Chapter Seven: Stay with Me

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"Careful now." Udo advised Yuna, his strong hand gripping her own as she stepped from the bridge woven from tree vines and onto Ulstead's stone streets. He steadied her, not letting go until he was sure that she was firmly on the ground.
Yuna smiled up at him, giving his hand an appreciative squeeze as she released it. "I'm alright. Thank you."
Around them, the buzz of Ulstead filled the air; its pride and life seemingly to be rekindled since the fateful events of Aurora's wedding day. Children giggled as they raced through the streets, kites soared high in the air, boats filled the ports with eager merchants, colorful tents lined the alleyways selling everything from fresh groceries to exotic antiques. Volunteers bustled and hollered, completely devoted to their tasks of providing for those placed in secondary homes following the dreaded red skies, arms full of food, clothing and books. The sights filled Yuna with a gentle warmth; despite everything Ulstead had been through, no matter how hard it had fallen, here it was now: picking itself back up from the dirt and carrying on with its head held high. Surely than would invoke any citizen with pride; and Yuna certainly felt it as to her complete relief, No apprehension filled Yuna as she stood before Ulstead's intimidating entrance.
All she could feel was an excitement for what the day had to hold, her head held high as a small smile broke onto her face.
Udo smiled as he watched Yuna practically glow with a newly found confidence, his own pride filling him as he watched her whole demeanor change. Her eyes glimmered as she watched the town's activity before her, and Udo's own eyes glimmered from simply watching her.
"Yuna?" He spoke up, fingertips brushing against her own. The girl greeted him with a relaxed expression, her lips unconsciously holding a soft quirk. "Hm?" Her dark eyes pulled Udo in like moths to a fire, and he whispered so that just her ears could hear,
"You look quite lovely, like this." Their fingertips brushed again. "I like seeing you happy."
Yuna felt a liberating feeling; she did feel so happy. At a place where she experienced so much pain, a town she thought would be no different than Miyagata, here she was: reclaiming her own pride just like Ulstead. It was a funny thing that happened to her since she'd come into acquaintance with Udo; her hurdles didn't seem so scary, and her celebrations were that much sweeter. With the Fey by her side, Yuna felt like she could take on anything.
One day, she hoped she could say the same for Miyagata.
Yuna smiled up at him, a genuine and joyous one as her grin broke to expose her pearly teeth. Regardless of what was to come later that night... Yuna felt at peace. "I'm very happy; I'd say I'm even excited." Her voice lowered to a whisper, "Thank you, Udo."
In the middle of the two's conversation, the crowds in the streets only grew; an unknowing stranger connected with the petite girl amidst his own preoccupation, and Yuna stumbled.
Udo's hands were almost immediately on her shoulders, bringing her close to his chest as his wings flared out protectively; a sharp glare in his eyes. Around them, citizens seemed to finally notice the Dark Fey's presence, a mixed reaction of both fear and wonderment emitting gasps from them. Of course, they were all used to seeing Maleficent, and occasionally a few Feys would leave the Moors to report to the mistress in the castle (mainly Udo and Borra). However, it was all still such a new and exciting concept for the regular humans; especially since this Dark Fey in particular had extended his wingspan out to its fullest width and was notably upset.
Yuna heard the anxious whispers beginning to bubble, and she panicked; 'No, Udo isn't a bad Fey; none of them are...' Gently, Yuna went to cradle Udo's face, her soft fingers brushing over his sharp cheekbones. 'Don't let them see you like this Udo; don't put yourself in a bad light just for me.'
"Hey." Yuna softly spoke to him, a brush of her thumb almost instantly wiping the glare from Udo's face. Wordlessly, he looked to the girl, "It's okay Udo. It was just an accident, I'm alright." Udo's skin was smooth under her touch; devoid of any blemish or rough patch.
Yuna went onto her tiptoes, getting closer to Udo's face (their height difference was almost comical). The whispers around them went dead silent at the sight, and for once; Yuna didn't care about all of the stares. She knew it was a peculiar sight, a human and a Fey being so openly comfortable with each other; she knew how she held his face and how Udo held her by her waist was certainly a sight to be held. However... Yuna simply didn't care; the second liberating feeling she'd felt that day.
"You don't want to be like Borra, right?" Yuna smirked, and then let a more serious expression cross her face. "Remember why Aurora wanted me to come, wanted us to come. Whatever it may be, it's important to her that the bridge between the Dark Feys and humans becomes mended. I want that too, Udo. I want both of our kinds to live in harmony; I want others to be able to experience what I experience with you." Udo's brow softened, and his wings slowly folded back in close to his sides.
Gingerly, Yuna let her hands slide from his face and down to his hands, taking one tightly within her grip. "Ulstead is a very busy town, between the seas and the farming land, there is always a lot of traffic always going in and out." She offered him a calming smile. "People get bumped into all the time; it's alright. I'm completely fine, it was just a small nudge. You don't need to worry about me." Gently tugging on the hand in her hold, Yuna continued, "Here, we can hold hands so we don't get separated, and if I get bumped into again you won't have to worry about me falling over."
The whispers began to amplify;
"Are that Fey and human... together?"
"Do we need to start worrying about half-breeds running around now?"
"Certainly they couldn't be; that'd be an atrocity to nature!"
"Really? I think they look rather cute together..."
"He is quite handsome, and the girl is so pretty... I don't think I've seen her around here before."
"Isn't that the herbalist who owned the old atelier?"
Due to the crude nature of some of the comments, Udo and Yuna's cheeks grew hot as the wild accusations bubbled around them like a swarm of mosquitoes. Luckily, the embarrassment seemed to finally fully snap Udo out of his angered state; instead finding himself incredibly flushed at the town's gossip.
'U-Udo and I...? Together?' Yuna couldn't tell who was blushing harder between the two of them. 'And what do they mean "worry about half-breeds"?! The nerve!'
The two were quiet as the words fully soaked in; finally, Udo and Yuna were able to react. However... it wasn't quite in an expected way.
The two blinked at one another, and then surprisingly, they broke into a genuine laughter.
"Did you here that? They think we're attractive!" Yuna giggled, eyes squinted shut.
