Chapter Twenty Two: Homecoming

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Yuna didn't really sleep their last night on the ship.
Not because her and Udo had gotten up to any promiscuous activities (much to the fey's displeasure; Yuna had never realized just how dependent Udo was on throwing her onto any bed or flat surface and ravishing her until the sun came up. He needed it at least a few times a week.), but because it felt like a stream of fireworks repeatedly sparked behind her eyes and the palms of her hand.
She was excited, she realized.
So excited and expectant she couldn't sleep a wink.
Yuna was out on the luxury royal vessel's deck at the sun's first rays; no other signs of life seeming to be awake.
It was early, winter's air still held a dark pigment over the morning sky, but Yuna didn't care one bit.
In a way, it made the whole experience more intimate for her; she wanted to be the first one to lay their eyes on Miyagata.
Yuna couldn't help but clench her ever present necklace in a tense anxiety as her boots clicked up to the bow of the ship, a hand coming up to rest against the smooth wood of the mast.
Her breath came out in a cold cloud, the ship moving at a steady beat as it began to break through the fog.
'Any minute now...' Yuna hugged at the mast reflexively, her nerves flaring.
Yuna's breath stopped in her lungs as a distantly familiar landscape broke through the early morning haze.
Her brow softened, her lips quivered, and she smiled in a quiet reverie.
High mountains peeked through the dreary fog, clean and pure sapphire waters broke out into a sandy shore. Temples of gold and stone, structures of wood and buildings like landmarks locked in time dotted the coasts to the mountaintops, and Yuna had to take a moment to close her eyes.
No ash, no fire; only home.
Yuna wipes hastily at her eyes; she didn't want to cry. She just wanted to absolutely savor this moment. Relish in the tranquility of it all, the feeling of complete fulfillment as her life seemingly came full sequel. Her journey started on the shores of Miyagata, and one redemption arc and inter-species relationship later, now she was beginning anew on the shores years later.
Yuna wouldn't mind if this became a tradition between friends, her love or even just herself: visiting Miyagata. Heaven knows she'd been waiting for this for what felt like a lifetime.
Her shawl wrapped tightly around her shoulders to shield her from the early morning's bitter nips, Yuna sat cross legged on the ship's deck.
It felt like it had been so long since Yuna could relish in such a pastime, perhaps because it had been. The franticness of her life over the past few months, from moving to starting a new career to simply making sure she was investing enough time into her relationships had left Yuna feeling...well, a bit strung out.
Not that she didn't love it; Yuna could never complain. She loved her life, she loved everything that made it so beautiful; the twisting in her gut from the pure joy she could only feel with her new friends (more like new family), the way her Court Herbalist position left her positively, amazingly exhausted day by day, the warmth Udo had brought to her cold world...
Yeah, she loved it alright.
That didn't mean, however, that as Yuna settled onto the dock with a soft hum, relishing in the way the quiet reverie of the seemingly still universe wrapped around her, she didn't enjoy it. It was an odd experience Yuna would be sure to recommend, the world was different when you observed it by yourself in the twilight.
Her fingers glided over the rough paper of her sketchbook, breathing in the scent of old books and dried ink and trapped rain droplets. Yes; it had been so long since Yuna could engage in her favorite pastime.
Yuna's fingers traced a familiar drawing; one of the last real ones she was able to complete. That day in the central plaza, the day of Aurora and Philip's wedding.
Moorfolk were forever etched into the sketches canvas as they waltz down the brick roads and into the open castle gates; confetti and falling petals framing an obliviously innocent scene. No one knew just how much their fates would change after that day of red skies and promises.
Yuna smiled at the paper, her current situation not far from the one she was in when she'd sketched this moment in time. Sitting crossed legged, lost in her own little world of ink and charcoal, and a feeling of content sitting in her belly.
She flipped the page, and set off into that distant universe once more. Her hand moved like it had a mind of its own as soon as it reached the paper.
Gazing back out into her foggy place of origin, Yuna smiled as she committed the palely-lit morning glow to memory. She went back to her sketch with a soft smile; she never wanted to forget this moment. This image.
This would probably be one of Yuna's most cherished arts yet.
And so she sketched, outlined, erased and shaded furiously with her little piece of charcoal. The minutes ticked by into an hour, then two, but it was all lost on Yuna as she smiled to herself in a silent relaxation. The morning sun broke through the violet twilight and enveloped her in winter rays, and Yuna snuggled into her shawl even more. Watching the first beams of sun hit the rich nature and architecture of Miyagata, the island slowly but steadily growing closer and closer...Yuna didn't want to miss a thing.
Her heart beat in time with the soft jingle of her long cherished necklace, and Yuna's smile grew as she thought about all the things her family was probably screaming at her from up above the celestial clouds.
'Yes. I'm home.'
Yuna's drawing was a perfect moment forever frozen in time, and she traced her fingers over the charcoal shadings. Her gaze going up from the sketch and back to the looming mountains that the ship slowly approached. She let her eyes close in the early morning glory.
It took the girl a long few moments before she could finally tear her eyes away from the isle, Yuna not knowing what compelled her to look back over her shoulder as she did so.
Udo found himself spellbound as Yuna's sweet smile directed itself at him, rather taken aback as the girl caught him simply observing her from his leant up spot against one of the thick masts.
Udo thought she looked almost otherworldly in the morning light and foggy seas, he's heart squeezing with fondness as he suddenly felt like a goofy and awkward teenage fey all over again.
"How long were you watching me?" Yuna questioned softly, her tone portraying no venom or accusation. As she asked, her hand came out towards the fey in a silent invitation.
"Maybe five minutes after you snuck out here." Udo shrugged, a gentle blush coating his face as he accepted Yuna's hand.
He settled against her on the dock, the warmth that his thick garbs brought wrapping around Yuna as he took her into his arms. Yuna's head settled against his shoulder with a huff.
"I've been out here for hours. You've been watching me for that long? Creepy." Yuna snickered, and a rather disheartened pout threatened to spill over Udo's features.
She rubbed at his cheek before patting it with a chuckle. "I'm kidding, Udo." Yuna sighed into a coo. "Why didn't you say anything? You could've joined me." Her voice was soft, like the gentle pinks and blues beginning to pigment the sky.
Udo blinked away a stray drop of seawater that caught onto his thick eyelashes. His large hand came up to rest atop of Yuna's head, gently guiding the girl back until she fully relaxed against him; soft back to his strong chest.
