Chapter Nine: From His Perspective

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The Cavernous Nest was unbearably cold.
A thick fog blanketed the landscape, and the roaring ocean waves crashed onto the floating structure like Poseidon himself sought to destroy what was once the home of the Dark Feys.
Borra touch-downed within the internal structure fiercely; like Maleficent's hellfire was flowing through his bone marrow.
"...." Borra stood silently in the empty and dark space; the wind howling outside. The stone was cold underneath his bare feet as he walked; coming upon an indent in one of the many caves that offered an inviting and warm light. His wings spread, Borra fell through the hole at high speeds; instantly being brought into a world of color and life, sheltered from the outside conditions.
The Fey soared through the sun filled forests, dry dessert plateaus, the thick humid jungles, and unforgiving icy tundras. It was through the magic the Dark Feys had imbued within the nest that allowed for so many radical climates within the space; it's outward appearance of a heap of rocks and thorns deceiving. It was through their magical properties and concoction of such a misleading outward appearance that the Feys were able to take shelter within the Cavernous Nest for so many years; undisturbed by humanity, and finding some semblance of home within the Moors-like interior.
Borra flew in silence as he pondered over heavy thoughts; the nest oddly silent now that no more Fey took up residency within it. He spotted a luscious grassy field in a clearing of thick and tall trees, a high wall of amber wedged securely to the forest wall and there; standing in front of it, Borra spotted who he was searching for.
Borra landed on the grass rather ungracefully, releasing a deep breath. He swallowed his anger as he closed his eyes; opening them again only when he trusted himself to not simply explode at his longtime friend. The Fey had to admit; seeing Yuna cry like that had made him feel rather guilty. If he were to remedy this entire situation... Borra knew he had to understand both sides; he had to remain calm, and he had to ensure that no matter what...
He reunited Udo and Yuna.
Borra finally allowed himself to walk through the field; the quiet serenity like a static white noise. Before him, the Dark Fey's worshiped Phoenix rested; encased in her eternal amber resting place. This was a sacred place, and the atmosphere reflected it. The amber was lit by the soft sunlight streaming in, and Udo slowly made his way to the stark white Fey that sat before it; his head held in a deep bow.
Borra wordlessly stopped just behind Udo; silently looking from the great Phoenix, and then back down to his kneeled friend. Slowly, Udo lifted his head, and his sharp blue eyes fluttered open.
"Hello, Borra." His uncharacteristically gravely voice whispered.
Borra's brow automatically rose in concern; Udo seemed... tired. No, that wasn't the right word... depressed? His voice was coarse and dry, and the discolored bags under his eyes made him appear almost sickly. Borra could see how unkempt Udo was in his appearance; how his robes were loose and disheveled on his body, how his limp hair was sheltering and obscuring most of his face from him. Udo's wings were mottled and completely disarrayed, the usual pride Udo held in keeping them so well groomed seemingly vanished into thin air. His hands were lip in his lap, and his pointed fingers almost seemed like they were yearning for something; his palms laid up to the sky like he was silently wishing for something.
Udo avoided his gaze; long platinum locks covering most of his face from Borra anyways.
"Hi..." Borra greeted back unsurely, cautiously stepping closer to the Tundra Fae.
It was when Borra slowly worked his way in front of him that Udo finally looked up, platinum hair falling. Red eyes and tired eyes blinked up at Borra; almost like Udo was in pain. Udo was already pale, but now he just simply looked like he was on death's door; the darkness under his eyes not helping his appearance. Udo tried to offer Borra a weak smile, he really did, but he just couldn't find it in himself to do it.
Borra took a long breath in, then a long breath out; standing his ground as he offered Udo a calloused hand.
"Come on. I'm taking you home."
Udo stared at the hand with glassy eyes, almost like he was unable to fully register what Borra was asking of him. Slowly, Udo shook his head, and Borra sighed.
"It wasn't an offer, Udo. You look like hell, it's time to come back." The Fey pressed.
Udo's brows furrowed, regarding Borra indifferently. "I... I can't Borra." Udo looked away from the hand with a pained look in his eyes, and Borra's shoulder slumped.
He had to change tactics.
"I saw Yuna today."
The name instantly made Udo snap his head back up to Borra, sapphire eyes wide. Udo remained silent in his shock, and Borra continued slowly.
"You... you left." Borra chewed at his lip. "Why did you leave that day, Udo? Why didn't you tell me, or Shrike or Ini... why would you leave Yuna?"
Udo stared up at his friend cautiously. "How do you know about all of that?"
Borra's reply was curt, "Maleficent."
Udo hung his head, almost in shame;
"I'm sorry. I know it was wrong of me... but I had to do it." Udo griped at the fabric pooled in his lap. "Is... Is she okay? Is Yuna doing alright?" Udo sounded half sad, and half hopeful.
"Why don't you go see for yourself?" Borra pressed.
Udo said nothing, and Borra could only sigh again.
