Chapter Three: I Knew You In a Dream

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An involuntary shudder coursed through Yuna as a chilly breeze nipped at her skin. She wrapped Udo's robe tighter around her thin frame, and watched as her cut up feet swayed gently in Ulstead's river. It was nightfall now; any shops left standing had closed up for the night, one by one candlelights illuminated through glass windows were being blown out in bedrooms. Torches lit up the desolate streets, and the night watch was making their hourly rounds; muskets armed and ready. The distant call of the sea and chatter of nighttime wildlife filled the air around her, and Yuna sniffled.
Her face was red and swollen from her tears, and even after all of these hours later, Yuna still felt an occasional hot tear escape her eye and trail down her neck. She'd cried so much her head was tight; like someone'd wrapped a compression bandage all the way around it. Her eyes burned, and her nose felt raw from the amount of times she'd wiped at it. Her small feet were battered and cut from rocks and debris from running around the destroyed town, and she found a sense of ease as she dipped them into Ulstead's icy waters. She sat alongside the river's edge, the town of Ulstead at her back and the Moors looming in front of her with their ever present hypnotic peculiarity. The river had calmed its raging currents into soft waves, something Yuna was grateful for as the body of water gently massaged and soothed her abused feet.
It was late, it was starting to become rather chilly, and Yuna simply wanted to go to bed.
Where on earth was she to do that?
It had taken all of her willpower to pull herself away from the pile of rubble that was once her nursery and storefront; her pride and her joy. Her pride that she'd built up from the ground; with just five gold to her name and lost in a land so foreign to her. Her home that was her sanctuary, her safe space, her place of comfort on the hard days and her place of celebration on the bright ones.
Family heirlooms from a past long buried were surely never to be recovered; and Yuna felt that was what almost hurt the most.
Her vision blurred with misty tears as a memory she'd long sought to forgot rose to her mind;
Black smoke was thick in her lungs, her eyes, her breath; it was as if her entire being was engulfed in nothing but the dark mist.
Townsfolk cried and screamed all around her, fire roared and gunshots bellowed through the night. Yuna ignored her hot tears as she took off from the beach, diving into the black ocean before her. To her chest she clutched the only remnants that would ever signify she belonged to a family; the lone survivor of what would soon be known as one of the most prolific pillages in current history. Yuna wadded into a rocky grotto, praying the shadows of looming cliffs and the night would cloak her in their invisibility. Oh, she prayed so hard through the horrific screams of villagers and the smell of death.
An indent in the shore's rocky walls was like a godsend, and Yuna pressed into the shallow cave as much as it would allow. Her hair that smelled of smoke and gunpowder stuck to her sweaty forehead, and her eyes were reflective of that of a wild dog backed into a corner. She tried to silence her ragged breathing by clasping a shaking hand over her dry lips; digging so hard into the skin she was sure she drew blood. She kept the familial mementos pressed tightly to her chest, like they were precious jewels. Her head fell into her knees, and clenched a fist against her ear to try and silence the sounds of death and carnage. Her body shook from adrenaline, from her tears, and from complete bodily numbing terror. She could feel shock begin to wrap around her like an icy straight jacket, and her eyes could only stare widely off into the darkness as she cradled herself against the cave's sharp and jagged walls; not caring how it stabbed into her skin. The screams never stopped... the sounds of guns and canons never stopped... the barking of morbid orders and pure maniacal laughter stuck in her head like a sickness.
The sickness of those bastard Pirates.
A phantom pain hit Yuna in her heart and her mind as the memory flashed through her, and she blinked it away rapidly.
There it was again, that horrible feeling that would never leave her after that day...
A feeling of total and complete helplessness.
Yuna's face found its way into her hands, and she could feel her breathing begin to transcend into quick, sporadic spurts. It was like she was involuntarily gasping for air and dry sobbing at the same time, and a knotted pain began to form in Yuna's chest as her body rejected the air that was trying to relinquish it.
'N-No, don't think about that-' Yuna's mind screamed at her like a crackling thunderstorm, her own thoughts drowning out as she felt herself becoming consumed by the internal pain spreading through her. She felt so small; it felt like she was transported in time back to that damned beach on that cursed day. Like she was completely at another's mercy.
Yuna gasped out as it felt like someone had stabbed a dull blade into her chest, and she grasped tightly at the stoned edges that gave way to the river's strong currents. Udo's robe had slipped from her shoulders, and Yuna finally released a shaky sob.
"Please just make it stop..." Yuna's eyes squeezed shut in pain; she could smell the smoke again, she could hear the screams. She could feel that paralyzing mortification that struck her to her core and stabbed into her bones.
The cries of her family, her friends... the destruction that looked over her like a phantom, the barbaric invaders closing in on her... Yuna's arms wrapped herself, and a pained sound groaned out of her throat in a guttural way.
She felt suffocated.
The cold stone underneath her suddenly seemed very inviting, and Yuna let for body fall back onto it; ignoring the feeling of dew seeping into her dress. She sighed out, and focused all of her attention onto the seemingly endless flurry of cosmos and stars that expanded above her; every twinkle and every glimmer helping her to catch her breath. Her blurred vision focused little by little, and as the depth of her clarity increased, it seemed like the night sky had as well. It was like an entire symphony was playing before Yuna; the black and indigos of the night sky were a serene serenade, the stars acting as their bustling choir with each note they glimmered with. It was a sight to be seen, like music to her dark eyes; Yuna realized that the darker the night meant the brighter the stars, giving way to an ultimately sweet song. Yuna's breathing at this point had finally leveled out, however she was too preoccupied by the flurry of brightening stars to realize. At galaxy of her own glimmered in her eyes, and she breathed out a quite,
The starry sky comforted her in its grandness, and Yuna eyes softened as a familiar scenery painted its way into her head; "I've lived in Ulstead all this time, and I've never noticed how beautiful it can be at night." She whispered to herself. "However, it'll never be as beautiful as the stars in Miyagata." Yuna's hand reached high above into the sky, like she was grasping at something just beyond her reach. "Yeah... nothing could ever beat that." Her lips quirked up in melancholy, and her eyes glimmered with a distant sadness.
'Has it really been five years since then?' The girl thought. 'Still feels like it was yesterday, still hurts like it had just happened...'
Yuna blinked away an image of hellfire, shaking the smell of smoke and burning flesh from her senses. She sighed, and her hand came down to rest onto her bang-covered forehead. "I need to sleep." She sighed out wearily, the constellations morphing into blobs as she wiped sleep from her eyes.
Yuna picked herself up from the stone streets, and lifted her sore feet from Ulstead's river. Her adrenaline from earlier that day had been all spent, and her recovering body wasn't all that happy with her marathon all over Ulstead. She rose to her feet with a groan, taking Udo's robe with her. 'I need to find somewhere close, I can't walk much further..' She rolled her tight shoulders back.
Directly in front of her, the Moors called to Yuna with its twisted branches and ink shadows; like a siren to a lovestruck sailor in the middle of a stormy sea. The woods were an eerie kind of serene, summer making them a rich emerald green color and nourishing their leaves and bushes to complete magnificent size. Yuna knew that just beyond those gates and barriers of trees laid a world of faeries; a world that was so unlike her own but was everything that called to her. She made an unsure step towards the bridge of conjured wood, her feet inches from stepping onto it.
'The Moors... If I sleep just outside of them, surely it'll be alright?' She tried to reason, the mystifying woodland starting to become more and more intimidating the longer she stood in its presence.
Yuna cast a glance over her shoulder to the darkening town of Ulstead. 'I've no money on me, certainly in times of instability the inns won't take guests without a means of payment.' She figured. 'And I don't think I'll be able to walk much farther without collapsing, I really shouldn't even be out of bed with my kinds of injuries...'
Yuna's eyes fluttered from the pattern of disappearing street lights and back to the grand wooded plains of the Moors. Cautiously, she took a step onto the bridge.
