Now that our vacation was over, it was back to business. Interviews, setting tour dates, music videos; all that fun junk.
Today was another interview day. I was dreading it after everything, but Gerard promised me he would take care of things if it went south. I'm sure the others would back me up as well. I was still incredibly nervous though.
The good news is we're adopting a kitten after it! I already made arrangements with my mother that she would take care of it while we toured. I'm excited for that. That's what's going to get me through the day.
"You ready?" Gerard whispered as we arrived for the interview.
"Not really, but I don't have a choice." I replied. I took a deep breath and gripped onto his hand as the five of us entered the building. The person conducting the interview met us on the inside and directed us to the room we would be seated at.
Gerard and I sat down together in the front, the three guys sat behind us on the next row. The cameraman counted down, then the interview began.
"Hi, everyone. We're here today with My Chemical Romance! How are you doing today?" He asked.
"Not too bad, I guess." Gerard shrugged.
"Yeah, we're all pretty okay!" Frank agreed.
"Alright, that's good! Okay, I'm going to ask a few questions sent in by fans today." He smiled. We all just nodded in reply, letting the man begin.
"First question, why the sudden change up with Danger Days?" He questioned, meaning the style of it.
"You know, we just wanted to be different. Everyone has now hopped on this dark "emo" train, and we like to stand out. That's been our whole point in this band's entire existence; standing out." I answered.
"Yeah, the best thing you can do for your band is try and do something that puts your career in jeopardy every time." Gerard added.
"Well, I absolutely loved it. It was a great mix-up from Black Parade." The interviewer spoke. "Now, Y/N, fans want to know how you're feeling. I'm not diving in on the topic because I know it's hard."
"Um, I guess I'm feeling a little better," I paused, taking a breath, "No one will ever truly understand how Gerard and I feel. The pain has subsided, but it will always remain there. And although we lost someone very special to us, I'm just thankful I didn't lose Gee. I don't know what I'd do or where I'd be."
"Wow. Well, I'm glad you both are doing better and I'm still so sorry for your loss."
"Thank you." I forced a small smile.
"Ray, fans want to know how you keep your hair so pretty."
"Um, I wash it?" We all laughed.
"Good to know, I'll have to try that." The man replied, making us all laugh again.
"Do you think that was necessary?" I asked the guys as we finally left the building.
"Not at all. He didn't have to ask that question." Frank grumbled. All of us were a tad bit irritated after his question towards me. I knew he'd ask, I guarantee all of them will, but it doesn't help us heal.
"Let's just be glad it's over." Gee sighed. "Do you guy want to go get food?"
"Hell yeah, I'm starving." Mikey spoke up.
"Alright, meet up at the buffet place?" Frank asked. We all nodded in agreement and got into our own cars. Mikey rode along with us since we picked him up for the interview.
"Do you want me to go back and kick that guy's ass?" Mikey questioned as he laid his hand on my shoulder.
"Nah, I know everyone's going to ask it." I frowned, patting his hand. "Let's just go get food and then go adopt a cat!"
"God, I love you." Gee chuckled.
We all buckled up and made small talk as we drove to the restaurant. The place was just a giant buffet that held many different foods, which was fantastic considering I've been craving many different things today.
Once we arrived, we waited for Frank and Ray to get here as well. When they finally pulled in and parked, we got out of our cars and walked in.
"Five?" The waitress asked.
"Yep!" Frank answered. "Private area, please."
"Alright, right this way." The woman directed us to a large booth sat in it's own room away from other tables. "I hope you enjoy your meal!"
We thanked her, then walked over to the buffet. The guys, of course, piled as much food as they could on their plates. I wasn't surprised, they're hogs. I walked up and down each bar and got whatever bit of food that sounded fantastic to me, then walked back to our booth.
"That's a weird combo." Frank pointed towards my plate as he shoved noodles in his mouth.
"Have you seen your plate? And their plates? All of your foods are touching. It's gross." I replied, scrunching my face in disgust.
"Okay, you got me there." He chuckled. "So why are you guys getting a cat? Dogs are cooler."
"Well, they're easier to take care of and I just so happen to like cats." I shrugged.
"Lame." I rolled my eyes at the man, then proceeded to throw a carrot at him. "Hey! Rude!"
"You love me and you know it." I smirked.
"Please don't get us kicked out." Ray pleaded as he cut up his steak.
"Yeah, I'm with Ray, I'm too hungry to get booted out." Mikey agreed as he stabbed a piece of chicken.
"You guys are lame." I rolled my eyes, then looked over at Gee, who had been silent. "You okay, babe?"
"Yeah, I'm good." He smiled, though I knew it was a lie. As I continued to stare at him, he mouthed a quick 'later' and dug into his food as well.
"Butthead." I mumbled as I chewed my food.
"What was that? I couldn't hear with all that junk in your face." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and threw a noodle in his hair. "You really are trying to get us kicked out, aren't you?"
"No, I just like throwing food at you guys." I shrugged, "Except for these two, they're nice to me."
"Awww, how sweet." Ray beamed.
"This is how you treat a lady, Gee!" Mike exclaimed, teasing his brother.
"Listen, I have loads of blackmail on you, don't you try to steal my wife!" He joked.
"Wow, I feel so loved!" I giggled.
"That's because you are, duh." Gee sassed, earning him another noodle to the hair.
With each sassy remark, he earned another noodle to the hair. I'm pretty sure he was wearing more noodles than I had eaten.
"You are now known as Prince Noodlehead." I laughed as I continued to add noodles to his hair.
"Why do I put up with you?" He asked as he shook the noodles off of him.
"Because you love me!" I beamed, "Now eat! I want to go adopt a kitty!"

Hard To Love
FanfictionY/N L/N and Gerard Way, both lead singers of My Chemical Romance, have an.. interesting.. relationship, to say the least. Everyone thinks they hate each other, but how do they really feel?