Chapter Twenty Seven: Night of the Soul

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The uproar within Castle Ulstead was akin to the day Queen Ingrith had made the skies a war zone.
It was a handful of hours after the Winter Solstice; so late into the night but so early in the morning.
Yuna's heart pounded in her chest as she worked between Maleficent and Ini on their bedsides; eyes burning and her breath held constrictively in her chest.
"Don't stop healing them!" Yuna barked the order out to the spiritual fey that worked on both women, unintentionally coming off harsher than she meant to.
She was worried; crippled to her core with a bubbling anxiety.
Yuna pushed an herbal tonic through both of their lips, listened to their rapid heart rates and tried to soothe their erratic breathing patterns.
Still in her gown from the Winter Solstice, Yuna wiped at her sweaty brow as she ran a cold washcloth against Ini's flushed face.
As Yuna pulled away from her, Ini grabbed onto her fleeting wrist and squeezed hard.
Yuna's eyes shot down to Ini's crumpled form on the infirmary bed; kneeling by her side and stroking her hair comfortingly.
"Yuna...Yuna..." Ini was almost gasping for breath as she weakly clung onto Yuna, eyes pained and fearful.
"It's okay." Yuna firmly stated.
Her thoughts betrayed her as she witnessed how rapidly Ini's chest heaved, up and down and up and down like her lungs were frantically trying to fill with air.
Ini's eyes desperately tried to focus on Yuna's angelic face.
"You're going to be okay Ini." Yuna repeated. Firm, without any wavering; even if Yuna felt terrified herself.
Even if she didn't know if she truly believed the notion.
The magic wrapped around Ini like a comforting blanket as the spiritual fey kneaded into her bedside; the healing they cast trying desperately to save the desert fey and keep her eyes moving.
"I've got you." Yuna glanced over her shoulder, looking to where Maleficent lay in the opposite bed. Her breathing wasn't as rapid; it was very shallow. Her eyes were half-lidded, and she jerked as the other fey imbued her with their healing spells.
"Both of you." Yuna firmly whispered.
"I see...I see my sister..." Ini breathed out, causing Yuna to whip her head back towards the faerie.
Yuna's pupils blew out with worry, and she followed Ini's eyes off to a distant and unseeable point.
"I see her; Asteria...she's smiling at me, with everyone else..." Ini mumbled, eyes threatening to flutter shut as she attempted a grin.
"I'm happy..."
Yuna immediately slapped Ini's cheek; hard.
"Ini, do not close your eyes! I mean it!" She barked worriedly, already shuffling through her next set of herbs.
"It's not time for you to go yet. It's not time for you to go back home yet."
The chaos in the infirmary was immeasurable; spirit fey lined both beds that held Ini and Maleficent. They were exhausted beyond measure from the repeated and nonstop exertion of their magic, and Yuna wasn't far behind them. Rags, balms, herbs, medicine and buckets of water littered her working space as she tried desperately to save her two dear friends.
There was just one problem;
Yuna didn't know what the hell was wrong with them.
No one did.
"You're not picking up anything with your magic? Nothing at all?" Yuna exasperatedly grit out as she shushed Ini, Mirania answering back in an equally exhausted reply.
"Her energy's just blocked." Mirania winced as Ini's calf met her shoulder.
"I don't know how to explain it; I don't know what's going on. It's like her magic is rejecting her own body. I don't know how to stop it, I don't know...I don't know..." Mirania trailed off in whimper; her panic beginning to overtake her.
Yuna gulped thickly.
'If the Spirit Fae's magic can't even save Ini...' Yuna hushed another dry cry, quickly preparing the next blend of medicine. It would control inflammation and promote blood flow...that should do something, right?
'How the hell am I going to be of any use?'
A cry from one of the fey tending to Maleficent burst through the air, slicing through the already thundering commotion.
Yuna rapidly turned towards the cry, meeting the young forest fey's fearful eyes.
The fey stuttered, tears threatening to spill over;
"M-Maleficent! She's not breathing!"
Yuna sprung into action immediately, the sentence not even fully registering in her head as she did so.
"Move!" Yuna shouted, pushing past the increasingly fretting fey to get to the Phoenix. Sure enough, Maleficent lay stone still on the old infirmary bed.
Her eyes lids fluttered rapidly, and Yuna could see the soul slowly beginning to ascend right out of the fey's body.
Yuna only had a brief moment to internally panic before she went to loom over the fey.
"Don't stop healing her!" Yuna spoke firmly as her hands came up to Maleficent's still chest.
She laced one hand on top of the other; thankful it quelled the small shakes there. Yuna sucked in a breath, then immediately made contact to the exposed and still warm skin.
The first impact of her firm palms to Maleficent's sternum felt like Yuna had pushed through an ocean's thick currents. She broke through the initial barrier, then the second pump was met with a brutal and resounding "crack!"
The spiritual fey had suppressed their winces as they  healed the bones that Yuna broke in the process of getting Maleficent's heart beating again; Yuna's curls bouncing as her palms met the fey's chest with a solid rhythm.
The bed beneath Maleficent creaked, and Yuna felt cold as the fey's eyes showed no signs of glimmering with light, and her lips made no attempt to gasp at any air.
'You're not going that easily...' Yuna's teeth ground together as she kept her pace, another sickening crackling noise filling the room.
The bones and muscles beneath Yuna's palms felt like a sponge, and she felt an overwhelming sense of dread.
Who knew that the technique meant to save lives actually did so much damage in the process?
Yuna didn't know if it was anger or panic that filled her nerves as she continued to try and resuscitate Maleficent, but she knew that with each fleeting second that the woman didn't look at her with her usual cat that ate the canary grin and mischievous green irises, she felt inexplicably chilled.
The adrenaline threatened to make Yuna shake as sweat gathered at her brow, and as her hard work continued to be fruitless for a minute more one of the healing fey couldn't help but look to her with helplessness, and with pity.
"She isn't coming back, Yuna." It was a male fey that spoke, clearly from the Tundra.
His eyes were deeply sad, and his tone was as gentle as he could make it.
Yuna ignored the, in her opinion, bullshit statement.
She continued, struggling to keep a steady rhythm but prevailing over her exhaustion and running emotions.
The Fey tried again,
"Let us help her pass with honor, Yuna. It's Dark Fey tradition; please, she isn't-"
"I said to not stop healing her, dammit!" Yuna's eyes cut sharply to the tundra faerie, her own aggressiveness even catching her off guard.
The male blinked, conflicted and clearly upset, before he slowly nodded. He rejoined his fellow kin as they knead into the bedside; magic fixing broken bone and trying to assist Yuna in getting the fey's heart beating again.
Yuna continued in her efforts, not allowing any tears to enter her eyes and only focusing on saving her dear friend... who was much more of a mentor, than anything.
As she stared at Maleficent's paling face, Yuna briefly remembered their conversation just an hour prior...
She felt more sick.
'You can't go saying stuff like that, and then drop dead on me.' Yuna's palms met Maleficent's chest with more resolve than ever, and she manifested and prayed with all of her power that somehow, her heart would start beating again.
'What if I am? You're just not going to be there? Just going to die on me?' Yuna's palms beat down like she were digging into the earth itself to try and extract its hidden riches.
She bit into her lip so hard that the skin immediately split, and she pushed herself over Maleficent so that the leverage gave her pumps of resuscitation all the more power.
It was the last stretch, any longer without a response and that would be it for Maleficent.
Yuna's exhaustion gave way to clarity, the fey's magic glowing around her skin;
'I won't let you!'
Maleficent's limp wings suddenly flailed out like a wild animal, and Yuna was promptly knocked onto the ground.
