Chapter Twenty: Seas Familiar and Unknown

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The harbor air was like a cold slap to Yuna's face as it whipped her pinned up hair wildly.
The salty air filled her nostrils, and the sprays of the ocean dotted her face.
The November morning was overcast, Ulstead's waters were icy and a chilling grey color over its usual azure blue. The threat of rain loomed over.
Yuna couldn't take her gaze away from the crashing waves as she stood at the dock, arms crossed in front of her as she wordlessly blinked out over the extensive sea.
Morning had finally come.
She didn't tense when she felt someone embrace her from behind; who else would it be?
"The ship just pulled into port. The castle hands should finish loading up all of luggage and such in a few..." Udo's deep voice rumbled softly by Yuna's ear.
She sighed when he pressed a kiss to her neck.
"How do you feel?" Udo's hands rubbed up Yuna's arms comfortingly, coaxing them to uncross. "It's okay to opt out, it isn't too late."
His assurance made Yuna's eyes shut with a reluctant ease, and she shook her head.
"Already here. Might as well put on a good show."
Nudging herself out of Udo's embrace, Yuna expertly laced their hands together. She turned her back to the icy sea, her hand never leaving Udo's as she lead them away from the rocky shore and towards where their groups of friends awaited them.
"Are you sure you packed enough? Philip said we may encounter some storms on our way there. Are your cloak and scarf keeping you warm?"
Udo chided, his own figure dawned with the much more thicker robes that the tundra fae wore when the weather turned ghastly.
"The last thing I want is you getting sick."
Despite the pitted feeling in her stomach, Yuna managed to smile under the fey's fretting.
"You worry too much. I'll be fine." Her response was simple.
Udo still seemed reluctant, but sensing the rather tense air around Yuna, he chose to not push the matter further.
He wordlessly brushed his lips over one of her cheeks, flushed from the bitter harbor air. Slowly, they neared the port that would lead to destinations unknown.
It was easy to spot their comrades amongst the crowds of castle hands and dock workers hurriedly running about, Aurora guiding them over with an inviting wave of her hand and a large smile.
"Ah! Perfect timing you two!"
The couple easily slipped within the group, Yuna smiling away the rather concerned glances her friends met her with (the last thing she needed would be someone as rough as Borra fretting over her the whol three day trip to Miyagata).
"We seem to have a knack for that." Udo chuckled dryly with the faintest hint of humor.
"You're all well rested I presume? While not that long, I can assure you that three days out at sea can be quite grueling for those who are ill-experienced! Yuna, have you packed a medical kit for emergencies and check ups?" Philip seemed to be hiding his worries over the girl and the impending meeting with a masked smile and chipper voice.
Perhaps it was just a reflection of how kingly he was; not one to impose his problems onto others.
"It should already be on the ship by now. I brought as much inventory as the space could allow me." Yuna confirmed with a nod.
"I brought anti-nausea root for everyone, as well as sleep aids in case anyone finds it difficult to adjust to the sea."
Percival smiled in satisfaction at the herbalist's answer, "Always the diligent Court Herbalist. You'll make this journey quite easy, Yuna. Thank you."
Yuna smiled at the praise; it wasn't everyday the cold-blooded, merciless body guard of the king would dish out compliments.
While a great amount of their party possessed wings, it was ultimately decided the most efficient way for the group to travel to their destined meeting would be the old fashioned way.
It was better this way; there was no telling what they would encounter in the coming days. Yuna needed her medicine, Percival needed his extra guards on board to establish security, and Philip and Aurora would simply look unprofessional dropping into a meeting carried by winged-faeries and unready to debate.
The three days for Percival and Aurora would mainly be spent within the ship's office, studying away at every document and past royal decree, coming up with proposals and compromises for whatever the Corsairs threw at them.
It may be easier to just fly, however it was not the smartest option. Everyone needed time to prepare.
Especially Yuna.
"How are you feeling, beastie?" Maleficent's velvety voice spoke up softly.
Yuna blinked. "I'm good." She responded curtly.
Borra glared at the girl, "Stop lying. Stupid girl, always making everyone worry and starting trouble..."
"That's Borra's code for, "It's going to be okay." Though I'm sure you're fluent in his own little barbaric language by now." Ini smiled.
"He's right, it'll all be okay."
"I'm fine everyone, really." Yuna waved her hands with a faint blush. "I'm not fragile, I won't break. I have all of you and I made this decision all on my own. I'm not scared about anything."
Shrike beamed at the girl. "That's our little warrior." She punched Yuna's shoulders affectionately.
"You picked a real good one Udo, you know that?"
Udo seemed to bask within the statement, his feathers ruffling ever so slightly.
"I'm aware of it everyday." His smile grew. "Yuna's right; she isn't fragile. Let's hurry up and get this meeting over with; afterwards we can all enjoy a mini vacation in Yuna's homeland."
Aurora cheered,
"I couldn't have said it better myself, Udo!" She grinned.
Diaval also seemed to like the prospect, "Oh my...I've never been on a vacation before. Is it like what they write about in books? With long walks on the beach and sharing a fruity drink with your beloved...?" Diaval sighed dreamily.
Percival ruffled his long black tresses. "I don't know what kind of books you've been getting into at the royal library Diaval, but it seems like I'll have to start monitoring you." He laughed.
Yuna smiled up at Udo, not needing to speak any words to convey her feelings.
Udo, her rock and who always protected her... she could only say thank you.
