Chapter Ten: Revelations

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'A beautiful life...'
Yuna gulped thickly, the screeching babe in her arms flailing wildly.
Maleficent's steady voice broke her from her shock, "Cut the cord." She spoke up gently, handing Yuna a pair of sheers. Adjusting the crying baby, Yuna shakily griped onto the metal blades, releasing a croaked "R-Right."
With the crying new life in one arm, and a hand expertly cutting it from its mother in the other, Yuna side with relief as she finally laid the bloody infant on its waiting mother's chest.
"A beautiful boy." Yuna smiled, the cries almost instantly dissolving as it met it's mother's skin. It was one of Castle Ulstead's maids; her water had broke late into the night, and Yuna had almost frozen in pure shock when she was called upon to help with the delivery. Her? In charge of bringing another life into the world?
What if something went wrong? What if complications arose for the mother or baby, what if they arose for the both of them? Yuna had read extensively on the subject of childbirth; but she in no way felt ready, or even qualified to be tasked with one of the most beautiful and wonderful experiences one could experience...
Yuna felt something hot and wet touch her hands, and her tired eyes fluttered down to see Maleficent wiping up the blood and fluid on her hands with a clean and hot rag. "You did wonderful, Yuna." The Dark Fey smiled gently at her. "Quite the exciting way to end your first week on the job, hm?"
Yuna nodded, but couldn't muster up any words.
Maleficent saw the heavy bags beneath her eyes, and the way she seemed to not fully grasp the situation. Slowly, Yuna bundled up the bloodied rags and dumped the stained buckets of water, thoroughly washing over herself from her fingertips all the way past her elbows. Maleficent helped her; the only sounds in the room being the sloshing of water and the soft cooing of the mother to her sniffling baby.
Yuna's eyes wearily trailed up to the mirror that hung within the castle's infirmary; her appearance almost startling her. Dull skin, wild hair...
Suddenly, a brilliant grin spread onto Yuna's face.
'I can't believe I did that...'
A particularly loud cry snapped through the room, and Yuna immediately dried her hands and arms off. Once she'd made sure Maleficent would clean up the remainder of the mess, Yuna gently pulled a stool along the tired new mother's bedside.
The mother soothed her children's cries quietly, and Yuna offered her a sweet smile.
"You did wonderful, Sophia." She reached out a newly cleaned hand to smooth out the girl's sweaty brunette locks, the maid catching the hand and squeezing it firmly.
"Thank you, Yuna." Her sweaty but happy face dripped tears onto the infirmary bed, her son wiggling on her chest. "Bless you. Thank you so much..."
Yuna squeezed her hand back as Sophia's gaze fluttered down to the baby she hugged close to her. "My husband, he's a guard with the castle... he just got stationed at our border up north; I was so afraid when I'm water broke... I couldn't stand the idea of having to give birth by myself; I was so scared..." A sniffle escaped the new mother. "But Yuna... you were so gentle, and so kind. You were so encouraging; even when I was so sure I couldn't push anymore, when I thought I was dying... I'm so thankful, Yuna." A sob bubbled out of Sophia, and Yuna blinked through her own misty eyes as her smile grew.
"I'm so thankful that you let me in on one of the biggest moments of your life; it was an honor to deliver your baby, Sophia." Yuna brought a hand down to gently massage at the mother's soft belly, noting; "We still need to deliver the afterbirth, but don't worry; I promise it won't be nearly as painful as this handsome guy." She giggled. "I'll also send word to have your husband notified of your son's arrival right away; if the travel goes smoothly, he should be here no later than a day."
Sophia nodded; "Thank you so much, Yuna." She breathed. Yuna smiled as she watched Sophia shift her son on her bare chest, his dark hair matching his mother as he snuggled into her warmth. Gently, Yuna picked up a nearby cloth to wipe down the boy; cooing to him as he rejected the feeling. Sophia smiled at her, and as Yuna sat back down, she asked; "Would you like to hold him?"
Yuna's eyes widened, and she immediately denied the question by waving her hands. "N-No, really Sophia, it's important you do a bit more skin to skin with him-"
"Hush, there's nothing to be scared of." Sophia tiredly sat up in the bed, shushing the herbalist as she placed the babe into her arms. "Hold him; you brought him into this world, after all."
Yuna hurriedly adjusted him in her arms, a small blanket at the foot of the bed proving to be the perfect size to swaddle the baby. The white fabric enveloped him, and as Yuna stared down at the plush blob of chunky skin and rosy cheeks; her heart simply soared.
"His name's Jude; after my husband's grandfather." Sophia chided in quietly, smiling at the pair. Maleficent watched the exchange silently from the corner of the room, and as Yuna's eyes lit up with the same light that Maleficent remembered once looking at a certain Queen with, a melancholic smile quirked at her lips.
Yuna brushed her bony knuckles against Jude's cheeks, the boy reaching out and grasping tightly at a thin finger as he gnawed at it greedily. Yuna felt a warmth spread from her soul to her toes, and she giggled out softly.
'How on earth are you real? How did I help bring a thing so precious like you into this world?' Yuna contemplated as she stared down at the little cherub, a gentle foreign hymn beginning to slip past her lips as she cooed at the baby. Jude was a chubby little thing; and it reminded Yuna of when she'd held Mina when she was first born. They'd always joked that Mina ate Leo's share in the womb; she came out the plumpest, chunkiest, happiest baby in Miyagata while Leo just barely hit five pounds, a bit on the lighter side but a happy baby nonetheless.