'The Moors is an ethereal land, so the chances of harm coming to me are practically non existent. With summer at its crescendo, there's alway a low possibility of me getting ill.' Another step on the bridge, and Yuna winced; the faeries couldn't use their magic to smooth down the wood just a bit more? Yuna was practically traipsing across the bridge on her tiptoes, mindful of her bare feet and any daggers of jagged wooden sticking out from gnarly bridge. 'If I sleep outside of the woods, I'll be maintaining respect. Non-faeries do not belong in The Moors, and I'd hate to seem entitled.' A shake of the bridge startled Yuna, and she released an uncharacteristically high pitched squeal, hugging Udo's garment as she steady herself. She glared down at where the river's current gave her an unexpected wave, waiting a few more moments to confirm her safe cross over before continuing.
Harsh wood bled into dewy grass, and the feeling of it seeping in between Yuna's exposed toes made her shudder at the sensation. Wind whistled through the trees that towered over her, and she couldn't help the expression of pure wonder that crossed over her pretty feature's as she found herself mere inches away from a world of pure magic.
"It's beautiful..." She noted to herself. "In all my years of admiring The Moors and faeries, never did I think I'd ever be able to be this close to them.." She breathed.
Yuna admired the sight for a long moment, her body seemingly remedied of its pain for the time being. She closed her eyes in the peaceful quiet, the serenity of the landscape being quite contagious. Her body was starting to become heavy in its drowsiness and the day's events finally began to hit her in all of their exhaustiveness. 'I wish I could've seen Udo, and I'm sure I've made everyone back at the castle worry by running out like that..' Yuna squeezed the warm robe, 'I'm actually a bit embarrassed. That was a rather childish way to react, and after everything they've done for me. Will a mere apology be enough?' The girl sighed.
Yuna gently took Udo's cloak from her chest, debating for a moment, before laying her cheek onto the soft fabric. An ambrosial combination of sweet mint and wood dosed with rain enraptured her senses, and she could feel the hardships of the day, for a brief moment, be forgotten. She breathed out, the fabric still tight in her grasp as she finally brought a hand up to wipe at any remaining tears still lingering in her dark orbs. The morning would bring about many uncertainties... but it would also be the start of a new day.
The calming white was like a medicine in her arms, and Yuna traced the embroidered hem of the robe. 'Guess we're going to have to start from the bottom again, hm?' A dry laugh cracked through her red lips, and she finally relinquished to the mercy of the star's above her. They cast a soft glow over The Moors, and Yuna found herself whispering a silent prayer,
"Please, let me find my way." She begged.
Yuna was sure something in the cosmos had to have heard her.
The crunching of grass behind her immediately made Yuna's posture straighten, and her eyes widened. All of her senses seemed to transcend human ability, and Yuna became hyperaware of a dangerous aura behind her. Her hands beneath the robe clutches into white knuckled fists, and she swallowed down her bubbling fear as she turned on her heel.
"Don't even think about running away." The harsh voice boomed out before she could even register what she was seeing, and Yuna audibly gasped as battered and massive wings towered above her. 'A Dark Fey!'
Yuna squinted through the darkness to try and make out the shadowy figure, his bulky figure nearly quadrupling her size. Large bare feet crunched on the grass in front of her, and a bare chested and rather disheveled looking man stepped forth into the moonlight. Yuna gulped as his boorish and scarred face appeared, a snarl on his lips and a deep aggression burning in his amber eyes; all directed at her. His dirty blonde hair hung to his shoulders in a rag tag pattern of loose strands, braids, and dreads. Makeshift armor wrapped from his shoulders and down his right arm, his scarred and cut up chest was exposed and bled into his work and tattered pants. His wings were a brownish color, so unruly and unkempt that Yuna wondered how on earth he could fly with them. His black horns were magnificently massive, sharpened like two daggers. Yuna couldn't help the reluctant step back she took; this Fey looked like he was a seasoned warrior, a true aggressor. He was muscular and bulky, and his aura screamed of nothing but true malice and hatred; a smoldering and suffocating venom that was completely spotlighted on to Yuna. His features were sharp in hostility, and Yuna subconsciously gripped ever so tighter onto Udo's robe.
'He's so... hostile. He looks like he wants to hurt me..' She took another step back. 'He's like the exact opposite of Udo, this Fey is...'
Something like a growl bubbled from the Dark Fey's throat, and his eyes hardened down at Yuna. He stared her down like a predator to its prey, muscles rippling as he prepared to attack.
'This Fey is cruel.'
The whirling of the wind and shaking of trees alerted Yuna of her attacker's agile wings, and before she could register it, her back slammed hard into the earth beneath her. She couldn't help the straggled yell that left her, the breath knocked from her lungs and a string of saliva pooling out of her mouth. Her eyes watered, and her head pounded as it thud back into the hard ground, a distant ringing in her head as she fought to focus her eyes. Sharp taloned wings loomed dangerously close over the girl, almost threatening her to try and move. The Fey's muscular body towered over her, a hot fire burning in his eyes.
Yuna glared up at him, burying her fear in the desire to not let her attacker see her sweat. Her hands gripped at the grass next to her, and she bitterly spat out, "Quite the tough guy, aren't you? Taking down a girl all by herself in the middle of the night? Oh, how I praise you." Whatever scornful look he tried to throw at her, Yuna threw it right back to him.
The Fey above her seethed at that, bringing a wing down to tactfully cut a shallow slice into the soft flesh of her cheek. Yuna wouldn't even allow him the pleasure of seeing her cringe, and she held strong in her submissive position.
He glared. "Watch your mouth, you horrible Hume." His fangs were bared at her now. "Woman or not, anyone who dares to poach on our land will be dealt with in the same agonizing torture that your kind relished in inflicting onto us." Yuna quirked an eyebrow at that.
"Poacher? Do I really look like a poacher to you? With my bare feet and dress?" Yuna had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. 'Stupid brutish man.' She thought with a scowl.
The Fey didn't budge. "I don't trouble myself with the normalities of your kind. Some of our fiercest warriors are dainty little women like yourself; I don't differentiate between genders." His glare hardened even more, if that were possible. "Meaning, I don't care that you're a woman; I'll kill you the same way I'd kill a man."
The talon was drifting dangerously close to her face again, and Yuna spoke up; "And I don't quite care for your code of honor." She retorted harshly. "I also don't appreciate being accused of being something that I am not!" All of the fear seemed to have left Yuna's body, and instead all she felt was a deep annoyance. Was this brute hearing a single thing she was saying?
"I was merely looking for a place to sleep. The war Ingrith raged on the Dark Faes rendered me unconscious, and they destroyed my home." She stared directly into his hateful gaze. "If you want me to leave, all you have do is ask. Where on earth do you get off, attacking me like this?"
He growled, and Yuna bit her lip as his winged talon flew down to stab into her palm, effectively pinning her to the ground. It was like a ball of pain knotted and stilled in the spot, and Yuna had to steady her breathing in order to not scream out. The scarred Fey got close to her face, and she was sure she was seeing evil personified.
"I've had to witness the brutal bloodshed of my kin at the hands of your people. You dare think that even for a moment, I will believe your words? After the massacre of that day?" His voice was a dangerous and low snarl, Yuna releasing a silenced groan of pain as his talon dig into her hand ever so deeper.
"I am sorry for what happened to the Dark Feys. I never wanted a war against The Moors." She grit out. "However, you can't channel all of your anger onto me; Ulstead's people are not my people. I am not even from this country!" Even though every nerve in her body screamed at her not to, Yuna brought her free hand to reach across and grasp tightly onto the talon piercing her, easing it out of her palm.
The Fey's eyes widened at the action, her words held a steady conviction and her eyes blistered with a fire of determination. She ripped his wing away from her, releasing a groan of pain as she cradled her bloody hand. She glared at him, and he made no move to push her back to the ground as she sat up to glare fiercely at him, rendered speechless at the small girl's sheer courage to stare someone like him down.
"Listen, you are not the only one who has lost people to senseless bloodshed!" As if emphasizing her point, Yuna's bloodied hand slammed down into the grass and sent loose blades flying around them. "I lost my entire family, all in just one night! I lost my entire village, I lost everything I ever loved and cared about!" She shouted at the Fey, and he simply raised a brow as she continued. "You think I don't know how painful it is? You think I don't know what it's like to lose everything? It's taken me five years to even begin to find a sense of normalcy, and even still, there are days where I don't even want to get out of my bed. Days where I wished I just went and died along with them." Yuna blinked back stray tears, and the male's eyes silently widened.
