Chapter Eighteen: Painting the Town Red

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"A girl's day, hm?" Udo smiled as he and Yuna walked hand and hand into Ulstead, thick cloaks protecting them from the sheen of rain that had just passed over the town.
"I know you'll enjoy your time with them; what does Aurora have planned?"
Udo snickered as Yuna's boots skid on a slippery spot in the road; the sun that peeked through the grey clouds not yet drying the left over November showers. Udo corrected her movements gracefully as he kissed away her glare.
"Not funny." Yuna murmured, kicking at a left over puddle.
The first week of November was nothing but dreary with rain; a break in the bleak weather prompting the group to have an impromptu day in the town. The first sun rays of the week touched down onto Ulstead's streets and buildings; Yuna sighing as she removed the hood of her cloak to bask in the warmth filtering in.
"Finally; some sun." She hummed.
Udo was quiet as he watched her ruby locks shine brilliantly as the sun hit them; a smile quirking his lips as Yuna's pretty face was uncovered by the cloak's thick material. His eyes were soft, and his chest felt full as November's golden sun shone over them.
"I always have my sun." He nonchalantly whispered, and Yuna rolled her eyes with a groan.
"Come on, that was too nauseating even for you." Yuna teased, eyeing him with invisible mirth.
The soft expression on Udo's face didn't waver, and Yuna sighed with a shake of her head.
"Idiot..." She squeezed Udo's hand, turning her head to observe a few of the fleeting merchant carts so that her blush was hidden from Udo.
"Yeah, it'll be a lot of fun. I think Aurora mentioned something about wanting to go to a tea house; but Shrike practically exploded at the suggestion. Maleficent didn't seem too keen on the idea either..."
Yuna's voice dropped in a hidden pout. "But I thought it sounded kind of fun."
Udo laughed, his hand that wasn't occupied holding hers coming up to rub her head. "Maybe we can go sometime? It's hard for feys; our wings aren't really... meant for fragile spaces like that." He laughed awkwardly.
Yuna gave his hand a quick squeeze in response, "Don't worry about it. We have tea at home." She smiled at him warmly, and Udo reciprocated it.
Although just a week ago, their argument had definitely given way to a higher level of understanding between the two.
Their cottage was definitely a bit of a hazard zone at the moment; while Udo's magic helped construction on the home, it still couldn't all be done at once. Two stories was soon becoming three (maybe four), and their roof was being altered so that it were much higher. Expanding outwards, they planned to add on at least half of what was already there; as well as a few scattered units that could serve there own respective purposes. It was hard work... but very rewarding.
The two deserved a break; and this day with their friends was exactly what they needed.
The previous rains had luckily left Ulstead's streets rather desolate; something Udo and Yuna were very thankful for. Udo could stretch his wings out comfortably and avoid any stares, Yuna didn't have to worry about her Fey getting into any fights. It was a win win.
"What does Philip plan to do with you boys? Do I have to worry about him taking you to some adult-only cabaret?" Yuna chuckled at her question, and Udo laughed as well. Their steps clicked on the cobblestone, their journey into the heart of Ulstead almost complete.
Udo hummed thoughtfully; eyes glinting mischievously. "Hmmm, I can only wish." He sighed wistfully.
Udo sucked in a quick breath of air as Yuna's elbow collided with his side, the girl rolling her eyes with a smirk. "Very funny." She huffed. "Well, whatever trouble you guys decide to stir up... I hope you have fun."
A girls day out and men on the streets; it sure looked to be a promising day.
Udo's eyes glimmered fondly as the town square came into view; the colorful flowerbeds shining in the aftermath of the rain. "I will. If I'm with Borra... then there will definitely be trouble." The fondness in his eyes grew, and Yuna smiled as she caught on to it.
"You two really are close, aren't you?" She asked, the now sunny sky a pleasant background as the two walked through Ulstead's quaint roads.
Udo hummed, his smile quirking. "Borra and the others are the first sense of family I ever felt... we only had each other, by the time we got to the Cavernous Nest." He spoke in reference to the Shrike and Ini as well. "They're the only constant I ever had. We grew up together, we learned everything as a group."
Her own imaginary image of the Fey friends as teenagers flashed through Yuna's mind, and it made her smile grow.
'They got to be with a version of Udo that I don't even know...' Yuna thought.
"I'm happy you had them." She meant it too. "I'd love to hear more about the stories you four could tell..."
The clear view of their friends entered their line of sight, and Udo waved his hand up in greeting as Borra's excited cry broke out towards them.
"I'll tell you every single one. We have all the time in the world." Udo whispered the promise, giving Yuna's hand one last rub with his thumb as the couple were overtaken by their friends rampant storming.
Yuna could feel herself all but yanked away from the Fey, smiling brightly as Shrike's usual grin greeted her. "Finally! We agreed to meet by ten, you two are late!" Shrike teased, the girls quickly surrounding Yuna while Udo was simultaneously overcome by the males.
Like it was a rehearsed dance, Borra's arm easily sling over Udo's shoulders and hugged his fey brother in a lazy side embrace. "Come on, the first time we get to hang out like the old days before you became a housewife, and you leave me hanging?" The brawny fey groaned.
Udo huffed, the noise holding more fondness than it did any real annoyance. "Oh stop being dramatic; we're only a few minutes late."
Philip approached the two with his usual calm kingly smile; Percival and Diaval tailing his sides while Aurora, Maleficent and Ini did the same to Yuna and Shrike.
Yuna smiled upon meeting Maleficent's emerald irises, shooting one last fleeting wave to Udo before her view was obscured. "Maleficent! I didn't know you were coming out today!" She exclaimed.
The Dark Fey, with her chocolatey locks freely hanging to her waist and a simple and in-character black gown adorning her thin frame glowed in the sunlight. Her red lips showed her pearly white fangs as she grinned, the grip on her scepter loosening as she sip her head towards Yuna in greeting,
"I hope an old lady like myself doesn't put a damper on you youngling's outing. Aurora insisted I come." An almost excited glow circled about Maleficent, and the girls smiled.
"Nonsense! It's always a pleasure when we get to spend time with you Maleficent; you're always so busy helping Aurora and bustling around the Moors." Ini almost immediately interjected, her dark eyes sparkling with something akin to adoration as she stared up at the Dark Fey.
Diaval chimed in somewhere from his place among males; "Take care of her, ladies! Maleficent made sure she looked extra pretty just for today!"
Maleficent's eyes immediately sharpened towards the lanky man, "Do you want to be a crow for your little outing today?" She threatened.
Diaval seemed to actually contemplate the statement. "I wouldn't mind being a bear again. Maybe a wolf?" He hummed while tapping his chin.
The sentiment made Borra brighten substantially. "Yeah! Make him a wolf Maleficent, a wolf!"
Percival's usual stoic demeanor was cracked with a hint of amusement; something Yuna had noted was a new trait of the guard since their group of friends grew closer. "You're all idiots." He noted.
Aurora laughed, "Well, they're your idiots now! Us ladies have a date to make!" Locking elbows with Yuna, Aurora's sunshine aura shone brightly as she blew a kiss to her casually-dressed husband.