Udo's tone was teasing, "Well, that's just stating the obvious. I guess that means our little "half-breeds" will be quite good looking." Udo broke out in a laugh, and Yuna could feel her gut begin to hurt from her own chuckles.
The confused murmurs of the townsfolk only seemed to grow as Udo and Yuna laughed amongst themselves; in their own little world of humor as the people of Ulstead were, for lack of a better word, completely entranced. It was not the first time they'd a Dark Fey with a human; Maleficent and Aurora were probably the most notable duo around town. However, the difference was... they'd yet to see a male Dark Fey with a female human, both of which seemed to be much more comfortable than "just friends" with the other. When Yuna caught Udo's hand with her own and held it firmly, at least five people had fainted within the crowd.
Their laughter died down, and Udo regarded Yuna with a rather embarrassed smile. "I'm sorry." Brief, and right to the point.
Yuna gave him a reassuring grin. "Sorry for wanting to protect me? Don't be silly." She gave him a tug, and the two began to work their way through the crowd; Ulstead's grand castle in sight. "Come on, let's go."
It was a weird thing for Yuna; she'd lived in Ulstead for five years, five years of keeping to herself and trying with all of her might to be as discrete as she could as she wove through streets and shopped at the busy markets. It was simply easier that way; it was easier to avoid having attention on her. She wasn't a hermit by any means; she frequently enjoyed engaging in conversation with her customers, making small talk whenever she'd go out to eat or to shop, and she'd go to gatherings here and there to engage in finger food and and some sort of social interaction. Although, it stopped there; she never formed any intimate and close bonds, she actively would choose a quiet night at home over a night on the town, and she merely just accepted the fact that that is how it would be for the rest of her life; quiet, in a distant and cold land, and not allowing anyone in who could threaten her mourning. She'd run her shop until she died, never feeling a true semblance of home, never having any real friends or relationships; just a ghost in the crowd. Someone easily forgettable.
Just a month ago, that was the life Yuna had settled into; but now....
Now she had a new home, she had a new family; she had Ini and Shrike, Borra and Diaval, Maleficent and Aurora... and of course, she had him. Udo. She'd returned to Ulstead with her head held high; almost relishing in the people's stares. It didn't bother her, it didn't make her feel uncomfortable or like she wanted to run back to the cottage and hide inside; she felt calm. After all, she had Udo with her... how could she ever feel anything else?
Yuna felt a firm squeeze on her hand, and she knew; Udo felt the same way.
Coming close her side, Udo gently folded his wings around the girl; mainly to deflect the curious stares from any leftover townsfolk who were still entranced by the pair. Briskly, they walked, successfully entering the castle grounds as Yuna practically sighed with relief. The ivy covered architecture was just as stunning as Yuna had remembered it; any damage from the battle now completely recovered, the lawns pristine and well kept, the ivory towers piercing high into the sky... it looked like nothing had even happened at all.
Lost in her thoughts, Yuna failed to notice Udo had stopped walking along the path to the castle; only noticing once the absence of warmth at her side grew  more prominent. Yuna halted, her boots ceasing their clicking on the cobblestone, and turned to see where the Fey had wandered off to. Udo was only a few feet behind her, and Yuna quirked an eyebrow as his back was to her; intensely studying... the castle walls?
"Udo...?" Yuna's soft steps sounded behind him, trailing up to the Fey curiously. "What are you looking at?"
The castle's courtyard was serenely quiet; only a few guards lining the castle walls surrounding them. A majority of the security was at the castle gates (which they'd already passed through), and at the grand castle doors, which awaited them just a bit of ways down the walkway through the freshly trimmed lawns. It was in this peaceful silence that Yuna sensed a bit of longing emitting from Udo, cautiously approaching him as she placed a soft hand on his shoulder.
"Udo?" She pressed again when she received no response.
Udo's hand came up to pat her own, eyes never leaving the castle walls as a wistful smile grew on his face. His eyes glimmered with a distant nostalgia.
"Right there." He finally spoke up, beckoning towards the tall protective barriers. Yuna followed his gaze to a certain spot atop the walls; the stones shining in the golden sunlight. She sent him a questioning glance, and Udo continued in a soft voice, "Right there. That's where we first met."
Udo tore his gaze from the wall, his smile still on his face; "Do you remember?"
How could she ever forget?
The memory flashed through Yuna's mind;
His sharp eyes that matched her own held a comforting glimmer in them, and he delicately smoothed a long finger over her cut cheek.
"Can you tell me your name?" He asked her softly.
Yuna never broke his gaze.
"Yuna." She responsed quietly.
The winged man smiled at her, still cupping her face softly. "Yuna, there's no need to fear. I'll protect you, I promise." He assured her with a kind smile.
Yuna felt herself becoming mesmerized by his piercing blue eyes. "T-Thank you." She replied shakily. "Can I know your name?" She asked in return.
He smiled at her and gently released her face. His finger wiped at a tear still stuck to her face. "I am Udo." Was his simple response.
"Udo." Yuna repeated, the name foreign to her lips. She repeated it again, "Udo." She supposed it rolled off the tongue rather easily.
He chuckled. "Yes, that's my name."
Yuna smiled at the recollection, her eyes fluttering to where that fateful meeting had occurred. 'I didn't even know everything that awaited me, all that time ago...' Her chest warmed.
"Wow... I suppose it is, hm?" She chuckled.
'Was that really the first time we met though?' Yuna shoved the thought away.
"It was almost automatic when I dove in to save you. I... I never knew you would be who you are. I just knew I had to rescue you." Udo whispered, almost with a melancholic tone.
Yuna couldn't resist the urge; "What do you mean by that? That I wouldn't be the person you expected?" 'Now is not the appropriate time for this Yuna...'
Briefly, Yuna could see panic flash through Udo's eyes. "A-Ah, I simply meant... I didn't think you'd be so wonderful." He cleared his throat; clearly a lie.
'Don't do this. Not now, you both already agreed to talk about it tonight...' Yuna felt a pang of guilt, 'Except... Udo doesn't know what we're going to discuss...'
Yuna bit back a sigh, knowing she just had to drop the subject.
After all, if it all went well... she'd have all of her answers before the sun came up tomorrow morning. Besides; Yuna couldn't deny the swell in her heart as she recalled that day: whether it was truly their first time meeting, or it was a fateful star crossed reunion, it was one of Yuna's fondest moments. She leaned closer to Udo, dispelling his brief panic with her gentle touch.