"I didn't want to disturb you."
Udo let his eyes steal a peek to the drawing the girl was so invested in just minutes prior, his lips lifting into a smile. Talented little thing, his heart was.
"I know you're a very...private person. Haven't had much time to relax lately, and you've been working hard..." His eyes went to Miyagata's approaching shores. "I just wanted you to be able to enjoy the moment."
Yuna looked up to Udo, eyes gentle.
"Doesn't matter how private I am. If it's you, I don't mind." She reminded him in a whisper.
Udo chuckled. "Don't make me sound too clingy." His arms squeezed around her. "Sometimes it's good to just be by yourself. I think you experience things differently, shift your perspective into something unbiased."
With a careful touch, Udo slowly lifted up Yuna's sketch. "Been awhile since I've seen you draw. Watching you go at it was quite enjoyable, if I'm being honest. You're quite amazing, Yuna."
Yuna grinned under the earnest compliment, eyes fluttering down to her charcoal-colored fingertips. "I am rather fond of it." She quietly confessed.
"You do this cute little thing when you're concentrated; especially when you're drawing. Your nose scrunches up and your tongue kind of pokes through her lips. You always rub at your forehead too, rather excessively at that." As if to emphasize his point, Udo set down the sketchbook and brought his fingers to wipe at the smooth skin on Yuna's heated forehead.
His fingers revealed opaque black residue;
"Got charcoal all over yourself; I think Yui may be more careful than you when we do arts and crafts." Udo laughed fondly as Yuna blushed, pushing away his hand with an indignant groan.
"Why are you so... teasing this morning?" She mumbled.
Udo's laughter grew softer, "I guess I'm just rather fond of you." His tone became sincere, "Teasing aside..."
His head bent down, lips warmly pressing against Yuna's cheek.
"Welcome home, Yuna."
"Yuna, Yuna, Yuna!" Diaval clung to the healer excitedly as the grand vessel that served as their home for the past three days pulled steadily into Miyagata's port.
"We're here, Yuna! Oh, I'm so excited!"
Yuna smiled at her ever excited friend, his bright smile quelling her anxieties for at least the time being.
"You'll love it here, Diaval. I'll show you all the best spots I know." She patted the crow affectionately, and Diaval practically beamed.
The group of friends and crew had gathered onto the ship's main deck as their brief journey was about to come to an end, excitedly waiting for the go-ahead to exit the ship and experience solid ground for the first time in what felt like forever.
Udo and Yuna has spent their morning in a quiet and private solace, simply basking in each other's presence and Udo letting Yuna do most of the talking. If she wanted to say anything as her home came into full view and she was overwhelmed with emotions, then Udo wanted her to do so. He didn't want to discourage any trains of thought that treaded through her conscious.
"Thank humans are evil, you know that? Such an evil contraption these floating devices are..." Borra seemed to be visibly shuddering against the railing, leaning into poor Ini for some semblance of stability. 
"Don't be dramatic; I'm surprised you didn't overdose on the amount of anti-nausea medicine you managed to shove down your throat." Ini placed a soft hand onto Borra's pale skin, fingers tracing her face as streams of translucent magic poured into Borra.
"And I'm surprised you aren't completely exhausted from how much you've been healing me this entire trip." Borra smirked, "Thanks."
Aurora took the spot at Yuna's other side; the golden trio of a queen, an herbalist, and a crow.
"Well, I know we certainly had an eventful journey." Aurora coyly grinned. "Only we could manage to almost die on a three day, stress-free cruise. I'm beginning to think I wasn't the only one cursed on my sixteenth birthday." She snickered.
"I have only ever cursed one baby in my lifetime and that was you, thank you very much!" Maleficent called out over the friends, and Aurora laughed loudly.
"Right. Pardon me!" The queen called back with a playful wink.
"Careful now. A Phoenix's curse is the last thing I want to deal with in the midst of all of this." Philip jibbed playfully, but his eyes betrayed him as they nervously fluttered to Maleficent.
A brief rock of the ship's smooth dock sent the occupants groaning,
"Oh, come on! Percival, when can we get off?! I'm sick of this bloody ship!" Shrike's paleness rivaled Borra's as she made sure to glare down at the ship handlers on the dock.
"Just give it a few moments more. I already you few that you could go ahead and simply fly off if you so desired." Percival sighed in his resignation; the Jungle Fey's high-strung nature successfully rendering the guard exhausted after the days spent at sea.
Yuna felt a hand caress the small of her back from behind. "Made this whole journey together, might as end it as such." She smiled at the voice; Udo.
"Borra, Shrike, just be patient alright? You're running me and Ini ragged with all of this complaining." Udo turned to glance at Maleficent.
"Knock some since into them, will you? You're our cherished Phoenix; they'll listen to you more than us."
Maleficent scoffed, eyeing a jittering Borra and groaning Shrike. "Actually, I do believe they listen to you the most." She quipped right back, but her words did hold sincerity.
"Been a long time, little wren. You ready?" Maleficent's velvet-like voice danced to Yuna, and the girl met her with a warm smile.
She could feel Udo's warm hand like an ever present secure hold on her back;
"Have been for a long time."
The shipped rocked once more, and Ini smiled as the ship (finally) anchored along the port.
"A beautiful home for a beautiful girl; If I were to picture where you came from Yuna, I believe this is exactly what I would conjure." Ini's eyes fluttered over the coast, up through a large stone arch and to the steps leading into the mountain sides.
Distant laughter and chimes echoed around the isle, and Yuna smiled warmly. "Thank you." Was all she could muster.
'Everyone here...I never thought I'd return to Miyagata with anyone other than myself.' Yuna stole a peek behind her, eyes locking into Udo's handsome and sharp profile.
'I never thought I'd ever have someone like Udo...'
His eyes met hers, and Yuna blushed when the hand on her back brought her closer to the fey.
He didn't need to say anything for Yuna to know his sentiments were the same;
'I'm lucky.'
"Alright alright; I know everyone is excited to be somewhere new, but let's not forget the main reason we're here." Percival's deep voice cut through the air, followed by a huff from the group's resident jungle fey.
"Lighten up, will you? This is a big moment for Yuna. A vacation will probably be good for you, lord knows you forgot what fun is." Shrike murmured, her elbow connecting to just under the guard's strong ribcage.
