks, and others curiously fiddled with Udo's horns and wings.
"If you two are a couple, then how did you meet?"
"Can a faerie and human really get married? That's so cool!"
"Yeah! I hope I get to marry a faerie!"
"Where do babies come from?"
"Can you guys come back? Tell us your names! Tell us your names!"
Udo and Yuna shared a look of forlorn amusement, opting to settle the rowdy children in their laps and around them as Yuna giggled;
"Okay okay, one question at a time, alright? I'm Yuna, and this is Udo. Can you tell us all of your names?"
Sneakily, she managed to snag Udo's hand and grip it tightly; her chest warm as Udo squeezed her hand back.
'You're all I see too.'
Getting out of the children's chubby handed grasp was much more difficult than the two had anticipated, but Udo and Yuna finally made it to Ulstead's cerulean waters just as the sun was preparing to set.
Ultimately, the two had given away all of their sweet treats and sandwiches to the happy children. It was a decision they couldn't quite be upset about, especially after they saw how their little eyes lit up when greeted with the fruity puffed pastries and small iced cakes. It did result in Yuna protesting once more however, when Udo dragged them both back into the bakery and bought another batch of expensive treats, a smile on his face as he happily handed the clerk his money before shooing Yuna out of the building.
"Finally made it!" Yuna sighed out as the ocean's salty spray hit her skin, the sun beating down on her as she let her body soak in the cool ocean air. "It's been forever since I was last at the beach! I forgot how beautiful Ulstead's was!"
Udo smiled as he set their food down, admiring the way the sun's golden rays made Yuna absolutely shine. "That was a bit of an unexpected detour, but I don't think I can really complain." He approached his heart, wrapping his arms around her from behind as he pressed a kiss to her ear. "You're beautiful like this; I love seeing you happy." He hummed. "Those kids kept insisting you were a princess, it was so sweet."
Yuna chuckled, taking Udo's hands so that she could guide them into the sand. "I know; it's not easy being this pretty, you know." She sighed teasingly, happily settling beside Udo. "We should bring Yui and the other little Feys to meet them; don't you think that that'd be good for both groups?"
Udo nodded, passing the girl her tea. "I was just about to suggest that; I think it'd be wonderful. I'm sure it would make Aurora happy to see as well."
Yuna accepted the cup gratefully, sipping at the heated beverage with a pleasant hum. "Let's arrange it then!" She set the tea down, effectively burying the bottom of the cup in the sand to avoid it spilling over. Yuna reached into the nearby box, shooting a smile to Udo as she handed him one of the sandwiches.
Udo took the food, amused when he saw that Yuna has retracted one of the smaller Tarte Tatins for herself.
"Straight to dessert? You don't want any dinner first?" He questioned with a gleam in his eye, snickering when Yuna blushed.
"I'm too excited to wait..." She muttered, taking a fork to saw off a small bite for herself.
Udo found it cute; and he watched as a stray strip of glaze coated her reddened lips. Swiftly he leant in to swipe at the mess with his thumb, licking at it with a smile. "You're so messy; I think you have a little face on your crumbs."
Yuna nudged him, laughing despite her embarrassment. "It's so good, I can't help it!" She wiped at the remaining mess around her mouth, carefully cutting a small bite for the Fey. "Here, try some!" She held the fork to Udo's mouth.
He seemed rather surprised. "You want to feed it to me?" He quirked a brow, hiding his mischievous smirk.
Yuna cocked her head, the sweet scent of apples following the sweet dessert. "Yeah, that's a couple-y thing to do!" She grinned. "Come on, open up!"
Udo complied, not that he'd ever reject Yuna in the first place. Gingerly, he opened his mouth and let Yuna place the tart inside; a wonderful concoction of sour apples and sweet caramelized sugar hitting the Fey's tongue as his eyes widened.
Udo chewed the dessert quietly, Yuna watching him intently as she waited for his verdict. Udo swallowed, and he looked at Yuna in astonishment. "That's delicious." He stated, and Yuna's smile grew.
"I knew you'd like it! That makes me really happy..." Yuna's gaze fell back to the turned over pastry, carefully spooning another bite into her mouth. "When I first came to Ulstead... or, I guess when you first dropped me off here..." The two shared a chuckle at that.
"When you had left me here and I didn't have my memories, I had assumed I'd washed up on shore after leaving Miyagata. The first few months here were so lonely and foreign to me; it sounds kind of silly, but when I found that bakery and first had this dessert..." Yuna subconsciously leaned closer to Udo. "It was really comforting to me, you know? I guess that's just one of the many wonders of food." She giggled, and Udo let her lay her head on his shoulder.
"It's not silly at all. I think that's a very sweet story." Udo whispered.