The memory caused Yuna to unconsciously hold Jude closer to her body; and she rocked him gently. It was like all of her fatigue was suddenly drained from her; replaced by a new sense of rejuvenation. It was early in the morning; the sky still a dark shade of night and no sign of life bustling within the castle. The exciting events had left Yuna so drained; her anxieties taking everything out of her as she was completely wired on all ends ensuring the best outcome for the delivery. She was scared, worried, terrified, anxious, cautious; the list goes on. Yuna simply slapped on a brave face, comforted a scared first time mother, and told herself that there was no way anyone was leaving this infirmary without a happy mother, and a healthy baby.
And now... here he was. Yuna couldn't believe she did that... she couldn't believe she was able to help a little life be brought into a world so foreign to him. It was so exhilarating, so humbling; so incredibly warming to her spirit and soul that Yuna could've simply cried. Staring down at this baby... Yuna knew that there wasn't anything else she'd rather be doing.
What an amazing thing that humans were capable of.
Shrike's words echoed through her head once more,
'How beautiful my world is with Udo...' Yuna's heart swelled. Softly, she bent her head down to press her lips to his soft tuft of hair, and closed her eyes.
'What a beautiful life you're going to live, Jude...'
The four of them basked in the intimate atmosphere of the infirmary; quiet giggles and soft baby blabbering filling the air.
"Thank you for helping me in there, Maleficent. I probably would've totally froze if you hadn't been there to snap me out of it." Yuna tiredly giggled, stepping out from her bathroom clean of any after-birth residue.
Maleficent hummed as she gazed up at the thick blanket of night from Yuna's balcony. "You're welcome; Of course I wouldn't leave you to handle that." She said coyly as Yuna joined her on the balcony. "You did wonderful, aren't you tired?" She inquired.
Yuna shrugged, a clean dress on her figure instead of an expected nightgown. "There's still so much adrenaline pumping through me... I'm practically shaking. I won't be able to sleep anytime soon." She chuckled. "Plus, I should stay up for Sophia and the baby; she's a new mother, and it's Jude's first night in the world. If they need anything, I want to be available."
Maleficent smiled at the serene expression on Yuna's face. "I'll be sure to inform Aurora and the staff of the birth as soon as the sun comes up."
Maleficent nodded her head. "You looked awfully content holding him; what was going through your head?" She inquired.
Yuna's arms folded over the stone railing, the distant call of the sea crashing onto Ulstead's coast as Yuna smiled. "Mina and Leo. I remember when they were that tiny; that helpless. I used wish they'd never grow up, and they'd stay that small forever." She answered. "I guess I thought about a lot of things; it's been a rather crazy summer."
Maleficent chuckled. "That it has. The peace treaty signing is only two weeks away."
Yuna clicked her tongue at that; "And yet I've still to think of any wonderful event to draw the kinds closer." She sighed.
Maleficent smiles gently. "You have time; Aurora isn't expecting some big grand gala. Just think from the heart, and you'll get an idea." Maleficent advised. "The night of the peace treaty signing, we will be holding a ball to within the castle. Better get your dancing shoes on, Ms. Herbalist; all staff is expected to attended."
Maleficent laughed at the blatant look of horror on Yuna's face. "A ball?!" The herbalist's eyes were like saucers. "I-I don't have a dress, I don't have any makeup or- Oh gods, Maleficent I haven't even been to something like that before-"
Maleficent patted the girl's head to shush her, her fangs peeking from a toothy smile. "Don't worry beastie; Aurora has already made all of the preparations for you." Yuna practically sagged with relief. "Plus, don't fret about it being some stuffy aristocratic gathering; Aurora wants to treat the ball as more of a... party, if you would." Maleficent winked at the word. "It's for humans and Dark Feys alike; Aurora believed it to be the perfect way to begin a new era of peace."
The words made Yuna almost get goosebumps; 'A new era of peace...'
'A ball... how wonderful. I wonder if Borra, Shrike and Ini will come. I wonder if...' Yuna's soft smile grew. 'How magical it would be; going to a ball with Udo...'
Maleficent nudged Yuna's hand on the railing, sending her a pointed look. "What else was running through your mind in the infirmary?" A knowing gleam flashed in her iridescent eyes. "I'm here to listen, if need be."
Yuna offered her an appreciative smile, patting her hand. "Really? Thank you, Maleficent." Her gaze went to the view of the Moors; and her eyes softened.
Gently, Maleficent pressed. "Udo?"
Yuna nodded slowly, that small smile still on her tired face. "Yeah. Udo." She replied back quietly.
Maleficent stayed silent; for she knew that Yuna was mulling over her thoughts. Yuna took a deep breath, and Maleficent listened intently.
"I really realized it in the bath; I have a very amazing life ahead of me. Despite everything that's happened, I'd say I've had an incredibly wonderful life in general. I had a family who loved me more than anything, I have friends who I still think give me more than I deserve; I get to wake up every morning and work on my life's dream, I get to go to sleep in a castle... it's great. For the first time in my life, I feel stable, and I feel secure." Yuna nodded to herself, and Maleficent thought that the girl seemed to be talking more to herself than to her. "I love what I do; I can't believe I delivered a baby today. This little bundle of potential; he was like his own little universe. I looked down at him... and I just felt so happy. I'm happy I could give him his first opportunity at life; I'm happy I helped Sophia become a mother, and her husband become a father... No medical books I read ever told me I'd feel such a way after my first delivery." She chuckled.