Philip snickered, waving away the two from what he would've affectionately referred to as a "lover's quarrel" (Percival nearly beat the king the last time he insinuated such a thing, so Philip couldn't let the words leave his tongue).
"You're both right; We are here for quite crucial business, and Percival you could stand to loosen up a bit." Philip bit back a grin as he quickly spoke over Percival's argumentative exclamations;
"James, have the dock hands connected the the stairs to the ship? Do we the all clear to disembark?" The king shouted up to the vessel's high crow-nest, the structure piercing into the clouds.
The group below heard something like a distant grunt, presumably coming from said rich boy, before a rustling of the connective net leading up to the observation point began to rustle.
James' movements were skilled as he traversed down the entwined ropes, loosely flowing dark locks touched by morning dew and a heavy cloak resting on his shoulders as he greeted the group. He gave an affirmative nod to Philip;
"All ready, your highness. They are awaiting your call." James confirmed with a brief nod. His eyes wandered to Yuna, and a playful smirk came to his lips. "Disappointed? I guess you can't go dive bombing over the railing in an attempt to get lawsuit money from my father. A simple no to my proposal would've sufficed, Yuna."
Yuna gaped at the words, and a low growl threatened to break through Udo's lips.
Nearly loosing his footing amongst the netting, James nervously staggered as the group stared at him rather venomously.
"Joking! I was kidding. That's a sign of a truce, is it not?" He chuckled bashfully. "C-Come on, Yuna. Diaval. Back me up here."
"Cut the boy some slack. I do believe he may just be clinically stupid." Diaval sighed, glancing away distastefully as Udo grumbled.
"Quit trying to be friendly with Yuna..." Udo may or may not have flashed a fang at the boy, and Maleficent smiled deviously as she observed the stunt.
With a mighty cry, Philip waved to the men below them.
"Thank you! We are ready to disembark, please clear the docks!"
His words were met with excited chatter from the workers, followed by shuffling and shouts. Yuna soon became aware of cheers beginning to echo from a place she couldn't see from her spot on the ship, and Aurora excitedly exclaimed;
"Oh, they really rolled out the welcome wagon! How sweet!"
The words made Yuna's heart race even more, and she would've stayed frozen in place had Udo not gently pressed her forward to go with their migrating friends.
"It's alright." His voice was quiet by her ear.
'I'm not nervous. I'm just so excited, dammit.' She couldn't say it, her tongue was dry in her mouth as she took her first wobbly step onto the wooden steps leading them to the large dock.
Feeling solid ground, something steady, was almost a foreign feeling after three days at sea. Yuna's boots clicked down, step by step, her fingers like iron on the railing as she trekked down like a newborn doe.
Her feet met the dock's reinforced wood, and Yuna's toes scrunched as she took a deep breath in.
Udo's hand enveloped hers, and Yuna's eyes stung sweetly.
The air smelled like seawater and blossoms; something fresh and pure. It was like an instantaneous teleportation back in time, and gods did Yuna feel a breath escape her.
Her eyes focused enough through their teary glaze to take in the sight before her; with Philip, Percival, Maleficent and Aurora leading the group, the queen wasn't kidding when she'd said they'd rolled in the welcome wagon.
The pathway leading from the docks and into the actual village of Miyagata was lined with villager upon villager; a welcome percussion of clapping and cheering erupting from them as Philip took the first steps off the dock. They'd certainly sought to make an impression; tall wooden poles proudly waved Miyagatan flags (two Searavens encompassing a Camellia blossom) and flower petals guiding their way.
The cheers were almost deafening, the colors were vibrant enough to blind, and Borra stared in awe at the sight before them.
"This is...very surprising." He blinked.
"Miyagatans are quite spirited, aren't they? I most say, they put Ulstead to shame." Shrike whispered to him, eyes fluttering to the villagers in their colorful robes with admiration.
"I think they're simply excited to welcome back one of their own." Ini's voice was sweet and soft as she squeezed Yuna's shoulder.
Yuna finally was able to move normally as she stepped off the deck, her boots almost sinking into the sand as she did so. She wordlessly patted Ini's hand in appreciation, smiling to herself with more joy than her body could contain.
Udo kept his hold on her hand firm and constant as the two walked down the runway of cheers and loud drums; Rebi drums, as Yuna would later explain to them. Traditional drums contrived of red maple, and the canvas of the instrument made of stretched and aged wood; then bound together by thread that had been blessed in the mountain's rivers.
The sound was, quite literally, like music to Yuna's ears. Her eyes threatened to fill with tears again; how long had it been since she'd heard that noise? She remembered at one of the many summer festivals she went to as a child when her gathered had performed in one of the drum circles, and how much she'd always beg him to teach her. Her mother insisted that they would both teach her once she were older, but...
That never happened.
Yuna smiled proudly, head bowing in quick and successive greetings as she passed by excited citizen after citizen. She waved, called back in a tongue only they could understand, and her smile never left her face the entire time. By the time the sand turned to stone and the group had reached the mouth of the village, thrown flower petals littered the hairs and shoulders of the entourage.
A mossy, stone arch perched over them to symbolize their entrance into the town; traditional buildings that served as shops and houses lined the stone streets for at least a good stretch of the road.
Waiting then underneath this arch was a woman who's pristine beauty rivaled Maleficent. She was older, but her milky skin and thick black hair gave her a youthful and ageless grace. At either one of her sides was a readily armed guard, and behind them what appeared to be handmaidens.
As the group approached, the woman dropped her head into a deep bow; her her flashy robes adorned with an extravagant floral print and a head accessory to match.
"King Philip, Queen Aurora of Ulstead." Her voice came out like a songbird's hymn. "Royal bodyguard Percival. It is our greatest honor to welcome you to Miyagata."
The cheers died down, and with them Yuna took a knee in a respectful bow herself. Her friends seemed to get the message, falling into a bow themselves as the townsfolk followed suit.
"Welcome." The sentiment bounced off the buildings, welcoming in a silence in its wake.
Rising from the bow, Philip smiled at the woman kindly.
"Please, the pleasure is ours. Truly." His smile grew. "We are undeserving of such a welcoming, you have my sincerest thanks for hosting us."
Aurora joined her husband in the humble enthusiasm. "Your isle is simply stunning, elder. An amazing leader is easy to spot by the vivaciousness of their town, and it looks like the citizens of Miyagata are quite lucky indeed." Aurora bowed deeply again. "It is an honor, Aisha."
