Chapter Sixteen: From Me to You

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"Those two sneaking off like that..." Borra growled as the group reentered the Moors, early morning highlighting their sluggishness after a long night of partying.
Shrike grinned cheekily despite her exhaustion. "Ah, let them be. I think it's beautiful; we helped make it happen you know."
Ini sighed. "I'd rather not think about that at the moment. They're probably still going at it." She eyed the cottage suspiciously as they passed it, and Diaval cocked his head.
"Doing what? What are you guys talking about?" He questioned innocently. "Maleficent told me they left early because Yuna was probably tired."
Shrike chuckled mischievously. "Well, she's certainly tired now."
Borra's eyes flashed with a dangerous idea; "Yeah... why don't you go check on her Diaval? Maybe she doesn't feel well."
Ini went to protest, but Diaval was already entering his crow form. "You're right! Yuna always takes care of me when I'm sick, I should do the same!"
The trio of Fey friends watched in silence as Diaval obliviously flapped into an open window of the cottage.
Two months later, and a dry autumn soon swept over Ulstead.
Late September brought scarlet, bronze and gold leaves tumbling to the ground and a sheer mist lingering over the Moors and town. They'd already seen their first rain of the season, and sunny days became less and less as the season prepared to shift into winter. Days became shorter, nights became longer.
Since the treaty signing, all was well within the kingdom and land of the faeries. The days were actually rather boring, truth be told. However, it was a good kind of boring; one of peace and harmony. Life was easy, life was good.
Perhaps that should've been the first sign that trouble was on the horizon.
But that the tale isn't quiet ready to be told yet.
For Yuna, September brought with it an inexplicable feeling of dread; not in a depressive manner, but it simply just troubled her too much to bother with the issue.
The issue of her birthday. The issue of losing everything she'd loved on the cursed day.
See, she hasn't celebrated her birthday since she'd left Miyagata. She had nothing to celebrate, and no one to celebrate with. Back on the island, Yuna loved her birthday; the homemade cake her mother would bake, her father singing to her, Mina and Leo being... well, Mina and Leo. It was never an overly ambitious celebration, but it was exactly what Yuna wanted; just her, her family, and a pleasant autumn evening.
The thought weighed especially heavy on her mind this evening as Udo's strong arm lay across her naked waist.
An open window in their bedroom brought in a cool breeze to the heated room, the curtains fluttering in the wind. Yuna lay on her stomach, the bedsheets a pleasant feeling on her bare skin. She studied the candle on her bedside table intently as her brow furrowed. Beside the flickering flame was her childhood doll, resting against the wallpapered wall and staring back at her with its beaded eyes.
Oh, the things that poor doll had to witness nearly every night. Yuna really should move it.
The light illuminated over her discarded necklace as well, reminding Yuna of the hair comb she'd stored away in her armoire. All gifts from the departed, and all permanent reminders of why Yuna just didn't want to bother with fussing over such a trivial day of the year.
"Should I be worried that you're glaring daggers into that poor candle, even after I ravished you for nearly the entire evening?"
Udo's amused voice, strained and raspy from sex chuckled into her ear.
Yuna's scowl almost immediately relaxed, smiling at the Fey's words. Udo's trailing fingertips tickled her as she rolled onto her back.
Udo made a noise of approval as Yuna bare breasts greeted him, her burgundy tresses pooling over the soft mounds elegantly. Yuna's hand came up to stroke Udo's jaw, the Fey propping his naked self atop his elbow as he admired the girl with lidded eyes.
"Sorry. It was a long day at work, I'm just tired."
It wasn't a complete lie. Diaval had picked a fight with a scraggly hawk in his crow form, and had spent a long afternoon in Yuna's office as she treated his poor wing.
Now it was Udo's turn to frown.
"You know I don't like it when you lie, Yuna."
The girl gulped, feeling like a child being scolded as Udo's knuckles dragged over her cheek.
"Tell me what's troubling you, heart. It's why I'm here." The Fey pressed a kiss to her bare shoulder, and Yuna shivered.
Udo's intuition was both a blessing and a curse. 'I can never get anything by him. I guess that's a good thing though, right?'
"I'm just tired." Yuna didn't budge, her tone leaving little room for argument.
Deciding it wasn't worth the fight, Udo sighed but didn't press the matter further.
Yuna felt slightly guilty, Udo's soothing strokes on her back reminding her just how much the Fey cared for her. 'I can't get short with him for being attentive... that just isn't fair.'
Yuna scooted closer to him, Udo welcoming the girl into his arms as she snuggled into his chest. Udo's hands went to card through her thick hair, and Yuna's eyes shut against his warmth. "Sorry, I know you're just worried. I'm okay, I promise." Yuna wrapped her arms around Udo's sturdy waist.
Udo held the girl close to him, lips pressed to her warm forehead as he kissed away the lingering sweat that resided there. Yuna's eyes shut underneath Udo's actions, the Fey's hold on her making her forget any and all of her troubles.