She continued, "You can't keep fermenting in your own anger. The world doesn't owe you anything, and it won't give you anything. You're not special; you're not the only living thing on this planet who has suffered." Yuna finished with a hardened look, "So get over yourself."
The silence in the air was deafening, and Yuna shifted uncomfortably. Her hands balled into the snowy fabric, her eyes locked onto it as she refused to look back up at the Dark Fey, huffing our as her shoulders sank. 'Getting me all worked up like that..' She shook her head at the grievance, eyes cutting to the side. She heard a shuffle, and then before she knew it, the robe in her possession was ripped right out of her hands.
Yuna gapped up at the Fey, who eyed the robe (now clutched in a furled blob in one massive hand) with a quirked brow and a rather prominent frown. "Hmph. So you're the little wren Udo is so worked up about?" He scoffed, almost making fun of her. Yuna's ears perked at that, ignoring his pointed remark.
"Udo? You know Udo?" She asked, almost excited.
The Fey scoffed again, and tossed the robe back to Yuna roughly, the girl yelping out as the bundled up cloth nailed her right in the face. "Yeah. I know Udo."
Yuna ripped the robe away from her face, frozen as she made eye contact with the Fey. It was like he was inspecting her, with those ever present harsh irises. He tipped his chin at her, and made a "hmph" noise, "Really? You're his type?" He let out a condescending laugh, and Yuna glared at him. "Loud mouthed, pain in the arse, no meat on your bones, rather small-" Just when Yuna was getting ready to nail the muscular Fey with a good punch to the gut (heavens know that she would've shot for his groin, had she wanted to play dirty), a new yet familiar voice broke across The Moors.
The voice Yuna had been waiting to hear since she'd first awoken.
Yuna's head shot up, and her eyes glimmered like the heavens above them as finally, the man of the hour had showed himself. The name came out like a quick and sharp whip, flashing dangerously across exposed skin and leaving a screaming welt in its place. It was a tone of quiet danger, and Yuna was grateful she was not on the receiving end of it. The Fey before her groaned in a suppressed agitation and Yuna glanced at him as she internally noted her attacker's name; 'Borra...'
Udo emerged from the dense forest behind them, his white attire, wings and hair a direct contrast to the darkness that encompassed him. The moonlight shone onto him like it had hit an expansive lake, and he lit up like he was his own separate cosmos in the middle of a stormy night. Yuna's eyes never left him as he glided gracefully over the grass and towards her and Borra, meeting the two of them in mere seconds.
Yuna couldn't help the breath of air that escaped her as Udo came to stand before them, and she let out an involuntary, "Udo..."
His eyes met her's in an instant, his hardened gaze directed at Borra instantly dissipating as he smiled gently down at her. The venom in his voice as he quipped out Borra's name, a tone so unfamiliar to the girl, vanished as he whispered out a soft greeting in return, "Yuna." He breathed out with a smile. Yuna couldn't bring more words to come out of her mouth, and she was still concerned what a certain boorish Fey would do should she make any move to rise to her feet, so she instead stared up at the mystical Dark Fey with gratitude and mirth.
Finally, something familiar after the day's trying challenges.
Yuna watched as something flickered in Udo's aqua eyes, scanning over the cut on her cheek and her bloody hand that she delicately cradled. Just like that, his gaze took on that same sharpness he'd stalked towards them with, his irises cutting to where Borra stood at his side. His voice was like the distant rumbling of thunder, and Yuna actually felt anxious at his change of usual calm demeanor. 'Of course Udo can be angry, it's just that... I didn't expect him to be so frightening. He has such a kind aura to him, it's hard to imagine him being upset...' She thought, eyes batting over to where Borra stood seemingly unfazed.
"What is the meaning of this." Udo's words were more a demand than a question, eyes trained onto Borra.
The bigger Fey merely shrugged, nonchalantly replying, "Misunderstanding." Borra's eyes quickly cut to Yuna, then back to Udo. "Your little wren nearly got herself killed looking for you. Better keep a tighter leash on her." It almost sounded Borra was holding back his laughter to some gut wrenching joke, and a subtle crease formed between Udo's platinum brows.
"You hurt her." He noted the fact calmly, but Yuna could see the way his posture was rigid and tense; almost like he was holding himself back from doing something. Yuna could feel the escalating tension, and ignoring any lingering fear over Borra's rash antics, she quickly shot up to her feet.
"It's okay." She quickly babbled out. Her small hand, the one that wasn't injured, reached up to softly tug on one of Udo's long sleeves. Udo gazed down at her, and Yuna silently pleaded to him with a desperate look in her eyes. "I was poking my nose somewhere I shouldn't have. Borra was merely protecting the Moors, he stopped as soon as he realized I wasn't a threat." Yuna tried to reason with Udo, "Please, it's not worth a fight."
Udo and Yuna held eye contact for one quiet moment, and he took in the pleading look in her eyes. Whether the Fey gave in because he wanted to heed the girl's desires, or simply didn't want to subject her to witnessing his aggression, Udo sighed out. He patted her hand, signaling for her to release him. Upon complying, Udo gently took his robe from the arm against her chest, and Yuna's cheeks blushed a soft pink as he draped the fabric over her shoulders. "Go on and start walking. I'll be right behind you." He smiled, turning her around and ushering her towards the forest behind them. Yuna made a startled noise of protest, resisting against Udo's soft push as she stumbled towards the Moors.
"Wait..." Udo seemed surprised by her protests, his hand leaving the small of her back as he quirked a brow at her. Udo seemed curious, Borra seemed to be a mix of annoyed and amused; Yuna sent a glare his way. "I'd hate to... impose." The word was emphasized cunningly, and Borra quirked a challenging brow at her.
Sensing the impending battle between the two (which honestly, Udo wasn't quite sure Borra would win), the platinum haired Fae stepped in front of Yuna protectively. "You won't need to worry about that, Yuna." Udo words were directed to her, however his gaze was trained onto Borra. "Right, Borra?" Since his back was to her, Yuna couldn't see the expression in Udo's face. However, judging from the way that Borra's usually hard look seemingly faltered, and his eyes looked away to some point far into the distance, Yuna imagined it... wasn't the kindest. 'I guess even Udo can be... scary.' Yuna thought with a shiver.
Borra was quite visibly annoyed, and with a dismissive wave of his hand, he turned on his bare heel. "Do whatever you want. I don't care." His gruff voice grunted out, his raggedy brown wings already starting to lift him off the ground. Yuna watched as his brawny figure ascended into the sky, her eyes squinting as his powerful wings kicked up the dirt and grass around them. Shadowed by the moonlight, he was like a magnificent hawk or even a fearsome demon, his aura truly contrasting Udo's own.
Udo spoke out sharply, "We'll discuss this tomorrow." He said up to hovering Fey, following in his suit as he turned and tread away towards the forest. Borra sighed, "Yeah, figured." With that, the air wizzed with a hissing fury as Borra's wings flapped him higher into the sky. Yuna only blinked for a moment, and when she opened her eyes he was already long gone, his whereabouts unknown. It was almost like the blanket of night had swallowed him; the only trance of his existence being the soft sting of Yuna's sliced cheek and a lone mink feather fluttering softly to the ground below. Yuna regarded it with an indifferent look, and shaking her head as she turned to follow after Udo, his robe trailing behind her like an elegant white cape in the moonlight.
'Arsehole.' She thought with a huff, her injured hand clenching into a loose fist.
Udo's tall figure strode leisurely in front of Yuna, large wings obscuring his figure. The crunching of grass echoed between the two of them as Yuna followed after him, and she couldn't help the quickening of her heart beat. Not only was she about to enter the Moors, but she was going with Udo...
Udo, the man she'd been searching for all day, the man she'd desperately wanted to tell so many things to, the man she wanted to show absolute sincerity to for not only saving her once, but now twice...
Now that he was here, Yuna's tongue was like sand. She couldn't grasp a single syllable, and she felt flustered as she stumbled behind his tall figure. She could feel a slight frustration bubble within her, and she released a quiet huff as her eyes watched her bare feet crunch onto the dewy grass. Yuna, lost in her own thoughts, failed to notice that Udo had long since come to a halt before her, and she came face first with tufts of snowy feathers.