"She believes you hate her."
Borra watched as Udo's grip on his clothing turned white-knuckled.
"She refuses to go back to the Moors; she's taken refuge in witch Ingrid's castle. She's thinner, more tired; hurting. She's decided she wants to be more independent, but I know she misses the way things used to be... I know she misses you." Borra shook his head, his eyes closing. "Udo... why? Just tell me why."
Slowly, Udo rose to his feet. Borra watched as his form stalked up to where the Phoenix laid in her eternal resting place; his eyes glistening up to it in a completely visible sorrow.
"I miss her too." Udo finally spoke. "I always miss her. Borra, there's more to this situation than you're probably aware of-"
"Five years ago you brought a human here."
Borra's sentence made Udo freeze.
"I remember. She was deep within the Spiritual Fey's nursery; no one was permitted to see her, and you made sure of that. The only people to see her were you... and Conall."
Borra swallowed down his apprehension, deciding it'd be better to just get to the point;
"That human was Yuna, wasn't it?"
Borra watched Udo intently; eyes searching his face for any indication he was correct. Softly, Udo placed a slender hand atop the thick and hardened amber walk before them; his eyes trailing up the Phoenix's skeleton in a deep contemplation. Slowly, Udo finally could meet his friend's gaze evenly, and Borra's brow softened.
Udo's eyes looked so sad.
"Don't ask questions you already know the answer to." Udo whispered to him.
Borra released a long, quiet breath at the realization. "So... it was her. All of Yuna's dreams weren't dreams at all; they were memories." Borra had to repeat it aloud; he had to make sure what he was saying wasn't just some obscure, oddly spun tale. "Why did you... what happened, Udo? Why can't Yuna remember anything... why did you lie for so long? You didn't even tell me? You've been keeping a facade up this whole time?"
Udo chuckled dryly. "Don't act so clueless; I know you. We've been friends for a long time, Borra. I know that you've had your suspicions for some time now." Udo's eyes sharpened ever so slightly. "Am I correct?"
Borra hesitated, before he nodded slowly. "The Feys who had dared to attempt and sneak a peek at the human reportedly hiding within the Cavernous Nest had said that she had hair like dark blood. It's such an unusual color; it made quite the lasting impression." He confessed. "It wasn't until I'd seen Yuna all these years later, saw how fiercely you watched over and doted on her that I put two and two together. My suspicions only became concrete when Maleficent came to me and explained what happened; that you'd left Yuna after she confronted you about the strange dreams she was having. It all pieced together so fluidly, that I knew it had to be her."
Udo's eyes darkened. "Then you already know why she doesn't remember." It wasn't supposed to sound as accusatory as it did, but Borra knew better than to address it.
His friend was hurting, and dammit, if Udo was hurting then Borra was hurting too.
"Udo, please. Let me help you."
Udo sighed, detaching himself from the amber wall. He shook his head like he was ashamed of himself, and a soft but sincere "I'm sorry" escaped his lips.
His robes glided behind him, looking like a part of his ivory wings as Udo walked across the grassy field, and towards a small and secluded grove of trees. Udo beckoned Borra with his head, and the Fey followed. The trees were thick, and sunlight trickled through them like a glowing rain; a small sanctuary within the greater space of the serene field. The trees encircled them intimately; their soft pastel blooms showering the atmosphere with a pleasant and calming aroma. Although the Dark Fey that once inhabited the land were long gone, traces of their magic still lingered in the air; glimmers like stardust floating about in the air. At the center of the grove was a structure of broken down branches, cushioned by green leaves and the pink petals from nearby flowers.
Borra's eyes widened at the sight.
"You... you were nesting..."
Udo silence spoke volumes as he brushed a hand delicately around the structure's edge, finger playing with a stray petal.
"I wanted her to stay here with me, and she wanted that too."
Udo crunched the petal between the pads of his thumb and index finger, eyes holding a disheartened anger. "Conall disapproved; Yuna was heart broken. I wanted to leave the Dark Feys, I decided that if we could just start anew somewhere far away from here, then that was all I needed. I didn't care, Borra... I just wanted Yuna."
Borra listened to Udo's soft words, the Fey speaking them like they were causing him physical pain. Wordlessly, Borra strode to stand by Udo; a calloused hand coming up to squeeze comfortingly at his shoulder. He watched as Udo mercilessly destroyed the petal to nothing but crumbled colorful scraps; wondering how much pain Udo channeled into the action.
"Yuna didn't support it. She didn't want me to leave the Dark Fey, she didn't want me to sacrifice everything just for her... but at the same time, I know that it hurt her more than she let on. Conall forbid the union; he couldn't allow a Fey and human covenant to form... both sides were just in too much turmoil. It was practically taboo."
Borra felt almost catatonic as he listened; how had Udo kept all of this buried for so many years? How long did he let his pain simmer... how on earth was he able to look Yuna in the eyes and not fall apart.