"I didn't know the kind of man... er, Fey, you were either. I didn't know everything that awaited me the day I met you." She meant it, too. "I'm happy that our paths crossed, the way they did..." An amused smirk spread onto Yuna's lips. "I guess getting the daylights beaten out of me wasn't all that bad, huh?"
Udo chuckled at that, "Well, it certainly worked in my favor. However, I'd much prefer it if you strayed away from such violence; heaven knows I'll only be able to save your life so many times." He teased.
Yuna playfully punched his shoulder, and Udo laughed harder.
Their laughter died down after a few moments, basking in the quiet space as Yuna quietly spoke up; "One day... we should go back up there." Udo blushed at the proposal, and Yuna grinned sheepishly through her own reddened cheeks. "You know, for old time's sake. Hopefully not in a way of me repeating an imperial offense, and also not you having to save me from a life threatening situation. A girl can dream."
Udo eyes softened, his amused smile growing into a fond one. "I'd quite like that." He whispered.
Yuna nodded silently; she'd already said her piece. The two looked out onto the castle walls a moment more; a peaceful feeling settling between them. Things really did have a way of coming full circle, didn't they?
They basked in the quiet for a moment more, before their attentions were drawn elsewhere. It was a call echoing throughout the castle lawns that grabbed Udo and Yuna's attention; a high pitched, feminine voice;
"Yuna! YUNA!"
The pair turned towards the castle, eyes tracking down where the voice sounded from. There, on one of Castle Ulstead's most prominent and grand balconies, a tiny figure with a shocking head of spun gold hair waved wildly at them. Yuna squinted, then broke out into a happy grin.
"Aurora!" Yuna frantically waved, jumping up and down with glee.
Udo found the scene quite endearing, his smile widening as he caught one of Yuna's flailing hands. In her excited state, Udo gently tugged her along with a laugh. "Come on, I think you've been away from your friend for far too long."
The two raced toward the castle, and Yuna's grin never left her face.
Two pairs of heels excitedly clicked on the castle's marble floors, oxblood meeting gold as the girl's two slender bodies collided in a tight embrace.
Aurora's silks meshed with the simple floral gown she'd gifted to Yuna, the Queen's velvet shawl falling onto the robe that marked Udo's monopoly.
"I missed you." Aurora whispered into Yuna's shoulder, the girl nodding in the blonde's hold.
"I missed you too." Gently, Yuna pushed away from the hug. "I'm so sorry I ran out like that Aurora. I'm so sorry; after everything you did for me, after you gave me a home..."
Aurora hushed her, smiling softly; "Don't even apologize. I understand, Yuna." Aurora squeezed her shoulders tightly, her expression showing nothing but pure genuine sincerity, "It's good to see you so... vibrant. Maleficent was right; getting you out of Ulstead was the best call." Aurora's gaze scanned over Yuna, eyes widening as she caught sight of Udo's robe hanging from her body. "I... I see you and Udo have also become well acquainted. That's wonderful."
From behind Yuna, Udo watched the two girls with a warm smile; "It's a pleasure, your highness." Udo bowed deeply.
Aurora waved away the formalities, seeming to be almost disgusted. "Please, just Aurora is fine. Don't bow either; we're all friends here... it just feels wrong." She chuckled.
Udo nodded at that, rising up to straighten his posture. "Right, of course."
Aurora offered the Fey a smile, releasing her hold on Yuna as her heels softly clicked over to where the winged man stood. She stopped in front of him, and with both hands, took firm hold over one of Udo's larger hands. "Thank you for looking after Yuna all this time, Udo. I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay you; I know that all of this was very short notice." The Queen warmly thanked him, her words laced with sincerity as she shot a grin back at Yuna.
Udo chuckled as he squeezed the Queen's hands right back, giving them a firm pat before releasing them. "Don't worry about any of that; I think I should be the one to thank you, Aurora." Briefly, Udo and Yuna made eye contact. "You've given me quite the joyful opportunity, and I thank you wholeheartedly."
A devious smirk flashed across Aurora's face, "Oh, you're quite welcome." Aurora winked at her friend. "You two have become quite the duo, I see; the guards were simply enthralled to see the two of you walking up to the castle." The smirk stayed on Aurora's face as she stepped back, glancing from human to Fey. "Anything going on between you both that I should know about?"
Yuna stuttered, and Udo avoided her gaze with a heated face.
Aurora's smirk grew, and a mischievous giggle sounded from her lips. "Well? I don't hear any objections?"
Yuna shouted out, red faced; "N-No! Nothing is going on, stop that!"
Udo glanced around the grand castle hall rather sheepishly, sighing heavily. "How many times do we need to go through this...?"
Yuna batted Aurora's hands away with a huff, the blonde opting to poke at Yuna's cheeks coyly as she teased the girl.
'You have got to be the most improper Queen that has ever ruled.' Yuna couldn't help the grin that broke onto her face as Aurora whispered a particularly dirty comment to her, Yuna squealing with bright cheeks; '... but perhaps that isn't a bad thing.'
With the two girls in giggles, and Udo looking... well, uncomfortable, a firm voice boomed throughout the exquisite hallway;
Yuna froze at the deep baritone, her eyes widening at the voice behind her as Aurora only brightened at the new arrival.
The name only served to make Yuna tense more; a confirmation as to who she thought it could be,
'Phillip... as in King Phillip?!'
Excitedly, Aurora twisted Yuna around time face her approaching husband, and Yuna immediately wanted to cave in on herself when she saw his handsome face. Long dirty blonde locks, piercing icy blue eyes, a kind smile on a well chiseled bone structure... just what on earth was in these royal's bath water?!
"Phillip! Phillip! This is Yuna, the one I told you all about!"
Phillip approached the girl's with a suave stride, royal blues adorning his body and a long cape treading behind him. He smiled warmly at his wife's happy demeanor, and when his eyes locked with Yuna's own wide ones, Yuna practically threw herself to her knees.
"Y-Your highness!" Yuna squeaked out, cheeks ablaze.