"That's the perfect reward! These meetings can become absolutely dreadful... the prospect of a few days of relaxation are exactly what will get us through!" Philip nodded to himself in satisfaction.
"It's decided, as your king and best friend, we shall treat ourselves once this correspondence is done!"
Her friends erupted in a happy agreement, and Yuna smiled softly to herself.
'I've been waiting a long time for this.'
Something large and expansive shadowed the ground Yuna stared down at, and she lifted her head inquisitively only to be rendered quite flabbergasted.
"Wow..." She breathed, catching the attention of the rest of the party. They followed her gaze upwards, greeted by the docked ship that would serve as their home for the following days.
The shadow came from the sails, which were fully fanned out to their full glory. It was a big ship, but Yuna would expect nothing from a royal transit vessel. A deep, polished cherry wood lined with golden and navy detailing; a symbol of Ulstead's pride.
"These human devices...perhaps not all of them are useless." Shrike stared in awe at the mighty sea trailer. "Percival...are you sure such a thing is safe?"
She questioned the man at her side unsurely.
"Positive. She has been serving this country since before Philip was even born." Percival smiled up at the ship.
"Are you worried, Shrike? You may hold onto me during the voyage if you get frightened. The rocking of the sea may be unforgiving for newcomers." He offered in a soft voice.
Slowly, and without tearing her eyes away from the looming structure, Shrike hugged onto Percival's elbow tightly.
Borra glanced at the pair, then back to the ship, and then to Ini.
His voice shred any trace of gruffness, and he unsurely nudged the dessert fae.
Ini's dark eyes looked up to him, and Borra tried to maintain a neutral expression.
"If...If you'd like, I think we should pick rooms that are close to each other." He slowly spoke, wetting his lips as Ini quirked a brow.
Borra tried not to panic;
"For safety reasons of course. I'd like it if you were close by if something were to happen...I'll be able to protect you, you know?" The fey nearly tripped over his words as he spilled out the offer.
Borra ignored the heated feeling in his chest as Ini softly smiled.
"Yeah? You know I'm capable of defending myself. You taught me everything." Ini laughed airily, and Yuna and Udo exchanged a knowing look as they watched the two.
"I'd like that. Just make sure you pick a room with a view; I might have to drop in for a spell."
Borra's mouth fell open as Ini winked, chuckling to herself as she left the flustered fey on the dock and went to converse with Shrike and Percival.
Yuna grinned at Borra's statue-like posture and stiff muscles, eyes trailing to where Ini had interrupted Shrike and Percival's exchange of soft whispers.
"Safe to say they're all pining?" Her head fell onto Udo's shoulder.
Yuna heard Udo's exasperatedly sigh.
"Horribly so." He confirmed, voice reflecting his smile.
His head beckoned towards the back of the group.
"Look there. I think Diaval may be the true Romeo of us all."
Yuna did as he said, lifting her head and seeing quite the sight.
Maleficent had an unusually gentle expression on her sharp features, eyes fluttering about nervously as Diaval's nimble fingers tucked away the stray hairs on her face. The crow looked happy, a blush on his cheeks to compliment Maleficent as the long time companions shared a quiet moment before the grand departure.
"They're so cute." Yuna noted in a whisper, smiling as Diaval's face crinkled into a grin. "He's sprung."
Udo hummed,
"I'd say the same for Maleficent. Have you ever seen her act like that? She's very...awkward. Definitely doesn't know how to act around him." He stated thoughtfully.
Aurora, who stood by the two, sighed out heavily.
"Does this mean that Diaval will be" The words came out unsurely, and the queen made a face.
"Not that I'm against it. He practically raised me along with Maleficent...but I'll have to call Diaval my father?" Aurora smiled at the fey and crow, the idea actually not sounding too bad to her.
"Diaval would probably cry from pure joy if you called him that. That'd make him "grandpa" too." Philip matched Aurora's smile, leaning down to place a kiss to her rosy cheek.
"What an odd family dynamic our children will experience."
It was then a call sounded,
"King Philip, Queen Aurora! We are set to sail and the ship is fully loaded. I suggest we get a head start while the weather still permits; I foresee a bit of rain later today."
Yuna followed the voice to the ship, her eyes widening at the chocolate-haired man descending the steps.
Her head snapped up from where it was resting on Udo's shoulder, her jaw dropped, and she all but covered her face in a loud and unfiltered cry;
Udo was quick to grab onto Yuna's shoulders, alarm bells ringing in his head at Yuna's sudden distress.
"Yuna?!" He kneeled before her, eyes scanning over her with worry as their friends also whipped around to look at her.
"What's wrong?!"
Yuna groaned deeply into her hands, and the next thing everyone heard was Diaval's sharp gasp.
"It's YOU!" The crow shot out an accusatory finger to the man descending from the ship.
"You're the bratty rich boy who tried to swoon Yuna!"
Sure enough, James Garnier stood on the study wooden port looking just as flabbergasted and distraught as the healer and the crow.
"I-It's YOU!"
He shot a finger right back at Diaval.
"The castle scaler and the woman who swindled and hoodwinked me!" A sharp glare formed on his princely face, his long brown locks falling in loose waves.
"To what do I owe the displeasure, hm? You both back to wreck havoc on my life and render me completely depressed?" He hissed out, eyeing the two as Diaval came to stand rather defensively in front of Yuna.
"Why can't I ever get a break...I'm a good person...Never hurt anyone...why me?" Yuna groaned out once more.
