The Morning After

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Hi, yeah, this is mainly a filler chapter because I don't like using time skips unless it's absolutely necessary.


I woke up to my phone ringing, last night's memories still on my mind.

"Hello?" I answered the unknown number.

"Is this Y/N Y/L/N?" A male voice asked.

"Yes, this is her."

"We're so sorry to inform you of this, but your father.. he passed away this morning. We would rather disclose all details in person if possible."

It was as if time stood still. All feelings fled my body as I collapsed to the floor. I was numb.

"I'll be there later today." I whispered as I hung up the phone.

I didn't notice the tears running down my face as it was all sinking in. He was dead. Mom was alone.

I screamed. I screamed so loudly that the whole city could most likely hear it. I was a screaming, sobbing mess. That's how the boys found me.

Gerard POV

As soon as I heard her scream from outside, I bolted. Something had to be horribly, horribly wrong for her to scream like that.

I ran to her bunk with the boys following me. As I saw her, my heart crumbled. She was on the floor, rocking back and forth, sobbing. Her knuckles were bloody, most likely from punching the wall, and her eyes were bloodshot from crying.

I rushed over to her and plopped down beside her, pulling her into me.

"Breathe, Sugar, breathe. You're hyperventilating. Deep breaths." She breathed with me, calming down slightly. "What happened, honey?"

"M-My d-d-dad. He's.. he's d-dead." She began sobbing again. I held her close to me and played with her hair. "I have to go talk to the doctor and the coroner today."

"Frank, can you go try to get our last show rescheduled?" He nodded and ran out to call our manager. "We aren't going to leave you alone in this, okay?"

"W-What about my mom though? She can't be all alone!" Her pained face contorted with anger as she spoke.


All the "what if's" were rushing through my head. What if something happens to mom now? What if I have to leave the band? Will mom be okay? Will I be okay?

Gerard comforting me was definitely a surprise though. All the fans believe we hate each other. Hell, even the boys think it sometimes. But right now, I'm this moment, I couldn't be more thankful for him.

Frank POV

My emotions were all sorts of fucked up. My heart was breaking for Y/N, I was happy her and Gee weren't at each other's throats, and I was a little shocked by the latter.

Luckily, our manager was able to reschedule our final gig. It would be in two weeks instead of three days.

I walked back in and relayed the good news. I watched her sigh in relief before shooting up to hug me.

"Thank you for calling, Frankie." She whispered as she sniffled.

"Just doing my duty." I replied.

She let go and was piled into a gigantic bear-hug by Ray. I glanced over at Gerard and saw nothing but jealousy on his face. Weird.

"Alright, I suppose we should get going then. I don't think it's that far of a drive from here. A few hours, right?" She nodded. "Good."


The ride would have been unbearable if it weren't for the boys. They kept me sane for once; usually they're driving me bonkers.

We finally arrived at the coroner's office. The five of us piled out and walked in, Gerard and Ray by my side. Mikey held the door open for us, smiling sadly at me.

I gave the secretary my name and was almost immediately taken back.

"Firstly, I need you to identify that this is in fact Y/F/N Y/L/N." The man said as we walked over to the covered corpse on the table.

He pulled down the sheet and I nearly collapsed. He didn't even look like my father. This man, this shell, he was nothing like the father I knew. This man's skin was nearly grey instead of his usual glowing skin. This man was ghastly.

Unfortunately, this man was my father. Was.

"T-That's him." I managed to get out, tears streaming down your face again.

"We tried contacting your mother but still haven't received any calls so we had to contact you. I'm so sorry." He spoke to me. Great, where was mom?

"Now, what we presume the cause of death was. Your father must have been a very stubborn man to have been this sick and not gone to the hospital." The man tried joking. "Your father had stage four cancer. The tests confirmed that before he died."

"Before he died? Why did nobody call me when he was in the hospital? Why was I not informed of anything?" Rage started to consume me.

"He came in thinking he had some kind of bug, not thinking much of it. By the time the tests came back, he was gone. I'm so sorry for all of this."

"Yeah, me too." I stormed out of the room.

Mikey POV

I heard her yelling in there before she came basically got stomping out of the room.

She's like a big sister to me; like Gerard, but a female. Seeing her like this is almost traumatizing. Y/N is probably the strongest out of all of us. She always keeps us calm and collected. Now she's falling apart.


As soon as I saw her, I jumped up and wrapped my arms around her. I could feel her tears soaking through my shirt, though I didn't care.

For only being a year younger than me, I felt as if she were my baby sister. It's safe to say that seeing her like this is killing every single one of us.

Gerard POV

I walked up to Y/N and Ray and started running circles into her back as she sobbed.

"Let's go back, okay? You won't have to talk about it yet if you don't want to. But let's at least get you comfortable, okay?" I spoke softly to her. She nodded and basically threw herself into my arms.

"Please never leave me. I can't lose you too. None of you." Her voice was barely audible, but filled with emotion.

"Never, Sugar." I kissed her on the forehead and we ventured back outside.

Hey. Hope you like this 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don't want to switch POV's too often, but I want everyone to kind of get a feel of everyone's perspective towards the reader.
Sorry this is so sad. It might get worse.

Also, random, but I made an MCR fan group on Facebook. Join us 🤷🏼‍♀️
👉🏻 The Emo Church Of Killjoys 👈🏻

I love you 🖤 ~Nessa

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