Suddenly, Maleficent felt the girl grip her hand ever so tighter.
"That's why it makes me so frustrated."
Maleficent watched as Yuna's brows furrowed.
"Maleficent... It used to make me so upset in Miyagata when people would find out I planned to attend university; so many villagers told me I'd be better off "getting married" or "I would just be wasting my time"... I wanted to just scream. They only thought I was good enough to love and become a baby maker, they only thought women were good enough to be that way..."
Yuna released a heated breath, and Maleficent softly nodded her head as the girl spoke,
"I'm- women, we have these passionate souls and these fierce hearts; we have brains and feelings. We're in academics and science and mathematics... there's so much I have to be proud of, Maleficent. I'm happy right now, I really am, I'm ecstatic. I feel like I could cry; everything I've worked my whole life for is finally right in front of me. It's like I'm flying."
Maleficent saw a stray tear pooled in the corner of Yuna's dark iris as she shook her head in frustration. "So why do I still feel like something's missing? Why do I... Maleficent I feel so..."
Yuna caught the gaze of the Dark Fey, and she released a sad smile as the tear coursed down her face. "Why do I feel incomplete?"
A pointed fingernail caught the tear, and Yuna stared up intently at Maleficent. The Fey flicked the droplet away, stroking at her cheek.
"It's because you want Udo, Yuna." Yuna nodded as Maleficent smiled. "You want him to be able to see everything that you're doing; you want him by your side. Certainly I didn't need to tell you that."
Yuna bit her lip. "What am I supposed to do?" She almost begged again the Fey.
Another fang ridden smile, but it held an endearment; "You already know that too."
Yuna opened her mouth to say something, and Maleficent quickly cut in. "Tomorrow is your day off anyways; I will report to Aurora." The Fey turned her away from the balcony. "Go, Yuna."
Yuna stumbled forward, her bare feet cold in the night air. "W-Wait, Maleficent..."
The Fey ushered her inside, and when she shoved the girl's boots at her, Yuna regarded her with wide eyes. "How do I know I'm making the right choice?"
It scared Yuna; everything would change once the sun came up. Was she ready for it? Would she and Udo... would it all work out? The past week had been taxing, but oh so rewarding for the girl; she felt proud to be clicking down the castle halls with her badge on. The job was tiring, the nights could be long and the days early, but Yuna loved it. She could easily ignore these feelings and just settle into this lifestyle for the rest of her days... right?
Maleficent brushed away her scarlet bangs, and gently replied. "You don't." Her lips quirked. "You won't know if anything in life was worth it unless you take the leap."
Yuna breathed.
'I know.'
A firm resolve in her heart, Yuna slipped the boots on with ease; sprinting out into the early morning air with just the clothes on her back as she set her sights towards the Moors.
'Go get him, beastie.'
Maleficent watched her go from atop one of the castle's highest towers, and then trained her striking green irises far out into the sea.
'This is your last shot Udo, don't miss it.'
Yuna huffed as her chest burned; sprinting as fast as she could as she crossed the branch-woven bridge to get to the Moors.
"Shrike! Ini! Borra!" She yelled, a new sense of urgency filling her.
'Udo... I'm sorry it took me so long. I don't care if you don't want to see me; I don't care if you hate me. Just give me one last day to relive everything...'
Yuna's feet touched the grassy entrance to the Moors, and she ran at full speed. "SHRIKE! INI! BORRA!"
'Please; let me back in, Udo. If I don't get to live this wonderful life with you...'
Yuna wiped at her face as she sprinted into the thick forests of the Moors; thickets of bushes cutting at her legs and low hanging branches whizzing by her cheeks. Yuna ran like her life depended on it; praying desperately to any higher being that might be listening to just let her see him one last time...
'... Then what's the point?'
The soft earth beneath Yuna gave way, and she suddenly became a flash of red as she crashed onto the mossy floor beneath her; a small but steep drop that made her head spin. The world stilled, and Yuna could only lay there; the soft whistling of the Moors like a taunt to her. She rolled onto her back with a groan; the moon shining brilliantly above her.
'Please, just let me say what I need to say... no matter the outcome; I'll never be able to move on if I don't confess it...'
Yuna could feel her vision beginning to blacken as a winged figure overtook her field of view. Soft hands cradled her face, and Yuna could just barely focus her eyes as a familiar voice rang out.
"Made up your mind, love?"
Yuna could've cried with relief as she felt the familiar arms of Shrike scoop her up, taking off high with her in tow. Through the pain of her fall, Yuna managed a weak but amused smile. "Took you long enough. Are those wings just for show?"
Shrike rolled eyes. "Awfully coy tonight, aren't we? Looks like that little slip of yours switched something in your brain."
The two chuckled at that, and Yuna groaned as a dull ache filled her.
"Ini can heal you right up. We'll be there soon."
Yuna wanted to inquire just where "there" was, but she figured she'd find out sooner rather than later. Being swept through the starry sky with Shrike's form hold on her made all of the girl's fatigue catch up to her; and before she knew it, her head had pulled against Shrike's shoulder and she entered a brief nap.
