Chapter Seventeen: Love Languages

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It all started with a shattered glass.
It was a simple accident; Yuna had been fixing dinner for them in the kitchen, October's orange rays drenching the space like paint.
Udo had decided it'd be a brilliant idea to sneak up behind her; swaddling her in an embrace in the human-sized kitchen and forgetting just how big his horns were, the poor cup dangling from an overhead rack hit the ground before either one of them could react.
They had laughed; it was an honest mistake, and Yuna had found it endearing. She kissed Udo's cheek, dismissed his attempt at helping her sweep up the broken glass, and went about the rest of the evening with a small tease here or there about how Udo barely fit inside the cottage.
It crossed Yuna's mind briefly, but only in amusement.
The second time, they were sleeping.
Yuna had awoken to a cold space at her side; pushing herself up to her elbows in a drowsy state as she sought to find her bedmate. Udo was leaning out of the open window, sighing deeply and stretching his wings out like they were a set of appendages. Yuna had asked what was wrong,
"It's nothing." Udo offered her a smile, but Yuna saw how he winced in a masked pain. "It's hard sleeping on a bed with my wings sometimes... I can get a bit stiff." He chuckled. "Go back to sleep, I'll be right here."
She'd protested, but Udo assured her it was fine.
It happened again just a few nights later;
"What's the matter, Udo?" Yuna whispered as she rubbed at his aching shoulder blades, her blanket wrapped tightly over herself as she followed the Fey out to the roof.
Udo was clearly surprised she had followed him; he made sure he was extra sneaky and quiet as he attempted to alleviate himself in secret. He tried to mask the obvious discomfort and pain etched on his features, but Yuna saw right through him;
"Tell me the truth; this isn't the first time I've heard you come out here. What's going on?" Her voice was soft.
Udo sighed shakily, Yuna massaging his tensed muscles felt like heaven. "My wings." He responded quietly. "When I sleep on the bed, I can never fully relax... my wings are just too big. Feys aren't accustomed to sleeping like humans; we typically sleep in nests, able to fan ourselves out. I can't do that on a bed, I just wasn't built for it." He rubbed at his head, almost emphasizing his point as he tapped on his horns. "It didn't bother me when I first started living here with you; then once we got together and started sharing a bed, I was so happy that I couldn't focus on anything else." Udo chuckled.
Yuna bit at her lip as Udo spoke.
"But now... it's just a bit painful. My magic isn't helping either, so I just need to keep working through it. Nothing I can't bare, don't worry about me."
She hated when Udo did that; downplayed how he really felt so that Yuna wouldn't fret over him. She knew it wasn't Udo's intention, but it always made Yuna feel guilty; relationships weren't swallowing your feelings so that you didn't hurt your partner, it was laying yourself bare to them. Honesty, vulnerability, trust...
"It's cold out here; go back to bed. I'll-"
Yuna interjected before Udo could finish.
"I could sleep in a nest with you." She offered, eyes hopeful. "It hurts you, doesn't it? I'm sorry... I didn't even think that'd you be uncomfortable..."
Udo's brow softened as he saw Yuna's eyes flood with sadness, brushing her cheek with his knuckles.
"It's not your fault; don't apologize." He had assured her. "I won't let you sleep in a nest; you'd hurt yourself, and it wouldn't be comfortable. You don't need to give up your own sleep for mine, Yuna."
The briefest image of the nest Udo had constructed in the Cavernous Nest flashed through Yuna's mind, and the girl felt guilt wash over her despite Udo's words. No kidding that Udo was sore from sleeping in a bed; he had wings and horns... was Yuna really that selfish?
"Well I could try..." She pressed again, only to be met with Udo shaking his head.
"No. Come on, you'll catch a cold. Go back inside."
Yuna felt dejected as Udo went to gently push at her lower back, grounding her bare feet into the roof's observation deck. She shook her head, and Udo sighed.
"How about you go sleep in the Moors?" Her voice was quiet.
Udo went silent, "...What?"
Yuna wrapped the blanket tighter around her shoulders; offering her fey a smile to mask the coldness beginning to grip her heart.
"Just for tonight; all of the other Feys sleep in their little alcove in the Moors, right? I'm sure Yui will be happy to see you." She rubbed at his knotted up back muscles. "Go and get some good sleep; you always work so hard, Udo. You deserve it. I'll be alright on my own."
Udo eyed her unsurely, clearly taken aback by Yuna's suggestion. "Yuna, I can't just leave you." He countered.
She scoffed, "I am a grown woman, you know. I can take care of myself." Her hand that glistened with Udo's promise ring came up to caress his stark white locks. Yuna pressed a kiss to one of his horns; "Go. Rest up and take care of yourself, I'll have breakfast ready for when you return."
Yuna left little room for Udo to argue as she turned on her heel, giving the fey an encouraging shove. "Hurry, before you don't get any sleep at all."
The debate and discontent shone brightly in Udo's sharp eyes, but there was also a somewhat hopeful shine. "Are... are you sure?" He whispered.
It was only when Yuna glanced over her shoulder, taking in Udo's appearance soaked in the moonlight that she finally noticed the heavy dark bags under his tired eyes.
Yuna's brow knit; 'Did I... really not notice?'
"Yes. I'm positive." She smiled.
Udo's sleepy grin was half grateful, half hesitant. "I'll be back as soon as the sun comes up." He promised. Udo's wings fanned out, already hovering his toned frame above the roof. "Just for tonight. I just need to catch up on my sleep, and then I'll be much better." Yuna smiled, only nodding her head in response.
That weird feeling in her chest only grew as she turned her back on the fey, listening as Udo propelled himself high in the sky and off into the land of the Dark Feys.
She didn't sleep that night. The bed felt too cold, and her thoughts kept nagging at her;
Why did she never consider the clear obstacles of her and Udo living together... why had she never sacrificed like Udo did?
Udo had to sleep with the Feys for scattered nights after that, and Yuna only met his concerns with a smile that neither one of them wanted to admit was forced.
The third time that Yuna contemplated just how much but so little she knew was a simple trip to the beach.
"I'll never get tired of this place!" Yuna sighed out happily as stray ocean spray hit her face, the October chill not stopping the girl from going to the treasured cove.