Borra didn't miss the way Udo's voice shook;
"We were between a rock and a hard place; there was nothing we could do... I knew if I betrayed the Dark Fey, Yuna would never be able to forgive herself. She couldn't stay within the Cavernous Nest, and she couldn't go back to Miyagata... She was in so much turmoil, Borra..."
Udo's voice finally broke, and Borra had to look away as he saw the Fey's first tears hit his hand resting on the nest.
"I hated it. I hated seeing her like that. I did what I had to do, Borra. More than anything; I wanted Yuna to have a happy life... and I knew she wouldn't be able to if she still remembered me. I waited until she was asleep; and I locked away any memories we shared. I... I tried to take away what she went through on Miyagata; but I couldn't make her forget her own family, that would just be too cruel. Instead... I made her forget everything that happened between her leaving Miyagata, and her arrival within whatever town she ended up in. Leaving her... Borra I thought I was dying. It hurt so much, I was so angry."
Udo's tears flowed freely through his relatively calm voice; his brow furrowing as his eyes squeezed shut.
Borra let his cries go undisturbed; the conversation coming to a temporary lull as Udo brought a robe covered arm to his face, the long sleeve absorbing his salty tears.
The hand on Udo's shoulder trekked down to the spot just below his winged shoulder blade, and Udo gave it a gentle pat. Udo's muffled cries echoed through the space, and Borra could only stare within the empty nest;
A reminder of everything that could've been.
'Idiot...' Borra felt a rage grip at him as he heard Udo release a particularly strangled sob. 'Why did you keep all of this in for so long? Why couldn't you let the rest of us hurt with you?'
Udo's cries persisted for a handful of minutes more. Eventually, as the tears dissolved into nothing but dry hiccups, Udo let his sleeve fall from his face. Udo wiped at the teary residue on his face with a pointed thumbnail; and slowly he began to speak,
"The worst part of it all; by some divine miracle, our paths cross again. Perhaps I was selfish to think I could at least grow close to her once more... and in my own arrogance, she just ended up hurt again. Hearing that Yuna thinks I hate her..." Udo's voice teetered into a whisper. "Makes me want to vanish."
Borra saw his opportunity;
"Udo, there's an easy fix to all of this. Just come back with me, you can talk to Yuna and-"
"And what? Ruin her chances at pursuing her dream? Let her chase after an old flame and give up her Court Herbalist position?" Udo's voice was like a whip.
Borra blinked in a brief startle, "I didn't say anything about her being a Court Herbalist." In fact, Borra made sure he actively avoided the topic.
Udo finally turned away from the nest, and faced Borra head on. His eyes were still bloodshot from his cries, but besides that, a distant flame of resolve was burning brightly in them.
"Aurora told me about her consideration to make Yuna a Court Herbalist very early on. Do you understand how much of an opportunity that is? It's practically once in a lifetime... it's everything Yuna could ever want." Udo shrugged with dry humor, a dejected smile on his face. "Who would I be, to take that away from her?"
Borra slowly pieced it together; "So... is that why you left Yuna that day? Because you knew Aurora's plans for her?" Borra's brows furrowed. "You left her over something like that? You couldn't have explained everything to her?"
"I panicked." Udo responded. "Yuna... Yuna started remembering everything. If I were to confirm anything; she'd never want to leave the Moors... and then she'd miss out on her dream. What was I supposed to do, Borra? It was spur of the moment, it was all I could think to do. If I just left, then she'd be able to pursue a better life-"
"So you just LEFT her?!" Borra's voice rose exasperatedly. "You do understand that... dammit! Udo!"
Udo was stunned as Borra roughly snatched onto the collar of his robes, hauling the Fey off of his feet and back into the clearing they had just left.
"You need to tell Yuna everything, and you need to come back. This has got to just be the most idiotic thing you've ever done, and I've known you for a long time." Borra practically growled as they cleared the tall grass.
Firmly, Udo gripped at the hand enclosed around around his clothing, throwing it off none too softly. "Borra, stop." The tone didn't leave in room for argument.
Still, Borra challenged it anyways. The Phoenix overlooked their exchange, a tension slowly starting to build as Borra quirked a challenging brow at Udo. "What was that?" He pressed.
Udo's gaze didn't teeter, and he steely locked eyes with the fiery Fey. "I'm leaving you in charge of the Moors, and I want you to look after Yuna for me."
Borra's face contorted with confusion; "I've already done that for a week. How much longer do you need? You can't keep this up forever." His voice was gruff with an aggressive edge.
Udo slowly shook his head, and took a singular step back. The implication hit Borra, and his mouth fell agape. "Udo..."
There it was again; that sad smile.
"Don't you think it's a rather telltale sign that the two whole times Yuna has come into my life, she just ends up hurt?" Udo's eyes practically crystalized as they became misty. "I'm not good for her, Borra. First she ends up heartbroken, and now I'll make her put all of her dreams on the back burner; I can't let her do that. It's better if I just..." Udo gazed up at the towering skeletal Phoenix, and he released a shaky sigh. "If I just stay here. It's time to let her go, Borra... Yuna just can't have a happy life if she's with me." Udo's gaze found Borra's again, and Borra could see the pain swelling within the Tundra Fae's sapphire irises.