It was the feeling of soft fingers tracing her face that awoke her, and Yuna sighed as she opened her eyes. Ini's calm face met her own, and Yuna sat up from her cushioned spot in what appeared to be an ivy laced and torch lit cave.
"Thank you, Ini." Yuna rolled back her shoulders, delighted that any traces of her rather embarrassing plunder were gone. "How long was I out?"
"No more than a few minutes. Borra and Shrike will be rejoining us shortly." The Desert Fey replied steadily. "Stay right here, don't wander around; this is sacred ground to the Dark Feys."
Yuna obeyed, crossing her feet under herself as she settled into the worn cushion. Her eyes caught something, and she gazed at the low lit cave walls with wonder as detailed after detailed painting and carving met her; she breathed,
Ini followed her gaze to the walls depicting various images of the Dark Feys, all abstractly portraying some type of everyday errand or a bloody war. "One of the most spiritual places in the Moors; can you feel that? It is said that our ancestors had graced this cave with their sorcery many millennia ago." Ini spoke, her soft voice adding to the almost comfortable atmosphere of the low crackling lighting and the enclosed space of the wide cave.
Ini seemed to bask in the cave's air, and Yuna herself felt it as well; the world was... quiet here.
'One of the most spiritual places in the Moors, hm?' Yuna was starting to think she had an idea of what the Fey meant. "It's lovely."
"It's musty." A gruff voice sounded, and Yuna's gaze fell to the entrance of the cave. Borra stalked inside the intimate space with Shrike in tow, the Jungle Fey holding some soft of filled cup in her hands. Borra took a seat by Yuna on the cave's dry floor, the two falling into a silence.
Shrike passed the cup down to Ini before leaning against the cave's colorful walls; clearing her throat as she directed a quirked brow at Borra. Borra sent a glare to her, before huffing.
Yuna slowly met the Fey's gaze, a rush running through her from his use of her actual name instead of "you" or "human" or "the one with the small chest" (the two were still fighting about the last one). Borra's gaze faltered when Yuna met it, and with embarrassed cheeks, he slapped a rough hand onto her head.
"... I'm sorry."
Yuna blinked. What?
"I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you. What was that?" She innocently inquired.
Borra appeared to become more disgruntled; "... I said 'm sorry." He said, slightly louder this time.
Ini swirled the mysterious liquid with an amused quirk of her lips, and Shrike bit back a grin.
Yuna's brows furrowed, and she sighed. "I still can't hear you!"
Borra growled, hand tightening in her hair as Yuna yelped out.
"I SAID I AM SORRY!" He bellowed, voice bouncing around the cave like some type of echo out of hell. Borra sighed deeply, his head perking when he heard the girl's muffled giggles. He looked back down at her, Yuna's hand covering her mouth as her shoulders shook with a barely contained laughter.
A dumbfounded look crossed Borra's face, the amused laughter of Ini and Shrike soon joining in as well.
"You were messing with me." It was more of a statement than a question.
Yuna's giggles finally ceased as she looked back up to the Dark Fey, a warm smile on her lips. "I'm sorry too." She reached a hand forward to pat Borra's muscular thigh. "We were both being unreasonable; thank you for caring about me so much, Borra." Yuna's smile grew. "I'm... I'm happy we're friends."
Borra's cheeks warmed at her confession, and he scoffed as he turned his head away. "Friends? Don't make me laugh, human." His words seemed harsh, but Yuna didn't miss how his hand ever so gently ruffled her hair before falling back to his side.
Her heart warmed, and she smiled to herself.
"I'm just tired of you and Udo being stupid, that's all."
Yuna nodded, "I'm tired of it too." She sighed. "I'm so sorry I've put you all through this... I know Udo is your closest friend, I'm sorry that he got involved with me and I made everything get so messy and-" 
Ini silenced her babbles with a soft knock to her forehead, her stoic face holding an unusually genuine smile. "Udo may be our friend, but you are as well. Don't ever apologize for being involved with Udo; we wouldn't have it any other way."
Yuna's eyes widened, and Shrike gave a noise of approval from her spot against the wall. "That's right! Apologizing for such things would imply that you regret everything that happened, is that the case?"
Regret everything? How could she ever?
How could Yuna ever regret the time she spent with the Dark Feys in the Moors; the time she spent growing closer to Udo? It was such an absurd concept, and Yuna frantically shook her head.
"No! I could never regret any of this... how could I ever regret meeting all of you?" Yuna's eyes sparkled up to her Fey friends, and Borra ruffled her oxblood tresses once more.
"Then no more feeling responsible. We're bringing Udo home, alright? That's all there is to it." He grunted.
Yuna smiled at the words, and her gaze fell to her hands in her lap. 'I really was blessed with wonderful friends...' The mention of Udo brought a realization to Yuna, and she looked to Shrike.
"Shrike." She called firmly.
The Jungle Fey smiled knowingly at the herbalist. "Finally ready to answer my question?"
Yuna didn't miss a beat, her eyes shining with a fierce fire and her voice completely clear. "The only wonderful life I could live, is the one that has Udo in it. I don't need anything else; and I don't want anything else." A brief image of the newly born baby flashed through Yuna's mind, and she blushed. "My whole future is with Udo; even if he hates me, I'll keep going until he accepts me. I... I've made up my mind." Yuna nodded.
"He doesn't hate you, Yuna. I can assure you of that." Borra spoke, shoulders slumping ever so slightly. "But it's not my job to tell you that; that'd be a disservice towards Udo."