Yuna could hear the king's steps falter, almost like he was taken aback. "Oh!" Phillip exclaimed, clearly surprised by the girl at his feet.
Yuna felt a gentle hand atop her head, and the deep voice spoke; "Please, any friend of Aurora is a friend of mine. Lift your head."
Yuna blinked; had she heard him correctly?
'Aurora has told Phillip about me? He knows who I am?'
Hesitantly, Yuna made eye contact with her king; nervous brown irises meeting kind blue ones. Phillip smiles upon meeting her gaze. "Ah, there you are." He chuckled. "You surprised me, getting so startled like that. Aurora was right; you are quite the comedian, Yuna."
Yuna shot a questioning glance to a clearly amused Aurora, arching an eyebrow. 'A comedian?! How insulting, I'm not a jester! I'm a herbologist!'
Aurora laughed out as she helped her friend up from the floor, nudging her with her elbow. "It's a compliment, Yuna! Brains, beauty, and humor; you're the whole package!"
Yuna still kept a cautious eyebrow raised. "Buttering me up an awful lot; this has nothing to do with your hopes of me accepting a certain proposal from you, hm?"
Phillip laughed at that, his hand falling from Yuma's head. "Awfully sharp; looks like she's catching onto your tricks, darling!" Aurora shooed at her husband, smiling coyly at Yuna.
"Oh, my dear friend; you wound me." A playful pout formed on Aurora's face, and she winked. "It's only thirty percent a trick to get you to accept; the other seventy percent is because I love you so dearly."
The small group of three; the King, the Queen, and the Herbalist laughed at that.
Yuna's laughter dispersed into quiet giggles, and she was practically beaming. 'Phillip and Aurora... they don't act like your typical aristocrats.' Yuna's eyes wandered over the married couple, who exchanged a quick kiss in greeting. 'They're so... real. So authentic. If you took away the expensive fabrics, I would've assumed they were your average everyday people if I saw them walking down the street.'
Phillip broke the kiss, his eyes brightening as he looked past the two friends. "Oh, and who is this?"
Yuna followed his gaze to where Udo stood off to the side; and she immediately exclaimed, "Oh!" Udo seemed content, but rather out of place, and Yuna felt guilty for forgetting about the Fey in her momentary star struck state.
With quick steps, Yuna went to stand by the Tundra Fey, offering him an apologetic smile. "King Phillip; this is Udo, a Dark Fey from the Moors, and one of my dearest companions." Yuna introduced him. "I know Aurora has already told you about me, but I am Yuna. Udo and I are both very grateful for the invitation, thank you for-"
Yuna was cut off by Phillip's chuckling once more. "There you go again with the formalities. Just Phillip will do; I'm very happy to have you you both here today." Regally, Phillip strolled to the pair with his ever present air of confidence.
The king extended a hand to Udo, which the Fey respectfully accepted; "Udo, was it? I thank you for your continued service within the Moors; the combined efforts of you, Borra and Maleficent have been most beneficial. I apologize for only just now being able to properly meet you; I've been rather busy trying to settle down Ulstead as of late."
Udo offered the king a kind smile; "The pleasure has been all mine. Maleficent and Borra have done a wonderful job relocating all of the Dark Fey; I'm happy to report that all of the Fey from the Cavernous Nest have successfully nested within the Moors." Yuna didn't miss the way Udo's eyes lit up as he talked about his kin, and she smiled endearingly.
'The Cavernous Nest... that's where all of the Dark Fey fled to after the first war with the humans.' Yuna recalled what Udo had told her.
Phillip's smile grew, "Brilliant! Excellent job, Udo. I'll be sure that once things have settled, you receive proper compensation." Phillip immediate cut in when Udo opened his mouth to retort; "And no being modest; your hard work deserves recognition, my friend. I'm eternally grateful for your work, Udo; I only hope this will help the Humans and the Dark Feys mend their bond." Phillip bowed his head at Udo; a sincere sign of gratitude.
"That is my greatest wish as well." Udo snuck a quick smile to Yuna, and her eyes crinkled in a grin.
The action didn't go unnoticed by Phillip, and he smiled. "Well then, I'll leave you three to your meeting. You have my regrets for not being able to attend, but I'm afraid I must meet with an advisor from a neighboring kingdom." Phillip smirked as he looked back at his wife. "Besides, my lovely queen as already proven she's more than capable of handling herself. I leave it to you, Aurora."
Aurora nodded her head, "I'll see you soon, Phillip. Safe travels." Her eyes softened at her husband.
Phillip made a noise of agreement, and quickly looked to Yuna. "It was wonderful to finally meet you, Yuna. I regret not being able to talk more, I hope to see you more around the castle."
Yuna shot a look to Aurora, who gave her a confirmative thumbs up; "I'm sure you will. It was a pleasure meeting you, Phillip." Yuna smiled at the king.
Phillip returned the expression, nodding his head once more and Udo before setting out to exit the room. "See to it that our guests are comfortable. I'll be back by tomorrow afternoon." Phillip called to the nearby castle hands, the slamming of doors echoing behind him as he left the corridor.
With the castle hands bustling about to heed their king's orders, Yuna's bright eyes blinked up at Udo. "I'm sorry that I ditched you back there, I didn't mean-"
Udo hushed her with a ruffle of her burgundy locks, his hand trailing down to guide her by the small of her back. "I'm happy to see you so overjoyed; you don't need to apologize for anything." Udo reassured her. His words made Yuna feel relieved, and she bit back a grin.
"I am quite happy." She whispered back.
With the two coming back up to Aurora, she greeted them with a knowing smile. Beside her, a pair of double doors creaked upon, and Aurora beckoned them to step inside.
"Now that that is taken care of, please, let's start."
Yuna's held her breath as her and Udo entered into one of the castle's beautifully intricate meeting rooms; this one being much more grand than the one Yuna had found herself in weeks ago. Carpet to ceiling, the room was endowed with hues of rich purple and brilliantly sapphire; from the plush furniture within to the thick curtains pushed aside on the large window.
On one of the couches sat a familiar woman, black horns and wings a direct contrast to her red lips.
"Maleficent, it's nice to see you again." Udo beat her to it, and the female Fey offered the couple a coy grin.
"Udo, Yuna. I'm glad you two could make it." Maleficent nodded her greetings to them, ever regal in her dark robes.