"No matter how much I wanted to give her one."
Borra blinked as he sought to comprehend, voice turning desperate as he took a step towards Udo. "Udo, Yuna's your heart..."
Udo nodded.
"She always will be." He whispered.
Borra wanted to scream. "Udo, there has to be a way to unblock Yuna's memories. You coming back doesn't mean she has to give up being a Court Herbalist, there has to be some sort of healthy medium..."
Udo's voice only dropped lower.
"It's better if she just doesn't remember." Udo's fists clenched as he looked up to the sky, the bright sun rays almost taunting him.
"It'd be better if she just forgot about me..."
Finally, something within Borra snapped.
It was almost instinctually when Borra's fist connected with Udo's chest; any restraint he'd been practicing was long forgotten. Udo let out a ragged gasp as the wind was knocked from him and he stumbled back; Borra standing before him with a tight knuckle and a furious glare.
"You ALWAYS do this!" Borra finally roared, like a lion released into the wild. "Ever since we were kids, you ALWAYS put whatever YOU want on the back burner just to please others!"
Udo recovered from his heap on the ground, gracefully rising to his feet as cradled his now sore sternum.
Udo glared at him, but Borra only continued.
"First you did it when Conall assumed leadership over the Feys; a position that you were supposed to have! You kneeled for him, and you did the same thing again when he denied your covenant to Yuna!"
The words seemed to ignite something in Udo, and he strode dangerously close to Borra with a warning fury boiling in his eyes.
"Don't ever insinuate that I gave up on Yuna that easily; you don't understand how hard that was for me. I've never forgiven myself, and I've had to live with the fact that I lost her everyday." Udo spoke through grit teeth, and Borra was sure he'd never seen his usually composed friend act so aggressive. However... Borra was too busy being just as offensive.
"Well, now you HAVE the opportunity to GET HER BACK! You don't want her to give up her dreams? That's a load of bullshit, Udo! You're doing it again; putting everyone else's wants before your own, like you don't even matter!"
Borra kept going before Udo could even attempt to counter;
"JUST BE SELFISH! For once in your life, be selfish, Udo! The world isn't just what everyone else wants, YOU have your own desires! Stop putting everyone else before you all the damn time!"
Grabbing a handful of his robes once more, Borra dragged Udo so their glared bore into each other, face to face:;
"Yuna is your HEART. Start acting like it."
With that, Borra released Udo just as roughly.
The Fey turned so his back faced Udo, and the two simmered silently in the stillness; neither one being able to utter another word. They had to have held that position for what felt like hours, but couldn't be more than a few agonizing minutes;
Softly, Udo whispered out.
"That isn't what love is, Borra."
Borra remained silent, and kept his back facing Udo. He knew that the Tundra Fae would elaborate.
"Love isn't being selfish; it's not viewing everything as giving and taking. It's not keeping score and remembering favors... it's none of that."
A soft wind swept through the field, and it wrapped the two Feys up in its warmness.
"All of the decisions I've ever made since meeting Yuna, have always been with her greatest benefit in mind. I'd... I'd do anything she asked of me, Borra. I'd fly to the ends of the earth, I'd buy her whatever expensive necklace or hairpiece her heart desired... if she told me she wanted the sun, I'd find a way to bring it to her. Even if it meant killing myself in the process."
Udo spoke so sincerely, so straight from the heart that Borra couldn't even deny the words.
"Be selfish? When it involves Yuna? That's out of the question. I could never. She's my heart. I would never put my needs before her own; I would never put my desires before her own. It is my job to ensure she lives the most wonderful, amazing, happiest life that there is to experience... and if me not being in it means she'll hurt less, means she won't ever question herself, means she won't have to make the heartbreaking decision to choose between her passions and someone she fancies, then so be it. I'm okay with that. Even if she finds someone else..."
Borra could picture the grimace on Udo's face.
"... She'll always be my heart. There's no one else but her; from all those years ago to now, it's always been her."
Udo finished quietly.
"And I'll never not be thankful for that."
The words settled in, and Borra released a deep breath.
"...What will you do then?" Borra roughly whispered.
Udo responded briskly, "You already know the answer."
Borra's wings steadily fanned out, his fist tightening. "So you've made up your mind then?" Borra inquired, however he knew the answer.
"Yes." Udo replied, his emotions unreadable.
Borra steadily hovered high into the sky, and Udo watched his friend go with an icy grip starting to close around him.
"I'm sorry, Borra..."
Borra was already propelled far away from the Cavernous Nest, the words falling upon death ears. He didn't think it was possible; but Udo felt even more isolated than before as he strode back to where his unoccupied nest lay, cold and barren.
