Chapter Thirteen: Under the Summer Fireworks

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Days later, Ulstead's dusk was soon over the horizon; and with it came a very anxious and jittery Yuna.
She weaved through the tents adeptly, running over the last of her check ins as she scampered from vendor to vendor, booth to booth; reviewing one last time how the night would play out and easing her pounding heart as she ensured (for the hundredth time) that everything was ready and okay.
Yuna gnawed at her bottom lip, gods; why on earth did she agree to give a speech in Aurora's stead?
"This whole thing was your idea, it's only appropriate that you give the opening speech!"
The Queen's words rang inside Yuna's head, and she sighed.
'It sounded like such a good idea at the time, but Gods, now I'm so nervous!'
The festival grounds were to be held within Castle Ulstead's expansive courtyard; the colorful tents and lanterns all set up within the castle yard like a beautifully harmonious sea. If Yuna wasn't so anxious over the speech, she probably would've cried.
Everything from the food to the music to the atmosphere simply screamed "Miyagata". It was like Yuna was momentarily back at her homeland, teleported back to days long since past. It all served as a reminder of just how dedicated of a friend Aurora was; she knew how important tonight was to Yuna, and she did everything in her authority to make Yuna's vision come to life.
And Yuna had to admit, the Queen did a damn good job.
The evening's festivities had brought Yuna into a flowing red summer dress; delicately embroidered with a ditzy floral pattern. Her oxblood tresses were half tied up and fell in loose waves; her heeled sandals clicking as she trekked up one of the guard's post towers. The herbalist slowly made her way atop of the castle walls where Aurora awaited her; rehearsing her opening address over and over again in her head.
'I wish Udo was here... I haven't seen him all day.' Yuna internally sighed. Setting up for the festival had caused Yuna to be at Castle Ulstead within the first morning rays touching the ground; Udo having his own business to tend to within the Moors, as it was his turn to oversee the young for the day.
'Apparently, there's going to be a high attendance of Moorfolk tonight... oh no, I hope I don't look stupid in front of all of them.' Yuna shook the thought away.
Surprisingly, the summer festival was met with rather positive responses. Aurora was truly a beloved Queen, and with her politics of mending the bond between humans and Feys, her influence was quite pronounced. She was like a figure head for the Moors; if Ulstead's beloved Queen advocated for peace between the kinds, then of course her followers would eagerly meet her requests.
So, upon the announcement of Ulstead's first ever summer festival with an open invite of both human and Fey, an excited air seemed to circulate around the townsfolk.
It both relieved and excited Yuna; of course, there would always be the outliers of those who rejected Ulstead's progression, be it Fey or human. However, with the support from the Moors and the acceptance of the humans... Yuna thought they were off to a pretty good start.
'I'll have to remember to thank Borra, Shrike and Ini later. They really did a wonderful job gathering up the Moorfolk... Aurora too. She was able to rally both sides.'
Once ascended, she stepped from the watch tower and was now along Ulstead's massively intimidating walls (you know, the same one her and Diaval had almost met their maker on). With her vantage point, she could see the thick congested crowd of people waiting just beyond the closed castle gates, and her heart rate accelerated. 'Oh boy, that's quite the crowd.' Her steps quickened in her anxiety.
'Udo should be down there... no, Udo is definitely down there. Gods I wish he was up here with me.'
A familar figure stood in the near distance, and Yuna silently resigned to her fate;
'Here goes nothing.'
She silently strode to Aurora's side, the Queen practically glowing in not a typical aristocratic gown, but rather an ivory linen dress with delicate lace complimenting it. Aurora didn't turn as Yuna met her, the two women overlooking the noisy crowd.
However, she did speak up.
"You look lovely, Yuna. You should be proud of everything you've accomplished; just look at everyone who's shown up to see what you created. That's amazing."
Aurora's hair was tied in a long fishtail braid, the loose baby hair whipping at her face which held a gentle smile as she stared down at her subjects.
"Diaval and Maleficent are also down there to help mitigate any aggressions between the Moorfolk or humans, should there be any. If you discount Borra terrorizing a little boy when he asked to touch his wings... I'd say we're off to a wonderful start for the evening. Stop being so tense; everything will go just swimmingly." Aurora giggled, and Yuna felt her own relaxed grin begin to spread on her face.
"Yeah? That's good to hear." Yuna's mouth was dry as she quietly gulped. "I'll be more relaxed once everything is in full swing."
Yuna quickly added in so she didn't sound ungrateful, "Thank you so much for orchestrating all of this, Aurora. If I wasn't so stressed out, I'd probably be bawling right now. It's exactly how I remember it being." A brief image of a man and a woman and a certain pair of twins flashed in Yuna's mind, and her heart warmed.
She felt Aurora squeeze reassuringly at her hand before releasing it. "It's okay to cry; I'm happy I was able to do this for you. Some of the townsfolk sounded so enraptured by the aspect of this, and all of the Moorfolk are excited simply because it's your function. It'll be a great night, Yuna."
The Queen and Herbalist shared a smile, and Aurora quietly prompted; "Ready?"
Wordlessly, Yuna nodded.
Together, the two stepped forward to the edges of the walls that surrounded Castle Ulstead's, and almost instantly the chatter that resonated beneath them died down to anticipatory silence.
Aurora took in a breath, then she spoke;
"To begin the night, I'd like to thank you all for coming. Due to my relationship with our very special guest, it was decided that I, your Queen, shall deliver this welcome speech over my husband." Aurora's voice was as steady and dignified as ever, and Yuna envied her. The herbalist actively tried to avoid searching the crowd, not wanting to be scared off even more if she were to see Udo or any of their friends. Instead, her eyes trained to a point in the distance.
"I will save the more heartfelt speech for tomorrow at the peace treaty signing; I'm sure the last thing either sides want is two consecutive days of boring political speeches." Aurora smiled when the crowd erupted into soft chuckles at that, and Yuna bit at her lip.
"However... I do feel obligated to express my sincere gratitude to both Ulstead and the Moors for how accepting you have been of our reconstruction. As queen of both sides, it warms my heart to see a majority of the population in favor of moving forward. Tonight, I'd like us to simply have fun; young or old, let's end this eventful summer and bring in a new era of peace with our friends and family."
A roar of applause and cheers burst out, and Aurora chuckled. "Excellent." Yuna heard her whisper under her breath. The Queen's eyes met hers, and her deep blue eyes silently asked her;
"Are you ready?"
Yuna met the gaze with a smile, and Aurora nodded. She turned back to her subjects, who quieted under her dignified air, and the Queen smiled down at them.
"I cannot take credit for the joy you are about to experience this evening. As Ulstead has undergone its social reconstruction, so has my personal circle of trusted advisors... and friends."