Udo smiled down at her as he watched the sun cast over her; the wet sand beneath their feet was chilled in the autumn season. He squeezed her hand, "I must say, I quite like it too." He agreed. "If what you say is true, and Miyagata's beaches are even more beautiful... I'd have to say I'm even more tempted to fly over."
Yuna smiled at the sentiment. Their walk was at a leisurely pace, and the oceans waves calmed her as she gazed out over them. "Maybe one day." She said quietly. "When I'm ready to go back."
Udo's eyes never left her, glimmering with a quiet love. "Of course." He agreed. "I just... I'd like to meet your parents, and siblings." He explained softly. "I think I owe to them; I want them to know that their daughter and sister is in good hands."
Yuna's heart fluttered at that. She halted in their stride, a soft grin on her face. "You don't need to worry about stuff like that, but..." Her smile grew. "That actually sounds kind of nice. Maybe it's time I visit too..."
Udo matched her smile, "Sounds like a plan then."
A fleeting image of her parents burned brightly in her mind, Yuna shuffled her feet awkwardly.
"You know... Udo, I never got around to asking, but..." She kept her tone gentle. "I was wondering went I'd meet... your family. I know that you considered all of the Dark Feys your kin, but..."
She eyed him half unsurely and half hopefully; Udo's neutral expression unreadable.
"But can I meet any of the Feys you're related to by blood?"
The silence that fell over them unnerved Yuna, the question hanging in the air. Udo and her held eye contact for a brief moment, his gaze steady and she couldn't discern just what he was thinking.
Just as Yuna was about to apologize, Udo's hand came up to rub her vibrant locks.
"Thoughtful little heart aren't you?" His smile was soft, and Yuna beamed you at him.
The next sentence took all of that shine from her eyes.
"My parents were killed by poachers many years ago when the war first started. I'm afraid I have no family for you to meet."
Udo's steady voice stunned her, and Yuna felt a cold shock take hold of her at the revelation.
She could only blink. "Oh."
Why did she never think to ask before?
"Udo... I'm... I'm so sorry..." The words slowly came from her tongue, almost like Yuna couldn't process them. "I never even... I should've known that, right? I'm your girlfriend, but I didn't even..." Yuna could only shake her head.
She felt Udo's large hand caress her hair once more. "It's okay, Yuna. If I thought it was a pressing issue, I would've brought it up. You didn't do anything wrong." He pressed a kiss to her bangs. "They died when I was very young. I didn't want to discuss it with you because I knew it'd make you upset... I tend to not think about those days anyway."
Yuna was like a statue as Udo's hand trailed down to tug at her hand.
"Come on, those little tide pools you wanted to check out were this way, right? Let's hurry before the sun goes down."
Yuna was almost out of her own body as Udo led them down the beach, the sapphire ocean at her side suddenly turning to a muted grey color.
That sad glint in Udo's eyes... he didn't think she had seen it, but she did.
'All this time, when I was telling Udo about my family... did he ever want to mourn for his too?'
The fourth time Yuna realized that her and Udo were... not a normal couple and another seed of doubt was placed in her head was at Borra's birthday celebration of all places.
Yuna sat with a pleasant smile on her face as she played with the young Feys, giggling with them as the adult faeries partook in the merry drinking or swaying to the harmonious instruments playing.
The meadow that the Dark Feys had resided in was a brilliant amber color in the autumn season; one of the Moor's magnificent waterfalls giving way to streams and elaborate rock formations splitting the grassy field. Aurora and the rest of their human companions weren't due to come to the celebration until later that evening, and after some mingling with the adult Dark Feys (and Ini and Shrike) she'd settled to keep the younglings occupied.
Yuna smiled as she rocked Yui slowly, the small fey completely spent from all the excitement and all but passed out in her lap. The other child feys were occupied with chasing each other in the auburn field, Yuna keeping a watchful eye on them as they used their small wings to soar after each other. It was a nice day; and she felt happy.
That was until she'd cast her gaze back to where the adult feys congregated in the center of the valley; a grove of trees lit by the glow of small faeries and the heart of the riveting music. There, amongst the thick crowd of wings and horns, Yuna saw her star... only he wasn't alone.
Ah, so this was jealousy.
Udo wasn't doing anything wrong; wasn't being unfaithful or leading anyone on, Yuna knew that the fey wasn't like that. However that didn't mean she had to enjoy the hoard of rather gorgeous female feys who were flocked around him, giggling at every little thing he said and Udo meeting them with a friendly smile. Yuna's eyes sharpened; the females were being just a bit too bold...
"Better go defend what's yours, little wren."
Yuna was pulled from her silent seething with a start, instinctively clutching Yui closer as she whipped her head to the side.
"Borra?" She wondered incredulously, staring at the Fey who towered at her side with a cocky smirk.
"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be down at the party? It's for you." Yuna eyed him curiously.
Borra shrugged, eyeing the chattering Feys disinterestedly. "Need a break. I'll join them again once everyone else is here."
That made Yuna hide a smile; Borra would never admit it, but he'd truly grown to love their human friends.
She felt his foot nudge at her sitting form; "Oh, don't smirk like that." He sighed.
Yuna laughed, opening her mouth to retort with a clever comeback before a shrill giggle caught her ears. Her eyes shot back to where Udo stood just a few feet away; a female Tundra Fey giggling as her thick lashes batted up at him. Her hand came up to Udo's shoulder, and Yuna almost burst.
"Go show your fangs wren; I'll watch Yui." Borra sounded rather amused as he easily scooped up the sleeping fey child from Yuna, resting her against his strong chest.
Yuna didn't need to be told twice.
Her legs were moving before she could even process anything, Udo's distant figure suddenly becoming very close as she nearly zipped up to him. Going to his unoccupied side, Yuna's arms went to wrap around the fey's waist securely; making sure the hand that showcased her ring was resting on his chest.
Udo made a noise of surprise as Yuna all but tumbled into him, eyes beaming down at her in mirth as he chuckled. "My little bird is starting to grow wings." He joked coyly, moving to hold Yuna back just as tightly as she held onto him.
The action made him completely shut off from the female Fey, and Yuna could tell she was not pleased in the slightest.