"Bye Philip! Take good care of them!"
Yuna smiled, unable to deny the excitement in her chest as the girls set to a brisk pace. "Bye Diaval!" She waved to her best friend, who honestly probably would've blended into their girl's day seamlessly.
Her eyes then locked with Udo's, who was already watching her go with a soft smile.
For a brief moment, time stopped. Yuna raised her hand, and her eyes crinkled in her happy grin. "I love you!" She called back to the fey.
Udo's smile grew. "I love you too." He didn't have to speak the words loudly to know that Yuna heard him.
His attention directed itself towards Shrike and Ini; "You two! Take care of her!" He shouted.
Ini rolled her eyes, and Shrike snickered as the girls veered away from the town square and towards the connecting alleyways.
The men watched as the women walked away; their happy chatter and winter clothing fluttering in the wind. Watching their significant others (or subjects of their attraction) go, they sighed out.
"This feels a bit like a late bachelor party." Philip grinned. "Or should I assume this is a celebration for you, Udo?" He teased.
Udo nudged the king playfully, glaring at Borra's amused chuckles. "Funny. I'm afraid you're the only married man here, Philip. You'll have to make sure you can keep up with us; I heard that married men tend to become a bit lax." The Fey teased right back.
Percival actually seemed to contemplate the statement; "You have become rather laid back since the wedding. I must say I'm starting to miss the days where I had to nearly scale the castle walls to thwart your Robin Hood-esque getaways."
Philip looked almost betrayed, and Udo looked smug.
"Oh... have I come ill-prepared?" The actual concern in Diaval's voice deepened Philip's ego; "I planned for a bit of an adventurous day. Are we just going to hang around town? Catch a matinee?"
"No!" Philip cut the crow off, tuning out Borra's laughter in the background and the amused nudges exchanges between Udo and Percival.
"No, dammit! We're going to the mountains, right now!" Philip's exasperated shouts drew the stares of a few wandering townsfolk, and Percival shut them out mercilessly.
"My liege, you specifically instructed me last night to book brunch at-" The guard's words were also quickly snuffed out.
"I KNOW WHAT I SAID!" Philip would be damned if he let Percival finish that sentence. "Just... Just follow me! To the mountains!" The king turned on his heel, his light blue tunic and leggings becoming further and further away as he sulked.
"...He knows we could've just flown there, right?" Diaval leaned over, whispering to Udo.
Udo waved away the observation with an amused snicker, Borra and him sharing a rather mischievous glance. "Just let him be. I don't think Philip will be able to handle a hand out."
Percival sighed, hand resting on the hilt of his rapier that was securely tucked into his cloak. "Only you three would be able to tease the king of Ulstead and get away with it."
The trio of feys and crow grinned, then quickly set after the sulking king.
"No. I'm not doing that."
Maleficent was practically like a cornered feral animal as she glared at the silken ivory robe in Aurora's hold.
The newest addition to Ulstead's ever progressive big-city renovations was a dual spa and bathhouse; taking up a space just a short travel out of the crowded city and amping up its serene atmosphere by making its home in the lush forest. It was a small facility; housing a reception area, private dressing room, the communal baths, massage parlor, and steam room. It was innovative, it had a certain exotic flair to it, it was completely adorable (in Yuna's own personal opinion).
Aurora had managed to book out the whole building, which was quite easy considering she was the queen. It was a complete surprise that made Yuna squeal, peaked Ini's interest, and even had Shrike cheering in approval. Soft lanterns and natural plants adorned the inside of the serene and minimalist spa, the reception workers treated them to the utmost highest standard (sometimes it really did help to have an aristocrat as a best friend), and now that the girls were happily full off of champagne and a variety of sweets and tea sandwiches, it was time for the actual pampering part.
That was about as far as they got.
It came time to strip and change into the spa's complimentary robes. The girls congregated to the changing room, Yuna cried as Shrike pinched and chased after her every moment of the process, Ini sighed in disapproval and easily discarded her clothes like it were nothing, and Aurora giggled at Yuna's plight (a typical day).
However... Maleficent was not as keen as the other girl's for a ceremonial, highly sought after "girl's pampering day".
Aurora sighed deeply, not fazed at all by Maleficent's fangy growl as the rest of her entourage practically cowered by the queen.
"Mother! You agreed to come out and spend time with all of us today; you have to!" Aurora's own robe was slightly hanging from her shoulder due to her struggles with the stubborn fey. "Look; I had these specifically altered so that your wings wouldn't be furled and you'd be comfortable! Just look at Shrike and Ini!"
The golden haired girl pointed towards the Jungle and Desert Fae, and the two girls gulped as Maleficent's eyes cut sharply to them.
Ini's dark hair was freed from her braids, robe hanging over her thin frame and tawny wings relaxed as they fanned out of the fabric.
"It isn't that bad, Maleficent... really, it's like the clothes we already wear in the Moors..." Ini chuckled nervously, something that was uncharacteristic for her usually unfazed demeanor.
Shrike also seemed anxious as she cracked a smile;
It didn't matter who you were, Maleficent was intimidating no matter the species.
"We can turn around, if you don't want us to see you..." Shrike's curly hair was also free of any braiding or beading; and Yuna made a mental note to compliment the two fey women's natural beauty later.
"It'll be fun, Maleficent!" Yuna encouraged her, mirroring Aurora in her courage to face the stubborn woman. "Have you ever had a spa day? A massage? Been in a hot spring or bath? It's wonderful!" Her thick ruby locks bounced as she excitedly tried to sale-pitch Maleficent, who still appeared just as reluctant.
"Fun? What's fun about soaking in... everyone's filth? And a massage? With wings? And horns? Why do I want to sit in a room and just be hot and sweaty while steam completely dehydrates me?" Maleficent almost hissed as Aurora pushed the robe towards her again. "Infernal human contraptions..."
Aurora glared, "Mother! I planned a very nice day for all of us, and you will participate!"
Shrike nervously tapped Aurora's shoulder with a panicked expression. "C-Come on Aurora, we don't want to reduce this place to ash and rubble..."
The smallest flicker of Maleficent's green hell fires on her black nails made the Jungle Fey yelp.
Finally fed up, Aurora huffed.
"Mother... I didn't want to resort to this..." The girl's voice dropped, and Maleficent quirked a brow.
"Are you challenging me, beastie?"
Ini reached forward to hurriedly pull Yuna back; tugging her away from the crossfire.
Yuna watched the exchange with mischievous eyes, lips forming a small smile. "Oh, Maleficent's finished now..." She whispered.
Shrike's interest etched onto her features, and she looked at the mother-daughter duo like she were missing something. "What do you mean? Is Aurora trained in martial arts or something?" She whispered back.
Yuna heard the first sniffle, and her smile grew. "Just watch."
Slowly, Aurora's rosy and cherub face crinkled with a few hard blinks, and a harsh pout. She released a shaky breath, and a lone tear streamed down her face.
