Y/N - Your name
L/N - Last name
E/C - Eye color
Both of you~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It was our second to last show on tour, thankfully, and everyone was hyped up. The crowd was going wild when we went on stage.
"Hey fuckers, how are y'all doing tonight?" I spoke into the microphone. They cheered loudly, I even heard a couple of people praising me. Delightful.
"We've got a great show for you tonight. Let me hear how much you love us!" Gerard screamed out to them. They cheered louder, but not loud enough for him. Typical.
"We can't hear you!" I called out. The crowd definitely amped it up, satisfying all of us.
Well, it rains and it pours when you're out on your own
If I crash on the couch, can I sleep in my clothes?
'Cause I've spent the night dancing, I'm drunk, I suppose
If it looks like I'm laughing, I'm really just asking to leaveThis alone, you're in time for the show
You're the one that I need, I'm the one that you loathe.
Yeah you are.
You can watch me corrode like a beat in repose
'Cause I love all the poison away with the boys in the band.
And girl!I've really been on a bender and it shows
So why don't you blow me what? A kiss before she goes?Give me a shot to remember
And you can take all the pain away from me
A kiss and I will surrender
The sharpest lives are the deadliest to lead.A light to burn all the empires
So bright the sun is ashamed to rise and be
In love with all of these vampires
So you can leave like the same abandoned me.There's a place in the dark where the animals go
You can take off your skin in the cannibal glow
Juliet loves the beat and the lust it commands
Drop the dagger and lather the blood on your hands, RomeoI've really been on a bender and it shows
So why don't you blow me.... "blow me, bitch." I smirked at Gerard and flipped him off.We continued the rest of the song the same as we had before. The fans sang along with us, they cheered, one even threw their bra at Gerard, which I found kind of disgusting, as did he.
We continued to keep up the act of our mutual annoyance towards each other. At least I think it's an act.
Before I knew it, the concert was over. Everyone applauded us, cheered for us, and we all bowed for them.
"Thank you for coming out tonight! We love you all! Now I can get away from this one," I point to Gerard, "Goodnight!"
We all walk off stage, waving goodbye to our fans.
"That was great guys!" I said, pulling them into a group hug, to which Gerard refused.
"Oh, c'mon, Gee. Lighten up a little." Frank said. Gerard just rolled his eyes and joined in. Maybe he does actually hate me.
We got back to the tour bus not too long after the meet and greet. Ray and I plopped down on the couch while the others went to their bunks.
"Do you and Gee really hate each other?" He asked almost sadly.
"I don't hate him. Not even close, actually. It's just fun to tease him. Also, out-sassing him is my favorite pastime. He may hate me for that. He may hate me completely, I don't know." I confessed.
Ray is like an older brother to me whereas Mikey is like a younger brother to me. Frank is my best friend who I consistently flirt with for shits and giggles. Which leaves Gerard. I never know where we are.
Gerard POV
I heard everything she said out there, and it honestly shocked me a little. With the way she acts, I was positive she hated me. I've never hated her, not even close.
I tossed and turned throughout the night, thinking of nothing but her. Her smile, her sarcasm, even her sass; although I'm still the sass queen.
Not finding sleep easily, I decided to get up and make some coffee. I hopped out of my bunk and walked out, finding Y/N passed out on the couch. She looked so peaceful. Her e/c eyes shut and her bright red hair spread out on the cushions.
She looked like an angel.
I quietly shuffled over to her and picked her up bridal-style. She curled into my chest and sighed.
"Gee?" She murmured.
"Yes?" I whispered back to her.
"Do you hate me?" Her words hit me like a train.
"No, sugar. I could never hate you." I set her down gently in her bunk, covering her with her blankets.
"Promise?" She whispered, trying not to fall asleep.
"I promise." I kissed her on the forehead and went back to my bunk where I finally fell asleep.

Hard To Love
FanfictionY/N L/N and Gerard Way, both lead singers of My Chemical Romance, have an.. interesting.. relationship, to say the least. Everyone thinks they hate each other, but how do they really feel?