"Mirania, this is Yuna. My heart." Udo pressed a kiss to Yuna's head which the herbalist practically basked in; nuzzling into his collarbone.
"It's a pleasure." Yuna's smile didn't reach her eyes as she greeted the fey, whom she now knew as "Mirania".
The same expression settled on the faerie's face. "Oh, so the rumors are true. You've promised yourself to a human." Yuna couldn't tell if the fey was making an effort to not completely mask her disgust, but it sure felt like it. Yuna's chest burned, but she said nothing.
"That's right." Udo confirmed, Mirania's mannerisms not going unnoticed by him as he quirked a brow. "She's my light. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for her."
Udo pressed another kiss to Yuna's temple, and Yuna's heart sung.
'That's right... mine.' She couldn't help to think as she saw the displeasure and almost anger slowly pool in the female fey's dark eyes.
"Same for me too... My heart has been promised to Udo for a long time." Yuna smiled, her hand on his chest shifting so that her ring caught the October sun perfectly. "I imagine we'll be seeing you at the wedding, in the distant future? Udo had told me before that weddings in Dark Fey culture were quite the communal event; are you any good with floral arrangements?" The feigned innocence in Yuna's dangerous tone even surprised her.
Needless to say the female fey had stormed off after that.
It was later that evening that trouble had showed itself;
"You're the human Udo has chosen as his mate? Are you kidding?"
Yuna instantly recognized the Fey as one of the many who'd clung to Udo all evening; her wings fanned out angrily.
"I thought Mirania was joking. Is Udo sick? What on earth is he thinking?"
Another one. Yuna definitely recognized her too.
"I don't see anything special... how did you get Udo to fall for you? I hear you're an herbalist; are some kind of witch? Did you slip him some sort of twisted love potion?"
This one too; she was one of the worser ones. She was practically drooling over Yuna's fey.
The girls were clever, Yuna would give them that much. Udo and Borra were currently engaged in their usual banter that only resulted when you put the two best friends together; Diaval, Philip and Percival joining them. Yuna had ducked away from the festivities only for a moment so that she could rinse off the juice Dagran had spilt all over her hands into the nearby stream, and sure enough trouble had followed her to the water.
Yuna quirked an unimpressed brow; "You clearly don't exhibit any knowledge on herbology. It's medicinal, not black magic. Goodness." She sighed, wiping her hands off on her dress.
Yuna eyed the three female feys warily; while she knew that they wouldn't actually harm her and it was just catty feminine business, that didn't mean she had to be nice when they confronted her so rudely.
"Udo and I love each other, that's all there is to it. Nothing more."
One of the fey's eyebrows were knit in a deep furrow, her arms crossed. "It can't be that simple. You... you don't even have wings! No horns either! How on earth could Udo be attracted to you?"
That peeked Yuna's curiosity, "What on earth does me having wings have to do with anything?" She asked exasperatedly.
The second fey scoffed. "Our wings and horns are a direct reflection of our beauty; duh. Everyone knows that." The female flicked her large black wings gracefully to emphasize her point. "It's how we pick mates... the bigger the wings and taller the horns; the better you will be at carrying on the kind. It's simple, really."
Yuna's eyes widened; Udo had definitely not mentioned this when she'd asked him about Dark Fey's mating habits before. It was like an animal kingdom; since when did wings equate to reproduction ability?!
"Yet you are void of either one. By Dark Fey standards, you're not all that attractive." The third girl smirked, before her eyes darkened. "Don't forget your place. It doesn't matter that you're with someone like Udo, you'll never fly with us. You're scrawny... lackluster."
Yuna stared at them blankly. 'Dark Fey standards? Unattractive...?'
"Males are attracted to a full set of wings and a fine pair of horns. You may be pretty in the human world... but in Dark Fey culture, you're nothing. You couldn't soar even if you wanted to... how long do you think it'll be before Udo gets tired of you?"
'I'm nothing...' Yuna wanted so badly to retort, but she was rendered speechless. This had to be some stereotypical screenplay of the popular rich girls bullying the nerdy underdog, right?
But still... if what the females were saying was true... then she really didn't meet much of the criteria for the faerie's beauty standards. Who knew that was even a thing?
"You don't know our relationship. Wings or not, we're happy." Yuna turned on her heel, dismissing them. "Have a lovely evening."
She could feel their stares boring into her back as she broke out into a sprint;
She couldn't tell Udo. There was no way she could start a fuss over this; why put Udo in a more compromising position than he was already in? Make him fight with his own kind so he could baby his human girlfriend... that was just out of the question.
'Wings and horns are a direct reflection of their beauty, hm?'
That encounter, while harsh, was easy for Yuna to walk off. She'd experienced many a jealous broad in her twenty-two years; their toxins dangerous to anyone they targeted. The words didn't damage Yuna; she was confident in her's and Udo's relationship, and she knew that wasn't ugly. But still...
Why was she suddenly wishing that she would wake up one morning to find magically sprouted white wings and ivory horns on herself?
These three different experiences had opened Yuna's eyes to a rather hard to swallow truth;
Her and Udo were of two completely different kinds. Their relationship wasn't normal; they had problems that your usual couple strolling around Ulstead wouldn't have.
They were nearing three months of being together; five months of coexisting with one another, and a few notable things had become quite present in their relationship. Things weren't rocky, but the sugary-sweet phase of their partnership had taken a mature and realistic turn;
Yuna was a human, Udo was a Dark Fey. They were different; they looked different, were raised differently, grew up in different cultures, were from two polar opposite worlds. They'd gotten lost in the glamour of it all; from Yuna's arrival to the Moors to the two spending the summer staring at the other in complete awestruck when they thought no one was looking. From there they went directly into a relationship, which led to a peace treaty signing, which led to quiet days falling over Ulstead. Udo and Yuna had gotten lost in all of that... lost in each other.
If you take out the slight conflict that resulted before they'd gotten together, Udo and Yuna hadn't really... discussed how different they truly were. Even then, that argument was mainly about the two of them owning up to their feelings for the other; not about how on earth a human and a fey were supposed to be in a relationship. There was no handbook for any of this; Udo and Yuna were the talk of the decade. Never before had a Dark Fey and human promised their hearts to each other.