Yuna quirked a brow. "He... He doesn't? What do you mean, Borra?"
Shrike tore herself from the wall, nodding to Ini. "She's ready." Shrike confirmed, taking a seat amongst the Feys and human.
Yuna's brow quirked even higher. "Ready for what...?" She gazed confusedly as the Feys. "What aren't you three telling me? How are we going to bring Udo back?"
The liquid in Ini's possession glowed with a faint light, and Ini gently placed it into Yuna's own hands. "We aren't going to do anything." She explained. "It's all in your hands now, Yuna."
Yuna's eyes widened at that. "Certainly you can't be serious? How am I supposed to face Udo on my own?"
"You will have a new perspective when you see him. Trust us, Yuna. If anyone can convince Udo, it's you." Shrike offered her an encouraging smile, and Yuna's confusion only heightened. She shot a glance to Borra, eyes asking "Explain please?"
Ini gently closed her hand over Yuna's own, and guided the cup to the girl's mouth. The liquid smelled sweet, and was a beautiful color of red and dark magenta; a lone small pink flower gliding along the surface. Yuna let the Desert Fey tip the cup into her mouth, fully trusting in her friends; the liquid tasted as sweet as it smelled.
"Nectar from the Iadluxove flower; it's said to allow the mind's eye to completely open." Ini explained as Yuna swallowed the thick nectar. "Spiritual Feys highly regard it to have extensive spiritual prosperities; if we are to perform the Divination, it's critical you consume it."
Yuna wiped at her stained red lips, "Divination?" She questioned. "Isn't that what fortune tellers do?"
Ini chuckled, and set the cup aside. "Perhaps in the human world. In Dark Fey society, Divination is a very real, very powerful use of our magic." Yuna watched as Ini extracted a thin strand of hair from a pouch fastened to her waist, laying it within her palm.
'Udo...?' Yuna knew that hair anywhere; she knew the way it caught the sunlight just right and how it absorbed the moonlight during the darkest of nights.
"You were right to question your dreams." Borra spoke up from her side, and Yuna watched intently as the strand in Ini's hand began to emit a brilliant silver light. Ini's brow furrowed ever so slightly as her eyes shut, and Shrike rubbed a steady hand against her friend's back.
"Ini...?" Yuna became worried; the light in Ini's hand grew brighter, and the Desert Fey released a strangled, "I'm okay. It just... it just takes a lot." She gasped, clasping her other hand over the palm.
Borra rose from his spot, taking a spot behind the hunched over Fey as he gently carded her sweaty black locks back.
Yuna watched with half concern, and half fascination; her hand coming out to rest encouragingly on Ini's knee.
'I was right to question them?' The herbalist thought.
"They weren't just dreams, were they?" Yuna replied to Borra, eyes finding his as she looked past Ini. "I was right."
Borra nodded steadily. "Not even I know all of the details myself." A particularly strangled cry from Ini made him whisper a quiet praise in her ear, focusing on the Fey as he addressed Yuna. "But... you will. If the Divination is successful, you should know everything."
Yuna's eyes widened in understanding; the pieces finally clicking together. "Using a strand of Udo's hair... you're going to show me his memories?" A nod from Shrike made Yuna's eyes shine with concern. "Do... Do I have a right to such a thing?"
Ini bit hard into her lip, a blinding light seeping past her interlocked fingers. "You have the only right!" She gasped out, eyes scrunching as her hands burned with the outpour of magic.
Yuna's eyes softened, and just like Borra and Shrike, she leaned forward to whisper a soft encouragement to the Fey. "You got this, Ini. Come on; shouldn't something like this be a piece of cake for the Fey's most renowned spiritualist?" Yuna gave her a grin, and Ini shot her a tired one of her own; her face sweaty,
"You're one to talk, Ms. Herbalist. Got anything to help with the pain?" Ini's laugh dispersed into a groan, and Yuna's smile grew.
Against all better judgment, Yuna clasped her hands over Ini's shaking ones and brought them close to her chest. "Together." She nodded.
Ini's eyes softened at her, and she released a shaky sigh. Finally, Ini's posture became less rigid and she began to rapidly nod her head. "It's ready, it's ready." She panted. Borra and Shrike immediately stepped away, and Ini motioned with her head; "Yuna, place your head back in my lap. Hurry."
Yuna quickly did as she was instructed, her body laid against the cold ground of the cave as Ini's thighs served as a form pillow.
Ini practically sighed with relief as she finally unclasped her hands, a happy grin breaking through her face as she laughed. "I did it..." She breathed. From either hand, a gentle white glow resonated, and she met Shrike and Borra's proud smile with one of her own.
"You're incredible, Ini." Yuna whispered from her laid down position; eyes unable to tear away from the beautiful light that Ini's hands held.
Ini turned her attention back to Yuna, and placed a hand on either side of her head; not making full contact just yet. She looked down at Yuna, a serious expression on her pretty face;
"There will be no going back after this, Yuna." Her hands grew closer. "Are you ready?"
Yuna's eyes shot to where Borra and Shrike watched intently, then her gaze trailed back to Ini.
'For Udo... I'll always be ready.'
"Yes." Yuna's answer was firm and held no hesitation.
Ini's smile grew, and Yuna felt a warmth spread from her head and all the way down to her bones and soul as Ini's hands finally cradled her head. The magic spread through Yuna's system like a drug, and the last thing she felt was her body instantly go limp as her eyes shut, her head lulling to the side.