Udo really was magical.
"Alright, I believe you."
Yuna knew he didn't.
If Udo was troubled, he hid it well as he let his legs tangle with Yuna's and he embraced her closer. "I know this time of year is hard for you. If you need me... I'm here."
Right. There was that little detail too; it would soon be the anniversary of everything that happened on Miyagata...
September just really wasn't Yuna's month. She despised it; despised her birthday and all the memories it brought up.
It was on her birthday that that'd all happened, after all...
"A horrible massacre and cursed to an eternal slumber... sixteenth birthdays just aren't very lucky around here, are they? No wonder Aurora and I are best friends." Yuna chuckled dryly.
Humor aside, she basked in Udo's protective hold, the sheer mention of that day bringing a shiver to her spine. "... I love you." Yuna added in a whisper.
"I love you too." Udo's fingernails dragged along Yuna's spine. "Don't think about any of that. It can't hurt you anymore."
Yuna could feel her heart turn cold;
Yuna swallowed thickly, thinking fast as she sought to quell her troubled mind. With ease, she pushed herself up from Udo's embrace; throwing a leg over the Fey so that her naked body straddled his own.
Udo's eyes widened, wings fanned out beneath him as he lay comfortably on his back.
Forcing a smile to her face, Yuna leaned down to press a brief and teasing kiss to Udo's lips.
"Why don't you help me take my mind off of it then?" Yuna nipped at Udo's bottom lip, and the Fey groaned.
Udo admired Yuna's figure as she sat on top of him; eyes glistening as he took hold of her hips and guided her down onto his quickly hardening member. "Cheeky little thing now, aren't you? Just two months ago, you didn't even want me to see you naked." They both let out a soft moan as Udo sheathed himself inside of Yuna; the feeling still so wonderful despite how many times they'd done it.
"Not that I'm complaining though. Aren't you tired? We've already had a few rounds tonight... I don't want to push you too far." Despite the fierce desire lighting up in Udo's blue irises, Yuna could see a small flame of worry.
Yuna panted thickly as she ground her hips down, Udo's pelvis coming up to thrust into her.
"Don't worry about it, I always want you..." She sighed out; that feeling of dread in her gut giving way to intense pleasure. Yuna's hands pressed onto's Udo's chest as she bounced on top of him, and Udo let one of his hands come up to stroke her cheek lovingly.
"Very well then." Udo's voice was quiet, and Yuna hummed in appreciation as he finally thrust into her with the vigor she knew he possessed. Udo pressed himself up into a sitting position, hips never stopping their movements as he embraced Yuna tightly and his wings enclosed them into their own little world.
It was one of Udo's favorite positions; holding Yuna close like this as he made love to her. It made his whole being sing.
"I'll do whatever it takes for you to be happy... and if that means making love to you until you're too senseless to remember your plights..."
Yuna moaned out as Udo's cock hit that spot inside her that made her see stars.
"Then so be it."
She remembered his eyes.
It's something that she would probably never forget, no matter how hard she'd tried. It haunted her, it was a part of her.
Eyes black as night, an empty abyss of nothing but pure evil; void of any light. She remembered how those eyes crinkled into crescents as he smiled down at her so wickedly; the flames that had fully engulfed her house blazing wildly behind him like they were his own fires from hell. Her parents were dead, she didn't know where Mina and Leo had gone; complete pandemonium had erupted once those scurvy ridden bastards soiled Miyagata's white sands. She could only assume they had also perished; perhaps consumed by the flames that'd symbolized Yuna's childhood ending.
His eyes were like madness incarnate, and Yuna didn't even process her actions as she ran faster than she'd ever sprinted before away from him.
Smoke consumed her; her eyes burned from the burning wood around her and from her own hot tears. Screams deafened her, the dead bodies she'd seen slain on the ground around her etching themselves into her mind no matter how hard she tried to fight it.
Yuna didn't know how she'd managed to hide from those pirates, but she knew one thing as her shaking figure held that bag of precious belongs close to her body in the darkness of that cove cave.
She would never forget the darkness in those eyes.
Yuna's eyes shot open; her chest rumbling in a silent panic as she was transported back to reality.
She was okay, she was safe; here in the sunlit cottage she shared with her beloved.
Yuna hadn't even realized her hands gripped into the bedsheets like her life depended on it until she relaxed. The bright sun touched her ivory skin like a protective armor, and Yuna rolled onto her back with a groan. Her palm wiped at her sweaty brow, and Yuna's eyes bore into the ceiling intently.
'That man...' Yuna's heart momentarily seized.
Yuna pushed herself up and out of bed, blinking away the haunting image as she made her way to her armoire. The morning sun felt nice on her bare body; the autumn chill that came with it a pleasant contrast. Yuna glanced over her shoulder at the bed, her brow furrowing at the empty space.