Yuna heard scurrying in the corner, and she looked over to see Diaval nearly tripping over himself as he emerged from one of the room's many tall bookshelves.
"Speak of the devils! Took you both long enough!" Diaval bounded over to the pair, and Yuna grinned brilliantly at her friend as he approached.
Suddenly, his arms stagnantly hanging in the air to bring Yuna into an embrace, Diaval shot a nervous glance to where Udo stood at her side.
Udo sighed, shaking his head with an amused smirk. "Go ahead, Diaval. I won't be out for your tail feathers again."
Diaval brightened, and fully brought his friend into a tight hug, which Yuna eagerly returned.
"You just saw me yesterday, silly." Yuna teasingly reminded him, smiling at her friend as he drew back.
"Yes I know; and it was the most prolific twenty-four of my entire life." Diaval joked, winking at Yuna as he ushered the two further into the room.
Diaval clapped a firm hand atop of Udo's tall shoulder as the Fey passed him; "Good to see you, Udo." The crow greeted him.
Udo returned his smile (thankfully, the events of yesterday seeming to be fully forgotten). "Always a pleasure, Diaval."
With four out of the five room's occupants seated onto the comfortable loveseats, and the castle staff finally exiting the room with trays of tea and sweets left in their wake, Aurora firmly shut the doors behind them.
The Queen turned to the four; two Feys, one crow, and one human. She had a slight pep in her step as she took a spot in between Diaval and Maleficent; across from the seat Udo and Yuna had placed themselves on.
"For today's matters, I'll need Maleficent here to help me explain properly." Aurora beckoned to her godmother. "I'm also quite happy you brought Udo along; I'm positive he'll be able to confirm or deny any speculations we have."
Udo and Yuna shared an inquisitive look with each other, but opted to simply nod at their queen.
"No need to be nervous." Aurora chuckled.
"Right." Udo responded.
Aurora pushed a small tea plate of cream and fruit sandwiches to the two, as well as a dark blend of tea. Udo gently poured a cup for Yuna, passing it to her with a quiet advisory to be careful of the heat, before helping himself to a cup. Maleficent and Aurora did the same, and Diaval seemed perfectly content with munching on the sweet tea cakes before him.
Aurora took a steady sip of her tea, glancing to Maleficent for one last nod of confirmation, before placing her cup down. She cleared her throat, and her soft voice rung out.
"To start with, I'd like to thank you two for coming down today. Yuna, I know Ulstead may be one of the last places you wish to return to, so the fact that you're here speaks volumes to me."
Yuna smiled, and Aurora continued;
"When I ascended to the position of Queen over both Ulstead and the Moors, I knew it would be perhaps the toughest job of any kind. I knew this, and yet I'm currently finding myself in turmoil, and a bit adrift." Aurora swallowed thickly at the confession, and Maleficent rubbed a bony hand down her back as the queen spoke,
"As a leader; I'm aware I still lack in so many things. Right now, Ulstead needs a queen who can piece together a broken spirit, and the Moors needs a queen who can promise protection and a peaceful life to all of our faeries. Udo, Yuna, I need to be honest... this isn't a job I can handle alone." Aurora blinked back what appeared to be misty tears, and Yuna regarded her friend with a sympathetic expression. Wordlessly, Yuna reaches across the small porcelain table; her soft hand holding Aurora's own.
Aurora squeezes her friend's hand in a silent appreciation, and she sighed.
"Phillip, he's so wonderful. Truly, he is a king among kings; he loves his people more than anything, and his heart is that of gold." Aurora chewed her lip. "But... he just can't help me with my duties of the Moors. It's not his fault; he's pledged to the people. He doesn't understand the Moors like I do, he doesn't love them like I do..."
Maleficent caught on to how Aurora's voice broke, and she quickly saved her daughter by speaking up.
"These years of tension between the Dark Feys and humans will come to an end within Aurora's reign; she swore it in her coronation."
Diaval wrapped an arm around Aurora's shoulders, and the queen nodded her head at her mother's words.
The seriousness in Maleficent's expression and tone practically put Udo and Yuna at the edge of their seats, and they listened intensely.
"At the end of this summer, a peace treaty between the humans and the Feys will be signed. Aurora shall represent the people of Ulstead, and I shall be a representative for the Moors. Once that treaty is signed, it will bring an end to years of war, and carnage." The pride in Maleficent was practically glistening as she gazed at Aurora, her cheek bones pinched in an uncharacteristically happy grin.
Yuna took in their words, slowly nodding her head. "That's... that's absolutely wonderful." Yuna responded. "The end of July is only a month away; Aurora, that's amazing!"
Udo nodded in agreement. "That will be quite the historical event; it'll be incredible." Udo couldn't help but ask curiously, "Aurora, Diaval, Maleficent, I'm rather curious as to what Yuna and I have to do with such a thing. Did you summon us here simply so we could rally the Moorfolk?"
Aurora's hand was warm in Yuna's own, and the queen began to speak once more;
"No, it's more than that.... Udo, Yuna, I..."
Aurora closed her eyes for a long moment, a fire lighting inside her. Her azure eyes lightened with determination, and she jolted to her feet with her hands firmly clasped to her chest.
"I need your help. Both of you."
Yuna's heartbeat quickened. 'Aurora? What's all of this about.'
Udo remained silent, arching a brow at the girl to continue.
"I have my hands totally full simply covering Ulstead; and Maleficent and Diaval need to remain at my side. I cannot do this without them."
Shaking her hands almost as if in a prayer, Aurora exclaimed;
"Udo, Yuna, I need you two to assist in all of this: the mending between human and Fey! A marriage won't be enough to satiate the years of pain; and ultimately neither will the peace treaty. We need effort on both sides to finally bridge the gap between our kinds."
Yuna gulped, and her chest tightened in anticipation. 'Us? Help Aurora with her duties?'
Aurora's fierce gaze fell onto Udo. "Udo; the Dark Fey respect you. Practically as much as they respect Maleficent; it is my understanding that while Maleficent heads the castle with me, you are the current leader of the Dark Fey."