Despite her nerves, Yuna felt the sweet words strike deep within her; meeting Aurora's glance with a smile.
"I'd like to introduce you all to Castle Ulstead's newest Court Herbalist, The Moors' newest ally, your King and Queen's newest strategist... and also my best friend. Please welcome Yuna of Miyagata."
As Yuna's scarlet clad figure stepped forward hesitantly to greet the claps, she heard very distinct whistles and hollers that she just knew belonged to her rowdy Fey folk and a certain crow. She silently thanked them; their encouragement filling her with vigor as she was reminded that she had people who would always root for her.
A warm summer breeze swept through her burgundy locks, and Yuna gulped thickly before speaking.
"A-Ah... um, hi." She quickly bowed her head and heard quiet chuckles sound from the people below her. With a heavy blush, Yuna rectified her posture and carefully spoke;
"Thank you all for coming tonight, I have to say, I was rather worried we'd have a short turnout. I'm glad to say that isn't the case." Yuna's fingers fiddled with her dress fabric. She took a moment, cleared her throat, and then continued in a slightly less shaky voice;
"I've only very recently joined the crown under Queen Aurora's approval, and I knew that I wanted my first impression to the public to be something worthwhile... and I realized the only way I could accomplish such a thing was if I pursued something close to my heart. As you all have been made aware, if it's not already obvious just by looking at me, I'm not from here. My home is a great distance from here; like the Dark Feys had to live in exile within the Cavernous Nest, such was a place like that for me when I first arrived in Ulstead. It was foreign, lonely and cold. I was miserable."
Just like destiny; Yuna saw him standing there in all of his stark white serenity. Their eyes locked despite the great distance that separated them, and Yuna smiled when Udo's lips mouthed some sort of sweet nothing to her. Udo gazed up at her with a prideful gleam in his eyes, practically basking in the secret notion that yes, she was all his.
Surrounding him were the three Feys he'd regarded as his most cherished friends (now their most cherished friends), and two of Yuna's own three; a Fey and a crow (which again, by default, were now Udo's).
The sight sent a warm feeling down her spine and to her fingertips; all in just one summer, Ulstead had become her home. Udo, their friends, her job... she'd never be able to thank the stars enough. She'd never know how she was so fortunate.
Yuna's heart quelled, and a serene expression finally set over her features.
"But now, Ulstead is something precious to me. It took quite some time, but Ulstead is my home; it's a place full of new beginnings. Both for me, and for you." Yuna's eyes never left Udo's as she spoke, both of their gazes soft and warm like they were staring at something precious.
"From my home to yours, and from one era to the next; here's to new beginnings. Here's to burying the hatchet, and learning to accept our differences. There's a new world on the horizon, and I want all of the future generations to enjoy everything it has to offer; no matter their kind."
Yuna bowed her head deeply.
"And I'd like for all of that to begin tonight, right here where my own destiny took a turn for the best. Thank you."
The crowd was dead silent, and Yuna scrunched her eyes shut as she kept her head down. 'It was spoken from the heart... if that wasn't passable then I don't know how much longer Aurora will want me within her circle...'
As soon as the thought entered her mind, it was washed away by roars of applause and cheers; deafening Yuna as she snapped back up to her standing position. Her eyes widened, and below her she witnessed an integrated pool of both kinds hollering loudly at her figure atop the walls, feeling Aurora firmly clap her shoulder.
"Maybe I should have you start delivering my speeches, hm? Simply brilliant as always, Yuna." The Queen winked at her.
"Ever consider being a writer?"
Yuna blinked at her friend amidst the cheers and cries. "I'm much more of a painter." She shrugged, and Aurora burst into laughter.
One last time, the two gave a dip of their heads to the  exhilarated subjects; Yuna feeling a spark of confidence burn brightly in her chest as they cheered for her. 'Just how many more times will Aurora make me give a speech? I better sign up for public speaking classes.' Yuna grinned.
Gracefully, Aurora whipped around to signal to the guards operating the controls for the castle gates. She nodded at them, giving them a poised and easy smile; "Guards, open the front gates!"
The cheers grew in volume, and as the metal gates twisted up the crowds of curious townspeople poured into the courtyard with an infectious excitement; the Moorfolk not far behind them as Maleficent and Diaval led them in confidently.
Yuna and Aurora watched as the decorated courtyard flooded with both kinds, and Aurora's eyes brightened as the festival began in full swing.
"I think we should get down there and join them, hm?" She smirked at Yuna. "You're the star of the show tonight; I'm sure everyone will want to know just what everything is. Maybe even give you a pat on the back." Yuna rolled her eyes at Aurora, the two breaking into laughter.
"I'm quite sure everything is self explanatory. If it isn't... I think our Queen might want to invest in reforming the school system before anything else."
Yuna joked, and then it was Aurora's turn to roll her eyes.
"Little jokester tonight, aren't you?" The Queen giggled. "Come on, lets hurry up and get down there."
Yuna went to heed Aurora's words, about to turn on her heel when Aurora suddenly spoke out again. "On second thought, I'll meet you down there." Her gaze was trained at something just beyond Yuna. "I'll meet up with the others, okay?"
Yuna quirked a brow at Aurora's sudden change of demeanor, watching as the aristocrat swiftly weaved the other way and set to descend from the castle walls. Yuna took a step after her friend,
"Hey! Aurora, wait!"
Just as soon as Yuna called after her, the herbalist cried in surprise as she felt her feet being swept from under her. Her head knocked against something hard, and a familiar scent filled her senses as a deep baritone voice chuckled.
"Staring at me like that; since when did you become so sweet?"
Yuna smiled in his hold, effectively being carried by her Fey as she giggled. "Hey, I'm always sweet!" A laugh escaped her again as Udo swung them around, holding his heart close as they waltzed towards the edge of the castle walls.
"I know." Udo's short teasing was over, and his eyes met Yuna's as he smiled lovingly. Yuna blushed under that affection gaze, and Udo softly spoke. "I'm so proud of you, everything about tonight is simply amazing. Your speech was... I guess it was endearing, for lack of a better word." Udo's smile grew. "You look simply heavenly. I almost tackled you on the spot when you first stepped out."
Yuna smiled as they carefully and slowly descended, Udo's wings merely acting as a buffer as they fluidly landed at a shadowy and unoccupied area within the castle lawns. Even once they were on firm ground, Udo still didn't release Yuna; not that she held any objections.