The white magic engulfed her entire being, and Yuna's vision went black.
"See you soon."
Through the darkness a faint light emitted, and through the light a foreign yet familiar scene played out in Yuna's mind.
She rested upon a small cushioned bed of leaves and and ivy; Udo knelt down by her side as Yuna greedily drank at a flask of water.
When she was done, she let out a gasp, and Udo smiled warmly as he wiped at a few loose water droplets on her lips.
"Can I have your name?" He asked, voice bouncing against the Cavernous Nest's stone walls.
"Yuna." She replied, eyes trailing uncertainly up to the winged man. "You... you saved me."
Udo nodded, "I did." He confirmed. "If I may ask, why was a pretty thing like you floating all alone in the ocean?" He softly pressed.
The question made Yuna's gaze fall to her lap, and her lip quiver. A soft sob escaped her, and Udo quickly brought the girl closer to his strong frame, embracing her tightly. Yuna hugged the Fey back, her tears hitting his robes as he softly stroked her hair.
"Forget I asked. I apologize." He whispered. He let the girl cry, gently adding in, "No need to fear. You don't need to worry about being alone anymore."
He held her for a long while after that, and Yuna eventually fell asleep in his hold.
The scene gave way to another one; the memory telling her it was a month following her recovery within the Cavernous Nest.
Yuna's eyes widened as Udo's face grew closer to her own; the soft moonlight streaming down onto them from their spot on a secluded cliff. She was halfway in his lap, his hands holding her by her waist and her own cradling his face.
"Udo..." She whispered, cheeks hot.
Udo gently brushed his nose against her own, and Yuna felt a warmth coil in her gut.
"I love you..." He whispered, lips brushing over her own.
Yuna's face broke into a happy grin, and her eyes squinted as a tears steamed from them. "I love you too... I don't want to leave this place, I don't want to leave you..." She breathed.
The two simultaneously leaned ever so slightly forward to press their lips together; a soft, innocent kiss. Yuna's heart exploded like there were fireworks in her chest, and she giggled.
Udo pulled away, but still held her close. "Who knew that I would find my heart in the ocean?" He brushed her hair back. "My little pearl."
Yuna's eyes widened at that, and a confidence that she'd never felt before catapulted her into surging forward once more; capturing Udo's lips in a kiss that was less lip, and more teeth.
Udo's hands squeezed into Yuna's sides as a low groan sounded from his throat. Yuna released a surprised gasp as her back met the grassy floor beneath her, Udo never breaking the passionate kiss as he leaned over her. Yuna found purchase on his robes, grasping onto them tightly as she angled her head to deepen the kiss; her cheeks red as Udo's hands began to wander.
"Wait..." Fear clutched at her, and she broke from the kiss with flushed cheeks as a string of saliva still connected them.
Udo immediately stopped, eyes slightly lidded as he panted. "I'm sorry." He breathed, stroking her cheek. "It's... it's hard for me to control myself around you... now that you're mine..."
Yuna brought his head back down to kiss away the insecurity flashing in his eyes, smiling lovingly up at him. "It's okay. I am yours... and you're mine too." She giggled as Udo showered her face with gentle pecks at that, catching her hand with his own as he pressed a kiss to her knuckles.
"Be mine forever?" He whispered, staring down at her with stars in his eyes.
Yuna giggled, and met him with the same expression.
"Do you even have to ask?" 
That nigh and early into the morning, the two shared many more kisses; their grins never leaving their faces.
The scene faded once more, and Yuna was met by a feeling of great, suffocating sorrow.
"I am sorry, Udo." Conall looked down at his broken friend sympathetically, hands squeezing his shoulders. "I... I can't approve of the covenant."
Udo's shoulders shook, and Conall continued. "The tension between the Feys and humans is the highest it has ever been. Can you imagine what would happen if Yuna were to stay here permanently? How she would be treated? I may be the leader, Udo, but I can't keep a close watch on every Dark Fey here. Do you really want that kind of life for Yuna?"
Conall's eyes softened. "I'm not saying that the covenant is banned indefinitely. In the future, maybe when things are different, maybe then I can approve of it." A stray tear hit the ground as Udo kept his head down, and Conall continued, "Udo, I want you to know I take no pleasure in doing this. Yuna, she's a sweet girl; I am beyond overjoyed you have found your heart, regardless if she's a human. More than anything, I want the Dark Feys and the humans to reunite once more. It's just simply not feasible. No matter where you two go, you will be met with violence, with hate, and with complete anger. If Yuna really is your heart... certainly you know that isn't the life she deserves to live. You know that right now... the idea is simply out of question."
Conall drew Udo in for an embrace that the Fey did not return. "I want the best for you, Udo. I always have, and I always will. I'll never be able to apologize to you enough..." Conall released the disheartened Fey, and solemnly turned on his heel to leave.
"It'd be best to have Yuna out of the nest as soon as possible."
Conall left, and Udo crumbled to the floor.
Next, Yuna could feel a hot rage almost as fiery as the sun that beat down onto the Fey and the human;
"NO Udo! It's out of the question, you are NOT leaving the Dark Feys!" Yuna hastily wiped her eyes as she stormed away from the Fey in one of the nest's sunlit fields. "Conall is right. No matter where we go... it'll only be a cruel world. I'm not letting you lose your family over that."