Maleficent rolled her eyes. "Really? You're an actress now? That may have worked when you were sixteen Aurora, but I'm not going to fall for that anymore."
Another tear.
"Aurora, I mean it. Stop."
A third tear.
A fourth tear, followed by a small cry, and a completely disheartened expression grasping Aurora's features.
"M-Mother...!" A sob broke from her, and Maleficent almost immediately snatched the robe from her daughter.
"Oh, FINE! Turn around, all of you!" Maleficent almost viciously tore the dress from her body as she shrugged the robe on with angry grumbles.
Aurora turned her head away to hide the victorious smile on her face, her hand muting her snickering. Yuna watched with glee, and Ini and Shrike looked as if they'd seen a ghost materialize right before their eyes.
"...All hail the queen indeed." Ini whispered, nodding her head in acknowledgment.
"We're not worthy to be her subjects." Shrike bent down in a mock bow.
Aurora wiped at the fake tears, like nothing had even happened. She smiled brightly upon seeing Maleficent begrudgingly wearing the robe, kicking her clothing to the side and sighing as she looked back out to the group.
"Happy now?" Maleficent's tone was one of complete resignation, huffing once more as Aurora reached forward to tug at her hand.
"Very!" Maleficent in tow, Aurora led the way towards the door. "Come on ladies, we have sea salt body scrub massages waiting for us! Salt directly from the northern oceans!"
Maleficent's whine sounded as Aurora dragged her; Shrike, Ini and Yuna following behind them in amusement. Their bare feet padded down the wooden hallway, and Yuna felt a flutter of excitement in her chest.
'From the northern oceans, how fancy... oh, I've never had friends to do these kinds of things with before!'
Yuna's own giggling soon sounded from the intimate oasis tucked into the forest.
"Hunting? You want us to go hunting?" Borra eyed the bow and quiver placed in his hands in astonishment. "After your kind used these same bows to hunt down the faeries?"
Philip shrugged on his own quiver, inspecting his heavy long bow with satisfaction as he strummed the string. "Worry not Borra. I'd never be that inconsiderate." He turned to face them with a smile. "My family had nothing to do with those massacres. I've only ever wanted to protect the Moors."
The cool mountain air engulfed the men, thick and dense evergreens looming over them. Diaval released a noise of struggle as his lack of upper body strength made lifting the hefty longbow rather difficult. "Philip, this isn't exactly what I had in mind when you said we'd be going out..."
Percival reached over to easily help the crow, one hand picking up the heavy weapon and firmly planting it in the crow's hands. "You're not the only one." The guard sighed. "I'm afraid I'm rather ill prepared to go hunting at the moment, your majesty."
Philip waved away the statements, "We'll be fine! My dad has taken me hunting in these mountains since I was a young lad. You're all in good hands." His smile went to Udo, who had just finished securing the quiver to his back. "Udo, are you experienced with hunting at all? Is this how the Dark Feys father their food?"
Udo glanced to Borra, his bow hanging at his side. "Feys typically... follow a more herbivore lifestyle." He smiled. "If we do eat meat, we typically catch fish in the rivers, or the oceans. I'm afraid we're rather inexperienced with human weapons, or hunting."
Borra added in under his breath, "We have wings and magic, why do we need to use these useless contraptions..."
Philip brightened at that, and the group couldn't help but to smile at his enthusiasm. "Perfect! Don't fret gentleman, you're with a seasoned hunter! I'll teach you everything you need to know!" He grinned.
"Firstly!" Philip went to grab a pointer arrow from his quiver. "Shooting a bow is quite easy, you just need to not overthink it! Latch your arrow onto the string of your bow..." Philip did so to demonstrate. "Pick your target..." The trunk of a lone emerald green oak seemed to be fit. "Aim... and fire!" The arrow released from Philip's fingers and the bowstring with a sharp hiss, whizzing through the air and embedding itself deep into the wood with a loud "thud!"
Philip smiled at the small claps that followed his demonstration, Percival quirking a brow as he checked over everyone's equipment. "Majesty, do you really think it wise to jump right in so seriously? We usually train our huntsman for at least several months on the bow before we send them out to hunt..." The guard tried to reason.
"Might I suggest a simple trip to town instead? This new tavern opened up, I'm friends with the owner and it seems like a splendid place-"
"Nonsense! We'll be fine!" Philip grinned. "Right guys?"
The king's excited blue eyes glimmered over to the two feys and crow. Diaval tried to meet his enthusiasm, ignoring the way his boots sank into the post-rain muddy forest floor. "Sure! ...But I'm sorry to say I won't be participating Philip."
All eyes trained onto the rather guilty looking male, and Diaval shuffled his feet uneasily. "I'm a crow... I'm part of nature! I can't participate in murdering any poor animals... especially pheasants and birds! I'll be shunned by my fellow crows forever!" Diaval's black locks hung loosely in his face, and he combed his hand through them in an almost flustered manner. "I'm sorry..."
Udo ruffled up Diaval's hair affectionately, the sensitive man's heart too good for the world. "It's alright Diaval." He watched as Diaval perked up. "I probably won't be of much use to this either; this is all new to me." Udo offered him a smile which Diaval gratefully returned.
"I just don't see the point in all of these unnecessary accessories when one solid dive with my wings could easily take out a target." Borra held to bow like it was burning him, his quiver strapped sloppily and loosely across his chest. "Plus, these straps are uncomfortable. Are you forgetting Udo and I have extra appendages?" His batted his feathers to emphasize the point.
Philip strode towards the ever blunt fey, fixing the straps across his bare chest with an amused huff. "I'm well aware that everyone here is of different experience. This is supposed to be a bonding exercise! Nothing says bonding like putting our heads together and problem solving!" He slapped Borra's chest once the strap was all but suffocating the poor winged-man, and Borra had to bite back a snarl.
"Percival and I shall lead, as we are the most experienced. Borra, since you're the brawn behind pretty much everything, I'll leave the actual "hunting part" to you. Udo, you're intelligence is impeccable, but I also know that your fighting skills are no joke... so I'll let you pick your position." Philip listed off roles one by one, finger pointing from man to man.
Udo scoffed quietly. "How generous of you." He grinned.
"And as for can simply be our distraction! No killing involved, no putting any animal at risk! You simply need to stand there, and put on that boyish-charm we all love you for." Philip threw his arm around Diaval's shoulders, squeezing them encouragingly as Diaval smiled under the compliments.
"Alright, I think I can do that!" Diaval nodded enthusiastically.
Percival stifled a laugh, "Poor guy is so easily sidetracked, he doesn't even know what he just signed up for." The guard made a mental note to keep a close eye on the little birdie.
Philip clapped his hands together,
"Right, gentlemen! I believe we all have our missions, and we all have an objective to accomplish!" The group couldn't help but catch onto Philip's infectious excited energy; a skill only a king could possess. "Now, lets go find us a stag!"
Philip hollered, Diaval cheered, Borra roared in a primal excitement, and Percival shook his head with a soft smile.
Udo couldn't help the own calm, tender quirk of his lips from showing, his eyes casting to the clear sky breaking through the thick forest trees.