Buckets and cabinets shook in her wake, pain momentarily registering in Yuna's brain as her body collided with the infirmary's contents. She winced, but immediately sat up upon the fey's flurrying movements.
Maleficent's wings continued to beat and to lash out, almost like they'd awoken from a confusing stupor. Mirroring the crouching healing fey, Yuna just barely managed to dodge the feathery weapons as she slinked back up to Maleficent's bedside.
Her eyes were closed, but her face was clearly contorted with a registered pain.
Maleficent kicked and groaned on the bed, and Yuna managed to dodge another right hook from the shadowy wings before she gently placed her hand over the Fey's cold cheek.
"It's alright..." She whispered, although she didn't quite know what was wrong to begin with.
Maleficent cried out weakly again, and the spiritual fey watched as Yuna soothed their weakened Phoenix.
It seemed to work; Maleficent's wings slowly calmed, her fighting ceased. The infirmary grew quiet as the watched Yuna tend to the fey, her tired eyes beaming with sheer relief as Maleficent's first steady breath danced from her lips.
Her chest rose, and fell. Then again. And again.
Maleficent had come back.
Yuna's face cracked into an exasperated grin, and her eyes finally crinkled with small tears. While Maleficent had yet to wake up, she was, for the moment, seemingly out of the woods.
Rather, at least at the border of them.
"You heard me, didn't you?" Yuna whispered, smoothing down Maleficent's silky brown hair. Carefully, she pulled the warm wool blanket up to the fey's shoulders.
"Wake up. We need you here."
Yuna spoke the command gently as she watched Maleficent's chest rise and fall steadily. Despite the fact that she had yet to awaken, and the cause of why she'd fallen under in the first place was still a mystery, Yuna felt like she could finally breathe.
On the topic of taking a breath, a quiet and peaceful exhale sounded right behind Yuna.
Snapped back into the present, Yuna quickly spun on her knees to look back at the equally as unsettled desert fey.
Yuna smiled tiredly at the sight.
Much like Maleficent, Ini's fits of pain and cries of anguish had settled down into a (seemingly) peaceful slumber. Dried tear streaks blotted her cheeks, causing her painted markings to slightly run. The beads in her braided hair had fallen loose, but her expression was one of contentment.
Mirroring the sentiment on Maleficent, Yuna carefully pulled the blankets over the slumbering fey.
Yuna glanced to the corner that Ini had cried out to just minutes before, looking back to her with a small smile.
'It's not time to join them just yet.' Yuna careful patted at Ini's damp cheeks.
Slowly, she rose to her feet with a groan.
"We're not out of the woods yet." Yuna spoke, rubbing a heavy hand over her face.
"But for now, they're stable."
Yuna lifted her gaze so that she could address all of the spiritual fey in the room. She gave a them a deep bow, almost stumbling over and collapsing into the floor as she did so.
"Thank you all for your help. I know it was your magic that did a majority of the work; I can't begin to thank you enough." Yuna's sincere testament settled over the messy and lowly-lit infirmary.
She kept her head bowed for a moment more, before lifting it up.
"You all must be exhausted. Please, take refuge and rest in the castle until Borra and Udo return. I'll stay here and look after Maleficent and Ini."
Yuna's offer was meant with a few exchanged looks amongst the fey, murmurs bouncing about them.
As tired and strung out as Yuna felt, she couldn't in good conscious abandon her job when her two patients were her friends. The girl still wasn't convinced they wouldn't fall into another terrifying fitful spell; Yuna already planned on staying up the rest of the night to monitor them.
It would also help to run tests, to see what caused the whole episode in the first place...if that were even something minuscule human science could measure.
Surprisingly, Mirania's worn out voice spoke up first.
"Are you sure?" The offer seemed genuine enough, the tundra fey taking in Yuna's disheveled appearance.
Yuna offered her a smile, leaning against one of the many medical carts in the room.
"Positive." Yuna nodded firmly, immediately following it with a wince.
She suddenly wanted to avoid that word.
"I'm quite sure. Don't forget, this is my job."
Turning her back to the fey, Yuna decided to busy herself with the preparation of bandages and rubbing alcohol.
A fruitless endeavor, but she had to feel like she were doing something worthwhile.
"Go on, go rest. The castle guards will show you to the guest bedrooms, where the other fey are waiting for you. Udo and Borra will likely summon all of you once they report their findings, so I'd recommend resting now."
A beat of silence, and then Yuna heard the various wings in the room rustle as they bowed their thanks.
It meant a lot to Yuna; there was no doubt in her mind they leaving two of their own in the care of a human required an immense amount of trust.
Trust they had in her.
"Right. Thank you, Yuna."
"Please don't hesitate to retrieve one of us should something happen."
"If you need some sleep, please come and get me."
One by one, the barefoot fey strode out of the warm infirmary; still in their festive garbs from the winter solstice.
There wasn't a doubt in Yuna's mind that the fey were probably much more exhausted than her. From the emotional turmoil they'd endured to pushing themselves to the very brink of their sanity by constantly pumping their magic into Maleficent and Ini, they were all probably close to collapsing.
A hand settled on Yuna's shoulder, and she turned with a start.
She was immediately met with the Jungle fey whom she'd not only saw tending to his pregnant mate at the solstice celebration, but also who stayed within the infirmary to try and help his two kin members.
He gave her a tired but beaming smile, hand held over his heart in a sign of gratitude and camaraderie.
"Thank you, Yuna. For everything." His voice was deep, and soulful. Comforting.
"If you hadn't intervened and been as stubborn as you were...I think we may of lost both of them. Thank you."
Yuna's heart warmed at the sentiment. She turned fully so she could greet the jungle fey back with a quirk of her lips, hand outstretched to him.
"Of course; they may not be my kin, but Maleficent and Ini are part of my family. I'd do the same for any one of you." Yuna's response brought a glimmer to the faerie's eyes.
"Your name is...?"
"Mato." The fey was quick to respond with a short bow.
Yuna had to bit back a grin at the Jungle Fey's seriousness; a stark contrast to the rather carefree demeanor of Shrike. Were they really of the same tree?
After he'd shaken her hand, Yuna let her gaze fall back to the medical cart she'd been working on. An idea popped into her head; and she set to gather her supplies.
"It's great to meet you, Mato." Yuna hummed.
"You have a pregnant wife waiting for you, right?"
Mato seemed startled that Yuna knew such a detail, considering they'd just met.
Yuna chuckled at the look of alarm and protectiveness that flashed over his face, tying off a small burlap bundle of medicine.
"Not a stalker. I saw you both at the Winter Solstice." Carefully, she placed the bundle into Mato's hold.
"There are two different kinds of medicine in there; one for nausea and one for fatigue. I'm sure your magic may help with the pregnancy immensely, but I can't send you off empty handed."
Mato stared at the wrapped up remedies, clearly touched by the gesture. His fingertips traced over their cloth packaging, and he smiled;
"I can see why Udo is so in love with you. We've only spoken for a few moments; but I can see you have a very loving soul."
Mato's smile grew, and Yuna blushed.
"My Heart's name is Tayen. She's due any day now... these last few weeks have made her miserable. Aches and pains everywhere, can't fly, can never sleep comfortably..." Mato gestured towards the medicine.
"If your remedies can alleviate her even a little bit, I'd be a very happy fey."
His words and expression brought a sweetness to the air around them. The look in Mato's eyes as he talked about his heart, and his unborn child...Yuna felt a great deal of sensitivity from the fey.
She patted his forearm comfortingly;
"Have Tayen take both medicines once a day, before her first meal. I promise she'll feel much better once it begins to integrate into her system. Everything in the medicine is all natural; it won't harm the baby in any way." Yuna smiled.