Udo trailed right behind her, his own frustration at its peak as he caught the girl by her wrist. "I don't care about any of that, Yuna!" He desperately clung to her as his own tears freely fell, Yuna struggling against his hold. "I don't care about Conall, I don't care about the Dark Feys, I don't care about what anyone thinks! You're the only family I need, the only one I want!"
Yuna choked back a cry as she sighed with frustration, turning on her heel to face the Tundra Fae. "Well I care, Udo!" She exclaimed. "I don't want you to lose everything just for me, it isn't worth it! I won't let you do it!" She shouted.
Udo's brows furrowed as Yuna pulled her wrist from his hand. "So that's just it? You're just going to give up on us? Like it doesn't even mean anything?"
Yuna's eyes widened with hurt at that.
"How can you even say that? Do you really think this is easy for me?" Yuna shook her head in disappointment, wiping at her teary eyes. "I love you, Udo. I don't want to have to leave you; don't you understand how much you mean to me? How could you ever accuse me of such horrible things?"
Udo instantly regretted his words as he saw the pain flash in Yuna's eyes, hurriedly dragging her into an embrace before she could run off.
Yuna cried into his chest, and Udo hushed her as he stroked her head. "I know. I know. That was unfair of me, Yuna. I am so sorry; I got caught up in the heat of the moment. You know I don't believe any of that." He held her small body tightly against his own, and Yuna continued to cry.
"I love you so much, Udo..." A hard sob raked through her body. "It's not fair! I can't live without you!"
Udo held her as she sobbed, his own hot tears dripping into sweet smelling tresses.
"I can't either, Yuna. I can't either." He squeezed her tighter as the two collapsed to the ground underneath them; falling to their knees.
"I love you more."
Did Yuna really forget all of this? Seeing herself interact in these distant days was like watching a stranger in her skin maneuver around; and she sought answers.
Luckily, the next display gave all of them to her.
Udo wiped at the tears that had yet to dry on Yuna's cheeks, her slumbering form finally giving her face some expression of peace.
The night was cold, and bitter, and Udo bit his lips as he leaned down to kiss her gently on her cheek. His lips traveled from her cheek, down her neck, and up to her soft lips, placing as loving of a kiss as he could without waking her.
Udo smiled as he brushed her bangs from her face, and bit back a cry as he stared down at her beautiful features. He allowed himself to kiss her one last time, his hand carefully resting on her forehead.
"Never forget how much I love you, heart." Udo held the kiss as a bright glow resonated from his hand, wrapping around Yuna's mind like a cloth as, with teary eyes, the Fey wiped any memory of his existence.
Udo pulled back, and a sob broke from his lips. He softly embraced her, cradling her head as he breathed in her scent. "My Yuna. Please... don't feel any more pain. Go and live your life; live it with a man who can take care of you." Udo gulped thickly. "I'll never, ever replace you. Oh... how I wish I could call you mine."
Udo then carried her sleeping form, heavily affected by the fatigue of the memory wiping from the Cavernous Nest and across the ocean. He soared as far away as he could, gently depositing her body on a sandy shore where, hopefully, she'd wake up and simply think she'd been shipwrecked after her daring escape into the ocean.
Udo made sure her bag of heirlooms was strapped securely to her person, and with one last teary kiss, quietly whispered;
"I love you."
He was gone before she awoke; the sun rising on a new day and a new life as the girl confusedly trekked up the coast, an unexplainable melancholy filling her as a single tear hit the sand.
Everything gave way to a familiar royal bedroom, with a familiar Queen, familiar Fey... and familiar herbalist.
"Thank you so much for this, Udo, was it?" Aurora looked to the unconscious girl slumbering in the bed with worry, Udo working away tirelessly as he pumped his magic into her like a living dispenser.
"Yuna, she... it's my fault she's like this!" Aurora almost cried. "She saved me, and Diaval, and now she's so beat up and in pain... I feel horrible; we don't even know each other and yet she risked her life for me..."
Udo looked up from her bedside, and offered her a small smile. "It's quite alright, your majesty. I can assure you, nothing will happen to her when she is under my care. I can guarantee that." Udo squeezed the soft hand in his own. "Please, go to your husband. You've just had your wedding; you should be enjoying yourself, not in here fussing."
Aurora looked unsurely at the slumbering girl. "Are you sure it's okay?" She questioned.
Udo nodded, "I promise."
Hesitantly, but with a grateful nod to the Fey, Aurora left the room; finally leaving just the two of them.
Udo waited another moment, making sure he heard no footsteps coming towards the room, before sighing deeply.
His eyes almost immediately prickled with hot tears, and he brought Yuna's hand up to his face, kissing the palm.
"I can't believe it..." He whispered.
A groan from Yuna's unconscious form made him grin, and he pressed a kiss to each of her knuckles, then to each of her fingers. "It's really you, isn't it?"
Udo closed his eyes as he pressed the hand to his face, his smile growing as tears began to cascade down his face.
"My Yuna, you finally came back to me..."
Another kiss to the back of her hand.
"I swear it; I won't let you skip from my fingers this time... I'll just make you fall in love with me again." His voice was soft, and his hand went to gently trace the lines and curves of her bruised face.
"How is it possible you grew even more beautiful? Even with all of these cuts and and bumps; you're still so lovely."