'Udo's gone... I guess he had work to do with the Feys.' Her eyes fell to where the dress Aurora had gifted her so long ago sat folded; almost begging Yuna to wear it after her months spent in either leggings or her herbalist uniform.
A quick glance out the window let Yuna know hat it didn't appear to be too chilly that morning, so she shrugged it on with a lull.
'He didn't mention it though.'
Yuna's eyes fell to the flowers dotting the fabric; her mind feeling cloudy as she tried to shake away the dream- nightmare.
The phantom smell of smoke hit Yuna's nose, and she shivered.
Yuna slammed the doors to the carved armoire rather roughly, gripping the handles tightly just as a knock on the cottage's front door rang throughout the bedroom.
Yuna glanced down the hallway, releasing her grip on the furniture with a sigh.
'If that's Maleficent telling me there's been another emergency at the castle...' She bit her lip; just imagining what Diaval had managed to get himself into this time.
Grabbing onto the brush that lay unattended on the vanity, Yuna hurriedly brushed out her wild tresses so she could at least save some modesty. Once she was sure she'd concealed any evidence of her and Udo's activities from the night before, she slinked down the stairs just as another knock rang out.
"I'm coming!" She called, weaving through the empty living room and kitchen to grip onto the front door's handle.
A steady swing open, and Yuna's eyes blinked in surprise.
"Diaval?" She questioned, eyes widening.
"What on earth are you doing here?"
Diaval's eyes were lit up like the fireworks they'd seen months before; his grin brilliant and effectively calming Yuna's troubled heart.
His midnight locks shaking as he dipped his head in a bow, Diaval's hand shot out to grasp Yuna's wrist. "Why, I'm here to retrieve the guest of honor of course!" He winked.
The crease of confusion in Yuna's brow only deepened. "What...?"
A tug on her wrist, and Yuna was quite literally torn from the cottage and into a sprint alongside Diaval. "H-Hey! Diaval!" Yuna protested, eyes wide as her bare feet crunched onto the fading emerald grass. "Come on! I don't even have shoes on-"
"We never wear shoes in the Moors! Come on now; my little adventure partner has yet to let me down!" Diaval snickered, and his words made Yuna's eyes soften.
Her eyes fell to Diaval's grip on her hand, and Yuna couldn't help but feel her worries dissolve as a smile spread on her lips.
"It seems like you'll just have to make your getaway to the castle with me!" He smiled in fake innocence, and Yuna cried out in protest. She dug her heel's into the back alley that resided behind the building, trying to pry herself from the Moor man's grip.
"D-Diaval! Don't be ridiculous! Please, let me go!" She cried out, the thought of spending time with that wretched little rich boy actually starting to sound appealing. "I don't go to such things! There's too many people, the crowds are overwhelming, and I-I mean look at me, I'm not dressed for a wedding!" Yuna protested with all of her might, almost falling back onto her bum from how hard she was trying to take her wrist away from the man.
Diaval chuckled, and easily tugged the girl so she was back on her feet and running after him. "It's either the wedding of Aurora and Phillip, or the wedding of you and mr. money bags!"
How many more times was Yuna going to find herself being dragged into some new adventure thanks to Diaval? Now that the girl really thought of it... it was all thanks to this sweet little crow that her life was how it was now.
That one fateful day; their paths crossing by chance and Yuna's world completely flipped upside down.
"You know the last time you dragged me away like this, I almost got arrested." Yuna giggled.
Diaval laugher fondly, and she knew the shimmer in his dark eyes matched her own; "Ah, you mean the "Wonderful Tales of Yuna and Diaval: Volume One"! We certainly started our friendship on rather exciting terms." He chuckled.
Amidst the clicking of their heels on the marble floors, Diaval's tone softened;
"But I wouldn't have had it any other way."
Yuna's heart swelled; 'I really was blessed with some amazing friends.'
"Yes." She gave Diaval's hand a squeeze. "Me too."
Their short sprint (and moment) was soon ended; Diaval leading them to the aqua lake just beyond the fairy's old tucked away cottage. They stopped at the shoreline, and Yuna eyes Diaval expectantly.
His dark irises were trained to the small island peeking up from the shallow water; the willow tree residing atop it a brilliant shade of gold in the late autumn.
"So... why exactly did you bring me out here?" Yuna's voice was laced with amusement. "Did the little birdie grow some gills and decide to go for a swim?"
Diaval laughed, shaking his head as he released Yuna's hand. "I was more so thinking I'd take on that little wimpy hawk again; he was flying awfully close to the Moors again. I guess I didn't teach him a good enough lesson!" The two broke into giggles, and Diaval waved away his joke.
"No, but seriously... today is a very special day." His tone became soft, eyes fluttering almost expectantly to where the golden willow softly swayed.
Yuna followed his gaze in confusion, looking from the tree to the crow. She blinked. "Uh... it is?" She pressed.
Diaval's eyes glinted towards the tree; momentarily flashing.
