ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ SEᐯEᑎ

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"Hey, little rebel," a male voice whispered, gently stroking my cheek. I tried to open my eyes and identify the person standing above me, although only one person called me that. "It's adventure time."

I sat straight in my bed and rubbed my eyes. "What time is it?" I asked, my voice raspy from sleep.

"I just said it, it's adventure time," Draven replied, sitting on a wooden chair by my bed.

I glared at him. "I'm not joking, fuckwit. I really appreciate my sleep," I said, not in a mood for his humor.

"It's 2:13 in the morning," he said, glancing at my clock and back to me.

"Draven!" I groaned, laying back in bed on my stomach and burying my face in a pillow. "I want to sleep!" I whined.

"What if I said we are getting out of here?" although I didn't see him, I could easily hear he was mischievously smirking.

I snapped my head to meet his gaze, noticing the famous, sexy smirk displaying on his face.

Gee, stop Alya! You were both drunk and it probably meant nothing!

"How do you plan to do that exactly?" I asked him, getting up from the bed and brushing my hair.

"I have my ways," he simply said, now leaning against the desk.

I don't understand why did he always need to be so mysterious?! Would it hurt him to actually answer my questions and spare me from solving his riddles?

"You are a pain in my ass, do you know that?" I asked, although I already grabbed my stuff and was ready to leave.

"When we're at asses," he said, smirking. "Did you sit in sugar? Because you have a sweet ass."

I raised my eyebrows and covered my face with my hands. "Is that lame pick up line supposed to make me suck your dick or something?" I asked him, dressing while he was preoccupied with laughing.

I didn't want to change myself, so I just threw on his hoodie over my t-shirt and some sweatpants on top of my thighs. "Damn, I love your butt," he announced.

What the hell?

"Draven! Stop looking at my ass!" I yelled as he looked me in the eyes.

"I said that out loud?"

"Yes, yes you did."

"Well, if I already said it-"

"No!" I interrupted him, raising my arms to stop him from further talk. "Just tell me the plan."

"Can I do something else first?" he suddenly asked, a spark of lust and greed reflecting in his emerald eyes.

I couldn't help myself but feel nervous by his sudden heart change. "Yeah, go ahead," I said anyway, trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach.

Without hesitation, he grabbed my waist and pulled me to his chest, not both of us leaning against my old desk. I felt his heart beating fast, while I thought mine is going explode purely from his touch as my breath became shallow.

He looked into my eyes for a while, almost as if he was admiring them before he roughly pressed his soft lips against mine with a sort of passion I have never experienced before.

Although I was taken back by his unexpected actions, I instantly drowned in his embrace, wrapping my arms around his neck. He let out a soft groan and I smiled against his lips.

You have no idea how sexy that sounded.

After a few minutes of the heated make-out session, I finally pulled away, but he immediately groaned in disagreement and pulled me even closer. Our faces were millimeters away from each other, so his fresh breath gently tickled my skin.

DEVIL'S EMBRACE #₁ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now