"Why do our paths KEEP CROSSING?!"
Udo eyed James warily, keeping his hold on Yuna.
"Diaval, know this boy?" He questioned.
Diaval nodded with a glare.
"This lad proposed to Yuna! A complete dog!" The crow confirmed with a firm nod. "Don't come anywhere near Yuna! She's a taken woman now!"
Udo raised an unamused brow, and James stumbled backwards at the fierce fire Udo's eyes cast to him.
"You...proposed to Yuna?" Udo clicked his tongue disdainfully, unamused.
James was quick to defend himself, waving his hands frantically.
"N-No! I mean, yes but I changed my mind!" He exclaimed. "I'm a young and handsome eighteen year old boy, I much prefer to expand my horizons! Plus, that woman and her friend caused me to get completely ravaged by a horde of lovelorn town girls!"
Yuna sighed deeply, rising to her full posture as she rubbed her forehead tiredly.
'Did he just call me old?' She thought exasperatedly.
"It's alright Udo, it's not like that." Yuna's soft words and touch instantly tranquilized the venom from Udo'a aura, her fingers rubbing up one of his pointed horns.
Udo still remained close to her side, and Yuna tiredly looked to James.
"What ever are you doing here?" She inquired, and uninterested expression on her face.
Aurora quickly intervened,
"Yuna, Diaval, you two know James?" She blinked in surprise.
"Regretfully so."
The two's uniformed answer was actually quite impressive.
Philip was equally surprised,
"James' father is a very successful merchant in the textile industry; they work with the crown to supplies us with our ships. I never thought that you three would already be...acquainted."
Yuna stuttered, "Does that mean James is accompanying us as well?"
Aurora nodded, and apologetic smile on her face.
"Well, he is quite seasoned with manning ships and navigation. I'm afraid we'd be dead in the water without his guidance."
The queen pinched at Diaval's frowning cheeks. "Come on, just try to get along okay? Keep to separate sides of the ship, and you won't even have to see him!"
Diaval huffed at that puppy-eyed look Aurora directed up at him.
"...Just stay away from Yuna." He muttered.
James bowed almost sarcastically.
"Obviously." He grunted. His eyes met Udo's, and the lad immediately gulped. "I mean yes, respectfully so. Of course."
A deep bow from James, and he hurried to begin untethering the ship.
"Please finish up here, majesty. I'll...I'll wait on the ship to prepare for departure!" James fearfully glanced to Udo again as he scrambled up the flimsy stairs to the mighty ship, nearly tripping over himself.
Shrike snickered from where she held onto Percival. "Oh, I change my mind. This is going to be a fun trip!"
Maleficent rubbed her knuckles against Diaval's neck, the man transforming into his true feathery form at the contact.
He easily perched to her shoulder, nuzzling into her neck.
"I'll have to keep a close eye on you, hm? Play nice, little crow." Maleficent cooed playfully, Diaval squawking in a pitchy reluctance.
Chuckling, and clapping his hands together, Philip excitedly gestured to the ship.
"Well...We're off to an exciting start!" He laughed awkwardly. "Everyone, I believe that's our cue! One at a time, please load onto the ship!"
A wave of half mutters and half cheers sounded as the group boarded, just in time as the wind began to kick up.
Yuna was in the back of the group, and as her soft palm gripped the railing, she froze.
This was it.
'I'm...really going back?'
The thought terrified her as much as it brought her unshakable joy.
A soft hand made its way to the small of her back.
"Cold feet?" Udo's voice shook her from her thoughts, his hand massaging comfortingly into her muscles. "It's alright."
Her hand gripping the wood, Yuna looked up to him with a bright smile.
"I've never been better." Her eyes sparkled.
Udo smiled warmly, his hand never leaving Yuna's back as the two ascended onto the ship together.
A horn blew, the ship rocked, and Yuna was looking out over stormy waters and distant familiar pier before she even knew it.
Finally, Yuna was going home.
Basically, the royal vessel was a mansion that could float.
Perhaps that was a bit dramatic, but it definitely wasn't your average ship.
A dining hall, grand staircase, ballroom, library, recreation room, tearoom, captain's office (which served as Philip and Aurora's meeting room), various bedrooms, kitchen, bathrooms, a massive deck perfect for soaking in the sun and a towering crow was a force to be reckoned with.
Yuna let out a breath of astonishment as she dropped her bags to the carpeted floor of her and Udo's bedroom.
'Traveling with the crown certainly has its perks...'
She whistled as she took in the far wall, consisting of nothing but clear windows to welcome in the overcast sky and crashing grey waves. A small but intricate chandelier hung from the ceiling, a grand king-sized canopy bed imbued with deep reds rested proudly in the center of the ornate room.
A large vanity, a lounge area complete with velvet sofas, old wood bookshelves adorning the walls...Yuna found herself suddenly wishing the trip lasted longer than just three days.
A large grin on her face, Yuna twirled herself out of her cloak; plopping onto the massive and incredibly soft bed with a happy sigh.
Her eyes fluttered shut amidst the plush blankets; this was truly heavenly.
Yuna giggled at the feeling of fingers tickling up her sweater, Udo pressing a kiss behind her ear as he joined her on the bed.
He was getting more sneaky; Yuna hadn't heard the fey come in until he shrugged out of his heavy robe and let it hit the floors.
She snuggled into his side, letting the fey trail his fingertips up her spine.
"How about we make good use of a bed this big, hm?"