"Oh!" It was like getting smacked in the face with a pillow (if the pillow had bones), and Yuna stumbled back, groaning out as she realized her mistake. "I'm sorry!" She exclaimed, her whole body heating in a kind of embarrassment that made her wish she'd simply get stuck by lightning. "I wasn't paying attention, I'm really sorry Udo-"
The Fey's soft chuckling stopped Yuna, and he turned to look over his shoulder at her. "It's quite alright. I thought it was rather funny." He gave Yuna an amused smirk, continuing; "It snapped you out of her thoughts, which I think is a good thing. It's never good to overthink, you know."
Yuna's cheeks reddened, "Was it that obvious?" She replied sheepishly, rubbing at her sore nose. Udo let out a genuine laugh, and Yuna's eyes widened, "Just a bit. You became awfully quiet, you're not worried about Borra are you?" The glint of fret in Udo's sapphire eyes casted onto her, and Yuna sighed. She nodded her head in a fake resignation, muttering out, "Yeah, something like that." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "It's just been a long day. I think I'm tired." Not a complete lie, but not the entire truth either.
Udo nodded in understanding, a softness in his demeanor as he extended a hand to Yuna. "Come on." His honey like voice compelled Yuna to come closer to him, and her small hand was placed into his larger one seemingly on instinct. He gave the uninjured hand a soft squeeze, "The Moors are welcoming to all. Don't let Borra's words deter you." He gave her an encouraging smile. A slight tug brought Yuna to his side, never relinquishing the hold on her hand. Yuna couldn't help but think about how comfortable she felt at the man's side;
"Come, lets go." He led her forward. The break in the thick trees gave way to pure wonder, and Yuna's breath hitched in her throat as something from a fairytale began to take shape before her.
All of her life, she felt a calling towards the Moors. It was always an unobtainable enigma, and Yuna had simply settled with the fact that it was not a place a mere human like herself would ever find herself in. It was only natural; she came from a land where the Moors and their folk were purely otherworldly, deities that they'd pray to for good fortune and worship as beings from a greater existence. Yuna couldn't begin to fathom how she'd not only befriended a number of Moorfolk, but she was also being invited to such a sacred land by one. Surely, this was improper? One couldn't simply waltz into the Moors, invitation or not; she was just a human! Yuna's mind raced with her worries, but as Udo led her forward to the clearing and the trees obstructing her vision cleared, her mind completely blanked.
It was... completely beautiful.
A different kind of sky painted the Moors; the colors more vibrant the stars glistening like individual diamonds placed there. Blacks turned to rich indigos, flirty fuchsias and deep violets. It almost looked hand painted; like it was holding colors that could never naturally be there. Lakes and ponds glistened through the arching rock formations and high cliffs, moonlight dancing across the surfaces like a figure skater. The illuminating light touched each one of the gentle giants, highlighting each peak and crevice in its structure. Tall grass flitted about them and through the eccentric twisting and turning trees. Chimes and whistles whizzed by the couple, golden shimmers revealing flirty faeries soaring in the air around them. Water serpents and swamp bogs quietly snoozed in the shallow water littering the open meadow, the tree giants took root for the night and the flower features had resided into their respective blooms for the evening. Even with the quiet lack of activity, an air of serenity hung around the beautiful glade, like a symphony peaking to its crescendo. Plants of all colors and patterns weaved through the ground, and everything Yuna laid her eyes on was what she imagined a storybook come to life would appear to be. It was almost over stimulating, everything was so new and so breathtakingly overwhelming. Udo must have sensed it, for the hand that guided her gave her a reassuring squeeze.
"Is everything alright?" He prompted quietly, bending his head down so he could take Yuna's eyes off of the plains. He smiled as they made eye contact, and Yuna nodded her head; appreciating whatever it was Udo was trying to do for her.
"I think I'm just a bit... overwhelmed. By everything. I feel like this isn't my life to be living... I was an herbalist just two weeks ago. Now I'm homeless and in the Moors with a Fey who I barely even know..." Yuna quickly panicked over her choice of words, sputtering out as Udo seemingly slouched ever so slightly in disappointment.
"Ah... I apologize, I've made you uncomfortable." He wasn't intentionally guilting the girl, but the slight crestfallen expression that crossed his features and the way he began to release her hand made Yuna's heart clench, and she was quick to regain her grip onto his hand.
"No! That's not what I meant!" Yuna panicked, grasping onto his hand tightly with both of her own as the Fey looked down at her in surprise. She continued, speaking slowly as to not panic and fumble with her words once more, "The exact opposite; you're the only source of... comfort I have right now, I guess." Yuna's eyes trailed down to Udo's large hand held gently in her own, not even thinking as she fiddled with his fingers in her own nervousness. "I appreciate all of it, I do. The day you saved me, all of the time you spent by my side to heal me, Aurora, Diaval, Maleficent... I'm grateful for all of it. I'm beyond happy that there could possibly be people out there who could care so much." She whispered.
"I just can't quite believe this is all real. I feel like I'm being set up somehow... I can't even wrap my head around how I ended up here. In just one day, I lost everything I had... and at the same time, I think I've also gained many things that could be life changing..."
Hesitantly, her eyes fluttered up to where Udo stared down at her intently. It was like he was studying her, his eyes shining with a mix of pity and understanding. Mustering up all of her courage, Yuna met his gaze with as much sincerity as she could gather in that moment. "Udo... is it okay to let all of this happen? Can I really trust all of this?" As non aggressive as she could be, Yuna firmly finished, "... Is it okay to trust you? We're complete strangers, and yet you treat us like we've been friends all of our lives. I don't know the first thing about you."
Yuna's brown irises unintentionally glistened to resemble that of a fawn, or perhaps a puppy, and Udo could feel something flutter in him as she asked; "Is it okay for me to start learning?" Her voice was a plea that sounded like a song bird's hymn, and Udo found himself to be rather stunned. Her doll-like eyes stared up at him, waiting for an answer. He blinked once, twice, then a third time; had he heard her correctly?
Another moment of quiet passed by them, the gales of the Moors humming around them as night fully settled over the forest. Yuna's gently released his hand, smiling a melancholic smile to herself as her gaze fell from his. "Sorry. That was weird, right?" She laughed awkwardly. "I get that you rescued me that day out of your own kindness; and I also understand it might be hard for a Dark Fey to want to be friends with a human, given our history... It's okay to end it here. My injuries will heal, and I'm sure Aurora is waiting for me back at the castle. I'm sorry I overstepped." It was Udo's turn to be rendered speechless, his mouth slightly agape on his stupidly handsome face.
Yuna smiled up at him. "Thank you for everything. I'll be eternally grateful." She bowed deeply before the Fey, coming up with a release of breath. One last smile, and she was already turning to leave the thicket behind them and exit the Moors; ignoring the slight sting in her chest and cheeks hot from humiliation. 'Smooth, Yuna. Way to not sound completely desperate and like a total loser. Real nice.' Yuna's hands came up to tactfully remove the robe from her shoulders, already feeling like she was missing something as soon as it became absent from her person. To her surprise, a hand came out to stop her.
"Wait, Yuna. Please."
Almost a bit too eager to comply, she immediately turned right back around to look back at Udo; hope bubbling in her. "Yeah?" She pressed, feeling the hand he'd placed on her shoulder slowly trek down to the cloth in her hands. Fluidly, and the second time that night, Udo swiftly re-draped it onto her shoulders. Yuna remained silent as he fastened it securely onto her, his eyes fixated on the white fabric as he spoke,
"Please do not misunderstand. I was merely surprised, you seem to have a way with words, according to Diaval." He chuckled. Yuna quirked an eyebrow at him, "Diaval?" She clarified.
Udo released his hold on her, however his shoulders were still obviously taut; like he was preparing to chase after Yuna should she decide to leave again. He nodded, "I returned to the castle earlier today. Aurora and the others filled me in on what transpired. I'm... so sorry Yuna." Softly, almost hesitantly, his fingers came up to caress at her cheek. It was a familiar feeling, and the image of the day he'd cupped the same cheek on Ulstead's castle walls flashed through Yuna's mind. She welcomed the comfort the touch brought, shaking her head. "It's okay. It's only a building, right?" Her dry laugh made Udo furrow his brows.