"Go on and go to her now, I'm sure she's starting to miss you." She advised, motioning towards the infirmary's hinged door.
"I believe the fey are currently in the north wing; they'll probably appreciate the update on Maleficent and Ini."
Giving her a lingering smile, Mato nodded briefly.
"Right. I'll inform them on everything." Mato started for the door, before almost immediately halting.
Yuna watched him unsurely.
"...Thanks again, Yuna." His voice was soft, and Yuna could practically feel the relief radiating from the jungle faerie.
'Tayen must not be having an easy pregnancy.' Yuna figured in her head, glancing to her two patients.
'It's a miracle all of this chaos didn't send her into labor...although it sounds like she may have preferred that.'
"If you and Tayen ever want to come see me for a check up or for any medicine, my door is always open. No appointment needed."
Yuna saw Mato relax even more, and he gave her a side smile from over his shoulder;
"I must be an easy read." He mused, chest rumbling from a faint chuckle.
Yuna huffed; it didn't exactly take a psychic to see something like anxiety.
"I'm just really good at my job." Yuna winked, before turning back to her supplies. "Have a good night."
She heard Mato shuffle for a few moments more, before walking off with a soft footsteps. From the doorway, Yuna heard him call out;
"I'll see you around, please give Udo my best regards."
Yuna nodded, her eyes falling shut as she heard the door close behind him. Her supplies, which she were only fiddling with absentmindedly, fell from her hands which ungracefully caught her face.
Yuna sighed heavily in that position, hand bunching into her frizzled hair as she kicked at the metal cart.
She wasn't ready for any of this.
Her shoulders rolled back with a pop. Yuna gripped the edge of the metal until her knuckles burned from the pressure, pushing the cart into the wall with a grunt.
The infirmary air was cold as she collected herself, the anger in her subsiding as she allowed herself a few long breaths.
Precisely, and carefully, Yuna went to her two patients with a heavy heart; clipboard in hand and tools at her disposal.
Pulled back their eyelids, their pupils weren't blown out or too receded. They pulse was just a hint of weak, but nothing worth sounding alarms over; their hearts rang loudly and they pulsed and beat at a steady rhythm. Body temperature was normal, skin was a healthy color; no signs of disruption in blood circulation were present.
Yuna frowned, rather dumbfounded as she trekked back and forth to look over her recently conducted findings.
They were...normal. By textbook logic, they were fine. Healthy, even.
So how on earth were they in this predicament to begin with?
Yuna stoke a glance out one of the windows;
It had to have been far into the witching hour now.
How long had Udo been gone? Yuna was more worried than she'd been in a longtime.
After Maleficent and Ini had fallen, complete chaos had ensued in the Moors. Udo couldn't even accompany Yuna back to the castle; the warrior fey led by him and Borra took off towards the Cavernous Nest almost immediately.
A chill ran through Yuna, her gaze on the moon turning sour.
'If what Mina said was true...Azazel may be after the Phoenix. He may be after Maleficent.' Yuna gulped thickly.
'We took every precaution. Every method of protection, surveillance...Did Azazel slip right past us? Why hasn't he even announced himself?'
Striding towards the arched window, Yuna's hands rested on the sill. She looked over the castle's front lawns painted by an ominous moonlight, her breath catching onto the glass and fogging it.
'...And why is Leo nowhere to be found in the midst of all this?'
The thought seized Yuna in a familiar anxiety, her muscles tensing just in time for a frantic knock to ring out across the nursery.
Yuna's head shot towards the door, and she was quick to answer the knocker's call. It didn't take a genius to figure who was on the other side.
The door opened with a click, and Yuna was immediately met with frantic eyes and worried voices.
"Yuna..." Diaval breathed, immediately grabbing hold of her shoulders.
His dark eyes were red, and freshly wet. Yuna could see every nerve in his body firing off, and just from the simple enunciation of her name, Yuna could hear all of the crippling fear in the raven's voice.
Diaval threatened to shake, his lips quivering as he clung onto Yuna desperately. His eyes pleaded to her,
"Maleficent, is she...?"
Yuna gently rubbed at Diaval's cheek, before stepping aside. She gave the bird a full view of Maleficent's breathing, resting body in the infirmary bed.
Her lips held a small and encouraging smile;
"She's okay, Diaval. Go to her."
Yuna watched as the first sob left Diaval's relieved form.
The raven gave her shoulders one last squeeze, pressing a gratitude-filled kiss to her right temple before sprinting past her.
Diaval launched himself to Maleficent's bedside like he'd entered his raven form. He immediately knelt by her, lithe fingers brushing away the damp brown baby hairs that stuck to her pale forehead. Diaval's eyes scanned her over, tracing the veins in her skin and watching with hope-filled irises as Maleficent's calm breaths left her nude lips.
A cry came from Diaval, and he hugged Maleficent close, face buried in her neck and body going limp with relief.
Yuna watched as the raven cried over his mistress. His anguished tears were hidden in her skin and he was glued to her like he had no intention of ever letting go; Yuna knew he had no intention of ever releasing her.
Yuna watched them, tiredness fading and instead being replaced by something akin to melancholy. She barely registered Shrike talking at her side;
"Gods...Is that really Ini?" Shrike's voice was absent of its common sunshine, a trend that Yuna had noticed since this entire ordeal with Azazel first began.
Yuna could see Shrike struggle to maintain her composure, to not completely fall apart. Yuna notes her reddened eyes, a clear sign of past tears, and a rather scratchy undertone to her voice; also a give away of her cries.
Gently, Yuna's hand raked over her winged back in a grounding comfort. Shrike sucked in a short breath, and Yuna pulled the taller fey into an awkward but sincere side embrace.
"I know it's scary to see them like this...but they're okay. It's alright." Yuna reassured quietly.
Shrike nodded as Yuna spoke, like she was trying to make herself become convinced by Yuna's words. She sniffled, and Yuna released her.
"Go to her; she'll want to see you when she wakes up."
'Whenever that may be...' Yuna couldn't add the last part.
Shrike nodded rapidly. Yuna knew that the fey tried desperately to conjure something up that sounded like "thank you", but her throat seemed to constrict even tighter.
Yuna gave her winged back a firm pat, it both quelled the fey's frustration and gave her the final push to go to her fallen friend's side. Much like Diaval, Shrike crumpled by Ini's bedridden form with a teary grin. The Fey was too scared to touch Ini, like she'd break, but settled instead to take a protective stance right by her side; wings shielding her from any incoming danger.
Yuna didn't blame her; they still didn't even know what the hell happened.
'Some kind of terror attack...?' Yuna's bit the inside of her lip, more infuriated than scared. 'No...that's not possible, the Moors is sacred one can use magic like that but the faeries...'
Her thoughts disrupted, and the worried whispers of Diaval and Shrike ringing in the background, Yuna turned towards the voice.
The guard stood in the open doorway, and Yuna gave him a tired smile. A cock of his head gave Yuna the cue to follow him into the somberly lit hallway, and Yuna did so obediently.
Once outside the infirmary (which looked like an explosion had happened inside. It would take Yuna at least an entire afternoon to sort through everything) and in the marbled halls, Percival reaches over to shut the nursery door firmly. Their privacy now apparent, Percival eyed Yuna with an unreadable expression in his usual steely eyes.
Yuna stared back quietly, moonlight trailing through the stained glass and coloring Percival's dark skin. She could see it; the worry and almost panic seeping through Percival's stoic expression.
Well, that didn't really give her hope for his investigation findings.
Quiet for a moment more, Percival places a firm hand on Yuna's shoulder.
"You need to sit down." His deep voice almost commanded.
Yuna blinked; not what she expected being pulled out into the hallway for.