Just feet in front of them, the festival was beginning to come to life with its occupants; and Yuna felt her heart swell. Children chased each other with glee; a candy apple or some other type of sweet in their grasp. Couples occupied the game booths, the men eagerly looking to impress their other half's as they scooped goldfish after goldfish into small bowls and the women excitedly pointing at the prizes they wanted. The air smelled both sweet and savory; the food vendors undoubtedly raking in much more than their monthly salary in just this one night. The merchants holding down the souvenir and knick-knack booths happily swindled (not that the goods Yuna made sure they sold weren't of the greatest quality) patron after patron, a mask here and an ornate glass chime there. The atmosphere was light, and carefree; Yuna watching as not all, but some of the humans and faeries interacted with pleasant greetings and joyful chatter.
Yuna felt Udo kiss at her temple, and she hummed.
"You really think tonight will be all that great?" She didn't want to get her hopes up; she couldn't. However, as Yuna gazed out into the happy crowds and saw more and more people begin to enter into the courtyard, she knew she had her answer.
"More than that." Udo confirmed, giving her a squeeze as he carefully set Yuna to her feet. "I'm so proud of you, Yuna. I know that... I know that your family is too." Udo's eyes wandered from the lively and colorful festival and back to his heart, Yuna staring up at him with gentle eyes.
"You really think so?" She whispered, necklace burning against her skin.
"I know so. Look at everything you've accomplished; look at the woman you've become. I never knew who you'd become all those years ago, but... it's more wonderful than I could've ever anticipated. I fear you'll outgrow me soon." Udo quietly dragged them into the private shadows even more, his fingers trailing through Yuna's soft curls.
In their own intimate sanctuary amidst the festival's celebration, the two embraced.
Yuna smiled, her eyes slightly glossy. "You really think I'm going to take the time to break in another boyfriend? You're stuck with me now; it's been five years. I'm not going anywhere." The two shared a laugh, and Udo kissed her head with a dorky grin. Yuna's laughter died down, and her brow quivered ever so slightly. The familiar yet foreign festival scenery before her blurred, and she gulped thickly as she nuzzled her face into Udo's robes.
"I wish they were here." Yuna whispered. Udo felt the tears soak into the fabric covering his chest, and he felt his heart tighten.
"I know. They're not here physically, but they're still present. You standing here is all the proof to show that." Udo softly swayed her, and Yuna released a shaky sigh.
"I wish you could've met them... I wish that they were able to see everything that I've done in the last few years. I wish that they could see us now." Yuna whispered; almost certain she heard Mina's distinct laughter echo somewhere deep in her mind.
It hurt Udo anytime he saw Yuna crying; it hurt him more than any other pain he'd ever felt. Udo had made an unstated vow that no matter what, whether they were fighting or it'd just been a rough day, he'd always quell her sadness no matter that cost.
Of course he'd held her as she cried many times before; but this time was different. Now, Udo and Yuna were a couple.
Now, it was in Udo's blood to never let his heart feel pain; it was his scared vow as a Fey who'd found their heart.
Udo let her cry for a few long moments, hushing her but not wanting to stop her from feeling her emotions. "I wish that too, Yuna. I wish that more than you could ever imagine." He wasn't sure if Yuna heard his whispers underneath her incoherent babbling, but he did feel her latch onto him just a bit tighter.
Udo rubbed at her back until he felt her begin to calm down, her silent cries bubbling down to just soft whimpers. Not too forcefully, Udo carefully peeled her head away from his chest; peppering her reddened and wet face with his kisses.
"Stop, I'm gross." Yuna sniffled, and Udo chuckled as he kissed her nose.
"You're never gross." He corrected, softly placing one last kiss to Yuna's lips.
The two basked in the contact for a long moment, the kiss brisk but not lacking in any affection. Udo pulled away first, and his knuckles brushed Yuna's cheeks like a tissue.
His voice was soft, "I know that tonight may bring up some unwanted feelings, and I understand that. I also know that you miss them; there is nothing wrong with feeling that."
Yuna's eyes fluttered shut as Udo pressed a kiss to her brow, his hands trailing down to grip hers tightly. "You can feel all of that, but still be present and enjoy what you have right now. I don't want you hurting, heart; I want you to have fun. All of our friends are here, celebrating you for everything that you've accomplished; this night is about you, Yuna. I know that your family wouldn't want you mournful either; you said so yourself, remember? Your happiest memories always took place at the summer festivals." Udo watched as Yuna's eyes slowly sparkles with understanding, his words delicate.
The Fey brought her pale hand to his lips, kissing the knuckles.
"And now, I think mine will be formed here as well; with you, at a tradition from your homeland. I want to know everything about you, Yuna; I want to be able to experience how you grew up. It's important to me, because it's you." Udo's touched eased Yuna, and her doe eyes blinked up at him cutely as he spoke.
Udo resisted the urge to kiss his heart again, finishing sincerely; "No matter what sadness you may feel, you can lean on me. Let me shoulder it with you. That's what I'm here for, you know?" He finally gave in as he pressed another kiss to her plump lips. "Just understand that I don't need to know your backstory to know one thing; no matter where you go, or what you do, there will never be a moment that your family isn't there to see it. You may not be able to see them, but that doesn't mean they can't see you... and I know they see exactly what I see when I look at you."
Another kiss, this one more slow and drawn out. "I see perhaps the most enchantingly gorgeous person on this planet; with a personality and intelligence to match. I see how kind and loving you are, I see how brave and selfless you can be. I see your passion and your grit; I see the way your eyes light up when your happy and how you fiddle with your clothing whenever your feel upset. I see you, Yuna; I see the person I love."
If Udo hadn't captured her lips again, Yuna was sure she would've cried. He held her as his lips brushed against her own, and Udo murmured, "No more crying, be happy your simply alive. Be happy that you can experience this moment with me, and our friends. No matter how much you're hurting Yuna, I swear I'll never let it carry on."
Yuna could just barely nod as her eyelids felt heavy, "I love you..." Her own voice was a quiet murmur. The two met again, thankful that the looming shadows of the castle walls masked their escapade as the kiss was the most passionate of the ones they'd shared that night.
The heaviness in Yuna's chest was replaced by a lightness; a sort of happiness that only Udo seemed to know how to kindle within her. Udo was delighted to see Yuna's tears stop, any trace of sadness dispelled as they shared kiss after kiss.
Yuna squeaked as Udo backed them into a stone corner, quickly recovering as the Fey held her up with his strong arms. The festivities around them faded into white noise; and the only thing either one of them could focus on was each other.
They gently pulled away, this time it was Yuna who pressed a lingering kiss to her star's now slightly swollen lips. She smiled up at him, teary eyes shining brilliantly. "Thank you." Yuna's hands found purchase on Udo's steady shoulders. "Why do you always know exactly what to say?" She whispered.