It was the fifth and final event that opened up Yuna's eyes completely; their partnership would have hardships and misunderstandings that were much more brutal than most, and a human and fey being together would hold problems that weren't just in their living conditions.
This event was by far the most... unpleasant.
Soft candlelight illuminated Udo's busted and bloody lip, and his bruising cheek. He sat on the couch in their living room, hissing as Yuna quietly dapped at the wounds with antiseptic before rubbing an ointment over them. A soft frown was set in her features, and Udo was still tense with anger from the previous hour.
It was supposed to just be a simple night on the town for them; a date night turned to a brawl.
"Hey... that's that one couple right? The one with that foreigner girl and faerie guy..."
Yuna winced as she heard the sleazy voice behind her; hoping the trio of bums would simply get bored if her and Udo ignored them. They continued down the street, hand in hand.
Unfortunately, that didn't appear to be the case; "Yeah, it is them!" A second voice chuckled. "An unholy sight, innit? A faerie man and human woman... how do you suppose that works?"
Yuna could feel Udo's grip tighten in her own, his muscles seizing as his eyes took on a dark glint.
"Udo... just ignore them." She whispered, her steps quickening not out of fear for them, but fear for the poor men who sought to taunt them...
"This whole peace treaty is a bunch of bull. One piece of paper and now I have to see this whore infesting the town with a bunch of godforsaken half-breeds?"
Udo snapped, he whirled on his heel with the fiercest glare in his eyes she'd ever seen and Yuna's cries fell on deaf ears as he landed the first punch.
It was safe to say that those men were probably going to leave them alone from now on.
"That stings." Udo winced as the rag Yuna used to clean up his bloody lip pressed particularly hard.
Yuna felt her chest tighten as she focused in on the blood, her eyes blinking away any tears that threatened to bubble out.
Everything felt very overwhelming, all of the sudden.
"There. Go ahead and use your magic to patch it up." Her voice was barely above a whisper as she rose to her feet, Udo's skin already holding a faint glow as the skin sutured itself. 
"Thank you." Udo responded back just as quietly.
Yuna remained silent as she rose from the couch, starting to walk away when Udo gently caught her wrist.
"Hey." He sounded cautious.
Yuna sighed, discarding the rag to the side and running her hand over her face tiredly. "I'm going to go take a walk." She responded curtly.
Udo's grip didn't release; "Come here."
He pulled her softly, Yuna being like a doll as she let herself fall back into his lap.
She was rather stiff as Udo embraced her from behind, the Fey eyeing her with part concern as he pressed a kiss to her shoulder.
"Talk to me." His voice sounded by her ear.
Yuna wiggled in his hold, her hair obscuring her face as she looked down at her feet.
She felt Udo's arms tighten around her.
She released a breath.
"I didn't want you to fight those men." She whispered. "I'll have to report to Aurora... we shouldn't give in to any disruptions. This will only make Philip and Aurora's jobs harder, Udo."
Udo listened to her words intently, trying to gauge the girl's emotions. "I know. You're right, and I'm sorry."
Yuna was still stiff in his lap. "I didn't like seeing you like that. It scared me, I don't like the thought of anyone hurting you." She continued dryly. A brief image of one of the thugs landing the hit on Udo that resulted in his bloody lip flashed in Yuna's mind, and she almost shivered.
"I know." Udo replied softly once more. "But hey... at least I won." He tried, his voice giving the slightest hint of teasing.
Yuna didn't even process his words; didn't even notice the tears beginning to pool in her eyes. The past few weeks started to feel too heavy and too imposing.
"Normal couples don't have to go through stuff like this, do they?"
Udo's pointed ears perked as he caught the slightest hint of her cracked voice.
"Normal couples... they can go out whenever they want and not worry about being taunted or leered at. They can sleep together comfortably in a bed, they can live together without any weird hiccups or trade-offs... they're not..."
A tear hit Yuna's clenched fist. "They're not different like us."
Udo's eyes widened as Yuna's voice broke into a bubbled, angry huff. He shifted himself so that Yuna had to face him on his lap, whether she wanted to or not.
Her flushed face was in a brow-knit pout, her dark eyes fresh with tears as the girl struggled to identify whether she was angry, sad, overwhelmed, disappointed, or a weird combination of all four. She didn't even know why she felt that way.
"Hey, hey..." Udo felt worry strike him as he took in his heart's clearly disgruntled and upset demeanor, his hand coming up to cradle her face.
Yuan tried to turn away from him, but Udo held her securely in place.
"What's wrong, Yuna?" He fought to try and hold eye contact with the human, who held her ground stubbornly. "I'm sorry; I shouldn't have gotten into that fight. I just couldn't stand for them talking about you like that; I won't let people address you in such a way."
Yuna felt her tears fully begin to fall as she practically pushed herself up to her feet with a start, Udo staring up at her in shock.
"It's not just the fight Udo!"
The conflicting emotions shone like a wildfire in Yuna's eyes. Udo practically gaped at her; sure they'd had their arguments and squabbles before... but the Fey was sure he'd never seen the girl look so upset.
Udo slowly rose to his feet, eyeing Yuna carefully like she was a cornered feral animal.
"Yuna..." He hesitated. "Have... have I don't something to make you unhappy? Clearly this is from more than just what transpired tonight." Udo's hands came up in a surrender, and he felt an anxious hold grip at him.
Yuna ran her sleeve over her eyes furiously, like she was trying to erase the fact that she'd begun crying. It finally was all bubbling over;
The broken glasses, the cold bed, the revelation of Udo's parents, those stupid feys at the party reminding Yuna she was nothing like Udo and those drunken lowlifes hollering at the two simply for being together; it all became too much.
It all reminded Yuna that her and Udo were different.
She'd never be able to partake in Udo's way of life like a normal female fey would, and Udo wouldn't be able to partake in hers like a human male.
There was so much more Yuna should've asked him before they'd gotten into this relationship; was she stupid? Was she selfish? Was she just a horrible partner... or were the odds just too stacked against them?
"How exactly will a fey and human living together work? Are you sure you want to live in this tiny cottage with me, when you're three times my size and have extra appendages?"