"Yes; it is a very special day!" His voice rose in volume, eyes sharpening into a glare at the poor willow as Yuna's confusion only grew.
"Yes... it is?" She tried.
"IT'S A SPECIAL DAY!" Diaval finally broke and gave way to a shout, and Yuna was sure that she must still be dreaming. She eyed her friend like he was a madman, unsure of how to respond just as she heard a hushed;
"Borra! That was supposed to be your cue!" A feminine voice hissed.
A venomous whisper sounded, "My cue? We already agreed that you would do the reveal!"
"I knew we shouldn't have left it up to Borra."
"Honestly; you ruined the surprise!"
"Stupid boar."
Just as Yuna was sure she must've fallen and hit her head, a large gust of wind soon swept the air around her and Diaval. Yuna yelped as she held down the hem of her dress, latching onto Diaval's arm and scrunching her eyes shut as the wind kicked up little splashes of water.
Her eyes still closed, she heard Diaval give out a cry of excitement as the wind settled; an ear piercing and enthusiastic chant ringing throughout the Moors;
Yuna's eyes shot open just as the golden willow leaves and blooms broke into glimmering aureate faeries, fluttering away into the sunny sky. From the faeries reveal in the center of the shallow lake, Yuna was greeted with the brightest grins of Feys and humans alike.
Yuna's eyes watered almost instantly.
'Ah... that special day...'
She felt Diaval squeeze her into a side hug, and Yuna stood frozen in place.
A tremor overtook Yuna's shoulders, the vision of her most beloved friends blurring from her tears. She could hear the splashing of water before feeling that oh so familiar graze against her cheek; eyes focusing just enough to make out the platinum haired Fey before her.
"Udo..." Yuna whimpered, Diaval stepping back from the couple.
Yuna's tears fell as Udo's kissed her, his lips softly mumbling against her own;
"Happy Birthday, Yuna."
The ecstatic chatter bubbling around her was like the sound of crashing waves; loud and indistinguishable. The whimper that left Yuna's lips was once again silenced by Udo, and Yuna's hand went to wipe at her eyes embarrassedly as she hide her flushed face.
"H-How did you know? You did all of this for me?" Her voice was muffled from her friends cheers and her face buried in her hands.
The stress from her dream had completely overtaken Yuna's mind; the day completely slipping from her mind as she woke up in a literal daze. She was surprised and shocked beyond words.
Udo wrapped his hands around hers, prying them from her face gently as he nosed at her wet cheeks.
"What kind of mate would I be if I didn't know your birthday, silly? It's a happy day... even if you don't see it that way. I'll help you." Udo whispered.
Yuna's eyes opened to smile up at the Fey.
Udo smiled back, "September twenty-first; your birthday, a day we can celebrate your family... and also our two month anniversary." His nose brushed against Yuna's. "The perfect day."
Yuna's eyes widened, and she practically smashed her lips against Udo's as her hands brought his face down closer to her. "Thank you..." Her chest was warm. 'Udo...'
"Hey! Hey! Watch it, we have the little ones present!" Borra groaned out, Yuna giggling as Udo's arms held her close to him.
Her face, still flushed from her joy and tears smiled at their friends.
'No... I'm definitely blessed with amazing friends.'
"Thank you." Yuna's voice was still slightly shaking, but her smile spoke volumes.
Aurora's cherub-like face grinned back at her friend, "You didn't really think we'd let you get away with not celebrating your birthday, did you?" She winked.
Maleficent hummed, Diaval latched to her side like the ever faithful familiar he was. "It is crown policy to keep records of all employees. Just what kind of bosses would your king and queen be if they didn't remember such a special day?"
Her iridescent eyes trailed over to Udo, shining with mirth. "However... it was Udo who ultimately reminded everyone. Excited little boy; you've been waiting five years to do exactly this, haven't you?" Maleficent chuckled at Udo's flushing cheeks.
Yuna smiled up at her Fey affectionately.
I've been waiting too she conveyed the message as she laid her head on his chest.
Percival's usual stoic expression held a relaxed smile, him and Philip sharing a smirk as the guard spoke up. "Bustling all of us around like cattle to surprise her; you're awfully spoiled Yuna. Be careful Udo, you don't want her to get too pampered now."
Udo smiled widely, stroking Yuna's hair as he hummed nonchalantly. "I'd want nothing more." The Fey countered.
Everyone shared a collective groan, which dissolved into laughter.
"Oh hush; I'd say you're just jealous Percival. You too Borra, stop sulking just because Udo gets more action than you do." Ini's ever indifferent demeanor made the words sting even more, and Yuna blinked in disbelief as the Desert Fae strode up to her.
"I don't sulk! I'm only annoyed because I get woken up every night to these two going at it like-" Diaval slapped a hand over Borra's mouth to stop his words, hissing lowly.
"Children are present!"
Yuna could see Ini's hand holding that of a smaller Fey's, and Yuna's eyes softened as she released Udo to drop to her knees.