Carefully, Udo rose to crawl into the bed alongside the resting herbalist, drawing her face into his chest as he breathed in her scent. He placed a delicate kiss to her forehead, and nuzzled into her neck.
"Is this a sign from the fates? Is it alright for us to finally be together?" Udo's grip on her tightened. "Do you... even want me anymore, with all of our memories gone?"
Udo shook the thought from his head, pressing another kiss to her cold nose. "It doesn't matter. No matter what... you'll always be mine."
In the midst of the celebration between man and Fey, the air high with excitement from the King and Queen's union, Udo held her closely as they slept.
"Never again."
The memory almost immediately bled into an angry and desperate looking Borra and an upset and disheartened Udo; and the words resonated deep into Yuna's heart,
"Don't you think it's a rather telltale sign that the two whole times Yuna has come into my life, she just ends up hurt?" Udo's eyes practically crystalized as they became misty. "I'm not good for her, Borra. First she ends up heartbroken, and now I'll make her put all of her dreams on the back burner; I can't let her do that. It's better if I just..." Udo gazed up at the towering skeletal Phoenix, and he released a shaky sigh. "If I just stay here. It's time to let her go, Borra... Yuna just can't have a happy life if she's with me." Udo's gaze found Borra's again, and Borra could see the pain swelling within the Tundra Fae's sapphire irises.
"No matter how much I wanted to give her one."
Borra blinked as he sought to comprehend, voice turning desperate as he took a step towards Udo. "Udo, Yuna's your heart..."
Udo nodded.
"She always will be." He whispered.
Borra wanted to scream. "Udo, there has to be a way to unblock Yuna's memories. You coming back doesn't mean she has to give up being a Court Herbalist, there has to be some sort of healthy medium..."
Udo's voice only dropped lower.
"It's better if she just doesn't remember." Udo's fists clenched as he looked up to the sky, the bright sun rays almost taunting him.
"It'd be better if she just forgot about me..."
The interaction changed again as Udo's tone took on a much softer approach, his robes whipping brilliantly in the wind as he stood in an awfully familiar field,
"All of the decisions I've ever made since meeting Yuna, have always been with her greatest benefit in mind. I'd... I'd do anything she asked of me, Borra. I'd fly to the ends of the earth, I'd buy her whatever expensive necklace or hairpiece her heart desired... if she told me she wanted the sun, I'd find a way to bring it to her. Even if it meant killing myself in the process."
Udo spoke so sincerely, so straight from the heart that Borra couldn't even deny the words.
"Be selfish? When it involves Yuna? That's out of the question. I could never. She's my heart. I would never put my needs before her own; I would never put my desires before her own. It is my job to ensure she lives the most wonderful, amazing, happiest life that there is to experience... and if me not being in it means she'll hurt less, means she won't ever question herself, means she won't have to make the heartbreaking decision to choose between her passions and someone she fancies, then so be it. I'm okay with that. Even if she finds someone else..."
Borra could picture the grimace on Udo's face.
"... She'll always be my heart. There's no one else but her; from all those years ago to now, it's always been her."
Udo finished quietly.
"And I'll never not be thankful for that."
Everything went black, and Yuna awoke with a start.
Yuna's eyes shot open, warm tears pouring continuously from them as she could only lie there in pure shock; every single one of her senses kicking into overdrive. Her mind only chanted one thing, 'Udo, Udo, Udo....'
"Yuna?" Ini's gentle voice spoke up, wiping at Yuna's tears with her pointed nails. Yuna sat up from the Fey suddenly, and with a shuddering gasp, a brilliant smile broke onto her face as she smothered her tears into her hands; letting out a muffled,
Yuna cried as Ini's stroke her back, and all three Feys shared a small smile.
"It's safe to say it worked, then?" Shrike whispered.
Borra nodded, his eyes uncharacteristically soft as he watched Yuna.
"Yeah... it worked."
Yuna pulled her teary face from her hands, reaching to squeeze Ini's hands in a sincere gratitude. Her sharp eyes met Borra's,
"Take me to see him, right now." Her eyes glistened with a new found sense of urgency, and resolve.
"Please, Borra."
The two were gone within a matter of moments.
Her feet crunched softly on the dewy grass, eyes soft and her heart finally quelled.
It was odd; being back at the place where it had all started.
The land seemed foreign to her, but she let her heart guide her as she carefully trekked through the thick blanket of night.
She found him; standing atop of the same grassy cliff that they'd confessed on, approaching him from behind with her hands held tightly to her chest. It made her heart soar, seeing him again; it could've made her cry. She wanted to hug him, smell him, kiss him even... but she knew what she had to do.
If it all went well... then maybe things could return to how they used to be.
Her chest was warm, and her soul felt like a million fireworks were being set off inside of it; a wonderful feeling.
She stopped, and with a firm but gentle voice, she finally spoke;
The Fey turned with a start, and his eyes widened as they fell upon her petite figure.
She smiled.
So uh.... y'all want smut? 😳
NOT ANYTIME SOON I just want to know what my readers are comfortable with, please let me know 🥰
It's finally here! THE chapter everyone has been waiting for.... coming next!! 🎉 Thank you sm for 3k! <3
I'm so excited for you guys to read it, and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter ❤️ I'm putting all of my heart into this story, I love it and you all sm!!!
Stay tuned for the next chapter, I promise it won't disappoint!! 😉
See you soon!

Purity in the Stars *Maleficent: Mistress of Evil- Udo Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now