"Enough about me, where do you come from Udo? I've met every Fey here... but I noticed that I didn't get introduced to any of your family members. Can I ask where they are?"
"Does it ever bug you that we come from two different kinds? Do you sometimes wish things were different and I was a Dark Fey, or you were a human? I know I don't have wings or horns, but..."
"We should really think this out; we will face public scrutiny everyday from being together. Are you sure you're okay with dealing with that? I need an honest answer; not a sugary-visioned one just because we're in love; do you understand the plights coming our way?"
Why did Yuna never think to ask any of that?!
Maybe if she did... she wouldn't be a match lighting up a whole forest like she was now.
"No... you didn't... maybe I did- I don't know."
Yuna felt more frustrated with herself if anything; frustrated with the way things were. Again; there wasn't a handbook for these kinds of things.
No one was doing what her and Udo were doing, no other Feys and humans were in love.
Udo was silent, and Yuna wanted to shrink in on herself.
"Are... are you not happy with our relationship, then?"
The sheer hurt in Udo's voice caused Yuna to whip her head up. The expression on the Fey's face was one of complete heartbreak, and Yuna was sure she could hear her own heart shatter in the process.
She blinked rapidly through her tears; their positions changing as now Yuna took on the role of trying to calm Udo down, who looked like an abused animal backed into a corner.
"N-No, gods Udo no." Yuna swallowed thickly, cursing her own tears that made her voice weak. "How could you even suggest that?"
The hurt reflecting in Udo's eyes didn't cease, the way he eyed her almost warily hurt Yuna... but she knew she'd done it to herself;
"Well, you're looking at me the way you look at Borra after you two get into a fight, for one thing." Udo huffed dryly. "And you claim that you're not mad at me, so what else is there between us for you to be upset with?" Udo shrugged, the hurt in his eyes almost amplifying. "If this really isn't about what just happened in town, then clearly it's something personal."
Udo's head dropped, and Yuna's eyes were beginning to become as wide as saucers; her fists clenching so tightly that she felt bloody crescents form in the palm of her hands.
"You've been... off, for the last few weeks. If you're unhappy with something then say it; I can't fix anything if you don't tell me what's wrong!" Udo's voice, a mixture of an exasperated shout and a tired resignation stabbed into Yuna like a knife.
"You can't just keep walking away from the conflict or be passive aggressive about it, Yuna! You need to speak up so I know something is wrong, otherwise we'll just keep getting into fights like this!"
Yuna blinked.
Was this a fight?
Certainly, they couldn't be fighting...
They were definitely fighting, weren't they?
Yuna must have spaced out in her silent panic longer than she'd anticipated, Udo releasing a heavy sigh as he strode past her.
"Sorry. I shouldn't have risen my voice."
The way his shoulder brushed against her's was like a sharp pierce to Yuna's soul, her eyes wide and unblinking as Udo walked past her and towards the front door;
"I'll sleep in the Moors, alright? I think we both need a few hours alone to cool down. I'm still heated up from that fight in town." Udo's voice was emotionless; devoid.
Yuna stood frozen as she heard Udo's feet creak along the wooden floorboards, getting closer and closer to leaving and her mind screamed at her to just move.
'No... this isn't what I want.'
Yuna threw all caution to the wind as she whipped around on her heel, latching herself onto Udo's winged back as she embraced him tightly. She desperately pressed herself against him, ignoring how his wings dug uncomfortably into her face.
Udo was taken aback as she did this; releasing a surprised huff of air as the girl collided with him. His hand rested on the door handle; eyes widening as halted in his steps.
"No." Yuna whispered, her teary eyes leaking through his robes. "No; please don't leave. Please don't go and sleep in the Moors... not tonight, or any other night. I hate it when we have to be apart, Udo."
It was like a bucket of icy water was poured over Yuna's heated skin as she confessed to one of the many troubles that had plagued her.
Yuna felt an instant relief release throughout her body as she continued;
"I really hate it... I feel lonely, and I miss you. I miss how you smell and how you hold me, I miss waking up and the first thing I see is your face... I can't sleep unless you're with me, Udo." Yuna buried her tear-stricken face into Udo's plush feathers.
Her voice was almost breaking in her onslaught of tears; her body finally unable to hold anything back,
"I hate that we can't live comfortably together without have comprises, I hate that I don't have a pair of stupid bloody wings or horns that you can be proud to show off to the other Dark Feys..."
Yuna's breath was becoming shorter in between her hiccups.
"I hate that I never thought to ask about your family; what kind of partner does that make me? I care Udo, I really do, I promise... I'm so sorry I've cried to you all these months about my parents and Mina and Leo; I never even thought once that maybe you w-wanted to lean on me too..." Yuna held onto Udo so tightly, like she was terrified he'd evaporate into thin air.
"I'm sorry that you got hurt; if you weren't with me then those guys would've just left you alone... it makes me happy knowing that you'd defend me like that, but also really sad; you shouldn't even have to do that in the first place. Now you're hurt, and now..."
Yuna sniffled and her breaths shortened, "Now you're mad because I've been treating you unfairly, I'm sorry Udo, I'm just so sick that we can't... that we can't just be together without any tribulations, and I'm upset that maybe... maybe I don't know as much about you as I should..." She let out a shaky sigh amidst her cries, "I'm so sorry Udo, please don't leave..."
Yuna had practically given way to full blown crying at this point; clutching onto Udo desperately. His silence amidst her babbles only resulted in her panicking even more, and Yuna felt like she just might completely evaporate into thin air.
Her cries were muffled in his wings, and then she felt the Fey shift.
"Wha-" Yuna's teary eyes opened with a start, widening as the feathery bones beneath her face were replaced with a much softer, but stronger surface.
She felt Udo gently embrace her back, her white knuckles grip on his robes softening.
"Udo-" Yuna went to lift her head up, her eyes briefly catching Udo's face before his hand came to tangle in her ruby tresses. He pressed her face back to his chest, and Yuna's brows knit as she briefly noticed Udo's own teary and wet eyes.
"Let it all out." His voice was soft; the emotionless tone gone as well as any traces of anger. His smooth hands rubbing her back pacified Yuna like she were a baby, and her heart swelled at his voice. "Let it all out, and then we'll talk about everything."