"Nonsense. That was your home, and you built it up from the heart. I know it's been a hard month for you, it's okay to be upset." He coaxed her softly, not missing the quick flash of tears that she blinked away instantly. He moved his hand to cup her cheek fully. "Maleficent asked me to take you away from Ulstead for a few days, she's worried. She may seem rather harsh, but she cares; Aurora and Diaval agreed that it'd be best to give you a few days in private to heal." He explained in a soft voice, almost as soft as his touch and Yuna felt a small spark of joy hit her.
'Maleficent... cares about me?' She pondered. 'Udo must've been searching for me all evening, I knew I shouldn't have left the castle...'
Udo took her deep thought as apprehensive, and he carefully added in, "Of course, if you are uncomfortable staying in the Moors, I would never keep you here. I'd have to monitor you rather closely for the coming days, your body has made a substantial recovery; but it is far from fully healed. If that makes you nervous, I can-" Udo's words quickly made Yuna shake her head, her oxblood hair shaking with it.
"That would be wonderful." She finally could form her first steady sentence since reuniting with the Fey, offering him a small smile. "I think... I think it'd be better to be away for a few days. Being in Ulstead right now has... brought up some unpleasant memories. If you're really alright with it, then I'd be happy to stay with you-" Yuna quickly corrected herself, "I'd be happy to stay in the Moors."
Udo seemed to brighten at her words, eyes lighting up as his thumb grazed over her high cheekbone. "Really?" He asked.
Yuna nodded, smiling fully. "Let's get going." It was now Yuna's turn to take the lead, stepping forward into the Moors and giving Udo an unspoken invitation. The moonlight hit her fully, and Udo watched as his robe fluttered around her like her own pair of wings (beautiful ones at that); he made a mental note to let the girl keep it...
Udo smiled to himself, gliding forward to Yuna. He couldn't quite explain the feeling that overtook him, but he was sure he was able to identify what it was. With a confident arm wrapping around her waist, the Fey easily scooped up her small frame, Yuna automatically wrapping her arms around his neck. Giving her one last glance for confirmation, Yuna smiled softly as she rested her head onto his firm chest, giving Udo all the permission he needed to lift the two of them high above the Moors; like two snowy angels. While she consented to it, Yuna still couldn't help the small tingle of fear that struck her as the ground suddenly became very far away, and the trees that towered over her resembled little gifts of vegetation. The way Udo held her ever so closer to his strong frame to let her know that he had no intention of dropping her, and she trusted the arms that circled around her torso and underneath her knees. They weren't too high off the ground, not even breaking the clouds that hovered above them. The mystic secrets of the Moors swarmed by Yuna as Udo flew them through the open lakes and meadows, twisting trees and roaring waterfalls. If Udo saw the bright smile on Yuna's face as she took it all in, he didn't say anything. However, he couldn't stop himself from stealing glances at the girl who's eyes rivaled the stars surrounding them and her face that, in his opinion, made the beauty of the Moors seem incomparable. On that same token, as she finally relinquished any lingering negative feelings that still clouded her from the day, Yuna finally noticed just how attractive the Fey holding her was.
She didn't mean it in a lovelorn school girl way, and she wasn't necessarily thinking it like she was head over heels; it was a simple observation. While it hadn't been the first time she'd seen Udo up close, the events of the war of the Feys left little time for her to really fret over such minuscule things like that... but now, Yuna finally noticed just how serenely handsome he was. It was a kind of attractiveness that could even make women jealous; his masculine yet sharply structured face was like it was hand carved. His sharp azure eyes that resembled her own were framed by white brows and lashes; they were like pools of liquid sapphire. Quirked lips held a muted rose tone, and every accent on his face was framed by thick platinum locks that cascaded around him. The hair that could cover his face was braided back, giving way to his smooth and curved inky horns. While Yuna wore one of his robes, she could see that he still had plenty of garbs wrapped around him, secured by a thick cloth belt tied onto his waist. It gave his effervescent aura an even more regal appeal; he resembled a monk, or maybe a foreign noble. The soft but majestic pale wings that flapped around her were like physical moonlight, and Yuna was completely in awe;
Udo was unlike any man, or even human for that matter, that she'd ever seen before.
He was an absolute marvel; completely magnificent. It wasn't just his appearance either; in the short time she'd known the Fey, the only treatment she'd received from him was that of warmth, and of kindness. To be honest, Yuna was rather concerned; why on earth was she so trusting of, really, a complete stranger? Why was she suddenly not having any reservations that she would usually have with any other stranger? Why did she not even feel the slightest tingle of anxiety, knowing she was about to be alone with Udo in the Moors? What on earth was she even thinking?!
She could debate it all she wanted, but Yuna knew the reason behind her internal calmness; perhaps it was wrong, probably even just outright stupid, but she felt an undeniable sort of... trust, in Udo. He'd saved her life, he'd nursed her back to health, he'd protected her from Borra, and now was even opening up his home to her; also a complete stranger. The man emitted nothing but total sincerity to her, and something deep in her gut and her soul told her that it would all be okay;
It would be okay to put her faith in Udo.
Yuna hadn't even realized she'd began to stare blankly up at him in her pondering, blinking the thoughts away as he took his eyes off the sky to gaze down at her.
Sapphire met mink, and she gently rested her head onto his shoulder as a warmth spread through her.
Yeah... Yuna knew she was right where she was meant to be.
Softly and gracefully, Udo began his descent down onto the mossy floor awaiting them. The wind made their departure from the sky swift and easy, and Udo had landed so smoothly Yuna hadn't even felt when his feet touched the ground. To her relief, Udo hadn't relinquished his grip on her; his strong arms adjusting her in his hold and Yuna did a little shimmy to grip tighter onto his neck. A gentle squeeze to her waist, and Udo said, "I don't want you to cut your feet up." It was an unneeded explanation, but Yuna smiled her thanks anyways. "Bit too late, but thank you."
Yuna took in their new surroundings; it was a tucked in spot, rather intimate in its inclusivity from the rest of the Moors. High rocky cliffs covered in greenery encompassed them, giving way to beautifully blossomed pines. A cozy cottage overlooked a shallow lake, and a brilliant willow tree abloom with pink petals loomed like a protective giant over the whole thing. It was like something from her dreams, a home she'd always longed to call her own, and she quietly whispered out, "It's beautiful."
Udo hummed from above her. "This is where the faeries raised Aurora."
Yuna's eyes glittered at the revelation, a smile holding a glint of childlike wonder slowly spread on her face. "Is it really okay for me to stay here?" She questioned. "Certainly someone is still living here?"
Udo shook his head, the front door of the two story cottage slowly growing closer and closer. "The faeries have long since left this residence since Aurora grew up, and now that she's married to King Phillip, she'll be living alongside him in the castle. We've received full permission from both Aurora and Maleficent to stay here as long as desired."
Yuna heart fluttered at the thought; was this wondrous little place really her's to stay in? Was she really lucky enough to have a warm bed and roof over her head so soon after her home of five years had been crushed to the ground?
"That's very generous." She replied quietly, taking in the ivy covered cottage that finally stood before them. Beautiful red rose bushes wildly decorated the outside, like splotches of wicked rubies. Glass paned windows encircled the architecture, allowing for hefty amounts of both moon and sunlight to filter into the home. A roof with alternating tiles of a rustic brick and burnt clay color patterned the top, matching the chimney. Ivy covered a great portion of the small house, and Yuna beamed at just how uniquely cute and quaint the cottage truly was. Gently, Udo set her down to her feet and cold cobblestone slabs greeted her; a walkway leading up to the front door. Yuna couldn't help the nagging cold feeling that enveloped her upon Udo releasing her, ignoring the sensation as the Fey reached a strong arm out to push open an intricately carved wooden door.