"Yui!" She smiled at the little Tundra Faerie, and the Fey flushed under her attention. Ini and Udo watched the girls warmly as Yui's other hand came out from behind her back, revealing a daintily woven flower crown of pinks and lavenders.
"Happy Birthday Yuna..." Yui's feet shuffled nervously. "Shrike and Ini had to help me make it, and Udo helped me pick out the flowers..."
Yuna's smile grew, and she bowed her head to present it to the little Fey; "How about you put it on me? I don't want to ruin such a pretty little crown." She chuckled as Yui gasped with excitement, her tiny hands gently placing the entwines vines atop her head with the help of Ini.
"Pretty..." Yui breathed as Yuna lifted her head.
Yuna gave the girl a kiss on her cheek, also shooting Ini a quick wink. "Not as pretty as you; thank you Yui."
Yui practically bounced with excitement, Ini scooping her up and into her arms with a soft smile.
"It's miracle she was even able to keep the secret." Ini mused, adjusting the smaller Fey on her hip. "Happy Birthday, Yuna. May we get to spend many more together." Her eyes scrunched with her smile.
Yuna felt another arm being thrown over her shoulder, glancing up to see Shrike's smiling face; "Many more as in for the rest of our lives! Cheers to you, our little human goddess!" Shrike swung Yuna around in an embrace, the girl stumbling with laughter.
Borra huffed, but his own affectionate smile was cast towards Yuna. "You've been a pain in my arse since day one... but I guess my days would be pretty boring if I didn't have you to mess around with." Borra grinned. "Happy Birthday, little wren. Try to not be so prurient tonight despite all the celebrations, I don't wish to be an uncle anytime soon."
Diaval cut in. "Do be prurient tonight; I'm ready to be Uncle Diaval!" The crow cast a goofy smile at Yuna. "Happy Birthday!"
Maleficent rolled her eyes at the two. "I don't plan on attending another Christening anytime soon." She mused. Her voice softened for Yuna. "Happy Birthday Beastie, though we celebrate you everyday."
Philip called out, "Happy Birthday! Thanks for keeping Aurora in check, I know my wife is a bit of a wildfire." He teased.
Percival also spoke up. "You're probably the only castle employee who doesn't drive me crazy with their stupidity... thank you for that. Cheers, Yuna."
Aurora, who'd just finished elbowing her husband with a scowl put on a smile that was just for the herbalist. "I have to say I'm rather happy you wedding crashed me. I love you, Yuna!" She cheered.
Yuna's cheeks were red under all the wishes, her eyes fluttering up to where Udo watched her with a thoughtful expression. His lips quirked as their eyes met, "Happy Birthday, heart." He murmured.
Her heart full, Yuna finally celebrated her birthday for the first time in half a decade.
And she didn't feel any dread.
The celebration wasn't anything too over the top, showing just how much Udo knew Yuna and something she did greatly appreciate.
Truth be told, Udo did it half out of his desire to celebrate in private with his heart. The gathering of friends doted over Yuna throughout the afternoon; the girl more than flustered as she accepted their onslaught of gifts.
Ini and Shrike had collectively worked together to weave the girl an elegant but quite simple bracelet; the jeweled pendant that of her birthstone (a brilliant sapphire) and of course, devoid of iron. The girls had hushed her when Yuna tried to decline such a fine gift, Shrike practically straggling her poor friend as she forced the clasps around Yuna's wrist.
Yuna was surprised when Borra had gifted her a rather beautiful new cloak; the fabric a rich rose color and hemmed with silver and gold threading. He snapped at her in embarrassment as she was quite literally rendered speechless, explaining that he'd simply bought the first thing he came across in town and to not "think he meant anything nice by it". The way he blushed when Yuna embraced him contradicted all of that.
Yuba laughed as Diaval presented her with a very sloppily painted portrait of the two of them; an homage to the girl's passion. He smiled sheepishly, but Yuna loved the painting the moment she laid her eyes on it. It was definitely made with lots of love (and tears. Diaval didn't thinking painting could be so hard), and Yuna had rushed into the cottage to hang it in the living room with a large grin.
Maleficent had gifted her with a blessing (much like what she was supposed to gift Aurora with, before it turned to a vengeful curse). A year of fulfillment and great joy awaited Yuna, according to Maleficent's spell; Yuna's eyes watered as the Fey gifted her such a precious thing.
Aurora had given her a very sweet handwritten letter, a bouquet of Baby's Breath (she had made sure she noted Yuna's favorite flower long ago) and a luxury perfume that could only be found in the loos of the most refined aristocratic women, much to Yuna's protest. The distinct smell of strawberries and vanilla; two scents that always reminded Aurora of her friend.
Philip had opted to give her the rest of the week off and a plethora of her favorite teas; and Percival shocked her with the most recent edition of her favorite herbalogy medical journal.