His voice tickled near her ear, and Yuna swatted away his hand with a coy grin.
"Do you really think now is a good time?" As if to emphasize her question, a particularly large wave rocked the ship from side to side (almost sending the couple tumbling with it).
"Plus I'm still tired from last night, let's just sleep." The girl didn't really leave room for argument as she latched onto Udo's waist like he were a body pillow. Udo laughed under his breath, undoing her updo with his nimble fingers as he set the pins aside onto a bedside table.
Yuna melted as his slim fingers massaged into her scalp, the rocking of the ship almost lulling her into a deep sleep.
"Let's sleep then. You deserve it." The fingers trailed down to rest on her back.
"I know it took a lot of courage for you to agree to accompany Philip and Aurora. I'm so proud of you heart."
The ship rocked again.
"It's not like I voluntarily signed up to go off to fight a war, Udo. You're giving me too much credit." Despite her words, Yuna's cheeks were a gentle pink.
Udo hummed.
"Nonsense. Isn't Miyagata you're own personal kryptonite? I don't know many people, or feys, who would ever willingly confront their fears."
His forehead softly touched hers, horns carefully maneuvering so that he couldn't cut Yuna's delicate skin.
"Don't forget; I did run away the day you confronted me at the castle. I daresay you may have more courage than me."
Yuna's smile grew. "You also protected the Cavernous Nest for almost thirty years. I believe that that took a lot more guts than anything I could set out to do."
Udo huffed, his finger tips gently pinching at Yuna's skin playfully. "Thirty years? I wasn't defending the feys straight out of the womb, Yuna." The two laughed, and Udo sighed.
"You make me sound old...I'm only twenty-eight. Technically I've been protecting the faeries for only twelve years, thank you."
Yuna made a fake noise of contemplation,
"Twenty eight? Almost to thirty..." She lifted her head up, the sleep in her eyes holding a hint of mirth. "Old man."
Udo's eyes flashed dangerously at the tease.
"Old man, hm?" His lips pressed onto Yuna's heatedly. A pointed fingernail came to trace her pulse, and Yuna shivered.
"You didn't seem to mind last night." Udo kissed Yuna's rosy lips again, and Yuna found herself chasing after him as he retreated.
Her fingers threaded into Udo's platinum locks, bunching up the straight strands in her hand.
"You're right...I didn't." It was Yuna who instigated the next passionate peck. "Want to show me what moves an old man like you has again?"
Udo smiled against her lips, their kisses becoming more full of teeth and tongue.
"I thought you wanted to sleep?" His voice was a soft teasing, already beginning to roll on top of the healer.
Yuna glared at his cheeky grin, her eyes giving him a roll.
"Well, I changed my mind."
Udo's grin grew, and he bent down to exchange another love-filled and tender kiss.
They barely got any farther than that before a knock sounded on their door.
The two separated, sharing a quizzical look with each other.
'Who on earth would be knocking on our door?' Yuna thought with a sigh, glancing at the foreboding wood.
'Talk about bad timing.'
"Just ignore it." Udo whispered, bending his neck to kiss at the shell of Yuna's ear. "It can wait. They'll go away."
Yuna nodded, eyes shutting against Udo's ministrations as she rubbed at his back encouragingly.
A soft bite made Yuna croon her head to the side, allowing Udo more access which he greedily accepted.
The knock sounded again, this time followed by a gentle and almost nervous voice.
"A-Ah, excuse me! Is Miss Yuna in there?"
Udo and Yuna separated again; it definitely wasn't a voice they recognized.
Yuna furrowed her brows up at the fey.
"Who is that?" She mouthed to him.
Udo have her a shrug as an answer: "I don't know."
Releasing another sigh, Yuna gently pushed at Udo's shoulder; signaling for him to get off of her.
Udo let out a whine and Yuna hushed him, smoothing out her clothing and combing her hair in front of her shoulders.
She quickly strode for the door, "Coming."
Just before another knock could ring out, Yuna cracked open the door; eyes widening in a slight startle.
The girl on the other side of the story immediately straightened in posture; her hand raised mid-knock whipping back down to her side.
"O-Oh! M-Miss Yuna, Hi!"
Yuna opened the door fully, hearing Udo sit up on the bed behind her to see their new guest.
It seemed like their speculations were correct;
Indeed, this girl was young. Not quite a child, but not a woman either; if Yuna had to pinpoint an age to her, it'd have to be fifteen or sixteen.
She had a beautifully dark, melanin-rich complexion; one that almost rivaled Shrike's. Her hair, a shocking midnight black fell just above her shoulders in uniformly brilliant curls. Thick hair and lashes framed her eyes, a heavy brown like the earth and her face which still held a bit of baby fat in the cheeks and a wonderfully cute and girl-ish essence.
She almost jittered from anxiety as she stood before Yuna, her sage-colored ruffled blouse and skirt crinkling as she bowed deeply.
"P-Pardon the intrusion! I'm Lottie Taylor, It is an honor to meet you Miss Yuna!"
Yuna blinked in astonishment;
Who on earth was this cute little thing?
"A-Ah, yes; it's nice to meet you as well Lottie." Yuna smiled softly.
Lottie immediately shot up from her bowed position, "You know my name?! I'm a bottom dweller on the castle's totem pole...I wouldn't expect someone at the top to know me!" Her cheeks were aflame, and her dark eyes glistened up to Yuna with nothing short of sheer admiration.
Yuna's smile glinted with a dumbfounded expression.