'Looks like I'll have my hands full over here. I hope you're enjoying yourself, Yuna. I know Aurora is spoiling you as much as she can.'
Udo laughed out loud as Philip slipped on the muddy forest floor, offering the king (and his friend) a hand to yank him back to his feet.
'Just like Philip is.'
If there were ever a time Yuna had felt reborn, it would be now.
The massages... were simply heavenly.
She breathed out wistfully, settling down deeper into the steamy bath as she felt every muscle in her body relax, and every pore open.
"See, Maleficent? You would've missed out on all of this, had you decided to stay stubborn..." Ini sighed, her eyes remaining closed as she basked in the hot water. "I was worried how they'd manage a massage with our wings, but goodness they were so wonderful I think I might've forgotten I had them."
The large steamy indoor pool, that mimicked something like a naturally rocky but smooth hot spring housed the five girls who soaked in the water greedily.
Maleficent's grand wings were completely fanned out in a manner of utter relaxation, and everyone was too scared to vocally note that the fey's usually tight and stern face was totally serene.
"I must say... my judgement was wrong, for once." Her hand emerged from the water with a ripple, brushing over the overhanging greenery as she rubbed Aurora's damp golden locks.
"Thank you, Beastie... this was a wonderful idea." Maleficent sighed to the girl at her side.
Aurora hummed. "You're welcome." She felt like she was floating in the warm space. "I needed to do this anyways..."
Shrike was nearly dozing off, her colorful feathers basking in the familiar heat she experienced many a time in the jungle. "I needed it too... we've been busting our asses since the peace treaty signing; it's nice to finally relax." She agreed.
Aurora's fingers went to twiddle under the water's surface, "Agreed. However...I really needed this..." Her lips fought back a smile. "The herbs infused in this water... I needed them."
The ever astute herbologist, Yuna quirked a brow amidst her relaxation. Her head lulled to the side, "Hm? What herbs are in here?" She almost slurred the question; gods, why didn't they do this sooner?
Aurora answered delicately. "Tribulus Terrestris." Her voice was soft.
Yuna made a noise of half-hearted acknowledgement. "Hmm..."
The air went silent as the girls settled, and then suddenly Yuna's mind blanked.
Wait a minute.
Yuna all but shot up from the water; eyes wide and unblinking and mouth agape. She couldn't help the wetness already beginning to form at her sharp eyes, "What...?" She blinked rapidly, and Aurora grinned sheepishly.
Shrike groaned. "Come on, Yuna; it's just a plant. Don't ruin the atmosphere."
Ini also chimed in, "Tribulus Terrestris? I'm afraid I don't recall that from all of the herbology lessons you've given me." Her eye cracked open lazily. "What's so special about it?"
"Do tell, Beastie. You're interrupting my time away from Diaval." Maleficent sighed out.
Yuna's eyes never left Aurora, and Aurora's smile grew as she knew that Yuna had caught on.
"Tribulus Terrestris... It... it's commonly used to aid with conception, and fertility." Yuna's voice was almost a whisper.
The air went silent again.
The loud sounds of splashing signaled the three feys scampering upright in shock, all eyes trained to Aurora as her eyes crinkled with a happy grin.
"Philip and I are trying for a baby!"
"...I forgot that it was winter." Philip hung his head in shame. "The bears are all hibernating... the birds have flown south... the deer are all tucked away with their young from the cold." The king sighed.
"Forgive me, gentleman. I have failed you."
Percival, who honestly most likely foresaw this whole dilemma, stood from his inspection of retreating deer tracks.
"Your excitement merely got the best of you; just because it's winter doesn't necessarily mean there's nothing to hunt." The guard offered. "Though... it is much more effective in warmer weather."
Borra's brow furrowed, and a smirk came to his lips. "Oh great king; you've led your people to starve." He sighed. "Now that this whole display of your... skills is over, can we actually do something worthwhile?"
Diaval pushed at his broad shoulder, which didn't budge the fey much at all.
"Borra! Don't be rude, Philip did this so we could spend time together!"
The man gave the king a soft smile, patting Philip's sunken shoulders softly. "Come on Philip, none of us are disappointed! Truth be told, I don't think we were so keen on hunting anyways!" He smiled.
Udo set his bow down so it was leaning against a nearby tree, brushing off some stray dirt from his white attire.
He strode up to stand by Diaval, adding in his own support; "Percival mentioned a new tavern opened up, why don't we go there? We can pick back up on hunting once spring is here." He offered. "I'm sure we all want to just spend time together; it doesn't matter how small or grand of a gesture it is. Lets head back, hm?"
Philip now smiled goofily; seemingly laughing at his own miscalculation. "Yeah... Lets do that. Percival?" He looked to the guard.
Percival nodded in response; "I'll lead the way, highness."
Philip sighed. "Good; I'm glad today wasn't a total failure." He smiled his thanks to Diaval, then back to Udo. "You always know what to say, Udo. I can see that Yuna is quite the lucky girl indeed."
The men blinked, then Philip blushed. "Uhhh... that came out wrong."
Udo's face remained stoic, but Borra was always able to detect that hint of amusement and teasing in his friend's tone;
"If you're flirting, I'm not interested."
Udo turned away to waltz from the group, sharing a snicker with Percival as Philip yelped in protest.
"I have a wife, you dunce!" His blush deepened. "Never mind! I'll never compliment you again!"
Borra tapped his chin thoughtfully, "You should punish your subject, Philip. I think he's starting to get out of hand." Perhaps it would start a fight, but perhaps that's what Borra wanted.
Udo smirked. "If I remember correctly, I'm not a citizen of Ulstead. I can do whatever I please." It almost sounded like a taunt. "Right, Percival?"
The guard was quick to join in on the joke, "Unless you attempt to behead Philip or Aurora, you can say whatever you want. You're out of my jurisdiction."
Udo and Borra's smirks were practically like two troublemaking little boys, "Hear that, Borra? We're void from the law."
Borra's fangs flashed. "Seems like an awfully fair trade off if you ask me; his mother did attempt mass genocide, after all."
Diaval chuckled, relishing in Philip's panic. "Turned one of my fairy friends into a flower... nearly suffocated me to death, had I not turned into a bear..."
Philip stuttered, "That also wasn't me! I was trying to rescue all of you, in case you forgot! Borra nearly killed me in the process!"
Borra waved off the king with an eye roll. "Please; Diaval turned into a rabid bear. There were greater threats to worry about."
Philip opened his mouth to retort again, but Diaval's nervous chatter interrupted him.
"S-Speaking of bears, gentlemen, I believe we may have unintentionally stumbled onto a bear's cave."
Udo's eyes were wide as Diaval spoke, wings already flaring out to prepare for take off as he and the crow stared at a spot behind Borra and Philip.
The two slowly turned around as Percival readied his sword, and sure enough through the thickets of bushes and trees a burly and large shadow stalked.
Philip paled. "Right. Let's be on our way."
Borra scowled. "I'm not afraid of a bear."
A deep rumbling growl sounded from the shrubs, and Udo and Diaval has already launched themselves into the sky.