Of course, Yui had gifted Yuna her own handmade flower crown (Dagran and Lilja had come down later to also take credit for the gift).
The evening sun on the horizon and the group departing with their final celebration wishes and warm embraces, Udo almost greedily guided Yuna back into their cottage.
"My, my little bird was awfully spoiled today wasn't she?" Udo observed the gifts scattering their living room with a content smile.
Yuna's own dreamy grin still hadn't left her face as she skipped up to Udo, twirling on her bare heel as she plopped onto one of the cushioned lounges in the common area.
Her arms stretched out, hands making a grabbing motion towards Udo as she pouted. "Spoil me more and come here." Yuna sighed.
His smile grew, Udo shaking his head as he complied to her wishes. The loveseat more than able to accommodate the two of them, Udo took a seat on one of the soft faded cushions. He guided Yuna's head down to his lap, wings resting behind the back of the seat and his fingers carding through her tresses.
The action was always soothing to Yuna; mustering everything in her to lift her head from his lap and pressing her lips to his jaw.
"Thank you, Udo..." She whispered. "I'm sorry, I know it's a bit of a lame response after everything you did, but I think I'm still trying to process everything."
Yuna's shoulders sank, "And today is our anniversary... I can't believe it slipped my mind when I had no problem remembering last month. I'm so sorry-"
The guidance of Udo's hand on her neck silenced her, his pointed fingernails tickling the sensitive flesh as he kissed her delicately.
"I always know how you feel; you don't need to worry about ever conveying anything to me. I know, Yuna." His hand trailed down to entwine with the one in Yuna's lap.
He gave it a squeeze; "Today is a difficult day for you; I'm aware. I don't care if you forgot an anniversary, I'd be more worried if I did. No apologizing on your birthday, alright?" Udo pecked her temple, and Yuna giggled.
"Okay." She simply agreed, nuzzling into the Fey's side. "I've spent the whole month dreading today... and yet you somehow managed to make this one of the best memories of my life." A brief image of their friend's smiling faces flashed across Yuna's mind.
"Thank you for giving me a new family to celebrate with Udo... or rather, thank you for just being with me. As long as I have you, I have all the family I need." Yuna swallowed at her sweet words, blushing with an embarrassed chuckle.
Udo's expression was soft as his thumb rubbed smooth patterns into the top of her hand gently. He kissed the crown of her head, littered with remaining petals from Yui's flower crown. "Are you sure you didn't get me an anniversary gift? I'd say a statement like that is enough to sate me until we're too old to even remember how long we've been together."
Udo's voice was amused, but mainly indescribably gentle. "No matter where we find ourselves in life... You'll always be my home, Yuna."
Another kiss to her head, and Yuna felt Udo shift.
"... Which is why I'm hoping you'll accept your birthday gift, and anniversary gift..."
Yuna lifted her head at that, blinking in silent question as Udo's expression flashed with a masked doubt.
"What do you mean? I'd accept anything from you, Udo." Yuna cocked her head. "Why wouldn't I?"
Udo's hand released hers to fish inside of one of his robes, the Fey chuckling nervously.
"Ah, right... how silly of me." Yuna didn't miss how his voice reflected his shrunken demeanor, her heartbeat quickening in anticipation as Udo's hand slowly withdrew from his robes.
A small velvet box; opened to reveal two matching silver bands, one of the adorned with a small and daintily sculpted blossom.
Yuna's eyes widened, her mouth went dry, and her heart stopped. She met Udo's own flushed face;
"U-Udo, I-" She blinked rapidly, shaking her head as she tried to grasp onto her thoughts.
"They're not engagement rings." Udo quickly quelled her racing mind, Yuna practically sighing in relief.
It wasn't that she didn't want to marry Udo; of course she did. That was the whole point of their courting. However... of all the ways Yuna had theorized for the rest of her year to go, wedding planning was not one of them.
Udo's words mirrored her own thoughts;
"I-I mean don't misunderstand, I fully intend to marry you. Our courtship is still young, but I've pledged myself to you for five years now. There's nothing I want more than to have you as my wife." Udo's voice cracked slightly at the sentiment, and Yuna smiled warmly.
Udo took a moment to collect himself with a chuckle, eyes studying the rings with adoration.
"They're promise rings. A promise that one day I'll replace this with a wedding band, a promise that when the day comes for us to pledge our lives to each other... I'll be waiting for you with open arms."
Udo's eyes went to Yuna's unoccupied ring finger. "I'm in love with you, and I promise my whole life to you... I just want you to have a physical reminder of that. We have all the time in the world to finish this courtship, and I know we both have personal goals we wish to see fulfilled before we settle down. But still..." Udo smiled up at Yuna.
"I can't wait for everything we're going to experience together, Yuna." His hand gripped hers, his eyes hopeful.
"Do you accept?"