Letting Percival guide her, Yuna found herself nearly sinking into one of the lavishly padded benches at the end of the grand hall. Lowly lit torches illuminated her skin, and Yuna sighed as she went limp on the cushions. Her eyes fluttered shut, only to immediately fly open again at the sound of a heavy "thud!" before her.
Yuna's heart raced momentarily, bracing herself for some kind of second wave of attacks and fey's convulsing. Thankfully, her concern was almost instantly quelled upon the sight of Percival's muscular frame on the floor before her; kneeled and forehead pressed to the floor.
"Thank you." He breathed deeply, gloved hands squeezing into tight fists.
Tense once more, Yuna leaned in closer. She looked at Percival with furrowed brows, her voice cautiously soft.
"Whatever for?"
Lifting his head up, Percival's persona seemed to be completely eroded. Oh, for the rest of the king's royal guard to see their captain in and undignified seated position on the castle floors; face suddenly resembling a terrified teenage boy.
It scared Yuna, in all honesty. Who knew Percival even had this side to him?
"I've choked up this entire investigation. I'm supposed to be setting an example for the guards, I'm supposed to be Philip's shield and protect our people...but all I've done is be a statue in the background to all of this."
Percival's expression fell even more, and Yuna's eyes widened even more; the proclaimed Demon Commander of the King's Crownsguard... was breaking? Percival was breaking?
"Hey." Yuna was up to her feet instantly, kneeling by her comrade's side. The statement that fell from his lips immediately made a rush of déjà vu come over the healer.
Yuna tried to think of any kind of comforting act she could give the guard, settling for an awkward pat on his shaved head. She didn't think Percival would appreciate a hug very much; no matter how close they were.
"You're starting to sound like Udo, now." Yuna smiled fondly, remembering her heartfelt conversation with her fey just days prior. Honestly, were all these wonderful men so insecure?
"You've been Philip's right hand man since he was still a child. Your battle experience and conquests have made you the most renowned swordsman in Ulstead, you were able to protect the people from Ingrith's attack-"
"I was on the wrong side for that!" Percival stood abruptly at his exclamation, storming to a nearby window. "I blindly followed Ingrith! Innocent fey lost their lives that day, and I was complicit in it- hell, I made it happen myself!"
Yuna still sat on the ground, dumbfounded as Percival punched into a nearby bookcase. His head fell into his hands on the window sill, and Yuna pushed herself up.
"Percival..." She started carefully.
"Ingrith was manipulative, and she merely took advantage of your loyalty. It was nothing more than that. Fey may have died that day, but don't forget we lost some of our own in that courtyard as well. Misplaced blood was spilt on both sides." Yuna spoke calmly, and composed. She only took a single step towards the tense, and clearly emotional soldier.
"You rushed to the Moors tonight once you learned what had happened to the fey, and to their home. I don't know many humans who would do that."
Another step.
"It was your idea to house the fey in the castle for protection, right? I saw you carrying and comforting the young ones; making sure they got first pick on beds and food. You can't keep letting past mistakes mislead you, Percival. You're a good man."
Yuna stole a glance towards the infirmary door, still sure she could hear a muffled cry come from Diaval. "...Especially now, Philip and Aurora will need you more than ever. You're the oldest of all of us, Percival; certainly you know that your sins don't define you. You don't need an amateur healer to tell you that."
Her hand finally settled on Percival's shoulder, and stole a glance to his face. He still appeared crestfallen, and defeated. However, that remorse held a glimmer of hope in the guard's eyes as he gazed longingly out the window, somber.
Yuna matched him, turning her gaze to stare out at the twilight covered town of Ulstead.
Of course, with it being so early in the morning yet so late in the night, there were no lively streets or warmly glowing lanterns. Still, the feeling of peace and serenity was still present.
Families sleeping together, old couples warm in their beds, new parents bustling around trying to appease a new baby people getting ready to leave this world and others getting ready to enter was all going on in their big, but intimate little city. Their own universe.
That was when the guilt washed over Yuna at the realization; they were lying to all of them.
As much as they wanted to deny it, something sinister was beginning to unfold. With a sorrowful look to the distant Moors, Yuna felt a chill run all through her.
'It won't just be the Moors getting involved...all of those people will get pulled in too...'
Yuna's eyes wandered to the distant point where she knew her old shop, and home used to be. A melancholic sadness seemed to work it's away into her soul, and Yuna finished in a whisper,
"...I'm going to need you too."
Yuna felt the tension of Percival's form ever so slightly shift, and she suppressed a small jump as his large hand came to palm the top of her thick hair. Yuna glanced up at the gruff guard through her wispy bangs, and Percival met her with an affectionate smile.
"Udo was right; you definitely know the right things to say." Percival chuckled, and Yuna felt a bit of relief at his change in demeanor.
"Lovestruck fool..." He added under his breath.
Percival let his hand fall, and his lips return to their usual straight-lined strictness. He cleared his throat, almost as if he were embarrassed; like a boy after his fit. He smoothed a wrinkle on one of his pant legs, effectively tightly the sword strapped in at his side.
"...I apologize for that." Percival cleared his throat again, shuffling somewhat awkwardly.
"I meant it what I said before; when I thanked you."
"No worries." Yuna assured him coyly.
"Thank me for what, exactly?"
Percival eyed the healer exasperatedly, and rather dumbfounded. He motioned towards the door with a quirked brow, annoyed.
'Ah. There's the usual Percival.' Yuna grinned.
"You saved Maleficent and Ini. What else would I be referring to?" Percival asked incredulously.
"You've done more than I have; puts my position to shame."
The statement took Yuna aback. She followed his motion towards the door, crossing her arms as she leaned against the window sill. She shook her head slowly.
"If the spiritual fey hadn't been with me-"
Percival cut in,
"If the you hadn't been with the spiritual fey, you would've been just fine. Modesty can be just as unflattering as boasting." His tone was sharp, like a whip.
The praise was definitely encouraging to hear; especially from such a stickler like Percival himself. The sentiment automatically made a bashful smile creep onto Yuna's face, and she crossed her arms ever so tighter.
'...It's not bad to accept a compliment.'
"Thank you." Yuna bowed her head, the action relieving some of her knotted up neck muscles. She almost sighed, it had been a grueling night.
Percival continued, taking a beat to straighten himself. He copied Yuna's action, back leaning against the window sill. His brow quivered with a masked exhaustion,
"...That infernal curse is spreading through the Moors." Percival changed the topic abruptly, but of course that was why he had pulled Yuna out into the hallway to begin with.
Percival spoke the statement like there was something sour in his mouth, teeth bared as he grit them.
Yuna closed her eyes, steadying herself.
She spoke slowly,
"The rotting. That's what you're referring to, correct?" The image flashed into her mind once more; Ini's screams of pain, Maleficent collapsing; hellfire spewing out wildly and a wave of dying fauna spreading around them.
Yuna almost shuddered.
Percival grunted,
"That is no rot. That's some kind of magic; some type of curse." The guard hissed,
"I know you know that. Trying to pretend like it's something else wont make the problem any less fatal."
Yuna nodded minutely as Percival spoke; she could practically feel the man's growing anxiety. The concern he wouldn't be able to step up to the plate, the fear that Yuna knew all of them felt.
Were they going to lose each other?
"We'll find a solution, and we won't lose Maleficent and Ini. It's just like in the fairytales; curses are broken. We'll investigate even more vigorously than we ever have."
Yuna stated firmly as her resolve pulsed through her, eyes still closed as she let the idea settle within her.
Cowardice now would only prove fatal.
Percival didn't miss a beat;
"Investigations are over. If we want results, we need to take action. Now."
Yuna's eyes opened, and her chest squeezed with a palpable dread. She realized that she couldn't argue with the proclamation; whatever was happening started of slow like a prowling snake...and now it was striking like a ferocious jaguar.