Yuna couldn't believe her ears; Udo? The leader of the Dark Fey? The girl allowed herself to glance at Udo, who stared straight ahead at Aurora with a steady expression. "Yes, yes that is correct." He responded. "It is a shared position that I head with Borra."
Aurora nodded. "Maleficent tells me that the Dark Fey are becoming more accepting of the humans of Ulstead; can you concur that?"
Another quick reply; "Yes. The Dark Fey have settled within the Moors, and slowly but surely, I believe they are becoming more comfortable with the thought of coexisting with the humes." Udo quickly added, "According to what my kin have told me."
Aurora turned her attention to Yuna. "And Yuna; Maleficent tells me that based off of her brief visits to the Moors, you have settled within the Dark Fey like they're your own."
This surprised Yuna. Like they were her own? She looked to Maleficent, who nodded at her with an arched brow. Yuna blinked as her thoughts overtook her; '... My own? Like my family?'
If Yuna confirmed that; that would be it.
She would officially have stepped into a new chapter of her life; and she'd have to flip the pages of the old one closed. Her mind flashed with brief images of her family, and of a home long forgotten. 'My time in the Moors has been everything I ever wanted; Udo and everyone else have become my closest friends. But... do I have a right to call them such a thing?'
Yuna felt a warm touch on her fingertips, snapping out of her thoughts as she looked down;
Udo's fingers gently meshed with her own, and she followed the hand up to where Udo smiled at her.
It was a reassurance; It's okay.
Yuna fully laced their fingers together, and took a deep breath.
"Maleficent also told me that the Feys have taken quite a liking to you; something like endearment. You're a human that they trust Yuna..."
Aurora's soft words made Yuna's eyes prickle with tears, and she broke into a grin.
Finally; she's found it.
A home; people whom she loved, and they loved her right back in return.
"That's correct." Yuna smiled, and she felt Udo's fingers tighten around her own. "I love the Moors; I love all of the faeries within the Moors."
Her gaze went from Aurora's smiling face to Udo's, and then to Maleficent and Diaval. They all softly grinned back at her, and Yuna just knew it;
She was right where she needed to be.
Yuna's eyes found Aurora's again, and she blinked back tears of joy;
"I would do anything for the Moors, Aurora. It's my home."
Slowly, Yuna let her eyes trail to Udo's as she quietly concluded: "And everyone within it is my home."
Udo's eyes swelled with something Yuna couldn't quite express, and his face broke into the softest and most adoring expression Yuna thought she'd ever been regarded with.
The room fell into a silence at that, a warm sunlight streaming into the room.
Yuna's cheeks reddened as what she said fully dawned on her, and she broke Udo's gaze with a fit of nervous coughs. 'T-That was practically a confession...' Yuna's chest tightened, but then she smiled. 'But I don't care. I meant every word of it; I... I'm not afraid anymore. I know now that I'm exactly where I need to be; I know where I belong.'
The silence was broken by Aurora's chuckling, and Yuna looked up to see her friend smiling adoringly at her.
"I believe that settles it then. Udo, Yuna, will you please help me? There is no better pair that I could think to hand this torch to. Will you two please help unite the kinds, breaking down the barriers that have held us back for so long?"
Udo and Yuna only had to share a quick glance to know they both felt the same way.
"You can start small. Arranging small visits to the town, planning gatherings for the Feys and humans to interact, maybe taking some of the Fey children to play with some of the schoolyard students... anything. We just need to both be actively integrating the kinds; me, Maleficent, and Diaval will command things from Ulstead. You and Udo are in charge of the Moors; don't doubt yourself Yuna. The Dark Fey hold you in a higher regard than you realize; your heart is the first thing they see. Have faith, and remember to lean on us when you need it. We'll arrange a later date to discuss things, alright?"
Aurora's words echoed in Yuna's head as the evening sun bled onto the group; merrily laughing on the castle's back patio.
"For now, we can drop the matter." Aurora excitedly jumped between Udo and Yuna on their loveseat, crushing Yuna into a tight hug,
"It's your homecoming! We must celebrate! I've missed you so much Yuna..."
Yuna smiled as she leaned against Aurora's laughing form, the Queen in hysterics over something Diaval had said. Even Maleficent seemed amused, masking smile with her slender hand and Udo laughing out loud while slapping the crow on the back.
The five of them lounged easily in the sunlit space; Yuna and Aurora were laid out on a chaise lounge, slightly giddy from the champagne Aurora had ordered for the group and embracing each other with happy giggles and hushed whispers. Udo and Diaval sat on nearby plush chairs, the two of them basking in a newly established camaraderie as Udo laughed at tale after tale Diaval simply relished in recalling. Maleficent watched over the four from her lax spot against an ivory pillar, the Fey, crow, and two humans proving to be quite the amusing show for her.
"Udo! You have to stop hogging Yuna so much!" Aurora glared over at the Tundra Fey, loosely hanging off of the poor herbalist. "You get to see Yuna everyday! Let me have her at least once a week!"
Udo grinned as Aurora smushed her cheek against Yuna's, both of the girl's flushed complexions like a bright blush in the sunlight. "Well, maybe I enjoy the full seven days I get to spend with her." He teased back.
Diaval chided in as well. "If Aurora gets a day, then I get a day too! It's simply blasphemy to keep Yuna from us!"
"H-Hey! Don't I get a say in this?" Yuna exclaimed.
At Diaval and Aurora's slurred speech, Maleficent stepped forward with a sigh. "Alright. You're both cut off, that's quite enough out of you two." Hastily, Maleficent snatched the two's empty glasses, glaring at them amidst their protests.
"Mother! I'm celebrating my new best friend, let me driiiiink!" Aurora groaned out, and Yuna's eyes sparkled;
'Best friend...?'
"I'm a grown woman! I can drink as much as I want!"
Diaval joined in; "I'm a crow! It doesn't matter how much I drink, my system is completely different from that of a humans!"
Maleficent rolled her eyes as she tossed the glasses aside. "Clearly, you've both become blundering fools." She smirked at where Aurora was practically crushing Yuna in an embrace. "Aurora do be careful, you'll suffocate the poor girl."
Diaval and Aurora continued their whining, and Udo shook his head in amusement as he rose to his feet. "It's alright, Maleficent. I think Yuna and I should be taking our leave by now anyway." Udo shot a quick glance to Yuna, who nodded in confirmation.