'This a bit up in the clouds.'
"You, um...just told me your name, remember?" Yuna laughed awkwardly.
Lottie's eyes widened in horror.
"R-Right! Oh my, I'm so sorry. I'm just so happy to finally meet you, Miss Yuna. I'm afraid I'm a bit unable to string my thoughts and words together..." Lottie's head dropped in shame as her voice quieted, and Yuna immediately sought to soothe the girl.
'She's so...innocent.' Yuna mused with a warm heart.
"Hey, it's alright; I'd say I'm equally as happy to meet you, Lottie." Yuna smiled as Lottie visibly lit up, lifting her head.
"Just call me Yuna. No need to add on any honorifics."
Lottie's own pretty smile graced her face, and she nodded happily.
"Mm!" She agreed.
Putting her hand over her heart, the girl's own crown badge flashed against her top.
"Lottie Taylor, apprentice courtier to Ulstead's crown!" Finally able to collect herself, Lottie formally introduced herself to Yuna; the practice of stating your title to your fellow member of the royal family.
Yuna placed her hand over her heart to mirror Lottie, her more exquisite badge already revealing how high up she was within the crown.
"Yuna Asai, Court Herbalist to Queen Aurora and King Philip."
She greeted right back.
Yuna felt Udo's strong arms cage her in from behind; his large hands on either side of the doorframe.
"Yuna, you didn't tell me we had the premiere courtier of Ulstead gracing us with a visit."
Yuna could hear the smile on Udo's face as he gazed down at the girl, and Lottie's face showed pure joy as Udo came into view.
The words made her beam with a burning joy; "Mister Udo! Oh, I'll have to tell all of the other girls I got to see you when we get back to Ulstead!" A blush painted Lottie's cheeks. "You're both so pretty..."
Yuna quirked a brow,
"Hear that, Udo? Sounds like you have a fan club of love-struck castle maidens." She huffed in amusement.
Udo nudged her,
"I think you're the one with a fan club here." He smiled warmly down at Lottie.
"It's great to meet you, Lottie; what did you come down here for?" He inquired curiously.
Lottie perked up in realization, the documents she held closely to her chest fluttering as she shot them out towards Yuna.
"My apologies! I got so star struck I became side tracked..."
Her hands fell back to her sides as Yuna took the documents from her, eyes scanning over them incredulously.
"These are..." Yuna whispered in disbelief.
"Correspondence letters from Miyagata; obviously written in Miyagatan." Lottie smiled.
"Having someone who can speak multiple languages within their audience has its perks; his highness King Philip would like you to translate those documents before tomorrow evening." Her dark curls bounced as she spoke, nodding along to her own words.
Yuna flipped through the pages, tracing the foreign characters with a soft expression in her eyes.
"...Certainly." She confirmed.
"Thank you, Lottie. Would you like to come in for some tea? Udo and I would love the company." Yuna offered to the bubbly girl, who gasped at the offer.
"Me?! Join Ulstead's "it" couple for afternoon tea?!" Lottie exclaimed.
Yuna winced awkwardly through her smile;
'What on earth are teenage girls gossiping about these days?'
"Why of course; only if you want to."
Udo nodded along in agreement.
"Do you have a preference, Lottie? Maybe something fruity?" He offered.
"I'd be happy to fix you a cup. I'd say I'm pretty good at it after making Yuna ten cups practically everyday."
He bit back a smile as the herbalist elbowed him.
Lottie's expression changed to deep contemplation;
"Oh, that'd be so wonderful! But..." She glanced unsurely down the hall.
"I really should report back to Sir Percival as soon as possible..."
Lottie looked back up to Yuna and Udo's gentle faces, and she practically booted the notion straight out of her priorities.
"Oh, I'm a sure just a few minutes would be fine!"
A few minutes turned into an hour and a half.
When Percival found the apprentice strewn out fast asleep on Udo and Yuna's bed, her belly full of jelly-centered cookies and three cups of sweet tea, his glare was enough to send the teen rubbing for the crow's nest.
The first night out on sea was met with a torrential downpour;
A total storm.
"Everyone! Inside, now!" Percival's booming voice yelled over the thundering waves, gripping tightly onto Shrike as he helped the fey get below deck.
"Hurry! If you stay out here, you'll get blown away into the sea!" James hollered from behind the ship's wheel, snagging a flailing Lottie by her collar.
"Especially you!"
Lottie squinted through the rain.
"Oh! Thank you James! I thought I would be carried away by Poseidon himself!" She exclaimed.
James sighed, shooing the girl off the deck in exasperation.
Yuna shivered at the icy water floating about her ankles, trudging through the puddles that had accumulated on the ship's surface.
'Some welcome wagon; how on earth are we supposed to get anywhere in all of this rain?!'
She struggled to see through the torrential downpour, all of her senses filling with Udo as he almost frantically grabbed onto her.
"They sounded the alarm for us to head inside almost ten minutes ago! All this time, I thought you were in the library translating, Yuna!"
His scolded broke into a sigh of relief as he hugged her close, walking them to the lower decks as his wings served as a feathery umbrella.
Yuna struggled to keep her footing on the rocking ship, gripping onto the railing with white knuckles.
"I was; then I came up here to help Percival and the crew members." She winced as more cold ocean water splashed over her already soaked form. "Sorry."
The sky was an angry, screaming black and grey as storm clouds swelled to a crescendo; crackling and hissing with fury.