If they didn't react, they were as good as dead.
Yuna felt her fingertips turn to ice, and her eyes gleamed sorrowfully.
Just then;
"I said to LET ME THROUGH! Now!"
Well, speaking of taking action.
"I wasn't asking permission- don't touch me! I can report you for sexual harassment; I know your boss!"
Yuna immediately straightened up from the window sill. Her heart raced; could it be...?
Clambering heeled footsteps sounded down the hall and towards the guard and healer; two guards struggling to maintain a grip on a rather rowdy teenager.
"Oh for fucks sake, I'm here to help! My sister works in the castle; let me through and I can help sort out this shit show!"
The angry cry bit out, and Yuna sighed heavily as she watched the girl's heeled boot intentionally connect with one of the guard's plated foot.
A yelp tore from the poor soldier, and Yuna bolted to catch the hand threatening to connect with the teenager's cheek.
"Wait!" Yuna exclaimed desperately, catching the guard's assault midair. Her hand gripped his wrist,
"Stop! She's my sister; she's just a bit on the rowdy side!"
Yuna cut a glare down to a sheepish Mina, then looked to Percival for assistance.
Were they going to catch a break tonight? No? What was next, a bloody tsunami?
Percival's face showed his annoyance at the entire nuisance, sighing heavily as his boots clunked over to the four. He waved his hand sharply, dismissing the guard's holds on Mina.
"Relax. Nothing more than a troublesome teenager." Mina opened her mouth to retort with a jaded cry, but immediately shut up once Percival cut his gaze towards her.
The guards appeared stunned; flabbergasted.
"But sir," One began, tone already threatened with a muted attitude.
"This girl was found scaling the castle walls; not to mention she is armed." At that, the rookie soldier made a grab for the blade tightly holstered to Mina's hip to emphasize his point.
Mina slapped his hand away with a dangerous snarl, and the guard exasperatedly stared at his commanding officer with a quirked brow.
"Can add assault to an officer to her charges as well; the little heathen bit me three different times while we were trying to lug her up here!"
Somewhere in the background, Mina snickered to herself quietly; almost proud.
"It was actually four."
Yuna pinched her sister's side with a curt frown, and Mina fell into a sulking silence once more.
Percival dismissed the words with another firm wave, saying;
"This girl is sister to Court Herbalist Yuna, and aid to their Highnesses. You will excuse her, gentlemen. Be on your way; watch over the north and west wing where we are sheltering the Moorfolk." He instructed firmly.
The guards shared one more scornful look. Clearly, they opted to cease the arguing that was futile, settling for one last scowl at Mina before loosening the ties around her wrists.
They murmured a hushed "Yes, Commander Percival.", Mina all the while grinning cheekily at them.
The guards slipped away, and Yuna instantly relaxed with a hefty relief.
She only briefly looked to her little sister before pulling her into a tight embrace; the contact feeling like a godsend after what had happened to them all in the past hours.
Yuna felt her emotions begin to construct her throat, and she managed to whisper out a quiet and sincere;
"I missed you."
Yuna gave her baby sister one more squeeze in their loving embrace, smiling as she felt the teen embrace her back just as willingly.
It brought Yuna peace; when she held Mina like this, it suddenly felt like she could protect the precious girl from any and all danger. No buccaneers on the high seas or merciless curses; just them.
"I missed you more." Mina's voice threatened to break with masked emotion.
It still was such a foreign feeling to the pirate; experiencing this kind of love. Feeling like she wasn't completely alone and small. Finding Yuna again was a godsend to the teen, and in the protection and adoration she knew Yuna would always give her, Mina felt like just maybe, she could experience what it was like to be a normal teenager-
The girl's inner dialogue came to halt as Yuna's hand came to ever so lovingly strike the back of her head.
Affectionately, of course.
"Don't ever do something so blatantly idiotic again!" Yuna eyes glinted dangerously, and Mina felt a cold sweat begin to take her as Yuna's embrace tightened.
In all the years they'd been apart, Mina forgot that to immediately contradict the holy angel that Yuna was, she also was a ruthless and fearful dictator.
"If I weren't here, you would have been thrown into the prisons or immediately executed. Why on earth were you even climbing the castle walls to begin with?!" Yuna exclaimed, that same fatigue starting to cast through her.
Mina pulled away from the sister's hug with a sheepish smile.
"The front gate was completely sealed! It was an emergency!" Mina bat away at Yuna's hand, only to immediately point an accusatory finger at her elder sister.
"You're really going to stand there and lecture me about illegally trespassing over the castle's barricades?!" She exclaimed.
"Where do you think I got it from?!"
Percival saw the expression on Yuna's face; the one that threatened total danger and that he only saw whenever her and Borra got into an argument.
Promptly, the guard wedged himself between the two women (respectfully, of course).
"Alright, enough." He huffed.
"I'll never understand why Asai women are so drawn to committing federal offenses...but I believe our priorities are drawn elsewhere."
Yuna released one more calming breath, resisting the urge to squeeze in one more lecture.
Percival was right; sibling squabbles aside, they were seemingly on the brink of an all out war.
"You're right." Yuna agreed reluctantly, thankful when Percival stepped away from them.
Face to face with Mina once more (who looked vaguely like a scolded child), Yuna pulled her into one more embrace.
She couldn't help it; oh how she'd missed the girl.
"Don't ever leave for that long again, okay?" Yuna quietly pleaded, and Mina relaxed against her sister's chest.
Mina nodded her head obediently.
"Trust me, I never wanted to leave in the first place." Her hands fisted into Yuna's dress, and Yuna could feel Mina's heart rate begin to speed up.
"I...I need to tell you something."
Feeling the oncoming mix of anxiety and excitement, Yuna carefully pulled away from her sister, gripping her shoulders.
Yuna scanned her over for any visible injuries, relieved to see that Mina managed to come back from her journey unscathed.
"Did you get caught up in that blast?" Yuna worryingly inquired, rubbing a smudge of dirt from Mina's rounded cheek.
Mina seemed annoyed by the question, shaking her head as she tried to continue,
"No-well, yes, but that isn't the issue."
Percival perked up;
"If you got caught in Maleficent's fire, then I'd recommend letting Yuna treat you. Maleficent and Ini are already unable to wake; we can't afford to lose more allies before we fully understand what is happening."
Mina huffed, shaking her head once more with an impatient air about her.
"No, I'm fine." She groaned, immediately speaking up before either adult could chastise her.
Mina looked up to her sister, eyes wide with franticness and disbelief;
"Yuna, I need you're help."
The words immediately made Yuna shut up, and grabbed her attention. Gently, she rubbed Mina's cheeks in a similar style of comfort that Mina hadn't felt so their days with their mother.
It wasn't often Mina had ever asked for help, and Yuna suddenly felt the urge to pummel whatever was the cause for her sister's apparent anxiety.
"What's the matter, Mina?" She asked seriously.
Mina looked between Percival and Yuna. She appeared to be having an inner-conflict with herself, trying to formulate the right sentences for her argument.
Finally, Mina decided just being blunt would be the best approach.
"I know where Leo is." Her hands rushed out, gripping Yuna's tightly.
"He's alive, Yuna. He's alive, and I think he might know what's going on."
Percival was instantly at Yuna's side; firm and muscular arm catching her as she threatened to topple over.
It was like rushing water had filled Yuna's ears. Pounding at her head, filling her throat and hammering into her heart. That same water instantly welled up into Yuna's tear ducts.
She settled herself against Percival; the guard eyeing her with concern as Yuna's paleness threatened to rival Maleficent's. Mina kept her hold on her sister's hands, and it was clear to see Mina was trying to hold back her own overwhelming emotions.