Udo's palms kneaded into the small of Yuna's back as he replied; "Why do you always make me feel nervous?" He chuckled at the confused look on Yuna's face, kissing it away. "I simply tell you how I feel. I always have and I always will."
His words made Yuna smile again, her eyes fluttering closed as she went to lean in for another hidden kiss.
Udo and Yuna both completely froze at the tiny and familiar voice, eyes widening in horror. With the might of a tiger and the quickness of a viper, Yuna all but sent Udo tumbling to the ground as she shoved the Fey away from her.
Udo hit the ground with a dull thud, and Yuna silently prayed that she didn't look unkempt as she smiled down at the little Fey before her.
"Y-Yui! Hi!" Yuna hurriedly smoothing down her hair as she knelt before the babe, extending her arms out to the little girl. "You scared me, silly!"
Udo huffed as he sat himself up on the freshly cut lawn, quirking a brow at his mate as Yuna mouthed a silent "I'm sorry", her arms full of the little Tundra Fae.
The two heard an amused hum, and from the depths of the shadows before them strode Maleficent in all of her horned beauty; a smirk on her red lips.
"Pardon. I sent Yui here to retrieve you two as your entourage is waiting; but I didn't realize you were getting busy making children."
Udo gulped, Yuna stuttered, and Yui simply clung to Yuna's dress in an innocent oblivion as she rested on her hip.
Udo picked himself up from the ground gracefully, plucking loose blades of grass from his white robes as he regarded Maleficent. "Sorry, I couldn't help but steal Yuna away for a few moments before she became swarmed by the adoring public." Udo smoothed his robes down before striding up to the girl, his slender hand coming up to rub at Yui's platinum locks. "Let's get going."
Maleficent smiled at the trio, her black wings like a cape as she led the way to where their friends eagerly awaited.
Yuna held Yui close to her as her and Udo strode in silence, feeling the little Fey play with her hair as she carried her. Almost unnoticeably, Yuna felt a tender kiss be placed just behind her ear; looking to the side to see Udo smiling at her warmly. His arm carefully snaked around her waist, pulling her close as she carried Yui. Yuna sank against Udo's side; contented as they walked in a blissful silence.
Glancing to the young Fey in her arms, Yuna offered her a loving smile. "Are you excited, Yui? Did you have fun with Udo today?"
The tiny Fey nodded her head; her ever present quiet demeanor not hiding the sparkle in her big eyes. "Mmhm." Yui's tiny fingers kept playing with a piece of Yuna's scarlet hair. "He took me flying today. It was fun. I'm excited to see what a.... festibal is."
Yuna chuckled. "Festival, Yui. But close enough." The girl heard Udo chuckle as well. "You're getting awfully good at being able to take off by yourself Yui. I can tell you've been practicing." The older Fey reached over to pet at her tiny horns. "Even better than Dagran and Lilja. I guess it's just the way of the Tundra Fae." Udo smiled at the little one, and the smallest of grins showed on Yui's face.
Yuna watched their exchanges with a full heart; 'These two... if I was just a stranger, I'd assume they were brother and sister. Maybe even father and daughter.' Yuna pressed a delicate kiss to Yui's stark white baby hairs.
She watched as Yui's eyes fell to the arm that encircled Yuna's waist, following the hand up to Udo's kind face. With a blank expression, Yui asked;
"Udo why were you and Yuna hugging like that?"
Yuna swore she saw Maleficent's shoulders shake, and she tried to fight off a blush.
Yui continued. "By the wall; you two were whispering and I saw you holding her. I've never seen someone do that before. Why were you two doing it?"
Udo blinked in a quiet panic, and Yuna simply glared at Maleficent's feigned innocence as she glanced to anywhere but the trio behind her.
Thankfully, the fates seemed to be in Yuna's favor that night.
"Yuna! Hey Yuna, over here!"
The party of four halted as Yuna glanced towards the voice; a guard she very easily recognized running to them.
She offered him a smile as he came up to her, taking a moment to catch his breath. "Hello Frederick, do you need something?"
The guard grinned goofily at her; hearts practically swimming in his eyes as Udo quirked an unamused brow. "I'm okay, that medicine you gave me worked wonders! Ms. Yuna, you sure do look lovely tonight." He gushed, and Yuna still met him with her same kind expression.
"Thank you Frederick, I'm happy that you're all healed up. If you need anything, feel free to come by my office on Monday, alright?"
Frederick nodded enthusiastically. "Oh, I will! Actually... I wanted to ask you if-"
Most likely, Udo's almost sinister aura had become to hefty for the guard to ignore; his eyes widening as Udo pulled Yuna closer and Yui shifted in her hold.
His eyes like saucers and pulled from his love-induced tunnel vision, Frederick's eyes shone with heartbreak and with horror.
"O-Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize you had a family... is this your husband and daughter?"
Yuna obliviously tilted her head, Udo smirking in a silent satisfaction as he pressed a kiss to her head. As if to emphasize his point, Udo brought his other arm to fully embrace Yuna from behind; grinning almost evilly as he saw Frederick's whole demeanor sink into the earth.
"Udo and Yui? You're so silly Frederick, they're-" Yuna spoke, Udo almost instantly cutting her off.
"It's alright; it was an honest mistake. Now if you don't mind, Frederick, I'd like to enjoy with the evening with my wife and daughter."
Yuna stammered in disbelief as Udo tightly squeezed her, his long fingernails shooing away at the love struck guard. "Go on, shoo. By the way, I can tell even without using my magic that you're in completely good health. Stop taking advantage of Yuna's empathy just so you can get some of her special medicine; or else I'll get mad." With a pointed look, Udo guided his heart and the Fey child away from a now in shock guard; Maleficent shaking her head at the poor boy with a frown.
"It's okay Romeo. You'll find your Juliet soon." She gave him a wink before scampering off; Frederick as still as a statue as he watched the three Feys and human walk away.
"That Fey... he sure is scary..." The guard gulped.
Yuna adjusted Yui on her hip as she sighed, hiding her smile. "That has got to be the fifth guard you've scared off." She noted, the lively festival just inches in front of them.
Udo hummed, running his fingers against Yuna's side. "Awfully the popular thing in the castle aren't you, Wifey?" Udo kissed her forehead, and Yuna giggled.
"Well, husband; I can't help that I'm just that good of an herbalist."
Yui looked at the two in confusion, her doe eyes trailing to where Maleficent smiled to herself.
"Udo's not my dad. Yuna's not my mom either." She stated to the Fey with a furrowed brow; and Maleficent laughed. The Phoenix's fingernail came to tickle at Yui's cheek, "I know love, just let them pretend alright?"
Yuna quickly stole one last kiss as the festival boomed around them, and she whispered to her Fey; "Like I said before, I'm not going anywhere. No need to be jealous."