"Watch your step going in, it's dim inside." He advised, a push on her back guiding her onto creaky wooden floors. Yuna could make out little in the room with the thick shadows, the outside light the windows provided being her only guide to not ran into some stray piece of furniture. The door clicked shut behind her, and she could hear Udo speak; "Stay there, I'll get a fire going." Followed by his thudding steps as he maneuvered his large wings around her. Yuna complied, and almost instantly a burning glow began to emanate the space around them. They stood in a mix of both a living area and kitchen; the room much larger than the outside may have hinted at. Worn sofas patterned with a faded floral print adorned a wall and corner, the coffee table separating them covered by a delicate and lacey doily. Sheer lace curtains were slightly ajar over the windows, overflowing vines hung from suspended planters and dusty bookshelves held rows and rows of forgotten leather bound novels. In front of her, a small kitchen separated itself from the area with a lone center island that was far overdue for a cleaning. Pots and pans were suspended onto a rack above a rusted sink, and rows of cabinets looked like they hadn't been touched in years. To her left was a small wooden table with sets of chairs on either side, and a brick fireplace that was now roaring with a warm and vibrant blaze. Udo seemed content with his work, the crackling fire illuminating his figure as he strode forward to push a chair out from the table. A gesture towards Yuna, and the girl complied gratefully, her small feet padding on the wooden floors as she sat down onto the creaky seat.
"I'll start some tea, make yourself comfortable." He instructed, his voice giving Yuna more warmth than the fire hitting her skin. She nodded, watching as the Fey maneuvered into the kitchen and fished out a porcelain teapot and kettle from somewhere below the sink. A flick of a spark and soon the corner drive also housed a small flame, and Yuna watched as Udo effortlessly set about the kitchen, mindful of his wings in the rather small space. Her elbow rested on the table, a hand came up to rest her chin in her palm. Yuna couldn't help but to watch the Fey, stifling a giggle or two as his impressive wingspan clattered with a stray cup or an open cupboard. Now it was her turn I wonder; she knew why it was so easy for her to trust Udo... but why was it so easy for him to be so kind to her?
The question made Yuna freeze, and she entered a deep contemplation; while she knew Udo had a nurturing nature by heart, he certainly was going above and beyond. Why on earth was going so far to protect a mere human like her? Saving her in Ulstead that day should've been enough, it's just natural to help those in need. However, Udo had transcended that by becoming her primary caretaker, and quite literally her protector. Was she now about to add housemate to the list?
"Udo." The name left her mouth before she could stop it, and he instantly turned to face her. He quirked a brow, striding towards her with a cup of steaming brown liquid; "Yes, Yuna?" The cup was placed in front of her carefully, making sure the burning liquid wouldn't slosh over the brim. Udo took the seat right by Yuna, waiting for the girl could continue.
Yuna debated simply denying she'd called for him. 'That wasn't supposed to come out.' She thought with a sigh, reaching forward to take a sip from the teacup.
"I was just wondering..." Yuna started, that familiar hesitation beginning to bubble within her. 'Stop running away.' That inner voice in her chastised harshly, and Yuna set the dainty cup down with a firm conviction.
"Why are you so nice to me?" It sounded so childish to say it that way, but there was no other way around it.
To her relief, Udo didn't seem bothered by the question at all. In fact, he answered it so swiftly and easily that she didn't even think he had to take the time to ponder it,
"Because I care about you. What any other reason would there be?" He smiled when Yuna's cheeks dusted with a peach color. Gingerly, he picked up the hand that Borra has pierced, gliding his soft fingertips over the puncture. "I'm hoping your wish to learn more about me still stands. I'd also like to learn more about you, if that's alright?" His voice was as soft as his touch, and Yuna watched as a soft light wrapped around her injured palm. With wide eyes, she watched as the light encircled the wound, and an inexplicable soothing warmth resonated through her fingertips. Udo move his fingertips away to reveal completely healed skin, like nothing was ever there to begin with.
She blinked down at her palm, the golden shimmering light dissipating into thin air. "Maleficent did the same thing, back at the castle..." She whispered, eyes sparkling at her healed hand like it was some rare gem. She looked up to Udo's smiling face with wonder, and she couldn't help but to exclaim, "Udo, you're pure magic!" She cried out, her eyes squinting into crescents as an excited grin spread on her face.
That was the first time Udo had ever seen her full and genuine smile, and it was his turn for his ivory cheeks to become pigmented with a blushing scarlet. He cleared his throat, a hand coming up to cover the lower part of his face (it wasn't like he had much dignity to save at this point anyways, for gods sake he had the girl walking around in his robe like it was some sort of mark of ownership; could he be anymore obvious?).
"You're too kind. It's simple spiritual magic, a majority of Fey's know how to heal the most basic of wounds." He tried to intercept her praise, but Yuna continued to be completely oblivious to his embarrassment.
"Nonsense! It's the most wonderful thing I've ever seen, or have felt." She smiled warmly up to Udo, and he was unable to make himself break away from her sweet gaze.
"I like your magic, Udo." It was spoken like cool silk over heated skin, and boy did that do it for Udo.
"R-Right. Thank you." It was odd for both of them to witness the Fey so unrefined, one of Udo's greatest prides was how level headed and calmly composed he usually was (unless the situation called for it of course). He certainly hoped the dim lighting in the room worked in his favor, trying to steady himself so that his cheeks would regain their former color. "I'm happy you like it." It wasn't a lie, and the fact that Yuna had stated the fact so easily made Udo bubble with happiness;
Dark Feys took great pride in their spiritual gifts, after all.
His eyes re-met Yuna's, her happy expression melting down to a contented quirk of her lips as she studied her hand in awe. His sharp eyes went to the cut on her soft cheek, and he had to swallow down his anger at Borra's work; Udo made a mental note to let the gruff Fey have it tomorrow. "Yuna." He called out tenderly, the girl's sweet gaze falling onto him once more. "Hm?" She prompted quizzically, her eyes shining up at Udo and he couldn't help but feel his heart soar.
"Come closer to me." His instructions made Yuna's peach cheeks darken ever so slightly, but she complied none the less. She leaned forward and Udo met her halfway, his hand coming forward to fully cup her cheek.
He leaned closer, and Yuna could feel her heart stop.
'Is he...'
She made no move to push him away, leaning into his strong hand. Udo slowly pulled her face forward, and that same comforting feeling began to flood through the girl.
'Ah... right...' Of course, he was healing her cheek. It would be improper to try and engage in anything else, honestly it probably would've even been a a bit creepy. Yuna simply wasn't that kind of woman, of course she would've punched the Fey in the face if he tried anything...
So why could she feel her shoulders sink with the tiniest bit of disappointment?
Yuna blinked the feeling away, eyes focusing on the blue ones before her as Udo held their faces close together. The fire raged behind them, it's heat spreading throughout the room and over its two occupants. Yuna and Udo stayed like that for a long while, the Fey gently cradling her face and their foreheads just barely resting on each other. It was a very intimate position, and yet Yuna didn't feel embarrassed by it; it made her feel... warm. Was happy the right word? Possibly content? She couldn't think of the right word to give the feeling justice, but she knew from the way Udo stared back at her that he felt it too.
"Udo... I'd really like to get to know you more." She spoke softly, her breath tickling his nose. At this point, Udo's magic had long since stopped healing the now missing cut, but neither one of them made a move to retract from the other.
A slender finger brushed the bangs away from her eyes, and Udo gently responded a breathy, "Wonderful."
The soft hymns of nesting faeries reverberated outside, and the fire's crackling cast shadows over the Fey and the human. "I believe the first important thing to be of knowledge would be that I'd like to help in your recovery through my own desire, not simply because it's my responsibility. What you call "being kind" is simply me wishing to be in your presence." He whispered softly, and Yuna listened. "I was... rather upset when I was not present at your awakening. Many spiritual Faes assisted in your healing, and it was such a relief when you'd made it out of the woods that first night. I was scared to leave you for even a moment, I'd never forgive myself if you or anyone else died while in my care. Seeing you crumpled in that hallway... I guess I'd felt guilty." He chuckled dryly. "Once I'd laid you back in bed, Maleficent informed me about your stay in the Moors; I didn't want to have to leave you a second time, but I had to make the preparations here so that you'd be as comfortable as you could be. I... would've liked to break the news to you, I worried that perhaps Diaval and Aurora would not be sensitive enough." A sad glint shone in Udo's irises, and Yuna shook her head against his own.