The vibrant red and magenta sky cast over them, the deep sapphire waters complimenting it as the sun was beginning to dip beneath its waves. They ate in a quiet reverie; soft laughter and whispers filtering between them as one by one, the food disappeared and the tea was slowly drained.
Udo's arm eventually found its way around Yuna's shoulders, holding her close as she nuzzled into him. "I'm having such an amazing time, Udo..." Yuna's voice broke out as they cast their food aside and enjoyed the serene atmosphere of the beach; the sky beginning to take on a violet hue as twilight threatened to overtake the evening.
Udo's robe covered arm warmed her in the beach's chilly air, and he drew her closer. "I am too; I'm happy I was able to do this you." He laid his cheek upon her scarlet tresses. "Seeing you with the kids earlier today... I thought it was so precious. You looked so happy being around them." Udo murmured.
Yuna contemplated the statement, "I guess I was; they were just so adorable. They were so cute when we gave them all of those treats..." She broke off in a giggle, her hand finding its way to Udo's. "I think they liked you more though."
Udo shook his head at that, "Nonsense; you were definitely the favorite." He corrected her.
Udo went quiet for a moment, before quietly continuing. "I hope I'm not too forward when I'm saying this, Yuna... but seeing you with all of those kids today made me want to hurry up and marry you already."
Did Yuna's heart stop? It surely did.
Slowly, she retracted her head from Udo's shoulder; looking to him with wide eyes as she soaked in his rather nervous demeanor.
Yuna's heart felt like it could burst; "Really?" She whispered.
Udo sighed, his eyes avoiding hers as he wordlessly nodded. Their food was long forgotten, the ocean's crashing waves like a white noise to the both of them.
Yuna could only stare at Udo in shock, trying to ease her pounding heart as the Fey chuckled in a masked disappointment. "I'm sorry. That was weird, wasn't it?"
Gently, Yuna crawled into the Fey's lap. Udo's eyes went wide as he had an armful of Yuna; hands settling at her hips as she carefully caressed his structured face.
"Yuna...?" Udo breathily called her name, the herbalist leaning down so that she could gently connect their lips. Udo felt relief overtake him, and he let his head dip to the side as her met her movements eagerly. Yuna kept the kiss brief, retracting despite Udo's noise of protest as she gave him a flushed smile.
Her fingers came up to trace his brow, and Udo almost purred at the feeling. "You're funny." Yuna finally answered. "You're thinking that far ahead already? I'd say Diaval is just about as excited as you to plan the wedding." Yuna pressed a kiss to the firm brow. "I can't wait either, Udo."
Yuna's confession left her with apple red cheeks, and Udo's eyes lit up like fireworks.
"Really?" It was his turn to ask the question.
Yuna's face felt inflamed, and she didn't trust her voice to speak. "Mmhm."
Udo sighed in pure exhilaration, a big smile still on his lips as he pressed them to Yuna's own. "That makes me so happy..."
Udo's hand came up to card through her thick locks, lips gently massaging Yuna's in a sweet kiss. It was their first real kiss of the night, and Yuna kissed him back with only a little bit of hesitation. The stars were just beginning to make their presence known as they glistened down atop the ocean's surface, and Yuna's confidence slowly grew as they shared kiss after kiss in the sandy turf.
'...' Yuna's mind was blank as she kissed Udo, her entire being consumed by the feeling of pure adoration as she was so carefully held by the Fey. Their lips connected again and again in brisk exchanges, and when they had finally disconnected Udo pressed a lingering kiss to her cheeks.
Yuna shifted in his hips, and the Fey nuzzled into her neck. "Thank you for letting me take you out today, Yuna."
Yuna gulped as his nose brushed over her pulse, her breath slightly shaky. "Of course... thank you so much for today Udo. I don't think anyone has ever done something so thoughtful for me." Her gaze quickly glanced at the box of discarded food, and she smiled. "I love you."
Udo pressed a kiss to her neck, and Yuna shuddered.
"I love you, heart."
Gods, Yuna didn't think she'd ever get tired of being called that. Carefully, she brought her hands up to fiddle with his point horns; Diaval's words inconveniently flashing through her mind:
"Can I expect some half-breed nieces and nephews running around soon?"
Yuna's heart skipped a beat; and she finally felt like she was going to explode.
The Fey lifted his head from her neck, and offered her his classic soft smile. "Yes?"
Yuna tried to hide her anxiousness, chuckling nervously. "It's safe to say that we're in it for the long run, right?" That was a good place to start... wasn't it?
Worry briefly shone in Udo's hypnotizing irises. "Of course. I thought you knew that... don't you remember what I told you about Dark Feys mating for my life?" He gently reminded her, and Yuna nodded her head; briefly kissing away his worry.