"Just run, dammit!"
Soft cotton pajamas adorning them, and towels wrapped around their heads (and horns) like headbands, the girls huddled into the steam room with glee.
The sauna signaled the last stretch of their almost coma-inducing spa session, and they knew they had to savor every last bit of it.
"A baby, Aurora? You mean it?" Ini smiled softly, dark eyes twinkling with mirth. "That's wonderful!"
Maleficent seemed to glow with pride; the news not being new to her, but she still basked in the fact. "You better have soaked up as much as you could in that bath; I'm ready to be a grandmother." She patted Aurora's stomach playfully, and the girl squealed.
"Oh, stop!" She giggled, and Yuna smiled warmly at how much Aurora was simply glowing.
"We only very recently decided to start trying! It just... feels right. I want a baby." She directed her smile towards Yuna.
"As Court Herbalist, you're my primary care doctor. I'll be relying on you heavily, okay?" Aurora winked.
Yuna's smile grew. "It would be an honor." She confirmed. "I'm... so happy for you, Aurora. This is amazing. I can't even really put it into words."
Aurora relaxed against the sauna wall, batting away the coddling; "Save all of the sentimental stuff for when I'm actually pregnant! You guys are silly, there isn't even a baby to be celebrating yet."
The queen coyly quirked a brow at the herbalist. "Want to be pregnant with me, Yuna? My little tot will need a best friend to grow up with..."
Yuna stuttered, her face erupted into a blush, and the whole room broke into giggles.
"S-Stop! Udo and I aren't even married yet! I'm not having a baby!" Yuna weakly protested over the laughs, her heart racing from the thought.
'Pregnancy... like I have the time for that!'
Shrike poked at her red cheeks with a large grin. "You and Udo are waltzing around with rings on your fingers, living together and renovating for a bigger house, and are completely love struck. You're practically married." She teased.
"Plus at the rate you two are going... you'll be pregnant soon enough. Honestly, would it kill you guys to cool it a bit? I already have Yui coming up to me and asking why you look so tired in the morning."
Yuna's cheeks heated even more. "Hey... come on, you know these are just promise rings..." A weak rebuttal, but at least she tried.
Maleficent hummed, "I'd certainly have my hands full, trying to keep up with a little Aurora and a little Yuna running around. Not that I oppose it."
Ini nodded in agreement. "Do you know when you and Udo will finish your courtship, Yuna? I believe it's quite obvious you're both in it to win it; all that's left is to make everything official." Her soft smile never left her face.
Yuna felt overwhelmed; now they were talking about marriage and babies?!
"I don't know!" She exclaimed. "It's not so easy to just get married and have kids, you guys! That's a lot of work!"
"And you and Udo have shown more than enough commitment." Aurora chimed in softly. "It is that easy; if you want it, then do it."
Yuna blinked at the notion.
"What's stopping you, Yuna? Is it about those punks in town? If they have anything to say about you and Udo or your family, Borra and I will pummel them in an instant. Don't worry about them." Shrike scowled, and Yuna shook her head.
"No... I don't care about any of that. I mean, I am a bit worried about the reaction to any half-breeds just because it's so new, you know? But that wouldn't stop me. Udo and I wouldn't ever let our children feel ashamed of themselves... and I know none of you would either." Yuna answered softly, and they all smiled in silent agreement at that.
"It's just..."
Her necklace suddenly felt like a heavy weight.
Four smiling faces, trees blossoming with spring vigor and an endless ocean and starry sky flashed through Yuna's mind.
"...I still think I need time to come to terms with everything that happened, back on Miyagata. I need to do that before I get married, before Udo and I consider a family... it wouldn't be fair to him, and it wouldn't be fair to me either." Yuna whispered the confession.
"Well... how can we help? Do you... do you want to go back to Miyagata, Yuna?" Aurora gently spoke. "I want you to be happy; I want you and Udo to be happy."
Yuna shrugged almost mindlessly, the thought of going back to Miyagata nipping at her. "I don't know what I need to do. Whether it's to take my time, or to just stop pitying myself... I'm not sure."
Those wretched black eyes tore into Yuna's mind, and she shivered.
"You all know what happened back then. I can't explain it, but... lately I just feel restless. Those pirates that took everything from me; I can't stop dreaming about them." Nightmares would be a more accurate way to describe them.
Ini gently placed her hand on Yuna's shoulder in comfort, something the girl greatly appreciated. "You're worries that if you become happy again, and create a family of your own, they'll come back and take it away from you."
It wasn't a question or theoretical observation; it was a statement.
Yuna truly was amazed by Ini's intuitiveness, her ability to empathize and latch onto people's emotions to dissect exactly what they were feeling.
Wordlessly, Yuna nodded.
'I can't let them take from me what they already stole that night...'
"Beastie... You know that won't happen." Maleficent softly spoke up. "What happened to you was horrific, but you're safe now. Don't deprive yourself of what you really want because of anxiety, no matter how validated it may be. That is what is truly unfair to both you and Udo."
Maleficent always had a motherly touch to her air and how she worded things, and her words alone helped to clear some of the clouds in Yuna's head.
Shrike's voice was also uncharacteristically gentle, "You and Udo have been through a lot together. You can get through a great deal more."
Aurora nodded in agreement, the sadness reflecting in her eyes showing just how deeply she cared for her friend.
Yuna offered them all a small, but grateful smile. "Thank you."
Her eyes fluttered to the side, "I really appreciate it, but let's not make today sorrowful; I'm having so much fun! We need to celebrate Aurora trying for a baby, Udo and I are a long ways away from all of that no matter how much you guys push us to hurry."
Yuna winked, expertly changing the subject.
She didn't want them all to worry.
Sensing Yuna's reluctance, Maleficent reaches over to give her hand a small squeeze before joining it. "Agreed. Shrike and Ini, you two are giving Yuna an awful amount of trouble over getting married, when I've yet to notice a man at your side... care to explain?"
Aurora snickered, and the two feys nearly jumped with surprise.
"I'm a free fey! I can't be pinned down!"
"I simply have standards!"
They spoke at once, and the girls laughed.
"I could say the same to you, Maleficent! You're older than all of us an yet you still don't have a ring on your finger!"
"... Do you want me to change into a Phoenix in this spa?"
Yuna laughed wholeheartedly, tucking away the thought for now.
'... What if I simply forgot what happened on Miyagata? Would I be able to move on then...?'
"Ini. No question about it."
Borra grunted out, slamming his mug of freshly brewed ale back onto the table.
Udo smirked, his own drink swirling aimlessly in his cup.
"I dare say that was a confession, Borra." He teased, feeling his own buzz begin to come on.
Borra glared, "You got me drunk; that's cheating." He turned back to the alcohol before him. "You asked me which of the feys I'd consider being with if I had to choose, so I answered. It's not a conspiracy, Udo."
Said Fey's smirk only grew. "I asked you what you were planning on doing when we got back to the Moors?"
Borra paled. "Oh." He blinked. "Disregard that, then."
"That's not fair, I'm drunk."