The two shared a smile, and just like that; a dozen familiar voices called out to them.
"Ah, there they are! Maleficent found them!"
"Finally, I was getting bored."
"Oh good, Yui is with them too. I was worried she'd ran off."
Yuna gently set Yui down on her feet as their group came up to her and the three Feys; wide smiles and all.
Aurora and Philip, Shrike and Percival, Borra and Ini and an excited Diaval who scampered to Maleficent's side greeted them quick hugs and pats, even Dagran and Lilja managing to squeeze through the adult's legs.
"Udo! Udo!" Dagran excitedly tugged at Udo's robes as Lilja held Yui's hand, already preparing to drag the smaller Fey away. "Some of the kids from the school want to play with us, can we please go?"
Udo stared down at the three little Fey's puppy dog eyes before casting a glance to Yuna; silently questioning her. She smiled, patting Dagran's dark and curly hair.
"Go play, make sure you three don't get separated. You come and find us or the other Feys once the festival is over, understand?" Yuna instructed, and Dagran's eyes light up as he cheered.
"Yes! Thank you Miss Yuna!" Lilja hurriedly scampered away as Yui waved goodbye to the couple, Udo calling over to Dagran's retreating form.
"Dagran! You keep an eye on the girls, do not let Yui wander off by herself! She's too little!"
The Fey sighed as his words were merely met with a thumbs up from the young faerie, scratching at his head with an amused smile.
"Brat." He murmured affectionately, and Yuna giggled.
Udo let his hand trail down to capture Yuna's newly freed one; a smile on both of their faces as their greeted them happily.
"Yuna! I must confess, I fear you've overshadowed our ball for tomorrow. This is absolutely stunning!" Philip dip his head in a polite greeting to his wife's friend, gesturing at the space around them.
"I have to agree; I didn't know humans could party like this! Perhaps you're not such a dull species after all!" Shrike's already loud voice boomed over the thick crowds, and Ini winced.
"Here, lets move over there; it's far too noisy..." The quiet Desert Fae glared as someone bumped into her, leading the group to where the crowd was clearing in the middle of the beautifully tiled courtyard.
Lanterns of all colors hung above them; bathing the group of Dark Feys and humans in a rainbow plethora as they strode amidst the festival booths; Aurora, Philip and Yuna nodding their heads at passing by castle hands and citizens. They Feys sighed with relief as they entered the less crowded area, stretch their wings out gratefully. Yuna could feel Udo's feathers brush over her shoulders, smiling as Borra stretched out his impressively massive wings.
"All of these crowds over some silly festival? I have to say, you must have quite a way with words, Yuna." Borra rolled his shoulders back, Diaval excitedly chirping in;
"All of these crowds because Yuna put together something so beautiful! You have to give us a tour Yuna. What's all of this food? And the games? What are they selling in all of the booths?" Diaval almost seemed like a tourist in the midst of his excitement, and Percival nodded from Philip's side.
"I have to say, I'm rather curious as well. Did Miyagata really hold festivals like this annually? That actually sounds quite nice."
Maleficent also seemed visibly pleased; "What a beautiful culture you come from Yuna. The same way we showed you the way of the Dark Fey, you simply must show us the way of your people."
Yuna smiled giddily amidst her friend's curiosity and praise, Udo's own chest swelling as he gazed down at his heart with a prideful grin.
Momentarily releasing her hand from Udo's, Yuna clapped her hands together with a nod. "Right! I need to teach you all everything. Where do I even begin..."
Yuna's chocolatey eyes wandered up to the lanterns hanging above them, and she grinned. She addressed her party members with vigor, "Well, to start, the lanterns we put up are supposed to act as a guide to us as we end one season and enter another! As Summer ends and we enter Autumn, all of our green fields and bloomed trees wither and die. The lanterns are like an assurance that our path into the season of dead nature will be lit and absent of shadows." Yuna gestured up to the many different colored lights, and the group vocalized their understanding,
"That makes sense! Everything does die in Autumn; especially for a farming village like Miyagata, I'm sure it's a rather intimidating season." Aurora scratched at her chin as she looked at the many colors.
"We have something similar to this in Dark Fey culture; typically when one is dying, we'll use our spiritual magic to create light orbs and help their spirit find its way to the afterlife. It's all just superstition, but how interesting both of our cultures share something like that..." Ini almost seemed to be taking a mental note as she inspected the lights.
Udo smiled at Yuna figure, which was bathed in effervescent hues of pinks and yellows. "Do the colors represent anything in particular, Yuna?" The Fey questioned.
The group waited for her answer, and Yuna simply shrugged her shoulders. "Not really. We just liked all of the colors."
The group broke into laughter at that, and Yuna gestured for them to follow her as she led them down a strip of booths and tents; alive with harmonious music and laughter. She gestured towards a game booth filled with children;
"The goldfish scooping game is always quite popular for all ages. You just try to get as many goldfish as you can within the time limit; whatever you catch you get to keep! It's a fun little game." Yuna motioned at the shallow pool of golden fish, and Borra grinned.
"Really? That's what you would do for fun?" Borra seemed almost excited as he glanced down at the swimming creatures. "Easy. I could capture all of them!"
Philip quirked a brow down at the fish, "I don't think it's as much as a competition as you're interpreting it... Whatever would you do with all of those fish, Borra?"
Yuna groaned in exhaustion and horror as the Fey slammed a hand down into the water, producing a squirming scaly fish as he showed it off proudly much to the tent runner's chagrin.
"Doesn't matter, I don't even need a net! I can catch them with my bare hands!" Borra smiled at Yuna. "Is this supposed to be a test of manliness? Or of hunting skills?"
Yuna blinked, then slapped a hand over her face. "No, gods Borra it's just a game..."
Borra's antics soon caught the attention of a group of heavily made up women; their clothing choices questionable as Yuna found their necklines to be just a bit too low.
The scent of heavy perfume hit her nose as the girls giggled past her and ran up to Borra, eyeing him mischievously; "Oh! Look, a Dark Fey! I've never seen one quite so... brawny." One of them snickered.
Another one hummed, bringing a finger up to trace over Borra's feathers. "Why don't you take a walk with us around the festival, hun? We'll show you a good time." She winked.
Borra cast them a disinterested and rather confused look. "Why would I want to do that?" He almost snarled.
The third girl smiled coyly. "Well, I couldn't think of a reason why you wouldn't want to..." A dangerous look flashed in her eyes as she slinked up sultrily to Borra.
It was to the group's surprise when Ini stepped almost protectively in front of the larger male Fey; her expression showing she was clearly unamused.
"He's clearly not interested. Why don't you run back to the brothel and leave us alone?"