"You can't truly be feeling remorseful Udo; you saved my life. I owe everything to you." The confession made his eyes widened ever so slightly. "Don't fret over trivial things. I'm very grateful for everything you've done for me, and I also am grateful that Aurora, Diaval and Maleficent never left my side." A soft touch over the Fey's hand, and her own hold settled over his own. "All of the sudden, I have all of these kind new people in my life. I'm so happy right now..."
She smiled at him. "Thank you, Udo."
That smile made his heart fully flutter, and his own sincere smile melted onto his pointed lips. "It is my own pleasure. I look forward to the coming days with you, Yuna."
Inside that intimate cottage, the Fey and the Human held that position for what felt like an eternity, and as the warm fire slowly began to die out, the darkness that cast over them finally welcomed in their budding feelings.
Just like that, the two began to fall.
"Do you think I could maybe meet the other Feys who helped heal me tomorrow?" Yuna spoke up from her position on the bed, a clean nightgown from Aurora's old wardrobe covering her frame and a fresh pair of socks covering her bandaged feet (a combined effort of both her and Udo).
Udo looked up from where he'd folded her clothes into a beautiful cherrywood armoire, shutting the doors closed.
"Certainly. You've been quite the buzz amongst the Feys, I'm sure they'd all love to meet you." He smiled at her as he strode over to the bed, taking a seat at the foot of rather large mattress. Yuna sighed out in excitement, tying her loose tresses up into a bun for the night. "Are there any formalities I should go into it with? I'm already imposing on the Moors, and what if they hate humans like Borra?" She worriedly questioned Udo, and he simply shook his head with a chuckle.
"I can promise you that Borra is... one of few extreme outliers. They'll all adore you, and if they don't, I can ensure you nothing will happen with me there." His assurance meant a lot to Yuna, and she smiled her appreciation. The two were unaware of what hour in the early morning it was, for they'd spent many simply talking about anything and everything under the sun.
Yuna wanted to know everything about the Dark Fey culture, and Udo was happy to meet her wishes. Udo wanted to know all about her passion for the faerie folk and herbology, and Yuna excitedly babbled with a passionate demeanor that made him grin. Even now as they tried to settle down for bed, there was simple so much they'd wanted to know about each other in that moment; there was never a dull lull in conversation that made them want to stop.
Yuna watched as Udo's snowy wings ruffled as he settled, and she cocked her head to the side. "You said you were a Tundra Fae, right Udo?" She clarified, taking in his ivory garbs and pure hair. Udo seemed happy that she'd committed that to memory, and he nodded with quirked lips, "That's right. Just like humans, Dark Feys come from every country and climate. My kind of the Tundra are adapted to the snow and mountains. Many other Tundra Fey look just like me; the white wings and hair are always a clear giveaway. The layers of robes and cloaks is also very apparent. Borra is a Forest Fae; wherever there is a thicket of redwoods or a dark cave, you'll most likely find a happy grump like him; bare chested and all." Udo chuckled along with Yuna.
"There's the Jungle Feys and the Desert Feys too, right?" She continued to question, her eyes glimmering with excitement.
'I can't believe I get to learn all about the Dark Feys from one of their own!' The girl thought.
Udo nodded, happy that Yuna seemed so intrigued to learn about his people. "The Jungle Feys have very beautiful wings; every color in the rainbow is painted onto them. Next to the Tundra Feys, the Jungle Feys have the largest wingspan." Yuna tried to picture it in her head; rainbow wings sounded absolutely beautiful. "Desert Feys are commonly wearing thin cloths, and enjoy having symbolic paints on their skin. It was a common belief amongst them that the different lines on their skin could influence their fertility, or even the weather. The marking are actually quite elegant. All Feys are said to have descended from the same Phoenix; it's believed that the Desert Faes may have the closest lineage to her."
Ever so slightly, Yuna scooted closer to Udo. "I think the Tundra Feys are the most beautiful." She smiled as she brought a small hand up to brush along a soft white feather.
Her words made Udo brighten, and she softly asked, "Can I touch them?"
Udo's silence was all the consent she needed, and her hand softly laid all the way onto one of his mighty wings. The wings were so beautiful, so soft and yet so powerful; Yuna looked at Udo with joy, "What a beautiful world you come from, Udo. I simply can't wait to meet everyone tomorrow."
Udo watched as Yuna ran her hands through his well-kept feathers, a shiver coursing through him at her gentle touch.
"I can't wait either." He replied quietly.
Yuna let her hands fall from the wings, her cheeks reddening as she looked down at her hands. "... Hey Udo?" She spoke up, almost wanting to beat herself for her curiosity.
"Hm?" He prompted her to continue, and Yuna fiddled with her fingers. "You... brought up earlier how the Desert Fey will paint different markings on them to affect fertility?"
Udo quirked a brow at her fidgeting posture. "Yes, that's correct."
They were sitting hip to hip on the plush bed, so when Yuna looked back up to him, she was incredibly close to Udo. "How does marriage and... procreation work in Dark Fey culture?"
'Why are you acting like you don't know what sex is?' Her subconscious nagged at her, and Yuna blushed.
Udo stared down at her in silence for a moment more, before breaking into genuine laughter. "Well, besides the wings and horns, we have the exact same anatomy as humans." He chuckled, bringing a hand up to rub at her tied up hair. "Dark Feys have children the same way that humans do." He explained with gentle eyes, and Yuna wished that the floor would just give way underneath her.
"A-Ah, I see, thank you." Her response made the Fey chuckle more, and she huffed in embarrassment. Udo quieted down, his hand still resting atop her head. "Marriage for Dark Feys is a very sacred covenant. Nothing can ever break it; not even death. Dark Feys of every variant mate for life, and marriage transcends death. That is why marriage can actually be quite rare amongst Feys, it is the ultimate pledge one can make." He continued, his voice taking on a much softer tone and Yuna looked up to see him staring at her intently. "That is also why we cherish our young more than anything. It is my understanding that in the human world, cheating and divorces can be quite common and form broken homes. That is forbidden in Dark Fey culture; marriage is the ultimate lifetime promise of eternal love. The ultimate pledge to devote yourself completely to the other, and children are an absolute blessing. Every Fey seeks out their heart." He whispered.
Yuna hadn't even noticed she'd began to lean against the Fey, and Udo had no desire to push her away.
"Your heart?" She questioned, her voice also a soft whisper.
Udo nodded, eyes never leaving hers. "It's a folktale amongst Dark Feys that when the Phoenix created us, she was only able to make the bodies, but couldn't complete us entirely. To ensure we'd become whole, she placed our hearts within our destined soulmates, so that one day when we'd meet them, we'd find our heart. The Phoenix believed that no other soul would hold a heart more full of love than a Fey's soulmate, and that the Dark Feys would only become complete once they'd found their other half; their heart." Udo finished, the hand on Yuna's head slowly trekking down to rest by her hand on the bed; their fingertips touching.
The explanation made Yuna's heart flutter, and she felt hot. She'd never heard a more beautiful explanation for love. "That's so lovely." She said, still staring up at Udo. "Udo... have you found your heart yet?" Her chest clutched with an unexplainable apprehension.
Udo smiled down at her, tucking a strand of hair that escaped her bun behind a pierced ear. "Maybe." His response was brisk, and simple, and Yuna gulped at the gentleness his gaze held as he looked back at her.
Their fingertips slowly crept more towards the other, and Yuna found herself wishing that this night would never end, that dawn wouldn't break through the blanket of night and they'd have to eventually part ways to meet their demands of sleep. She looked down to where Udo's hand rested near her own, and she gently ran her fingers over it.
"You've told me so many wonderful things; I wish I had my notes to chronicle it all. I wish I had my sketchbook to always remember how the Moors looked, and how lovely all of the different types of Dark Fey were..." She whispered.
Udo hummed. "I... I take it that those were lost amongst the rubble?" He questioned carefully, and she nodded her head. "Yes. Everything is gone... Truthfully I don't care so much for the books and furniture as I do..." Yuna releases a shaky sigh. "As I do my familial possessions. It's rather cruel; losing those hurts more than losing the house itself."