Udo's cheek rested on top of her head. "Seems we've had a few communication errors, haven't we?" His chuckle was rather humorless.
Udo's teary eyes fluttered shut against Yuna's hair. "I'm sorry, heart."
Yuna let out a breath of relief; and then her tears began once more.
She buried her face into his robes,
"I'm sorry too."
It had to have been incredibly early in the morning as Yuna sat at the kitchen table; the stars still dancing in the dark night sky.
The soft and thick blanket she clutched around her shoulders made her almost drowsy, her eyes fully opening as a soft click sounded in front of her.
A small teacup, filled with a dark and steamy liquid (Yuna assumed it was just regular black tea) waited in front of her. Yuna lifted her head, smiling her thanks at Udo as the drink warmed her face.
Udo rubbed her head affectionately. "No caffeine; you won't get any sleep otherwise."
He set his own cup right next to Yuna, folding his wings close to his sides as he took a seat beside her. Yuna's head felt tight from her cries, and she felt sleepy; she assumed Udo felt the same way as he rubbed at his temples.
Her nimble fingers rested along the cup's rim. In the quiet of the night, Udo by her side and their shoulders brushing against each other, she allowed a small smile to spread on her lips despite the argument that had occurred only an hour prior.
"This is like the first night we spent together." She whispered. "We sat right here at this table, and you healed me. Borra had attacked me after I ran to the Moors... I didn't know where to go, after my shop got destroyed." Gingerly, Yuna's hand came to slowly wrap around Udo's on top of the table.
"But you gave me somewhere to come home to. We talked for hours, I told you all about Miyagata, I cried in front of you and you held me..." The two of them both matched in their fond smiles.
"You told me all about the Dark Feys too, remember? Anything I wanted to know. Everything from the different kinds of feys to all of your traditions and rituals. I was so excited, so happy; I didn't want to fall asleep that night. Then I dreamed about you, about the past..."
Yuna snuck a glance at her glimmering ring which sparkled brilliantly in the moonlight, as well as Udo's own.
"Oh, how far we've come." She finished in a reminiscent whisper.
Udo turned his hand so that their fingers interlocked, rings clinking against each other.
"I remember." He whispered.
"I remember that it was so hard to not just... kiss you. I couldn't believe it was really you. I almost cracked and just told you everything." He said softly.
Yuna's eyes bore into their intertwined hands,
"Would you have ever said anything, had I never confronted you at the castle? If my memories didn't start coming back to me?" She questioned.
Udo smiled softly at that sentiment, "Honestly? I'm not sure... I think I was just whole-heartedly set on making you fall in love with me again." He chuckled. "Then you totally threw me for a loop that day you asked me about everything... I should've figured that us being together again would've triggered something in your memories. I just couldn't bare to be away from you again..."
Yuna could see Udo visibly stiffen as he said that, and his hand tightened ever so slightly around hers.
"... I don't like sleeping away from you either, Yuna."
She sighed; it wasn't a conversation that was pleasant, but they had to have it.
"You didn't ever think I enjoyed it, right?" Udo's question held a nervous undertone, and Yuna gnawed her lip as she contemplated it.
"I wasn't ever upset because I thought you wanted to be away from me..." She started slowly; every word that came out of her mouth carefully calculated. Yuna was determined to resolve all of this, and she could only do so if she was completely honest with her emotions,
"I more so hated that... I never even considered that living here would be uncomfortable for you. I guess I felt a bit guilty; maybe if noticed sooner, then we wouldn't be here right now."
Yeah, that was a good start.
"I think the bed issue is just the tip of the iceberg to the more... pressing matter that's bugging me." She confessed quietly.
"You don't need to feel guilty; we both should've been more honest." Udo's thumb swiped over the surface of Yuna's hand. "What's the underlying issue, Yuna?"
Yuna felt her chest tighten with anxiety at the prompt, her bangs obscuring her face. She didn't quite have the courage to say it out loud.
Udo sighed, "Does it have something to do with my parents? You mentioning that I couldn't show you off to the other Feys?" If Yuna lifted her head to see his face, she would've seen the dejected expression that Udo tried to hide.
Yuna nodded slowly.
Udo's discouragement only grew; "Yuna... didn't I already tell you I don't care about how you look? Why are you suddenly so fixated on not having wings or horns? That's just silly. Did... did I say something?" He pressed, voice rising with a tinge of panic.
"No, it was nothing you did Udo." Yuna unlaced their hands, crossing them over her body to protect herself from the October chill.
"Then what is it?" Udo pressed, eyes watching her closely.
Yuna felt her cheeks grow warm; she didn't want to sound like some catty girl crying to her boyfriend for being bullied, but... it really didn't make her feel good.
"At Borra's birthday party, these feys cornered me-"
Yuna paused as she saw Udo instantly tense in a silent fury.
She laid her hand atop his shoulder, coaxing him to keep a level head.
"They didn't hurt me." She clarified.
Only once Udo relaxed did Yuna continue;
"I knew that they were trying to get to me, they're obviously your fangirls. I knew that, and yet it still... bugged me. You never really mentioned before that big wings and tall horns were a highly valued beauty standard with the Feys... I think I couldn't help but feel self conscious." Yuba reddened as she confessed, did she sound too childish at this point?
Udo's brow furrowed, and his teeth almost grit. "Those girls... I think I have a fairly faint idea of who you're talking about. They're jealous, Yuna; don't tell me you really fell for that?" He almost sounded exasperated. "I didn't tell you about such things because they were trivial, and unnecessary. You'd react exactly how you are now; why would I tell you something that would make you self conscious?"
Well, when he put it that way Yuna just felt silly.
"I... I guess I didn't really think about it like that." She confessed with a small chuckle. "It just... really started to bug me. I guess it reminded me that we're really completely different..."
Udo was quick to respond, "So? What does that matter, Yuna? I fell in love with you because I don't care about that. What do I have to say to get you to believe me?" Udo's exasperated tone made Yuna sigh, the girl turning in her seat to fully face the Fey.
"But I do care Udo!" She didn't want to raise her voice; but she couldn't help but become a bit frustrated again.