Shrike's jaw nearly dropped at Ini's boldness, and she tugged at her friend's wrist anxiously. "Hey, come on Ini; don't pick a fight. What's gotten into you?" Ini ignored Shrike's words, her glare hardening.
The group of women stared down at the Desert Fey with obvious taste, the one who Yuna assumed was the ring leader of the crude girls stepping forward. "What did you say?" Her voice dipped low, and Ini only quirked a brow.
"You heard me; go on back to the brothel, or would a stable be better?" Ini's magic slowly began to glow around her; long black hair whipping wildly. "You know, it's not just a rumor that a group of Dark Fey's turned the evil queen into a goat. You want to stay and find out who's idea it was?"
The girls' eyes widened in horror, and their high heels clicked off down the courtyard as they bolted away from Ini's lethal aura.
"Ah! Evil witch, don't you dare turn me into a stupid animal! You can have your stupid little Fey!" One of them cried, Ini relaxing as their backs disappeared from sight.
Borra stared at Ini quizzically. "Should I be worried as to why you're suddenly in a bad mood?"
Ini hissed at the man's obliviousness; snatching the goldfish from his hold as she placed back into it's pool of life. "Gods, you're SUCH a dim Fey!" Ini rolled her eyes as she stomped over to Yuna, huffing as she seethed quietly.
Borra blinked in surprise, and Yuna chuckled nervously.
"Right. So no on the goldfish." She noted lightly, ushering the group along as Maleficent patted Ini's braided hair.
"It's okay dearie; all men are quite stupid I can assure you." Maleficent comforted Ini, and the girl could only roll her eyes.
"He's just on a whole new level!" She exclaimed, glaring harshly into the ground before her.
Borra watched them with an almost defeated expression, turning to his best friend.
"What did I even do?" He questioned Udo, who patted him on the back sympathetically.
"You have quite a ways to go before you understand a woman's emotions, Borra." Udo chuckled, as did Diaval.
"I agree; you're not so sharp, Borra." Diaval teased.
A cry rang out and the group winced; the crow undoubtedly sporting a newly bruised shoulder as Borra's knuckles connected to his bone.
Yuna laughed at her friend's antics, shaking her head endearingly. 'There's just never a dull moment with any of these guys. However... that's a good thing.' Yuna's smile widened as she caught Aurora's eye, the two friends giggling as their group broke into hysterics.
A delectable scent filled the air around them, and Yuna heard the distinct sizzling of meats and vegetables as they entered into the many food stalls. She could see that the mouth watering aroma seemed to be affecting her friends as well, and Yuna realized that her own hunger was demanding to be satiated.
A new idea hit her, and she hastily bound up to one of the vendors; Shrike following her with a quizzical gleam in her eyes.
"Food and booze, huh? I don't even know where to start!" The Jungle Fey grinned, and Philip eyed the displayed liquor curiously.
"How does Miyagatan liquor differ from ours, Yuna? I have to say, it's in quite the interesting bottle. Might we be able to try some?" The King questioned.
Maleficent picked up a pink frosted bottle; inspecting it. "Looks like they're almost sold out; whatever is in here must be good. Shall we share a glass, Aurora?"
Yuna called out an order to the clerk, slipping him a few coins as she explained; "Well, the alcohol in Ulstead is usually made by fermenting yeast; correct? In Miyagata, we make all of our liquors by fermenting rice. It's a bit of a selective taste, I'm personally not the biggest fan, but I also just don't drink all that much in general." She smiled her thanks as the vendor placed her orders before her, Yuna passing them out amongst her friends.
Percival seemed both surprised and interested, taking a hesitant sip from the frothy bottle. "Rice? How unusual... but I must say, I might be fan." The guard took another sip. "You must teach me how to make this at home, Yuna. I think it's rather delicious."
His words made Yuna smile. "I'm glad you enjoy it; my mother and I were never fans, but my father certainly was. I'll definitely give you a few lessons, Percival." Yuna spoke as she handed out small containers of warm and steaming morsels.
Aurora accepted her's gratefully, smelling the food as she hummed in delight. "Oh, I've always wanted to try Miyagatan food!" Aurora poked at the seared fish. "What is this, Yuna?"
"Grilled fish." The girl answered, taking glance at the chubby white fish. "Mackerel, I believe."
Aurora's eyes widened as the sweet fish topped with onions and spices touched her tongue, and she turned to Philip with wide eyes.
"I know where we should go on our honeymoon." She turned back to Yuna, missing Philip stealing a bite from the savory food.
"This is delicious!" She cried.
Shrike made a noise of agreement as her and Diaval shared a small squid with a sweet glaze over it; Borra looking at the specimen with wide eyes as the Fey and crow gobbled it down.
Yuna grinned at the responses, "Miyagata is a seaside town; so it was natural that we'd have lots of seafood in our diet. We'd also raise our own livestock, too."
Ini scooped a bite of crispy chicken and rice in her mouth, her usually dull expression lit up with delight and surprise; "I have to say, I don't know how you were able to transition to the food in Ulstead when you grew up on this, Yuna. This is wonderful." The Desert Fey handed Borra his own utensil, which he gratefully accepted.
"Is this why you're so skinny? These portions are so small..." Borra mumbled as he ate his own share. The Fey seemed visibly taken aback as he took his first bite, his eyes widening.
"Wow." Was all Borra could muster up.
The group chuckled as they passed the food around, too enraptured by the food to engage in anything other than quick chatter.
Expertly, Udo cut off a piece of his own seafood sample; holding it up to Yuna. She smiled her thanks as she let him feed her, their group filled with the noises of vehement chewing and the clanging of forks and knives. Yuna chewed the familiar food, sighing with exhilaration as the savory flavors overwhelmed her tongue. Udo watched her with gentle eyes, wiping at the corner of her now stained mouth;
"As good as you remember?" He asked.
Yuna's face held a soft expression as she watched her friends laughed amongst themselves; Fey, human or crow, it was something they simply didn't see. Their laughter was like pleasant chimes, their happy faces as they excitedly took in their festival-decorated surroundings, the affection in their voices and touch as they called for Yuna...
"Even better." She answered, smiling up at her Fey. "Even better because I get to relive everything with the people I love the most."
Udo's heart filled with joy at Yuna's response, and he leaned down to gingerly press his lips against the herbalist's.
Borra groaned; "Hey, come on! Don't make me watch you two get all riled up." He shot a glance to a few passing by citizens. "What happened to waiting til tomorrow to go public?"
Yuna smirked deviously as she pulled Udo closer; the Fey bending down to meet her shorter height as she kissed him again just to spite Borra.
"What's just one day? No need to be jealous, Borra." Yuna felt Udo grin against her cheek.