Only Udo could manage to make Yuna cry twice in one day. She smiled brilliantly, dabbing at her wet eyelashes before presenting Udo with her left hand. "Are you silly? Of course I accept..." She laughed as a salty tear hit her lips. "You are always full of surprises... you've set the bar quite high for the rest of my birthdays."
Udo's grin was like the stars. He slipped the carved band onto Yuna's ring finger with a childlike excitement, Yuna doing the same for him with the plain silver band. The rings glimmering beautifully in the evening sun, Yuna cupped Udo's face as she slammed her lips onto his passionately.
The two were grinning like love struck teenagers as Udo shifted to pin the girl onto the spacious cushions, Udo's heartbeat like a drum.
"Your next birthday... I'll replace that with a diamond." His lips kissed hers in a promise, and Yuna was already helping Udo take her dress off as she stared up at the Fey like he was magic personified.
"I can't wait." She whispered, the two holding each other's gaze. Yuna felt like she might explode from the amount of love she felt for Udo in that moment, and she knew that Udo felt the same from how he smiled at her in an expression only she had the privilege to see.
They laughed multiple times as their love making moved from the cramped couch to the living room floor; teasing jokes and awkward but endearing movements shared between them.
Their entwined hands, glowing with a symbol of their love never came undone once.
It was late at night as Yuna sat on the roof of that little cottage they called their home; her nightgown fluttering in the wind. She contemplated how the ring Udo had gifted her that evening seemed to rival the galaxies of stars that burned brightly over the Moors, her expression expressing that of a soft contemplation.
Yuna studied the twinkling orbs in the violet sky, her eyes shining with a distant melancholy.
She never forgot that promise she had made all those years ago.
"Whenever you miss me, just stare up at the sky. We're always under the same sun, the same moon, and the same stars. I'll be doing the same." She gave their cheeks a soft squeeze. "No matter what, we'll always be connected, by blood or by the stars. Look up to them, and remember that I'm always right there. I am always going to be with you. It doesn't matter where I am."
Leo wiped at his eyes, his soft voice uttering a quiet, "Promise?" Mina looked up to her, silently pleading the same question.
Placing a soft kiss on smooth black tresses and unruly oxblood locks, Yuna smiled. "I swear it."
Her fingers fiddled with the ring subconsciously, and Yuna basked in the moonlight as she smiled in an odd mixture of both contentment and sadness.
'Today was my birthday...' Her eyes stared up into the distant void of the night sky.
'It marks my sixth birthday since we all separated from each other. Kind of crazy, isn't it? It never crossed my mind that I'd ever spend a birthday without any of you... and yet now I'm here.'
Yuna's hand's clasped together tightly in her lap, and she closed her eyes.
'Don't worry about me, okay? I was lost for awhile... but I have a new family now. I'll be okay.' Her ring burned on her finger.
'I'm happy, I'm loved. I miss you all everyday, I miss Miyagata... but now I have Udo. He's amazing; I'm sure you're all smiling whenever you watch us together... I finally found the person I want to spend the rest of my life. I'll keep making you proud, and I'll keep working hard... so just keep watching over me, okay?'
A star twinkled brightly in the sky, attracting Yuna's attention.
"Happy birthday to me..."
She heard movement at her side as the attic's roof access door was pushed open.
"Happy birthday to you."
Yuna smiled as she felt Udo settle beside her; the Fey pressing a warm cup of Philip's gifted tea into her hands.
Their rings clicked against one another as Yuna accepted the cup, smiling. "Tea? Are you trying to keep me up all night?" She snuggled against Udo's side as he wrapped an arm around her, sipping at his own beverage.
"It's chamomile; only to help you sleep." He assured her, Yuna humming her thanks.
Yuna was always amazed by how in-tune Udo always seemed to be with her emotions and feelings, her disbelief reflected in her impressed smile as Udo spoke up.
"My strong girl; I'm proud of you." He whispered. "I know they are too. Everyone always talks about the hardships that my kind had to endure... but I think they forget where you came from. Or rather; how far you've come."
Yuna sighed, her head resting on Udo's shoulder. "You think so?" Her lips held a small smile.
"You've given me no reason to think otherwise." Udo firmly assured, setting his cup down fully hold Yuna. Yuna mirrored his action, the steamy chamomile forgotten as she latched onto Udo.
"Thank you for being patient with me this month, I know that I had a few moments where I was a bit... difficult." They chuckled. "I don't say it enough, but I appreciate it more than you understand Udo; thank you for always being there for me."
Udo kissed her hair as Yuna spoke. "You don't need to thank me. It's my job." He assured her. "I don't like seeing you troubled, or in pain... I never take your trust in me for granted. It's mutual, you know; you're the only being I'd ever be able to be like this with." His voice dropped to a whisper.
Udo's words sparked something within Yuna, and she spoke almost automatically.
"I can tell you all about Miyagata if you want."
Udo went silent, and Yuna's grip on him tightened.