Borra blinked; dumbfounded once more.
"Did Aurora just say...elder?" He whispered to Diaval.
Diaval seemed equally as stumped.
"I believe she did...but this woman can't possibly be called an elder...I might need to take a dip in whatever's in the bath water here."
Shrike elbowed the two into silence, and Aisha's smile grew.
"It is simply a title, but thank you for the compliment."
Her dark and pointed eyes scanned the group intently, and once they landed on Yuna, Aisha broke through the group with a few clicked steps.
Yuna's eyes widened as the leader's seemingly effortless elegant form came to her, hand squeezing as she momentarily forgot that Udo had released it in their bow.
Udo watched with a mixture of cautiousness and awe as Aisha's thin fingers came to caress Yuna's face delicately, her mature features creasing into a soft smile.
"So, you're the little birdie who strayed too far from home." Aisha's voice was reminiscent of a mother's, and Yuna's heart momentarily clenched as she thought of her own.
"I-Um..." Yuna internally shook herself from her stupor. "Yes! It's an honor to meet you, elder.." Yuna could've slapped herself as she felt her cheeks erupt.
Aisha smiled gently,
"On the contrary, its an honor to meet you." Her gaze fluttered up. "It's an honor to meet all of you."
Aurora perked at that, "Oh! Right, how rude of me."
The queen shuffled forward. "Aisha, with us come our most trusted advisors, and friends."
Aurora glanced to Maleficent, the dark fey taking the hint as she smiled in greeting.
"I am Aurora's mother; Maleficent." Her great inky wings brilliantly caught the winter sun, and she dipped her head. "Though I'm sure my reputation proceeds me."
Aisha's eyes glinted with amusement. "So it does. However, such trivial matters do not concern our isle." She eyed Maleficent's horns in wonder. "Simply amazing. All these years of worship and our people finally get to gaze upon the dark feys..."
'That would explain the celebrity treatment.' Yuna huffed.
"I'm Diaval! I'm Aurora's...father? Step dad. Co-parent." Diaval tapped his chin thoughtfully, and Maleficent glared at Aurora snickering.
Aisha smirked. "It's a pleasure, Diaval."
"I'm Udo." The sudden voice at Yuna's side made her start. She turned her head, seeing Udo with a straight and proud posture and offering the older woman a deep bow.
"Thank you for welcoming my kind to your home, and for welcoming Yuna. This is very important to her, and for me as well. Thank you." Udo's sincere voice caused some small chuckles to rustle through the group; the ever respectful and thoughtful fool.
Yuna smiled adoringly at him, her hand coming to card through his long snowy hair with mirth in her eyes.
"Yes, this is Udo." Her smile grew. "My love."
Aisha's eyes scanned the rings on either one of their fingers, and a knowing grin crossed her features.
"How lovely..." Her eyes went back to Udo.
"I do believe it goes without saying, but I trust you'll look after Yuna during her time back on Miyagata." Udo didn't know if it was just his paranoia, but the way Aisha eyed him was almost like she were aware of what the fey was hiding.
"Naturally." Udo cooly responded, shoulder bumping against Yuna's.
Aisha regarded them fondly, just as Borra's voice grunted out.
"Borra." The fey's wings were flared out, almost like he was trying to impress. "I'm this one's right hand man." His ember eyes eyed the woman, fangs bared in a smirk.
Ini sighed, shoving the look right off of his face.
"I'm Ini of the desert. Please excuse any trouble my fellow feys may cause, they are quite-"
"Quite fun! The name's Shrike. Don't mind Ini; she has always been a bit of a stick in the mud." Shrike lopsidedly grinned as she threw an arm around Ini. "Yuna told us that Miyagata is somewhat on the spiritual side when it comes to the Moors. Nice to know we have some allies out here!"
Yuna gaped at the dark skinned woman, and Aisha released an uncharacteristic chuckle at her words.
"Yes. It is thought that Miyagata and the Moors were once of the same land, long ago. It is our belief that Moorfolk are something to be worshipped."
She eyed Yuna.
"Right, Yuna?"
The herbalist jumped again as Aisha addressed her; it was hard not to. The woman was as intimidating as she was stunning.
"Yes." Yuna nodded. "It was hard for me to even comprehend that I'd be living in the Moors, after everything happened. I grew up believe that humans were to never step foot in it..."
Udo chuckled. "Well, to be fair that was the case many years ago." His eyes went from Aurora, then back to Yuna affectionately. "A few special cases were the exception."
Aisha didn't miss the display, and her eyes went back to the couple's rings once more.
"And now here you are, promising your life to each other. Life is a funny thing, isn't it?"
Yuna and Udo made eye contact, exchanging a soft smile. Yuna knew Udo was resisting the urge to kiss her, only for the sake of not causing the girl any embarrassment in front of the leader.
Aisha clapped her hands together, the conversation seeming to end there. At the noise, the two handmaidens came to her side and Yuna observed that they didn't come empty handed.
Flower crowns, she realized.
"Now that we have introductions over with, I'd like to at least give our guests a proper welcome before we have to get down to business." Her serene face still held its small, composed smile. Her lips were red, like she'd just recently applied pigment.
"Oh!" Aurora exclaimed as one of the handmaidens promptly shoved one of the larger crowns atop her golden locks, the red petals a delightful contrast.
"Please Aisha, don't feel inclined to do anything more! You and your people have already shown us a great deal of hospitality!"
Udo had to assist one of the handmaidens in forcing a crown onto Borra's dreaded and braided scalp, the Fey practically breathing fire at the poor shaking girl.
"Stop it, feral girl! I refuse to wear that!"
Udo glared harshly, speaking time Borra in a hushed tone. "Yes, you will. It's the tradition here Borra; there's a little thing called respect."
Udo secured the stem and blossom headpiece none too softly, smiling politely and nodding as the helper placed his own around his horns with ease.
"Please, it's not every day that the royal crown visits such a homely isle like this one. It's quite rare we really have any meetings at all." Aisha gently took a crown from one of her handmaidens,
"These are woven from our national flower; the Camellia." In her hands, a delicate crown of pink blossoms rested. She turned to Yuna, and the girl remained silent.
"Pink Camellias symbolize longing; they're often given to someone who we miss, or who's presence we long to feel again." Aisha placed the crown atop of Yuna's ruby tresses, smiling as it beamed against the crimson. Udo observed quietly, lips quirked.