Yuna blinked, trying to latch onto one of the many thousand thoughts that swirled about her head as she tried to breathe.
She croaked out, "What?"
'Mina...actually did it? She found him?'
The whole reason behind Mina's departure in the first place; a promise to find their missing sibling that no doubt, Mina had worked herself to the bone to do.
Relief. Instant relief was the first thing Yuna was aware of feeling. Relief was followed by disbelief, which was led up by and overwhelming bout of sheer jubilation, and finally about a hundred different emotions trying to take center stage.
Mina smiled, squeezing her hands.
"Leo's alive, Yuna. He's alive." Mina seemed unable to contain her excitement anymore, throwing her arms around her sister.
"Leo's alive!" Mina's voice broke into a muted cry, her smile pressed into Yuna's shoulder.
Yuna was stunned, frozen like she were made of stone. Mina pulled back from her sister, and Percival remained firm in supporting the healer's frame.
He wasn't totally convinced she wouldn't pass out, like the last time she'd received some rather outstanding news.
Mina waiter Yuna's reaction with a nervous air, and Yuna could only blink out a lone tear.
Then, the panic set in.
Yuna looked out the windows and down the castle hall, hastily wiping at her eyes as she gulped thickly.
'Leo. Alive. Leo. Alive. Leo. Alone.'
The thoughts repeated themselves like a mantra in her mind, and Yuna struggled to suck in a fulfilling breath.
"W-Well where is he?" Yuna inquired hurriedly. She looked around the space surrounding them, almost as if expecting Leo to simply materialize in the shadows.
"We need to go find him, he's probably scared and alone, if we don't hurry up and find him, he might-"
Yuna sucked in a harsh breath that resulting in her falling into a coughing fit, and Percival slapped on her back.
"It's alright, Yuna." The guard assured her, his steely eyes hiding his concern.
"We can't afford to travel right now...we'd be putting ourselves into unnecessary danger. Udo and Borra and all of our warrior fey are at the Cavernous Nest, Maleficent and Ini are down, Philip and Aurora won't even be back in Ulstead for another days time; this is an act of terror. Traveling right now would put all of us at risk, we need to stay and protect our home front."
Yuna's eyes cut up to Percival, begging.
"Leo's my home."
The response was so quick and without hesitation, that the guard found himself unable to respond.
Yuna clung onto Percival's uniform; hands shaking.
"Percival, please. I don't need everyone to come with me...I can go by myself. Just me and Mina."
Percival watched as the healer's eyes hardened.
"Even if you don't authorize it, I can't guarantee I will oblige."
Percival stared down in disbelief at the girl, brows raised all the way up his forehead. Even Mina seemed taken aback; such threats like that were usually only given by her, not someone as composed and obedient as her elder sister.
Yuna didn't back down, eyes cold and lips sent in a steady scowl; she meant it.
Percival held eye contact with his friend for a few more seconds; seemingly in contemplation.
Slowly, and surprisingly, he nodded.
Without looking away from Yuna, Percival addressed the other sister with his deep baritone.
The girl immediately straightened at the greeting, which sounded more like a command.
"Yes, Percival?" She faced the soldier with a guarded and worrisome demeanor, her posture straightening.
Percival sighed; he didn't need both girls glaring at him.
"You stated that Leo may know what has transpired." Percival spoke smoothly.
Mina's shoulders locked as the observation was thrown right back at her. Yuna also seemed to become interested in the statement, her head turning to eye her sister cautiously.
It didn't take a detective to see Mina was clearly anxious.
Slowly, Mina nodded.
"Yes. I did." She confirmed quietly.
Percival beckoned for the girl to continue, eyes sharp and presence domineering.
"What exactly did you mean by that?" He slowly asked. "What exactly did you find on Isle Viridi?"
Carefully, Mina looked from Percival to Yuna. She shuffled, and Yuna spoke up calmly.
"Mina." A clear instruction to answer.
Mina's cloak acted like a protective blanket as she hugged her body underneath it, nails digging into her elbows.
Her face seemingly etched with disgust, and disbelief. She breathed out with intentional delay.
In a fierce and low whisper; she answered with a steady gaze.
"He's joined Azazel's crew."
"You're out of your fucking mind." Shrike shook her head with a firm conviction, wings flared out angrily.
The small meeting room the remaining friends occupied was solemn, and tense.
Diaval was silent in his spot at the table, nails digging into the wood and scratching odd carvings into it. Percival stood at the head of the table with a confident Mina, Yuna leaned against the stone wall in an almost catatonic state as Mina told their friends what she'd already told her just minutes before.
Shrike stood up from the table with a disapproving look, eyes cutting to Percival.
She looked disdainful, no doubt just as strung out as everyone else from recent events.
"After witnessing what just happened, you really want to go off on a lead and risk a confrontation with Azazel? On the off chance that Leo might be there, and he might just know what's going on?"
Shrike spoke the words as if they were obviously idiotic. She shook her head once more, braids whipping her cheeks.
"If Azazel is really responsible for this, what do you suppose me might do if he sees us? Want him to just kill us on the spot? Finish the job and wipe out the entire Moors, and Ulstead with whatever the hell kind of hex he created?" Shrike almost snarled with disapproval.
"That's just plain stupid. I won't let any of us end up like Maleficent or Ini; we should just stay here until Udo and Borra return from the nest."
From the head of the table, Mina hurried to respond. The twilight's glow illuminated the room, and nearby candlelight warmed her face.
"The only thing they're going to find on the Cavernous Nest is that it'll be in the same condition as the Moors. It's a useless trip. Nothing they do will halt the curse." She briskly replied.
Shrike raised a pointed brow.
"You can't know that for sure." She countered.
Mina nodded once more, her voice staying calm and her volume remaining neutral.
"You're right." She admitted. "However, I do know for sure that Leo isn't a liar. I also happen to know Azazel first hand; don't forget Leo and I fought with him firsthand."
Shrike still remained unconvinced. She strode around the room, little regard for the bookshelves that her wings knocked into.
"How can you even be sure that the intel you received was about Leo? Do you know how many people join some band of pirates or another on any given day? Why on earth would Leo join Azazel, and how would he not recognize him?"
Yuna barely listened to the argument taking place around her. The stone on her back was exceptionally chilled, and her eyes couldn't move from their spot above her toes. She struggled to keep her eyes open, breathing shallowly.
'Azazel has Leo Azazel has Leo Azazel has Leo.'
She thought she might be sick.
Mina was steadfast in her defense;
"I know this intel was reliable because it was from Leo." She countered. The statement perked up a few ears, and Mina quickly finished into her cloak's inner pockets.
"Locals on Isle Viridi stated that a young boy came to their shores a little over a year ago. He was an outcast, he rarely left the small shack that he'd built along the cliffs, and kept to himself."
Adeptly, Mina placed what she was looking for onto the large mahogany table for everyone to see.
"I had one of them make of sketch of the boy they'd seen. I wouldn't expect any of you to know, but that's Leo." Mina glanced to her sister in the corner.
"Even Yuna confirmed it."
Hesitantly, Yuna raised her gaze from her feet to the tabletop. The same sketched image that Mina had shown her in the hallway; it gave Yuna chills.
'It's him.' She had stated in tears upon first glance.
Looking at the image almost pained Yuna. Leo's face stared right back at her; scraggly black hair, dark eyes that used to hold so much wonder. To Yuna, he looked exactly the same as when she'd last seen him all those years ago.
Only...he was so grown now.
Chubby cheeks were now replaced by a strong jawline. Gleaming and happy eyes seemed matured; hardened. His face structure sharpened and his unkempt hair was ever presently in his face. His lips were held in a thin line, and Yuna could barely make out faint scars outlining his skin.