"I would always tell you bits and pieces, but I could never bring myself to tell you everything that happened. It used to send me into such a deep spiral... but now I understand I don't need to experience all of that alone."
Yuna held her breath in anticipation, and Udo's voice finally spoke up in a delicate tone.
"... You can tell me whatever you want, whenever you're ready." He kissed her temple. "You don't owe me anything, Yuna."
"I want you to know." Yuna assured him, her eyes glinting nervously. "I... I want you to know everything about me."
Udo felt his heart clench as Yuna's hand tightened against his robes, hugging the girl ever so tighter.
Yuna's brow furrowed. "I... I had a dream last night. About him."
Udo's head perked up in alarm. "Him?" He had to bite back the venom that threatened to seep into his voice. If anyone dared to hurt Yuna... Udo would have them dead before they even knew he was coming.
Yuna took a breath. "The pirate who started it all... he was their leader." Yuna bit her lip. "He killed my family, he tried to kill me..."
Udo's grip tightened.
"I'd forgotten what he'd looked like until last night, but those eyes... it scared me Udo. Why I'm suddenly dreaming of him. Is it some type of omen?" Yuna had to release a shaky sigh to steady her panic.
Udo had embraced Yuna so tightly that she was practically in his lap, his eyes glinting dangerously and his wings puffed out.
"No. It's only your subconscious, Yuna. I promise; that man will never come for you again." Udo's hand cradled her head to his neck. "I won't let him. If I ever see him... I'll kill him. I'd never let anything hurt you."
Yuna nodded into the Fey's hold, her pounding heart ceasing as Udo's hold grounded her and she embraced him back. "Okay... okay." She winced as those cursed eyes flashed in her mind again. "I know. We vowed to protect each other, right? I wouldn't let anyone harm you either." Yuna nodded at her own words. "I'm just overthinking things. Again."
She could feel Udo's tension begin to dissipate. He smoothed down her hair, kissing her forehead tenderly as he cradled her. "You can always count on me to ease your worries." She knew he meant it too.
"We've had a long and exciting day. Why don't we head to bed? We can talk more about the past later... when I can control my emotions and when it woke make you as upset." Udo assured her with another kiss. "A good night's sleep should do just that. Let's end this special day on a high note."
Sleep sounded heavenly. "I like that idea." Yuna smiled, her fingers fiddling with Udo's ring. Her anxieties at bay, Yuna latched onto the Fey's neck. "Carry me?" She whispered.
"Always." Udo kissed the fingers that played with his ring, their mugs of tea forgotten as Udo rose to his feet and easily entered into the cottage through one of the large open windows.
They settled on their bed in a tired heap, and Yuna smiled as the day's events finally caught up to her. They were cuddled incredibly tight, Yuna's head on Udo's chest and the Fey holding her close by the small of her back and the spot between her shoulder blades. 
"I love you, Udo." Her eyes cracked open to peek once more at her ring. "I was so happy today... it didn't even feel real."
Udo pulled the covers over them to protect the couple from late Autumn's chill. "I'll need to thank Philip for recommending me to such a good jeweler and craftsman..." He smiled as his eyes fluttered shut. "Happy birthday, Yuna. Let's fall asleep with your family in our thoughts, okay?" He nuzzled into his mate. "I want them to know that I'm taking good care of you."
Udo's heartbeat was steady under Yuna's ear. "Of course... but I know they already know that." She pressed a kiss to the strong muscle that resided there. "Thank you, Udo."
The stars glimmered brilliantly into the bedroom;
I am always going to be with you. It doesn't matter where I am.
Amidst the ocean's calm waves, a young girl with locks like scarlet leaned against the ship's railing; her eyes trained towards the many stars that danced around her and a small smile gracing her features.
"Captain?" A voice sounded from behind her. "It's awfully late... are you sure you don't want to head to bed? It's not your turn to keep watch tonight."
The girl brushed off the concern, her eyes still trained to the stars above her. "I don't mind. It's a special day today... I want to stay up just a bit longer." She replied nonchalantly.
The crew member sighed. "What are you even looking for when you stare up at the sky like that? You're practically in a trance; have you never seen a constellation before?"
She laughed. "It's just a bit of a hobby. Pay no mind to it."
She heard the person groan with defeat before sauntering off, and she felt her eyes bubble with familiar tears.
"I won't ever break my promise."
Yaaaaay we're entering a new arc! 🎉
Thank you all for waiting; I need to be honest. I'm experiencing quite a bit of burnout at the moment and I don't want to update this story with subpar chapters and writing; I'm even anxious to upload this one. My updates may be a bit inconsistent for the next month due to this, please be patient with me ❤️ I love writing for you all and I don't take any of it for granted : )
Thank you all for 12k, soon to be 13k! ❤️
Also, yes. I did give Yuna my birthday lol. Yes I am living vicariously through her.
I'll see you all in the next chapter; please show your support if you want <3

Purity in the Stars *Maleficent: Mistress of Evil- Udo Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now