Among the stormy clouds and through the raging sea, Borra soared with an unreadable expression on his face; the same hand gripped tightly against his chest.
Then, he smirked.
Borra took a peek at the thick platinum lock of hair that was coiled in his calloused palm, a sense of excitement and victory flooding through him.
"Let's fix all of this."
A spur to his flight, Borra kicked off high in the clouds; the Moors in sight.
Ini quirked a brow at the strand of hair placed on the table before her; Shrike regarding the lock just as curiously.
Borra stood before them on the other side of the table looking rather proud, smirking at the two female Feys as the three of them stood within the cottage's living space.
"So?" Borra pressed.
Ini eyed him rather unsurely; like he was a child who'd just told her he wanted to go to the moon.
"Divination... you want me to perform a spiritual divination?" Ini confirmed slowly, and Borra's grin grew.
"It'll solve everything. To perform it, you just need a part of the person who's memories you're trying to reveal, correct? I got that; I ripped it out as soon as I punched him, he didn't even notice."
Shrike chuckled. "Awfully proud you finally managed to land one on Udo, hm? I have to say Borra, that was some awfully quick thinking of you. I guess we're lucky Udo keeps his hair so long."
Ini sighed, closing her eyes with a furrowed brow. "Borra, performing a divine divination isn't easy. Even the High Priestess of the Dark Feys never perfected them, and her spirituality magic was unlike anything we had ever seen."
Borra wasn't going to give in;
"Well you're not the High Priestess, you're you; just because that old hag couldn't do it, doesn't mean you can't." He ignored Ini's glare at that less than sensitive name. "Besides, you trained under the Priestess your entire life Ini. You are without a doubt the strongest spiritual Fey amongst all of us; your magic is practically identical to hers."
Shrike hummed at that. "You were the first apprentice the priestess had taken on in thirty years; that's saying something. She was preparing you to overtake her position one day, wasn't she?"
Ini still seemed unsure. "Regardless of the circumstances, regardless of my abilities compared to the priestess, I simply don't know if I'll be able to perform such a monumental task. In order for a divination to be successful, the user's spiritual magic has to be exceptionally powerful... I just fear I may not measure up."
It wasn't often Ini's insecurities or true feelings surfaced; her indifferent, almost cold outward demeanor deterring any glimpses as to what was going on inside her head, and inside her heart. However, it was in moments like these that the spiritual's Feys softer side truly showed; she was scared, worried that if this divination did in fact turn sour, it would only confirm all of her insecurities that she tried desperately to bury.
Shrike looked at the Desert Fey like she'd just suggested a taboo, her dark eyes wide as she shook her head at her friend. "You? Not measuring up? Ini, that's madness." She scoffed. "Since when have you ever not measure up? Since we were little babes, you've always been the one to adapt and excel. It always makes me jealous."
Ini's eyes widened a fraction.
Borra joined in, an amused by not condescending chuckle escaping him. "There you go again; doubting yourself. You do realize you're the best of all of us, right Ini?" They weren't just saying it to sweet talk her; and Ini knew that.
She didn't allow herself to blush, but the way she dipped her head away showed all the gratitude she couldn't convey. "I'll... I'll see what I can do." She began slowly. "Borra... is what you told us really true?" Her voice was like a whisper. "That Yuna is Udo's heart?"
Borra didn't hesitate in his answer. "Yes. He told me everything."
Shrike's eyes fluttered to the shockingly stark strand of hair, her eyes softening. "To think Yuna was the human he brought to the nest all of those years ago... she's been his heart all of this time. He's been hurting all of this time..."
Shrike trailed off, and the three Dark Feys fell into silence. The weight of the situation, all of the revelations that finally came to light fell atop of them like a boulder. Just a week ago, the same cottage that they found themselves in was glowing with light and with love; Yuna bustling up and down the stairs with stars in her eyes and excited chatter directed at them, her giggles and her laughter like music. Udo would watch her, and they'd see the way he'd look at her; like she was starlight personified, and Udo couldn't help the contented smile that spread on his face as she twirled around them. Borra would act annoyed, but they saw the way he hid his grin when he thought no one was looking. Shrike would encourage her with with cheers and laughter, Ini would sip quietly at her tea but would watch Yuna with a warm glow in her eyes. They'd never thought days like that would end; days spent laughing and sharing stories in the cottage (usually childhood stories at Borra's expense, much to his chagrin), chasing after the sunset as the Moor's grassy fields tickled at their ankles, the long nights they'd share atop one of the peaking cliffs in the forest; giving them the perfect view of a star filled ocean...
It all ended too soon, and so abruptly.
Udo finally released secrets he'd held in for far too long, and had reached his maximum limit for pain; abandoning all that he knew in one last self sacrificial act for the girl who has been in his heart for years. Yuna had opted to choose a life within the castle; the hurt from Udo leaving feeling like she'd lost her family all over again. Her desire to grow closer to the Fey rejected; her heart broken.