"Can't you try and see it how I see it? I don't care if I have wings... I just care that we might've rushed into all of this! We didn't think living together through, and... and..."
That day on the beach flashed through Yuna's mind.
"... and maybe I don't know you as well as I thought I did. For heaven's sake Udo, we've been living together for five months and I didn't even know that your parents were dead!"
Udo stared at Yuna intently, the two silent.
Slowly, Udo turned away from her to stare down into his tea; the dark color still steaming.
"...Well then ask me whatever you want."
Yuna blinked. "What?"
Udo's eyes didn't tear away from the tea. "If you really feel like you don't know me, then ask me whatever you want to know. You're right; sometimes I still think you know as much as you did five years ago. I'm not exactly the most open person." His voice was quiet, and steady.
His words peaked her interest, "Are you saying that the me from five years ago knows more about you?" She questioned softly.
Udo's contemplated the notion, before slowly nodding; "Yes... I do believe so. He took a sip from the tea. "My parents died when I was very young Yuna; I don't even remember them. They perished along with Borra's father, and Ini's older sister. By the time the elders had whisked away all of the young to the Cavernous Nest... many of us had lost all of our families." Udo's somber tone made Yuna's eyes widen.
"Borra and Ini... they lost their family too?" She whispered.
Udo nodded, "Shrike as well. That's the reason we're all as close as we are now; we only had each other growing up. They're the first family I remember having, the only constant I had as a child." Yuna didn't remember a time she'd ever seen such a vulnerable expression on Udo's face, and her chest began to feel like a heavy weight was placed in it.
"...I'm happy you had them." Yuna leaned forward to brush away some of Udo's long platinum strands, wanting to see his face more clearly. "Back then, and even now." She offered him a small smile. "Thank you for telling me that."
Udo hummed, "I'm grateful I have them too. When I didn't have you... they got me through it." He agreed quietly. "Go ahead ask me something else."
Yuna eyed him unsurely. "...I don't want to make you upset." She started.
She was pleasantly surprised when Udo finally tore his eyes away from his tea, his lips delicately pressing to Yuna's jaw. "It's alright; I want you to know. You're my heart."
Yuna felt her cheeks heat with joy. "What were... what were their names?" She didn't have to specify who she was talking about.
"Orion and Elewen." Udo gave her a soft smile. "My mother and father; Elewen and Orion of the Tundra." 
Yuna's lips quirked at the answer; "I wish I could've met them. I know you've grown into a fey that they're proud of, Udo." She whispered, hand continuing brushing his locks in an act of comfort. Udo rubbed her hand in silent thanks. "Of the Tundra... do family names exist amongst Dark Feys?"
"We don't have such a thing; our family name would simply be where we hail from." He explained. "Udo of the Tundra, Shrike of the Jungle... so on and so forth."
Yuna nodded her head in understanding. 'Interesting... I guess I won't be taking anyone's last name at our wedding then.' She thought humorously.
"You know... you are much more open now than you were five years ago." Udo whispered. "All that time ago, you refused to tell me a single thing about Miyagata or your family. Not that I blamed you, but... I feel happier knowing more about you now." He smiled warmly, and Yuna shared his grin. "What's your family name, Yuna?"
The girl rested her cheek on her fist as she leaned against the table, eyes never leaving Udo once. "Asai." She answered softly, the name almost foreign to her tongue. Now that she'd spoken it... Yuna couldn't actually remember the last time she'd ever introduced herself with the name. "I stopped using it once I came to Ulstead. Made things easier." She whispered.
Udo seemed troubled by that; "But it's your family name... why not start using it now?" He suggested, only to be met with Yuna shaking her head.
"Some things are better left in the past." Was all the girl responded with.
Udo chose not to press the matter. He softly asked, "What were your parent's names?"
Yuna smiled in a quiet reminisce,
"Percy, and Ilia." The names instantly brought an inexplicable warmth to Yuna. "Ilia and Percy Asai... my mom and dad." She whispered.
Udo rubbed her thigh, a comforting act. They didn't need to speak to know that the topic was sensitive for both of them... but the fact that they'd discussed it meant the world. In a way, it was like a quiet prayer to the four of them as Udo and Yuna spoke their names for the first time in many years.
"I'm happy that that's at least cleared up... I'm sorry if I got too emotional." Yuna changed the topic, swirling her tea absentmindedly as her blanket fell from her shoulders. "I've just been worried."
"It's okay. I'm sorry too; I believe I got too emotional as well." Udo's soft voice broke into her thoughts.
It was Udo's next statement that made Yuna perk her head up;
"It doesn't matter that we're different, you know."
Yuna cocked her head at him, prompting Udo to continue.
He gave her a faint smile, his hand coming up to brush her cheek. "I know that our relationship... isn't conventional, but I don't believe that's a negative thing. All relationships have bumps in them; ours just happen to be different from others." His eyes held a sad glint as he suddenly latched onto her hand.
"Please, don't ever say that we rushed into things; I've waited too long for you. I don't think my heart will be able to take it. Whatever needs to be fixed, we'll work on it. I won't sleep in the Moors anymore, I'll tell you whatever you want to know about myself, I don't care if you're not a fey... please don't regret any of this-"
Yuna could see the almost desperate and silent plea in Udo's eyes, and she felt guilt flare within her. Practically on the edge of her seat, Yuna went to embrace the Fey.
"I don't regret a damn thing." Yuna clarified, hearing Udo sigh in sheer relief as he embraced her back. "You're right; all couples have their own issues. But I love you, I love our life... they're all easy fixes. You don't need to worry about bending over backwards, Udo; I'll always meet you half way." Yuna smiled, the troubles in her heart finally starting to feel quelled.
"We can start with the cottage; Aurora gave it to us, so we can make any renovations we want. Let's make it our home, Udo. Not just "that cottage the faeries raised Aurora in". Also..."
Yuna's released the embrace, bringing a hand up to softly stroke the bruise that still faintly blemished Udo's high cheek. "I know that you can protect me, and I know what I stand for. Don't let what people say cloud your judgement; I can handle it Udo. We can handle it together... no more fights." She gently chided, Udo's eyes soft as he watched her.