The ship rocked a third time, hitting a dangerous degree in the storm's anger, and Yuna stumbled as she gripped harder onto the railing and to Udo.
"It's okay, I've got you." Udo confirmed, giving her a reassuring squeeze from the side.
Yuna knew that he did, he always did.
They had finally gotten one step below deck when Yuna heard a sharp scream.
Her head whipped about, turning just in time to see Aurora flail within the wake of a particularly harsh current. Her feet slipped, and Philip practically threw his body towards her as he tried to lunge for her.
He was already too late.
Philip and Yuna cried in unison as the queen tumbled over the ship's edge, a cry breaking out from her lips as her golden hair flashed over the railing.
Yuna's body moved before she could even process it; ripping away from Udo's grasp as the fey called out to her desperately.
"Yuna! Don't!"
Her boots pounded against the ship's wood as she sprinted, and Yuna threw her body over the railing without even thinking. One hand on the iron and wood, the other hand gripping securely at Aurora's wrist.
Aurora looked up to Yuna, eyes filled with a mixture of surprise and fear as the girl was practically bent in half over the railing to hold onto her.
"Y-Yuna!" Aurora exclaimed, wincing as another wave hit against her.
"Grab onto me!" Yuna strained out the instruction, the feeling of the dull iron beginning to dig into her gut a bit painful.
Just as Aurora could grip onto Yuna's wrist with her other hand, another wave hit them;
This time, it swallowed them.
Yuna heard distant cries as she felt her and Aurora's be consumed by the sea, dragged from the ship like how a cat drags a poor mouse from it's hiding place.
It all happened so fast, and before Yuna even knew it, her and Aurora were tumbling.
The sea was dark, Yuna realized. She couldn't see anything. Her and Aurora tried to hold onto the other ad their screams were consumed by the sea, but it was no use. The sheer force of Poseidon's rage ripped them apart like they were oil and water.
Yuna tried to focus on her surroundings, tried to keep her head above water as wave after wave crashed down onto her in the maelstrom, but it was just no use.
She vividly felt the panic in her chest as she went under again, this time feeling the pressure and current of the ocean keeping her there.
She didn't know where Aurora was; she barely even knew where she was.
In the darkness of  the sea, Yuna could only fight and scream and kick wildly as she fought to get her head above water.
Her body beginning to shut down from the sheer freezing temperatures of the water, the icy stabs that resulting every time Yuna was thrown about, the girl looked up to a thundering sky and found herself in prayer.
This all felt too similar to the time she was almost crushed by that falling tower in Ulstead's courtyard...the day she met Udo, the day she didn't even know the kind of journey she was just thrown into, and the day she was positive she was going to die.
'Like this...? Really?'
Yuna's eyelids were beginning to feel heavy, her muscles were beginning to ache, and her lungs were on fire.
Despite all of her kicking and fighting, she just didn't seem to be getting anywhere.
From beneath the water, Yuna could just barely see a flash of white in the sky;
The moon.
She was suddenly reminded of the take she'd told Udo just yesterday; the sun, the moon, and all of their stars.
Her eyes shut as she started sinking further.
Speaking of Udo...
The fey's smiling face flashed through her mind, and Yuna couldn't ignore how the coldness was spreading into her toes and fingers now.
'Please...Please don't make me leave him again.' She was sure her tears were melting into the ocean.
'We can finally start our own life together. I can finally love Udo and be with him...I can't die here.'
The picture expanded to include her friends, and her most cherished ones;
'I can't leave them either...'
Finally, they entered her mind.
Her mother Ilia, her father Percy, Mina and Leo. Miyagata's spring blooms came to mind with them, the autumn maple leaves, the summer bonfires on the beach mirror by festivals, the winter they'd spend huddled up inside drinking sweet rice without a care in the world; happy by the fireplace.
Yuna wanted to scream.
'I need to do this for them. Don't make me let them down.'
Yuna gave one last kick and reach to the stormy surface, exhaustion coursing through her.
'Everything I've done up until this point has been for them dammit!'
The surface of the water broke just as Yuna was beginning to black out.
A force ripped her from the water, Yuna coming face to face with the stormy moon before she even could acknowledge it.
The rain hit her skin, and Yuna found herself gasping and choking and gripping onto her savior with a shaking grip.
"U-Udo..." Her eyes were already watering.
"Don't speak." Udo's gripped onto her like she was a cargo of precious gems and riches, holding Yuna so tightly she thought she might suffocate.
"I'll always be there to save you."
Yuna must've slipped in and out of consciousness at that point, because the last thing she remembered was being high in the stormy sky; then she blinked her eyes and she was in the ship's infirmary.
The voices and shuffles about her were muted, like she were still underwater.
Her head lulled to the side and she could see Aurora in the bed right beside her; the queen's lips blue and her skin pale.
Yuna could register Maleficent's soaked form at her side, and indication that it was the Phoenix who had dove in after Aurora. She was upset, that much was plain to see; tears streamed down her face and Philip fought back his own as he gripped Aurora's hand tightly.
Aurora gave them a lazy grin, her lips moving in what Yuna could read as an assurance that she was alright as Diaval fussed about her.
Diaval came to frantically check on Yuna, but the girl couldn't register a thing he was trying to say.
They all flashed about her in the bed;
Borra looking pissed as he back and forth between the two girls, ranting something or another about "stupid humans giving him a heart attack" and "See? This is why we should've just flown. Nothing would've happened to anyone if it were on my watch."