"The perfect color for such an occasion, don't you think?" Aisha let her hands fall, and Yuna touched the crown in wonder as she gapped you at the elder.
"Longing...?" Yuna almost whispered.
Aisha turned from the girl, the breezing blowing between them like a chilled stream.
"Welcome home, Yuna." Aisha eyed her warmly over her shoulder. "To all of you, welcome to Miyagata."
Aisha stepped away from them, foot by foot and the group could only look after her in an awe-struck state.
This woman was...mysterious at best, seemingly otherworldly at least.
One of the servants that trailed behind Aisha turned to part from the group with a warm smile, bowing deeply.
"It is with our warmest sincerity that we welcome the royal family and their companions to a celebration party; one to honor their arrival to our island." She rose gracefully. "If you follow us, we shall lead you there. We will also show you to your temporary rooms with the elder's home, where you will all be residing." Matching Aisha, the girl soon turned on her heel as well.
By habit, Yuna attached herself to Udo's elbow once more (he wouldn't complain).
Maleficent touched the lilac petals that rested around her large horns with a mix of distaste and amusement.
"Well, I was hoping to settle down after such a long journey..." She winced at the loud cries beginning to start up again from the villagers. "But I suppose we do have a great deal to celebrate."
She glanced down at Yuna.
"Would you like to go, beastie?"
All eyes turned to Yuna, and she shifted unsurely. Yuna chuckled, "It has been a long few days, I think some rest may be good-"
"Of course the wren wants to go." Borra cut her off, picking at his flower crown. "Come along then. Let's follow after that weird elder and her entourage of overpaid house servants."
Yuna stuttered.
"We get to see even more of Miyagata! How lovely. Come on Yuna!" Diaval tugged on his friend excitedly, and the girl opened her mouth the protest.
"Guys, really-"
Percival was quick to hush her. "One night of fun won't hurt." He smiled, and the friends looked to him like they'd seen a ghost.
Percival scowled. "Oh, stop. It's not like we have anything better to do, our meeting with the Corsairs isn't even til tomorrow morning."
Philip grinned lopsidedly back at his companions.
"I do believe we had planned to have some fun on this trip. There's a perfectly good party waiting for us; why pass that up?" He winked.
"The summer festival was so fun! That was only a taste of the Miyagatan party scene. I say we embrace it fully!" Aurora nodded, her rosy cheeks pinched in a grin.
Yuna looked to her friends unsurely, her chest fluttering with warmth.
"Are you guys sure?" She started.
"Quite." Ini nodded, pale yellow flowers shaking as she did so. "The same way we welcomed you into the Moors, we would like to be welcomed into your home as well."
The villagers had become to weave past them now, calling out greetings as they traversed into the town and towards the festivities.
"Come on now! Don't be shy, Yuna. We know how much you want to storm the party." Shrike's pretty features were settled in a smile. "One night of fun before we have to get down to business, then it's back to Ulstead. Might as well enjoy ourselves."
Yuna still seemed unsure, and Udo gave her clenched hand a soft squeeze.
"I've been waiting a very long time to see where you grew up, and I'd like to experience it with you." His eyes scrunched into a small smile, and Yuna's heated up. "Please?"
A pink petal falling in front of her vision, Yuna had to take a moment to soak it all in.
Udo's hand was warm on her own, and she felt content settle within her.
'Home, and a new family.'
She smiled greatly, "Well, let's go then!" She cheered, surprising everyone as she tore through to the front of the group.
"Come on! I want to squeeze in some sightseeing along the way; I can show you guys the outdoor springs where I almost broke my leg as a kid!"
Borra blinked after her.
"Only our Yuna could manage such a thing." He contemplated with amusement.
Percival hummed.
"Better chase after her then, she's going to keep on running and running before she notices we're not behind her anymore." He huffed.
Maleficent nudged Udo's side playfully, their gazed locked on Yuna's retreating figure. "Your heart is quite excited, Udo. Best not to let her down." She smiled.
Udo sighed, the noise full of affection.
"So she is." He agreed, eyes sparkling.
The white and red buds nearly fell from Udo's head as his wings kicked him high into the air, the surrounding villagers squealing in awe as he did so.
"Look! Look! They really are from the Moors!"
"Amazing! I never thought I'd ever see a Dark Fey in real life!"
"Do you think we would be able to chat with them at the party? Do you?"
Philip huffed with amusement.
"I'd dare say that you guys may be more popular that royalty." Him and Maleficent shared a laugh.
Udo easily swooped down into the crowd, his winged form scooping Yuna off of her running feet.
It was wonderful how easily she fit into his arms; how the girl had encoded into her muscle memory how to latch onto the fey.
Udo ignored the astonished villagers as he soared up with Yuna, effectively evading traffic as he did so.
"Fast little thing you are. Is royal training included in your crown employment?" Udo chuckled, the two of them not high enough to break the clouds but high enough to be above the old buildings.
"I couldn't help it." Yuna confessed into his neck. "I...I'm just so happy."
Udo felt a wetness begin to blot the spot of skin, and he held Yuna ever so closer.
"Don't cry, heart." He smiled. "It's a happy day; look. We can see everything from up here."
He could feel their flower crowns bump against each other; red and white clashing with pink.
"And I'm so happy to be here with you, Yuna."
Yuna nodded, smiling against his neck. "I know, I am too." She mumbled.
"Thank you, Udo."
The Fey smiled at that, wings beating around them.
His heart momentarily clenched;
"...I trust you'll look after Yuna..."
His gaze went to the pale sea as he held Yuna, and his face settled into a hard stare.
'Stay away.' The thought screamed inside his head.
"Udo?" Yuna's soft voice pulled him from his thoughts.
"H-Hm?" He looked back to her, wiping the expression clean from his features.
Yuna cocked her head, wet eyes staring up at him.
"I asked you if you wanted to start heading to the party?" She questioned softly.
Udo blinked with a start, wings casting him forehead as he smiled at her.
"Right. Of course." He kissed her hair. "Hold on tight."
Yuna settled against his chest easily.
"I always am." She reminded him.
Udo remained silent as they flew to meet the others.
Gods, he really didn't want to tell Yuna.
Udo found himself in a trance during the night's festivities.
It was the guilt, he knew it; he just wanted to get it over with and tell Yuna. He couldn't contain it any longer.
It would only take one look at Yuna's bright smile to completely dispel the thought from his mind.