Yuna closed her eyes, and glanced away from the parchment. It hurt.
Slowly and wordlessly, Yuna nodded her head.
Even to reluctant Shrike, steady Percival, and a sorrowful Diaval, there was no denying the picture placed in front of them.
While none had ever met the boy, the similarities between either sister were clearly evident. Like a boyish-version of Mina with masculine features and short hair (which would make sense, considering they were twins).
Mina let the fey and raven soak in the image, gently speaking.
"Leo would've had to have dawned some kind of disguise or completely change his look if he boarded Azazel's ship. I think this was his intent from the moment we first met Meg...that's why he didn't want me to go with him." Briefly, Mina glared away at a distant point.
"Stupid idiot..." She mumbled.
Diaval finally spoke, expression still set in a solemn look. He looked up at Mina, his voice eerily quiet.
"How do you know Leo is with Azazel's crew?" Next, he followed it up with a saddened;
"And how will locating them help Maleficent, or Ini?"
This time, surprisingly, it was Percival who came to Mina's aid and answered.
"Mina wasn't gone for all these weeks for nothing. She conducted her own internal investigation; Philip gave her royal troops for these reasons exactly. If the crown can put their faith in Mina, then we can as well."
Mina smiled at the stoic guard appreciatively, before addressing Diaval. The fatigue and misery was evident within him, and the mercenary kept her tone soft.
"Leo knew much more about Azazel than I ever did. I only figured that out once I went to his home, on Isle Viridi." Cautiously, Mina retrieved more papers from within her cloak. She undid the burlap thread that held them together, before tossing them beside their counterpart on the table.
"There was a reason we've been unable to locate Azazel." Mina pointed to a stained parchment, the paper holding a sketched diagram. Scribbles on the side were evidently "Leo's" notes, revealing the boy's inner thoughts.
"He no longer sails on the massive warship he used to command. He blends right into society; he adopted a small charter boat. I don't know if he cut the number of his crew in this process, but he's no longer set on making a statement. He just...hangs low."
Mina sifted through the papers, coming to a small map.
"Leo visited island after island in order to track Azazel. He had to have discovered him at a port; that's how he figured out what model ship he was using. Leo swore he'd find out what the "curse of the Phoenix" was... and to do so he took the ultimate risk. He tracked down Azazel's routes until he could intercept him at a major trading city, where he managed to board the ship. If Leo wanted to be sure Azazel would never recognized him, then he didn't only use a disguise, but he would've entered in at the lowest rank in the crew. A position where he'd never be able to simply cross paths with the captain."
As Mina explained, she grabbed hold of a rather thick bundle of papers.
"Here. The smart ass left his journal behind too; everything I just said is written within those pages. No more, no less. Leo knew if he didn't find the root of Azazel's plans, we'd all be doomed. He took the one step none of us would ever be brave enough to I intend to bring him home."
Mina's eyes lingered over a sentence on one of the entries, sadness gripping at her core with it's sharp claws.
"Mina, I'm not scared to do this...well, maybe I am a little. I know that one day you'll somehow manage to figure out what I've done, and you'll probably be furious. This is the last thing I can write, before I go.
If you never hear from me again, then I'm sure you can already assume my cover was blown. Doesn't have to be a sad thing; just means I can be with Yuna and mom and dad a bit sooner.
Love you."
"And I need help. We need to hurry." With a gesture outside one of the many great windows, Mina continued;
"The Moors is dying. The Cavernous Nest might not be far behind it. Faeries like those water nymphs will continue to die, and now your own kind are at risk. Your Phoenix is fighting for her life; we have no time to lose. Either we find Leo and bring him home and learn how to stop all of this, or we simply strike Azazel when he's least expecting it. We don't have the luxury of sitting around with our heads up our own arses hoping for some happy ending; if we want results, we need to act. Now."
The room fell silent at Mina's declaration; each member swirling in their own conflict.
For Shrike, the fear of losing any of her friends was too crippling and idea to challenge. She already was terrified that Ini and Maleficent may never awaken; how on earth could she gamble on her other friend's lives?
For Diaval, he simply couldn't come to terms with his mistress's slumber. Couldn't fathom the idea of Maleficent never waking up, didn't know how he was supposed to continue on with his life without the presence of his other half. Why should he care what Azazel did when he already felt like he was dead?
Percival's conflict had already been known to Yuna. He couldn't let down Philip and Aurora; now, Aurora's mother was at death's door and the guard could only imagine how broken Aurora would be when her and Philip received the alert to come home. With Queen Ingrith, he was the villain. On the wrong side of a malicious conflict. Now, he had an opportunity to fix it; to reinstate his social stance on the division of humes and fey, to save lives instead of take them...he had to do this for himself and his friends.
Yuna was simply beside herself. She was dreaming, right? Certainly this wasn't reality...
The night started out so wonderfully. She was with Udo, with their fey did it all go wrong so fast?
How were Maleficent and Ini ever supposed to wake up?
Were they truly on the brink of war now?
Would this soon spread to all of the fey? Would Azazel eventually harm Udo?
Could Yuna really, Yuna couldn't let her mind go there.
Leo was alive. No more pity parties;
It was her brother, dammit!
'I spent all this time wanting to know how I could help my friends; how to stop Azazel. I'm just an herbalist...' Slowly, Yuma's head lifted.
'Now's my time.'
"I'll be the one to go and find Leo." Yuna's voice, for the first time that night, was void of any sort of apprehension.
All eyes looked to her, and Mina beamed at her elder sister.
Yuna pushed herself from the wall, striding to stand beside Mina. Resolution burned in her like a fire, and Yuna felt more invigorated than she had in a long time.
"Anyone else leaving the ship and entering the island will be spotted too easily. I'm the only one who will be able to locate Leo correctly; even if you all choose not to go, Percival, Mina and I will still leave. Please...I can't do this without the rest of you." Yuna looked at Shrike and Diaval with pleading eyes, and the fey and raven could agree that they'd never seen the girl quite so serious.
Diaval looked to his best friend with a sense of reluctant agreement, smiling at her softly.
"Well...let's say we do agree to this rendezvous." The raven began, then his face turned grim once more.
"How on earth are we supposed to locate Azazel
in one night?"
At the question, Mina grinned wickedly.
Using the map, her fingernail pointed to small coastal island miles from Ulstead.
"We already know where he is." She answered, proudly.
"He's here. In Certos. I checked into an allied naval base on my way back here; the same ship Azazel is steering was checked into the trade route following Certos's path. Small island, no established government or police, and a neutral territory. It's a pirate and prostitutes dream." Mina's grin grew.
Percival scoffed,
"Eloquently put."
Shrike finally seemed to let up, her smile small.
"...How would Diaval and I be of assistance in all of this?" She glanced to Yuna. "I don't like the idea of Yuna possibly encountering Azazel alone."
Yuna matched her friend's smile, the atmosphere finally shifting to something less foreboding and sinister.
"Well, our little raven could serve as a reliable companion to me." Yuna winked at Diaval.
"If things completely go south, then I believe your big wings will be able to fly off the ship and swoop me right out of there, Shrike. Your spiritual magic is a bad asset either."
Percival also added, "For obvious reasons, Mina would stay aboard. I'll embark onto Certos just before Yuna; watch over her from a distance. I may be Ulstead's general, but no one will recognize me without my uniform and usual...frown."
Diaval and Shrike exchanged a look, Diaval asking the remaining question left on everyone's minds.
"...Will this really help save Maleficent and Ini?"
The question hung in the air.
Slowly, Yuna answered the honest truth.
"I don't know." Her eyes hardened.
"But we have to try."