Both sides were hurting, both sides had detached themselves... and both sides still had feelings they'd yet to reveal to the other.
The gravity of all of this weighed heavily on the Dark Feys as they stood within the early night atmosphere of the cottage; each fall into their own contemplation. Whether it was from the shock of the reveal of past days long sealed away, the desire to help their two friends, or the mounting pressure of performing one of the most sacred rituals of spiritual magic (perhaps a combination of all three), everything suddenly began to feel heavy.
"One week."
Ini's voice breaking into the deafening silence was like a godsend, and Borra and Shrike stared at her intently.
"One week; I need to read up on our ancient tomes, I need to discuss this with our fellow Spiritual Fey, and I need to prepare. Give me one week, and I'll be ready to do it." Ini nodded firmly.
"We're going to bring them home; I'll make sure of it."
Borra and Shrike brightened at her words, Shrike throwing her arms around the Desert Fey with a gleeful cheer and even Borra pumping his fist into the air, a cry of relief escaping him.
A soft smile was on Ini's lips amidst the two's happiness. She waited until they quieted down, before adding in, "But... we need to convince Yuna to let us perform the divination on her, don't forget. That is the only way she'll be able to look into Udo's memories; if Yuna refuses... then there will be no divination to be had."
The prospect brought that same heavy weight to the air again, and Borra groaned out.
"Right. I... kind of forgot about Yuna's input in all of this, if we're being honest."
Ini looked amused, but not surprised. "Given your little outburst at her today, I don't know how willing she will be to go along with all of this."
"Difficult little Hume..." Borra muttered, scratching the back of his neck in a hidden embarrassment.
With a soft laugh, Shrike stepped away from the table.
"I'll do it." Her voice was steady, uncharacteristically serious. Borra quirked a brow at her, and she gently brushed past him and towards the front door of the cottage. Shrike pushed it open, colorful wings fanning out as the premature night sky began to filter into the living space.
She winked back at her two friends,
"Ini, you work on the divination. Borra... just try not to be so "Borra" while I fix this, alright?"
Shrike took off before she could be at the receiving end of his onslaught of insults, Ini chuckling at the two.
"Come on, Borra." Stepping around the table, Ini slipped the strand of hair into a small canvas bag, fastening it securely shut. She placed a calming hand on Borra's shoulder, guiding him to follow her out of the home. "Come with me to research the tomes, I'll need some help."
Ini rolled her eyes as he protested, noting how despite the complaints, Borra willingly followed her anyways. Her dark eyes trailed high into the sky where vibrant wings flapped, and Ini smiled.
Yuna's heels clicked hurriedly as she scurried around the castle's corridors; arms full of rolled of parchments as she hurried after Percival.
"That's the basic run down of what a day for you should look like. Of course, I'm not a doctor, but going off of what previous responsibilities that Court Herbalists have claimed, your day to day routine will simply depend on what you see fit to do, or how many patients may need to see you. My men are smart and they are strong, but they're still a bunch of rowdy males; I hate to say it, but I foresee many of them having a few... "accidental" injuries simply so they can get treated by the newest herbalist." 
Percival chuckled dryly, and Yuna nodded with a blush.
"Your office and nursery will be located on the highest floor, across from my office and just down the hall from the throne room, should your immediate assistance be required by their Highnesses. Your position grants you free access to wander amongst the castle, any curfews set on the castle hands do not apply to you." Percival sent her a pointed look over his shoulder. "However, should you abuse such a privilege, the consequences will be severe."
Yuna nodded wordlessly again, shifting the documents in her hold.
Percival continued. "The greenhouse within the garden is exclusively accessible to you, as well as the private library on your bedroom's floor. Those papers you have are notes of last herbalists that we've archived; I'd advise reading them over tonight before you go to bed."
Yuna practically sighed with relief as she and Percival made their way back out onto the castle's front lawns; freedom.
"Should you have any questions it'd be best to come to me or any other senior castle hand; King Philip and Queen Aurora shouldn't be bothered with such tedious and troublesome nuisances."
Percival stopped abruptly, and Yuna squeaked as she almost bumped into his towering figure.
"Understand?" He turned to face her, his expression stern as he regarded her.
Yuna nodded vehemently, "Yessir!" She squeaked out again, bowing her head.
Percival hummed in approval. "Your day starts at approximately seven-thirty tomorrow; don't be late."
"Y-Yes!" Yuna bowed her head even further.
"Awww Percy come on, aren't you being too blunt with the girl? Ladies require a lot more delicacy, you know."
Yuna's head lifted at the familiar voice, her brow quirking in confusion. "Shrike?" Yuna straightened her posture fully; the Jungle Fey standing before them with a shockingly scary aloofness, Yuna hadn't even heard her wings as she landed.
Shrike smiled. "Sorry about earlier today, Yuna. Borra meant well, he just came off a bit... rough." She tried.
Percival cleared his throat. "Shrike, what are you here for?" His deep voice questioned.