"Yes, I remember. Your heart is your soulmate, and marriage transcends death..." The notion eased Yuna. "Only one love for the rest of your life."
Udo smiled as she recounted his words, chuckling. "That's right. Don't you forget it." Another kiss to her nose, and Yuna forced herself to continue.
"I just... I was wondering." Udo's chest was suddenly very interesting, and Yuna let her gaze train to it as she avoided eye contact with the Tundra Fae.
Udo remained silent so that she could continue.
Yuna released a heavy breath, and her cheeks were practically on fire. 'Just say it!'
Yuna's eyes scrunched shut as she blurted out just a bit too loudly; "Do Dark Feys have sex before marriage?"
'Well. Now I've done it.'
Yuna shifted uncomfortably in Udo's lap, and suddenly wished that the earth would swallow her up. "I'm sorry." She whispered.
That seemed to snapped Udo out of his shocked stupor. He softly cradled her face, lifting her chin so that she could gaze directly into his kind eyes. "N-No. It's alright, Yuna. Don't be sorry."
Yuna deflated with relief, a hand coming up to cover Udo's own. He gave her a small smile, contemplating his words before speaking out in a gentle tone.
"Well, once Dark Feys find their hearts; it's unspokenly established that they're courting with the intention of marriage. It's the ultimate binding covenant that can't be broken; a sacred promise between a Fey and their heart." Udo explained, giving her cheek bones a slow caress.
"Due to the nature of what courting and finding their hearts entails, not all Dark Feys wait til marriage to consummate their love for each other; since it is already deeply established. It's the couple's own choice, really. Some choose to wait, others don't. There's no right or wrong way to do it."
Yuna nodded as she slowly took in his words; his expression kind but otherwise unreadable.
Something like hope and unsureness flashed briefly on Udo's face. "Did... did you want to... try it?" His question made Udo's face match Yuna's, and soon the two were like two blushing teenagers.
Yuna's eyes momentarily fluttered away from Udo's, studying the dark sand. Wordlessly, she slowly nodded her head.
The hands holding her face were hot, and Udo's voice quietly responded. "Yeah... me too." He leant forward to press a chaste kiss to her forehead. "We don't need to rush anything. Like I already said Yuna; we can navigate through all of these first steps together. Being with you intimately... that's something I'd want you to enjoy to the highest standard. I don't want you to feel pressured." Another kiss to her forehead, "Don't feel like you need to give yourself to me if you're not ready, it's a big step to take. I really don't mind waiting, heart."
Yuna's face laced with a firm determination. "You've waited long enough; I think we both have." Her brow softened. "Even if I don't remember it, even if others might disagree... I like to think that we haven't just been together for two weeks. I like to think that those five years counts too, even though we spent that time apart."
Udo's eyes glistened as she said that, and Yuna smiled. "I trust you, and I love you. That's all that matters, right?" Her brow momentarily knit with concern. "But... I do still want to wait just a bit longer. The thought is scary to me; it's not that I don't want to do it with you Udo, because I really do... I'm just scared."
Udo immediately went to kiss away her furrowed brow, brushing their noses together. "I know; you don't need to explain yourself." He gave her an embarrassed smile. "The thought is a bit intimidating to me too... but I couldn't think of anyone else I'd ever want to be with. We'll let it happen when it happens, okay?"
Yuna grinned with glee, nodding her head. "Okay!"
Udo wished that he could forever commit that smile to his memory, and he gently brought her closer to him as he held her. "How did I get so lucky..." He pressed a kiss to her shoulder.
Yuna embraced him back, his strong chest and arms making her feel more cherished and protected than she'd ever felt before.
"Promise me we'll do this again?" She whispered.
She felt Udo nod his head against her; "Of course. Trust me heart, this is only the start of many more wonderful dates. We have all the time in the world."
Yuna believed him, and as the ocean waves crashed around them and night finally settled over the beach, Yuna knew that she would never forget this day for as long as she lived.
She was quite sure that no matter how many dates they'd have in the future; nothing would ever beat this first one.
Time momentarily stilled, and two held each other until the moon rose high in the sky.
Yuna giggled as Udo tossed her onto their shared bed in the cottage, the sleeve of her nightgown falling from her shoulder and her face clean from any traces of makeup.
"Hey! Don't be so rough! Borra is starting to rub off on you." She giggled, squealing as Udo crawled on top of her.
His long platinum hair fell freely from its braids; his usual robes replaced with a silk one made specifically for sleeping. His pointed fingernails traced Yuna's face, and he kissed her lips teasingly. "Rough? I'm rather insulted."