Diaval tensed, eyes closing. Finally, he let himself give in. "...If I don't go, I'll regret it if anything were to happen." He sighed, shaking the tired expression off of his face.
"This isn't just for Maleficent and Ini, for the Moors..." The conviction in Diaval's eyes reflected Yuna's own, and he nodded firmly.
"It's for all of us."
All eyes looked to Shrike, and the jungle fey chuckled.
"Really owe me for this one, Percival." She looked towards the closed meeting room door; just beyond the wood, Maleficent and Ini were fighting.
They couldn't fight alone.
"Count me in." The jungle fey answered, smiling as Mina sighed with relief.
"Oh, thank you thank you!" The teen ran around the table, throwing her arms around the raven and fey.
Diaval finally released a genuine laugh, and Shrike pinched the girl's sides playfully.
"If we all end up at the bottom of the ocean, just know that I'll haunt you." Shrike smirked, then she suddenly stilled.
Her eyes caught Yuna's;
"What will you do about Udo?"
Yuna felt her heart drop.
Udo would never approve of this. In fact, he'd be furious...well, will be furious once he returns from the nest and learns what she'd done.
Yuna felt guilty, but they couldn't wait;
This was their one chance. If they didn't act, then it would be gone.
They'd probably wouldn't be far behind it either.
'I'm sorry, Udo...' Yuna let her head drop guiltily.
"...He'll understand." Was her only response, and no one made a move to argue it.
Yuna's sadness didn't go unnoticed by her sister. Mina approached her, squeezing her shoulder with an encouraging smile.
"He will." She nodded. "And if he doesn't, then he'll have my boot up his ass when he gets mad at you."
Yuna chuckled dryly, the sight of Mina's beaming face bringing her an ounce or reprieve.
She pat Mina's hair affectionately;
"Go and get the ship ready, yeah? We all need to change and I need to assign the spiritual fey to watch over Maleficent and Ini."
Yuna pressed a kiss to Mina's forehead.
"We'll depart before the sun is up."
Mina nodded enthusiastically, gathering the papers she'd scattered across the table.
"Diaval! Come with me!" The mercenary commanded. "I need some manpower!"
Diaval blinked.
"Wha- How am I supposed to help?" He asked incredulously.
Mina yanked the raven up from his seat;
"Oh, just come on!" She insisted.
Diaval groaned as the teen dragged him from the meeting room, frantically grasping at the doorframe.
"How-How on earth are you related to Yuna?!"
Like that, he vanished.
Percival watched them go with an affectionately annoyed look, waltzing after them.
"I must inform the guard's of our whereabouts." He paused, looking back at the two women.
Ceremoniously, he shrugged off his uniform jacket.
"Should we face any consequences for what we're about to do, I'll take full responsibility." He stared firmly.
Yuna and Shrike were visibly taken aback.
"Percival..." Shrike started.
The guard smiled, then left.
It was only Yuna and Shrike in that small meeting room, long forgotten from the castle's more grand spaces.
Yuna sighed, and Shrike brought her friend into a side embrace.
"You're finally going to get your brother back, Yuna." The jungle fey whispered, smiling down at her friend greatly.
"I'm so happy for you."
The sincerity made Yuna look away sheepishly, we expression soft.
"...Thank you." She whispered.
Yuna couldn't believe it; was she really going to see Leo? So soon after reuniting with Mina?
Gods, what a year.
Yuna could've cried again, but her anxiety got the best of her... she had to know.
She couldn't willingly put herself into danger without knowing.
"What's wrong, Yuna?" Shrike asked cautiously, trying to meet her gaze.
'...It can't wait anymore.'
"You're well versed in spiritual magic, right?" Yuna questioner quietly.
Shrike chuckled, nervous from the girl's demeanor.
"Well, I certainly wouldn't say I'm terrible."
Yuna remained calm and collected, finally looking up to the jungle fey.
Shrike was startled by how serious Yuna looked.
"I need you check something for me."
Shrike's heart-rate quickened, was Yuna ever so stoic?
"Alright?" She answered unsurely.
Slowly, the two women left the cold room.
A short walk led them to the infirmary; neither one threatening to break the deafening silence. Yuna couldn't look at Maleficent and Ini as she strode past them. Her hands gripped into her gown like her life depended on it, and she took a slow and steady breath.
They stood before an empty bed, and Yuna carefully addressed Shrike.
"Keep this between us?"
The question intrigued Shrike. Wordlessly, she nodded.
Modesty aside, Yuna hiked up her dress. Her movements her slow and deliberate, throat squeezing with anxiety as she exposed her milky stomach to Shrike.
The night air made goosebumps spread over her skin, and Yuna had to blink her progressively watering eyes as she focused on Shrike.
She palmed her flat stomach, face set as the crucial matter finally couldn't be ignored any longer.
"I need you to see what's going on here." Yuna whispered.
The minute the words left Yuna's mouth, Shrike's eyes widened substantially. The expression of genuine shock was a rare one to see on the happy Fey, and Shrike's own voice threatened to crack with emotion.
"You're-?" She started.
Yuna shook her head quickly.
"I don't know." She responded, eyes closing as she felt her soft skin.
"That's...why I need you."
Yuna couldn't meet Shrike's eyes as she said it; nervousness and anticipation not encompassing her entire being.
Yuna's hands threatened to shake and quiver.
She almost jumped when Shrike gripped her wrists to steady her;
"It's alright." Her friend whispered, and Yuna nodded as a cry finally broke past her lips.
Shrike repeated;
"It's okay. Just lay down."
Yuna's breathing became shaky as she obeyed. Keeping her dress raised up, Yuna carefully laid atop the soft cotton infirmary sheets.
She kept her eyes closed; almost like if she couldn't see Shrike, then the truth wouldn't exist.
Yuna already knew.
Shrike's hands replaced Yuna's on her lower stomach, just between her hips. She gently pressed. Warmth spread over and into the surface as Shrike's magic began to infuse with Yuna, and Yuna felt more hot tears slip from her eyes.
All those times she was so fatigued she couldn't even get out of bed.
All of her stomach cramps and pains.
No period. Irregular menstrual cycle.
Her tenderness and sensitivity.
The signs were so little and non-discernible that the thought never even crossed Yuna's mind...or did it?
Suddenly, Yuna wished nothing more than to be wrapped in Udo's steady embrace at this moment.
The concentration of energy on her lower belly grew, Shrike palms tensing, then retreating.
Yuna's teary eyes opened, and she released one more breath of air as she sunk into the firm mattress.
Yuna looked to her side, already knowing the answer as she stared at Shrike's expression.
A singular tear traversed down the fey's dark cheek; palms hovering over Yuna's body in a complete euphoric revelation.
Shrike's lips broke into a a smile as an incredulous laugh involuntarily escaped her.
Few wake up in the morning and consider that at any given moment in the day, their entire life could change.
In that moment, Yuna learned it wasn't just her life she should be considering.
More tears left Yuna's sharp eyes, and suddenly her whole world changed as Shrike spoke two words;
"A heartbeat."
Why did I get emotional writing this LOL.
Surprise!!!! Everyone totally already knew but now it's confirmed;
Udo + Yuna are pregnant!! ❤️
Thought I'd celebrate my return with writing some good news : ) I cannot wait to write this new arc with Udo and Yuna!!
Do you guys think it'll be a boy or girl?
Also, what will happen when Yuna comes face to face with Azazel and Leo?
Will Maleficent + Ini wake up? What even happened?
So many questions I have to answer in these next few chapters haha. I can't wait!!
I hope you guys loved it, I'm happy to be back!
See you in the next chapter!~
Akahana 🌸

Purity in the Stars *Maleficent: Mistress of Evil- Udo Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now