"Alright Aurora, could you please let me go?" Yuna chuckled as she patted the blonde's back, trying to extract herself from the petite girl's surprising vice like grip.
Aurora cried out, "No! Don't leave me Yuna!"
Yuna winced as the smell of alcohol hit her nose, and she gently carded her fingers through her friend's hair. "I'll be back; I promise." Yuna smiled. "Why don't we have a girl's day soon? Does that sound good?"
Aurora stopped, and she peeled her head up to stare at Yuna. "... Promise?" She pressed.
Yuna's smile grew. "I promise."
Rather unceremoniously, Aurora threw herself from the girl and stumbled to her feet, slurring out;
"I'll walk you both to the front gates; I need to dismiss my guests properly."
Maleficent arched a brow, and easily pushed the queen right back down to the cushions. "And risk you falling over onto your face? I think not."
Yuna tactfully slipped away from the drunk aristocrat, giggling as Udo held out a hand to assist in her escape.
"Quite the popular girl, aren't you?" He teased, and Yuna whacked him gently.
"Don't be jealous now; I have a rather intriguing aura. People simply can't resist flocking to me." Yuna sighed out theatrically, and Udo chuckled.
"It seems like Diaval is starting to rub off on you, do I have to worry about two crows running around now?"
Diaval swiveled in his chair at that, effectively knocking over an empty bottle in the process. "Yes! A magnificent idea Udo! Yuna, become a crow with me! We shall soar the sky's endlessly together, the most fearsome duo in all of Ulstead-" Diaval's drunken ramblings were cut short when Maleficent snapped her fingers, turning the man back into his original noisy form. Diaval squawked out as his black wings carried him sloppily, just barely making it to Maleficent's shoulder before practically crashing onto the fabric.
Maleficent sighed, but her eyes shone with affection as she adjusted the sleepy crow with her hand.
With surprisingly steady steps, Aurora made her way to where Udo and Yuna stood on the grand gazebo.
"Yuna... thank you so much." Even in her state, Yuna knew Aurora meant the words wholeheartedly. The queen re-embraced her friend, only this time it was much lighter. "I need to thank God you came into my life... you're my first human friend. You're my best friend, did you know that?"
Yuna pat her friend's gold locks, her chest warm; "I know, Aurora. I feel the same." She meant it. "You're... you're my best friend. I don't think I've ever really had a best friend before..."
Aurora pulled back with a large grin. "Me neither! Looks like we get to be each other's firsts!"
Aurora hiccuped, and then covered her mouth with red cheeks. "Oh... that came out wrong. I didn't mean it like that, Phillip and I have already-"
"Yes yes, I get it Aurora." Yuna's own cheeks heated up.
Aurora giggled as she continued. "Besideeees, I'm sure you and Udo are having lots of fun in my old cottage. Right? Right?" Aurora nudged her friend incessantly, and Yuna swallowed thickly as Udo coughed awkwardly.
"N-No, Aurora we're not... well, not that kind of fun..." Yuna was quite thankful when Maleficent peeler Aurora from her, guiding her to sit in a nearby chair.
"If your followers could hear now, Queen Aurora, they'd be simply horrified." Maleficent chuckled.
The regal Dark Fey looked at the pair, and ever so gingerly, Maleficent stepped before Yuna. Softly, Maleficent's red lips came down to gently kiss at Yuna's hairline, and Yuna touched the spot with a blush. 'The way she did that; just like a mother...'
Maleficent gave the herbalist a genuine quirk of her lips, and bowed her horned head. "Thank you, Yuna. Aurora is beyond grateful for your help, as am I."
Maleficent then nodded to Udo. "Udo, watch over the Moors in my absence. I expect great things from you."
"Certainly." He replied briskly.
"Byeeeee Udo! Byeeeee Yuna!" Aurora called as she broke into a fit of giggles, and a weak "caw!" came from Diaval's tired crow form.
Udo bowed at the Maleficent. "Thank you, Maleficent." The Fey turned on his heel, expectantly looking at Yuna to follow after him.
Yuna smiled at Maleficent, about to do just that. "Yes, I had a wonderful time. We'll be in touch, thank you!" Yuna gave a bow of her own to the Dark Fey, going to trail after Udo when a soft grip tightened at her wrist.
Before Yuna could question it, Maleficent leaned down to whisper in her ear;
"Don't forget what you need to do tonight."
The words made Yuna freeze, and her eyes widened. With all of the excitement going on with their friends, and the recent mission given to them by Aurora, Yuna had momentarily forgotten about her promise to herself.
'Tonight... I need to talk to Udo tonight...'
Maleficent released her grip on Yuna, and the herbologist nodded slowly. "I know. I'll do it." She said it more to herself than to the Dark Fey.
Maleficent hummed in satisfaction, a whispered "Good luck" in Yuna's ear as the girl set off after Udo's retreating form.
One last time, the pair turned to wave goodbye to their comrades and friends, before setting off towards Castle Ulstead's sunset backed gates.
It was a content silence they walked in, and Yuna tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear as her and Udo walked side by side.
Swallowing her nerves, Yuna spoke up,
"Leader of the Dark Fey, hm?" She prompted. "That's very impressive, Udo. Why didn't you say anything?"
Udo shrugged, a wing coming to wrap around the girl instinctively. "It simply never came up. I never wanted to flaunt it, and besides; I'm only standing in for Maleficent." He hummed.
Yuna smiled as a stray feather tickled at her cheek, and she looked up at the Fey. She couldn't deny how pristine Udo's ivory appearance looked as it was highlighted by orange and red hues. "Nonetheless, I think it's an incredible accomplishment. I can tell the Dark Fey look up to you, Udo; you're a great source of guidance and comfort to them."
'And to me too.' She wanted to add in.
Udo brought a hand up to pat at her shoulder blade, a small smile gracing his features. "You're too kind; I certainly try my hardest." Udo's gaze fell upon the setting sun, casting over Ulstead in brilliant rays. "It... it means the world for me to be able to be a steady pillar for the Dark Feys. They're my home, and my family." His gaze fell back to Yuna.
"And now that you've come back into my life, Yuna... it's more important to me than ever that I bridge the gap between human and Fey. It's... It's more crucial than anything."