Diaval laughed out loud at their table in the tavern; the private room they were tucked into warm from the lit fireplace and the eclectic wall decorations glowing from the blaze.
"Borra likes Ini! How sweet!" The buzzed crow cooed. "I knew it! Although... you're kind of a jerk, and Ini is so gentle. How'd that happen?"
Borra slammed a fist to the table's surface, "I don't know how it happened, dammit!" Diaval jumped at that, "If we're pointing fingers, Diaval, why haven't you grown a pair and confessed to Maleficent already?! Pathetic."
Diaval gasped, and Udo watched the exchange with an amused smile.
"W-What?! How could you even say that?!" Diaval's cheeks erupted from the thought, "Don't disrespect Maleficent like that! It's my life's mission to serve her; I'd never do something like that!" He stuttered out, "I also don't like her like that!"
The room's door clicked open, the sounds of rowdy patrons outside in the tavern's main bar bubbling in. Philip emerged through the opening with a grin, Percival following closely behind him as he shut the door.
Both men carried in mugs of more of the ale, and Percival took a seat by Diaval smugly. "Well, since we're dealing out love confessions, it's a good thing we were granted a private room." He scoffed.
Diaval took the beverage from the guard with a sharp glare. "Whatever. At least I don't make heart eyes at Shrike every time I think no one is looking."
The chatter of chairs sounded, and Diaval cried as the guard lunged for him almost instantaneously.
Philip immediately planted himself between them with a sigh. "Gentlemen! Please! You're interrupting my beer."
The king took a sip from the drink, before mischievously smiling at Udo. "You know Udo, you're teasing everyone about their crushes today... yet we have quite a few shots we could take at you and Yuna."
Udo smiled back in challenge, his brow quirked as he leaned forward over the table. "Oh really now? What exactly do you have on us?"
Dislodging himself from a now terrified Diaval, Percival looked to Udo with a "you've got to be kidding me" type of expression.
"That ring on your finger seems to be shining awfully bright this evening. Need me to recommend a wedding planner? The same way I recommended that jeweler to Philip?" Percival was unusually goofy and lax, something Udo gave credit to the drinks for.
Borra laughed loudly,
"Yeah! You're the most love-struck idiot of everyone here. At least I still have my balls." He smiled smugly, growling as Diaval cautiously slipped his drink away from him.
Udo blinked in surprise. "Well what's wrong with that? At least I had the balls to actually confess. Unlike some gentlemen at this table." He grinned victoriously. "Really, Philip and I are the bravest ones here."
Percival growled, "I've faced more heathens and monsters in my young guard days than anyone else, I'm quite brave dammit!" His words slurred, and Diaval also stealthily took another mug from the guard.
Borra's smile was borderline condescending, smirking evilly. "Well... if you really were as courageous as you proclaim Udo... you'd hurry up and actually propose. How long before Yuna grows bored of a dinky promise ring and leaves you to find a more committed little towns boy?" He airily snorted, and Udo almost immediately met him with a snarl.
"Yuna would never do that. We both have things we want to finish before settling down." His eyes went to the band around his finger. "Besides... it's Yuna who wants to take things slow. Not me."
Philip's interest peaked at that, "Do tell. I thought most young women Yuna's age were praying to Gaia to get married." The king inquired. "Are you telling me you've already tried proposing?"
Udo smiled fondly as he kept his eyes trained to his ring, "Well, Yuna isn't like most girls."
Borra groaned.
"No. I haven't proposed. There are still feys I need to lead, and Yuna needs to focus on her work... that doesn't mean I wouldn't mind it, though." Udo said quietly.
Diaval rested his chin in his palm, the fire crackling behind them and the evening sun fluttering through the tavern's curtains. "Well, why don't you try it then? I'd love to see Yuna in a wedding dress!" He smiled brightly.
Udo huffed at the crow, rubbing his head affectionately. "I will one day. If I can wait five years, I can wait a few more." He grinned.
Udo's tone dropped ever so slightly, "I think Yuna can't think about getting married right now because... well, her family wouldn't be there. It's hard for her, you know? I need to be understanding of that."
Philip regarded Udo softly, "You're quite sweet, and thoughtful Udo."
Borra huffed, but even his eyes took on a softer gleam. "More like completely in love." He smiled at his best friend, "If he could see you now, Conall would be immensely proud of you."
Udo smiled his thanks to the fey, and to the king.
It wasn't easy trying to fill Conall's shoes... but between himself, Borra and Maleficent; Udo liked to think they were doing a pretty decent job.
"I came to the crown when I was very young, you know. When her majesty was pregnant with Philip." Percival started. "I came from a farming village just beyond Ulstead's mountains. The whole town was burned and ransacked by a group of ruffians; Philip's father came to our aid and took me under his wing when he saw I had no where to go. He taught me how to fight, how to conduct diplomatic matters... how to let things go."
Philip watched Percival with affection, and even Borra listened to the words thoughtfully.
"It took me a long time, but with my new family I found in Ulstead... I was able to pull through. It's not an easy process, and there's no telling how long it may take, but Yuna will eventually heal, Udo."
The room contained their shock as a genuine smile crossed the harsh guard's features.
"Just stay by her side; let her know she's safe and loved. Though, I know you do that enough already." Percival smiled.
Udo blinked; taken aback.
"T-Thank you, Percival. That was quite touching." Udo spoke, his ale almost completely forgotten. "I... had no idea you came from such a backstory. You have a very strong heart, and will." Udo clasped his hands together on the table, "I'll never leave Yuna; pirates or not I'll protect her to the end."
Percival took a sip from his drink, "I know you will. Take good care of my herbalist, hm? She's the best one we've ever had in my time at the castle."
Udo beamed with pride at that.
"I'm not the only one here who comes from tragedy. I believe all of us here do... as do the girls. I believe that's why we're as connected as we are; no one else will understand us the way we do each other." Percival ended, noting softly.
Borra's eyes were trained to the cracklings flames; "I hate to admit it, but... I think I've found I have much in common with you humans. I hated you all for so long... and yet here we are now."
Udo hummed in agreement at Percival's statement, "Before, I thought I'd only ever have Borra, Shrike and Ini... now I see that I was fated to go through life's journey with all of you." The Tundra Fey's lips pulled up slightly, and the briefest image of Yuna fluttered through his mind.
Diaval's happy grin was still plastered to his face, "All my life, I never thought I'd find a place to belong; just a lonesome little crow..." He sighed wistfully. "But now, here I am! Surrounded by friends..." His cheeks held the slightest gleeful flush.
Philip bowed his head, "I am... quite the lucky king. Having such loyal friends at my side; father always told me the crown meant nothing unless you had people to bask in it with. I understand what he meant by that now."
Philip's smile grew. "Friends... I have some news. I didn't want to say anything until there was reason to announce it, but I'm just very happy right now."
The king lifted his head, and a brilliant grin spread on his face.
"Aurora and I want to start a family!"
The tavern's private room immediately erupted in hoots and hollers, and Philip laughed joyfully as the men slapped him on the back.