Yuna didn't even realize she was crying until a stray tear hit Udo's hand, and he instantly reacted. A warm wing came to wrap around her petite frame and bring her closer to his strong body, Yuna gratefully accepting the offer as her oxblood locks met the pure white robes covering his chest. His hand carefully came up to cradle her head, and she croaked out, "I'm sorry, you've done so much for me tonight and here I am being negative." Her apology was almost immediately met by him making a noise of disapproval.
"There is absolutely nothing wrong with grieving. Don't ever apologize for such a thing." His voice was gentle yet firm, and Yuna closed her eyes against his sturdy chest. "Tell me about them. Your family." His fingers massages comfortably into her scalp, and Yuna could've cried from the sheer kindness of the gesture. "It helps to remember the good things." He pressed, that final shove being all Yuna needed to finally recall the days she'd long since wanted to forget.
"I... I'm not from Ulstead. I'm not even from this land. I grew up on an island called Hanakura... in a small village named Miyagata." She spoke quietly, her eyes cracking open through silent tears. Udo remains quiet, promoting her to continue. "Gods, I loved it there. It's been so long now... I haven't even been there since I was sixteen. It's been the longest five years of my life." She chuckled with dry humor, feeling more tears begin to bubble inside her.
"I loved it so much... I miss the summer festivals where we'd launch fireworks and our autumn festivals where we would celebrate the first fall moon. It was such a beautiful island, Udo... we had temples and shrines everywhere; our people were always very spiritual." She paused. "Kind of like the Dark Feys, I guess." Udo's wing coaxed her to relax fully against his chest, and she could feel the fabric beneath her cheek begin to wet as her vision blurred.
"It was so beautiful there... and then..." Yuna sighed, closing her eyes. Gently, Udo whispered. "It's okay if you don't want to say it."
Yuna shook her head. "No, it deserves to be said. I want my people's story out there." She sighed against his chest, the massaging on her scalp almost coaxing her to sleep.
Yuna took a moment to collect herself, finally continuing. "Miyagata was a seaside town. On my sixteenth birthday, pirates attacked Hanakura. Specifically, they set their sights on Miyagata." She could feel Udo's hold on her tighten.
"The village was completely ravished. They killed everyone... I don't even know how I managed to survive. They destroyed everything." Yuna released a shaky breath. "My mother and father were the first to get caught up in the attacks. I lost my little brother and sister that night... it sounds so horrible to say aloud, but sometimes I get so mad. I get so mad that they left me behind." She whispered. "Isn't that awful? It's not like they wanted to die... and yet I can't help but feel that way. In some weird way, I'm glad that stupid shop is gone, sometimes it was the loneliest place on earth..."
Udo remained silent as he listened to Yuna, her barrier finally broken as she spoke straight from a place that he knew was not easy to reach. He simply held her, and tried to ignore the own tugging at his heart as Yuna spoke with such distant melancholy that it was like she'd turned into a doll. "I think that's why I wanted to become an herbalist. I'd always loved plants and gardening... but then I realized I could use that to help people. I never wanted to see another life lost ever again; if I could help prevent that, I wanted to do whatever I could." She sniffled. "I'd kept the family mementos and my personal items from Miyagata safely secured in my upstairs bedroom so that nothing would ever happen to them; so that'd I'd always have a piece of Miyagata with me. The irony of that now... I guess a flying boulder had other plans." She released a huff, her lip quivering as she slowly began to sink against Udo.
Yuna's eyelids felt very heavy, all of the sudden.
"... I hate pirates." Was the last thing Yuna mumbled out, her head lulling to the side as she finally lost her fight against the clutches of sleep. Udo blinked down at the girl, releasing an amused sigh as he saw she'd fully fallen asleep in his hold.
"Silly girl..." He whispered. Gently, Udo brought a hand up to wipe at the tears staining her cheeks. As softly as he could, not wanting to wake her, he shifted her off of his chest and laid her onto the bed. Udo rested her head onto the pillow, bringing the floral quilts up to her neck as he carefully tucked her in. Once satisfied with his work, Udo quietly knelt by her side and rubbed her head soothingly. The image of her sleeping sparked a familiar memory in the Fey, and suddenly he recalled when he'd been in the same position with a much more beaten Yuna.
Oh, how it hurt Udo's heart that day; the dear face of such a beautiful girl horribly hurt beyond belief. He'd refused to leave Yuna's side that day where the sky was painted with red, fully prepared to use every ounce of his magic if it meant saving her.
After all, it wasn't the first time he'd done such a thing for her.
Smiling sadly, Udo whispered, "I hate them too. Only for the pain they've inflicted upon you." His hand lingered on her cheek, her face calm and serene as she slept, something that made Udo happy; at least in sleep, the girl could escape from the pain of that day.
Quietly, Udo added in. "You've grown into such a beautiful woman, Yuna..." His warm smile grew. "Please, remember me soon."
With that, the Fey rose to his feet and blew out the candle on the bedside table of Aurora's old room. He left the door slightly ajar behind him, however instead of heading towards his own quarters for the night, Udo headed towards the living area.
Scribbling onto a stray piece of paper a message for the girl, Udo slipped out into the night with a fierce flap of his wings. His sights set on Ulstead, Udo soared high into the moonlit sky; his wings beating with a steady conviction. If what he planned to do could bring Yuna even a temporary peace of mind, Udo planned to do it wholeheartedly.
A gust of wind, and Udo had vanished into the night.
In her sleep, It was like Udo's words to her sleeping form had triggered something. A memory long since buried invaded her dreams and painted her subconscious like a vivid canvas;
The sun's harsh rays were like white hot molten metal being poured onto her burnt skin.
Each rock of the ocean's waves felt like a taunt to her, and Yuna clutched the bag of family heirlooms closer to her chest from her crumpled position on the dinky rowboat's floor. If she was going to die, she wanted it to be with the remnants of a family stolen from her held tightly in her embrace.
How many days had it been since she'd left Miyagata? How many weeks? Yuna didn't know. She only knew the burning dryness of her throat, the screaming of her empty stomach and the painful stabbing of the relentless sun. The ocean's blue stretched for miles around on all side of her, and Yuna had simply resigned to her fate.
Her consciousness was delicate in her weakened state, and she recalled a distant white blob with wings soaring high above her.
Perhaps a large, albino vulture had finally come to put her out of her misery.
However, this was no vulture; it wasn't even a bird.
Her consciousness faded again, but the next thing she recalled was a blurry face staring down at her.
"Poor thing... please, let me help you."
Where did Yuna recognize that face?
She groaned as the man scooped her into his secure hold, her grip never leaving the previous worn leather bag against her chest.
Her vision was blurry as the man took off into the sky, the rowboat a forgotten remnants of the sea.
"I know it hurts, I promise I will get you somewhere safe. I will not allow you to die."
Where did she know that voice?
Yuna saw a flap of white wings, and suddenly the memory she was bearing witness to blackened in her head.
It suddenly made sense;
The kind face and smooth voice could only belong to one man.
In the now sunlit bedroom, Yuna's eyes shot open.
She sat up straight in the soft bed out of reflex, her heart beating wildly and a sheer layer of sweat gleaming on her forehead. Her breathing was ragged, and she shakily reached over to gulp down the glass of cold water that waited her on the nightstand.
The sunlight that hit her face and chirping of birds hit her like a crashing wave, and before Yuna even knew what she was doing, she was out of bed and running towards wherever in the house the Tundra Fae could be.
Yuna had to find Udo.
Finally done with finals!
I missed you guys sm!! <3
Thank you for being so patient, I have the best readers in the whole world!~
Can I just say that this story truly has reignited my passion for writing and I love this story so much; thank you you guys for all of the support, I appreciate it so much :)
OMG I LOVED WRITING THESE TWOOOO I love them both sm! I'm happy I can finally start bleeding in some of Yuna's backstory as well, I even got to bring in Borra! I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please let me know what you thought! I'm open to anything, it doesn't just have to be compliments. If you have any critiques on how I could make my writing better for this story, please tell me!
I whipped this chapter out a day early, I had announced that it would release tomorrow but I just couldn't stop writing for these two <3 please stay tuned for the next chapter! I can't wait to develop this story and I really hope you guys love reading it as much as I love writing it.
You guys are the best! :)

Purity in the Stars *Maleficent: Mistress of Evil- Udo Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now