Miyagata wasn't a large industrial city like Ulstead, but it wasn't some remote farming village either. It was spiritual little place, from the streams into the mountains to the stone carvings on the beach, it was almost like an extension of the Moors.
The Rebi drums beat loudly into the amber evening, and from the party's spot in the heart of the town, a large bonfire had been started. A ceremonial kind, Udo was informed. The villagers danced around it, made merry, ate freshly prepared food of meats and some rice dessert that Udo had to admit were quite delicious.
The fun wasn't exclusive to just the Miyagatans, their whole group appeared to be having the time of their lives interacting with the locals. Philip and Aurora has somehow gotten the elder up to her feet in a dance, Shrike had lead a begrudged Percival out onto the dance floor. Borra pretended to be annoyed as Ini played with some of the villager children, sharing her dessert with them. Udo had seen Borra make the children smile brighter than the stars as he showed them his magic; nothing got past Udo.
Maleficent and Diaval were off in their own little corner, giggling amongst themselves as Maleficent flicked Diaval's crown off of his head with disinterest; smiling to herself as the crow adjusted her own.
James and Lottie has even joined in the party as well; Lottie has joined Percival and Shrike in a wild dance (Percival was sure the two would be the death of him) and James had sought out to try and pick a few of the villager women; their beautifully painted faces and silk robes calling to him like a moth to the moon. It was needless to say they were not interested.
Then there was Yuna; the human embodiment of Udo's light.
She looked so happy, so beautiful as she danced around with her own people. Yuna had told him that everyone she'd know had died in the raids; the surviving few being people she was not close with. Looking at Yuna now, dancing and laughing with them, Udo would never be able to tell.
He had let her drag him out to dance a few songs ago, and while Udo himself was not much of a dancer he could never say no to Yuna. It made him happy to see Yuna so happy.
Udo couldn't deny that he was quite content himself; Miyagata was as beautiful as his heart. The people were kind, the scenery was calming, serene and traditionally beautiful. This night with their friends, Yuna's first night being back was something they were celebrating together. That made Udo beyond joyous; he realized just how lucky of a Fey he was.
Yuna flashed him that beautiful smile of hers from where she danced with Aurora, and he smiled back. He was seated on a simple bench in the heart of the town, at the edge of the festivities to catch a breath from everything.
Yuna looked so joyous as she beamed at Udo, and it broke his heart knowing what he would have to be the one to ruin it all for her.
As if it could help clear his thoughts, Udo downed the rest of his ale to shake away the notion.
'How do I even tell Yuna?'
He gazed down into his empty cup unsurely, and closed his eyes. The music and laughter rang about his ears mirthfully, and he sighed.
Udo's shoulders sank.
'The meeting with the Corsairs is tomorrow. I need to do it tonight.'
Udo jumped as he felt something soft trace his cheek.
"I know I'm not that good of a dancer, but you don't have to look so upset about it."
Yuna's tease made his lips quirk, and he opened his eyes to meet hers.
"As wonderful a painter as you are, I think dance may be your true calling. Quit your job at the castle. Run away with me and and we can start our own traveling troupe where you dance and I swindle lovesick town boys out of their gold." Udo responded with a smirk, and Yuna rolled her eyes.
"Sounds like you'd work much better as a comedian." She planted a kiss to the fey's lips, and Udo's smile grew.
"Come on. I want to go somewhere with you." Yuna tugged at his hands to bring him to his feet, and Udo eyed her in a state of surprise.
"Surely this can wait til we get back to our room, Yuna. People would hear us right now if we were to-"
Udo began, his pale cheeks reddening.
Yuna's eyes cut to him, resulting in a playful shove to his shoulder.
"Not like that, pervert. I meant I wanted to show you something." She smiled.
Udo quirked a white eyebrow;
"Could also be interpreted as something promiscuous." He hummed.
He grinned at Yuna's groan, and gently took her hand within his own.
"Okay, I'm just teasing. Lead the way."
Yuna smiled, the bonfire heating up her oxblood hair and highlighting the loose petals still stuck in them. Udo made no move to remove them, rather took the time to lament that he couldn't paint Yuna just like this.
Yuna led the way from the rowdy gathering, unseen by their friends or any private eyes. She slipped into a narrow side street, the end of it opening up to the more serene countryside.
She kept their hands interlocked the entire way;
"I used to chase Mina and Leo up these streets all the time when we were little." Yuna noted quietly. "Even after all the rebuilding they had to do, it still looks the same. Smells the same, sounds the same. Feels the same."
Udo gave her hand a gentle squeeze, the lights of lanterns illuminating their path as they passed by empty shops windows and restaurant fronts.
"There used to be a candy shop at the end of this street, but it's gone now. My mom would always take me out to run errands with her, then take me their as a reward for behaving. She'd buy me whatever I wanted, then we'd take it down to the beach to eat it together." Yuna smiled softly to herself, voice dripping like honey with fondness. "I miss that."
"I'll take you back to Lavender's the second we're back in Ulstead." Udo spoke up gently.
"I know it's not the same, but I can try to make it similar."
Yuna's heart fluttered;
Udo was too thoughtful for his own good. Too loving for his own sake.
"I'd like that." She accepted quietly. Her thumb rubbed the surface of Udo's hand. "You don't need to worry about making it similar. It's you; that's all I need to make it perfect."
It was Udo's turn to feel a flutter in his heart.
They silently exited the town, up a small trail adorned by red maples and soon made it to a grassy cliff side.
The country was serene, tranquil like the rest of the village. It made Udo feel at peace.
The sky was a warm orange as Yuna lead them through an overgrown meadow of golden grass and stray wildflowers; the ocean crashing beneath them and a breeze pleasantly wrapping around them.
Udo felt his breath be taken away as Yuna lead them to the center of the quiet cliff side.
To four side by side graves.
The area around them was well kept; grass cut down and fresh flowers growing amongst the surface. In front of the stone graves were two pairs of candles, and in the engraved stone Udo could make out four names:
Percy Asai
Ilia Asai
Mina Asai
Leo Asai
Yuna's hand squeezed around his, and the world suddenly became very quiet.
"The surviving villagers told me they took it upon themselves to bury the dead, after everything happened." She explained in a whisper.
Udo released Yuna's hand, instead drawing her into a close embrace.
His arms wrapped round her; trying to shield away the pain, sadness and hurt.
"My house used to be here. Nothing was left of it by the time the raids were they opted to just bury them here." Yuna's eyes shut against Udo's chest.