"That was fantastic." Shrike grinned toothily as they strode through Ulstead, bodies and minds cleared of any imperfections.
"I actually quite enjoyed it. Aurora and Yuna, that herbal bath must've really soaked into you; you're practically glowing." Maleficent noted, the orange and red evening sky casting shadows onto the alley they walked through.
"See? Trust me every once in awhile mother! I know what I'm talking about!" Aurora exclaimed. "Your skin is really clear after the facial, Ini."
Ini touched her cheek in wonder, "Wow... perhaps humans invented something worthwhile." She smiled.
Their steps tapping down the stone streets, Yuna smiled gently.
"I had a great day, with all of you. Can... Can we do this again?" She asked rather hopefully. "It doesn't need to be a big spa getaway every time, I just want to be able to be with all of you."
Shrike chuckled, wrapping an arm around Yuna as she hugged her close. "You're so cute, Yuna!" She exclaimed. "You don't even have to ask. We're all friends, aren't we? Of course we'll do this again."
Even though Yuna was already aware of the fact, something about Shrike affirming it made her relax with a quiet joy.
"I know we're all busy, but I'd love to make sure us ladies can get away every few weeks to just spend the day together." Said Aurora. "Perhaps I'm being a bit greedy, but I've never had friends before! I want to be with you all as much as possible." Her cheeks flushed, and she smiled softly.
Maleficent rubbed her daughter's head as they walked,
"I went all my life believing I didn't need anyone else but myself." She projected a calm smile to the girls. "Between finding Diaval, raising Aurora and meeting all of you... I realize how truly wrong I was back then."
Yuna's heart warmed at that, and they all shared soft laughter at Maleficent.
'I realize how wrong I used to be as well. My life would be so different now, had I not made all of the decisions that I did...' The briefest image of Udo formed in Yuna's thoughts, and her smile grew.
"Shrike and I were... wary of humans, before everything happened at the castle. Our families were massacred in the war; we didn't trust anyone else to call them family. I'm sure Maleficent can agree." Ini softly spoke up. "However... I'm happy to say we were wrong to think that way. It is through humans that I have found some of my most cherished friends."
The Faes smiled to Aurora and Yuna, and then the two humans shared a smile of their own.
They didn't need to vocalize their own feelings for the others to know it was reciprocated.
Their trek continued as they chatted amongst themselves, working their way towards the castle to drop off Maleficent and Aurora and then heading home to the Moors.
Almost lost in their giggling and gossiping, Yuna nearly missed a certain book in display on a shop's window.
She only saw it out of the corner of her eye; however she knew that cover clear as day.
Yuna halted suddenly, her heart momentarily skipping a beat as her breath was pulled from her.
Maleficent stopped as well, quirking a brow at the herbalist, "Yuna?" She inquired.
Yuna quickly let a grin spread onto her face. "I just remembered; I need to pick up a few seeds for the garden!" She lied. "Go ahead without me, okay?"
Shrike blinked in surprise. "Oh... are you sure? We can just go with you." She offered.
Yuna insistently shook her head. "I'll be awhile, I don't want to keep you." Quickly, she gave each of the friends a fleeting hug. "Today was amazing; I love you all!" Turning on her heel, Yuna broke into a sprint back the way they came.
Aurora watched her go curiously. "Huh. Well that was sudden."
Ini shrugged, leading the group forward once more. "She tends to do that a lot, always the busy bee. We'll see her back at the Moors."
As they continued their stroll, Maleficent couldn't help but linger; watching Yuna go inquisitively.
Yuna ran back to the shop they'd passed; a little hole in the wall bookstore.
Her eyes trained to the leather bound novel displayed through a glass window; the front cover nothing special and rather void of anything exciting.
However... Yuna would know that title anywhere.
A smile on her face, a flutter in her heart, Yuna dipped inside the shop; set on a very specific purchase.
Evening was giving way to twilight by the time Yuna rushed into the Moors.
The November air was chilly; the sun disappearing behind Ulstead's mountains and bringing with it a winter wind.
Her cloak warmed her enough, but Yuna couldn't help but to quicken her steps as her warmly lit cottage came into view. Their construction wasn't complete yet, it wouldn't be for at least another few weeks to a month. They still had to live like they were before, but it somehow was even sweeter.
Before Yuna could even reach forward to push the front door open, she jumped back in surprise as it was flung open; nearly nailing her in the face.
"Oh!" She exclaimed, eyes widening before she smiled. "Hi, Udo."
Udo stared at Yuna, seemingly just as surprised as Yuna. She watched as the franticness slowly drained from Udo's sapphire eyes, replaced instead with relief.
He brought her into a soothing hug, and Yuna sighed as Udo's warm embraced shielded her from November's brittle chills.
"You scared me, Yuna. Shrike and Ini came back almost an hour ago, I thought something happened to you." He patted her head, and Yuna felt like she were a child being scolded. "I was just about to go out and look for you."
Yuna mumbled an apology, pulling from Udo with a chuckle. "I'm sorry; I just had to go and pick something up." She shivered as an icy wing blew through them.
Udo wrapped a robed arm around her frame, ushering her inside as he closed the door behind Yuna. She was pleasantly surprised to see a brilliantly glowing fire burning in the living room fire place, Udo leading her to the couch as hurriedly throwing a blanket over her already bundled form.
"You'll get sick; you know it's too cold to be running around at night." Udo softly scolded, taking a seat by Yuna.
Yuna relaxed against his side, "I know I know; but I'm here now." She said. "Did you have fun today?"
Udo's arm went around her shoulders. "I actually really enjoyed myself; Philip attempted to take us hunting, but that didn't work out."
The two shared a laugh.
"Percival took us to this tavern one of his friends recently opened; I'll have to take you some time, it was great." Udo nuzzled into Yuna's loose oxblood hair. "You smell good; what did you ladies get up to?"
"Indulged in a bit of day drinking, hm? I'm glad you had a good time." Yuna hugged the wrapped up package closer to her underneath the blanket. "Aurora spoiled us; renting out a whole spa and sauna just for us. The things royalty can do." She chuckled. "I really enjoyed it; I had such a wonderful time with all of them."
Udo smiled against her hair. "Good." He breathed, lips pressing to her scalp.
The fire crackling loudly, and the outside sky a deep violet, Yuna let her eyes flutter shut against Udo.
"...So what did you pick up?" Udo questioned quietly.
Taking in a breath, Yuna carefully picked herself up from Udo. Taking the wrapped book from her chest, Yuna slowly began to rip away the parchment.
"Did... Did Philip tell you that he and Aurora are trying for a baby?" Yuna asked softly, tearing away the wrapping.
Udo nodded, "Yes, he did. Isn't that exciting? Philip was practically bursting at the seams with how happy he was." He grinned.
Yuna smiled in return. "It's very exciting; I'm so happy for the both of them." Still tearing away, Yuna kept speaking. "... I see how you interact with all of the children, human or fey. You'd be an amazing father, Udo; it's practically in your nature."
Udo blushed ever so slightly. "Ah... well for what it's worth, I think you'd be a better mother than I would I father." His fingers played with her locks, "Why are you... thinking about that?"