He seemed worried, and scared.
Percival looked ashamed at the far back of the room; taking in the two girl's appearances.
What kind of royal guard did this make him?
He wore his title and his badge with pride; he was a protector to all. Yet, here he was in the infirmary, having to witness the near death of not only his queen, but close companion and fellow crown worker as well.
Shrike and Ini were working diligently with the infirmary nurses, healing the girls directly with their magic (trying to bring some life back into their skin and bones; everything felt so icy), shoving wrapped heated coals under their covers.
The magic definitely served to heat Yuna up, at least feeling a faint flicker of vigor and energy flowing through her, but at this point she just needed sleep and rest to recover.
Her heart clenched in her dreary state; Udo's forlorn and heartbroken face pushing past the rest as he kneeled at her bedside, practically in tears.
Yuna fought to focus on her love, licking her lips (which she noted were dreadfully cold).
"Hi..." She could barely lift her hand from the covers, wincing when she saw her fingertips were a numbing light blue under her finger nails.
They were numb, too.
Her cold fingers wiped at his eyes gently, Yuna cupping his face with a tired smile.
"I'm alright." Her croaked voice hushed him.
"I'm sorry, Udo..."
Udo clung onto the hand that enveloped his cheek, nuzzling into it and inhaling Yuna's scent.
He kissed at the cold there, and Yuna felt a small flash of heat beneath his lips.
His face was also beaded with ocean, his locks wet and clinging to him. His wings were weighted and heavy with water, the usually fluffed feathers dreary and shriveled. A towel hung loosely at Udo's shoulders; and Yuna's eyes softened.
He risked his life to save her, plunging into a stormy ocean like that.
As Maleficent did Aurora.
'Two very strong forms of a different kind of love...'
"Thank you for saving me Udo." Yuna couldn't speak up past a whisper. "I'm really tired of ending up as your patient, to be honest."
"Then stop being the hero all the time." Udo smiled, shaking his head as more tears trailed down his cheeks. "Why do you think I'm here?"
Yuna wordlessly nodded, a silent apology as she breathed in shakily.
It hurt her lungs.
"Don't ever do that again." Udo's brows furrowed, Yuna nodding once more at the masked fury in his voice. "Do you know how I felt, watching you get dragged over the railing like that?" Udo shook his head, his tears coming down in a constant stream.
"I thought you were dead. When I saw you floating in the water, I just..."
Udo's voice broke, and Yuna stroked his cheek as he couldn't do finish.
"I thought I was too." She whispered. "I'm sorry, Udo...I'm so sorry..."
She rubbed at his drying tresses as the fey embraced her tightly on the bed, sighing with pure relief and exhaustion.
'I don't know how we didn't die...but thank you.'
Her eyes caught Aurora's, and the two friends managed to share an amused smirk.
"You look like death." Yuna commented.
Aurora quirked a brow, chuckling dryly through her sore throat.
"Must be looking in a mirror."
The room shared a quite laughter in the intimately small infirmary.
Aurora's eyes softened.
"That's the second time you saved my life. I can't believe you would do that, Yuna..." The ever sensitive queen had eyes sparkling with unshed tears. "You're...stupid! You should've just let me fall...Yuna you almost died..." Aurora blinked as her tears fell, and her lip quivered.
Yuna smiled; she knew despite the harsh words, her friend's message rang out loud and clear:
"Thank you."
"You would've died, had I not done anything." Yuna pointed out dryly. "You can't really expect me to not dive in after you."
Aurora smiled, and Philip matched Udo in an elated but emotional state.
"You're really working your way to a promotion quickly, aren't you Yuna?" The king chuckled solemnly. His lips pressed to Aurora's cold forehead.
"Thank you. I can never thank you enough for doing that, I'll never not be in your debt."
Yuna blinked. "Of course, but..." Her eyes went to Maleficent's soaked and tired form. "You do realize all I actually did was create more chaos by falling in with Aurora, right? Maleficent saved her. I can't take credit for something like that." She assured.
Maleficent slowly shook her head.
"If you hadn't caught Aurora and given us some time to react, she would've been gone in a matter of moments. You saved her."
Maleficent smiled genuinely through her tears.
"Thank you, beastie..."
Percival dropped to his knees between the beds, his head hung in shame.
"You reacted faster and braver than I, a guard of almost fifteen years, did. Yuna, thank you. To the both of you...I am deeply sorry. I understand if I'm never forgiven, I understand if my position as head guard is compromised."
Aurora sighed from her bed, her and Philip sharing an affectionate expression.
"Nonsense Percival. Rise to your feet; you really think Aurora and I could ever let such a gem like you go?" Philip smiled.
"You're too kind, highnesses..." Percival's voice almost cracked.
Yuna's eyes trailed up to where Shrike dabbed a hot towel to her forehead.
She gave the fey a smile of appreciation.
"I think Percival may need some cheering up. I'll be alright, go and make him feel better."
Shrike lit up at the thought, but still seemed hesitant,
"Nonsense. I can't leave you and Aurora, Yuna."
The girl gave her an insistent smile.
"We'll be alright. Go ahead."
Shrike gave her a soft smile. Unusually gentle, the jungle fey brushed Yuna's face with the back of her hand; letting her magic flow into the herbalist in generous amounts one more time.
"You gave me quite a fright. Almost dove in after you and Aurora myself." Shrike's eyes were watery in the candle glow. "I'm happy you're okay."