Yuna also sent her a questioning look.
Shrike strode forward gracefully, her usual jovial demeanor taking on a much more serious persona; "I was hoping to talk to Yuna." She glanced at Percival. "Alone."
Yuna seemed just as surprised as Percival, his gaze shifting back and forth between Yuna and the Jungle Fey. "...Is this an urgent matter?" He pressed.
Shrike nodded her head, "Quite."
Percival sighed, "Do as you wish. Yuna's relieved of her duties for the day, I don't quite care what you do."
Shrike's smile grew ever so slightly. "Thank you, Percival." Her gaze momentarily fell back to Yuna, "Say, could I ask one more thing?"
Percival quirked a brow. With a cry of protest, Yuna stuttered as Shrike ripped the documents from her hold; ungracefully shoving them into Percival's strong chest.
"Take these up to Yuna's room for us, yeah? Thanks Percival!"
Shrike already took off with Yuna in tow before Percival could object; the guard watching the Jungle Fey go with an unamused expression and Yuna calling back apologies as they went.
Percival shook his head, sighing as he turned to head back inside the castle; chasing after any loose documents that escaped from his hold.
Once the two were far enough into the back garden, Shrike released Yuna and the herbalist sought to catch her breath, huffing as Shrike seemed unbothered.
"S-Shrike... please explain what's going on..." Yuna winced as her feet became incredibly sore from the brief sprint; her heels objecting the sporadic movement. The scenery around her seemed familiar, and Yuna perked up with concern.
"We should be careful! There's an awfully mean goat around these parts, it might attack us and-"
Shrike batted away the concern, casually responding; "Its just that old had Ingrid. Don't worry about her."
Yuna blinked. Huh? "Did you just say the goat was Queen Ingrid?" Shrike was already stalking further away into the shady garden, and Yuna chased after her.
"Wait! Shrike!"
Yuna caught up to the Jungle Fey; the two striding in silence. The thick grass crunched under Yuna's loafers and under Shrike's bare feet, and Yuna stole a quick glance up to her friend. Shrike had an unreadable expression on her face; something that made Yuna uneasy. The boisterous and gleeful Fey held no traces of her usual self in sight, her eyes trained forward as she led Yuna deeper and deeper into the luscious and vibrant castle garden.
Yuna was desperate to break the silence, and as a rather beautiful red bloom caught her attention, Yuna smiled.
"I like it here; it reminds me of the Moors." She started. "The Moors is much more beautiful, of course... but I think it's beautiful here too."
Shrike hummed. "It is a bit like it, hm?" Shrike looked around at the bushes of flowers surrounding them. "A Court Herbalist's dream, huh? There's definitely no short supply of plants around here." She chuckled, her larger wings brushing past a tall and thick oak tree.
Yuna's chuckles matched hers; a noise of agreement.
Shrike continued.
"Quite the wonderful thing it is, isn't it? To realize and achieve your dreams; not many people are privileged enough to experience it." Shrike conversed nonchalantly, and Yuna relaxed as it seemed that the tension surrounding her friend had vanished.
"I... guess so. To be honest, it's all so new that I don't think it's really sunken in yet." Yuna contemplated. "Today just consisted of me following Percival around the castle while he barked orders at me; I really value everything he tells me, I know that Philip and Aurora trust him wholeheartedly. It puts me a bit at ease that I'll be able to learn from him; no matter how aloof he can be."
"Percival is a bit of a tough nut to crack, but he's very loyal once you get past his exterior." Shrike replied. "He'll be a great aid to you, during your stay in the castle."
Curiously, Yuna looked to the Fey at her side. "You seem to know Percival very well, am I wrong?" She asked.
Shrike shook her head. "I wouldn't say you're wrong, but we're relatively new acquaintances. We happened to meet at Aurora's wedding, and I guess our paths are destined to just keep on crossing." She mused.
Yuna's mouth rounded in a quiet "Oh...", the two dropping the topic.
The serious glimmer in Shrike's eyes took hold again, and Yuna gazed around at the hovering trees as she clasped her hands behind her back. 'Just what does Shrike want?' Anxiety flared in her chest again.
Shrike suddenly stopped, a noise of satisfaction escaping her. "Ah, perfect. Right here should work."
Before them was nothing more than a rickety wooden bench along the garden path; soft moonlight from the early night hours mixed with fleeting oranges touching it's structure as it was positioned just perfectly between the thick trees.
Shrike sat upon the bench, wings fanning over the back to add to her comfort. She patted the spot next to her, and Yuna slowly accepted the offer.
"Just wanted somewhere far away from any prying ears; I've got to say the scenery is just stunning as well." Shrike explained, breathing in the watery and earthy smell that the surrounding plants emitted. Yuna nodded with a quirked brow. "Right..." 'Away from prying ears?'
Shrike settled amongst the aged wood, her head lulling back as her eyes fluttered shut.