Udo nodded silently, and Yuna pressed a rewarding kiss to his nose.
"I promise, I'll be more vocal about my feelings... and I want you to do the same. I don't want to fight, Yuna. Even though it's inevitable, and we'll get into a great deal more..." The two shared a chuckle. "I don't ever want us to become distant."
"We won't, we'll make sure of that." Yuna cooed at him, "I will, Udo. I promise. I won't let everything fester, like I just did." She offered him a toothy smile. "I'm sorry."
Udo smiled tenderly. "I'm sorry too." He cupped Yuna's face, pressing a kiss to her hairline; "I'll say it one last time; It doesn't matter that we're different. That's what I love about us." Another kiss to her forehead, "We'll figure out the cottage situation so that we can both be comfortable, and I promise that I'll tell you whatever you want to know about myself. You're my heart, I never want you to feel like you don't know me."
Yuna's eyes fluttered shut under his kisses.
"I do know you... I just want you to lean on me. We'll both start learning more about each other as we keep going through life together; I understand that now." She whispered. "There's still so much more I want to tell you; and so much more that I want to ask you."
Suddenly, a memory surfaced in Yuna's mind.
"Udo... I'd really like to get to know you more." She spoke softly, her breath tickling his nose. At this point, Udo's magic had long since stopped healing the now missing cut, but neither one of them made a move to retract from the other.
A slender finger brushed the bangs away from her eyes, and Udo gently responded a breathy, "Wonderful."
Yuna's face broke into a grin; if only she knew what was coming, back then.
"Udo... I'd really like to get to know you more." Yuna reiterated with a heavy blush; was this too corny? Would Udo even get it?
The flash of pure mirth and wonder in her Fey's eyes told her that he understood it more than anything.
The two re-embraced, and everything felt right in Yuna's world again. Conflicts were unavoidable in any relationship; but they weren't there to push them away.
They were there to make them stronger; and Yuna and Udo had been through more than enough to be tough as nails.
"...Though I would prefer if you had a nice set of wings, on you."
Yuna playfully hit the fey, and Udo burst into laughter.
A few days later...
"Yuna, darling, I love you but that's a horrible idea."
Udo sighed, rubbing his forehead tiredly as he and Yuna stood outside; inspecting their cottage.
Yuna pouted. "How?!"
Udo deadpanned, "Really? A built in crows nest on the roof? Do you want our home to look like a pirate ship?"
Yuna slapped the Fey's arm with her rolled up construction plan, the blueprint carefully sketched by her and her steady artist's hand. "I was trying to keep your comfort level in mind!" She protested.
Udo shook his head in exasperation, an adoring grin on his face as he brought a hand up to ruffle her hair. "As much as I appreciate it, it's just not feasible. Come on, trust me; my idea will work."
His hand came up to trace around the cottage; his vision coming to life before the couple as Udo spoke,
"We'll just add on to what we already have; both in height and width. We'll get an actual master bedroom fit for a couple; not just a single teenage girl. We'll have a bigger space for the living room, kitchen, bathroom. We can add a greenhouse, have an office put in for your work at the castle, we can add in a room for you to work on your painting... a few extra rooms...."
Udo trailed down to whisper the last part in her ear. "For any future little offspring."
Yuna rolled her eyes despite her heavily blushed cheeks, "Okay, I'll give in. You're right." She sighed. The more Yuna thought about the sentiment... the happier she became. "...I love all of those ideas, Udo."
Udo's happy grin shone brightly, "Perfect. We'll have to get started as soon as we can." His hand laced into Yuna's. "But for now... Let's take a stroll around the Moors. Maybe some of the others have a few embarrassing teenager stories they'd like to share with you."
Yuna snickered, "Well, now you're just being too generous." She squeezed his hand, and her voice softened. "...Can you tell me a bit more about your parents? I know that you don't remember much, but still..." Gently, Yuna set the construction plans down against the cottage.
Udo's arm slipped around her waist as they set off on their trek through the auburn-colored Moors; "Of course." He smiled. "It...makes me happy to talk about them."
"I thought you didn't like bringing up the past?" Yuna questioned, the afternoon overcast casting drearily over the faerie realm.
Udo's hand squeezed her side, "I like it when it's with you."
The first drop of rain hit Yuna's cheek, and she grinned;
"Well then, I certainly won't stop you." Her eyes cast up to the dark clouds,
'Elewen, Orion... I'll take good care of him, I promise.' She silently vowed.
Little did Yuna know, Udo was thinking the same thing as he watched her fondly;
'Percy, Ilia, Mina, Leo; I swear, she's in good hands. I'll always make sure of it.'
Yuna rested her head on Udo's shoulder, and he held her even closer as October's colorful leaves scattered the grounds of the Moors.
Sure, Udo and Yuna weren't your conventional couple.
They would face hardships that were more brutal than most, they would have tribulations that many would never experience... but the best things in life were worth fighting for.
They loved each other; Udo's heart and Yuna's star.
Their love languages simply couldn't be classified into something as simple as "giving affection" or "receiving gifts", the two would actually be rather insulted if someone asked them to categorize it in such a way.
The way they loved each other simply couldn't be placed into words. For Yuna, Udo was her steady place; he was her home and her most cherished. For Udo, Yuna was akin to starlight personified; and he was drunkenly adored to every aspect of her.
Their relationship wasn't akin to your usual couple, and their love languages were their own unique practices; and in that moment Udo and Yuna knew that they'd never want it any other way.
It was their own world, and their own universe; somewhere and something that only they could ever understand.
Hope you enjoyed!! I really felt re-invigorated writing this chapter and it felt so wonderful and authentic, I hope that it showed : ) 💕 Show your support if you want!~
Thank you all for 14k, you're amazing ❤️
I truly enjoyed writing this chapter so much, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I love exploring the more realistic aspects of their relationship; all couples fight! All of them have bumps in the road; especially when one's a faerie and one's a human! It can't be all fluff all the time, but I still made this chapter fluffy 😉
Stay safe out their everyone! Wash your hands, don't touch your face!
Sending lots of love, I'll see you all in the next chapter!!~ (^3^)

Purity in the Stars *Maleficent: Mistress of Evil- Udo Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now