Udo rolled off of her and onto his back, tugging onto Yuna so that her head rested firmly against his slightly exposed chest. His soft feathers engulfed her like a warm blanket, and Yuna sighed with contentment.
"I don't want to go to sleep... I don't want today to end." She muttered against Udo's collarbone, the Fey tracing patterns into her shoulder blade.
"I can't say I'm too fond of the idea either, but I'd hate for you to be sleepy tomorrow. Yui and the other younglings were asking about you today; I think they're hoping you pay another visit." His lips moved against her hairline, gently pressing a kiss to her baby hairs.
Yuna hummed, "Lets go together. I'm not expected back at the castle until after the festival; meaning I'm all yours for the next few days." She smiled.
The idea could've made Udo dance with glee. "Wonderful. I'm assuming everything is in order then?" He questioned, their bedroom illuminated by soft candlelight as an owl sounded in the distance.
"Yes, Aurora just confirmed it with me today. I know that I've been busy the last few weeks trying to scramble all of this together... I really appreciate you being so patient and helping me, Udo." Yuna lifted her head to gaze at her Fey, her chin resting on his sternum.
Udo smoothed down her unruly locks with a soft expression. "Certainly. I can't wait to see a piece of your childhood, Yuna... In fact, I can hardly stand it." He answered sincerely. "I know everyone will simply love it."
Yuna groaned, nuzzling into Udo once more. "I hope so... I just want everyone to have fun. Being able to bring a piece of Miyagata to all of you means the world to me."
Udo stroked her hair. "And it means the world to me too. Don't worry, love."
Yuna nodded, a content expression settling over her face as her cheek pressed against his chest. "Thank you..." Her whole being felt complete as she was held against the Fey. "Truly, Udo, I can't thank you enough for today. I can't believe everything you've done for me... I'm still not entirely convinced I'm not dreaming."
Yuna didn't know how their entire relationship had managed to progress so beautifully in one summer, but she decided it'd be best to just not question it. Instead, she simply thanked the gods for finally bringing them back together, making a silent vow to never let the Fey go ever again.
"I should be the one saying that, you saved me Yuna."
Udo carefully dragged one of the bed's many blankets up to cover Yuna; his wings serving as a feathery pillow for the girl. He tucked her in securely, giving her lips another loving kiss.
"Don't worry about silly things like that. I'm here, and I'm never going anywhere. You really don't think I'm going to let you go a second time, do you?" He chuckled.
Yuna's eyes fluttered shut as the warm duvet made her body relax into the plush mattress, hugging onto Udo like a human body pillow. "I'd certainly hope not." She teased. Her had came to rest at the center of Udo's sternum; right above his heart. "I'm not going anywhere either... we're stuck with each other for life, remember? Phoenix's orders; not mine." She giggled.
Udo felt his own eyes beginning to drool with sleep, and he placed his hand over Yuna's; his heart beating in a steady rhythm. "An awfully tempting offer; I'm afraid I can't quite see anything wrong with it." He teased right back. His tone then took on a much more gentle tune, "At the ball, after the peace treaty signing... I want to make it known that you're mine. I want to bring in the new world with you at my side, Yuna. I want everyone to know about us."
Yuna's heart fluttered, and Udo murmured through his tiredness. "Is that okay?"
Her eyes still closed, Yuna nodded with a happy grin. "Yes, yes I want that too." She nestled deeper into the covers, and breathed in Udo's musky scent. "Everyday, I want people to know that you're my star Udo. My own personal North Star."
Udo's whole being felt like it was flying, and the arm that he had wrapped around Yuna came to cradle the side of her head. His lips pressed to the crown of her head one last time as he whispered,
"I love you, heart."
Yuna's lips gingerly grazed over his collarbone, her smile never leaving her tired face. "I love you too, Udo."
Sleep overtook the couple, the candle lit dimming into nothing more than a burned wick as they held each other tightly into the night. Yuna dreamed once more of happy days of a distant past, and while Udo didn't dream that night; he awoke with an inexplicable warmth in his chest as he was greeted with Yuna's slumbering figure.
Dawn broke through the Moors, and with it the new couple felt closer than they ever had before.
Okay literally in less than a week this story shot up another 2,000 views?? Thank you all so much for 6k!!! 🎉
Very fluffy chapter; I just couldn't wait to write Udo and Yuna as a couple! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I had so much fun writing it! Summer Festival is next chapter; I'm so excited! Stay tuned for it, it'll be a cute and fluffy chapter for our new group of Feys and humans!
Thank you all so much for the support, I have the best readers in the world 😊 I hope you all are ending the first month of the New Year in good health and happiness ❤️
I'll see you all in the next chapter!

Purity in the Stars *Maleficent: Mistress of Evil- Udo Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now