Yuna reassured Shrike with a gentle quirk of her lips, the magic within her easing her pains.
"Me too." She softly replied.
"We should all be leaving." Ini added in as she let her magic dissipate from Aurora. "It's time these two rest. They'll be alright; I'd recommend we let them take it easy tomorrow."
Borra grunted. "Are you sure it's wise to leave them?"
Ini nodded with a smile,
"They have their hearts. They'll be fine."
Diaval pressed a quick kiss to either girl's forehead.
"No more stunts like that, alright?" He whispered.
Yuna smirked, "No promises."
Diaval sighed. If Yuna weren't injured, Diaval would've flicked her forehead.
"Rest up beasties. I'll be back in here first thing in the morning, alright?" Maleficent gave the two another quick once over. "Philip, Udo, I expect you two to watch over them."
"Won't sleep a wink." Udo confirmed immediately, and Yuna knew that the fey was dead serious.
Maleficent smiled. "I know you won't."
The group slowly dispersed into the hallway, casting once last concerned glance to the two bed-ridden women.
Aurora huffed affectionately. "Go. We're alright, worrywarts."
Borra's fists clenched.
"I-Um..." He grunted, then sighed with frustration. "I'm happy you're okay. Both of you." He looked to Udo. "Dry your hair, Udo. You'll get sick."
Yuna felt a warmth encompass her at Borra's obvious concern;
'To think, I thought this fey was nothing but heartless when I first met him...'
"I'll make sure he does, Borra." Yuna gave him a smile. "You know how he can be."
"You won't be doing anything but resting." Udo corrected with a sharp glance, and Yuna squeezed his hand in reassurance.
She giggled to herself, ignoring how it caused her to ache. 'Mother hen.' The tease didn't make it to her tongue.
"I will Borra. You don't have to worry about me." He offered his longtime friend an appreciative smile.
Borra huffed.
"I do, actually. You and Yuna are too similar in the fact that you'll work yourself to the bone to take care of others." He smiled back to the couple.
"I won't hesitate to beat either one of your asses. When I come back in the morning, I expect you to be sleeping."
Ini rolled her eyes affectionately, pawing at the fey as she tore him from the doorframe.
"Come on Borra, leave them alone." She pushed at him. "You promised me you'd help me practice my divination tonight, don't think I forgot."
Borra grumbled. "Yeah, yeah..."
He sulked down the hallway, and Ini cast one last smile to the four.
"I'm very grateful you both are safe. You'll be fine; just sleep and bundle up as much as you can, and I'll be by to check on you as soon as the sun comes up." Ini seemed to visibly deflate with relief.
"From what I can tell, you only have a slight case of hypothermia from being in that chilled water for just long enough. You'll also be sore and achy; struggling against those waves is no joke."
Her smile turned tender.
"Take it easy, troublemakers. Our group would be awfully dull if we didn't have you two."
Ini shut the door at that, casting one last nod to Udo as she did so.
The infirmary finally free of extra occupants, Philip pulled a chair up to Aurora's bedside with a groan.
"We certainly have our hands full with these girls, don't we Udo?" He smiled tiredly, pulling Aurora's blankets up to her chin.
Udo, who had settled to sit on the edge of Yuna's bed and lay her head within his lap, chuckled at the sentiment.
"I'd say so." He agreed.
His long fingers rubbed into Yuna's temples soothingly, the girl already beginning to nod off in the safety of his presence.
"Is this the heavens way of telling me to not go back to Miyagata?" Yuna let out an exasperated breath, humming at the relief Udo brought her.
Aurora giggled.
"I think it might be there way of telling you to stop being friends with me."
Yuna smiled, feeling sleep begin to take over her exhausted form.
"Maybe you're right...Too bad I'm stuck with you..." Her voice trailed away, and Udo smiled as he saw Yuna's chest rise and fall within the comfort of slumber.
"She's out." He chuckled.
Philip adoringly watched his wife as her head lulled t the side, and a quiet snore escaped her.
"Same here." He sighed, brushing back her damp golden hairs.
The night wore on, and Udo and Philip didn't leave their beloved's sides once.
Philip and Udo spent that night conversing deeply, the storm raging outside the ship like a constant rainy lullabyS
It was incredibly late, the two finally deciding to turn in beside the girls when Philip eyed the fey unsurely.
"Udo, in light of what has happened...I feel the need to confess something."
Udo quirked a brow from where he lay on his side beside Yuna's sleeping form, his head propped up on his elbow as he watched her intently.
"What is it?" He questioned quietly.
Udo pulled another blanket atop of the girl when he noticed a slight shiver course through his heart.
Philip closed his eyes, reopening them to look to where Yuna lay silently.
"I've...I've received some more intel from the Corsairs of the Nether." Philip whispered. "It came in early this morning. Right before we departed."
His eyes flashed with sorrow.
"Yuna...I fear I don't know how to relay this information to her delicately. We know what the threat to Miyagata is."
Alarms sounded in Udo's head, and he perked up.
"Philip, what is it?" He didn't mean to sound harsh, but gods, anything involving Yuna instantly made Udo overprotective.
Philip met his eyes with furrowed brows.
I can't believe we're almost at 20k... thank you all so much ❤️
I hope everyone is safe and healthy. I hope that my story is able to help you all get your mind off of all this horrible news for at least a few minutes.
I'll see you all in the next chapter, stay strong! ☀️

Purity in the Stars *Maleficent: Mistress of Evil- Udo Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now