Taking a break (Please Read)

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Hi everyone-

I honestly never thought I would be writing this fic for as long as I have, nor did I expect the support from it; honestly, it means so much and I truly have invested everything into writing this. I love this story, I love my characters, I love writing, I love Udo and Yuna, and I love all of you.

However, recent circumstances in my life have been less than exceptional. Lately, my updates have become less and less frequent, and as I have made the decision to take a break for my own mental health, I wanted to let whoever is reading this to know why (for my own sake of therapy): 

(TRIGGER WARNING: Depression and illness, please don't read further if this may upset you)

In July, my mother was diagnosed with cancer; this will be her second time battling it. It has been a grueling and heartbreaking process, and it has challenged my entire family and pushed us far past any bearable limits. I have tried to remain positive and optimistic, but it quite literally feels like the universe is smashing and suffocating me. I'm in a very dark place right now and I am horribly depressed and terrified of what the future may bring; it honestly feels like my life will never be the same. I feel like I have lost control of everything. 

I hate oversharing and will probably regret this five minutes after posting it, but I just want to let you all know I tried my best to work through all of my dark thoughts and my depression. I forced myself to write, to publish, to try and be happy, but I just can't do it anymore. I'm angry and sad and just need a break.

I am NOT abandoning this fic or my writing, I am just taking a hiatus. I don't know how long it will be, but I promise I will come back and it will be sooner rather than later. Please don't be mean, and please understand that I just need to be selfish for once in my life and step away for a bit. 

I will probably delete this message eventually, I hate oversharing and honestly it is probably really embarrassing. Still, I had to just vent and clear my heart, soul and mind. 

Thank you to whoever is still reading and supporting, I am so glad to have found an outlet in this fic and I promise to come back an even better author : ) 

Wishing everyone the best of health; always remember that nothing in life is guaranteed. Love the people you have while you have them, and do what makes you happy. I'll see you in the next chapter.


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