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"I'm amazed you haven't noticed it before," a male voice said sarcastically. "I mean, you are supposed to be a Sybil."

I opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings.

We were in the middle of nowhere and I had to adjust my sight because of the strong, blinding light. In front of us was a huge, almost infinite building with silver wings and crystal windows. I felt like I was walking on the clouds. Distantly, I heard non-human chanting and it felt like I was being mesmerized by sirens.

"I know you like it here. It's almost impossible not to," he said proudly.

I looked at him with confusion and anger.

Why was I angry?

His blue, almost green eyes were analyzing me and his wicked lips were twisted into a victorious smirk. I tried to focus and recognize him. His dirty blonde hair was falling on his forehead and he was injured.


"You are fooling yourself if you actually think I will abandon him," I heard myself say with rage.

His bitter laugh echoed in my ears and I found myself falling on the ground.

I winced in pain.

"You need me. You need us," he said, slowly approaching me. I felt his burning glare imprinting in me. "What will you do with him exactly, huh?"

All I could think was 'Fight, Alya. Fight!'

I pulled together every atom of strength I knew I owned and got up, looking at him with spite.

"I will not leave him! I WILL NOT STAY HERE!" I heard myself yell with determination.

The angel voices, which were chanting earlier, lost their sound.

Everything was quiet and I could only hear my heavy breathing.

I felt power.

"This time, don't fuck it up," I heard a male voice say in front of my door.

I slowly opened my eyes, trying to get back into reality.

What was that dream? It was so... vivid. I could still feel the energy from it in my bones.

Suddenly, somebody swung my door open and two figures got in, still fighting under their breath.

They turned around to face me.

Oh, of course. Who else would it be?

"Gee, this room could use some light," Omega said as he walked towards the window.

I sat straight in my bed, glaring at him. "I dare you to open them."

He laughed and stepped back, raising his hands in surrender.

Draven stepped forward, tapping Omega's shoulder. "Get the hell out, mate," he said, tilting his head towards the door.

Omega sighed. "Fine," he complained. "Be careful, he's cranky," he told me before leaving the room.

Draven scratched the back of his neck and sat beside me. "Are you okay?" he asked, carefully looking at me.

I was okay, but I couldn't forget that dream.

I just nodded in response. "Brilliant, because we need to talk," he said without any emotion.

Shit, now I was scared.

DEVIL'S EMBRACE #₁ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now