It's been nearly a month since our honeymoon. People say things are harder when you're married, but not for us. Gerard and I have never been closer, never been happier. I think getting married was the best decision we have ever made.
Gee had gone out with Frank to pick up breakfast for the three of us. I decided I'd finally get out of bed and get a shower. I stood up and stretched, yawning as I did, until I was hit with a sudden wave of extreme nausea.
I bolted to the bathroom as fast as I could and lifted the lid of the toilet seat. As soon as it was open, I started heaving all of the contents in my stomach into it. It felt never-ending, and I sobbed as I continued to dry heave.
I hate puking, okay?
It slowly began to die down and I flushed the toilet. I stumbled over to the sink and brushed the disgusting taste away. Breakfast doesn't sound very appetizing now.
I went back to what I was doing and got in the shower. The warm water was soothing in a way I could never explain. I washed my face first, then my hair and body. When I got out, dizziness hit me like a train and I fell. I hit my head pretty hard, but not hard enough to knock me out.
I don't know if it was just pure luck or what, but I heard the front door open and close, followed by the voices of two men. I felt weak and beyond tired, I knew if I tried to get up by myself, I would just fall again.
"Gee!" I screamed as loud as I could in my weakened state. Thankfully, he heard me, and both of them rushed up the stairs. The door to our bathroom swung open, revealing my husband and best friend.
"Oh my god, what happened?" Gee quickly got down on his knees beside me.
"I think I'm sick." I whispered. "I really need a nap."
"No, you can't nap yet. Frank, can you go get some ice while I take her to our room?" The smaller man nodded and ran down to the kitchen. "I'm going to pick you up now, okay? Stay awake, Sugar."
I nodded then felt his arms under me, carefully scooping me up. I curled into his chest as he carried me to our bed. He set me down gently and covered me up, then sat right beside me.
"What happened?" He asked again as he ran his fingers through my hair. Frank entered the room and handed me the ice pack. I placed it on the area I hit and thanked him.
"Well, when I first woke up I threw up my entire body weight. Then I showered and when I got out I got really dizzy and fell. At least I got my towel wrapped around me, right?" I chuckled lightly. "Frank can you bring me the garbage can please!"
He brought it over to me just in time and I threw up everything I had left in me. Gerard held my hair back as I continued to puke for what felt like hours. Once finished, I set the can down beside my bed.
"I'm getting the thermometer, okay?" I nodded as Gee walked out of the room, only to return not even a minute later. He turned it on and I opened my mouth, letting him stick it under my tongue. We waited for a few seconds before it beeped, "Ninety-seven even. No fever."
I thought for a minute, then began counting in my head. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I started shaking a little as I stared up at Gerard. Confusion spread across his face before he realized what I was thinking.
"Frank, stay with Y/N, I need to run to the store real quick." He kissed me on the forehead, then walked out the door. Frank went over to my dresser and got some pajamas out for me to put on. Any other time I'd tell Frank to get away from my underwear, but I didn't care at this point.
"I promise I won't look." He chuckled as he helped me up. He kept his arms under my armpits, but turned his head away as I started getting dressed, then helped me back to the bed. "Lets watch a movie or some shit, yeah?" I nodded and he grabbed the remote, turning on the TV and going to Netflix.
He climbed on the bed and sat down next to me, but five minutes into the movie I drifted off.
Gerard POV
I wandered through the store, desperately trying to find what I was looking for so I could get back to my wife. That's when an older woman, not even an employee, came up to me and asked what I needed.
"Um, uh, I need, um." I couldn't form the words. I wasn't upset about it, just more shocked. She smiled at me and waved me over to the section I needed. "How did you know?
"My son had the same distressed look on his face when he was searching for one. Whatever the outcome, I hope it only brings happiness." She smiled as she walked away. I grabbed the two-pack, then went to check out.
The drive home felt like it took forever, like everything was in slow-motion. Finally, I arrived, and ran into the house. I closed the door and flew up the stairs with the bag in my hand, only to find her asleep, curled into Frank's side.
"Don't worry, I didn't look." He chuckled as I pointed out her being dressed. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" I slowly nodded. We didn't need to speak it to understand. "Y/N, c'mon, wake up." Frank whispered to my wife a few times before she opened her eyes.
"I'm back, love. Lets go to the bathroom, okay?" She nodded and rolled over to the edge of the bed. I helped her slowly walk to the bathroom since she was still a little wobbly. She pulled her pants down and sat on the toilet while I opened the package. I handed the test to her and turned away so she could have a little privacy.
She put the cap on the end and wrapped the stick in toilet paper, then handed it to me. I set it on the counter as she got her pants back on and slushed the toilet. She was somewhat more stable now, thankfully, and stood next to me as we stared at the little screen.
It took a minute or so, but then the two lines appeared.
She's pregnant.

Hard To Love
FanfictionY/N L/N and Gerard Way, both lead singers of My Chemical Romance, have an.. interesting.. relationship, to say the least. Everyone thinks they hate each other, but how do they really feel?