Time seemed to stop for Yuna at his words.
It was so brief, the smallest slip up, that if Yuna wasn't already on edge, she probably wouldn't have caught it;
"Now that you've come back into my life, Yuna..."
Yuna stopped in her tracks, and Udo also halted; seemingly confused.
"Yuna?" He called to her softly.
'Come back. He said that I've come back in his life... implying that...' Yuna swallowed thickly, and her heart began to beat like a wild drum.
'Implying that we've met before.'
A hand brushed her bangs from her face, and Udo's soft voice rang out once more; "Yuna?" His eyes shone with concern as he tilted her head up to him, studying her intently.
"Are you alright? Do you not feel well? Are you worrying about the duties Aurora gave us, or did you perhaps drink too much?"
Yuna couldn't bring the words to her lips as she stared up at Udo's face; he was so close.
Udo's worry only increased when Yuna failed to say anything, and his brow furrowed. "Are you upset? Did I do something wrong?" The hand slid down to cup at her cheek. "Please tell me."
'No running away.' The words rang profusely in Yuna's head, and the sentence fell from her lips before she could even process it;
"You said I came back into your life."
Udo chuckled, "Hm? What are you-" Udo stopped himself as realization dawned on him, and Yuna saw how his sharp eyes filled with something akin to horror. Like he'd been stung, Udo retracted his hand quickly, and took several steps away from the girl.
Yuna could only stare at him with wide eyes, and Udo struggled to form a proper sentence. "O-Oh... that's what is bugging you? It was a simple mistake in speech, nothing more." Udo briskly turned his back to the girl, and broke out into quick steps.
Yuna suddenly gained her mobility back, and her hand shot out to grip at his robes; no intention of letting the Fey go.
"No, Udo. It wasn't."
'I'm not letting you get away. If I'm not running anymore, then neither can you.'
"Udo, I know. I remember everything; you saved me."
Udo was like a statue as Yuna spoke.
"Five years ago, in the oceans surrounding Miyagata, you saved me, you-"
"Yuna." Udo's voice was uncharacteristically sharp, especially at her, and Yuna jumped. He looked back at the girl with an unreadable expression.
"That's enough. It was a slip up in my words, and nothing else."
Udo pulled himself away from Yuna's grasp, and Yuna couldn't help the hurt expression that flashed on her face.
"Come on, let's go home."
Udo's steps were heavy as they neared the gates, and Yuna's hands tightened into clenched fists. With brief steps, she quickly caught up to the Fey, intercepting his stride as she stood firmly in front of him.
"If it was just a slip up in speech, then why are you acting like this?!" Yuna couldn't help how her voice rose. "Why... why are you treating me so coldly, Udo?"
Udo sighed, actively avoiding eye contact with the girl. "I'm not acting like anything Yuna, I'm simply tired." His hand came up to rub over his face; "Look, if it bugs you so much, we can address it later."
"No, Udo, we need to address it now." Yuna's eyes glazed over. "What is their to discuss if it was just a slip up, Udo? Why can't you be honest with me?"
Udo's eyes widened as a stray tear trailed down Yuna's face. "Udo... why did you never say anything to me? Why... why did you keep it a secret for so long?" Yuna's brows furrowed. "Why are you still keeping it a secret? If I wasn't having these dreams, I probably never would've known!"
Udo shook his head as troubled expression crossed his face; the sun illuminating them with it's scarlet palette.
"Yuna, it's... I just..." He sighed once more.
Softly, Yuna reached out to hold his hands within her own. "Udo... we're a team now, remember?" She blinked up at him, eyes practically begging;
"Please, please Udo... help me remember... don't keep me in the dark anymore. I don't want to be kept in the dark anymore; I..."
Yuna desperately called out, "I'm so sorry I forgot you Udo... I'm sorry... don't be mad." Her voice broke, and another tear fell from her cheek.
Udo's eyes widened at that, and he remained silent.
Yuna could practically hear her heart break as Udo tore his hands from hers, gently pushing past her as he made his way to the castle gates.
"I'm sorry... Yuna."
Yuna whipped her head around in disbelief as Udo's wings began to hover him into the air.
"I... Head back to the Moors. They'll take care of you." Udo couldn't meet her gaze. "I need to leave. I... I'm sorry Yuna."
Yuna cried out as Udo went from right in front of her, to high into the sky; a hand reaching out to his distant figure,
It was no use; the Tundra Fey was long gone.
Yuna felt like her heart had gone with him.
A heavy weight crashed onto Yuna, and her legs gave out beneath her before she could even register what was happening.
A sob tore from Yuna's throat as she threw her face into her hands; her soul feeling separated from her body as she cried. After what felt like hours, but couldn't be more than a few minutes, Yuna felt a warm embrace engulf her, and she looked up with hopeful eyes; praying it would be Udo.
Instead, gentle green eyes met her own, and Yuna fully broke. "M-Maleficent!" Yuna threw herself into Maleficent's warm embrace, and Maleficent hushed the girl by rubbing comforting circles onto her back;
"Shhhhh. It's okay, beastie. It's alright."
It didn't feel like it. In fact, it felt far from it.
Udo, the one Fey, the one being who was supposed to always be by her side, who had promised to never leave her...
Was gone.
This chapter made me really sad to write; like fr 🥺. My heart hurts, I really don't want to end the chapter like this LOL. Anyways, my last update before I go back to school! I'll still be updating as often as I can, but I wanted to make sure I spoiled you guys with new chapters while I still had the time :) Honest opinions; when I was making a storyboard for this fic a few nights ago, I realized it was going to be a loooong story; I really wanted to make a deep story out of this. Is that okay with you readers? Or would you want something shorter? I feel like the story itself will have three-five different arcs, the first being Udo and Yuna getting together of course. Is that alright?? Do y'all wanna be reading like 100+ chapters?? Please let me know!
Thank you so much for reading; I hope you guys enjoyed (and I hope Udo and Yuna reconcile ;))!!! Please show your support, star and comment! I can't wait to continue this story for you guys, and I will be back very soon<3
Cheers to all my fellow university students out there! Spring semester here we go!

Purity in the Stars *Maleficent: Mistress of Evil- Udo Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now