Yuna didn't miss the hint of hope in Udo's voice.
"I'm not ready for a baby yet, Udo." She quietly confessed. "I know you want to get married, and hurry and start a family.... you wanted it five years ago, so I know right now it must've unbearable."
Udo watched as Yuna ripped the final shred of paper from the package.
"I want to be ready, though."
The hope spread to Udo's eyes now, and Yuna softly rubbed her hand over the book's cover.
"Is that a good read, Leo? You've been awfully quiet tonight." Yuna's face held an amused smile as the young boy nodded his head vehemently.
"Really good. Thank you for buying me it, Yuna." His soft voice was like a mouse.
Yuna scanned the red leather bound book, watching as Leo flipped through yet another page. He hadn't put the blasted thing down since she'd bought it for his birthday last month; he was always such a smart boy.
"Purity in the Stars"... Udo read the title aloud quietly. "What made you want this?"
Yuna traces the wording with her finger, a certain boy with black hair and dark eyes dancing in her mind. "This was the last thing I ever bought Leo." She whispered, and Udo's eyes widened.
"This text was originally written in Miyagatan, by an old scholar. It's renowned as a classic; Leo begged me for months to buy it for him as a birthday present. He always loved reading." Yuna smiled.
"It's about a farmer's son who wishes to the moon spirit every night to grant him an adventure, and let him escape from his mundane life. One day, his village gets attacked and his family is ripped away from him; and he goes on this whole big and grand quest to rescue them."
Udo listened silently.
"He prays to the moon spirit to help him, and she listens. She becomes human for one month, and the farmer's son is drawn to her beauty. Together, they go on a journey to bring his family back; and along the way they fall in love. He eventually beats the thugs who kidnapped them, and the moon spirit has to go back to the sky now that their journey has come to an end." Yuna explained in a quiet voice.
"The farmer's son begs her to take him with her; he's so in love with her he can't bear for them to be apart. He says goodbye to his family, and ascends into the sky with his love. She returns as the moon, and he becomes the sun. They love each other until the end of time, and their children are the stars in the night sky." She whispered.
"It's an old Miyagatan folk tale over how the sun and stars were created. Of course, that isn't scientifically possible, but we all believe it anyways." Yuna chuckled.
"That's beautiful." Udo stared at the thick book with wonder. "I... could I read it, sometime?"
Yuna nodded, gracefully passing the book to Udo's lap. "It's all fully translated; I guess we're becoming popular over here." She said with amusement. "I'd be happy if you did... it means a lot to me."
Udo gratefully accepted the novel, the pages heavy in his hands. "Thank you." He pressed his lips to her temple. "Why... does this book make you want to be ready?" He questioned with a mixture of hope and curiosity.
Yuna blinked away from staring at the book.
"... I like to think it's a sign. I know it sounds crazy, but... Udo, do you know how crazy it is that that book is anywhere but Miyagata?"
"It's not crazy." Udo quickly corrected her.
Yuna gave him an appreciative smile.
"I talked a lot with the girls today, and I'm sure you and the others discussed this matter as well. Our love story... it isn't conventional, but I know that I'm right where I need to be." She quietly explained.
"Everything that happened on Miyagata is still holding me back... and I'm ready to just let it go. I want to marry you, Udo... I want to start a family, I want us to live how I used to with mine. I want all of that with you... you know that right?"
Udo's eyes glistened, and he softly cupped Yuna's cheek. "Of course I do. I never doubted you." He rubbed the skin softly. "I know how hard it is to think about settling down after everything you've been through. I understand that. There's nothing wrong with taking things slow, Yuna. I love you-"
"But you're tired of waiting."
Udo's eyes widened in shock as Yuna cut him off.
"You're tired of waiting... and so am I."
Udo felt numb as Yuna leant forward to gently capture his lips. Was... Was it finally all happening now?
"I'm safe, I have a new family and a new home now... it's time that I move on. I think this book is telling me that."
Yuna pulled away from Udo's lips, her voice barely above a whisper.
Udo instantly captured her lips again, and Yuna groaned as he softly pushed her down onto the soft couch.
"Yuna..." Udo's smile grew even more.
Yuna took in a steady breath.
"All those years ago... when you took my memory away?"
Her eyes fluttered over to the forgotten book,
"Can you... Can you let me forget what happened on Miyagata? Please?" Yuna almost felt scared to say the words.
Udo instantly felt a chill wrap around him, and his eyes widened.
"Make me forget so I can finally move on; so we can get married, and have babies...Can you please take away all of the bad memories? Let me finally just... heal?"
The joy in Udo's heart gave way to horror, and he felt an electric shock course through him as Yuna's first tears hit the couch cushions.
The iciness around him tightened.
Philip hugged Aurora closely in their shared bed; her head resting against his chest as they relaxed.
"Do you think... do you think it'll happen this year?" Aurora asked quietly. "Me getting pregnant, I mean."
Philip stroked her blonde locks tenderly, "I don't know, love. I can only hope." He hugged her closer. "But even if it doesn't... we'll just keep trying until it does; which doesn't sound that bad to me."
Philip laughed as Aurora swatted at him, the queen rolling her eyes. "What dirty words for a king." She sighed, turning away from him.
Philip huffed, "Well, I'm also your husband."
Aurora opened her mouth to retort once more in the dark bedroom, before the sound of frantic knocking sounded at their double bedroom doors.
"Your highnesses! Quick, there's an emergency!"
Percival's frantic voice broke from behind the wood, and Philip and Aurora scampered our of bed with pounding hearts.
Throwing robes over their nightwear, Philip hurriedly threw open the doors in a panic.
"Percival! What's wrong? What happened? Is it invaders?" The king questioned as Aurora came to his side.
The guard shoved an unrolled parchment paper at the monarchs; "A letter arrived, your highness. It's urgent."
Philip and Aurora shared a worried glance before Philip took the letter from the head guard, eyes scanning the document with haste.
His brows furrowed atop his widened eyes, and Aurora covered her mouth in a mixture of shock and horror at the letter's contents.
"Philip..." She whispered.
Philip rolled the parchment back up, eyes alit with a bright fire as he looked to Percival.
"Get Maleficent and the others; and bring Udo and Yuna here posthaste."
Percival bowed at the command, and Philip turned to Aurora with a grim expression.
"We need to embark to Miyagata right away."
Hi all!! I missed you!
I hope everyone is safe and healthy; I apologize for the delayed update and any future delays, where I am right now is highly affected by all of the craziness going on with the virus and it has been a big transitional period for me.
I hope this chapter was worth the wait, and I hope it was able to take everyone's minds off of everything going on in the world right now! I'm very excited to write this new arc and share it with you :) thank you everyone for 16k!!!! ❤️
Please show your support if you would like to, and please stay healthy ❤️ I will see you all in the next chapter, hopefully very soon!
I'm happy you can see where the title "Purity in the Stars" comes from, especially with this newest arc 💫
Much love,

Purity in the Stars *Maleficent: Mistress of Evil- Udo Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now