She took in a shaky breath, and Udo gently released her.
Yuna gave him a questioning look, the Fey opting to let his actions speak for themselves as he knelt before the stones.
His hands came together in a prayer, and he dipped his head.
"Percy, Ilia, Mina, Leo; my name is Udo." His voice was just above a whisper. "I'm the dark fey who has fallen for your daughter, your sister. I know you must worry a lot, watching her from above, but you don't need to worry anymore. You don't need to worry because I'm here."
Yuna blinked as a hot tear trailed down her face, smiling at Udo's crouched form.
She loved him so much.
Udo continued, "Your Yuna, she's smart, she's strong, and brave. Beautiful, and resilient. She tends to work too hard, and worry a bit too much, but that's what makes her so wonderful; that's why I fell for her in the first place." Udo smiled. "I'll be her rock, I'll be her steady place. I'll protect her with my life, I'll love her every single day. I'll cheer for her on her best days, and I'll console her on the worser ones. No matter what, I'll always be by Yuna's side." Udo swallowed thickly.
"I wish I could've asked in person to receive your blessings, but for now I have to settle for this; You can rest easy knowing that I will take care of Yuna for the rest of my life. No one, and nothing will ever come before her. I love your daughter, I adore your sister; I want to be able to call her my wife. Please, bless our union from the heavens. Grant us your blessings and guide us when you can. I pray that you are at peace, and I pray that you know Yuna will be just fine. I'll be there to make sure she will be okay."
"Udo..." Yuna's face crinkled as another tear rolled down her cheek, and Udo felt one of his own bubble in his tear ducts.
"Bless you." He finished.
Yuna fell before the graves; partly being unable to hold herself up any longer, and partly to say a greeting of her own.
Udo pressed a kiss to her temple as she tearily smiled at the headstones.
She let Udo guide her into a side hug, his thin fingers wiping away her tears.
Yuna shakily sighed.
"I'll be okay. I am okay." She smiled. "See this guy? I love him. I know I'll spend the rest of my life and afterlife with him. I always wanted to have the love that I saw you two share...and now I do."
Softly, Yuna lifted the pink camellia flower crown from her head and rested it before the graves.
"I love you, and I miss you. I know one day we'll be reunited, one day you'll be able to meet Udo in person..." Yuna glanced to Udo with a smile of pure love, her eyes shimmering. "...but I have a whole life to live with him until then. Keep on watching over us, okay? By the time I see you again, I'll make sure I've become a daughter and sister you can be proud of. Keep playing with Leo and Mina; you two better not be causing too much trouble up there, you hear? Knowing you, you won't even let mom and dad have a moment to rest in the afterlife." Yuna's eyes fluttered shut, her smile affectionate.
"I love you. I love you. I'll never be able to say it enough; I know you're saying it back to me right now. Know that I hear you." Yuna's eyes reopened, a content smile settling on her teary cheeks.
"I love you."
As Yuna finished, Udo followed her movements in removing his own red and white crown of petals, placing it right by hers before the graves.
He didn't hesitate to bring Yuna into a tight embrace, her sniffles being trapped in his robes as he wiped at his eyes.
"I love you." He whispered, cradling her head.
Yuna's hands gripped into his feathered back;
"I know." She breathed through a shaky sob, "I love you too."
"I mean I really, really love you. More than I've ever loved anything in my life, more than I can comprehend. It scares me." Udo whispered.
Yuna chuckled, her smile fond.
"It's reciprocated, you know. Sometimes I wonder how it's possible to feel this way; something so wonderful." She squeezed the fey. "I love you more than I can take."
Udo wiped away the last of his tears, Yuna's words making him feel like he'd taken flight.
Softly, he pulled away. Cradling Yuna's face, Udo's lips caressed hers in a tender kiss. Yuna reciprocated it passionately, the two sharing a tender moment of affection before Udo back for air.
Udo kissed her forehead, and her cheeks. He rubbed her nose with his own tenderly.
"Thank you for bringing me here." He whispered. "You don't know how much it means to me. Thank you."
Yuna's soft fingertips trailed along his strong jawline. "I do know; it means the world for me too." She answered quietly. "Thank you. It's because of you I'm even here."
Udo brought her into an embrace once more.
It was a long few moments before they were able to let go.
Udo helped Yuna to her feet, and with one last fleeting look to the graves, they smiled.
"They're okay." He gently assured Yuna.
She soaked in the headstones one last time, before finally turning away.
"I know." She confirmed with a bright smile. "Those four? The most stubborn things to ever walk Miyagata. I'm sure they're having fun tearing each other's hair out up there."
Slowly walking away, Yuna let her fingers drag over the headstones.
'I promise I will visit again. I love you.'
"It took me five years to visit these graves. Five years too long." Yuna smiled at Udo, hugging onto his elbow. "It's all thanks to you I was able to come here. If it's alright with you...I'd like to come back here again in the future."
Udo guided their way down the mountain paths with ease, his lips pressing atop Yuna's head.
"We can come here whenever you want." He assured her firmly. "I'd love that. I know they would too."
Lifting her head up, Yuna connected their lips again with a toothy smile.
She felt at peace; and somehow...
She just knew that her parents, her siblings had heard her. Felt her, still loved her.
We love you.
It was like a breeze past Yuna's ear, and she blinked.
Udo looked down at her worryingly as she tensed, and Yuna quickly relaxed and gave him a gentle smile.
She knew what she heard, knew that familiar warmth spread through her bones and veins.
It would be her own little treasure, just for her.
Peaceful; and content.
They walked in a quiet reverie, reaching the edge of the town all too soon.
"Do you want to get back to the party?" Udo asked softly. "I won't mind. I was having fun."
Yuna squeezed his arm.
"No. I'm okay." She smiled up at him. "I'm still a bit sick from the ship, and I'm tired. I want to go back to our room and just relax for the night."
Udo hummed, lips pressing to her temple. "Will it help if I brew you some ginger tea?" He offered, already leading them away from the noisy town center and towards the front gates of Aisha's estate.
Yuna smirked, winking up at the Fey.
"If you really want to spoil me, you'll give me something else too."
Something flashed in Udo's eyes, and Yuna squealed as the fey scooped her up into his arms.
She giggled at the fey's quickened steps;
"Hey, slow down! You're practically flying!" She laughed.
Udo shook his head, eyes locked on the street before them.
