"Alright, let's find a kitty!" I exclaimed as we entered our local animal shelter. "I'm so excited."
"I can tell." Gee chuckled. We walked up to the front desk where a woman directed us to where the cats were located.
"Gee! There's so many of them, oh my gosh!" I nearly screamed as I ran up to the cages. "Can we take them all? They all need homes! Please!"
"We're not adopting all of these cats, Y/N." He laughed as I pouted.
"Fine, but I'm naming the cat we get." I huffed and walked away from him, looking at all of the precious creatures around me.
If I could, I'd adopt all of them. All animals deserve love, so choosing one is heartbreaking to me. Unfortunately, there are way too many cats here. Our house would end up being a giant cat haven and Gee didn't particularly want that.
"Y/N, come here." I heard Gee say from the opposite side of the room.
"What's up?" I asked as I came up behind him.
"What about this one? I read somewhere that his breed doesn't fuck with allergies too badly. Plus, look at his cute little face!" He beamed as he began to pet the small, striped cat.
"He is pretty cute," I agreed, lightly stroking the animal's soft fur, "Hi, pretty baby!"
"So, what do you think?" He asked, eyes basically pleading for me to say yes.
"Yes, we can get him. His name is Mitch though." I stated, taking the sweet little kitty from him. "Hi, Mitch."
"Mitch?" Gee questioned as we went back to talk to the clerk.
"Yes, Mitch. He looks like a Mitch." I giggled.
"If you say so." He replied, chuckling lightly along with me.
"Hi, um, we want to adopt this one!" I smiled, holding up Mitch.
"Aw, he's a cutie. We'll miss him around here." She replied, "We'll need ID first."
Gerard grabbed his wallet from his back pocket while I continued to hold our new pet, then handed his ID to the woman.
"I knew you two looked familiar!" She squealed, "Uhm, sorry, I'm just a big fan."
"Don't be sorry! It's always nice to meet our fans." Gerard replied.
"Plus, you can tell everyone you used to take care of our cat!" I added.
"This is awesome, oh my god." She squeaked, "Okay, um, the adoption fee is fifty dollars. I'll need one of you to fill out some forms, just basically stating that you take responsibility as the new owner and that you understand animal abuse laws."
"Well, I can assure you, I would never ever hurt this sweet thing." I said as I cuddled him. She handed Gee his ID back, along with a clipboard and pen so he could fill out the forms.
"I'll go grab a crate for him. Do you guys need any other supplies for him?" She asked.
"Nope! We bought everything already, but thank you!" I replied.
"He seems to like you quite a bit, babe." Gerard pointed out as he came back up with the completed forms.
"I think so!" I agreed.
"All done?" The woman asked as she walked back in with Mitch's crate.
"Yep!" Gee handed her the papers and took the crate from her. We put Mitch in the crate while she went over the forms, then paid her.
"Can, uh, can I get a picture with you two? Or three?" She questioned nervously.
"Hell yeah you can!" I exclaimed. I grabbed the cat crate and held it up in my arms as the three of us squeezed together. She took a couple, but I didn't really mind.
"Thank you so much!" She squealed in excitement.
"No, I should be saying that to you! Now we have Mitch! So thank you!" I grinned in return, then hugged the girl. I was in an oddly good mood, so why not? "Have a great day!"
"You too!" She shouted back as we exited the shelter.
Gerard POV
I haven't seen her this excited over something in a while, and I'm loving it. Just, hopefully, our talk later won't take that away.
"So what did you wanna talk about?" She asked as we drove back home.
"Let's wait until we get home, okay?" I replied, keeping my eyes on the road.
"Gee, you're scaring me. What's going on?" I could hear her voice crack in worry.
"Nothing! It's nothing to worry about, babe, I swear. I just want to get home first, you know?" I grabbed her hand in mine, kissing the back of it, "I promise you have nothing to be scared about."
"Don't you ever scare me like that again, Gerard Arthur Way." She huffed.
"I'm sorry! I love you!" She sighed, but couldn't stay upset.
"I love you too. Now drive faster, I'm hungry and have to pee!" She ordered.
"We just ate an hour or two ago!" I chuckled.
"Well, I'm hungry again." She shrugged.
The banter continued for several minutes, but stopped as we finally arrived home. As she unlocked the front door, I grabbed Mitch's crate from the backseat and carried him into the house.
"Welcome to your new home, Mitch!" I yelled, opening the door to his crate. "This entire place is your kingdom. I'll show you where you eat, drink, and poop though. Please only pee and poop in the litter box."
I carried him over to the separate room we have his litter box, toys, and dishes in. I set him down inside of the already-filled box and let him sniff it, then showed him his food and water dishes after he jumped out.
"How is he?" Y/N asked as she walked into the room.
"He seems to be doing pretty great!" I answered, still looking at the cat, who was now playing with a new toy of his.
"Now let's talk. C'mon." She pulled me out of the room and sat me down on the couch. Mitch followed close behind us and climbed up on my lap as I sat down.
"Okay, please keep an open mind and please don't get mad at me." I started out.
"Okay?" I took a deep breath and thought of how I wanted to word what I was going to say.
"Okay, so," I paused, "You've been eating really weird lately. Eating weird, always hungry, peeing a lot, always tired. The only reason I'm not one-hundred percent sure of this is because you aren't puking your guts out," I trailed off, "Do you think you could be pregnant?"
"Do you think you could be pregnant?"
Could I be? Wait, when was my last period? Fuck, I can't remember.
"I- I don't know. Maybe?" I replied after a minute of thinking. "I mean, would it necessarily be a bad thing if I were?"
"I don't think so. To be honest, I'd be pretty damn happy." He smiled.
"I guess I could take a test tomorrow?" I proposed.
Although I felt happy at the thought, I felt worried and anxious. What if something happens again? We'd be touring during the pregnancy. What happens if I go into labor then? How do I make all of my appointments?
I guess we'll see.

Hard To Love
FanfictionY/N L/N and Gerard Way, both lead singers of My Chemical Romance, have an.. interesting.. relationship, to say the least. Everyone thinks they hate each other, but how do they really feel?