Shrike nudged at the shirtless Fey with a scoff, "Yeah, leave 'em alone Borra! You're the one who keeps watching, I think you might just be a pervert." She hummed, and Borra stuttered.
"I-I am not! Shut up!" He protested with reddening cheeks, looking to Ini for help.
The Desert Fey simply tuned the other way, "Leave me out of this." She rolled her eyes, Percival chuckling as he caught the sneaky action.
Aurora set her now empty container back down on the stall's counter, clapping her hands excitedly so that she gained her entourage's attention;
"Okay okay, pause the jokes for a moment!"
The Queen cleared her throat, and the group eyes her curiously.
Aurora smiled, "The ball will be taken place in Castle Ulstead in less than twenty-four hours, so..." Aurora gestured wildly to the castle that looked over them.
"We can all get ready there! The girls can get ready in my and Yuna's old bedroom, and the boy's can get ready in Philip's! Wouldn't that be fun?!" The Queen exclaimed.
Diaval released a muted sigh. "I forgot about that bloody ball..."
Aurora eyed her crow friend with amusement. "Oh, stop! It'll be fun!" She assured him.
Borra crossed his arms, eyeing her warily. "I may not be a human, but even I know that these so called fancy balls are horrid. Just how on earth do you plan on making it fun?"
It was Philip's turn to join in, the king matching his wife's excited demeanor;
"You're right; they used to be boring. But now... Aurora and I are in charge of the parties!"
The king and queen fist pumped the air in a cheer; Yuna and Udo sharing an amused grin.
"It won't be some stuffy, slow-paced aristocratic nonsense; we're partying! Aurora and I made sure that there wouldn't be a single boring moment in the night!"
Maleficent laughed at the two, her eyes warm.
"Well, I trust my little beastie." Her iridescent eyes scanned over the group; "Certainly if we're all together, there's no possible way the night could be dull."
Yuna shrugged nonchalantly, nodding her head in agreement. "I have no objections; I think I might be the only one who's actually excited for the ball."
Udo added in next, "I think it'd be interesting; certainly these human parties are no more different than our own Dark Fey get togethers." His arm lazily set over Yuna's shoulders.
Shrike quipped in, "I never objected in the first place. After everything this summer threw at us; I need a good party!"
The group burst into laughter, and Aurora's eyes lit up with pride. "Wonderful! It's all settled then; don't worry about your clothing or anything, Maleficent, Philip and I have that all covered!"
Yuna could feel Udo rest his cheek against the top of her head. "It has been a crazy summer; hasn't it?" He prompted.
Yuna's expression was serenely happy as she caught the hand resting on her shoulder; giving it a squeeze. "Absolutely maddening." She agreed. "In a good way."
The two shared a quiet giggle at that.
Evening settled into night amidst the group's chatter, and the distant blaring of drums dragged the friend's from their jests.
"Drums?" Ini questioned, head turning to the oncoming crowd. "What's that about?"
Yuna's eyes widened, and she exclaimed;
"Oh! The fireworks!"
The herbalist frantically yanked her friends from the walkway, shoving them to the sides of the cobblestoned paths. "It's the parade they hold for the fireworks; it's the highlight of the night!"
Philip blinked. "Parade?" He turned to where Aurora and Percival avoided his gaze nonchalantly.
"Percival, Aurora, just how much of the budget did we use for this festival?"
"Oh, fireworks! I've only ever read about them!" Diaval excitedly hung off of Maleficent's shoulder, eyes widened as he kept staring at the star covered sky and incoming parade. "Are they as pretty as everyone says they are, Yuna?"
Yuna grinned with excitement; eyes sparkling. "They're beautiful! They're my favorite part of the whole summer!"
Ini's eyes were trained to where the sounds of drums grew closer, the other festival goers also making way to observe the musical entourage. "The drums they're playing, do they mean anything Yuna?" Ini's eyes widened as a flash of color popped up; "Oh my, they have dancers too?"
The musical hymns grew louder; a chorus of drums, flutes and vocals encompassing the group as the marchers slowly grew closer. "We usually use drums for sacred events like this; dancing is also a tradition passed down generation to generation." Yuna explained, the group following to where she pointed at the ornately dressed women. "You see the cloth hanging from their head? It's a veil they only put on during the festival dances."
Maleficent watched them move fluidly with the drummers, now directly in front of them as the friends watched in amazement. "It's beautiful." She stated, her voice a whisper.
Borra turned to look at Yuna, who was comfortably nestled against Udo's side. "Well? Are you going to join them, little wren?" He grinned mischievously.
Yuna rolled her eyes, bonking his horned head. "Very funny. Does it look like I could do any of that?" Yuna sighed at the beautifully lithe women, their grace like a swan as they moved in synchronization.
"I think you could... but I also have to say that I don't like the idea of all these men drooling over you in an outfit like that." Udo chuckled, gesturing to where a group of love struck boys were practically bursting as the made up girls danced by them.
Percival sighed, shaking his head.
"Those would be my men. Honestly; I really need to have a talk with them... they're still in uniform, for crying out loud!"
Shrike laughed, "Oh just let the boys have their fun; they're in love." She hummed along time the catchy tune. "It's a lovely song Yuna, what are they singing about?"
Yuna's foot tapped along to the beat off of instinct. "Just praying for good harvests, a non-brutal winter, and for the year to bring blessings amongst them." The drums were like literal music to her ears. "There's different renditions of it for different occasions, but the message is always the same. It's simply just a wish for happiness."
"How lovely." Philip breathed, entranced by the performance passing by him.
Amongst the beautiful and colorful performance, Udo tugged at Yuna's dress.
"Look." He pointed to the sky with a soft voice. With wide eyes, Yuna watched as the first firework exploded high in the sky; a vibrant purple popping then fizzling in the night sky.
The friends and all of the other festival goers let their gazes flutter up to the sky, some of the Dark Feys jumping as another firework exploded in the sky.
Diaval's eyes went wide, "It's beautiful!" He happily exclaimed. "Maleficent, look at them!"
Maleficent smiled up at the sky painted in reds, blues and golds; letting Aurora lean her head on her shoulder. "They're magnificent."
Shrike's usual goofy demeanor was gone; watching the exploding colors with unblinking eyes.
"You think I could fly through those?" She asked, and Ini answered back in a whisper. "Please don't."
Colorful lanterns swaying, kites flying high in sky, music and dancers parading around the grounds and fireworks painting the castle in vibrant hues; Yuna wished she could freeze this moment forever.
A precious moment with her and the love of her life, and their friends who made living worthwhile.
"What a beautiful culture you come from, Yuna." Udo's brilliant smile rivaled the fireworks, all of it directed at his heart. "I'm so happy I got to experience all of this with you..."