"When I was still a little babe, I remember my mother used to tell me the story of how the Phoenix created Dark Feys to always be searching for their hearts; always looking for that final part of themselves to complete them." She began slowly. "If I'm being honest with you, the notion scared me. I always thought; "Finding my heart? What if I never find them, what if I'll never be complete? Has the Phoenix punished me?" and what not."
It surprised Yuna to hear such a thing; Shrike, being scared of something? The idea was almost laughable. That Fey could look at Maleficent's hellfire dead-on and accept it as challenge.
"Well, surely you know not to put all of your worth into such a silly idea, Shrike. Women are more than just what's expected of them; you're made for more than just loving a person." Yuna reasoned gently, a hand coming out to pat at her friend's exposed ebony thigh. "I think you're a wonderful Fey, and an even more wonderful friend."
Shrike smiles endearingly; the girl was always a sweetheart.
She patted a hand atop the one on her thigh. "You're right. We are more than just that; look at you. Twenty-one years old, and you're a Court Herbalist under the crown. That's quite the achievement; and you did it all by yourself."
Yuna chuckled at the praise with reddened cheeks. "Ah, it's really only because of Aurora..."
Shrike clicked her tongue. "Nonsense. Even Ini has praised your medical expertise; and trust me, Ini isn't one for praise." Shrike chuckled, and then her tone turned more sincere. "You're creating a wonderful life for yourself, Yuna. A life that I am so grateful to be a part of, and I know everyone else is too. You're going to be such a force Yuna, I feel it in my bones. The stars have so many wondrous things charged for you." She whispered.
Yuna seemed taken aback, her eyes widening. "I- Wow... thank you Shrike. That's incredibly kind of you." Her chest warmed. "I'm thankful to have all of you as well; it wouldn't be a life worth living if I didn't have my friends by my side."
Shrike nodded. "I completely agree; I think life is truly an adventure when your friends are there to partake in it with you. There's nothing greater than the bonds we can form in our lifetime." Shrike spoke the words calmly, and Yuna just about caught onto where the Fey was going just as Shrike said;
"Udo taught me that. When the aspect of finding my heart and completely myself made me feel like the entire sky was weighing down on me; he reminded me that it never has to just be a singular bond we form. We have our friends to guide us, and nurture us... not to fix us."
Shrike's eyes carefully gazed to Yuna, who listened quietly.
"I will not come here and tell you to forgive Udo, or to come back to the Moors. It's not my job, and it's not my life. This whole big beautiful life you're forming for yourself; gods Yuna, it's incredible. You should relish in that. I wish I could have your kind of independence; this life you've created for yourself, you did it all on your own, and I think that's wonderful." Shrike squeezed at Yuna's hand again, and Yuna knew she meant it. Shrike would never lie to her, plain and simple.
'A big beautiful life...' The prospect filled Yuna with joy.
"But I will say this, as it was also Udo who taught me it; once your form that bond that you know is the one worth investing a lifetime into, grab onto it with both hands. Grab onto it, tie it into a tight knot and hold it close to your heart; never letting it go." Shrike continued.
Yuna's eyes widened ever so slightly. She met Shrike's eyes, a mixture of warmth and of sincerity.
"The life you have made on your own is magnificent." Shrike smiled. "Now... think of how much more beautiful that world would be if you shared it with Udo."
With that, Shrike rose to her feet, and calming walked away. "I want you to think about that; and then I want to hear your answer." She called back, not turning to face Yuna. "I'll be back in one week."
Yuna couldn't manage to form any syllables as Shrike's winged figure grew further and further away; her mouth slightly agape as Shrike's words echoed through her mind.
'How beautiful my world is with Udo...' Her hands settled in her lap, and she gazed up at the serene moonlight beginning to flood down on her; her eyes fluttering shut.
'I... I already know the answer to that.'
Her hands clenched in her lap.
'"A bond worth investing a lifetime into..."' She recalled, a sigh bubbling past her lips.
Beneath the moonlight, and with Shrike's form soaring high into the stardust covered clouds;
Yuna finally felt at peace.
Writing this chapter was LITERAL therapy for me; first week back at school was so draining and sad! 😭 I'm glad I have my readers ❤️
I hope you guys enjoyed!!!! Udo's side of things has been revealed, and while none of it was exactly a twist (have literally been hinting at it since like the first chapter lmao), I'm SO happy that Udo and Yuna's complete backstory will finally come to light!!
I've been waitinggg to share it ❤️
Thank you so much for your support, and I'd love to know what you guys thought about Udo's confessions!! I just wanted to give the guy a hug my entire time writing this. Yuna and Udo have DEFINITELY been a long time in the making... even though only one of them remembers it (so far 😉).
I'm so thankful for you are, I hope this chapter finally brought you guys some peace... I don't like my readers sad XD
I love you all and I will see you very soon in the next chapter!!!!! Hint: All will be revealed ❤️

Purity in the Stars *Maleficent: Mistress of Evil- Udo Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now