"Not when such a promising proposition awaits me. Better hold on, heart."
Yuna laughed again, hugging onto her Fey tightly.
Udo took one look at her beaming face, and the feeling hit him all over again;
He can't crush Yuna. He just can't.
Udo didn't know if it was because he was too weak not to, or because he was strong enough to not do it.
Tomorrow. Before the meeting tomorrow.
He let himself forget as the two held each other tightly through the night.
The next morning, following the same routine the morning before, Yuna had just barely escaped from Udo's slumbering hold.
She didn't want to wake the fey; he had run himself ragged looking after her on the ship, and Yuna wanted him to rest.
He always was fussing over her, why couldn't she do the same for him?
A tinge of anxiety held Yuna as she trekked Miyagata's sandy shores, the feeling subsiding as she was suddenly transported back in time.
She loved the beaches on Miyagata; she couldn't wait to take Udo for a swim in them after the meeting.
Right; the meeting...the source of her anxiety.
'I hope it's nothing serious...' Yuna's barefeet drew shapes in the wet sand, the morning air whipping her cloak about. 'It'll be okay. We got through a genocidal war together, right? We can get though whatever this is too.'
Finding a dry spot in the sand, Yuna plopped herself down unceremoniously. It was early enough to see the sunrise, in fact it was rather late. Yuna assumed it was at least around nine in the morning, judging by the brightness of the sky and the bustling of Miyagata.
She didn't bring her notebook with her this time; she simply wanted to enjoy the moment. Didn't want to worry about shading the perfect tree here, perfectly outlining a flower there. Yuna just wanted to be in the moment.
Her ring flashed perfectly in the sunlight, and Yuna smiled. Her cheek rested against her bent up knees, and she smiled.
Life was pretty good; it was perfect.
The distant but loud sound of a bell made Yuna perk up, and her eyes widened.
Yuna didn't know a single thing about boats, but she knew one thing; that was an impressive vessel.
Beautifully carved from a polished cherry wood, intricate carvings gracing the sides and dark masts batting in the wind. It certainly wasn't a native Miyagatan ship.
Yuna realized that the bell was to signal the workers to be all hands on deck; this ship was docking in the port, and was doing so quickly.
Yuna's jaw dropped.
'That has to be the Corsairs of the Nether! The meeting time most be closer than I thought!'
She quickly scrambled to her feet, bringing her boots and socks with her as she hastily slipped them back on.
'I need to get back to Aisha's estate to meet with the others!'
To get back to the main street leading into town, Yuna would have to take the stairs up to the docks and go from there. It was hard to run in the sand, but not impossible. Yuna adeptly made her way up the stairs and onto the wooden platform, brushing herself off as she did so.
She stole one last look at the ship; breathtaking in its beauty. It looked like the crew had already began to disembark, doing so while Yuna was still climbing up the dock stairs.
'I need to be ready to assist Philip and Aurora in the meeting. I need to hurry back!'
Yuna turned to break out into a run, and unfortunately failed to see the duo right in front of her.
A dull 'thud!' sounded, and Yuna was soon arse down on the docks with an ache in her forehead.
"Ouch, dammit!"
Yuna felt her cheeks flush in embarrassment, hastily stumbling to her feet.
"I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed with a deep bow. "I should've been looking where I was going, I'm sorry!"
The person she'd knocked over with her, a girl who's face she couldn't quite discern due to a head scarf giving her privacy, groaned as she rose to her feet.
"Dammit. See? This is why we never dock. Too much going on; the only way you can actually breathe is by being far away from ports." She spoke to the girl at her side, presumably a crew mate.
Yuna chuckled nervously, adjusting the hood of her cloak.
"You're a part of the Corsairs of the Nether, right?"
That made the first girl, the one Yuna had knocked over, whip her head towards her.
"Yeah? What's it to you?"
She didn't necessarily mean it in a rude way, Yuna understood. She just had rather gruff speaking manners.
Yuna smiled, "I'm with the royal crown, I'll be attending the meeting between us today. It's a pleasure." Yuna extended a hand. "I'm Yuna."
The girl visibly tensed, going completely silent. It was like the docks workers around them faded into white noise.
Yuna laughed nervously.
"Sorry, is it too forward to exchange greetings?" She went to lower her hand.
The girl quickly corrected herself.
"No. Sorry." Her hand quickly shot out to shake Yuna's, "I just used to know someone with the same name."
Yuna smiled as the girl released her hand, "Well, it is common around here."
The girl's eyes scanned Yuna's face, shadowed by her hood with interest. Her eyes were the only thing Yuna could see, due to the head wrap. Must be for the cold air, to preserve heat, Yuna figured.
"Right..." The girl scratched the back of her neck rather uncomfortably. "I'm uh... Captain, of the Corsairs. It's great to meet you, Yuna. I'll be seeing you in the meeting." She nodded.
Yuna bowed deeply, eyes widening. "Oh! Captain! You seem quite young; congratulations. That's an amazing accomplishment." She rose from her bow, not noticing her necklace free itself from behind her cloak's thick fabric as she did so.
"I'll be seeing you."
The girl went to turn, "Yeah, I'll be seeing-"
Yuna's necklace caught a glint of sun, which caught the attention of the captain.
It was a split second of registration, a moment of realization, and she couldn't help it as her hand shot out to grip the flower pendant.
Yuna stuttered out as the action caused her to stumble forward, "W-Woah! Hey!"
The girl stared at the pendant in her hand, eyes wide and unwavering.
"Captain...?" The crew mate behind her gently touched her shoulder.
No response, and Yuna could only state down at the girl's face with concern.
She almost looked scared.
The crew mate tried again,
Yuna stilled at the name, and suddenly it felt like she been punched in the gut.
"What...?" Yuna's brow furrowed and her heart rate accelerated. Suddenly, the girl whipped her head up to meet her eye to eye.
Her features were scrunched in a scowl, and she angrily barked out over the dock's bustling and clanging noises,
"Who the HELL are you?!"
Ending my hiatus on a cliffhanger! : P
After almost a month of taking a break, I'm happy to say I'm back. I'm sorry for the unprompted break, it was much needed and I'm happy to say that I'm back and feeling better than ever!
I hope you all enjoyed, and if you did, feel free to show your support!
I missed you all so much! I can't wait to see you in the next chapter! ❤️

Purity in the Stars *Maleficent: Mistress of Evil- Udo Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now