A particularly bright firework painted Yuna in a silver light, and she met Udo's loving gaze.
"I'm happy too." She whispered.
Under the summer fireworks, their friends excitedly pointing out each and every explosion of color as they cheered, Udo and Yuna shared a tender kiss.
Bellies full, minds full of a colorful symphony of music and explosions, the group made one last round of the festival grounds; happy in their chatter.
Udo smiled as Yuna cutely tried to eat a candied apple that she shared with him, kissing away the sticky coating on her nose as he teased her. Diaval has his arms full of bagged goldfish, Maleficent begrudgingly carrying the rest of his newest "friends" as they bounced names off of each other, Diaval brimming with happiness. Shrike teased Percival about the smile she knew she saw when that first firework went off into the sky, the head guard brushing her off with annoyance as the Jungle Fey tugged at his uniform with a happy grin.
Phillip and Aurora walked hand in hand, greeting their passing subjects with brilliant smiles as they basked in their happy glow, and Borra and Ini engaged in a rather detailed analysis of "just how did humans think of such a wonderful tradition?"
"You look happy." Udo's voice pulled Yuna from her thoughts, the girl absentmindedly gnawing at the sweet and sour candied fruit.
Yuna smiled as she clung to Udo, their steps in sync as she hummed a happy tune; "I'm very happy. Ecstatic, even." She hugged Udo's arm, lacing their fingers together.
Udo kissed her cheek, and his response was brief;
"Good. Stay that way, okay?"
Yuna squeezed his hand in an unspoken promise.
Soon, the friends came upon a small stall decorated with various knick knacks, and Yuna halted momentarily. Her eyes trained to the delicate charms hanging off of a rack against the tent wall, and she studied them with interest.
"Do you want anything?" Udo asked her, quietly offering as he followed her gaze.
Yuna nodded her head, "I was just thinking... it'd be nice if we all got something to remember tonight." She prompted rather unsurely, and Aurora excitedly bound into the tent.
"That's a great idea!" The queen confirmed, the others following her into the booth.
Yuna sighed with relief, she was hoping that everyone would agree. From glass chimes to woven dolls to handmade lanterns; the group studied the pieces intently, Yuna's eyes still not leaving the charms on the wall.
"Like a lantern or something?" Borra grunted, his rough touch putting the shop keeper on edge as he handled a few porcelain figures rather gruffly.
"I do want to buy a few things for myself, these hair pins look quite cute." Ini whispered, studying the hand crafted accessories with a hidden mirth.
Yuna's hand came to fiddle with the woven charms; the tags holding all sorts of different colors and designs. She trained to one with a clover symbol on it, and smiled.
"I was thinking charms." She spoke up, gathering the other's attention.
Philip inspected the wall, "These are incredibly well made. Are they just for show?" He asked the herbalist.
Yuna carefully began to remove the clover tags from the spot, beckoning her friends over. "The ones with these insignias are a symbol of friendship; it's supposed to represent life long companionship." Yuna blushed as she unsurely shuffled them in her hands. "I... I'd like us all to have one. I always wished I'd have friends to share these with." She confessed, avoiding the Fey's and human's stares.
The group was quiet for a moment, and then Yuna felt Borra's calloused gingerly take a charm from her small hands.
He chuckled. "Friendship charms, huh? To think I'd ever be friends with humans..." Borra eyed the charm with amusement, closing his fingers around it. "I'm fine with it. Nothing wrong with carrying a clover around."
Yuna's eyes lit up, and one by one, the members of the group came to retrieve their own.
"How exciting, I've never had a group of friends like this before... is it really okay for me to have something like this?" Aurora whispered, her and Philip staring at the charms in the palms of their hands.
Diaval and Maleficent grinned, and Diaval chuckled. "Best friends forever with Yuna? I couldn't think of anything better!" Shrike also shared Diaval's sentiment, Maleficent rolling her eyes. "I'm years older than you... but I do suppose you're a rather intriguing person, beastie."
Percival retrievers his, and Ini smiled at the little woven charm. "Now that we've promised it, we can't break it..."
Lastly, Udo picked his from Yuna's hold, letting their's linger side by side.
"Friendship, hm? I think we're much more than that." He smiled endearingly at the little clover.
Yuna blushed. "O-Oh, right... I guess we can get a relationship one too, hm?"
Udo chuckled, tucking the charm into his robes. "I'd love that..." Letting their friends talk amongst themselves, Udo gently turned Yuna to the hundreads of charms dangling from the wall.
"Is it safe to assume that the heart one is for love?" He quirked an amused brow, retrieving two of them.
Yuna gulped as Udo placed it in her hand, her face reddened. "Yes..."
Udo's eyes glimmered as he stared at their two charms, his voice quiet;
"Tell me what it means." He gently requested.
Yuna's own gaze fell to the two small heart shaped charms, instinctually leaning against Udo. "It... the charm, it's like a blessing. It's supposed to give a couple good fortune; a lifetime of happiness."
Her cheeks heated even more as Udo kissed the blush away.
"Perfect. I love it." He answered in a whisper, hand closing around the charm. "Although I don't need a trinket to know I'm going to spend the rest of my life with you, it's still a nice sentiment." His lips went to Yuna's hairline, "I love you."
Yuna's heart felt full, Udo holding her tightly as their friends brought a grin to her face.
"I love you too."
Yuna's eyes fluttered shut, the bustling festival like a calming ocean breeze as she sighed.
'I'll never know what I did to deserve all of this, but... thank you for giving me a new family.' Yuna silently thanked whoever was listening.
'Thank you for giving me Udo.'
The night bled into early morning, the friends never leaving each other's sides once. The festival they'd never forget behind them, the peace treaty signing just hours away, and the ball of the century in the works;
The group greeted the new horizon with tired but joyful grins.
Thank you all for 7k ❤️
I need to be a honest for a moment and confess that this chapter was hard for me to get through because I've had a very hard week, and I hope you all enjoyed it and I didn't let you down. My cat who I've had for sixteen years unexpectedly passed, and it's been really hard for me to be able to focus or really do anything.
Through my sadness however, I was reminded how lucky I am to have something like this story to take my mind off of things, and do what I love; which is write. I'm so thankful for all of my readers and supporters, a lot of you unknowingly commented such sweet things when I needed to read them the most and I appreciate you all so much ❤️
I may take just a few days to focus on myself, but I promise updates will still be regular. If you enjoyed the chapter, please show your support in the comments or by starring it; or simply just express your support by always reading :)
I'll see you guys in the next chapter, and I really hope you enjoyed, take care <3

Purity in the Stars *Maleficent: Mistress of Evil- Udo Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now